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New South Wales Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of Home Building Regulation 2004 9 b2009-011-20.d13 New South Wales Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 No , 2009 A Bill for An Act to amend the Home Building Act 1989 and the Home Building Regulation 2004 to make further provision for home warranty insurance. Clause 1 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Act 2009. 3 2 Commencement 4 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 5 Page 2 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 1 No 147 2 [1] Section 99 Requirements for insurance for residential building work 3 Omit section 99 (3)-(5). Insert instead: 4 (3) A contract of insurance in relation to residential building work 5 required by section 92 must include provision that deems the 6 suspension of a contractor's licence under section 42A to 7 constitute the insolvency of the contractor for the purposes of the 8 application of the policy to any loss that is the subject of a 9 building claim order made against the contractor that remains 10 unsatisfied. 11 (4) The following provisions apply to a claim under a contract of 12 insurance that arises because of the operation of subsection (3) in 13 connection with a building claim order: 14 (a) the claim is limited to a loss that would have been covered 15 by the contract in the event of the contractor's insolvency, 16 (b) the amount of the claim need not be the same as the amount 17 of the building claim order (and in particular is not limited 18 by the amount of the building claim order), 19 (c) the building claim order does not limit any right of a 20 beneficiary to appeal against a decision of the insurer in 21 respect of a claim under the contract (and any such right of 22 appeal may be exercised as if the building claim order had 23 not been made), 24 (d) the building claim order does not limit any right of 25 recovery of the insurer against the contractor in respect of 26 the loss to which the claim relates (whether that right arises 27 pursuant to any rights of the beneficiary to which the 28 insurer is subrogated, or otherwise). 29 (5) For the purposes of the operation of a provision of a contract of 30 insurance referred to in subsection (3), a contractor's licence that 31 would have been suspended under section 42A were it not for the 32 fact that the licence expired, or was surrendered or cancelled, 33 before the suspension took effect is taken to have been suspended 34 under that section. 35 (6) In this section: 36 building claim order has the same meaning as in section 42A. 37 Page 3 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 [2] Section 102 General requirements for insurance 1 Insert after section 102 (3): 2 (3A) A provision of a contract of insurance to the effect that the 3 amount of cover provided by the contract is the minimum amount 4 provided for from time to time by this Act or the regulations is to 5 be read as providing that the amount of cover provided is the 6 minimum amount provided for by this Act or the regulations at 7 the time the contract is entered into. 8 [3] Section 103BA 9 Insert after section 103B: 10 103BA Limitations on policy coverage--claims made and notified policy 11 (1) A contract of insurance provides insurance cover in respect of 12 loss only if: 13 (a) in the case of cover for loss arising from non-completion 14 of work--the loss becomes apparent and is notified to the 15 insurer within the period of insurance, or 16 (b) in any other case: 17 (i) the loss becomes apparent and is notified to the 18 insurer within the period of insurance, or 19 (ii) the loss becomes apparent during the last 6 months 20 of the period of insurance and is notified to the 21 insurer within 6 months after the loss becomes 22 apparent. 23 (2) A loss becomes apparent when a beneficiary under the contract 24 first becomes aware (or ought reasonably have become aware) of 25 the loss. 26 (3) In this section: 27 loss means loss indemnified by a contract of insurance. 28 period of insurance means the period for which a contract of 29 insurance provides cover. 30 [4] Section 103C Regulations 31 Omit section 103C (2) (a). Insert instead: 32 (a) limitations on and reductions in liability, 33 [5] Schedule 4 Savings and transitional provisions 34 Insert at the end of clause 2 (1): 35 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Act 2009 36 Page 4 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 Schedule 1 [6] Schedule 4, clause 79 (3) 1 Omit the subclause. 2 [7] Schedule 4, Part 15 3 Insert after Part 14: 4 Part 15 Provisions consequent on Home Building 5 Amendment (Insurance) Act 2009 6 80 Definitions 7 In this Part: 8 amending Act means the Home Building Amendment 9 (Insurance) Act 2009. 10 contract of insurance means a contract of insurance entered into 11 for the purposes of Part 6 of this Act. 12 81 Insurance claims arising from suspension of contractor's licence 13 (1) Section 99 (3)-(6) (as inserted by the amending Act) apply only 14 to a contract of insurance entered into on or after the 15 commencement of those provisions. 16 (2) An insurance contract that is entered into on or after the 17 commencement of those provisions using any existing stock of 18 insurance contract forms is deemed to include the provision 19 required to be included by section 99 (3) (as inserted by the 20 amending Act). 21 82 Minimum amount of cover 22 (1) Section 102 (3A) extends to: 23 (a) a contract of insurance entered into before the 24 commencement of that subsection (despite any provision 25 of the policy), and 26 (b) a claim under any such contract of insurance, and 27 (c) proceedings on such a claim (including proceedings 28 commenced but not finally determined before the 29 commencement of that subsection). 30 (2) Despite subclause (1), section 102 (3A) does not extend to or 31 otherwise affect: 32 (a) a claim that was paid in full before the commencement of 33 that subsection, or 34 Page 5 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 (b) any agreement made before the commencement of that 1 subsection to settle a claim, or 2 (c) a decision of an insurer made before the commencement of 3 that subsection that cannot be the subject of appeal because 4 of clause 65 of the Home Building Regulation 2004, or 5 (d) the amount that a person is entitled to recover under a 6 contract of insurance where that amount was paid before 7 the commencement of that subsection under the indemnity 8 provided by Division 2 (Insurance claims indemnified by 9 State) of Part 6A of this Act, or 10 (e) any final determination of legal proceedings made by a 11 court or tribunal before the commencement of that 12 subsection. 13 (3) This clause applies only to contracts of insurance entered into on 14 or after 1 May 1997. 15 83 Application of amendments to existing insurance policies 16 (1) Section 103BA (Limitations on policy coverage--claims made 17 and notified policy) extends to: 18 (a) a contract of insurance entered into before the 19 commencement of that section (despite any provision of 20 the contract), and 21 (b) a claim under any such contract of insurance, and 22 (c) proceedings on such a claim (including proceedings 23 commenced but not finally determined before the 24 commencement of that section). 25 (2) Despite subclause (1), section 103BA does not extend to or 26 otherwise affect: 27 (a) a claim that was paid in full before the commencement of 28 that section, or 29 (b) any agreement made before the commencement of that 30 section to settle a claim, or 31 (c) a decision of an insurer made before the commencement of 32 that section that cannot be the subject of appeal because of 33 clause 65 of the Home Building Regulation 2004, or 34 (d) the amount that a person is entitled to recover under a 35 contract of insurance where that amount was paid before 36 the commencement of that section under the indemnity 37 provided by Division 2 (Insurance claims indemnified by 38 State) of Part 6A of this Act, or 39 Page 6 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 Schedule 1 (e) any final determination of legal proceedings made by a 1 court or tribunal before the commencement of that section. 2 (3) This clause applies only to contracts of insurance entered into on 3 or after 1 May 1997. 4 84 Proceedings finally determined 5 For the purposes of this Part, proceedings are not finally 6 determined if: 7 (a) any period for bringing an appeal as of right in respect of 8 the proceedings has not expired (ignoring any period that 9 may be available by way of extension of time to appeal), or 10 (b) any appeal in respect of the proceedings is pending 11 (whether or not it is an appeal brought as of right). 12 85 Reduction of liability for failure to enforce statutory warranty 13 Clause 58A of the Home Building Regulation 2004 (as inserted 14 by the amending Act) extends to a contract of insurance entered 15 into before the commencement of that clause, and for that 16 purpose every contract of insurance entered into before that 17 commencement is taken to include provision as referred to in that 18 clause. 19 86 Repeal of clause 63A of Regulation--period of grace for notifying 20 loss 21 (1) If clause 63A of the Regulation prevented a claim for loss from 22 being made during any part of the loss notification period for the 23 loss, there is to be a period of grace for notifying the loss. 24 (2) The period of grace starts on the repeal of clause 63A of the 25 Regulation and continues for a period that is equal in length to 26 that part of the loss notification period for which clause 63A of 27 the Regulation prevented the claim from being made. 28 (3) A loss notified to an insurer during the period of grace is deemed 29 to have been notified during the loss notification period for the 30 loss. 31 (4) If an insurer has refused a claim on the basis of clause 63A of the 32 Regulation: 33 (a) the insurer must notify the claimant of any period of grace 34 for notifying the loss to which the claim relates that results 35 from the operation of this clause, and 36 Page 7 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Schedule 1 Amendment of Home Building Act 1989 No 147 (b) the period of grace for notifying the loss concerned starts 1 (despite subclause (2)) when the claimant receives the 2 insurer's notification under paragraph (a) and continues 3 for the period provided for by subclause (2). 4 (5) The refusal of a claim for loss on the basis of clause 63A of the 5 Regulation (being a claim that would have been validly made had 6 clause 63A of the Regulation not been made): 7 (a) does not prevent the claimant from resubmitting the claim 8 or submitting the claim as a new claim (without the need 9 to appeal against the decision to refuse the claim), and 10 (b) does not prevent the insurer from proceeding to accept and 11 assess the refused claim as a claim now properly made. 12 (6) An insurer is not entitled to refuse or reduce liability on a claim 13 for loss on the grounds of a failure to notify the loss during the 14 loss notification period if the loss is notified during the period of 15 grace. 16 (7) The period of grace provided by this clause does not apply in a 17 case in which the loss notification period ended before the 18 commencement of clause 63A of the Regulation. 19 (8) In this clause: 20 loss notification period for a loss means the period within which 21 loss must be notified to the insurer under a contract of insurance 22 in order for the loss to be covered by the contract of insurance (as 23 provided by section 103BA). 24 Note. Section 103BA extends to existing contracts of insurance. 25 the Regulation means the Home Building Regulation 2004. 26 Page 8 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Amendment of Home Building Regulation 2004 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendment of Home Building 1 Regulation 2004 2 [1] Clause 25 General requirements for obtaining certain authorities under 3 Act 4 Insert after clause 25 (1) (a) (ii): 5 (iii) is not a debtor under a judgment for money that has not 6 been satisfied where the judgment is for the payment of 7 money in relation to a building claim under Part 3A of the 8 Act or the payment of money to an insurer in relation to a 9 claim relating to home warranty insurance (within the 10 meaning of Part 6 of the Act), and 11 (iv) is not (and has not been within the period of 3 years before 12 the date of the application) a director of a corporation that 13 is a debtor under a judgment for money as referred to in 14 subparagraph (iii), and 15 (v) is not subject to any order of a court in relation to a 16 building claim under Part 3A of the Act that has not been 17 satisfied within the period required for satisfaction of the 18 order, and 19 [2] Clause 25 (3) 20 Omit the subclause. Insert instead: 21 (3) Subclause (1) (a) (v) or (vi) does not prevent the 22 Director-General from issuing an authority if the 23 Director-General is satisfied that the person: 24 (a) has complied with the order of the court or Tribunal after 25 the period required by the court or Tribunal, and 26 (b) has a reasonable excuse for the failure to comply with the 27 order within that period. 28 [3] Clause 39A General requirements for renewal or restoration of 29 authorities 30 Insert after clause 39A (1) (e): 31 (e1) is not subject to any order of a court in relation to a 32 building claim under Part 3A of the Act that has not been 33 satisfied within the period required for satisfaction of the 34 order, and 35 (e2) is not a debtor under a judgment for money that has not 36 been satisfied where the judgment is for the payment of 37 money in relation to a building claim under Part 3A of the 38 Page 9 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Schedule 2 Amendment of Home Building Regulation 2004 Act or the payment of money to an insurer in relation to a 1 claim pursuant to home warranty insurance (within the 2 meaning of Part 6 of the Act), and 3 (e3) is not (and has not been within the period of 3 years before 4 the date of the application) a director of a corporation that 5 is a debtor under a judgment for money as referred to in 6 paragraph (e2), and 7 [4] Clause 39A (4) 8 Omit the subclause. Insert instead: 9 (4) Subclause (1) (e) or (e1) does not prevent the Director-General 10 from renewing or restoring an authority if the Director-General is 11 satisfied that the person: 12 (a) has complied with the order of the court or Tribunal after 13 the period required by the court or Tribunal, and 14 (b) has a reasonable excuse for the failure to comply with the 15 order within that period. 16 [5] Clause 58A 17 Insert after clause 58: 18 58A Reduction of liability for failure to enforce statutory warranty 19 (1) An insurance contract may contain a provision to the effect that 20 the insurer may reduce its liability under the contract or reduce 21 any amount otherwise payable in respect of a claim because of a 22 failure by the beneficiary to take action to enforce a statutory 23 warranty from the breach of which the insured loss arises, but 24 only to the extent of an amount that fairly represents the extent to 25 which the insurer's interests were prejudiced as a result of the 26 failure. 27 (2) A provision included in an insurance contract under this clause 28 does not limit the operation of any provision included in the 29 insurance contract to the effect of a provision required to be 30 included by clause 63. 31 [6] Clause 63A Period within which insurance claim must be made 32 Omit the clause. 33 Page 10 Home Building Amendment (Insurance) Bill 2009 Amendment of Home Building Regulation 2004 Schedule 2 [7] Clause 73A Temporary exemption from section 93 (3) requirements 1 Omit the clause. 2 Page 11
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