New South Wales Bills

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                               New South Wales

Health Insurance Levies Amendment Bill

             1   Name of Act                                                   2
             2   Commencement                                                  2
Schedule 1       Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 No 159          3
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                                   , 2024

                                    New South Wales

Health Insurance Levies Amendment Bill

Act No        , 2024

An Act to amend the Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 to enable a base rate to be declared by the
regulations; and for other purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Health Insurance Levies Amendment Bill 2024 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts--
 1    Name of Act
             This Act is the Health Insurance Levies Amendment Act 2024.
 2    Commencement
             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.

Page 2
Health Insurance Levies Amendment Bill 2024 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 No 159

Schedule 1             Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982
                       No 159
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4(1)--
                    base rate means--
                    (a) the base rate declared by the regulations under Schedule 3, clause 9, or
                    (b) if no base rate is declared--$3.27.
                    proclaimed month means the first month to commence on or after the
                    commencement of the Health Insurance Levies Amendment Act 2024.
[2]   Section 4(1), definition of "prescribed rate", paragraph (e)
      Omit "and for any month thereafter".
      Insert instead "and for each month after July 1997 and before the proclaimed month".
[3]   Section 4(1), definition of "prescribed rate", paragraph (f)
      Omit "Schedule 2." from paragraph (e). Insert instead--
                        Schedule 2, and
                 (f) for the proclaimed month and for each month after the proclaimed
                        month--the base rate, as adjusted from time to time in accordance with
                        Schedule 2.
[4]   Section 20
      Insert after section 19--
         20   Data on contributions towards cost of stays in public hospitals
              (1)   The Chief Commissioner must publish on a government website a report for
                    each year that sets out the following information for the year--
                    (a) the total number of days that persons who are contributors to health
                          benefit funds stay in single rooms at public hospitals in their capacity as
                    (b) the total cost of the stays,
                    (c) the percentage of the cost of the stays that is paid for by the health
                          benefit funds to which the persons are contributors,
                    (d) other information prescribed by the regulations.
              (2)   The Secretary of the Ministry of Health must give information to the Chief
                    Commissioner for the purposes of publishing a report under this section.
              (3)   The Chief Commissioner may direct the following persons to give information
                    to the Chief Commissioner for the purposes of publishing a report under this
                     (a) a person who carries on the business in New South Wales of providing
                           health benefits to contributors,
                    (b) a person prescribed by the regulations.
              (4)   The direction may specify--
                    (a) the information that must be given, and
                    (b) the time, form and way in which the information must be given.

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Health Insurance Levies Amendment Bill 2024 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 No 159

              (5)   A person given a direction must comply with the direction.
                    Maximum penalty for subsection (5)--10,000 penalty units.
[5]   Schedule 3 Transitional provisions
      Insert after Part 7--

      Part 8        Provision consequent on enactment of Health
                    Insurance Levies Amendment Act 2024
         9    Regulations may declare base rate
              (1)   The regulations may declare a base rate for this Act.
              (2)   A base rate declared by a regulation has no effect in relation to a month that
                    commences before the commencement of the regulation.
              (3)   A regulation declaring a base rate is an excluded instrument for the purposes
                    of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 if the only other provisions contained
                    in the regulation are provisions dealing with its citation and commencement.
              (4)   In this clause--
                    operative date, in a year, has the same meaning as in Schedule 2, clause 1(4).
         10   Review of levy in NSW Health Annual Report
              (1)   The annual reporting information for the Ministry of Health must include the
                    following information about the impacts of the levy--
                     (a) the change in the number of people in New South Wales with hospital
                          cover through private health insurance,
                    (b) the change in waiting lists and waiting times for elective surgery,
                     (c) other relevant information on the impact of the levy on the health care
              (2)   The information must also be published on the NSW Health website.
              (3)   This clause does not apply until the commencement of the Health Insurance
                    Levies Amendment Act 2024, Schedule 1.

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