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New South Wales Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 Explanatory note This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. Overview of Bill The object of this Bill is to amend the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 (the Principal Act) and other Acts and instruments as follows: (a) to abolish the Game Council of New South Wales, (b) to transfer to the head of the Department responsible to the Minister (the Regulatory Authority) the licensing, enforcement and other regulatory functions of the Game Council under the Principal Act, (c) to establish a Game and Pest Management Advisory Board to represent the interests of licensed game hunters in matters arising under the Principal Act and to provide advice to the Minister and the Regulatory Authority in relation to game and feral animal control and other matters, (d) to make other miscellaneous and consequential amendments. Outline of provisions Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. b2013-111-33.d16 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Explanatory note Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 Schedule 1 [1], [2], [10] and [11] omit provisions of the Principal Act relating to the establishment and functions of the Game Council and the Committee of Management of the Game Council. Schedule 1 [3] and [4] insert provisions into the Principal Act relating to the establishment and functions of the Game and Pest Management Advisory Board. The Board will consist of not more than 8 members appointed by the Minister (including regional representatives) and will represent the interests of licensed game hunters in matters arising under the Principal Act and provide advice to the Minister and the Regulatory Authority in relation to game and feral animal control and other matters. Schedule 1 [10] inserts standard provisions into the Principal Act relating to the members and procedure of the Advisory Board. Schedule 1 [5] and [9] replace references to the Game Council with references to the Regulatory Authority in various sections of the Principal Act relating to licensing, enforcement and other regulatory functions under the Principal Act. Schedule 1 [6] and [7] make consequential changes on the abolition of the Game Council and the Game Council Division of the Government Service in relation to the appointment of inspectors. Schedule 1 [8] inserts section 53A into the Principal Act to enable the Regulatory Authority to delegate functions to authorised persons. Schedule 1 [8] also inserts section 53B into the Principal Act to establish the Game and Pest Management Trust Fund under the control of the Minister to finance research into game and feral animal control and game hunting enforcement costs. One of the functions of the Advisory Board will be to provide advice to the Minister on priorities for expenditure on any such research. Schedule 1 [12] authorises the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act or any other Act that amends the Principal Act. Schedule 1 [13] inserts specific savings and transitional provisions consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act (including the formal dissolution of the Game Council). Schedule 2 Consequential amendments of other Acts and instruments The Schedule makes consequential changes to the following Acts and instruments: (a) The Game and Feral Animal Control Further Amendment Act 2012 (uncommenced amending Act)--consequential changes and replacement of proposed Native Game Bird Management Committee (that was to comprise representatives of the Department of Primary Industries, the Game Council and the Office of Environment and Heritage and that is to set quotas of native game birds that may be killed) with the Regulatory Authority acting in consultation with the head of the Office of Environment and Heritage. (b) The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002--abolition of separate Game Council Division of the Government Service (the staff are transferred to the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services by Schedule 1 [13] to the proposed Act). (c) The Deer Act 2006--removal of requirement for the Minister to consult the Game Council before making a deer control order. (d) The First State Superannuation Act 1992, State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987, State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 and Superannuation Act 1916--removal of Game Council as an employer of staff for the purposes of those Acts. Page 2 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Explanatory note (e) The Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation 2012, Local Land Services Act 2013, Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 and Rural Lands Protection Act 1998--consequential changes on the abolition of Game Council. Page 3 First print New South Wales Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 3 Schedule 2 Consequential amendments of other Acts and instruments 10 b2013-111-33.d16 New South Wales Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 No , 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 to abolish the Game Council; and for other purposes. Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Act 2013. 3 2 Commencement 4 This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. 5 Page 2 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control 1 Act 2002 No 64 2 [1] Long title 3 Omit "; to establish a Game Council". 4 [2] Section 4 Definitions 5 Omit the definitions of Committee of Management and Game Council. 6 [3] Section 4 7 Insert in alphabetical order: 8 Game and Pest Management Advisory Board or Advisory Board means the 9 Game and Pest Management Advisory Board constituted under Part 2. 10 Regulatory Authority means the Director-General of the Department of Trade 11 and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. 12 [4] Part 2 Game Council 13 Omit the Part. Insert instead: 14 Part 2 Game and Pest Management Advisory Board 15 7 Constitution of Advisory Board 16 (1) There is constituted by this Act a Game and Pest Management Advisory 17 Board. 18 (2) The Advisory Board has the functions conferred or imposed on it by or under 19 this or any other Act. 20 8 Membership and procedure of Advisory Board 21 (1) The Advisory Board is to consist of not more than 8 members appointed by the 22 Minister. 23 (2) The persons appointed as members of the Advisory Board: 24 (a) are to include representatives of regional New South Wales, and 25 (b) are to be persons who together have expertise, skill or knowledge in the 26 areas of pest management, wildlife, veterinary science, hunting, 27 education and community engagement. 28 (3) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the appointment of 29 persons as members of the Advisory Board. 30 (4) Schedule 1 contains provisions with respect to the members and procedure of 31 the Advisory Board. 32 9 Functions of Advisory Board 33 (1) The Advisory Board has the following functions: 34 (a) to represent the interests of licensed game hunters in matters arising 35 under this Act, 36 (b) to provide advice on request to the Minister or the Regulatory Authority 37 on game and feral animal control, 38 (c) to provide advice on request to the Minister on priorities for expenditure 39 on research from the Game and Pest Management Trust Fund, 40 Page 3 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 (d) to provide advice to the Minister or the Regulatory Authority on 1 educational courses relating to game hunting. 2 (2) The Advisory Board is subject to the control and direction of the Minister 3 (except in relation to the contents of any advice of the Advisory Board). 4 (3) The Advisory Board is to provide the Minister with an annual report of its 5 activities during the year. 6 [5] Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 40, 45 and 52 7 Omit "Game Council" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Regulatory Authority". 8 [6] Section 33 Appointment of inspectors 9 Omit section 33 (1) (a) and (2). 10 [7] Section 35 Identification 11 Omit section 35 (2) (e). Insert instead: 12 (e) bear the signature of the Regulatory Authority or other person 13 prescribed by the regulations. 14 [8] Sections 53A and 53B 15 Insert after section 53: 16 53A Delegation by Regulatory Authority 17 (1) The Regulatory Authority may delegate to an authorised person the exercise 18 of any of the functions of the Regulatory Authority other than this power of 19 delegation. 20 (2) In this section: 21 authorised person means a statutory officer, a public servant, a person 22 employed by a public or local authority or a person of a class prescribed by the 23 regulations. 24 53B Game and Pest Management Trust Fund 25 (1) There is established in the Special Deposits Account an account called the 26 Game and Pest Management Trust Fund (the Fund). 27 (2) Money in the Fund is under the control of the Minister and can be expended 28 by the Minister only for the purposes authorised by this section. 29 (3) There is to be paid into the Fund: 30 (a) such percentage of the fees payable under this Act in connection with 31 game hunting licences as the Minister determines from time to time, and 32 (b) any gift or bequest of money for the purposes of the Fund, and 33 (c) any money appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Fund or 34 required by law to be paid into the Fund, and 35 (d) the proceeds of the investment of money in the Fund. 36 (4) The money in the Fund may be applied for any or all of the following 37 purposes: 38 (a) carrying out research into game and feral animal control, 39 (b) funding the costs of enforcing compliance with the controls imposed 40 under this Act on game hunting, 41 (c) funding the costs of the Game and Pest Management Advisory Board. 42 Page 4 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 (5) The money in the Fund may be invested in any manner authorised by the 1 Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987 or, if that Act does not 2 confer any such authority, in any manner authorised for the investment of trust 3 funds. 4 [9] Section 58 Evidentiary statements 5 Omit "the chief executive officer of the Game Council". 6 Insert instead "the Regulatory Authority". 7 [10] Schedule 1 8 Omit the Schedule. Insert instead: 9 Schedule 1 Provisions relating to members and 10 procedure of Game and Pest Management 11 Advisory Board 12 (Section 8) 13 1 Definitions 14 In this Schedule: 15 Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Advisory Board. 16 member means any member of the Advisory Board. 17 2 Terms of office of members 18 Subject to this Schedule, a member holds office for such period (not exceeding 19 5 years) as is specified in the member's instrument of appointment, but is 20 eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment. 21 3 Chairperson 22 (1) One of the members is to be appointed by the Minister as the Chairperson of 23 the Advisory Board. 24 (2) The Minister may remove a member from office as Chairperson at any time. 25 (3) A member who is a member and Chairperson vacates office as Chairperson if 26 the person: 27 (a) is removed from that office by the Minister, or 28 (b) resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or 29 (c) ceases to be a member. 30 4 Deputies 31 (1) The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to be the deputy of a 32 member, and the Minister may revoke any such appointment. 33 (2) In the absence of a member, the member's deputy may, if available, act in the 34 place of the member. 35 (3) While acting in the place of a member, a person has all the functions of the 36 member and is taken to be a member. 37 Page 5 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 5 Remuneration 1 A member is entitled to be paid such remuneration (including travelling and 2 subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from time to time determine in 3 respect of the member. 4 6 Vacancy in office of member 5 (1) The office of a member becomes vacant if the member: 6 (a) dies, or 7 (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or 8 (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or 9 (d) is removed from office by the Minister under this clause, or 10 (e) is absent from 4 consecutive meetings of the Advisory Board of which 11 reasonable notice has been given to the member, except on leave 12 granted by the Advisory Board, or 13 (f) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of 14 bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or 15 makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or 16 (g) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or 17 (h) is convicted of an offence in New South Wales or elsewhere involving 18 cruelty or harm to animals, or 19 (i) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable by 20 imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted elsewhere than in 21 New South Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales, 22 would be an offence so punishable. 23 (2) The Minister may remove a member from office without notice and for any 24 reason. 25 (3) If the office of any member becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act, to 26 be appointed to fill the vacancy. 27 7 Personal liability 28 A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the Advisory Board, a member 29 of the Advisory Board or a person acting under the direction of the Advisory 30 Board does not, if the matter or thing was done or omitted to be done in good 31 faith for the purposes of executing this or any other Act, subject a member or 32 a person so acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand. 33 8 General procedure 34 The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Advisory Board and for the 35 conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the 36 regulations, to be as determined by the Advisory Board. 37 9 Quorum 38 The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Board is a majority of its members 39 for the time being. 40 10 Presiding member 41 (1) The Chairperson is to preside at a meeting of the Advisory Board. 42 Page 6 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 (2) In the absence of the Chairperson, another member elected to chair the 1 meeting by the members present is to preside at a meeting of the Advisory 2 Board. 3 (3) The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality 4 of votes, has a second or casting vote. 5 11 Voting 6 A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the 7 Advisory Board at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Advisory 8 Board. 9 12 Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone 10 (1) The Advisory Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the 11 circulation of papers among all the members of the Advisory Board for the 12 time being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing by a majority of 13 those members is taken to be a decision of the Advisory Board. 14 (2) The Advisory Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a 15 meeting at which members (or some members) participate by telephone, 16 closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any member who speaks 17 on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the other members. 18 (3) For the purposes of: 19 (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or 20 (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2), 21 the Chairperson and each member have the same voting rights as they have at 22 an ordinary meeting of the Advisory Board. 23 (4) A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the regulations, to be 24 recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Board. 25 (5) Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of subclause 26 (1) by facsimile, email or other transmission of the information in the papers 27 concerned. 28 13 Frequency of meetings 29 The Advisory Board is to meet at least twice each year. 30 14 First meeting 31 The Minister may call the first meeting of the Advisory Board in such manner 32 as the Minister thinks fit. 33 [11] Schedule 2 Provisions relating to members and procedure of Committee of 34 Management 35 Omit the Schedule. 36 [12] Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions 37 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 38 any other Act that amends this Act 39 Page 7 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 [13] Schedule 4 1 Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbers: 2 Part Provisions consequent on enactment of Game and 3 Feral Animal Control Amendment Act 2013 4 Dissolution of Game Council and Committee of Management of Game Council 5 (1) The Game Council of New South Wales and the Committee of Management 6 of the Game Council are dissolved. 7 (2) On the dissolution of the Game Council, the assets, rights and liabilities of the 8 Game Council immediately before its dissolution become the assets, rights and 9 liabilities of the Crown. 10 (3) The persons who were members of the Game Council or the Committee of 11 Management of the Game Council immediately before their dissolution cease 12 to be members and are not entitled to any remuneration or compensation 13 because of the loss of that office. 14 (4) In this clause: 15 assets means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or 16 future, whether vested or contingent and whether personal or assignable) in 17 real or personal property of any description (including money), and includes 18 securities, choses in action and documents. 19 liabilities means any liabilities, debts or obligations (whether present or future, 20 whether vested or contingent and whether personal or assignable). 21 rights means any rights, powers, privileges or immunities (whether present or 22 future, whether vested or contingent and whether personal or assignable). 23 Staff employed in Game Council Division 24 The persons employed in the Game Council Division of the Government 25 Service immediately before the abolition of that Division (on the 26 commencement of Schedule 2.8 to the Game and Feral Animal Control 27 Amendment Act 2013) are transferred to and taken to be employed in the 28 Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. 29 Game Council Account 30 Money standing to the credit of the Game Council Account under section 13 31 on the dissolution of the Game Council is taken to be money standing to the 32 credit of the Game and Pest Management Trust Fund under section 53B. 33 Hunting licences 34 (1) A game hunting licence granted by the Game Council and in force 35 immediately before its dissolution is taken to be a game hunting licence 36 granted by the Regulatory Authority. An application for a game hunting 37 licence that was pending immediately before the dissolution of the Game 38 Council is taken to be an application made to the Regulatory Authority. 39 (2) The suspension of a game hunting licence, or the disqualification of a person 40 from holding a game hunting licence, that was imposed by the Game Council 41 before its dissolution is taken to be a suspension or disqualification imposed 42 by the Regulatory Authority. 43 Page 8 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 Approved hunting clubs or organisations 1 A hunting club, or organisation, approved by the Game Council under 2 section 19 immediately before its dissolution is taken to be a hunting club, or 3 organisation, approved by the Regulatory Authority under that section. 4 Authorised agents 5 (1) A person who was an authorised agent under an arrangement entered into with 6 the Game Council under section 28 immediately before its dissolution ceases 7 to be an authorised agent and the arrangement is terminated. 8 (2) A person is not entitled to any compensation as a consequence of the 9 termination of an arrangement by this clause. 10 (3) However, any such person may become an authorised agent under an 11 arrangement entered into with the Regulatory Authority. 12 Inspectors 13 (1) A person who was, immediately before the dissolution of the Game Council, 14 an inspector appointed by the Game Council under section 33 is taken to have 15 been appointed as an inspector by the Regulatory Authority. 16 (2) An identification card issued to the person by the Game Council under 17 section 35 is taken to be an identification card issued by the Regulatory 18 Authority. 19 Page 9 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 2 Consequential amendments of other Acts and instruments Schedule 2 Consequential amendments of other Acts and 1 instruments 2 2.1 Deer Act 2006 No 113 3 Section 9 Consultation and approval before making deer control order 4 Omit section 9 (1) (d). 5 2.2 First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100 6 Schedule 1 Employers 7 Omit "Game Council of New South Wales". 8 2.3 Game and Feral Animal Control Further Amendment Act 2012 No 104 9 [1] Schedule 1 Amendment of Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 No 64 10 Omit Schedule 1 [4] and [14]. 11 [2] Schedule 1 [10], proposed sections 32A (1), 32D, 32E and 32F 12 Omit "Game Council" and "Native Game Bird Management Committee" wherever 13 occurring. 14 Insert instead "Regulatory Authority". 15 [3] Schedule 1 [10], proposed section 32C Native Game Bird Management Committee 16 Omit proposed section 32C. Insert instead: 17 32C Consultation with the head of the Office of Environment and Heritage 18 The Regulatory Authority is to consult the head of the Office of Environment 19 and Heritage in the exercise of functions under this Part of setting quotas under 20 section 32D, determining the matters referred to in section 32E and 21 recognising any official waterfowl identification test under section 32F. 22 [4] Schedule 1 [10], proposed section 32D (2) 23 Omit "the Committee". Insert instead "the Regulatory Authority". 24 2.4 Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation 2012 25 [1] Part 2 Game Council 26 Omit the Part. 27 [2] Clauses 9 (2), 12, 14, 16 (6), 17 and 18 (2) and Schedule 1 28 Omit "Game Council" and "Game Council's" wherever occurring. 29 Insert instead "Regulatory Authority" and "Regulatory Authority's" respectively. 30 Page 10 Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW] Schedule 2 Consequential amendments of other Acts and instruments 2.5 Local Land Services Act 2013 No 51 1 [1] Schedule 7 Amendment of Acts and Regulations 2 Omit Schedule 7.20 [1]-[3] and [6]. 3 [2] Schedule 9 Local Land Services Regulation 2014 4 Omit clauses 85 (b) and 86. 5 2.6 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152 6 Schedule 2 Statutory bodies 7 Omit "Game Council of New South Wales". 8 2.7 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43 9 Schedule 1 Divisions of the Government Service 10 Omit the matter relating to the Game Council Division from Part 3. 11 2.8 Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 No 143 12 [1] Section 144 When can a pest control order be made? 13 Omit section 144 (3). 14 [2] Section 145 Requests by authorities for making of pest control orders 15 Omit section 145 (3). 16 2.9 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987 No 212 17 Schedule 1 Employers 18 Omit "Game Council of New South Wales". 19 2.10 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211 20 Schedule 1 Employers 21 Omit "Game Council of New South Wales". 22 2.11 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28 23 Schedule 3 List of employers 24 Omit "Game Council of New South Wales". 25 Page 11
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