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Environmental Planning and
Assessment Amendment (Affordable
Housing Development Contributions)
Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 with respect
to the collection of affordable housing contributions from developers; and for other
                  Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Clause 1          Development Contributions) Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment            3
               (Affordable Housing Development Contributions) Act 2008.                   4

 2    Commencement                                                                        5

               This Act commences immediately after the commencement of                   6
               Schedule 3.1 [6] to the Environmental Planning and Assessment              7
               Amendment Act 2008.                                                        8

 3    Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                         9
      No 203                                                                             10

               The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is amended as          11
               set out in Schedule 1.                                                    12

 4    Consequential amendment of Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004                     13
      No 107                                                                             14

               The Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004 is amended as set out in          15
               Schedule 2.                                                               16

 5    Consequential amendment of environmental planning instruments                      17

               The environmental planning instruments specified in Schedule 3 are        18
               amended as set out in that Schedule.                                      19

 6    Repeal of State Environmental Planning Policy No 70--Affordable                    20
      Housing (Revised Schemes)                                                          21

               State Environmental Planning Policy No 70--Affordable Housing             22
               (Revised Schemes) is repealed.                                            23

 7    Repeal of Act                                                                      24

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act       25
               commences.                                                                26

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   27
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    28

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                   Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Environmental Planning                                        1
                       and Assessment Act 1979                                                    2

                                                                                  (Section 3)     3

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                       4

      Omit the definition of affordable housing from section 4 (1). Insert instead:               5
                  affordable housing means housing that is intended to be supplied                6
                  to households:                                                                  7
                   (a) having disposable incomes in the lowest 40 per cent of                     8
                         household incomes, for the time being, for the Statistical               9
                         Subdivision of Inner Sydney (Statistical Subdivision                    10
                         10505), according to data published by the Australian                   11
                         Bureau of Statistics, and                                               12
                   (b) at a rental of no more than 30 per cent of relevant tenants'              13
                         incomes.                                                                14

[2]   Section 80A Imposition of conditions                                                       15

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                          16
                   Note. Section 116Y requires that development consent for development          17
                   for the purposes of a building or buildings that contain 10 or more           18
                   dwellings must always be subject to a condition requiring a development       19
                   contribution (which may involve paying money or dedicating land) to be        20
                   used for the purpose of providing affordable housing, if the relevant local   21
                   environmental plan has identified a need for affordable housing.              22

[3]   Section 116C Community and public infrastructure (as proposed to be                        23
      inserted by Act No 36 of 2008)                                                             24

      Omit "and public services" from the definition of community infrastructure                 25
      in section 116C (1).                                                                       26

      Insert instead ", public services and affordable housing".                                 27

[4]   Section 116D Key considerations for development contributions (as                          28
      proposed to be inserted by Act No 36 of 2008)                                              29

      Omit section 116D (b).                                                                     30

[5]   Section 116I Councils limited to contributions for key community                           31
      infrastructure (as proposed to be inserted by Act No 36 of 2008)                           32

      Insert "affordable housing and other" after "being" in section 116I (1) (a).               33

[6]   Section 116V Council planning agreements limited to key community                          34
      infrastructure (as proposed to be inserted by Act No 36 of 2008)                           35

      Omit the section.                                                                          36

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                Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
                Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Schedule 1      Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[7]    Part 5B, Division 5 (as proposed to be inserted by Act No 36 of 2008)                  1
       Omit the Division. Insert instead:                                                     2

       Division 5          Development contributions for affordable                           3
                           housing                                                            4

      116Y   Conditions requiring land or contributions for affordable housing                5
             in relation to certain multi-dwelling buildings                                  6

             (1)    A local environmental plan may identify that there is a need for          7
                    affordable housing within an area to which the plan applies.              8

             (2)    A consent authority must impose one of the following conditions           9
                    (as determined by the consent authority) on any development              10
                    consent granted by the consent authority that enables the erection       11
                    of a building that contains 10 or more dwellings, or buildings that      12
                    together contain 10 or more dwellings, in such an area:                  13
                     (a) that the applicant for the development consent concerned            14
                           must pay a monetary contribution to the consent authority         15
                           to be used for the purpose of providing affordable housing        16
                           that, in the opinion of the consent authority, is equivalent      17
                           to or less than the value of the relevant percentage of the       18
                           total floor area of the proposed building or buildings that is    19
                           intended to be used exclusively for residential purposes          20
                           (excluding common property), or                                   21
                    (b) that the applicant for the development consent concerned             22
                           must, if the relevant percentage of that total floor area is      23
                           sufficient, dedicate in favour of the consent authority, free     24
                           of cost, land comprised of one or more complete dwellings         25
                           with a total floor area of at least the relevant percentage, to   26
                           be used for the purpose of providing affordable housing.          27

             (3)    If an applicant for a development application is required to             28
                    dedicate land under subsection (2) (b):                                  29
                     (a) comprised of only one complete dwelling--that dwelling              30
                          is to have a total floor area of not less than 100 square          31
                          metres, or                                                         32
                    (b) comprised of more than one complete dwelling--the                    33
                          dwellings are to have an average total floor area of not less      34
                          than 100 square metres and each of those dwellings is to           35
                          have a total floor area of not less than 50 square metres.         36

             (4)    For the avoidance of doubt, the demolition of a building, or a           37
                    change of use of land, does not give rise to an entitlement to a         38
                    refund of any amount that has been contributed under a condition         39
                    imposed by this section.                                                 40

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979             Schedule 1

             (5)   This section does not apply to a development consent for               1
                   development proposed to be carried out by or on behalf of a social     2
                   housing provider.                                                      3

             (6)   A condition may be imposed under this section only if the              4
                   condition is in accordance with a scheme for dedications or            5
                   contributions set out in or adopted by the relevant local              6
                   environmental plan.                                                    7

             (7)   A reference in this section to the relevant percentage of the total    8
                   floor area of proposed development is a reference to:                  9
                    (a) an amount equivalent to 30 per cent of the total floor area      10
                          of the proposed building or buildings, if the building or      11
                          buildings are proposed to be erected by or on behalf of a      12
                          public authority, or                                           13
                   (b) an amount equivalent to 25 per cent of the total floor area       14
                          of the proposed building or buildings, if the proposed         15
                          building or buildings are proposed to be erected by or on      16
                          behalf of a person other than a public authority.              17

             (8)   In determining the value of the relevant percentage of the total      18
                   floor area of a building or buildings for the purposes of             19
                   subsection (2) (a), the consent authority is to consider the most     20
                   recent median sales price, as documented by Housing NSW, of           21
                   dwellings of a similar size to the dwellings the subject of the       22
                   development consent.                                                  23

             (9)   In this section:                                                      24
                   common property means:                                                25
                    (a) common property within the meaning of the Strata                 26
                          Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973 or the Strata          27
                          Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986, or                   28
                   (b) association property within the meaning of the Community          29
                          Land Development Act 1989.                                     30
                   dwelling means a room or suite of rooms occupied or used, or so       31
                   constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or          32
                   used, as a separate domicile.                                         33
                   relevant percentage--see subsection (7).                              34
                   social housing provider means any of the following:                   35
                    (a) the New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation,                36
                   (b) the Office of Community Housing of Housing NSW,                   37
                    (c) the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office,                               38

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               Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
               Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Schedule 1     Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

                   (d)    an organisation for the time being registered with the          1
                          Office of Community Housing, or under Part 5 of the             2
                          Aboriginal Housing Act 1998,                                    3
                    (e) a registered community housing provider within the                4
                          meaning of the Housing Act 2001 (as amended by the              5
                          Housing Amendment (Community Housing Providers) Act             6
                          2007),                                                          7
                    (f) an organisation prescribed by the regulations.                    8
                   total floor area means the sum of the areas of each floor of a         9
                   building that are within the outer face of the external enclosing     10
                   walls, excluding:                                                     11
                    (a) columns, fin walls, sun control devices, awnings and other       12
                          elements, projections or works outside the general lines of    13
                          the outer face of the external walls (other than balconies),   14
                          and                                                            15
                   (b) ancillary car parking required by the consent authority and       16
                          any associated internal vehicular and pedestrian access to     17
                          that car parking, and                                          18
                    (c) space for the loading and unloading of goods.                    19

    116Z     Other contributions to be taken into account                                20

                   A consent authority that proposes to impose a condition in            21
                   accordance with this Division must take into consideration any        22
                   land or other sum of money that the applicant has previously          23
                   dedicated free of cost, or previously paid, for the purpose of        24
                   affordable housing within the area otherwise than as a condition      25
                   of a consent.                                                         26

  116ZA      Other conditions concerning affordable housing                              27

                   This Division does not prevent the imposition on a development        28
                   consent of other conditions relating to the provision, maintenance    29
                   or retention of affordable housing. Such conditions may require,      30
                   but are not restricted to, the imposition of covenants (including     31
                   positive covenants) or the entering into of contractual or other      32
                   arrangements.                                                         33

  116ZB      Use of affordable housing contributions                                     34

             (1)   Land dedicated in accordance with a condition imposed under           35
                   this Division:                                                        36
                    (a) must be made available by the consent authority for the          37
                          purposes of affordable housing within a reasonable time,       38
                          or                                                             39

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979            Schedule 1

                   (b)   must be transferred by the consent authority:                   1
                          (i) if the consent authority is a council--to a social         2
                               housing provider or the council of an adjoining area,     3
                               or                                                        4
                         (ii) if the consent authority is not a council--to a social     5
                               housing provider or the council of the area in which      6
                               the land is located.                                      7

             (2)   Any monetary contribution paid in accordance with a condition         8
                   imposed under this Division (and any additional amount earned         9
                   from its investment):                                                10
                    (a) must be held by the consent authority for the purpose for       11
                         which the payment was required and applied for the             12
                         purposes of affordable housing in the area or an adjoining     13
                         area within a reasonable time, or                              14
                   (b) must be paid by the consent authority:                           15
                           (i) if the consent authority is a council--to a social       16
                                housing provider or the council of an adjoining area,   17
                                or                                                      18
                          (ii) if the consent authority is not a council--to a social   19
                                housing provider or the council of the area in which    20
                                the contribution is proposed to be applied for the      21
                                purposes of affordable housing.                         22

             (3)   A council or social housing provider:                                23
                   (a) must make available any land transferred to the council or       24
                        social housing provider under this Division for the             25
                        purposes of affordable housing within a reasonable time,        26
                        and                                                             27
                   (b) must apply any monetary contribution paid to the council         28
                        or social housing provider under this Division (and any         29
                        additional amount earned from its investment) for the           30
                        purposes of affordable housing in the area concerned or in      31
                        an adjoining area within a reasonable time.                     32

             (4)   In this section:                                                     33
                   social housing provider has the same meaning as in section           34
                   116Y.                                                                35

 116ZBA     Use of other development contributions for affordable housing               36

                   Despite section 116F (1), (3) and (5), a monetary contribution       37
                   (together with any additional amount earned from its                 38
                   investment), or land dedicated under this Part, may be applied for   39
                   the purpose of affordable housing in the area concerned or an        40

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                 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
                 Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

                       adjoining area even if the purpose for which the contribution or    1
                       land was paid or dedicated is not related to affordable housing.    2

 [8]   Section 157 Regulations                                                             3

       Omit section 157 (1) (e). Insert instead:                                           4
                    (e) the purposes, objectives, provision or maintenance of              5
                          affordable housing, including enabling the Minister by           6
                          order to determine matters relating to affordable housing,       7
                          or                                                               8

 [9]   Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               9

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 10

                       Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment                    11
                       (Affordable Housing Development Contributions) Act 2008            12

[10]   Schedule 6                                                                         13

       Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbers:        14

       Part            Environmental Planning and Assessment                              15
                       Amendment (Affordable Housing                                      16
                       Development Contributions) Act 2008                                17

              Definition                                                                  18

                       In this Part:                                                      19
                       amending Act means the Environmental Planning and                  20
                       Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing Development               21
                       Contributions) Act 2008.                                           22

              Application of new provisions to development applications and               23
              contributions                                                               24

              (1)      Section 94F, as in force immediately before the commencement       25
                       of Schedule 3.1 [6] to the Environmental Planning and              26
                       Assessment Amendment Act 2008 continues to apply to a              27
                       development application lodged, but not finally determined,        28
                       before the repeal of that section by that Act.                     29

              (2)      For this purpose, a reference in section 94F:                      30
                       (a) to a State environmental planning policy is taken to be a      31
                              reference to State Environmental Planning Policy No 70--    32
                              Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes), or                    33
                       (b) to a local environmental plan or a regional environmental      34
                              plan is taken to be a reference to South Sydney Local       35

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979            Schedule 1

                          Environmental     Plan    1998,     Sydney       Regional      1
                          Environmental Plan No 26--City West or Willoughby              2
                          Local Environmental Plan 1995,                                 3
                   as in force immediately before the repeal of that section by the      4
                   Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008.             5

             (3)   Section 94G, as in force immediately before the commencement          6
                   of Schedule 3.1 [6] to the Environmental Planning and                 7
                   Assessment Amendment Act 2008, continues to apply in respect          8
                   of land dedicated, or a monetary contribution paid, in accordance     9
                   with a condition imposed under section 94F (including a              10
                   condition imposed on a development consent following a               11
                   determination referred to in subclause (1)) as if that Act and the   12
                   amending Act had not been enacted.                                   13

            Application of repealed provisions of environmental planning                14
            instruments                                                                 15

             (1)   Division 3 of Part 4 of South Sydney Local Environmental Plan        16
                   1998, as in force immediately before the commencement of the         17
                   amending Act, continues to apply in respect of a development         18
                   application lodged, but not finally determined, before the repeal    19
                   of that Division by the amending Act.                                20

             (2)   Part 4 of Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 26--City             21
                   West, as in force immediately before the commencement of the         22
                   amending Act, continues to apply in respect of a development         23
                   application lodged, but not finally determined, before the repeal    24
                   of that Part by the amending Act.                                    25

             (3)   Clause 25B of Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 1995, as in        26
                   force immediately before the commencement of the amending            27
                   Act, continues to apply in respect of a development application      28
                   lodged, but not finally determined, before the repeal of that        29
                   clause by the amending Act.                                          30

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                Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
                Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004

Schedule 2             Consequential amendment of                                        1
                       Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004                               2

                                                                          (Section 4)    3

[1]   Section 30 Development contributions for affordable housing                        4

      Omit the section.                                                                  5

[2]   Section 31, heading                                                                6

      Omit "(other than for affordable housing)".                                        7

[3]   Section 31 (8)                                                                     8

      Insert "or 6A" after "Division 6".                                                 9

[4]   Section 32 Contributions plans and payment of development                         10
      contributions                                                                     11

      Omit "sections 30 and 31" from section 32 (1). Insert instead "section 31".       12

[5]   Section 32 (2)                                                                    13

      Omit the subsection.                                                              14

[6]   Section 32 (4) and (5)                                                            15

      Omit "section 30 or 31" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 31".          16

[7]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             17

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                18

                   Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment                      19
                   (Affordable Housing Development Contributions) Act 2008, but         20
                   only in relation to the amendments made to this Act                  21

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Affordable Housing
Development Contributions) Bill 2008

Consequential amendment of environmental planning instruments         Schedule 3

Schedule 3             Consequential amendment of                                      1
                       environmental planning instruments                              2

                                                                        (Section 5)    3

3.1 South Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1998                                         4

      Part 4, Division 3 Affordable housing at Green Square                            5

      Omit the Division.                                                               6

3.2 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 26--City West                                7

      Part 4 Affordable housing in the Ultimo-Pyrmont Precinct                         8

      Omit the Part.                                                                   9

3.3 Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 1995                                          10

[1]   Clause 5 Definitions                                                            11

      Omit the definitions of special needs housing groups, the Willoughby Local      12
      Housing Program, Willoughby Local Housing and Willoughby Local                  13
      Housing Precinct from clause 5 (1).                                             14

[2]   Clause 25B Willoughby Local Housing to be provided in Willoughby                15
      Local Housing Precincts                                                         16

      Omit the clause.                                                                17

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