New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Gaming and Liquor Administration
Amendment Bill 2015

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The objects of this Bill are as follows:
(a) to clarify that the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (the Authority) does not
      employ staff (being precluded by section 47A of the Constitution Act 1902 from doing so)
      but that Public Service employees may be employed to enable the Authority to exercise its
(b) to abolish the position of Chief Executive of the Authority,
(c) to make provision with respect to the Minister's control over the Authority,
(d) to provide for the administrative review of certain decisions of the Authority by the Civil
      and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales (NCAT),
(e) to provide for review by the Authority of decisions made under a delegation given by the
(f)   to allow the Secretary of the Department of Justice (the Secretary) to make certain
      submissions to the Authority and provide that the Authority is to take those submissions
      into consideration,
(g) to remove certain functions that the Authority has under the Casino Control Act 1992 and
      to make other miscellaneous amendments to that Act.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.

Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Gaming and Liquor
                       Administration Act 2007 No 91
Schedule 1 [1] omits the definition of Chief Executive so as to abolish the position of Chief
Executive of the Authority. Schedule 1 [4], [5], [7]-[9], [24] and [25] make consequential
Schedule 1 [2] omits the definition of member of staff and inserts the definition of designated
Public Service employee to clarify that the Authority does not employ staff but that Public Service
employees may be employed to enable the Authority to exercise its functions. Schedule 1 [3], [4],
[10], [12] and [14]-[17] make consequential amendments. Schedule 1 [2] also updates the
definition of Department to refer to the Department of Justice and inserts a definition of NCAT.
Schedule 1 [6] provides that the Authority is subject to Ministerial control, except in relation to
any advice, report or recommendation the Authority gives to the Minister and decisions of the
Authority with respect to the following:
(a) granting, suspending or cancelling gaming or liquor licences,
(b) imposing, varying or revoking conditions of gaming or liquor licences,
(c) taking disciplinary action under the gaming and liquor legislation.
Schedule 1 [13] inserts proposed section 13A to provide for the administrative review of decisions
of the Authority by NCAT, except for decisions that confirm, vary or revoke certain decisions
made by certain Public Service employees acting under a delegation given by the Authority
(delegated decisions). Schedule 1 [22] makes a consequential amendment to ensure that notice of
decisions that can be reviewed by NCAT under proposed section 13A are published on the website
of the Department. It also provides that notice of certain other decisions of the Authority are to be
published on the Department's website.
Schedule 1 [18] amends section 36A to enable the Authority to review delegated decisions.
Schedule 1 [20] limits the persons who can apply for a review of a delegated decision to an
applicant for, or holder of, a gaming or liquor licence, or a person who was required to be notified
of the application the subject of the delegated decision, and who made a submission in respect of
that application. Schedule 1 [11] provides that the Authority cannot delegate its function to review
delegated decisions. Schedule 1 [19] and [21] make consequential amendments.
Schedule 1 [23] provides that the Secretary may make submissions to the Authority in relation to
any application to the Authority under the gaming and liquor legislation and that the Authority
must take any such submission into consideration, including any recommendations contained in
the submission, before determining the application.

Schedule 2             Amendment of Casino Control Act 1992 No 15
Schedule 2 [1] amends the Casino Control Act 1992 to provide that the Authority will no longer
have the functions under that Act of:
(a) inspecting the operations and conduct of gaming in a casino, and
(b) detecting offences committed in or in relation to a casino and prosecuting offences under
      the Act.
Those functions will, however, continue to be performed by inspectors appointed by the Secretary
under the Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007.
Schedule 2 [2] provides that the Secretary may institute proceedings for an offence against the
Casino Control Act 1992. Schedule 2 [3] makes a consequential amendment.

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                                                                                 First print

                                 New South Wales

Gaming and Liquor Administration
Amendment Bill 2015

              1   Name of Act                                                            2
              2   Commencement                                                           2
     Schedule 1   Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91           3
     Schedule 2   Amendment of Casino Control Act 1992 No 15                             8

                                  New South Wales

Gaming and Liquor Administration
Amendment Bill 2015

No     , 2015

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 to make further provision with
respect to the administration of the gaming and liquor legislation and the review of certain
decisions made under that legislation.
Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                          1

 1    Name of Act                                                                   2

             This Act is the Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Act 2015.   3

 2    Commencement                                                                  4

             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91

Schedule 1            Amendment of Gaming and Liquor                                                   1
                      Administration Act 2007 No 91                                                    2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                            3

      Omit the definition of Chief Executive from section 3 (1).                                       4

[2]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "Department" and "member of staff"                                 5

      Omit the definitions. Insert in alphabetical order:                                              6
                  Department means the Department of Justice.                                          7
                  designated Public Service employee means a Public Service employee who is            8
                  designated by the Secretary and who is employed to enable the Authority to           9
                  exercise its functions.                                                             10
                  NCAT means the Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales.                11

[3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "key official"                                                     12

      Omit paragraph (d). Insert instead:                                                             13
                  (d) a designated Public Service employee who is the subject of a written            14
                        order by the Secretary (or an order by the Authority in force                 15
                        immediately before the substitution of this paragraph by the Gaming           16
                        and Liquor Administration Amendment Act 2015) that has been served            17
                        on the employee and is to the effect that the employee is a key official      18
                        for the purposes of the gaming and liquor legislation,                        19

[4]   Section 3 (1), definition of "key official"                                                     20

      Omit "(other than a member of staff or the Chief Executive)" from paragraph (d1).               21

      Insert instead "(other than a designated Public Service employee)".                             22

[5]   Section 3 (1), definition of "member of the Authority"                                          23

      Omit "the Chief Executive and".                                                                 24

[6]   Section 6 Constitution of Authority                                                             25

      Omit section 6 (3) (including the note). Insert instead:                                        26

             (3)   The Authority is, in the exercise of its functions, subject to the control and     27
                   direction of the Minister, except in relation to the following:                    28
                   (a) the contents of any advice, report or recommendation given to the              29
                          Minister,                                                                   30
                   (b) decisions in relation to:                                                      31
                           (i) the granting, suspension or cancellation of a gaming or liquor         32
                                 licence, or                                                          33
                          (ii) the imposition, variation or revocation of conditions of a gaming      34
                                 or liquor licence, or                                                35
                         (iii) the taking of disciplinary action under the gaming and liquor          36
                                 legislation.                                                         37

             (4)   Subsection (3) (b) is subject to any provision to the contrary in the gaming and   38
                   liquor legislation.                                                                39

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91

 [7]   Section 7 Members of Authority                                                                        1
       Omit section 7 (1). Insert instead:                                                                   2

              (1)   The Authority consists of such number of members as are appointed by the                 3
                    Governor on the recommendation of the Minister.                                          4

 [8]   Section 7 (2)-(4)                                                                                     5

       Omit "(other than the Chief Executive)" wherever occurring.                                           6

 [9]   Section 8 Chief Executive to manage the Authority                                                     7

       Omit the section.                                                                                     8

[10]   Section 9 General functions of Authority                                                              9

       Omit "Section 59 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 provides that the persons              10
       so employed (or whose services the Authority makes use of) may be referred to as officers            11
       or employees, or members of staff, of the Authority." from the note to section 9 (2).                12

[11]   Section 13 Delegation of Authority's functions                                                       13

       Omit section 13 (2). Insert instead:                                                                 14

              (2)   The Authority cannot, however, delegate its functions under:                            15
                    (a) section 36A in respect of a review of a delegated decision, or                      16
                    (b) sections 18, 19, 22, 23, 28 and 59 of the Casino Control Act 1992.                  17

[12]   Sections 13 (3) (paragraph (a1) of definition of "authorised person or body")                        18
       and 37 (c)                                                                                           19

       Omit "member of staff" wherever occurring.                                                           20

       Insert instead "designated Public Service employee".                                                 21

[13]   Section 13A                                                                                          22

       Insert after section 13:                                                                             23

       13A   Review by NCAT of certain decisions of Authority                                               24

              (1)   A relevant person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Authority in relation           25
                    to an application made under a provision of the gaming and liquor legislation           26
                    prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section (a prescribed            27
                    application) may apply to NCAT for an administrative review under the                   28
                    Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997 of that decision.                              29

              (2)   An administrative review under this section is by way of rehearing rather than          30
                    a new hearing.                                                                          31

              (3)   An application for administrative review made under subsection (1) must:                32
                    (a) be made within 28 days of notice of the decision being published on the             33
                         website of the Department, and                                                     34
                    (b) be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the regulations.                            35
                    Note. Section 36C requires notice of the decision to be published on the Department's   36
                    website.                                                                                37

              (4)   Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a decision of the Authority that           38
                    confirms, varies or revokes a decision made by a designated Public Service              39
                    employee or other Public Service employee acting under a delegation given by            40
                    the Authority.                                                                          41

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91

              (5)   In this section, relevant person in relation to a prescribed application means:       1
                     (a) the applicant, or                                                                2
                    (b) a person:                                                                         3
                            (i) who was required to be notified of the prescribed application, and        4
                           (ii) who made a submission to the Authority or the Secretary in                5
                                  respect of the prescribed application.                                  6

[14]   Section 14 Persons engaged in administration of gaming and liquor legislation to be                7
       of highest integrity                                                                               8

       Omit section 14 (1) (b)-(b2). Insert instead:                                                      9
                    (b) designated Public Service employee nominated by the Secretary in                 10
                          writing (or designated by the Authority in writing before the                  11
                          substitution of this paragraph by the Gaming and Liquor Administration         12
                          Amendment Act 2015) for the purposes of this section,                          13
                  (b1) inspector,                                                                        14

[15]   Section 14 (3) (b)-(d)                                                                            15

       Omit the paragraphs. Insert instead:                                                              16
                    (b) the Authority--in the case of the position of consultant to the Authority,        17
                         or                                                                              18
                    (c) the Secretary--in the case of the position of designated Public Service           19
                         employee or inspector.                                                          20

[16]   Section 14 (12) and (13)                                                                          21

       Omit the subsections. Insert instead:                                                             22

            (12)    In the case of the position of consultant to the Authority, the Authority may        23
                    waive the operation of subsection (10) in a particular case.                         24

            (13)    In the case of the position of designated Public Service employee or inspector,      25
                    the Secretary may waive the operation of subsection (10) in a particular case.       26

[17]   Section 16 Restrictions relating to key officials and former key officials                        27

       Omit paragraphs (a) and (a1) from the definition of appropriate authority in section 16 (4).      28

       Insert instead:                                                                                   29
                     (a)   in the case of a designated Public Service employee or other Public           30
                           Service employee, or former designated Public Service employee or             31
                           other former Public Service employee--the Secretary, or                        32

[18]   Section 36A Review by Authority of certain decisions                                              33

       Insert at the end of paragraph (c) of the definition of reviewable decision in section 36A (1):   34
                            , or                                                                         35
                      (d) a decision of a designated Public Service employee, or other Public            36
                            Service employee, acting under a delegation given by the Authority in        37
                            respect of an application made under a provision of the gaming and           38
                            liquor legislation prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this    39
                            section (delegated decision).                                                40

[19]   Section 36A (2)                                                                                   41

       Omit "Any". Insert instead "Subject to subsection (2A), any".                                     42

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91

[20]   Section 36A (2A)                                                                                 1
       Insert after section 36A (2):                                                                    2

              (2A)   An application for a review of a delegated decision may only be made by:           3
                     (a) an applicant for, or the holder of, a gaming or liquor licence, or             4
                     (b) a person:                                                                      5
                           (i) who was required to be notified of the application the subject of        6
                                 the delegated decision, and                                            7
                          (ii) who made a submission to the Authority or the Secretary in               8
                                 respect of that application.                                           9

[21]   Section 36A (3)                                                                                 10

       Omit "of the Secretary".                                                                        11

[22]   Section 36C Notice of certain decisions required to be published on relevant website            12

       Omit section 36C (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                                   13

               (1)   This section applies to:                                                          14
                     (a) any decision by the Authority or the Secretary under the gaming and           15
                           liquor legislation prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this   16
                           section, and                                                                17
                     (b) any decision by the Authority in relation to an application made under        18
                           a provision of the gaming and liquor legislation prescribed by the          19
                           regulations for the purposes of section 13A.                                20

               (2)   As soon as practicable after a decision to which this section applies is made,    21
                     notice of the decision is to be published on the website of the Department.       22

[23]   Section 37A                                                                                     23

       Insert after section 37:                                                                        24

       37A     Submissions to Authority by Secretary                                                   25

               (1)   The Secretary may make a submission to the Authority in relation to any           26
                     application made to the Authority under the gaming and liquor legislation.        27

               (2)   If any such submission is made to the Authority, the Authority is to take the     28
                     submission into consideration, including any recommendations contained in         29
                     the submission, before determining the application.                               30

[24]   Section 41                                                                                      31

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                               32

         41    Seal of Authority                                                                       33

                     The seal of the Authority is to be kept by the Chairperson of the Authority and   34
                     may be affixed to a document only:                                                35
                     (a) in the presence of the Chairperson of the Authority or a designated           36
                           Public Service employee authorised in that behalf by the Chairperson,       37
                           and                                                                         38
                     (b) with an attestation by the signature of the Chairperson of the Authority      39
                           or that designated Public Service employee of the fact of the affixing of   40
                           the seal.                                                                   41

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming and Liquor Administration Act 2007 No 91

[25]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to the members and procedure of the Authority                 1
       Omit "other than the Chief Executive" from the definition of appointed member in clause 1.   2

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Gaming and Liquor Administration Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Casino Control Act 1992 No 15

Schedule 2              Amendment of Casino Control Act 1992 No 15                                      1

[1]   Section 141 Functions of Authority under this Act                                                 2

      Omit section 141 (2) (j) and (k).                                                                 3

[2]   Section 168 Prosecution for offences                                                              4

      Insert at the end of section 168 (4) (c):                                                         5
                           , or                                                                         6
                     (d) the Secretary of the Department of Justice or a person acting with the         7
                           written authority of the Secretary, given generally or in relation to the    8
                           particular case.                                                             9

[3]   Section 168 (5)                                                                                  10

      Omit "or the Authority".                                                                         11

      Insert instead ", the Authority or the Secretary of the Department of Justice".                  12

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