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                                     New South Wales

Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised
Monitoring System) Bill 2015

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Gaming Machines Act 2001 (the principal Act) to provide
a more comprehensive system for the licensing of the operation and management of the
centralised monitoring system (CMS) under that Act.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001
                       No 127
Schedule 1 [1] defines certain terms to be used in the principal Act.
Schedule 1 [2] removes a requirement that the Minister consult with the Independent Pricing and
Regulatory Tribunal before determining the monitoring fee payable by a hotelier or club in respect
of each approved gaming machine that is connected to the CMS. The Minister will however be
required to consult with the Treasurer when determining such fees.
Schedule 1 [3] replaces the existing provision relating to the grant of a licence to manage and
operate the CMS with proposed sections 136-136F.

Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring System) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Proposed section 136 provides for the grant of a CMS licence (a licence for the operation and
management of a CMS) by the Minister. A CMS licence may be granted on the basis that no other
CMS licence will be granted and may be granted to 1 person or to 2 or more persons jointly.
Schedule 1 [4] and [6] make consequential amendments.
Proposed section 136A sets out the criteria for eligibility for the grant of a CMS licence.
Proposed section 136B sets out the general conditions to which a CMS licence is subject,
including a condition that the CMS licensee must manage and operate the CMS for which the
licence is granted and must not use CMS infrastructure or CMS information otherwise than in
accordance with the principal Act, the regulations or the CMS licence.
Proposed section 136C authorises the Minister to direct a CMS licensee to provide additional
services in relation to the management and operation of the CMS or the use of CMS infrastructure
or CMS information (mandatory ancillary CMS services). It is a condition of a CMS licence that
the licensee provide any mandatory ancillary CMS services.
Proposed section 136D authorises the Minister to approve a CMS licensee to provide additional
services in relation to the management and operation of the CMS or the use of CMS infrastructure
or CMS information (approved ancillary CMS services). A CMS licensee is required to comply
with any conditions to which an approval is subject.
Proposed section 136E allows a CMS licensee, or applicant for a CMS licence, to claim that
certain information provided in connection with a CMS licence is confidential and prevents the
disclosure of that confidential information.
Proposed section 136F authorises the Minister to review a CMS licensee's suitability to be
concerned in or associated with the management and operation of a CMS. Schedule 1 [8] makes
a consequential amendment.
Schedule 1 [5] replaces section 139 of the principal Act. Proposed section 139 makes it clear that
information acquired in the course of providing CMS services (other than approved ancillary
CMS services) is vested in the Crown and prohibits a person from divulging that information
otherwise than in accordance with the principal Act, the regulations or a CMS licence.
Schedule 1 [7] provides that disciplinary action against a CMS licensee may, in the case of a
continuing contravention, include a monetary penalty in respect of each day that the contravention
Schedule 1 [10] authorises the Minister to serve a letter of reprimand on a CMS licensee in
response to a contravention by the licensee without requiring the Minister to give the licensee an
opportunity to show cause why the reprimand should not be given. Schedule 1 [8] makes a
consequential amendment.
Schedule 1 [13] allows the Minister, in relation to any matter that constitutes the basis for taking
disciplinary action against a CMS licensee, to both take disciplinary action and direct a licensee
to rectify the matter. Schedule 1 [11], [12] and [14] make consequential amendments.
Schedule 1 [15] authorises the Minister to immediately cancel or suspend a CMS licence in
extraordinary circumstances. Schedule 1 [9] makes a consequential amendment.
Schedule 1 [16] extends, from 90 days to 1 year (with the option for an extension of an additional
2 years), the term for which a temporary CMS licence may be issued if a CMS licence is
suspended, cancelled or surrendered.
Schedule 1 [17] makes provision for matters of a savings or transitional nature.

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                                                                   First print

                                 New South Wales

Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised
Monitoring System) Bill 2015

                1   Name of Act                                            2
                2   Commencement                                           2
Schedule 1          Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001 No 127           3

                                 New South Wales

Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised
Monitoring System) Bill 2015

No     , 2015

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Gaming Machines Act 2001 to make further provision with regard to
licensing for a centralised monitoring system for gaming machines; and for other purposes.
Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring System) Bill 2015 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                              1

 1    Name of Act                                                                       2

            This Act is the Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring System)   3
            Act 2015.                                                                   4

 2    Commencement                                                                      5

            This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.        6

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Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring System) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001 No 127

Schedule 1            Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001                                            1
                      No 127                                                                           2

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                            3

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                                   4
                    approved ancillary CMS service means an additional service that may be             5
                    provided by a CMS licensee using CMS infrastructure or CMS information             6
                    and that is approved by the Minister under section 136D.                           7
                    CMS information means information acquired in the course of the operation          8
                    of an authorised CMS (including any mandatory ancillary CMS services) and          9
                    includes data derived from that information, but does not include information     10
                    acquired in providing an approved ancillary CMS service unless the                11
                    information is also acquired, or could be acquired, in the course of the          12
                    operation of the authorised CMS (including any mandatory ancillary CMS            13
                    services).                                                                        14
                    CMS infrastructure means any hardware (including computers and cables) or         15
                    software used for the purposes of providing an authorised CMS.                    16
                    mandatory ancillary CMS service means an additional service that a CMS            17
                    licensee is directed to provide in accordance with section 136C.                  18

[2]   Section 134 Monitoring fee payable by hoteliers and clubs to CMS licensee                       19

      Omit "from time to time in consultation with the Treasurer, and in consultation with the        20
      Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal pursuant to such arrangements as may be             21
      entered into under section 9 (1) (b) of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act     22
      1992" from section 134 (3).                                                                     23

      Insert instead "in consultation with the Treasurer".                                            24

[3]   Sections 136-136F                                                                               25

      Omit section 136. Insert instead:                                                               26

      136   Grant of CMS licence                                                                      27

             (1)   The Minister may, after considering an application under Part 12 for a CMS         28
                   licence:                                                                           29
                    (a) grant a CMS licence to the applicant, or                                      30
                   (b) refuse to grant a licence.                                                     31

             (2)   A CMS licence granted under this section:                                          32
                   (a) comes into force on the day on which it is granted or on such later date       33
                       as may be specified in, or determined in accordance with, the CMS              34
                       licence, and                                                                   35
                   (b) remains in force for the term specified in the CMS licence unless sooner       36
                       cancelled or surrendered, and                                                  37
                   (c) may be granted on the basis that no other CMS licence will be granted          38
                       during the term of the licence, and                                            39
                   (d) is subject to such conditions as may be imposed by or under this Act or        40
                       the regulations or are specified in the CMS licence.                           41

             (3)   A CMS licence granted on the basis referred to in subsection (2) (c) is referred   42
                   to in this section as an exclusive CMS licence.                                    43

             (4)   The Minister may not grant a CMS licence under this section in relation to any     44
                   period in which an exclusive CMS licence is in force.                              45

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Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring System) Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001 No 127

             (5)   A CMS licence may be granted to 1 person or 2 or more persons jointly.              1

             (6)   Without limiting subsection (2) (a), a CMS licence may provide that the             2
                   licence comes into force on or after the day on which specified criteria have       3
                   been satisfied.                                                                     4

    136A    Eligibility for grant of licence                                                           5

             (1)   The Minister must not grant a CMS licence to an applicant unless the Minister       6
                   is satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person to be concerned in or          7
                   associated with the management and operation of a CMS.                              8

             (2)   Without limiting the matters that may be considered by the Minister in              9
                   determining whether an applicant is a suitable person to be concerned in or        10
                   associated with the management and operation of a CMS, the Minister is to          11
                   consider whether:                                                                  12
                   (a) the applicant is of good repute, having regard to character, honesty and       13
                         integrity, and                                                               14
                   (b) the applicant has a sound and stable financial background, and                 15
                   (c) in the case of an applicant who is not a natural person, the applicant has     16
                         arranged a satisfactory ownership, trust or corporate structure, and         17
                   (d) the applicant has, or is able to obtain the services of persons who have,      18
                         sufficient commercial and technical experience to manage and operate         19
                         a CMS, and                                                                   20
                   (e) the applicant, or any close associate of the applicant, has any business       21
                         association with a person, body or association that, in the opinion of the   22
                         Minister, is not of good repute having regard to character, honesty and      23
                         integrity or has undesirable or unsatisfactory financial sources, and        24
                    (f) each director, partner, executive officer, secretary or other executive       25
                         officer associated or connected with the ownership, administration or        26
                         management of the business of the applicant that is to be carried on         27
                         under the authority of the CMS licence is a suitable person in his or her    28
                         capacity as such.                                                            29

    136B    General conditions of CMS licence                                                         30

                   Without limiting the conditions to which a CMS licence may be subject, a           31
                   CMS licence is subject to the following conditions:                                32
                   (a) the CMS licensee must manage and operate the authorised CMS in                 33
                        accordance with this Act, the regulations and the CMS licence,                34
                   (b) the CMS licensee must not use CMS infrastructure or CMS information            35
                        otherwise than in accordance with this Act, the regulations or the CMS        36
                        licence,                                                                      37
                   (c) the CMS licensee must provide any mandatory ancillary CMS services,            38
                   (d) the CMS licensee must not carry out any approved ancillary CMS                 39
                        service otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of the               40
                        approval,                                                                     41
                   (e) the CMS licensee must have policies in place to comply with such               42
                        information protection principles under the Privacy and Personal              43
                        Information Protection Act 1998 (in relation to business operations to        44
                        be carried out by the applicant pursuant to the CMS licence) as would         45
                        apply to the licensee if the licensee were a public sector agency under       46
                        that Act.                                                                     47

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Gaming Machines Act 2001 No 127

    136C    Mandatory ancillary CMS services                                                          1
             (1)   The Minister may, by notice in writing, direct a CMS licensee to provide           2
                   additional specified services in relation to the management and operation of       3
                   the authorised CMS or the use of CMS infrastructure or CMS information.            4

             (2)   The Minister may only give a direction to a CMS licensee under subsection (1)      5
                   after:                                                                             6
                   (a) providing the licensee with a draft of the proposed direction at least         7
                          60 days before giving the direction, and                                    8
                   (b) inviting the licensee to provide submissions in relation to the proposed       9
                          direction, and                                                             10
                   (c) considering any written submissions provided by the licensee in relation      11
                          to the proposed direction (within 14 days after providing the proposed     12
                          direction to the licensee).                                                13

             (3)   A direction under this section may make provision for or with respect to the      14
                   following:                                                                        15
                    (a) the terms and conditions applicable to the provision of the mandatory        16
                         ancillary CMS service,                                                      17
                   (b) the use of CMS infrastructure or CMS information,                             18
                    (c) the period during which the mandatory ancillary CMS service is to be         19
                         provided,                                                                   20
                   (d) the payment of fees in relation to the provision of the mandatory             21
                         ancillary CMS service,                                                      22
                    (e) the persons to whom the mandatory ancillary CMS service is to be             23
                         provided,                                                                   24
                    (f) the terms of any agreement between the CMS licensee and any other            25
                         person in relation to the provision of the mandatory ancillary CMS          26
                         service,                                                                    27
                   (g) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.                               28

             (4)   The Minister may:                                                                 29
                   (a) amend a direction given under this section by giving a subsequent             30
                        direction in accordance with this section, or                                31
                   (b) revoke a direction given under this section by notice in writing to the       32
                        CMS licensee.                                                                33

             (5)   In determining whether to give a direction under this section, the Minister may   34
                   consult with such persons as the Minister thinks fit.                             35

    136D    Approved ancillary CMS services                                                          36

             (1)   The Minister may, on application by a CMS licensee, approve the provision of      37
                   additional services by the CMS licensee in relation to the management and         38
                   operation of an authorised CMS or the use of CMS infrastructure or CMS            39
                   information.                                                                      40

             (2)   If the Minister receives an application under this section, the Minister is to:   41
                    (a) provide a draft determination to the CMS licensee not more than              42
                          60 days after the receipt of the application either rejecting the          43
                          application or approving the proposed service, and                         44
                   (b) invite the licensee to provide submissions in relation to the draft           45
                          determination, and                                                         46

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                   (c)   consider any written submissions provided by the licensee in relation to      1
                         the draft determination (within 14 days after providing the draft             2
                         determination to the licensee), and                                           3
                   (d)   provide reasons for the draft determination.                                  4

             (3)   An approval under this section may make provision for or with respect to the        5
                   following:                                                                          6
                    (a) the terms and conditions applicable to the provision of the approved           7
                         ancillary CMS service,                                                        8
                   (b) the use of CMS infrastructure or CMS information,                               9
                    (c) the period that the approved ancillary CMS service may be provided,           10
                   (d) the payment of fees in relation to the provision of the approved ancillary     11
                         CMS service,                                                                 12
                    (e) the persons to whom the approved ancillary CMS service may be                 13
                         provided,                                                                    14
                    (f) the terms of any agreement between the CMS licensee and any other             15
                         person in relation to the provision of the approved ancillary CMS            16
                         service,                                                                     17
                   (g) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.                                18

             (4)   If the Minister has not made a determination in relation to an application under   19
                   this section within 60 days after providing the draft determination:               20
                    (a) the Minister may, by notice to the CMS licensee, extend the time for          21
                          determining the application by 20 days, and                                 22
                   (b) if the Minister does not extend the time under paragraph (a), the              23
                          Minister is taken to have refused the application.                          24

             (5)   A determination of the Minister to grant or refuse an application under this       25
                   section must include reasons for the determination.                                26

             (6)   In determining whether to approve an application under this section, the           27
                   Minister may:                                                                      28
                    (a) require the CMS licensee to provide further information in relation to        29
                         the applicant, and                                                           30
                   (b) consult with such persons as the Minister thinks fit.                          31

    136E    Confidential information relating to CMS licensee                                         32

             (1)   A CMS licensee or person applying for a CMS licence may, when providing            33
                   information to the Minister in connection with a CMS licence, claim that the       34
                   information is confidential if there are sufficient grounds for such a claim.      35

             (2)   There are sufficient grounds for a claim that information is confidential only     36
                   if it appears that disclosure of the information:                                  37
                    (a) could adversely affect the competitive position of the licensee, applicant    38
                           or any other person, or                                                    39
                   (b) would result in the licensee or applicant being in breach of a duty of         40
                           confidentiality owed to another person.                                    41

             (3)   A claim that information is confidential must be accompanied by a detailed         42
                   statement of the reasons in support of the claim and is not duly made unless       43
                   accompanied by such a statement.                                                   44

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             (4)   The Minister must take all reasonable steps to prevent the disclosure of              1
                   information that is claimed to be confidential unless the disclosure is               2
                   authorised by this section.                                                           3

             (5)   The disclosure of information that is claimed to be confidential is authorised        4
                   if:                                                                                   5
                    (a) the disclosure is for the purposes of the administration of this Act to a        6
                         person engaged in the administration of this Act, or                            7
                   (b) the disclosure is made with the consent of the person who provided the            8
                         information and (if disclosure could adversely affect the competitive           9
                         position of another person) that other person, or                              10
                    (c) the disclosure is authorised or required under any other Act or law, or         11
                   (d) the disclosure is authorised or required by a court, or                          12
                    (e) the disclosure is, in the opinion of the Minister, in the public interest and   13
                         the Minister is of the opinion that the public benefit in disclosing the       14
                         information outweighs any detriment that might be suffered by any              15
                         person as a result of the disclosure.                                          16

             (6)   This section does not prevent the disclosure of information that is claimed to       17
                   be confidential if:                                                                  18
                   (a) the Minister is of the opinion that there are insufficient grounds for the       19
                         claim and the Minister has notified the Minister's opinion to the person       20
                         who provided the information, or                                               21
                   (b) the Minister is of the opinion that the information is CMS information,          22
                         or                                                                             23
                   (c) the disclosure is made to a person or body prescribed by the regulations.        24

             (7)   A disclosure of information authorised by this section does not constitute a         25
                   breach of any duty of confidentiality (either by the person making the               26
                   disclosure or by the CMS licensee).                                                  27

             (8)   In this section, information is provided in connection with a CMS licence if         28
                   the information is provided in connection with any of the following:                 29
                    (a) an application for a CMS licence,                                               30
                   (b) activities authorised by a CMS licence,                                          31
                    (c) a direction to provide a mandatory ancillary CMS service,                       32
                   (d) an application to provide an approved ancillary CMS service.                     33

    136F    Review of suitability of licensee                                                           34

             (1)   The Minister may from time to time determine whether, in the opinion of the          35
                   Minister, a CMS licensee remains a suitable person to be concerned in or             36
                   associated with the management and operation of a CMS.                               37

             (2)   For the purpose of determining whether a person is a suitable person to be           38
                   concerned in or associated with the management and operation of a CMS, the           39
                   Minister is to have regard to the same matters to which the Minister is required     40
                   to have regard in deciding whether an applicant is a suitable person to be           41
                   granted a CMS licence.                                                               42

             (3)   The Minister may require a CMS licensee to pay to the Minister such                  43
                   reasonable costs as may be incurred by or on behalf of the Minister in               44
                   conducting any inquiry or investigation for the purposes of a determination          45
                   under this section.                                                                  46

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             (4)    It is a condition of a CMS licence that the CMS licensee must:                      1
                     (a) provide such information (including necessary consents to facilitate the       2
                            provision of information) as the Minister may reasonably request for the    3
                            purposes of making a determination under this section, and                  4
                    (b) pay the costs that the Minister requires the CMS licensee to pay under          5
                            this section in connection with any inquiry or investigation conducted      6
                            for the purposes of making a determination under this section.              7

             (5)    The Minister may recover from a CMS licensee (as a debt due to the Crown)           8
                    any costs that the Minister has required the CMS licensee to pay under this         9
                    section.                                                                           10

             (6)    The Minister may give a certificate as to the amount of the reasonable costs       11
                    incurred by or on behalf of the Minister in conducting any inquiry or              12
                    investigation for the purposes of a determination under this section, and such     13
                    a certificate is, in any proceedings, evidence of the matter certified.            14

[4]   Section 137 Exclusive CMS licence during exclusive licence period                                15

      Omit the section.                                                                                16

[5]   Section 139                                                                                      17

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                18

      139   Rights associated with and control of CMS information                                      19

             (1)    All rights associated with CMS information are vested in the Crown.                20

             (2)    A CMS licensee must not use or divulge CMS information to any person               21
                    without the written consent of the Minister or as otherwise authorised in          22
                    accordance with the CMS licence, this Act or the regulations.                      23
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                                24

             (3)    A person to whom CMS information is divulged by the CMS licensee must not          25
                    use or divulge CMS information otherwise than in accordance with this Act,         26
                    the regulations or any terms or conditions under which the information was         27
                    provided to the person.                                                            28
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                                 29

             (4)    If a person who is in possession of CMS information divulges that information      30
                    to another person, the information provided to that other person is subject to:    31
                     (a) the same terms and conditions to which the person divulging the               32
                           information was subject, and                                                33
                    (b) such additional terms and conditions as may be imposed by the person           34
                           divulging the information.                                                  35

             (5)    Despite subsection (2), a CMS licensee may, during the term of the CMS             36
                    licence, use CMS information for the purposes of the operation and                 37
                    management of the authorised CMS.                                                  38

[6]   Section 170 No proprietary interest in licences                                                  39

      Omit "137 (4)," from section 170 (2).                                                            40

[7]   Section 172 Disciplinary action against licensees                                                41

      Insert after paragraph (b) of the definition of disciplinary action in section 172 (1):          42
                   (b1) in the case of a CMS licence--the imposition on the licensee of a               43
                          monetary penalty (not exceeding the amount prescribed by the                 44

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                           regulations) and, in the case of a continuing contravention, a further         1
                           penalty (not exceeding the amount prescribed by the regulations) for           2
                           each day the contravention continues,                                          3

 [8]   Section 172 (2) (c1) and (c2)                                                                      4

       Insert after section 172 (2) (c):                                                                  5
                     (c1) in the case of a CMS licensee--ceases to be a suitable person to be              6
                            concerned in or associated with the management and operation of a             7
                            CMS, or                                                                       8
                     (c2) in the case of a CMS licensee who holds a CMS licence that is not in            9
                            force:                                                                       10
                             (i) is, in the opinion of the Minister, unlikely to satisfy any criteria    11
                                   for the licence to come into force within a reasonable time, or       12
                            (ii) fails to comply with any arrangements made for the payment of           13
                                   the amount payable as consideration for the grant of a CMS            14
                                   licence under section 168, or                                         15

 [9]   Section 172 (2)                                                                                   16

       Insert at the end of the subsection:                                                              17
                    Note. Section 174A provides for the cancellation of a CMS licence in extraordinary   18
                    circumstances without giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why           19
                    disciplinary action should not be taken against the licensee.                        20

[10]   Section 172 (2A)                                                                                  21

       Insert after section 172 (2):                                                                     22

            (2A)    Despite subsection (2), the Minister may serve a letter of reprimand on a CMS        23
                    licensee on any of the grounds referred to in that subsection without giving the     24
                    licensee an opportunity to show cause why that action should not be taken            25
                    against the licensee.                                                                26

[11]   Section 172 (4)                                                                                   27

       Omit "either".                                                                                    28

[12]   Section 172 (4) (b)                                                                               29

       Omit "as an alternative to taking that disciplinary action,".                                     30

[13]   Section 172 (4) (c)                                                                               31

       Insert at the end of section 172 (4) (b):                                                         32
                            , or                                                                         33
                      (c) in the case of a CMS licensee, take both that disciplinary action and          34
                            action under section 173.                                                    35

[14]   Section 173 Rectification orders                                                                  36

       Insert after section 173 (2):                                                                     37

              (3)   The Minister may direct a CMS licensee to take specified action within a             38
                    specified time to rectify the matter that constitutes the basis for taking           39
                    disciplinary action under section 172 whether or not the Minister has also           40
                    taken disciplinary action under that section.                                        41

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[15]    Section 174A                                                                                     1
        Insert after section 174:                                                                        2

       174A    Suspension or cancellation of CMS licence in extraordinary circumstances                  3

               (1)   Despite any other provision in this Part, the Minister may, by notice in writing    4
                     to a CMS licensee, cancel or suspend the CMS licence if the Minister is             5
                     satisfied that:                                                                     6
                      (a) the conduct of the CMS licensee may materially jeopardise the integrity        7
                            of the CMS, or                                                               8
                     (b) failure to do so may result in the public interest being adversely affected     9
                            in a material way.                                                          10

               (2)   A notice given under this section is to specify:                                   11
                     (a) when the cancellation or suspension takes effect (whether on the date          12
                           notice is given or a later date), and                                        13
                     (b) the grounds on which the licence was cancelled or suspended.                   14

[16]    Section 176 Appointment of temporary licensee if CMS licence or links licence                   15
        suspended, cancelled or surrendered                                                             16

        Omit section 176 (4) (a). Insert instead:                                                       17
                     (a) in the case of a links licence--90 days after appointment unless in a           18
                           particular case the appointment is extended by the regulations, or           19
                   (a1) in the case of a CMS licence--1 year after the appointment unless in a           20
                           particular case the appointment is extended by the Minister (for up to       21
                           2 additional years), or                                                      22

[17]    Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           23

        Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering:                  24

        Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of Gaming                                       25
                     Machines Amendment (Centralised Monitoring                                         26
                     System) Act 2015                                                                   27

               Definitions                                                                              28

                     In this Part:                                                                      29
                     amending Act means the Gaming Machines Amendment (Centralised                      30
                     Monitoring System) Act 2015.                                                       31
                     existing CMS licence means the CMS licence in force immediately before the         32
                     commencement of the amending Act.                                                  33

               Transitional arrangements for existing CMS licence                                       34

               (1)   This Act, as in force immediately before the commencement of the amending          35
                     Act, continues to apply in respect of the existing CMS licence.                    36

               (2)   The Minister may enter into an agreement with the holder of the existing CMS       37
                     licence to provide for the transition to the CMS licensing arrangements under      38
                     this Act as amended by the amending Act. Such an agreement may be entered          39
                     into whether or not a new CMS licence has been granted.                            40

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             (3)   Any such transitional agreement may provide for:                                   1
                   (a) the extension of the operation and management of the authorised CMS            2
                        for a period of not more than 2 years after the end of the term of the        3
                        existing CMS licence, and                                                     4
                   (b) any other matter or thing that was or could be provided for by an              5
                        existing CMS licence.                                                         6

             (4)   A transitional agreement entered into under this clause is taken to be the         7
                   existing CMS licence. The monitoring fee payable under section 134 during          8
                   the period that the transitional agreement is in force may, despite anything in    9
                   that section, be increased by the Minister in accordance with any increases in    10
                   the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney issued by the              11
                   Australian Statistician.                                                          12

             (5)   The regulations made under Part 1 of this Schedule consequent on the              13
                   enactment of the amending Act have effect despite anything to the contrary in     14
                   this clause.                                                                      15

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