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                        New South Wales

Environmental Planning and
Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003


          1    Name of Act                                            2
          2    Commencement                                           2
          3    Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment
               Act 1979 No 203                                        2
          4    Amendment of environmental planning and assessment
               regulations                                            2
           5   Repeal of certain uncommenced amendments               2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment
               Act 1979                                               3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of regulations                              21
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of Construction) Bill 2003



Contents page 2
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2003

                            New South Wales

Environmental Planning and
Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Act No       , 2003

An Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and
certain regulations with respect to the quality of building construction; and for
other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
                  Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Clause 1          Construction) Bill 2003

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Environmental Planning and Assessment
               Amendment (Quality of Construction) Act 2003.
 2    Commencement
         (1)   Except as provided by subsection (2), this Act commences on a day
               or days to be appointed by proclamation.
         (2)   Sections 3 and 5 and Schedule 1 [27], [32], [39] and [42]-[44]
               commence on the date of assent to this Act.
 3    Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
      No 203
               The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is amended
               as set out in Schedule 1.
 4    Amendment of environmental planning and assessment regulations
               The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and
               the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings and
               Transitional) Regulation 1998 are amended as set out in Schedule 2.
 5    Repeal of certain uncommenced amendments
               Schedule 1.1 [6]-[13], [15]-[30], [32], [33], [36] and [41], 1.2 [1]-
               [24] and 1.3 to the Building Legislation Amendment (Quality of
               Construction) Act 2002 are repealed.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment of Environmental Planning
           and Assessment Act 1979
                                                                                   (Section 3)

[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Omit "of that name published on behalf of the Australian Building Codes
      Board in October 1996" from the definition of Building Code of Australia
      in section 4 (1).
      Insert instead ", published by or on behalf of the Australian Building
      Codes Board, that is prescribed for purposes of this definition by the
[2]   Section 4
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                   critical stage inspections means the inspections prescribed by
                   the regulations for the purposes of section 109E (3) (d).
                   principal contractor for building work means the person
                   responsible for the overall co-ordination and control of the
                   carrying out of the building work.
                   Note. If any residential building work is involved, the principal contractor
                   must be the holder of a contractor licence under the Home Building Act
                   owner-builder has the same meaning as in the Home Building
                   Act 1989.
                   residential building work has the same meaning as in the
                   Home Building Act 1989.
[3]   Section 22 Establishment of other committees
      Insert "Minister or" before "Director-General" in section 22 (1).
[4]   Section 22 (3)
      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
             (3)   The person who establishes a committee under this section
                   may appoint one of the members as Chairperson of the

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               Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
               Construction) Bill 2003

Schedule 1     Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[5]   Section 80 Determination
      Insert ", together with any variations to the construction certificate or
      plans and specifications that are effected in accordance with this Act or the
      regulations," before "are taken" in section 80 (12).
[6]   Section 80 (13) and (14)
      Omit the subsections, including the note appearing after subsection (14).
[7]   Section 81A Effects of development consents and
      commencement of development
      Omit section 81A (2) (a) and (b). Insert instead:
                  (a) a construction certificate for the building work has been
                       issued by the consent authority, the council (if the
                       council is not the consent authority) or an accredited
                       certifier, and
                  (b) the person having the benefit of the development
                       consent has:
                        (i) appointed a principal certifying authority for the
                              building work, and
                       (ii) notified the principal certifying authority that the
                              person will carry out the building work as an
                              owner-builder, if that is the case, and
                 (b1) the principal certifying authority has, no later than 2
                       days before the building work commences:
                        (i) notified the consent authority and the council (if
                              the council is not the consent authority) of his or
                              her appointment, and
                       (ii) notified the person having the benefit of the
                              development consent of any critical stage
                              inspections and other inspections that are to be
                              carried out in respect of the building work, and
                 (b2) the person having the benefit of the development
                       consent, if not carrying out the work as an owner-
                       builder, has:
                        (i) appointed a principal contractor for the building
                              work who must be the holder of a contractor
                              licence if any residential building work is
                              involved, and

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979            Schedule 1

                         (ii)    notified the principal certifying authority of any
                                 such appointment, and
                         (iii)   unless that person is the principal contractor,
                                 notified the principal contractor of any critical
                                 stage inspections and other inspections that are to
                                 be carried out in respect of the building work, and
[8]   Section 81A (4) (a), (b) and (b1)
      Omit section 81A (4) (a) and (b). Insert instead:
                  (a) a construction certificate for the subdivision work has
                       been issued by the consent authority, the council (if the
                       council is not the consent authority) or an accredited
                       certifier, and
                  (b) the person having the benefit of the development
                       consent has appointed a principal certifying authority
                       for the subdivision work, and
                 (b1) the principal certifying authority has, no later than 2
                       days before the subdivision work commences:
                        (i) notified the consent authority and the council (if
                              the council is not the consent authority) of his or
                              her appointment, and
                       (ii) notified the person having the benefit of the
                              development consent of any critical stage
                              inspections and other inspections that are to be
                              carried out in respect of the subdivision work,
[9]   Section 81A (6) and (7)
      Insert after section 81A (5):
             (6)   Crown building work
                   Subsections (2) and (4) do not apply in relation to Crown
                   building work that is certified, in accordance with section
                   116G, to comply with the technical provisions of the State's
                   building laws.
             (7)   Penalty for contravention of subsection (2) or (4)
                   The maximum penalty that may be imposed for a
                   contravention of subsection (2) or (4) is 300 penalty units.

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                Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1     Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[10]   Section 86 Commencement of complying development
       Omit section 86 (1) (a). Insert instead:
                   (a) the person having the benefit of the complying
                         development certificate has:
                          (i) appointed a principal certifying authority for the
                                building work, and
                         (ii) notified the principal certifying authority that the
                                person will carry out the building work as an
                                owner-builder, if that is the case, and
                  (a1) the principal certifying authority has, no later than 2
                         days before the building work commences:
                          (i) notified the council of his or her appointment,
                         (ii) notified the person having the benefit of the
                                complying development certificate of any critical
                                stage inspections and other inspections that are to
                                be carried out in respect of the building work, and
                  (a2) the person having the benefit of the complying
                         development certificate, if not carrying out the work as
                         an owner-builder, has:
                          (i) appointed a principal contractor for the building
                                work who must be the holder of a contractor
                                licence if any residential building work is
                                involved, and
                         (ii) notified the principal certifying authority of any
                                such appointment, and
                        (iii) unless that person is the principal contractor,
                                notified the principal contractor of any critical
                                stage inspections and other inspections that are to
                                be carried out in respect of the building work, and
[11]   Section 86 (2) (a) and (a1)
       Omit section 86 (2) (a). Insert instead:
                   (a) the person having the benefit of the complying
                         development certificate has appointed a principal
                         certifying authority for the subdivision work, and
                  (a1) the principal certifying authority has, no later than
                         2 days before the subdivision work commences,
                         notified the council of his or her appointment, and

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979        Schedule 1

[12]   Section 86 (3) and (4)
       Insert after section 86 (2):
              (3)   Crown development
                    Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to
                    development carried out by the Crown.
              (4)   Penalty for contravention of subsection (1) or (2)
                    The maximum penalty that may be imposed for a
                    contravention of subsection (1) or (2) is 300 penalty units.
[13]   Section 105 Regulations--Part 4
       Insert after section 105 (1) (n):
                   (n1) authorising a consent authority or council to impose a
                           fee with respect to the lodging of any complying
                           development certificate with it, whether pursuant to a
                           requirement made by or under this Act or otherwise,
[14]   Section 109C Part 4A certificates
       Insert after section 109C (1):
            (1A)    A single compliance certificate may deal with any number of
                    matters, whether of the same or of a different kind.
[15]   Section 109D Certifying authorities
       Omit "or accredited" wherever occurring in section 109D (1) (a), (b) and
       Insert instead ", the council or an accredited".
[16]   Section 109D (1) (d) (i)
       Insert "or the council" after "authority".
[17]   Section 109D (3)
       Insert "work" after "the subdivision".

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                     Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                     Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1          Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[18]   Section 109E Principal certifying authorities
       Omit section 109E (1). Insert instead:
               (1)      The person having the benefit of a development consent or
                        complying development certificate for development
                        involving building work or subdivision work may appoint the
                        consent authority, the council or an accredited certifier as the
                        principal certifying authority for the development.
              (1A)      Despite subsection (1), such an appointment may not be made
                        by any contractor or other person who will carry out the
                        building work or subdivision work unless the contractor or
                        other person is the owner of the land on which the work is to
                        be carried out.
[19]   Section 109E (3) and (4)
       Omit the subsections (but not the note appearing after subsection (4)).
       Insert instead:
               (3)      A principal certifying authority for building work or
                        subdivision work to be carried out on a site is required to be
                        (a) that a construction certificate or complying
                               development certificate has been issued for such of the
                               building work or subdivision work as requires
                               development consent and over which the principal
                               certifying authority has control, before the work
                               commences on the site, and
                        (b) that the principal contractor for the work is the holder
                               of the appropriate licence and is covered by the
                               appropriate insurance, in each case if required by the
                               Home Building Act 1989, before any residential
                               building work over which the principal certifying
                               authority has control commences on the site, unless the
                               work is to be carried out by an owner-builder, and
                        (c) that the owner-builder is the holder of any owner-
                               builder permit required under the Home Building Act
                               1989, before an owner-builder commences on the site
                               any residential building work over which the principal
                               certifying authority has control, and

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979          Schedule 1

                    (d)   that building work or subdivision work on the site has
                          been inspected by the principal certifying authority or
                          another certifying authority on such occasions (if any)
                          as are prescribed by the regulations and on such other
                          occasions as may be required by the principal certifying
                          authority, before the principal certifying authority
                          issues an occupation certificate or subdivision
                          certificate for the building or work, and
                    (e)   that any preconditions required by a development
                          consent or complying development certificate to be met
                          for the work before the issue of an occupation
                          certificate or subdivision certificate have been met,
                          before the principal certifying authority issues the
                          occupation certificate or subdivision certificate.
              (4)   A principal certifying authority must also comply with such
                    other requirements of a like or different nature as may be
                    imposed on principal certifying authorities by the regulations.
[20]   Section 109EA
       Insert after section 109E:
   109EA     Replacement of principal certifying authorities
              (1)   Unless the relevant authority so approves in writing, a person
                    may not be appointed to replace another person as the
                    principal certifying authority for development.
              (2)   For the purposes of this section, the relevant authority is:
                    (a) if the person previously appointed is an accredited
                          certifier, the accreditation body by which the person is
                          accredited, or
                    (b) if the person previously appointed is the consent
                          authority or the council, the consent authority or the

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                 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                 Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1      Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[21]   Section 109H Restrictions on issue of occupation certificates
       Insert before subsection (1):
              (1A)   There are two kinds of occupation certificates, as follows:
                     (a) an interim occupation certificate that authorises a
                          person to commence occupation or use of a partially
                          completed new building, or to commence a new use of
                          part of a building resulting from a change of building
                          use for an existing building,
                     (b) a final occupation certificate that authorises a person to
                          commence occupation or use of a new building, or to
                          commence a new use of a building resulting from a
                          change of building use for an existing building.
                     It is not necessary for an interim occupation certificate to be
                     issued before a final occupation certificate is issued with
                     respect to the same building.
              (1B)   An occupation certificate must not be issued unless any
                     preconditions to the issue of the certificate that are specified
                     in a development consent or complying development
                     certificate have been met.
              (1C)   An interim occupation certificate must not be issued to
                     authorise a person to commence to occupy or use a partially
                     completed new building unless the certifying authority is
                     (a) that a development consent or complying development
                            certificate is in force with respect to the building, and
                     (b) in the case of a building erected pursuant to a
                            development consent but not a complying development
                            certificate, that a construction certificate has been
                            issued with respect to the plans and specifications for
                            the building, and
                     (c) that the partially completed building is suitable for
                            occupation or use in accordance with its classification
                            under the Building Code of Australia, and
                     (d) that such other requirements as are required by the
                            regulations to be complied with before such a certificate
                            may be issued have been complied with.

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979          Schedule 1

            (1D)    An interim occupation certificate must not be issued to
                    authorise a person to commence a new use in part of a
                    building resulting from a change of building use of an existing
                    building unless the certifying authority is satisfied:
                    (a) that a development consent or complying development
                          certificate is in force with respect to the change of
                          building use, and
                    (b) that the part of the building is suitable for occupation or
                          use in accordance with its classification under the
                          Building Code of Australia, and
                    (c) that such other requirements as are required by the
                          regulations to be complied with before such a certificate
                          may be issued have been complied with.
[22]   Section 109H (2)
       Insert "a new use of a building resulting from" after "commence".
[23]   Section 109H (3)
       Omit the subsection.
[24]   Section 109M Occupation and use of new building requires
       occupation certificate
       Omit "Maximum penalty: 25 penalty units." from section 109M (1).
       Insert instead:
                    Maximum penalty:
                    (a) in the case of a class 1a or class 10 building, as referred
                        to in the Building Code of Australia--5 penalty units, or
                    (b) in the case of any other building--1,000 penalty units.
[25]   Section 109N Change of building use of existing building requires
       occupation certificate
       Omit "commence" from section 109N (1). Insert instead "effect".

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                     Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                     Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1          Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[26]   Section 109Q Regulations under Part 4A
       Insert at the end of the section:
               (2)      In particular, the regulations may authorise a consent
                        authority or council to impose a fee with respect to any Part
                        4A certificate that is lodged with it, whether pursuant to a
                        requirement of this Act or the regulations or otherwise.
[27]   Section 109T Accreditation of accredited certifiers
       Insert ", and may impose conditions on their accreditation," after
       "certifiers" in section 109T (1).
[28]   Section 109T (2A)
       Insert after section 109T (2):
              (2A)      For the purposes of subsection (2) (b), an accreditation body
                        may rely on a certificate of currency or an appropriate current
                        insurance policy that has been issued by an insurer and that
                        states that, in respect of a specified period, a specified
                        accredited certifier is covered by the required insurance
                        (within the meaning of section 109ZN).
[29]   Section 109U Auditing of accredited certifiers
       Omit the section.
[30]   Section 109ZA Tribunal may make certain disciplinary findings
       Omit "section 109U or 109Z" from section 109ZA (1).
       Insert instead "section 109Z or 118Q".
[31]   Section 109ZA (2) (e)
       Omit "300". Insert instead "1,000".
[32]   Section 109ZF General provisions concerning disciplinary
       Omit section 109ZF (2). Insert instead:
               (2)      A complaint against an accredited certifier may be made and
                        dealt with even though the person's right to practise as an
                        accredited certifier has been suspended or his or her
                        accreditation has been withdrawn or lapsed. For that purpose,

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979           Schedule 1

                    a reference in this Division to an accredited certifier includes
                    a reference to a person whose right to practise as such has
                    been suspended or whose accreditation has been withdrawn or
[33]   Section 109ZG Conflicts of interest
       Insert after section 109ZG (1):
          (1AA)     Subsection (1) (a) does not make it an offence for an
                    accredited certifier (otherwise than as a principal certifying
                    authority) to issue a compliance certificate of the kind
                    referred to in section 109C (1) (a) (i) for any aspect of
                    development in respect of which he or she has been involved
                    in the preparation of plans and specifications.
[34]   Section 109ZN Accredited certifiers
       Insert after section 109ZN (2):
              (3)   For the purposes of this section, an accredited certifier who is
                    employed by a council to exercise the functions of a certifying
                    authority on its behalf, whether within or beyond its area, is
                    covered by the required insurance if the council is
                    indemnified by its general insurance policy against any
                    liability to which it may become subject as a result of the
                    exercise of those functions by the accredited certifier.
[35]   Section 116G Building, demolition and incidental work
       Omit section 116G (6).
[36]   Section 118A Power of entry
       Insert "under this Act and the regulations" after "functions" in section
       118A (2B).

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1         Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

[37]    Part 6, Division 1B
        Insert after Division 1A:

        Division 1B          Investigation of certifying authorities
       118O   Definitions
                       In this Division:
                       Departmental auditor means a Departmental auditor
                       appointed under section 118P or 118Q.
                       Tribunal means the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.
       118P   Investigation of councils acting as certifying authorities
              (1)      The Director-General may appoint a member of staff of the
                       Department as a Departmental auditor to investigate the work
                       and activities of a council in its capacity as a certifying
              (2)      The Departmental auditor must report to the Director-General
                       on the results of the investigation.
              (3)      The Director-General must send a copy of the report to the
                       Director-General of the Department of Local Government
                       and to the council.
              (4)      A report furnished to the council under this section must be
                       presented at the next meeting of the council after the report is
              (5)      Within 40 days after it receives a report under this section, a
                       council must give written notice to the Director-General of
                       the things done or proposed to be done to give effect to any
                       recommendations contained in the report.
       118Q   Investigation of accredited certifiers acting as certifying
              (1)      The Director-General may appoint a member of staff of the
                       Department as a Departmental auditor to investigate the work
                       and activities of an accredited certifier in his or her capacity
                       as a certifying authority.
              (2)      The Departmental auditor must report to the Director-General
                       on the results of the investigation.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979           Schedule 1

             (3)   The Director-General must send a copy of the report to the
                   accredited certifier.
             (4)   If satisfied, as a result of any such investigation, that the
                   accredited certifier is or may be guilty of unsatisfactory
                   professional conduct or professional misconduct within the
                   meaning of Part 4B, the Director-General:
                   (a) may also furnish a copy of the report to the relevant
                          accreditation body and any person prescribed by the
                          regulations, and
                   (b) may apply to the Tribunal for a disciplinary finding
                          against an accredited certifier with respect to any matter
                          arising from the report.
             (5)   If the Director-General applies to the Tribunal as referred to
                   in subsection (4) (b), the Director-General may, by order in
                   writing served on the accredited certifier, suspend the
                   accredited certifier's authority to exercise the functions of an
                   accredited certifier pending the Tribunal's decision on the
             (6)   An order under subsection (5) may be varied or revoked by
                   the Tribunal at any time before or during proceedings on an
                   application referred to in subsection (4) (b).
   118R     Powers of Departmental auditor
             (1)   A Departmental auditor may direct a person to do any one or
                   more of the following:
                   (a) to appear personally before the Departmental auditor at
                        a time and place specified in the direction,
                   (b) to give evidence (including evidence on oath),
                   (c) to produce to the Departmental auditor any document
                        that is in that person's custody or under that person's
                   (d) to grant to the Departmental auditor such authorities as
                        may be necessary to enable the Departmental auditor to
                        gain access to any document that is in the custody or
                        under the control of any other person.
             (2)   A person to whom such a direction is given must not fail to
                   comply with the direction.

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 1         Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

              (3)      For the purposes of this section, a Departmental auditor may
                       administer an oath.
              (4)      A Departmental auditor may take copies of or extracts from
                       any document to which the Departmental auditor gains access
                       under this section.
              (5)      For the purposes of this section, a Departmental auditor is
                       taken to have been authorised by the Director-General to enter
                       premises under Division 1A, and, subject to the regulations,
                       may exercise the functions conferred on a person so
                       authorised by or under that Division.
[38]    Section 121H Notice to be given of proposed order
        Insert after section 121H (4):
              (5)      Notice to principal certifying authority
                       If a council proposes to give an order in relation to building
                       work or subdivision work for which the council is not the
                       principal certifying authority, the council must give the
                       principal certifying authority notice of its intention to give the
[39]    Section 127 Proceedings for offences
        Omit section 127 (5) and (6). Insert instead:
              (5)      Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations
                       may be commenced not later than 2 years after the offence
                       was alleged to be committed.
[40]    Section 148A
        Insert after section 148:
       148A   Improper influence with respect to conduct of accredited
              certifier acting as certifying authority
              (1)      An accredited certifier must not, on an understanding that he
                       or she will act otherwise than impartially in the exercise of his
                       or her functions as a certifying authority, seek or accept, or
                       offer or agree to accept, any benefit of any kind, whether on
                       his or her own behalf or on behalf of any other person.
                       Maximum penalty: 10,000 penalty units or imprisonment for
                       2 years, or both.

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
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 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979           Schedule 1

              (2)   A person must not, on an understanding that an accredited
                    certifier will act otherwise than impartially in the exercise of
                    his or her functions as a certifying authority, give, or offer or
                    agree to give, any benefit of any kind, whether to the
                    accredited certifier or to any other person.
                    Maximum penalty: 10,000 penalty units or imprisonment for
                    2 years, or both.
              (3)   In this section, a reference to the functions of a certifying
                    authority includes a reference to the functions of a principal
                    certifying authority under section 109E.
[41]   Section 157 Regulations
       Insert after section 157 (1) (c):
                    (c1) the content, form, erection, maintenance and removal
                           of signs relating to the carrying out of development or
                           persons involved with the carrying out of development,
[42]   Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    Environmental Planning and Assessment               Amendment
                    (Quality of Construction) Act 2003
[43]   Schedule 6, Part 12
       Omit clauses 46-56 and 58-60.
[44]   Schedule 6
       Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause

       Part            Environmental Planning and
                       Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                       Construction) Act 2003
                    In this Part, the 2003 amending Act means the Environmental
                    Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Act 2003.

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               Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
               Construction) Bill 2003

Schedule 1     Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

             Saving of appointment of Chairperson by Director-General
                  The substitution of section 22 (3) by the 2003 amending Act
                  does not affect any appointment of a Chairperson under that
                  provision as in force before the substitution.
             Nature of construction certificate
                  Section 80 (12), as amended by the 2003 amending Act,
                  extends to any variation to a construction certificate, plan or
                  specification that lawfully occurred before the
                  commencement of that amendment.
             Commencement of development under development consents
                  Section 81A, as amended by the 2003 amending Act, extends
                  to building work or subdivision work the subject of a
                  development consent granted before the commencement of
                  those amendments unless the work had begun before that
             Commencement of development under complying
             development certificates
                  Section 86, as amended by the 2003 amending Act, extends to
                  building work or subdivision work the subject of a complying
                  development certificate issued before the commencement of
                  those amendments unless the work had begun before that
             Part 4A certificates
                  Section 109C (1A), as inserted by the 2003 amending Act,
                  extends to matters arising before the commencement of that
             Appointment of principal certifying authorities
                  Section 109E, as amended by the 2003 amending Act, extends
                  to any development consent or complying development
                  certificate issued before the commencement of those
                  amendments for which a principal certifying authority needs
                  to be appointed after that commencement.
             Replacement of principal certifying authorities
                  Section 109EA, as inserted by the 2003 amending Act,
                  extends to the replacement of a principal certifying authority
                  who had been appointed before the commencement of that

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979          Schedule 1

            Restriction on issue of occupation certificates
                   Section 109H (1B), as inserted by the 2003 amending Act,
                   does not apply to any building work that commenced before
                   that amendment.
            Saving of occupation certificates
                   An occupation certificate issued in accordance with section
                   109H, as in force before it was amended by the 2003
                   amending Act, is taken to have been issued in accordance
                   with that section, as so amended.
            Previously suspended, withdrawn or lapsed accreditation
                   Section 109ZF (2), as inserted by the 2003 amending Act,
                   extends to complaints that were made but not finally dealt
                   with before the date of assent to that Act and to a person
                   whose right to practise as an accredited certifier was
                   suspended, or whose accreditation was withdrawn or lapsed,
                   before that date.
            Conflicts of interest
                   Section 109ZG (1AA), as inserted by the 2003 amending Act,
                   extends to matters arising before the commencement of that
            Investigation of certifying authorities
             (1)   Subject to subclause (2), Division 1B of Part 6, as inserted by
                   the 2003 amending Act, extends to matters arising before the
                   commencement of that Division.
             (2)   Section 109U, as in force immediately before its repeal by the
                   2003 amending Act, continues to apply to any investigation
                   that had commenced before the repeal of that section as if that
                   Act had not been enacted.
            Proceedings for offences
                   Section 127 (5), as substituted by the 2003 amending Act,
                   does not apply to offences arising before the commencement
                   of that amendment.

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               Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
               Construction) Bill 2003

Schedule 1     Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

             Improper influence with respect to conduct of accredited
                  Section 148A, as inserted by the 2003 amending Act, does not
                  apply to conduct occurring before the commencement of that
             Conditions of development consent
                  Clauses 98A and 98B of the Environmental Planning and
                  Assessment Regulation 2000, as inserted by the 2003
                  amending Act, do not apply to work that had been
                  commenced before the commencement of those clauses.
             Conditions of complying development certificate
                  Clauses 136B and 136C of the Environmental Planning and
                  Assessment Regulation 2000, as inserted by the 2003
                  amending Act, do not apply to work that had been
                  commenced before the commencement of those clauses.
             Time limits for accredited certifiers
                  The amendments to clauses 130, 138, 142, 151 and 160 of the
                  Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
                  made by the 2003 amending Act do not apply to any
                  determination made under any of those clauses, or any
                  certificate issued under any of those clauses, before the
                  commencement of those amendments.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of regulations                                           Schedule 2

Schedule 2 Amendment of regulations
                                                                      (Section 4)

2.1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
[1]   Clause 51 Rejection of development applications
      Omit clause 51 (1). Insert instead:
             (1)   A consent authority may reject a development application
                   within 7 days after receiving it if:
                   (a) the application is illegible or unclear as to the
                         development consent sought, or
                   (b) the application does not contain any information, or is
                         not accompanied by any document, specified in Part 1
                         of Schedule 1.
[2]   Part 6, Division 8A, heading
      Insert before clause 98:

      Division 8A          Prescribed conditions of development
[3]   Clause 98 Compliance with Building Code of Australia and
      insurance requirements under the Home Building Act 1989
      Insert "before any building work authorised to be carried out by the
      consent commences" after "is in force" in clause 98 (1) (b).
[4]   Clauses 98A and 98B
      Insert after clause 98:
      98A   Erection of signs
             (1)   For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the
                   requirements of subclauses (2) and (3) are prescribed as
                   conditions of a development consent for development that
                   involves any building work, subdivision work or demolition
             (2)   A sign must be erected in a prominent position on any site on
                   which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is
                   being carried out:

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                   Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                   Construction) Bill 2003

Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

                      (a)    showing the name, address and telephone number of the
                             principal certifying authority for the work, and
                      (b)    showing the name of the principal contractor (if any)
                             for any building work and a telephone number on which
                             that person may be contacted outside working hours,
                      (c)    stating that unauthorised entry to the work site is
             (3)      Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work,
                      subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out, but
                      must be removed when the work has been completed.
             (4)      This clause does not apply in relation to building work,
                      subdivision work or demolition work that is carried out inside
                      an existing building that does not affect the external walls of
                      the building.
             (5)      This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work
                      that is certified, in accordance with section 116G of the Act,
                      to comply with the technical provisions of the State's building
                      Note. Principal certifying authorities and principal contractors must also
                      ensure that signs required by this clause are erected and maintained
                      (see clause 227A which currently imposes a maximum penalty of

     98B     Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements
             (1)      For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the
                      requirements of this clause are prescribed as conditions of a
                      development consent for development that involves any
                      residential building work within the meaning of the Home
                      Building Act 1989.
             (2)      Residential building work within the meaning of the Home
                      Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal
                      certifying authority for the development to which the work
                      relates (not being the council) has given the council written
                      notice of the following information:
                      (a) in the case of work for which a principal contractor is
                             required to be appointed:
                              (i) the name and licence number of the principal
                                   contractor, and

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of regulations                                                   Schedule 2

                           (ii)   the name of the insurer by which the work is
                                  insured under Part 6 of that Act,
                    (b)    in the case of work to be done by an owner-builder:
                            (i) the name of the owner-builder, and
                           (ii) if the owner-builder is required to hold an owner-
                                  builder permit under that Act, the number of the
                                  owner-builder permit.
             (3)   If arrangements for doing the residential building work are
                   changed while the work is in progress so that the information
                   notified under subclause (2) becomes out of date, further work
                   must not be carried out unless the principal certifying
                   authority for the development to which the work relates (not
                   being the council) has given the council written notice of the
                   updated information.
             (4)   This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work
                   that is certified, in accordance with section 116G of the Act,
                   to comply with the technical provisions of the State's building
[5]   Clause 100 Notice of determination--what is the form of the
      Omit clause 100 (1) (g). Insert instead:
                  (g) if the development involves a building but does not
                       require a construction certificate for the development to
                       be carried out, the class of the building under the
                       Building Code of Australia,
[6]   Clause 100 (3)
      Insert after clause 100 (2):
             (3)   A notice of determination of a grant of development consent
                   must include a copy of any relevant plans endorsed by the
                   consent authority.
[7]   Clause 103 Notice under section 81A of the Act of appointment of
      principal certifying authority
      Omit "(2) (b) (ii) or (4) (b) (ii)". Insert instead "(2) (b1) (i) or (4) (b1) (i)".
[8]   Clause 103 (a)
      Omit the paragraph.

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                 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                 Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2      Amendment of regulations

 [9]    Clause 103 (e)
        Insert ", and of the person by whom the principal certifying authority was
        appointed" after "authority".
[10]    Clause 103 (f) (iv)
        Insert at the end of clause 103 (f) (iii):
                           (iv) a telephone number on which he or she may be
                                  contacted for business purposes,
[11]    Clause 103A
        Insert after clause 103:
       103A    Notice under section 81A of the Act of critical stage
                     A notice given under section 81A (2) (b1) (ii) of the Act must
                     contain the following information:
                     (a) the name and accreditation number of the principal
                           certifying authority by whom the notice is given,
                     (b) a telephone number on which the principal certifying
                           authority can be contacted for business purposes,
                     (c) the registered numbers of the development consent and
                           of the construction certificate,
                     (d) a description of the work to be carried out,
                     (e) the address of the land at which the work is to be carried
                      (f) a list of the critical stage inspections and other
                           inspections required to be carried out in respect of the
[12]    Clause 122 Notice of determination of application to modify
        development consent
        Insert after clause 122 (1):
              (1A)   A notice of determination of an application granted for the
                     modification of a development consent must include a copy of
                     any relevant plans endorsed by the consent authority.

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of regulations                                                   Schedule 2

[13]    Clause 130 Procedure for determining application for complying
        development certificate
        Omit "7 days" from clause 130 (4). Insert instead "2 days".
[14]    Clause 134 Form of complying development certificate
        Insert after clause 134 (2):
              (2A)   A complying development certificate for any development
                     must include a copy of any relevant plans endorsed by the
                     consent authority.
[15]    Clause 135 Notice under section 86 of the Act of appointment of
        principal certifying authority
        Omit "(1) (a) (ii) or (2) (a) (ii)". Insert instead "(1) (a1) (i) or (2) (a1)".
[16]    Clause 135 (a)
        Omit the paragraph.
[17]    Clause 135 (e)
        Insert ", and of the person by whom the principal certifying authority was
        appointed" after "authority".
[18]    Clause 135 (f) (iv)
        Insert at the end of clause 135 (f) (iii):
                            (iv)   a telephone number on which he or she may be
                                   contacted for business purposes,
[19]    Clause 135A
        Insert after clause 135:
       135A    Notice under section 86 of the Act of critical stage inspections
                     A notice given under section 86 (1) (a1) (ii) of the Act must
                     contain the following information:
                     (a) the name and address of the principal certifying
                           authority by whom the notice is given,
                     (b) a telephone number on which the principal certifying
                           authority can be contacted for business purposes,

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

                       (c)   the registered number of the complying development
                       (d)   a description of the work to be carried out,
                       (e)   the address of the land at which the work is to be carried
                       (f)   a list of the critical stage inspections and other
                             inspections required to be carried out in respect of the
[20]    Part 7, Division 2A, heading
        Insert after clause 136:

        Division 2A          Conditions of complying development
[21]    Clause 136A
        Renumber existing clause 133 as clause 136A, and transfer to Division 2A
        of Part 7 after the heading to that Division (as inserted by item [20]).
[22]    Clause 136A (as renumbered) Compliance with Building Code of
        Australia and insurance requirements under the Home Building
        Act 1989
        Insert "and be in force before any building work authorised to be carried
        out by the certificate commences" after "be entered into" in clause 136A
        (1) (b).
[23]    Clauses 136B and 136C
        Insert after clause 136A (as transferred in accordance with item [21]):
       136B   Erection of signs
              (1)      A complying development certificate for development that
                       involves any building work, subdivision work or demolition
                       work must be issued subject to a condition that the
                       requirements of subclauses (2) and (3) are complied with.
              (2)      A sign must be erected in a prominent position on any site on
                       which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is
                       being carried out:
                       (a) showing the name, address and telephone number of the
                             principal certifying authority for the work, and

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of regulations                                                      Schedule 2

                   (b)     showing the name of the principal contractor (if any)
                           for any building work and a telephone number on which
                           that person may be contacted outside working hours,
                   (c)     stating that unauthorised entry to the site is prohibited.
             (3)   Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work,
                   subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out, but
                   must be removed when the work has been completed.
             (4)   This clause does not apply in relation to building work,
                   subdivision work or demolition work that is carried out inside
                   an existing building, that does not affect the external walls of
                   the building.
             (5)   This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work
                   that is certified, in accordance with section 116G of the Act,
                   to comply with the technical provisions of the State's building
                   Note. Principal certifying authorities and principal contractors must also
                   ensure that signs required by this clause are erected and maintained
                   (see clause 227A which currently imposes a maximum penalty of

   136C     Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements
             (1)   A complying development certificate for development that
                   involves any residential building work within the meaning of
                   the Home Building Act 1989 must be issued subject to a
                   condition that the work is carried out in accordance with the
                   requirements of this clause.
             (2)   Residential building work within the meaning of the Home
                   Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal
                   certifying authority for the development to which the work
                   relates (not being the council) has given the council written
                   notice of the following information:
                   (a) in the case of work for which a principal contractor is
                          required to be appointed:
                           (i) the name and licence number of the principal
                                contractor, and
                          (ii) the name of the insurer by which the work is
                                insured under Part 6 of that Act,
                   (b) in the case of work to be done by an owner-builder:
                           (i) the name of the owner-builder, and

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

                             (ii)   if the owner-builder is required to hold an owner-
                                    builder permit under that Act, the number of the
                                    owner-builder permit.
              (3)      If arrangements for doing the residential building work are
                       changed while the work is in progress so that the information
                       notified under subclause (2) becomes out of date, further work
                       must not be carried out unless the principal certifying
                       authority for the development to which the work relates (not
                       being the council) has given the council written notice of the
                       updated information.
              (4)      This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work
                       that is certified, in accordance with section 116G of the Act,
                       to comply with the technical provisions of the State's building
[24]    Clause 138 Compliance certificates
        Insert ", and formal particulars of title," after "address" in clause 138 (1)
[25]    Clause 138 (3)
        Omit "7 days". Insert instead "2 days".
[26]    Clause 139A
        Insert after clause 139:
       139A   Withdrawal of application for construction certificate
              (1)      An application for a construction certificate may be
                       withdrawn at any time prior to its determination by service on
                       the certifying authority to which it was made of a notice to
                       that effect signed by the applicant.
              (2)      The certifying authority may (but is not required to) refund to
                       the applicant the whole or any part of the application fee paid
                       in connection with an application that has been withdrawn.
[27]    Clause 142 Procedure for determining application for
        construction certificate
        Omit "7 days" from clause 142 (2). Insert instead "2 days".

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of regulations                                              Schedule 2

[28]   Clause 147 Form of construction certificate
       Insert after clause 147 (1) (e):
                     (f) the classification (in accordance with the Building Code
                           of Australia) of the building to which the certificate
[29]   Clause 147 (1A)
       Insert after clause 147 (1):
            (1A)    A construction certificate may indicate different
                    classifications for different parts of the same building.
[30]   Clause 148 Modification of construction certificate
       Insert after clause 148 (2):
              (3)   As soon as practicable after granting an application to modify
                    development in respect of which an application for a
                    construction certificate has previously been referred to the
                    Fire Commissioner under clause 144, but for which (in its
                    modified form) an application for a construction certificate
                    for a building would no longer be required to be so referred, a
                    certifying authority must notify the Fire Commissioner that
                    the building to which the construction certificate relates is no
                    longer a building to which clause 144 applies.
[31]   Clause 151 Procedure for determining application for occupation
       Omit "7 days" from clause 151 (2). Insert instead "2 days".
[32]   Clause 156 Occupation and use of new buildings: section 109M (2)
       Insert ", the construction certificate or complying development certificate
       for which was issued before the commencement of Schedule 2.1 [32] to
       the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
       Construction) Act 2003" after "class 10 building" in clause 156 (1).
[33]   Clause 160 Procedure for determining application for subdivision
       Omit "7 days" from clause 160 (2). Insert instead "2 days".

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

[34]    Clause 162
        Omit the clause. Insert instead:
        162   Notice of replacement of principal certifying authority
              (1)      A principal certifying authority appointed to replace another
                       principal certifying authority must ensure that notice of the
                       appointment and of the approval of that appointment is given
                       to the consent authority (and, if the consent authority is not the
                       council, to the council) within 2 days of the appointment.
              (2)      Nothing in this clause requires any notice to be given to a
                       council that approved the new appointment.
[35]    Clauses 162A and 162B
        Insert after clause 162:
       162A   Critical stage inspections required by section 109E (3) (d)
              (1)      For the purposes of section 109E (3) (d) of the Act, the
                       occasions on which building work must be inspected are as set
                       out in this clause.
                       Note. These inspections are the critical stage inspections.
              (2)      Except as provided by subclause (3), the critical stage
                       inspections may be carried out by the principal certifying
                       authority or, if the principal certifying authority agrees, by
                       another certifying authority.
              (3)      The last critical stage inspection required to be carried out for
                       the class of building concerned must be carried out by the
                       principal certifying authority.
              (4)      In the case of a class 1 or 10 building, the development site
                       must be inspected:
                       (a) at the commencement of the building work, and
                       (b) after excavation for, and prior to the placement of, any
                             footings, and
                       (c) prior to pouring any in-situ reinforced concrete building
                             element, and
                       (d) prior to covering of the framework for any floor, wall,
                             roof or other building element, and
                       (e) prior to covering waterproofing in any wet areas, and

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
Construction) Bill 2003

Amendment of regulations                                                  Schedule 2

                    (f)    prior to covering any stormwater drainage connections,
                   (g)     after the building work has been completed and prior to
                           any occupation certificate being issued in relation to the
             (5)   In the case of a class 2, 3 or 4 building, the development site
                   must be inspected:
                   (a) at the commencement of the building work, and
                   (b) prior to covering of waterproofing in any wet areas, for
                         a minimum of 10% of rooms with wet areas within a
                         building, and
                   (c) prior to covering any stormwater drainage connections,
                   (d) after the building work has been completed and prior to
                         any occupation certificate being issued in relation to the
             (6)   In the case of a class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 building, the development
                   site must be inspected:
                   (a) at the commencement of the building work, and
                   (b) prior to covering any stormwater drainage connections,
                   (c) after the building work has been completed and prior to
                          any occupation certificate being issued in relation to the
   162B     Record of inspections conducted under section 109E (3)
             (1)   A principal certifying authority and each other certifying
                   authority must make a record of each critical stage inspection
                   carried out by the principal certifying authority or other
                   certifying authority.
             (2)   Any certifying authority who is required to make such a
                   record but is not the principal certifying authority for the work
                   concerned must forthwith provide a copy of the record to the
                   principal certifying authority for the work.
                   Note. Copies of these records must be kept for at least 15 years (see
                   clause 205).
             (3)   Each record of an inspection required by this clause must be
                   made as soon as practicable after the inspection is carried out.

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

              (4)      The record must include details of:
                       (a) the registered number of the development application
                             and of the construction certificate or complying
                             development certificate, and
                       (b) the address of the property at which the inspection was
                             carried out, and
                       (c) the type of inspection, and
                       (d) the date on which it was carried out, and
                       (e) the name and accreditation number of the certifying
                             authority by whom the inspection was carried out, and
                       (f) whether or not the inspection was satisfactory in the
                             opinion of the certifying authority who carried it out.
[36]   Clause 163
       Omit the clause. Insert instead:
       163    Notice to allow inspections
                       To allow a principal certifying authority or another certifying
                       authority time to carry out critical stage inspections or any
                       other inspections required by the principal certifying
                       authority, the principal contractor for a building site, or the
                       owner-builder, must notify the principal certifying authority
                       at least 48 hours before building work is commenced at the
                       site if a critical stage inspection is required before the
                       commencement of the work.
[37]   Clause 170 What is a final fire safety certificate?
       Insert "or on behalf of" before "the owner".
[38]   Clause 175 What is an annual fire safety statement?
       Insert "or on behalf of" before "the owner".
[39]   Clause 200 Accreditation bodies' registers
       Insert after clause 200 (2) (a):
                    (a1) a telephone number or telephone numbers for
                           contacting the person for business purposes,

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 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
 Construction) Bill 2003

 Amendment of regulations                                               Schedule 2

[40]    Clause 201 Other documents to be kept by accreditation bodies
        Omit "clause 205 (3)" from clause 201 (1) (e).
        Insert instead "clause 205 (4)".
[41]    Clause 202 Central register
        Insert after clause 202 (2) (a):
                     (a1) a telephone number or telephone numbers for
                            contacting the person for business purposes,
[42]    Clause 205 Record keeping by accredited certifiers
        Insert after clause 205 (1) (f):
                      (g) any record of a critical stage inspection required to be
                            made by the accredited certifier,
                      (h) if the accredited certifier is a principal certifying
                            authority, any copy of a record of a critical stage
                            inspection provided to the principal certifying authority
                            by another certifying authority.
[43]    Clause 205 (2)
        Insert "or, in the case of a record of a critical stage inspection, from the
        time of the inspection" after "issued".
[44]    Part 13A
        Insert after clause 227:

        Part 13A        Supplementary provisions for
                        development requiring consent
       227A   Signs on development sites
              (1)   This clause applies if there is a person who is the principal
                    certifying authority or the principal contractor for any
                    building work, subdivision work or demolition work
                    authorised to be carried out on a site by a development
                    consent or complying development certificate.
              (2)   Each such person must ensure that a rigid and durable sign
                    showing the person's identifying particulars so that they can

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                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Quality of
                    Construction) Bill 2003

 Schedule 2         Amendment of regulations

                       be read easily by anyone in any public road or other public
                       place adjacent to the site:
                       (a) is erected in a prominent position on the site before the
                             commencement of the work, and
                       (b) is maintained on the site at all times while this clause
                             applies until the work has been carried out.
                       Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.
              (3)      In this clause, the identifying particulars for a person means:
                       (a) the name, address and telephone number of the person,
                       (b) in the case of a principal contractor, a telephone number
                              on which the principal contractor may be contacted at
                              any time for business purposes.
              (4)      Nothing in this clause requires the erection of more than one
                       sign on a site or prevents the use of an appropriate sign that
                       has already been erected on a site.
                       Note. See clauses 98A and 136B which require such a sign on a site as
                       a condition of development consent or complying development

[45]   Schedule 1 Forms
       Insert "if consent has already been granted for the proposed
       development," at the end of clause 5 (e).
 2.2 Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings and
     Transitional) Regulation 1998
       Clause 51 Application of sections 93 and 732 to matters arising
       under amended EP&A Act 1979
       Omit the clause.

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