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Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 No , 2009 A Bill for An Act to amend the Electricity Supply Act 1995 and the Gas Supply Act 1996 to make further provision for the protection of electricity and gas infrastructure; and for other purposes. Clause 1 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure 3 Protection) Act 2009. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. 6 Page 2 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1 1995 No 94 2 [1] Section 49A 3 Insert after section 49: 4 49A Excavation work affecting electricity works 5 (1) This section applies if a network operator has reasonable cause to 6 believe that the carrying out or proposed carrying out of 7 excavation work in, on or near its electricity works: 8 (a) could destroy, damage or interfere with those works, or 9 (b) could make those works become a potential cause of bush 10 fire or a potential risk to public safety. 11 (2) In those circumstances, a network operator may serve a written 12 notice on the person carrying out or proposing to carry out the 13 excavation work requiring the person: 14 (a) to modify the excavation work, or 15 (b) not to carry out the excavation work, but only if the 16 network operator is of the opinion that modifying the 17 excavation work will not be effective in preventing the 18 destruction or damage of, or interference with, the 19 electricity works concerned or in preventing those works 20 becoming a potential cause of bush fire or a potential risk 21 to public safety. 22 (3) A notice under subsection (2) must specify the excavation work 23 that is to be modified or not carried out. 24 (4) A network operator may recover the following costs in a court of 25 competent jurisdiction as a debt owed to it by a person who 26 carried out excavation work the subject of a notice under 27 subsection (2): 28 (a) the costs incurred in replacing any of the network 29 operator's electricity works destroyed by the excavation 30 work, 31 (b) the costs incurred in repairing any damage to the network 32 operator's electricity works caused by the excavation 33 work, 34 (c) the costs incurred in remedying or mitigating any 35 interference with the network operator's electricity works 36 caused by the excavation work. 37 Page 3 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 (5) A network operator may apply for an injunction to prevent the 1 carrying out of excavation work in, on or near its electricity 2 works. 3 (6) A network operator may take action under this section even if the 4 person carrying out the excavation work owns or occupies the 5 land in, on or over which the network operator's electricity works 6 are situated. 7 [2] Section 54 Powers of entry 8 Insert at the end of section 54 (1) (f): 9 , or 10 (g) monitoring any excavation work in accordance with 11 regulations under section 63Z, or 12 (h) exercising any function conferred on the network operator 13 by section 49 or 49A. 14 [3] Part 5E 15 Insert after Part 5D: 16 Part 5E Protection of underground electricity 17 power lines 18 63X Definitions 19 In this Part, designated information provider means: 20 (a) Dial Before You Dig NSW/ACT Incorporated, or 21 (b) if another person or body is prescribed by the regulations 22 for the purposes of this definition, that other person or 23 body. 24 63Y Provision of information on underground electricity power lines by 25 network operators 26 (1) It is a condition of a distribution network service provider's 27 licence that the distribution network service provider must: 28 (a) be a member of the designated information provider, and 29 (b) comply with any obligations imposed by that membership. 30 (2) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the 31 provision of information by network operators in respect of 32 underground electricity power lines, including (but not limited 33 to) the provision of such information in connection with a request 34 for information under section 63Z. 35 Page 4 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 Schedule 1 63Z Requirements in relation to carrying out of certain excavation 1 work 2 (1) A person must not commence to carry out excavation work to 3 which this section applies, or authorise such excavation work to 4 be commenced, unless the person has first: 5 (a) contacted the designated information provider and 6 requested information as to the location and type of any 7 underground electricity power lines in the vicinity of the 8 proposed work, and 9 (b) complied with any reasonable procedures of the 10 designated information provider as to the manner of 11 contacting the designated information provider and the 12 information to be provided by the person in connection 13 with the person's request for information, and 14 (c) allowed a reasonable period for the requested information 15 to be provided. 16 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 17 (2) Subsection (1) does not require a person to whom that subsection 18 applies to comply with the requirements of that subsection in 19 relation to excavation work if another person to whom that 20 subsection applies has already complied with those requirements 21 in relation to that excavation work. 22 (3) A person must not carry out excavation work to which this 23 section applies, or authorise such excavation work to be carried 24 out, unless the person has ensured that any requirements of the 25 regulations in relation to the carrying out of the work are 26 complied with. 27 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 28 (4) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the 29 following: 30 (a) prescribing requirements in relation to the carrying out of 31 excavation work to which this section applies, 32 (b) requiring notification to be given to a specified person or 33 body, or person or body of a specified class, in relation to 34 the carrying out of excavation work to which this section 35 applies, 36 (c) the monitoring of excavation work to which this section 37 applies, 38 (d) what constitutes reasonable procedures for the purposes of 39 subsection (1), 40 Page 5 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 (e) what constitutes a reasonable period for requested 1 information to be provided for the purposes of 2 subsection (1). 3 (5) This section applies to excavation work in an area, and of a kind, 4 prescribed by the regulations. 5 63ZA Notification of damage to underground electricity power lines 6 (1) A person must, as soon as practicable after becoming aware that 7 any action of the person or any action authorised by the person 8 has damaged an underground electricity power line, notify the 9 network operator that owns the power line of the damage. 10 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 11 (2) The regulations may make provision for the manner in which a 12 person must notify for the purposes of subsection (1). 13 (3) Subsection (1) does not require a person to notify the network 14 operator of the damage concerned if another person to whom that 15 subsection applies has already notified the network operator of 16 the damage. 17 63ZB Orders for costs, expenses and compensation at time offence 18 proved 19 (1) This section applies where a court convicts a person of an offence 20 against this Part or section 65. 21 (2) The court may, if it appears to the court that a network operator 22 has, by reason of the commission of the offence: 23 (a) suffered loss or damage to its electricity works, or 24 (b) incurred costs and expenses in preventing or mitigating, or 25 in attempting to prevent or mitigate, any such loss or 26 damage, 27 order the offender to pay to the network operator the costs and 28 expenses so incurred, or compensation for the loss or damage so 29 suffered, as the case may be, in such amount as is fixed by the 30 order. 31 (3) A court may not make an order under subsection (2) for the 32 payment of an amount that exceeds the amount for which an 33 order may be made by the court when exercising jurisdiction 34 under the Civil Procedure Act 2005. An order made by the court 35 is enforceable as if it were an order made by the court when 36 exercising jurisdiction under that Act. 37 Page 6 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 Schedule 1 (4) Orders may be made under this section in addition to any penalty 1 that may be imposed or any other action that may be taken in 2 relation to the offence concerned. 3 (5) Orders may be made under this section regardless of whether any 4 penalty is imposed, or other action taken, in relation to the 5 offence concerned. 6 (6) In this section: 7 the court means the court that convicts a person of the offence 8 concerned. 9 the offender means the person who is convicted of the offence. 10 63ZC Civil liability of designated information provider 11 (1) This section applies to the following persons: 12 (a) the designated information provider, any officer or 13 employee of the designated information provider or any 14 person acting on behalf of the designated information 15 provider, 16 (b) a network operator, any officer or employee of the network 17 operator or any person acting on behalf of the network 18 operator. 19 (2) A person to whom this section applies does not incur any civil 20 monetary liability for any act or omission in connection with a 21 request for information under section 63Z or the provision of 22 information in compliance or purported compliance with the 23 regulations under section 63Y unless the act or omission is done 24 or made in bad faith or through negligence. 25 (3) The civil monetary liability for an act or omission of a kind 26 referred to in subsection (2) done or made through negligence 27 may not exceed the maximum amount prescribed by the 28 regulations. 29 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the regulations may: 30 (a) prescribe maximum amounts that are limited in their 31 application to persons, events, circumstances, losses or 32 periods specified in the regulations, and 33 (b) prescribe maximum amounts that vary in their application 34 according to the persons to whom or the events, 35 circumstances, losses or periods to which they are 36 expressed to apply, and 37 (c) prescribe the manner in which a maximum amount is to be 38 divided amongst claimants. 39 Page 7 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 (5) A person to whom this section applies may enter into an 1 agreement with another person varying or excluding the 2 operation of a provision of this section and, to the extent of that 3 agreement, that provision does not apply. 4 (6) This section does not apply to any liability of an officer or 5 employee of a person to whom this section applies to the person. 6 (7) In this section: 7 civil monetary liability means liability to pay damages or 8 compensation or any other amount in a civil proceeding, but does 9 not include the costs of proceedings. 10 [4] Section 65 Interference with electricity works 11 Omit the matter relating to the maximum penalty. Insert instead: 12 Maximum penalty: 13 (a) in the case of a corporation--4,000 penalty units, or 14 (b) in any other case--200 penalty units or imprisonment for 15 5 years (or both). 16 [5] Section 65 (2)-(4) 17 Insert at the end of section 65: 18 (2) An offence under this section that is committed by an individual 19 is an indictable offence. 20 (3) Chapter 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (which relates to 21 the summary disposal of certain indictable offences unless an 22 election is made to proceed on indictment) applies to and in 23 respect of an indictable offence under this section. 24 (4) Section 102 does not apply to an indictable offence under this 25 section. 26 Note. Offences by corporations are to be dealt with summarily (see 27 section 102 (1) and (2)). 28 [6] Section 100A 29 Insert after section 100: 30 100A Personal liability of authorised officers of network operators 31 (1) A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by an authorised 32 officer appointed by a network operator does not, if the matter or 33 thing was done or omitted in good faith for the purpose of 34 exercising a function under this Act, subject any such officer 35 personally to any action, liability, claim or demand. 36 Page 8 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Electricity Supply Act 1995 No 94 Schedule 1 (2) However, any such liability attaches instead to the network 1 operator concerned. 2 [7] Section 106 Regulations 3 Insert ", 63Y, 63Z" after "16" in section 106 (2). 4 [8] Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions 5 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 6 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) 7 Act 2009 8 [9] Schedule 6 9 Insert at the end of Schedule 6 with appropriate Part and clause numbering: 10 Part Provisions consequent on enactment of 11 Energy Legislation Amendment 12 (Infrastructure Protection) Act 2009 13 Application of certain provisions 14 (1) In this clause, amending Act means the Energy Legislation 15 Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Act 2009. 16 (2) Section 63Y (1) (as inserted by the amending Act) applies to 17 licences whether or not granted before, on or after the 18 commencement of that subsection. 19 (3) A provision of section 63ZB or 65 (2)-(4) (as inserted by the 20 amending Act) applies to offences committed on or after the 21 commencement of that provision. 22 (4) Section 63ZC (as inserted by the amending Act) applies to acts or 23 omissions done or made on or after the commencement of that 24 section. 25 Page 9 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 2 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 Schedule 2 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 1 No 38 2 [1] Section 50A 3 Insert after section 50: 4 50A Excavation work affecting gas works 5 (1) This section applies if a network operator has reasonable cause to 6 believe that the carrying out or proposed carrying out of 7 excavation work in, on or near its gas works: 8 (a) could destroy, damage or interfere with those works, or 9 (b) could make those works become a potential risk to public 10 safety. 11 (2) In those circumstances, a network operator may serve a written 12 notice on the person carrying out or proposing to carry out the 13 excavation work requiring the person: 14 (a) to modify the excavation work, or 15 (b) not to carry out the excavation work, but only if the 16 network operator is of the opinion that modifying the 17 excavation work will not be effective in preventing the 18 destruction or damage of, or interference with, the gas 19 works concerned or in preventing those works becoming a 20 potential risk to public safety. 21 (3) A notice under subsection (2) must specify the excavation work 22 that is to be modified or not carried out. 23 (4) A network operator may recover the following costs in a court of 24 competent jurisdiction as a debt owed to it by a person who 25 carried out excavation work the subject of a notice under 26 subsection (2): 27 (a) the costs incurred in replacing any of the network 28 operator's gas works destroyed by the excavation work, 29 (b) the costs incurred in repairing any damage to the network 30 operator's gas works caused by the excavation work, 31 (c) the costs incurred in remedying or mitigating any 32 interference with the network operator's gas works caused 33 by the excavation work. 34 (5) A network operator may apply for an injunction to prevent the 35 carrying out of excavation work in, on or near its gas works. 36 Page 10 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 Schedule 2 (6) A network operator may take action under this section even if the 1 person carrying out the excavation work owns or occupies the 2 land in, on or over which the network operator's gas works are 3 situated. 4 [2] Section 55 Powers of entry 5 Insert at the end of section 55 (1) (e): 6 , or 7 (f) monitoring any excavation work in accordance with 8 regulations under section 64C, or 9 (g) exercising any function conferred on the network operator 10 by section 50 or 50A. 11 [3] Part 4A 12 Insert after Part 4: 13 Part 4A Protection of underground gas pipelines 14 64A Definitions 15 In this Part, designated information provider means: 16 (a) Dial Before You Dig NSW/ACT Incorporated, or 17 (b) if another person or body is prescribed by the regulations 18 for the purposes of this definition, that other person or 19 body. 20 64B Provision of information on underground gas pipelines by network 21 operators 22 (1) It is a condition of a distributor's licence that the distributor must: 23 (a) be a member of the designated information provider, and 24 (b) comply with any obligations imposed by that membership. 25 (2) It is a condition of a reticulator's authorisation that the reticulator 26 must: 27 (a) be a member of the designated information provider, and 28 (b) comply with any obligations imposed by that membership. 29 (3) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the 30 provision of information by network operators in respect of 31 underground gas pipelines, including (but not limited to) the 32 provision of such information in connection with a request for 33 information under section 64C. 34 Page 11 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 2 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 64C Requirements in relation to carrying out of certain excavation 1 work 2 (1) A person must not commence to carry out excavation work to 3 which this section applies, or authorise such excavation work to 4 be commenced, unless the person has first: 5 (a) contacted the designated information provider and 6 requested information as to the location and type of any 7 underground gas pipelines in the vicinity of the proposed 8 work, and 9 (b) complied with any reasonable procedures of the 10 designated information provider as to the manner of 11 contacting the designated information provider and the 12 information to be provided by the person in connection 13 with the person's request for information, and 14 (c) allowed a reasonable period for the requested information 15 to be provided. 16 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 17 (2) Subsection (1) does not require a person to whom that subsection 18 applies to comply with the requirements of that subsection in 19 relation to excavation work if another person to whom that 20 subsection applies has already complied with those requirements 21 in relation to that excavation work. 22 (3) A person must not carry out excavation work to which this 23 section applies, or authorise such excavation work to be carried 24 out, unless the person has ensured that any requirements of the 25 regulations in relation to the carrying out of the work are 26 complied with. 27 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 28 (4) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the 29 following: 30 (a) prescribing requirements in relation to the carrying out of 31 excavation work to which this section applies, 32 (b) requiring notification to be given to a specified person or 33 body, or person or body of a specified class, in relation to 34 the carrying out of excavation work to which this section 35 applies, 36 (c) the monitoring of excavation work to which this section 37 applies, 38 (d) what constitutes reasonable procedures for the purposes of 39 subsection (1), 40 Page 12 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 Schedule 2 (e) what constitutes a reasonable period for requested 1 information to be provided for the purposes of 2 subsection (1). 3 (5) This section applies to excavation work in an area, and of a kind, 4 prescribed by the regulations. 5 64D Notification of damage to underground gas pipelines 6 (1) A person must, as soon as practicable after becoming aware that 7 any action of the person or any action authorised by the person 8 has damaged an underground gas pipeline, notify the network 9 operator that owns the pipeline of the damage. 10 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 11 (2) The regulations may make provision for the manner in which a 12 person must notify for the purposes of subsection (1). 13 (3) Subsection (1) does not require a person to notify the network 14 operator of the damage concerned if another person to whom that 15 subsection applies has already notified the network operator of 16 the damage. 17 64E Orders for costs, expenses and compensation at time offence 18 proved 19 (1) This section applies where a court convicts a person of an offence 20 against this Part or section 66. 21 (2) The court may, if it appears to the court that a network operator 22 has, by reason of the commission of the offence: 23 (a) suffered loss or damage to its gas works, or 24 (b) incurred costs and expenses in preventing or mitigating, or 25 in attempting to prevent or mitigate, any such loss or 26 damage, 27 order the offender to pay to the network operator the costs and 28 expenses so incurred, or compensation for the loss or damage so 29 suffered, as the case may be, in such amount as is fixed by the 30 order. 31 (3) A court may not make an order under subsection (2) for the 32 payment of an amount that exceeds the amount for which an 33 order may be made by the court when exercising jurisdiction 34 under the Civil Procedure Act 2005. An order made by the court 35 is enforceable as if it were an order made by the court when 36 exercising jurisdiction under that Act. 37 Page 13 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 2 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 (4) Orders may be made under this section in addition to any penalty 1 that may be imposed or any other action that may be taken in 2 relation to the offence concerned. 3 (5) Orders may be made under this section regardless of whether any 4 penalty is imposed, or other action taken, in relation to the 5 offence concerned. 6 (6) In this section: 7 the court means the court that convicts a person of the offence 8 concerned. 9 the offender means the person who is convicted of the offence. 10 64F Civil liability of designated information provider 11 (1) This section applies to the following persons: 12 (a) the designated information provider, any officer or 13 employee of the designated information provider or any 14 person acting on behalf of the designated information 15 provider, 16 (b) a network operator, any officer or employee of the network 17 operator or any person acting on behalf of the network 18 operator. 19 (2) A person to whom this section applies does not incur any civil 20 monetary liability for any act or omission in connection with a 21 request for information under section 64C or the provision of 22 information in compliance or purported compliance with the 23 regulations under section 64B unless the act or omission is done 24 or made in bad faith or through negligence. 25 (3) The civil monetary liability for an act or omission of a kind 26 referred to in subsection (2) done or made through negligence 27 may not exceed the maximum amount prescribed by the 28 regulations. 29 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the regulations may: 30 (a) prescribe maximum amounts that are limited in their 31 application to persons, events, circumstances, losses or 32 periods specified in the regulations, and 33 (b) prescribe maximum amounts that vary in their application 34 according to the persons to whom or the events, 35 circumstances, losses or periods to which they are 36 expressed to apply, and 37 (c) prescribe the manner in which a maximum amount is to be 38 divided amongst claimants. 39 Page 14 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 Schedule 2 (5) A person to whom this section applies may enter into an 1 agreement with another person varying or excluding the 2 operation of a provision of this section and, to the extent of that 3 agreement, that provision does not apply. 4 (6) This section does not apply to any liability of an officer or 5 employee of a person to whom this section applies to the person. 6 (7) In this section: 7 civil monetary liability means liability to pay damages or 8 compensation or any other amount in a civil proceeding, but does 9 not include the costs of proceedings. 10 [4] Section 66 Interference with gas works 11 Omit the matter relating to the maximum penalty. Insert instead: 12 Maximum penalty: 13 (a) in the case of a corporation--4,000 penalty units, or 14 (b) in any other case--200 penalty units or imprisonment for 15 5 years (or both). 16 [5] Section 66 (2)-(4) 17 Insert at the end of section 66: 18 (2) An offence under this section that is committed by an individual 19 is an indictable offence. 20 (3) Chapter 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 (which relates to 21 the summary disposal of certain indictable offences unless an 22 election is made to proceed on indictment) applies to and in 23 respect of an indictable offence under this section. 24 (4) Section 81 does not apply to an indictable offence under this 25 section. 26 Note. Offences by corporations are to be dealt with summarily (see 27 section 81 (1) and (2)). 28 [6] Section 79A 29 Insert after section 79: 30 79A Personal liability of gas industry inspectors of network operators 31 (1) A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by a gas industry 32 inspector appointed by a network operator does not, if the matter 33 or thing was done or omitted in good faith for the purpose of 34 exercising a function under this Act, subject any such inspector 35 personally to any action, liability, claim or demand. 36 Page 15 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Schedule 2 Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38 (2) However, any such liability attaches instead to the network 1 operator concerned. 2 [7] Section 83 Regulations 3 Insert after section 83 (5A): 4 (5B) The regulations may, either unconditionally or subject to 5 conditions, exempt: 6 (a) any specified person or class of persons, or 7 (b) any specified matter or class of matters, 8 from the operation of any one or more of sections 64B and 64C. 9 [8] Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions 10 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 11 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) 12 Act 2009 13 [9] Schedule 2 14 Insert at the end of Schedule 2 with appropriate Part and clause numbering: 15 Part Provisions consequent on enactment of 16 Energy Legislation Amendment 17 (Infrastructure Protection) Act 2009 18 Application of certain provisions 19 (1) In this clause, amending Act means the Energy Legislation 20 Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Act 2009. 21 (2) Section 64B (1) (as inserted by the amending Act) applies to 22 licences whether or not granted before, on or after the 23 commencement of that subsection. 24 (3) Section 64B (2) (as inserted by the amending Act) applies to 25 authorisations whether or not granted before, on or after the 26 commencement of that subsection. 27 (4) A provision of section 64E or 66 (2)-(4) (as inserted by the 28 amending Act) applies to offences committed on or after the 29 commencement of that provision. 30 (5) Section 64F (as inserted by the amending Act) applies to acts or 31 omissions done or made on or after the commencement of that 32 section. 33 Page 16 Energy Legislation Amendment (Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2009 Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209 Schedule 3 Schedule 3 Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1 1986 No 209 2 [1] Section 268 Maximum penalties for Table 2 offences 3 Insert after section 268 (2) (m): 4 (n) for an offence under section 65 of the Electricity Supply 5 Act 1995--in the case of an individual, imprisonment for 6 2 years, or a fine of 100 penalty units (or both), 7 (o) for an offence under section 66 of the Gas Supply Act 8 1996--in the case of an individual, imprisonment for 9 2 years, or a fine of 100 penalty units (or both). 10 [2] Schedule 1 Indictable offences triable summarily 11 Insert at the end of Table 2 in Schedule 1 with appropriate Part and clause 12 numbering: 13 Part Offences relating to underground 14 electricity power lines and gas pipelines 15 Electricity Supply Act 1995 16 An offence under section 65 of the Electricity Supply Act 1995 17 committed by an individual. 18 Gas Supply Act 1996 19 An offence under section 66 of the Gas Supply Act 1996 20 committed by an individual. 21 Page 17
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