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                                     New South Wales

Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound
Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 as follows:
(a) to constitute the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission (GRIC) as a NSW Government
      agency that will, subject to Ministerial control, have functions relating to the control,
      supervision and regulation of greyhound racing in the State,
(b) to confer other functions on GRIC, including the existing regulatory, registration and
      rule-making functions of Greyhound Racing New South Wales (which will no longer be the
      greyhound regulatory authority for the State and will exercise its functions in accordance
      with a memorandum of understanding with GRIC),
(c) to provide for the appointment of a Greyhound Racing Integrity Commissioner who will
      manage and control the affairs of GRIC and for the establishment of a Board of GRIC,
(d) to provide for the establishment of an Animal Welfare Committee to advise GRIC on
      matters relating to the welfare of greyhounds (the Committee will replace the Greyhound
      Racing Industry Consultation Group which will be abolished),
(e) to provide that a person who is found guilty of a live baiting offence under the Prevention
      of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 will be banned for life from participating in or associating
      with greyhound racing,
(f)   to prevent the sale of public land used for greyhound racing from being sold except with the
      approval of Parliament,

Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Explanatory note

(g)   to make a number of other amendments of an administrative nature or that are consequential
      on the establishment of GRIC and the conferral on GRIC of most of the existing regulatory
      functions exercised by Greyhound Racing New South Wales.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on 1 July 2017.
Schedule 1 amends the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 for the purposes described in the above
Schedule 2 contains amendments to other legislation that are consequential on the establishment
of GRIC and other amendments made by Schedule 1.

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Introduced by Mr M J Daley, MP                                     First print

                                 New South Wales

Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound
Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016

                1   Name of Act                                            2
                2   Commencement                                           2
Schedule 1          Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19           3
Schedule 2          Amendment of other legislation                        15

                                  New South Wales

Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound
Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016

No     , 2016

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 to provide for the establishment of a Greyhound
Racing Integrity Commission to control and regulate greyhound racing; and for other purposes.
Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                           1

 1    Name of Act                                                                    2

            This Act is the Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity   3
            Commission) Act 2016.                                                    4

 2    Commencement                                                                   5

            This Act commences on 1 July 2017.                                       6

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

Schedule 1             Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19                                    1

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                            2

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                                   3
                    Animal Welfare Committee means the Animal Welfare Committee                        4
                    established under Part 2A.                                                         5
                    Commissioner means the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commissioner                     6
                    appointed under Part 1A.                                                           7
                    GRIC means the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission constituted under             8
                    Part 1A.                                                                           9
                    GRIC Board means the Board of the Greyhound Racing Integrity                      10
                    Commission established under Part 1A.                                             11

[2]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "eligible industry body", "GRICG" and "Integrity Auditor"         12

      Omit the definitions.                                                                           13

[3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "racing official"                                                  14

      Omit the definition. Insert instead:                                                            15
                  racing official means a steward appointed by GRIC or any other member of            16
                  staff of GRIC.                                                                      17

[4]   Part 1A                                                                                         18

      Insert after Part 1:                                                                            19

      Part 1A Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission                                                   20

      Division 1             Constitution and management of GRIC                                      21

         3A   Constitution of GRIC                                                                    22

              (1)   There is constituted by this Act a body corporate with the corporate name of      23
                    the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission.                                        24

              (2)   GRIC is, for the purposes of any Act, a NSW Government agency.                    25
                    Note. See section 13A of the Interpretation Act 1987.                             26

         3B   Ministerial control                                                                     27

                    GRIC is subject to the control and direction of the Minister in the exercise of   28
                    its functions.                                                                    29

         3C   Appointment of Commissioner                                                             30

              (1)   The Governor may, on the recommendation of the Minister, appoint a                31
                    Greyhound Racing Integrity Commissioner.                                          32

              (2)   A person who is, or has at any time been, a person associated with greyhound      33
                    racing is not eligible to be appointed as the Commissioner.                       34

              (3)   Schedule 1A contains provisions relating to the Commissioner.                     35

              (4)   The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to act in the office of     36
                    the Commissioner during the illness or absence of the Commissioner (or            37
                    during a vacancy in the office of Commissioner) and the person, while so          38
                    acting, has all the functions of the Commissioner and is taken to be the          39
                    Commissioner.                                                                     40

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

              (5)     The Minister may, at any time, remove a person from office as acting                    1
                      Commissioner.                                                                           2

              (6)     An acting Commissioner is entitled to be paid such remuneration (including              3
                      travelling and subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from time to time            4
                      determine in respect of the person.                                                     5

         3D   Commissioner to manage and control affairs of GRIC                                              6

              (1)     The affairs of GRIC are to be managed and controlled by the Commissioner in             7
                      accordance with the general policies and strategic direction determined by the          8
                      GRIC Board and subject to any direction by the Minister.                                9

              (2)     Any act, matter or thing done in the name of, or on behalf of, GRIC by the             10
                      Commissioner is taken to have been done by GRIC.                                       11

         3E   GRIC Board                                                                                     12

              (1)     There is to be a Board of the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission.                   13

              (2)     The GRIC Board is to consist of the following members:                                 14
                      (a) the Commissioner,                                                                  15
                      (b) 2 other members appointed by the Minister (the appointed members).                 16
                      Note. Schedule 1AA contains provisions relating to the members and procedure of the    17
                      GRIC Board.                                                                            18

              (3)     The appointed members are to be persons who, in the opinion of the Minister,           19
                      have skills and experience relevant to matters arising under this Act and that         20
                      will assist GRIC in attaining its objectives.                                          21

              (4)     A person who is, or has at any time been, a person associated with greyhound           22
                      racing is not eligible to be appointed as a member of the GRIC Board.                  23

              (5)     The GRIC Board has the following functions:                                            24
                      (a) to determine the general policies and strategic direction of GRIC,                 25
                      (b) to oversee the performance of the activities of GRIC,                              26
                      (c) to give the Minister any information relating to the activities of GRIC            27
                           that the Minister requests.                                                       28

         3F   Staff                                                                                          29

                      Persons may be employed in the Public Service under the Government Sector              30
                      Employment Act 2013 to enable GRIC to exercise its functions.                          31
                      Note. Section 59 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 provides that the        32
                      persons so employed (or whose services GRIC makes use of) may be referred to as        33
                      officers or employees, or members of staff, of GRIC. Section 47A of the Constitution   34
                      Act 1902 precludes GRIC from employing staff.                                          35

      Division 2            Objectives and functions of GRIC                                                 36

         3G   Principal objectives of GRIC                                                                   37

                      The principal objectives of GRIC in exercising its functions are as follows:           38
                      (a) to ensure and protect the integrity of greyhound racing in the State,              39
                      (b) to maintain, protect and enhance animal welfare standards in the                   40
                            greyhound racing industry,                                                       41
                      (c) to maintain transparency in the greyhound racing industry, including               42
                            ensuring that records relating to greyhounds that are bred for the               43
                            purposes of racing are made publicly available.                                  44

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

         3H   Functions of GRIC                                                                         1
              (1)   GRIC has the functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this or any           2
                    other Act or law.                                                                   3

              (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the functions of GRIC include the following:       4
                    (a) to control, supervise and regulate greyhound racing in the State,               5
                    (b) to register greyhound racing clubs, greyhound trial tracks, greyhounds,         6
                         owners and trainers of greyhounds, bookmakers for greyhound racing             7
                         and other persons associated with greyhound racing.                            8

         3I   Duty to report contravention of greyhound welfare legislation                             9

                    If GRIC, a member of staff of GRIC or a steward appointed by GRIC becomes          10
                    aware of any serious or repeated contravention of any legislation relating to      11
                    the welfare of greyhounds, the contravention is to be reported to the RSPCA        12
                    or the Animal Welfare League.                                                      13

         3J   Memorandum of understanding with GRNSW                                                   14

              (1)   GRIC is to enter into a memorandum of understanding with GRNSW in                  15
                    relation to the exercise of their respective functions (including the sharing of   16
                    assets, staff and resources).                                                      17

              (2)   The memorandum of understanding may be amended, revoked or replaced                18
                    from time to time.                                                                 19

              (3)   The functions of GRIC and GRNSW are, as far as practicable, to be exercised        20
                    in accordance with the memorandum of understanding.                                21

              (4)   Without limiting any other provision of this section, GRIC and GRNSW are,          22
                    to the maximum extent possible, to act in a complementary manner so as to          23
                    achieve a unified administration of this Act.                                      24

[5]   Section 6 Membership                                                                             25

      Omit "or eligible industry body" from section 6 (2) (b).                                         26

[6]   Section 6 (5)                                                                                    27

      Omit "or of an eligible industry body".                                                          28

[7]   Section 9 Functions of GRNSW                                                                     29

      Omit section 9 (2) (a) and (b).                                                                  30

[8]   Section 9 (2) (f) and (g)                                                                        31

      Insert after section 9 (2) (e):                                                                  32
                      (f) to promote the welfare of greyhounds,                                        33
                     (g) to publish material, including periodical publications, to inform the         34
                           public about matters relating to greyhound racing, whether in the State     35
                           or elsewhere.                                                               36

[9]   Sections 10, 11, 17-23, 29-31, 39, 41 and 46                                                     37

      Omit "GRNSW" wherever occurring. Insert instead "GRIC".                                          38

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

[10]   Section 10 Miscellaneous functions of GRIC                                                           1
       Insert after section 10 (2) (c):                                                                     2
                     (c1) without limiting paragraph (c), conduct inquiries and investigations into         3
                            any matter relating to greyhound racing (including systemic issues) on          4
                            its own motion or as a result of a complaint made by any person to              5
                            GRIC,                                                                           6
                     (c2) in conducting any inquiry or investigation under this Act, summon a               7
                            person to appear before it to give evidence on oath or by affirmation           8
                            and, for that purpose, administer an oath to, or take an affirmation from,      9
                            any such person,                                                               10
                     (c3) consult with the RSPCA and the Animal Welfare League in developing               11
                            or making changes to legislation relating to the welfare of greyhounds,        12

[11]   Section 10 (2) (p)                                                                                  13

       Omit the paragraph.                                                                                 14

[12]   Sections 10 and 11 (as amended by this Schedule)                                                    15

       Renumber sections 10 and 11 as sections 3K and 3L respectively and transfer those                   16
       renumbered sections to Part 1A in appropriate order.                                                17

[13]   Section 12 Consultation and planning                                                                18

       Omit "GRICG" wherever occurring in section 12 (2) and (3). Insert instead "GRIC".                   19

[14]   Section 15 Arrangements for use of staff and facilities of HRNSW or Racing New                      20
       South Wales                                                                                         21

       Omit the section.                                                                                   22

[15]   Part 2A                                                                                             23

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                                24

       Part 2A Animal Welfare Committee                                                                    25

       16A    Establishment of Animal Welfare Committee                                                    26

              (1)    The Animal Welfare Committee is established.                                          27

              (2)    The Animal Welfare Committee is to consist of the following members                   28
                     appointed by the Minister:                                                            29
                     (a) a person who, in the opinion of the Minister, has relevant experience             30
                           and knowledge relating to the ethics of animal welfare,                         31
                     (b) a person nominated by the GRIC Board who has extensive experience                 32
                           in, and knowledge of, animal welfare at a senior level,                         33
                     (c) a person who is registered under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 as a            34
                           veterinary practitioner and who is working in private practice.                 35
                     Note. Schedule 1AA contains provisions relating to the members and procedure of the   36
                     Animal Welfare Committee.                                                             37

       16B    Functions of Animal Welfare Committee                                                        38

              (1)    The Animal Welfare Committee has the following functions:                             39
                     (a) to provide advice to GRIC, whether on its own initiative or at the                40
                          request of GRIC, on any matter relating to the welfare of greyhounds             41
                          including the formulation of welfare policies and standards,                     42

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

                     (b)    such other functions as are conferred or imposed on it by or under this    1
                            or any other Act.                                                          2

              (2)   GRIC is, in exercising its functions, to have regard to any advice it receives     3
                    from the Animal Welfare Committee.                                                 4

[16]   Section 22A                                                                                     5

       Insert after section 22:                                                                        6

       22A   Life ban for committing live baiting offence                                              7

                    If a court finds a person guilty of committing an offence under                    8
                    section 21 (1) (d) or (e) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979:        9
                     (a) the person's registration (if any) under this Act is automatically           10
                          cancelled, and                                                              11
                    (b) the person is permanently disqualified from participating in or               12
                          associating with greyhound racing in any capacity.                          13

[17]   Part 3, Division 3, heading                                                                    14

       Omit "Greyhound Racing Integrity Auditor".                                                     15

       Insert instead "Complaints against racing officials".                                          16

[18]   Sections 25, 26 and 28                                                                         17

       Omit the sections.                                                                             18

[19]   Section 27 Inquiries and investigations by GRIC in relation to complaint                       19

       Omit "the Integrity Auditor" and "The Integrity Auditor" wherever occurring.                   20

       Insert instead "GRIC".                                                                         21

[20]   Section 30 Greyhound Racing clubs to provide information and documents                         22

       Omit "referred to in section 9 (2) (a) or (c) or 29".                                          23

[21]   Part 5 Greyhound Racing Industry Consultation Group                                            24

       Omit the Part.                                                                                 25

[22]   Sections 41A and 41B                                                                           26

       Insert after section 41:                                                                       27

       41A   Annual report to include additional matters                                              28

                    The annual report of GRIC required to be prepared under the Annual Reports        29
                    (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 must include the following particulars:               30
                     (a) the outcome of any greyhound breeding management system                      31
                           administered by GRIC during the reporting period,                          32
                    (b) any disciplinary action taken by GRIC during the reporting period             33
                           against any person or body in respect of a breach of a rule,               34
                     (c) any testing for the presence of a prohibited substance carried out on any    35
                           greyhound during the reporting period and the outcome of such testing,     36
                    (d) any investigation into alleged breaches of any code of conduct or             37
                           practice or guidelines relating to animal welfare conducted by GRIC        38
                           during the reporting period and the outcome of any such investigation,     39

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

                    (e)     any prosecution for an offence relating to the welfare of greyhounds        1
                            brought by the RSPCA, the Animal Welfare League or the NSW Police           2
                            Force during the reporting period and the outcome of any such               3
                            prosecution,                                                                4
                     (f)    the action taken by GRIC during the reporting period to promote and         5
                            maintain the welfare of greyhounds,                                         6
                    (g)     the following statistical information:                                      7
                             (i) the number, as at the end of the reporting period, of registered       8
                                   greyhound racing tracks, registered greyhound trial tracks,          9
                                   registered greyhounds and persons associated with greyhound         10
                                   racing who are registered,                                          11
                            (ii) the number of holders of racecourse licences for meetings for         12
                                   greyhound racing as at the end of the reporting period,             13
                           (iii) the number of litters of greyhounds registered during the             14
                                   reporting period,                                                   15
                           (iv) the number of greyhounds injured and in respect of which a             16
                                   period of 21 days or more of incapacitation is imposed during the   17
                                   reporting period,                                                   18
                            (v) the number of certificates of euthanasia of greyhounds issued by       19
                                   veterinary practitioners during the reporting period,               20
                           (vi) the number of greyhounds transferred into greyhound adoption           21
                                   programs during the reporting period and the number of              22
                                   greyhounds adopted under any such program,                          23
                    (h)     details of complaints received by GRIC under this Act and the action       24
                            taken in relation to any such complaint.                                   25

       41B    Restriction on sale of public land used for greyhound racing                             26

                    Any public land used for greyhound racing cannot be sold, leased or disposed       27
                    of except with the approval of both Houses of Parliament.                          28

[23]   Sections 42-44                                                                                  29

       Omit the sections. Insert instead:                                                              30

         42   Delegation                                                                               31

              (1)   GRIC may delegate the exercise of its functions (other than this power of          32
                    delegation) to:                                                                    33
                    (a) the Commissioner, or                                                           34
                    (b) a member of the GRIC Board, or                                                 35
                    (c) a member of staff of GRIC.                                                     36

              (2)   GRNSW may delegate the exercise of its functions to:                               37
                    (a) a member of GRNSW or the chief executive officer of GRNSW, or                  38
                    (b) a member of staff of GRNSW.                                                    39

         43   Protection from personal liability                                                       40

                    Anything done or omitted to be done by:                                            41
                    (a) GRIC or GRNSW, or                                                              42
                    (b) the Commissioner, or                                                           43
                    (c) the GRIC Board, or                                                             44

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

                    (d)    the Animal Welfare Committee, or                                               1
                    (e)    the chief executive officer of GRNSW, or                                       2
                     (f)   a steward appointed under this Act by GRIC, or                                 3
                    (g)    a person acting under the direction of GRIC, the GRIC Board, the               4
                           Commissioner or GRNSW,                                                         5
                    does not, if the thing was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the           6
                    purposes of executing this or any other Act, subject the Commissioner, any            7
                    member of the GRIC Board, the Animal Welfare Committee or GRNSW (as                   8
                    the case requires), the chief executive officer, the steward or the person so         9
                    acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.                         10

         44   Authentication of certain documents                                                        11

                    Any summons, process, demand, order, notice, statement, direction or other           12
                    document requiring authentication by GRIC is sufficiently authenticated              13
                    without the seal of GRIC if signed by the Commissioner or a member of staff          14
                    of GRIC authorised to do so by the Commissioner.                                     15

[24]   Section 45 Proof of certain matters not required                                                  16

       Omit the section.                                                                                 17

[25]   Schedules 1A and 1AA                                                                              18

       Insert before Schedule 1:                                                                         19

       Schedule 1A             Provisions relating to Commissioner                                       20

                                                                                         (Section 3C)    21

         1    Term of office                                                                             22

                    The Commissioner holds office for such term, not exceeding 5 years, as may           23
                    be specified in the instrument of appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise         24
                    qualified) for re-appointment.                                                       25

         2    Full-time office                                                                           26

                    The office of Commissioner is a full-time office and the holder of the office is     27
                    required to hold it on that basis, except to the extent permitted by the Minister.   28

         3    Employment and remuneration                                                                29

              (1)   The employment of the Commissioner is (subject to this Schedule) to be               30
                    governed by a contract of employment between the Commissioner and the                31
                    Minister.                                                                            32

              (2)   The following provisions of or made under the Government Sector                      33
                    Employment Act 2013 relating to the employment of Public Service senior              34
                    executives apply to the Commissioner (but in the application of those                35
                    provisions a reference to the employer of any such executive is to be read as a      36
                    reference to the Minister):                                                          37
                     (a) provisions relating to the band in which an executive is to be employed,        38
                    (b) provisions relating to the contract of employment of an executive,               39
                     (c) provisions relating to the remuneration, employment benefits and                40
                          allowances of an executive,                                                    41
                    (d) provisions relating to the termination of employment of an executive.            42

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

          4   Vacancy in office                                                                        1
              (1)   The office of Commissioner becomes vacant if the holder:                           2
                    (a) dies, or                                                                       3
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or                         4
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or      5
                    (d) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of     6
                          bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or        7
                          makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or         8
                    (e) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                                    9
                     (f) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable by          10
                          imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted elsewhere than in        11
                          New South Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales,        12
                          would be an offence so punishable, or                                       13
                    (g) is removed from office under clause 3.                                        14

              (2)   If the office of Commissioner becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act,   15
                    to be appointed to fill the vacancy.                                              16

          5   Commissioner not Public Service employee                                                17

                    The office of Commissioner is a statutory office and the provisions of the        18
                    Government Sector Employment Act 2013 relating to the employment of               19
                    Public Service employees do not apply to that office (except as provided by       20
                    clause 3).                                                                        21

      Schedule 1AA Provisions relating to GRIC Board and                                              22
                   Animal Welfare Committee                                                           23

                                                                              (Sections 3E and 16A)   24

          1   Definitions                                                                             25

                    In this Schedule:                                                                 26
                    appointed member of a body means a member of the body who is appointed            27
                    by the Minister.                                                                  28
                    body means:                                                                       29
                     (a) the GRIC Board, or                                                           30
                    (b) the Animal Welfare Committee.                                                 31
                    member of a body means any member of the body.                                    32

          2   Chairperson                                                                             33

              (1)   Of the appointed members of a body, one is (in and by the member's                34
                    instrument of appointment or in and by another instrument executed by the         35
                    Minister) to be appointed as Chairperson of the body.                             36

              (2)   The Minister may remove an appointed member from the office of                    37
                    Chairperson at any time.                                                          38

              (3)   A person who is a member and Chairperson of a body vacates office as              39
                    Chairperson if the person:                                                        40
                    (a) is removed from that office by the Minister, or                               41

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

                    (b)   resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or    1
                    (c)   ceases to be a member.                                                        2

          3   Deputies of appointed members                                                             3

              (1)   The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to be the deputy of an        4
                    appointed member, and the Minister may revoke any such appointment.                 5

              (2)   In the absence of an appointed member, the member's deputy:                         6
                     (a) is, if available, to act in the place of the member, and                       7
                    (b) while so acting, has all the functions of the member and is taken to be a       8
                           member.                                                                      9

              (3)   The deputy of an appointed member who is Chairperson of a body has the             10
                    member's functions as Chairperson.                                                 11

              (4)   A person while acting in the place of an appointed member is entitled to be        12
                    paid such remuneration (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as        13
                    the Minister may from time to time determine in respect of the person.             14

          4   Terms of office                                                                          15

                    Subject to this Schedule, an appointed member holds office for such period         16
                    (not exceeding 3 years) as may be specified in the member's instrument of          17
                    appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.          18

          5   Remuneration                                                                             19

                    An appointed member is entitled to be paid such remuneration (including            20
                    travelling and subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from time to time       21
                    determine in respect of the member.                                                22

          6   Vacancy in office of appointed member                                                    23

              (1)   The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the member:                    24
                    (a) dies, or                                                                       25
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or                         26
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or      27
                    (d) is removed from office by the Minister under this clause, or                   28
                    (e) is absent from 4 consecutive meetings of the body concerned of which           29
                          reasonable notice has been given to the member personally or in the          30
                          ordinary course of post, except on leave granted by the body or unless,      31
                          before the expiration of 4 weeks after the last of those meetings, the       32
                          member is excused by the body for having been absent from those              33
                          meetings, or                                                                 34
                     (f) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of    35
                          bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or        36
                          makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or         37
                    (g) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                                    38
                    (h) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable by            39
                          imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted elsewhere than in         40
                          New South Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales,         41
                          would be an offence so punishable.                                           42

              (2)   The Minister may remove any appointed member from office at any time.              43

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

          7   Filling of vacancy in office of appointed member                                            1
                    If the office of an appointed member becomes vacant, a person is, subject to          2
                    this Act, to be appointed to fill the vacancy.                                        3

          8   Disclosure of pecuniary interests by members                                                4

              (1)   If:                                                                                   5
                     (a)  a member of a body has a pecuniary interest in a matter being                   6
                          considered or about to be considered at a meeting of the body, and              7
                    (b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the       8
                          member's duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,                 9
                    the member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the       10
                    member's knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the          11
                    body.                                                                                12

              (2)   A disclosure by a member of a body at a meeting of the body that the member:         13
                     (a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other           14
                           body, or                                                                      15
                    (b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or                 16
                     (c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or            17
                           other body or to a specified person,                                          18
                    is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter relating to   19
                    that company or other body or to that person which may arise after the date of       20
                    the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed under subclause (1).            21

              (3)   Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be recorded by the         22
                    body concerned in a book kept for the purpose and that book must be open at          23
                    all reasonable hours to inspection by any person at any reasonable time for no       24
                    charge.                                                                              25

              (4)   After a member of a body has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter,      26
                    the member must not, unless the Minister or body otherwise determines:               27
                     (a) be present during any deliberation of the body with respect to the              28
                           matter, or                                                                    29
                    (b) take part in any decision of the body with respect to the matter.                30

              (5)   For the purpose of the making of a determination by a body under                     31
                    subclause (4), a member who has a pecuniary interest in a matter to which the        32
                    disclosure relates must not:                                                         33
                    (a) be present during any deliberation of the body for the purpose of making         34
                          the determination, or                                                          35
                    (b) take part in the making by the body of the determination.                        36

              (6)   A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the body          37
                    concerned.                                                                           38

          9   Pecuniary interests required to be disclosed                                               39

              (1)   For the purposes of clause 8, a pecuniary interest is an interest that a person      40
                    has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of                 41
                    appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom         42
                    the person is associated as provided by subclauses (3)-(5).                          43

              (2)   A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so        44
                    remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to        45
                    influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter.              46

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

             (3)   For the purposes of clause 8, a person has a pecuniary interest in a matter if the    1
                   pecuniary interest is the interest of:                                                2
                   (a) the person, or                                                                    3
                   (b) another person with whom the person is associated as provided by this             4
                         clause.                                                                         5

             (4)   A person is taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if:                        6
                   (a) the person's spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person, or a         7
                         partner or employer of the person, has a pecuniary interest in the matter,      8
                         or                                                                              9
                   (b) the person, or a nominee, partner or employer of the person, is a member         10
                         of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.        11

             (5)   However, a person is not taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter as           12
                   referred to in subclause (4):                                                        13
                    (a) if the person is unaware of the relevant pecuniary interest of the spouse,      14
                          de facto partner, relative, partner, employer or company or other body,       15
                          or                                                                            16
                   (b) just because the person is a member of, or is employed by, a statutory           17
                          body or is employed by the Crown, or                                          18
                    (c) just because the person is a member of a company or other body that has         19
                          a pecuniary interest in the matter, so long as the person has no beneficial   20
                          interest in any shares of the company or body.                                21

       10   Effect of certain other Acts                                                                22

             (1)   The provisions of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 relating to the          23
                   employment of Public Service employees do not apply to an appointed                  24
                   member.                                                                              25

             (2)   If by or under any Act provision is made:                                            26
                    (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to devote the        27
                          whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, or                     28
                   (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the duties            29
                          of that office,                                                               30
                   the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that office     31
                   and also the office of an appointed member or from accepting and retaining           32
                   any remuneration payable to the person under this Act as such a member.              33

             (3)   The office of an appointed member is not, for the purposes of any Act, an            34
                   office or place of profit under the Crown.                                           35

       11   General procedure                                                                           36

                   The procedure for the calling of meetings of a body and for the conduct of           37
                   business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the regulations, to be as     38
                   determined by the body.                                                              39

       12   Quorum                                                                                      40

                   The quorum for a meeting of a body is a majority of the members for the time         41
                   being.                                                                               42

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Greyhound Racing Act 2009 No 19

       13     Presiding member                                                                          1
              (1)    The Chairperson of a body or, in the absence of the Chairperson, another           2
                     member of the body elected to chair the meeting by the members present is to       3
                     preside at a meeting of the body.                                                  4

              (2)    The person presiding at any meeting of a body has a deliberative vote and, in      5
                     the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.                   6

       14     Voting                                                                                    7

                     A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of a body at     8
                     which a quorum is present is the decision of the body.                             9

       15     First meeting                                                                            10

                     The Minister is to call the first meeting of a body in such manner as the         11
                     Minister thinks fit.                                                              12

[26]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to GRICG                                                         13

       Omit the Schedule.                                                                              14

[27]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           15

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                            16

       Part 3        Provisions consequent on enactment of Greyhound                                   17
                     Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity                                      18
                     Commission) Act 2016                                                              19

       20     Dissolution of Greyhound Racing Industry Consultation Group                              20

              (1)    The Greyhound Racing Industry Consultation Group is dissolved.                    21

              (2)    The persons who were members of the Greyhound Racing Industry                     22
                     Consultation Group immediately before its dissolution cease to be members         23
                     and are not entitled to any remuneration or compensation because of the loss      24
                     of that office.                                                                   25

       21     Construction of references to GRNSW                                                      26

                     A reference in any other Act or in any statutory or other instrument, or in any   27
                     contract or agreement, to GRNSW is to be construed as including a reference       28
                     to GRIC.                                                                          29

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

Schedule 2            Amendment of other legislation                                           1

2.1 Australian Jockey and Sydney Turf Clubs Merger Act 2010 No 93                              2

[1]   Section 10 Appointment of directors of merged racing club                                3

      Omit "Greyhound Racing New South Wales" from section 10 (4) (e).                         4

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                              5

[2]   Schedule 1 Mandatory corporate governance provisions                                     6

      Omit the definition of GRNSW from clause 1 (1). Insert instead:                          7
                  GRIC means the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission constituted under       8
                  the Greyhound Racing Act 2009.                                               9

[3]   Schedule 1, clauses 5 (3) (d) and 7 (1) (j)                                             10

      Omit "GRNSW" wherever occurring. Insert instead "GRIC".                                 11

2.2 Betting and Racing Act 1998 No 114                                                        12

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                   13

      Omit paragraph (c) of the definition of racing controlling body in section 4 (1).       14

      Insert instead:                                                                         15
                    (c)   in relation to greyhound racing--the Greyhound Racing Integrity      16
                          Commission and Greyhound Racing New South Wales.                    17

[2]   Section 27 Definitions                                                                  18

      Omit paragraph (c) of the definition of relevant racing control body. Insert instead:   19
                  (c) in relation to greyhound racing--the Greyhound Racing Integrity          20
                        Commission and Greyhound Racing New South Wales.                      21

2.3 Defamation Act 2005 No 77                                                                 22

[1]   Schedule 1 Additional publications to which absolute privilege applies                  23

      Omit "GRNSW" from the heading to clause 12. Insert instead "GRIC".                      24

[2]   Schedule 1, clause 12 (a)                                                               25

      Omit "Greyhound Racing New South Wales".                                                26

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                             27

[3]   Schedule 1, clause 12 (c)                                                               28

      Omit "Greyhound Racing Integrity Auditor under the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 or the".   29

2.4 Harness Racing Act 2009 No 20                                                             30

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                   31

      Omit the definition of GRNSW from section 3 (1).                                        32

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

[2]   Section 6 Membership                                                                  1
      Omit "or licensed by or with GRNSW" from section 6 (2) (d).                           2

      Insert instead "by or with the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                3

[3]   Section 15 Arrangements for use of staff and facilities of Racing New South Wales     4

      Omit "GRNSW or" wherever occurring.                                                   5

[4]   Section 24 Appointment of Integrity Auditor                                           6

      Omit section 24 (4) and (5).                                                          7

2.5 Liquor Act 2007 No 90                                                                   8

      Section 4 Definitions                                                                 9

      Omit "Greyhound Racing New South Wales" from the definition of racing club in        10
      section 4 (1).                                                                       11

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                          12

2.6 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152                                               13

      Schedule 2 Statutory bodies                                                          14

      Insert "Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission" in alphabetical order.                15

2.7 Racing Appeals Tribunal Act 1983 No 199                                                16

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                17

      Omit the definition of GRNSW from section 4 (1). Insert instead:                     18
                  GRIC means the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission constituted under   19
                  the Greyhound Racing Act 2009.                                           20

[2]   Sections 15A (1) (b) and (2), 17A (1) (b) and 20 (1) (b) and (2)                     21

      Omit "GRNSW" wherever occurring. Insert instead "GRIC".                              22

2.8 Racing Appeals Tribunal Regulation 2015                                                23

[1]   Clause 3 Definitions                                                                 24

      Omit "GRNSW" from paragraph (b) of the definition of Secretary in clause 3 (1).      25

      Insert instead "GRIC".                                                               26

[2]   Clause 19 Costs                                                                      27

      Omit "GRNSW" from clause 19 (1). Insert instead "GRIC".                              28

2.9 Registered Clubs Act 1976 No 31                                                        29

      Section 30 Rules of registered clubs                                                 30

      Omit "Greyhound Racing New South Wales" from section 30 (5A) (c).                    31

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                          32

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Greyhound Racing Amendment (Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation

2.10 Sporting Venues (Invasions) Act 2003 No 44                                          1

      Section 3 Definitions                                                              2

      Omit "Greyhound Racing New South Wales" from paragraph (c) of the definition of    3
      controlling body in section 3 (1).                                                 4

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                        5

2.11 Thoroughbred Racing Act 1996 No 37                                                  6

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              7

      Omit the definition of GRNSW from section 3 (1).                                   8

[2]   Section 6 Membership                                                               9

      Omit "GRNSW" from section 6 (2) (d).                                              10

      Insert instead "the Greyhound Racing Integrity Commission".                       11

[3]   Section 18A Arrangements for use of staff and facilities of HRNSW                 12

      Omit "or GRNSW" wherever occurring.                                               13

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