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Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012 No , 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Firearms Act 1996 to make further provision for the purchase and sale of ammunition. Clause 1 Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Act 2012. 3 2 Commencement 4 This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. 5 Page 2 Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012 Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46 1 [1] Section 45A 2 Insert after section 45: 3 45A Recording of ammunition transactions 4 (1) A licensed firearms dealer must keep a record of all sales and 5 purchases of ammunition by the firearms dealer. 6 (2) The record must contain the following particulars for each sale of 7 ammunition by the dealer: 8 (a) the name and address of the person (the buyer) to whom 9 the ammunition was sold, 10 (b) the number of the buyer's licence or permit for a firearm 11 that takes the ammunition or for a permit that authorises 12 the buyer to purchase the ammunition, 13 (c) in the case of a sale of ammunition that is subject to the 14 requirements of section 65A--the number of the relevant 15 notice of registration for a firearm or permit to acquire a 16 firearm that was seen by the dealer at the time of the sale, 17 (d) in the case of a sale of ammunition to a member of a 18 shooting club by the club armourer for the club for use in 19 a club firearm (as referred to in section 65A)--the number 20 of the relevant notice of registration for the club firearm 21 concerned, 22 (e) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the 23 regulations. 24 (3) The record must contain the following particulars for each 25 purchase of ammunition by the dealer: 26 (a) the name and address of the person from whom the 27 ammunition was purchased, 28 (b) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the 29 regulations. 30 (4) The record of a sale or purchase of ammunition must, subject to 31 the regulations, be made within 24 hours after the sale or 32 purchase. 33 (5) The record must be kept in the form approved by the 34 Commissioner. 35 (6) A licensed firearms dealer who ceases to hold such a licence must 36 provide the Commissioner with the record kept under this section 37 for all sales and purchases of ammunition during the 2 years 38 Page 3 Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46 immediately preceding the date on which the licence ceased to be 1 in force. 2 (7) A licensed firearms dealer must, on demand made by a police 3 officer at any time: 4 (a) produce to that officer the record kept by the dealer under 5 this section and permit that officer to inspect and make 6 copies of any entries in it, and 7 (b) furnish to that officer any information in the dealer's 8 possession with respect to any ammunition purchased or 9 sold by the dealer. 10 (8) Any person making an alteration to an entry in a record kept 11 under this section must do so by interlineation or striking out and 12 not by erasure. 13 Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units. 14 [2] Section 65 Sale, purchase and possession of ammunition 15 Insert at the end of section 65 (1): 16 Note. Section 65A imposes additional requirements for sales of 17 ammunition by licensed firearms dealers. 18 [3] Section 65A 19 Insert after section 65: 20 65A Sales of ammunition by firearms dealers--additional requirements 21 (1) A licensed firearms dealer must not sell ammunition for any 22 firearm to a purchaser who is the holder of a licence or permit for 23 the firearm unless: 24 (a) a firearm that takes the ammunition is registered in the 25 name of the purchaser or the purchaser is authorised by a 26 permit (or its equivalent under the law of another State or 27 Territory) to acquire a firearm that takes the ammunition, 28 and 29 (b) the dealer has seen the current notice of registration issued 30 for the firearm or the permit to acquire the firearm. 31 Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units. 32 (2) The requirements of this section are in addition to the 33 requirements of section 65. 34 (3) This section does not apply to a sale of ammunition by a licensed 35 firearms dealer to another licensed firearms dealer. 36 Page 4 Firearms Amendment (Ammunition Control) Bill 2012 Amendment of Firearms Act 1996 No 46 Schedule 1 (4) This section does not apply to a sale of ammunition to a member 1 of a shooting club by the club armourer for the club for use at the 2 club in a firearm registered to the club (a club firearm). 3 [4] Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions 4 Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead: 5 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 6 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act and 7 any Act that amends this Act. 8 Page 5
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