New South Wales Bills

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                           New South Wales

Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009


              1    Name of Act                                       2
              2    Commencement                                      2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38            3

                            New South Wales

Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Gas Supply Act 1996 to make further provision, and to clarify
the regulatory framework, in relation to gasfitting work, autogas work, gas
installations, autogas installations and gas appliances.
Clause 1      Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Gas Supply Amendment Act 2009.                         3

 2    Commencement                                                                4

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

Page 2
Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38                                      Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996                                        1
                       No 38                                                                   2

[1]   Section 55 Powers of entry                                                               3

      Insert after section 55 (2):                                                             4

           (2A)    A person appointed under section 18 of the Fair Trading Act                 5
                   1987 as an investigator for the purposes of any provision of this           6
                   Act that is administered by the Minister for Fair Trading (or any           7
                   regulations made under such a provision):                                   8
                    (a) may enter any premises for the purpose of ascertaining                 9
                         whether an offence against the provision (or the                     10
                         regulations made under the provision) has been                       11
                         committed, and                                                       12
                   (b) is taken to be an inspector for the purposes of this Act               13
                         (except section 77).                                                 14

[2]   Section 77 Inspectors                                                                   15

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                       16
                   Note. For the purposes of any provisions of this Act administered by the   17
                   Minister for Fair Trading (and any regulations made under any such         18
                   provisions), investigators may be appointed under section 18 of the Fair   19
                   Trading Act 1987.                                                          20

[3]   Section 83 Regulations                                                                  21

      Omit section 83 (2) (g) and (g1). Insert instead:                                       22
                   (g) the carrying out of work involving the installation or                 23
                         replacement of a gas meter or any part of the basic                  24
                         metering equipment,                                                  25

[4]   Section 83A Regulations as to gas appliances, gas and autogas                           26
      installations, gasfitting and autogas work and gas meters                               27

      Omit section 83A (e). Insert instead:                                                   28
                   (e) gas installations and the carrying out of gasfitting work,             29
                 (e1) autogas installations and the carrying out of autogas work,             30

[5]   Section 83A (g)                                                                         31

      Insert after section 83A (f):                                                           32
                     (g) fees, charges and payments relating to the matters in                33
                           paragraphs (a)-(f).                                                34

                                                                                  Page 3
                Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1      Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38

[6]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                1
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   2
                    Gas Supply Amendment Act 2009                                          3

[7]   Dictionary                                                                           4

      Omit the definitions of gas appliance, gas installation and gasfitting work.         5

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                        6
                    basic metering equipment means a gas meter and any equipment           7
                    prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition      8
                    when used in conjunction with gas meters.                              9
                    consumer service means any pipe or system of pipes used to            10
                    convey or control gas, and any associated fittings and equipment,     11
                    that are connected to a gas network upstream of the gas supply        12
                    point, but does not include any part of a gas network.                13
                    gas appliance means any gas burning or gas using appliance that       14
                    is manufactured, adapted or designed for connection to a gas          15
                    installation, whether by means of a gas outlet socket or otherwise,   16
                    and includes any liquefied petroleum gas dispenser, catalytic         17
                    burner or vaporiser, but does not include an internal combustion      18
                    engine that is installed in, or forms part of, a vehicle, vessel or   19
                    machine.                                                              20
                    gas container includes a gas cylinder, a gas cartridge, a pressure    21
                    vessel and a gas tank.                                                22
                    gas installation means:                                               23
                     (a) any pipe or system of pipes used to convey or control gas,       24
                           and any associated fittings and equipment, that are            25
                           downstream of the gas supply point, but does not include       26
                           anything beyond the gas installation end point, and            27
                    (b) any flue that is downstream of the gas supply point,              28
                    but does not include an autogas installation.                         29
                    gas installation end point means:                                     30
                     (a) in the case of a gas installation to which gas is supplied       31
                           from a gas network--the gas outlet socket, or                  32
                    (b) in any other case--the control valve or other connection          33
                           point of a gas appliance or of another gas container.          34
                    gas network means a distribution pipeline or a distribution           35
                    system.                                                               36

Page 4
Gas Supply Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Gas Supply Act 1996 No 38                                Schedule 1

                  gas supply point means:                                               1
                  (a) in the case of a gas installation to which gas is supplied        2
                         from a gas network--the outlet of the gas meter at which       3
                         the gas is supplied, or                                        4
                  (b) in any other case--the control valve or other connection          5
                         point of a gas container.                                      6
                  gasfitting work means any work involved in:                           7
                  (a) the installation, alteration, extension or repair of a gas        8
                         installation, or                                               9
                  (b) the installation, alteration, extension or repair of a           10
                         consumer service, or                                          11
                  (c) the installation, alteration, extension, removal or repair of    12
                         a flue, or                                                    13
                  (d) the connection of a gas installation to, or the disconnection    14
                         of a gas installation from, a gas network (including any      15
                         work on a consumer service that is required to complete       16
                         the connection or disconnection), or                          17
                  (e) the connection of a gas appliance to, or the disconnection       18
                         of a gas appliance from, a gas installation (otherwise than   19
                         where the point of connection is a gas outlet socket), or     20
                   (f) the connection of a gas container, gas regulator or gas         21
                         appliance to, or the disconnection of a gas container, gas    22
                         regulator or gas appliance from, a gas installation           23
                         (otherwise than where it is designed to be readily            24
                         detachable from the installation whether by the use of a      25
                         tool, mechanical force or otherwise).                         26

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