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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400)
Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to facilitate the conduct of an annual motor race at Homebush; to constitute
the Homebush Motor Racing Authority and to confer functions on the Authority; and
for other purposes.
Clause 1          Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                               1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                               2

  1      Name of Act                                                                     3

               This Act is the Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008.              4

  2      Commencement                                                                    5

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.      6

  3      Definitions                                                                     7

         (1)   In this Act:                                                              8
               Advisory Board means the Advisory Board of the Authority constituted      9
               under section 8.                                                         10
               Authority means the Homebush Motor Racing Authority constituted          11
               under section 4.                                                         12
               Chief Executive Officer means the Chief Executive Officer of the         13
               Authority holding office as such under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector   14
               Employment and Management Act 2002.                                      15
               declared racing area--see section 12.                                    16
               exercise a function includes perform a duty.                             17
               function includes a power, authority or duty.                            18
               Homebush motor race means a V8 motor race, and any associated            19
               motor races and events, authorised under Division 1 of Part 3.           20
               Homebush motor racing period--see section 12.                            21
               race promoter, in relation to a Homebush motor race, means the person    22
               who has approval under section 13 to apply to the Authority for an       23
               authorisation to conduct the race.                                       24
               relevant council, in relation to a declared racing area or works area,   25
               means a local council the area of which includes the declared racing     26
               area or works area (as the case may be) or part of such an area.         27
               works area--see section 17.                                              28
               works period--see section 17.                                            29

         (2)   An order, authorisation or approval under this Act may be amended or     30
               revoked by further order, authorisation or approval, respectively.       31

         (3)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                 32

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                          Clause 4

Homebush Motor Racing Authority                                       Part 2

Part 2      Homebush Motor Racing Authority                                             1

 4    Constitution of Authority                                                         2

            There is constituted by this Act a corporation with the corporate name      3
            of the Homebush Motor Racing Authority.                                     4

 5    Status of Authority                                                               5

            The Authority is a NSW Government agency.                                   6

 6    Ministerial control                                                               7

            The Authority is subject to the control and direction of the Minister in    8
            the exercise of its functions.                                              9

 7    Chief Executive Officer of Authority                                             10

      (1)   The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day-to-day              11
            management of the affairs of the Authority.                                12

      (2)   Any act, matter or thing done in the name of, or on behalf of, the         13
            Authority by the Chief Executive Officer is taken to have been done by     14
            the Authority.                                                             15

 8    Advisory Board                                                                   16

      (1)   There is to be an Advisory Board of the Authority.                         17

      (2)   The principal function of the Advisory Board is to provide advice to the   18
            Chief Executive Officer on the following:                                  19
            (a) the functions of the Authority under this Act,                         20
            (b) any matter referred to the Advisory Board by the Chief Executive       21
                  Officer.                                                             22

      (3)   The Advisory Board is to consist of the following members:                 23
            (a) the Chief Executive Officer,                                           24
            (b) such other members (not exceeding 4 members) as the Minister           25
                 may appoint.                                                          26

      (4)   The race promoter and employees of the race promoter are not entitled      27
            to be appointed, or to hold office, as members of the Advisory Board.      28

      (5)   One of the members of the Advisory Board (other than the Chief             29
            Executive Officer) is to be appointed as Chairperson of the Advisory       30
            Board in and by the member's instrument of appointment or a                31
            subsequent instrument executed by the Minister.                            32

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Clause 9          Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 2            Homebush Motor Racing Authority

         (6)   One of the other members of the Advisory Board (other than the Chief      1
               Executive Officer) may be appointed as Deputy Chairperson of the          2
               Advisory Board in and by the member's instrument of appointment or        3
               a subsequent instrument executed by the Minister.                         4

         (7)   Schedule 1 has effect with respect to the membership and procedure of     5
               the Advisory Board.                                                       6

  9      Event Implementation Committee                                                  7

         (1)   There is to be an Event Implementation Committee to provide advice to     8
               the Advisory Board on matters referred to the committee by the            9
               Advisory Board.                                                          10

         (2)   The committee is to consist of the following members:                    11
               (a) the Chief Executive Officer,                                         12
               (b) 1 person appointed by the Minister to represent the Sydney           13
                     Olympic Park Authority,                                            14
               (c) 2 or more persons appointed by the Minister to represent             15
                     government agencies,                                               16
               (d) 1 person appointed by the Minister to represent the NSW Police       17
                     Force,                                                             18
               (e) 1 person appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the race     19
                     promoter to represent the race promoter.                           20

         (3)   Subject to the regulations, the term of office of appointed members of   21
               the committee, the procedure for calling meetings of the committee and   22
               the conduct of business at those meetings are to be determined by the    23
               Minister.                                                                24

         (4)   The members of the committee are not entitled to be paid remuneration    25
               in respect of the duties they perform as members. The members are        26
               however entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses (such as for   27
               travel or accommodation) that they may incur in attending meetings of    28
               the committee.                                                           29

10       Functions of Authority                                                         30

         (1)   The Authority has the following functions:                               31
               (a) such functions relating to the preparation for, and the              32
                    management and conduct of and the works associated with, a          33
                    Homebush motor race as are conferred on it by or under this Act,    34
               (b) to liaise with the New South Wales Government, the race              35
                    promoter and any other persons the Authority considers relevant     36
                    to the preparation for, and the management and conduct of and       37
                    the works associated with, a Homebush motor race,                   38

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                             Clause 11

Homebush Motor Racing Authority                                          Part 2

             (c)   to consult with relevant government agencies on matters relating        1
                   to a Homebush motor race,                                               2
             (d)   to advise the Minister in relation to the Minister's functions under    3
                   this Act and in relation to any other matter relating to a              4
                   Homebush motor race,                                                    5
             (e)   such other functions as are conferred on it by or under this or any     6
                   other Act.                                                              7

      (2)   The Authority may do all such supplemental, incidental or                      8
            consequential acts as may be necessary or expedient for the exercise of        9
            its functions, including entering into any contract or arrangement with       10
            any person in connection with the exercise of its functions.                  11

      (3)   The Authority may exercise its functions within or outside New South          12
            Wales.                                                                        13

      (4)   The Authority cannot employ any staff.                                        14
            Note. Staff may be employed under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector             15
            Employment and Management Act 2002 in the Government Service to enable        16
            the Authority to exercise its functions.                                      17

11    Delegation of Authority's functions                                                 18

      (1)   The Authority may delegate to an authorised person the exercise of any        19
            of its functions other than this power of delegation.                         20

      (2)   In this section, authorised person means:                                     21
             (a) a member of staff of the Authority, or                                   22
            (b) a government agency or member of staff of a government agency,            23
                   or                                                                     24
             (c) a person, or committee of persons, of a class prescribed by the          25
                   regulations.                                                           26

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Clause 12         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 3            Conduct of Homebush motor racing

Part 3         Conduct of Homebush motor racing                                                 1

Division 1           Authorisations                                                             2

12       Minister may declare racing area and racing period                                     3

         (1)   The Minister may, by order, declare any area within Sydney Olympic               4
               Park as the area within which a Homebush motor race may be                       5
               conducted (the declared racing area).                                            6

         (2)   The Minister may, by order, designate the period during which a                  7
               Homebush motor race may be conducted (the Homebush motor racing                  8
               period).                                                                         9

         (3)   In this section, Sydney Olympic Park has the same meaning as it has in          10
               the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001, but does not include any            11
               area that is subject to a lease on the date of assent to this Act and has not   12
               ceased to be subject to a lease at the time the order is made.                  13

13       Approval of person who may apply for authorisation to conduct race (the               14
         race promoter)                                                                        15

         (1)   The Minister may, by order, approve the person who is entitled to apply         16
               to the Authority for an authorisation under section 15 to conduct a V8          17
               motor race (and other associated motor races and events) within the             18
               declared racing area during the Homebush motor racing period.                   19

         (2)   Any such application must be made in the manner, and lodged with the            20
               Authority within the time, determined by the Minister in the order under        21
               subsection (1).                                                                 22

14       Provisions relating to Ministerial orders                                             23

         (1)   An order made under this Division may only be made to enable the                24
               conduct of the Homebush motor race during a single period each year.            25

         (2)   An order under this Division remains in force until the end of the period       26
               of 5 years from the date that it took effect unless sooner revoked.             27

         (3)   An order made under this Division must be published in the Gazette.             28

         (4)   The Minister is to seek the advice of the Authority before making an            29
               order under this Division.                                                      30

15       Conduct of race requires authorisation by Authority                                   31

         (1)   A V8 motor race (and other associated motor races and events) are not           32
               authorised to be conducted under this Act unless the Authority                  33
               authorises the conduct of the race (and associated races and events)            34
               under this section.                                                             35

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                           Clause 15

Conduct of Homebush motor racing                                       Part 3

      (2)   The Authority may authorise the race promoter to conduct a V8 motor          1
            race (and other associated motor races and events) subject to and in         2
            accordance with this Act.                                                    3

      (3)   Any such authorisation may be given for a period not exceeding 5 years.      4

      (4)   Any such authorisation may be given subject to such conditions as the        5
            Authority considers it reasonable to impose, including (but not limited      6
            to) conditions relating to any of the following:                             7
             (a) public safety,                                                          8
            (b) environmental protection,                                                9
             (c) insurance,                                                             10
            (d) reporting requirements,                                                 11
             (e) transport arrangements,                                                12
             (f) reinstatement of land,                                                 13
            (g) consultation requirements,                                              14
            (h) financial arrangements (including the provision of security),           15
             (i) event and works planning requirements,                                 16
             (j) engineering certification requirements.                                17
            The race promoter must, in conducting the Homebush motor race,              18
            comply with any such conditions.                                            19

      (5)   Before imposing a condition of an authorisation, the Authority must         20
            advise the race promoter of the condition by notice in writing and allow    21
            the race promoter 14 days within which the race promoter may make           22
            submissions to the Authority in relation to the proposed condition.         23

      (6)   The conditions of an authorisation may be amended (including by             24
            introducing additional conditions) or revoked at any time by notice in      25
            writing to the race promoter.                                               26

      (7)   The Authority must, within 4 months from the end of the declared            27
            racing period, review the conditions of any authorisation that remains in   28
            force and determine whether the conditions of that authorisation remain     29
            appropriate.                                                                30

      (8)   The Authority may revoke an authorisation given under this section, on      31
            the grounds that a condition of the authorisation has not been complied     32
            with, only if the Authority is satisfied that:                              33
             (a) the failure to comply with the condition is of a serious or            34
                   continuing nature, and                                               35
            (b) it is appropriate to do so in the circumstances.                        36

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Clause 16          Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 3             Conduct of Homebush motor racing

          (9)   If any condition of an authorisation given under this section relating to    1
                public safety, environmental protection or insurance is contravened, the     2
                race promoter is guilty of an offence.                                       3
                Maximum penalty:                                                             4
                 (a) in the case of an individual--$250,000, or                              5
                (b) in the case of a corporation--$1,000,000.                                6

         (10)   It is a defence in any proceedings against a person for an offence under     7
                subsection (9) if the person establishes:                                    8
                 (a) that the commission of the offence was due to causes over which         9
                        the person had no control, and                                      10
                (b) that the person took reasonable precautions and exercised due           11
                        diligence to prevent the commission of the offence.                 12

Division 2            Carrying out works                                                    13

16       Plans of proposed works                                                            14

          (1)   The race promoter must make the following information available for         15
                public inspection:                                                          16
                (a) the information specified in section 17 (2) (a), (b) and (c),           17
                (b) any other information relating to the proposed works that the           18
                      regulations, or the Authority by written notice, requires.            19

          (2)   Such information must be made available for public inspection at a          20
                place designated by the Authority during the period commencing on the       21
                date the application under section 17 to carry out the works is made and    22
                ending on the date that the works are completed.                            23

17       Authorisation to carry out works                                                   24

          (1)   The race promoter may apply to the Authority for authorisation to carry     25
                out works associated with a Homebush motor race.                            26

          (2)   Any such application must be in writing and include the following           27
                information:                                                                28
                 (a) a description of the proposed works,                                   29
                (b) a description of the land on which the works are to be carried out      30
                      (including any land required to be used in order to carry out the     31
                      works),                                                               32
                 (c) the period during which the works are proposed to be carried out,      33
                (d) details of the outcome of consultation with the persons and             34
                      bodies specified in section 18 (a) in relation to the proposed        35

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                           Clause 17

Conduct of Homebush motor racing                                       Part 3

                   works and the period during which the works are proposed to be        1
                   carried out,                                                          2
             (e)   any other information relating to the proposed works that the         3
                   regulations, or the Authority by written notice, requires to be       4
                   included.                                                             5

      (3)   Subject to this Division, the Authority may authorise the race promoter      6
            to carry out specified works associated with a Homebush motor race           7
            (and do any other things on the land that are reasonably necessary for or    8
            incidental to such works) on the land within a specified area (the works     9
            area) during a specified period (the works period).                         10

      (4)   An authorisation may be granted subject to such conditions as the           11
            Authority considers it reasonable to impose, including (but not limited     12
            to) conditions relating to any of the following:                            13
             (a) public safety,                                                         14
            (b) environmental protection,                                               15
             (c) insurance,                                                             16
            (d) reporting requirements,                                                 17
             (e) reinstatement of land,                                                 18
             (f) consultation requirements,                                             19
            (g) financial arrangements (including the provision of security),           20
            (h) event and works planning requirements,                                  21
             (i) engineering certification requirements.                                22
            The race promoter must, in carrying out any work authorised by the          23
            Authority under this section, comply with any such conditions.              24

      (5)   Before granting an authorisation under this section, the Authority must     25
            consult with the Sydney Olympic Park Authority.                             26

      (6)   A different works period may be specified in respect of different           27
            categories of work or different works areas.                                28

      (7)   A works area may be within or outside of the declared racing area and       29
            a works period may fall within or outside of the Homebush motor racing      30
            period.                                                                     31

      (8)   The race promoter is taken to be the owner of a works area during the       32
            relevant works period (to the exclusion of any other person):               33
             (a) for the purposes of the appointment of a principal contractor (in      34
                  respect of an area that is a place of work) in accordance with the    35
                  regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000,        36
                  and                                                                   37
            (b) for any other purpose prescribed by the regulations.                    38

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Clause 18         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 3            Conduct of Homebush motor racing

         (9)   The race promoter must comply with any direction of the Authority:            1
               (a) to ensure compliance with this section, or                                2
               (b) to rectify any matter that the Authority considers to constitute a        3
                     breach of the conditions of an authorisation under this section.        4

18       Community and other consultation                                                    5

               Before granting an authorisation under section 17, the Authority must         6
               be satisfied that the race promoter has:                                      7
               (a) taken all reasonable steps to consult with:                               8
                       (i) any person having a right of occupation of land within the        9
                             works area, and                                                10
                      (ii) any person occupying land immediately adjacent to the            11
                             works area, and                                                12
                     (iii) the Sydney Olympic Park Authority, and                           13
                     (iv) any relevant council, and                                         14
                      (v) any other person nominated by the Authority (by notice in         15
                             writing to the race promoter) as a person whose business       16
                             or financial interests might be affected by the works, and     17
               (b) taken into account any representations made by any person or             18
                      body referred to in paragraph (a), and                                19
               (c) demonstrated that it will take adequate steps to prevent or              20
                      minimise any harm to the environment, and disruption of other         21
                      lawful activities, at Sydney Olympic Park and in those areas          22
                      adjacent to Sydney Olympic Park.                                      23

19       Other authorisations to carry out works not permitted                              24

         (1)   The Authority may direct the Sydney Olympic Park Authority or a              25
               council to refuse to consider an application to carry out specified works,   26
               or to refuse to approve or authorise the carrying out of specified works,    27
               under a relevant provision if the Authority believes that the carrying out   28
               of the works are or should be authorised under section 17.                   29

         (2)   In this section, relevant provision means a provision of an Act that         30
               would otherwise enable the Sydney Olympic Park Authority or a                31
               council to consider an application for, or approve or authorise, the         32
               carrying out of specified works.                                             33

Division 3           General provisions                                                     34

20       Control of declared racing area during Homebush motor racing period                35

         (1)   The race promoter is (subject to, and in accordance with, this Act and       36
               any authorisation given under this Act) responsible for the care, control,   37

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                             Clause 21

Conduct of Homebush motor racing                                         Part 3

            management and use of land within the declared racing area during the          1
            Homebush motor racing period and the rights or obligations of any              2
            other person in or in relation to the care, control, management and use        3
            of the land are suspended for the Homebush motor racing period.                4

      (2)   Subsection (1) does not suspend the rights or obligations of a person to       5
            the extent that an agreement between that person and the race promoter         6
            so provides.                                                                   7

21    Control of parts of declared racing area outside Homebush motor racing               8
      period                                                                               9

      (1)   The race promoter may, with the authorisation of the Authority, fence         10
            or cordon off a part of the declared racing area for the purposes of a        11
            Homebush motor race for a period not falling within the Homebush              12
            motor racing period. The Authority may only provide authorisation             13
            under this subsection if it considers that the fencing or cordoning off is    14
            reasonably necessary for or incidental to the exercise of the race            15
            promoter's functions under this Act.                                          16

      (2)   Section 20 applies in relation to land that is fenced or cordoned off by      17
            the race promoter in accordance with this section in the same way that        18
            it applies to land within the declared racing area. Accordingly, any          19
            reference to the Homebush motor racing period in that section is taken        20
            to include a reference to the period during which the land is fenced or       21
            cordoned off.                                                                 22

      (3)   For the purposes of this section, cordoning off an area includes the          23
            erection of signs indicating that the area is subject to restricted access.   24

22    Removal of unattended motor vehicles                                                25

      (1)   At any time during the Homebush motor racing period, a police officer         26
            or a SOPA officer may, and must at the request of the Authority, remove       27
            any unattended motor vehicle or trailer from the declared racing area.        28

      (2)   At any time during the Homebush motor racing period, the race                 29
            promoter may direct an authorised officer to remove an unattended             30
            motor vehicle or trailer from the declared racing area if the race            31
            promoter is of the opinion that it is necessary to do so.                     32

      (3)   The provisions of section 76 (2)-(8A) of the Road Transport (Safety           33
            and Traffic Management) Act 1999 apply to the removal of an                   34
            unattended motor vehicle or trailer in accordance with this section in the    35
            same way as they apply to the removal of an unattended motor vehicle          36
            or trailer in accordance with that section.                                   37

      (4)   However, it is not necessary that the unattended motor vehicle or trailer     38
            is standing unlawfully.                                                       39

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Clause 23         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 3            Conduct of Homebush motor racing

         (5)   In this section:                                                             1
               authorised officer has the same meaning as in section 76 of the Road         2
               Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999, but does not             3
               include a police officer.                                                    4
               SOPA officer means a person authorised by the Sydney Olympic Park            5
               Authority to exercise the functions of an authorised officer under           6
               section 78 of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001.                    7

23       Reinstatement of land                                                              8

         (1)   The race promoter must, within a reasonable time after the Homebush          9
               motor racing period:                                                        10
               (a) repair any damage to land (including any fixtures) caused by the        11
                     activities of the race promoter in connection with the Homebush       12
                     motor race, and                                                       13
               (b) remove any rubbish from land within the declared racing area and        14
                     works area, and                                                       15
               (c) reinstate any land affected by the activities of the race promoter      16
                     in connection with the Homebush motor race, so far as is              17
                     practicable, to the condition it was in before the carrying out of    18
                     works by the race promoter and the conduct of the Homebush            19
                     motor race,                                                           20
               unless the race promoter and the Authority have otherwise agreed.           21

         (2)   If the race promoter fails to carry out the work required to comply with    22
               subsection (1) within a reasonable time, the Authority:                     23
                (a) may cause the work to be carried out, and                              24
               (b) may, by proceedings brought in a court of competent jurisdiction,       25
                       recover from the race promoter as a debt the cost of carrying out   26
                       the work.                                                           27

         (3)   A document signed by the Chief Executive Officer certifying the cost of     28
               carrying out work in accordance with subsection (2) is admissible in any    29
               proceedings and is evidence of that cost.                                   30

24       Co-ordination and co-operation of government agencies                             31

         (1)   A NSW Government agency has the following obligations in respect of         32
               a Homebush motor race:                                                      33
               (a) to co-operate with the Authority in the exercise of the Authority's     34
                    functions, including complying with any reasonable request of          35
                    the Authority for information to enable the Authority to exercise      36
                    its functions,                                                         37
               (b) to provide resources and assistance in accordance with any              38
                    request of the Authority that is authorised by or under this Act,      39

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                           Clause 25

Conduct of Homebush motor racing                                       Part 3

             (c)   to notify the Authority of any proposed exercise of the agency's      1
                   functions that may impact adversely on the Homebush motor             2
                   race, any works authorised under section 17 or the exercise of the    3
                   Authority's functions.                                                4

      (2)   A NSW Government agency is authorised to exercise any of its                 5
            functions in order to comply with a request, direction or decision of the    6
            Minister or the Authority made or given under this Act.                      7

      (3)   The Minister may, by notice in writing given to a prescribed                 8
            government agency, direct the agency to comply with a request,               9
            direction or decision of the Authority made or given under this Act.        10
            However, if another Minister is responsible for the prescribed              11
            government agency, the Minister must consult with that Minister before      12
            making such a direction.                                                    13

      (4)   In this section, prescribed government agency means a NSW                   14
            Government agency prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of         15
            subsection (3).                                                             16

25    Race promoter to comply with directions of Authority                              17

      (1)   The Authority may direct the race promoter to do or not to do such          18
            things, and to provide such information, in relation to public safety and   19
            environmental protection matters associated with a Homebush motor           20
            race as the Authority considers reasonable in the circumstances.            21

      (2)   The race promoter is to comply in every respect with a direction given      22
            under subsection (1) and is not to authorise any act or omission by any     23
            person contrary to the direction.                                           24

      (3)   A direction given by the Authority under subsection (1) is taken to be a    25
            condition of the authorisation given to the race promoter to conduct the    26
            Homebush motor race.                                                        27

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Clause 26         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 4            Application of other laws

Part 4         Application of other laws                                                      1

26       Application of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                        2

         (1)   Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 does not          3
               apply in respect of the conduct of a Homebush motor race during the            4
               Homebush motor racing period, or the carrying out of works as                  5
               authorised under this Act.                                                     6

         (2)   An environmental planning instrument under the Environmental                   7
               Planning and Assessment Act 1979 cannot prohibit, require                      8
               development consent for or otherwise restrict the conduct of a                 9
               Homebush motor race during the Homebush motor racing period, or the           10
               carrying out of works as authorised under this Act.                           11

         (3)   The conduct of a Homebush motor race during the Homebush motor                12
               racing period, or the carrying out of works as authorised under this Act,     13
               cannot be declared to be a project under Part 3A of the Environmental         14
               Planning and Assessment Act 1979.                                             15

         (4)   An order under Division 2A of Part 6 of the Environmental Planning            16
               and Assessment Act 1979 does not have effect to the extent that it            17
               prevents or interferes with the conduct of a Homebush motor race              18
               during the Homebush motor racing period, or the carrying out of works         19
               as authorised under this Act.                                                 20

         (5)   Subsection (2) applies to an environmental planning instrument made           21
               before or after the commencement of this section.                             22

27       Application of National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974                                 23

               For the purposes of Part 8A of the National Parks and Wildlife Act            24
               1974, any act that is authorised or permitted by or under this Act is taken   25
               to be an act that is essential for the carrying out of development in         26
               accordance with a development consent within the meaning of the               27
               Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.                               28

28       Application of Local Government Act 1993                                            29

         (1)   A person who is authorised or permitted to do anything by or under this       30
               Act may do that thing despite the fact that the doing of it is not            31
               authorised (when required to be) by the Local Government Act 1993.            32

         (2)   A person who is authorised or permitted to do anything by or under this       33
               Act may do that thing despite the fact that the doing of it is contrary to,   34
               or inconsistent with, the terms or conditions of an approval granted          35
               under the Local Government Act 1993.                                          36

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                               Clause 29

Application of other laws                                                  Part 4

       (3)    A person does not breach the terms or conditions of an approval relating       1
              to:                                                                            2
               (a) the management of waste, being an approval under item 1, 2, 3             3
                    or 4 of Part C of the Table to section 68 of the Local Government        4
                    Act 1993, or                                                             5
              (b) the hours during which an activity may take place, or                      6
               (c) the means of access to land or premises, or                               7
              (d) the emission of noise, including permissible noise levels, or              8
               (e) the effect of an activity on the amenity of the locality,                 9
              by the doing of anything that is reasonably necessary to be done by or        10
              under, or as a consequence of the operation of, this Act.                     11

       (4)    A person who is exempt from the requirement to obtain an approval             12
              under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 does not cease to be        13
              exempt from the requirement by the doing of anything that is reasonably       14
              necessary to be done under, or as a consequence of the operation of, this     15
              Act.                                                                          16

29     Application of Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001                                17

              A person who is authorised or permitted to do anything by or under this       18
              Act may do that thing despite the fact that the doing of it is not            19
              authorised (when it is required to be) by, or is contrary to, or              20
              inconsistent with, the provisions of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority        21
              Act 2001 or any regulations made under that Act.                              22

30     Suspension of certain Acts                                                           23

       (1)    Except to the extent that the regulations otherwise provide and subject       24
              to any modifications specified in the regulations, the provisions of:         25
               (a) the Motor Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Act 1985, and                   26
              (b) section 40 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic                      27
                    Management) Act 1999,                                                   28
              do not apply in respect of a Homebush motor race during a Homebush            29
              motor racing period.                                                          30

       (2)    Except to the extent that the regulations otherwise provide and subject       31
              to any modifications specified in the regulations, the provisions of the      32
              Roads Act 1993 do not apply within the declared racing area during a          33
              Homebush motor racing period.                                                 34

       (3)    Except to the extent that the regulations otherwise provide and subject       35
              to any modifications specified in the regulations, the provisions of the      36
              Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (being those                37
              provisions of that Act that relate to noise) do not apply in respect of any   38

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Clause 31         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 4            Application of other laws

               activity that is carried out in accordance with any authorisation given     1
               under this Act or the regulations during the Homebush motor racing          2
               period.                                                                     3

31       No liability in nuisance                                                          4

               Anything done or omitted to be done by any person:                          5
               (a) in the exercise of functions under this Act or the regulations, or      6
               (b) pursuant to any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations, or    7
               (c) in accordance with any authorisation given under this Act or the        8
                     regulations,                                                          9
               does not constitute a nuisance.                                            10

32       Compensation not payable in respect of Homebush motor race-related               11
         matters                                                                          12

         (1)   Compensation is not payable by or on behalf of:                            13
                (a) the State or an authority of the State, or                            14
               (b) the Authority, or                                                      15
                (c) a local council, or                                                   16
               (d) an officer, employee or agent of the State, an authority of the        17
                      State, the Authority or a local council,                            18
               for an act or omission that is a Homebush motor race-related matter or     19
               that arises (directly or indirectly) from a Homebush motor race-related    20
               matter.                                                                    21

         (2)   Subsection (1):                                                            22
               (a) applies only in respect of acts done or omitted to be done in good     23
                    faith, and                                                            24
               (b) does not apply to acts or omissions that cause personal injury to      25
                    a person or the death of a person.                                    26

         (3)   Subsection (1) does not affect compensation payable under any              27
               indemnity given, or other agreement made, by the State, an authority of    28
               the State, the Authority, a local council or a person referred to in       29
               subsection (1), that expressly relates to a Homebush motor race-related    30
               matter.                                                                    31

         (4)   In this section:                                                           32
               compensation includes damages and any other form of monetary               33
               compensation.                                                              34
               Homebush motor race-related matter means the following:                    35
                (a) the conduct of a Homebush motor race,                                 36

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                            Clause 33

Application of other laws                                               Part 4

              (b)    works conducted or other things done under an authorisation          1
                     given under this Act or the regulations,                             2
              (c)    the administration or purported administration of this Act,          3
              (d)    the exercise or purported exercise of functions under this Act or    4
                     the regulations.                                                     5

33     Compensation not payable by race promoter in certain circumstances                 6

       (1)    Compensation is not payable by or on behalf of the race promoter, or an     7
              officer, employee or agent of the race promoter, for an act or omission     8
              that is a Homebush motor race-related matter or that arises (directly or    9
              indirectly) from a Homebush motor race-related matter.                     10

       (2)    Subsection (1):                                                            11
              (a) applies only to the extent that the claim for compensation is a        12
                   claim for economic loss, and                                          13
              (b) applies only in respect of acts done or omitted to be done in good     14
                   faith, and                                                            15
              (c) applies only in respect of anything done or omitted to be done in      16
                   accordance with any authorisation given under this Act or the         17
                   regulations, and                                                      18
              (d) does not apply to acts or omissions that cause personal injury to      19
                   a person or the death of a person, and                                20
              (e) does not apply to acts or omissions that cause property damage.        21

       (3)    Subsection (1) does not affect compensation payable under any              22
              indemnity given, or other agreement made, by the race promoter or a        23
              person referred to in subsection (1), that expressly relates to a          24
              Homebush motor race-related matter.                                        25

       (4)    In this section:                                                           26
              compensation includes damages and any other form of monetary               27
              compensation.                                                              28
              Homebush motor race-related matter means the following:                    29
               (a) the conduct of a Homebush motor race,                                 30
              (b) works conducted or other things done under an authorisation            31
                     given under this Act or the regulations.                            32

34     Protection of exercise of certain functions                                       33

       (1)    This section applies to a function (a protected function) conferred or     34
              imposed on any of the following persons (a protected person) by or         35
              under Part 3:                                                              36
               (a) the Minister (including a delegate of the Minister),                  37

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Clause 34         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 4            Application of other laws

               (b)   the Authority (including a delegate of the Authority).                   1

         (2)   The exercise by any protected person of any protected function may not         2
               be:                                                                            3
               (a) challenged, reviewed, quashed or called into question before any           4
                     court of law or administrative review body in any proceedings, or        5
               (b) restrained, removed or otherwise affected by any proceedings.              6

         (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), that subsection applies whether or not        7
               the proceedings relate to any question involving compliance or                 8
               non-compliance, by a protected person, with the provisions of Part 3 or        9
               the rules of natural justice (procedural fairness).                           10

         (4)   Accordingly, no court of law or administrative review body has                11
               jurisdiction or power to consider any question involving compliance or        12
               non-compliance, by the protected person, with those provisions or with        13
               those rules so far as they apply to the exercise of any protected function.   14

         (5)   This section has effect despite any provision of this Act or other            15
               legislation or any other law (whether written or unwritten).                  16

         (6)   In this section:                                                              17
               exercise of functions includes:                                               18
                (a) the purported exercise of functions, and                                 19
               (b) the non-exercise or improper exercise of functions, and                   20
                (c) the proposed, apprehended or threatened exercise of functions.           21
               proceedings includes:                                                         22
                (a) proceedings for an order in the nature of prohibition, certiorari or     23
                      mandamus or for a declaration or injunction or for any other           24
                      relief, and                                                            25
               (b) without limiting paragraph (a), proceedings in the exercise of the        26
                      inherent jurisdiction of the Supreme Court or the jurisdiction         27
                      conferred by section 23 of the Supreme Court Act 1970,                 28
               but does not include any investigation or proceedings under the               29
               Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988.                           30

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                            Clause 35

Miscellaneous                                                           Part 5

Part 5      Miscellaneous                                                                 1

35    Use of official title and official insignia                                         2

      (1)   A person, other than the race promoter, must not use any official title or    3
            official insignia for a commercial purpose without the written consent        4
            of the race promoter.                                                         5
            Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                           6

      (2)   A consent under this section:                                                 7
            (a) may be given with or without conditions (including conditions             8
                 requiring payment to the race promoter), and                             9
            (b) may be revoked by the race promoter for breach of a condition by         10
                 notice in writing given personally or by post to a person who has       11
                 the benefit of the consent.                                             12

      (3)   In this section:                                                             13
            official insignia means a logo, symbol or other design approved by the       14
            Authority for the purposes of this section by notice published in the        15
            Gazette.                                                                     16
            official title means Sydney 400 (where the expression can reasonably be      17
            taken to refer to a motor race) or any other title approved by the           18
            Authority for the purposes of this section by notice published in the        19
            Gazette.                                                                     20

36    Race promoter may control and charge fee for filming                               21

      (1)   Except with the consent of the race promoter, a person is not entitled to    22
            film, for the purpose of profit or gain, the Homebush motor race, or any     23
            part of the race, whether or not the filming takes place within the          24
            declared racing area.                                                        25

      (2)   The race promoter may, if the race promoter thinks fit, charge a fee for     26
            giving consent under subsection (1), being a fee of the prescribed           27
            amount or such other amount as the race promoter considers appropriate       28
            in a particular case.                                                        29

      (3)   If a person films the Homebush motor race, for the purpose of profit or      30
            gain, without the consent of the race promoter, the race promoter may        31
            recover, as a debt due to the race promoter, by proceedings in a court of    32
            competent jurisdiction, the fee of a prescribed amount referred to in        33
            subsection (2).                                                              34

      (4)   In this section, film means make a sound recording or a record of            35
            moving images (or both), whether on film or video tape or electronically     36
            or by other means.                                                           37

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Clause 37         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 5            Miscellaneous

37       Prohibition of certain advertising on buildings and structures                       1
         (1)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, designate any area        2
               to be an advertising controlled site for the period (if any) specified in      3
               the order.                                                                     4

         (2)   An area is an advertising controlled site for the purposes of this section     5
               only for:                                                                      6
               (a) the period specified in the order, or                                      7
               (b) if no period is specified in the order--the Homebush motor                 8
                     racing period or, if the Homebush motor race has already                 9
                     commenced, the remainder of that period.                                10

         (3)   A person who is the owner or occupier or the holder of a lease or licence     11
               relating to a building or structure that is (or is part of) an advertising    12
               controlled site must not, while the land is an advertising controlled site,   13
               cause or permit any advertising material to be fixed to or placed on, or      14
               to remain on, the building or structure, except as authorised or permitted    15
               by the Authority.                                                             16
               Maximum penalty:                                                              17
                (a) in the case of an individual--250 penalty units, or                      18
               (b) in the case of a corporation--500 penalty units.                          19

         (4)   A person authorised by the Authority for the purposes of this subsection      20
               may obliterate or remove any advertising material that is on a building       21
               or structure in contravention of this section.                                22

         (5)   A person authorised under subsection (4) may enter:                           23
               (a) an advertising controlled site to undertake the obliteration or           24
                     removal referred to in that subsection, and                             25
               (b) other adjacent premises, if necessary, to undertake that                  26
                     obliteration or removal.                                                27

         (6)   A person is not entitled under this section to enter a part of premises       28
               used only for residential purposes, except with the consent of the            29
               occupier of the part.                                                         30

         (7)   In exercising functions under subsection (4), the person must:                31
                (a) cause as little damage as possible, and                                  32
               (b) produce to any person apparently in charge of the premises who            33
                     requests its production the person's authorisation under that           34
                     subsection.                                                             35

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                              Clause 38

Miscellaneous                                                             Part 5

      (8)   This section does not apply to the following advertising material:               1
            (a) any advertising material:                                                    2
                    (i) that has an area of not more than one square metre, or               3
                   (ii) comprising a series of related advertisements that together          4
                         have an area of not more than one square metre,                     5
            (b) any advertising material that was fixed or placed on a building or           6
                  structure with the permission of the Sydney Olympic Park                   7
                  Authority (but only if the permission was provided before the              8
                  area within which the material is situated became an advertising           9
                  controlled site),                                                         10
            (c) any advertising material that is exempted from this section by the          11
                  regulations.                                                              12

38    Prohibition of certain aerial advertising                                             13

      (1)   For the purposes of this section, advertising controlled airspace means         14
            airspace that is within unaided sight of the following places:                  15
             (a) the declared racing area,                                                  16
            (b) such other areas as may be prescribed by the regulations for the            17
                   purposes of this section,                                                18
            but only during such periods as are prescribed by the regulations in            19
            relation to the place.                                                          20

      (2)   A person must not display an advertisement, or cause an advertisement           21
            to be displayed, in advertising controlled airspace, except with the            22
            authorisation of the Authority.                                                 23
            Maximum penalty: 1,000 penalty units.                                           24

      (3)   An application for the authorisation of the Authority under this section        25
            may be made in such form and manner as is determined by the                     26
            Authority.                                                                      27

      (4)   The Authority may determine an application by granting the                      28
            application, unconditionally or subject to conditions, or by refusing the       29
            application.                                                                    30

      (5)   Before determining an application, the Authority must advise the race           31
            promoter of the details of the application by notice in writing and allow       32
            the race promoter 14 days within which the race promoter may make               33
            submissions to the Authority in relation to the application.                    34

      (6)   For the purposes of this section, the Authority may grant authorisation         35
            to a person, or to classes or descriptions of persons, only if in its opinion   36
            the display of the advertisement will not adversely affect the                  37
            organisation or conduct of the Homebush motor race.                             38

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Clause 39         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 5            Miscellaneous

         (7)   The determination of the Authority with respect to an application for      1
               authorisation is final.                                                    2

         (8)   For the purposes of this section:                                          3
               advertisement includes the following:                                      4
               (a) skywriting or signwriting by an aircraft,                              5
               (b) a banner, or other sign, towed by or attached to an aircraft,          6
               (c) matter displayed on an aircraft, other than its normal markings        7
                     and livery,                                                          8
               (d) matter displayed on a hang glider, parachute, paraglider or            9
                     similar device, other than its normal markings, or on a banner or   10
                     sign attached to a hang glider, parachute, paraglider or similar    11
                     device,                                                             12
               (e) a banner, or other sign, attached to a person suspended from a        13
                     hang glider, parachute, paraglider or similar device,               14
                (f) matter displayed by the projection of a laser light or other light   15
                     source.                                                             16
               aircraft includes an airship or a balloon.                                17

39       Authority taken to be part of Department of State and Regional                  18
         Development for certain purposes                                                19

               The Authority is, for the purposes of the Public Finance and Audit Act    20
               1983, the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985, or any other Act         21
               prescribed by the regulations, taken to be part of the Department of      22
               State and Regional Development.                                           23

40       Effect of Act on contracts, instruments and related matters                     24

         (1)   The operation of this Act is not to be regarded as:                       25
               (a) a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil wrong,     26
                     or                                                                  27
               (b) a breach of any instrument, or                                        28
               (c) an event of default under any contract or other instrument, or        29
               (d) giving rise to any remedy by a party to a contract or other           30
                     instrument, or as causing or permitting the termination of, or      31
                     exercise of rights under, any contract or other instrument.         32

         (2)   In this section, instrument does not include a statutory instrument.      33

41       Offences by corporations                                                        34

         (1)   If a corporation contravenes, whether by act or omission, any provision   35
               of this Act or the regulations, each person who is a director of the      36
               corporation or who is concerned in the management of the corporation      37

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008                            Clause 42

Miscellaneous                                                           Part 5

            is taken to have contravened the same provision if the person knowingly       1
            authorised or permitted the contravention.                                    2

      (2)   A person may be proceeded against and convicted under a provision             3
            pursuant to subsection (1) whether or not the corporation has been            4
            proceeded against or has been convicted under the provision.                  5

      (3)   Nothing in this section affects any liability imposed on a corporation for    6
            an offence committed by the corporation under this Act or the                 7
            regulations.                                                                  8

42    Proceedings for offences                                                            9

      (1)   Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations may be        10
            dealt with:                                                                  11
            (a) summarily before a Local Court, or                                       12
            (b) summarily before the Supreme Court in its summary jurisdiction.          13

      (2)   If proceedings are brought in a Local Court, the maximum monetary            14
            penalty that the Local Court may impose for the offence is 100 penalty       15
            units or such other amount as may be prescribed by the regulations,          16
            despite any higher maximum monetary penalty provided in respect of           17
            the offence.                                                                 18

43    Regulations                                                                        19

      (1)   The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for       20
            or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to   21
            be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for        22
            carrying out or giving effect to this Act.                                   23

      (2)   In particular, regulations may be made for or with respect to the            24
            following:                                                                   25
             (a) the fees and charges that may be imposed for the purposes of this       26
                  Act,                                                                   27
            (b) the fees that may be charged or collected by the race promoter for       28
                  admission to the declared racing area or part of the declared          29
                  racing area,                                                           30
             (c) the procedures of the Authority,                                        31
            (d) regulating the provision of services by the race promoter,               32
             (e) regulating access to the declared racing area or part of a declared     33
                  racing area,                                                           34
             (f) regulating the conduct of persons in the declared racing area and       35
                  the exclusion or expulsion of persons from the declared racing         36
                  area,                                                                  37

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Clause 44         Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Part 5            Miscellaneous

               (g)   regulating, restricting or prohibiting the bringing of liquor into, or    1
                     consumption of liquor within, the declared racing area during a           2
                     Homebush motor racing period,                                             3
               (h)   the driving or parking of motor vehicles within the declared              4
                     racing area (including, but not limited to enabling the Authority         5
                     to issue notices, with the concurrence of the Roads and Traffic           6
                     Authority, to remove specified restrictions on parking within the         7
                     declared racing area),                                                    8
               (i)   conferring on the Authority any function that may be exercised            9
                     by a local council in relation to a public place.                        10

         (3)   The regulations may modify the application of the regulations made             11
               under the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 within the declared           12
               racing area during the Homebush motor racing period.                           13

         (4)   The regulations may create an offence punishable by a maximum                  14
               penalty of 50 penalty units.                                                   15

44       Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           16

               Schedule 2 has effect.                                                         17

45       Amendment of Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146                                 18

               The Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 is amended by inserting the               19
               following at the end of Schedule 3 (Matters not requiring regulatory           20
               impact statements):                                                            21

               10    A regulation under the Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400)                22
                     Act 2008.                                                                23

46       Review of Act                                                                        24

         (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy             25
               objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act            26
               remain appropriate for securing those objectives.                              27

         (2)   The review is to be undertaken within 6 months from the end of the             28
               Homebush motor racing period in 2010.                                          29

         (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of         30
               Parliament within 6 months from the end of the Homebush motor racing           31
               period in 2010.                                                                32

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Membership and procedure of Advisory Board                            Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Membership and procedure of Advisory                               1
                      Board                                                              2

                                                                      (Section 8 (7))    3

Part 1       General                                                                     4

 1    Definitions                                                                        5

            In this Schedule:                                                            6
            appointed member means a person who is appointed by the Minister as          7
            a member of the Advisory Board.                                              8
            Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Advisory Board.                     9
            Deputy Chairperson means the Deputy Chairperson of the Advisory             10
            Board.                                                                      11
            member means any member of the Advisory Board.                              12

Part 2       Members                                                                    13

 2    Terms of office of members                                                        14

            Subject to this Schedule and the regulations, an appointed member           15
            holds office for such period as is specified in the member's instrument     16
            of appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for                17
            re-appointment.                                                             18

 3    Part-time appointments                                                            19

            Appointed members hold office as part-time members.                         20

 4    Remuneration                                                                      21

            An appointed member is entitled to be paid such remuneration                22
            (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as the Minister may       23
            from time to time determine in respect of the member.                       24

 5    Vacancy in office of member                                                       25

      (1)    The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the member:            26
             (a) dies, or                                                               27
             (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or                 28
             (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the           29
                   Minister, or                                                         30
             (d) is removed from office by the Minister under this clause, or           31

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                Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Schedule 1         Membership and procedure of Advisory Board

             (e)      is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the Advisory Board of        1
                      which reasonable notice has been given to the member personally       2
                      or by post, except on leave granted by the Minister or unless the     3
                      member is excused by the Minister for having been absent from         4
                      those meetings, or                                                    5
             (f)      becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the      6
                      relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her    7
                      creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for       8
                      their benefit, or                                                     9
             (g)      becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                          10
             (h)      is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable     11
                      by imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted                12
                      elsewhere than in New South Wales of an offence that, if             13
                      committed in New South Wales, would be an offence so                 14
                      punishable.                                                          15

      (2)    The Minister may remove an appointed member from office at any time.          16

 6    Filling of vacancy in office of appointed member                                     17

             If the office of any appointed member becomes vacant, a person is,            18
             subject to this Act and the regulations, to be appointed to fill the          19
             vacancy.                                                                      20

 7    Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson                                                   21

      (1)    The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson vacates office as Chairperson           22
             or Deputy Chairperson if he or she:                                           23
             (a) is removed from that office by the Minister under this clause, or         24
             (b) resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to the             25
                   Minister, or                                                            26
             (c) ceases to be a member of the Advisory Board.                              27

      (2)    The Minister may at any time remove the Chairperson or Deputy                 28
             Chairperson from office as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.                 29

 8    Disclosure of pecuniary interests                                                    30

      (1)    If:                                                                           31
              (a)     a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest or other        32
                      interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at   33
                      a meeting of the Advisory Board, and                                 34

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Membership and procedure of Advisory Board                             Schedule 1

             (b)  the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper               1
                  performance of the member's duties in relation to the                  2
                  consideration of the matter,                                           3
            the member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come      4
            to the member's knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a          5
            meeting of the Advisory Board.                                               6

      (2)   A disclosure by a member at a meeting of the Advisory Board that the         7
            member:                                                                      8
             (a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or         9
                   other body, or                                                       10
            (b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or        11
             (c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company      12
                   or other body or to a specified person,                              13
            is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter      14
            relating to that company or other body or to that person which may arise    15
            after the date of the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed      16
            under subclause (1).                                                        17

      (3)    Subclause (1) does not apply to an interest that the member has as:        18
             (a) a member of any local authority, or                                    19
             (b) an office bearer of any statutory body, or                             20
             (c) a member of the Government Service or an employee of a                 21
                   statutory body.                                                      22

      (4)   After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the   23
            member must not, unless the Minister or the Advisory Board otherwise        24
            determines:                                                                 25
            (a) be present during any deliberation of the Advisory Board with           26
                   respect to the matter, or                                            27
            (b) take part in any decision of the Advisory Board with respect to         28
                   the matter.                                                          29

      (5)   For the purposes of the making of a determination by the Advisory           30
            Board under subclause (4), a member who has a direct or indirect            31
            pecuniary interest or other interest in a matter to which the disclosure    32
            relates must not:                                                           33
             (a) be present during any deliberation of the Advisory Board for the       34
                   purpose of making the determination, or                              35
            (b) take part in the making by the Advisory Board of the                    36
                   determination.                                                       37

      (6)   A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the      38
            Advisory Board.                                                             39

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                Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Schedule 1      Membership and procedure of Advisory Board

 9    Effect of certain other Acts                                                          1
      (1)    Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002              2
             does not apply to or in respect of the appointment of an appointed             3
             member.                                                                        4

      (2)    If by or under any Act provision is made:                                      5
              (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to             6
                    devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, or    7
             (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the             8
                    duties of that office,                                                  9
             the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that     10
             office and also the office of an appointed member or from accepting and       11
             retaining any remuneration payable to the person under this Act as a          12
             member.                                                                       13

Part 3       Procedure                                                                     14

10    General procedure                                                                    15

             The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Advisory Board and for       16
             the conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the     17
             regulations, to be as determined by the Advisory Board.                       18

11    Quorum                                                                               19

             The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Board is a majority of its           20
             members for the time being.                                                   21

12    Presiding member                                                                     22

      (1)    The Chairperson (or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy            23
             Chairperson, or in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy         24
             Chairperson, a person elected by the members of the Advisory Board            25
             who are present at a meeting of the Board) is to preside at a meeting of      26
             the Advisory Board.                                                           27

      (2)    The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an          28
             equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.                              29

13    Voting                                                                               30

             A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the      31
             Advisory Board at which a quorum is present is the decision of the            32
             Advisory Board.                                                               33

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Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Bill 2008

Membership and procedure of Advisory Board                             Schedule 1

14    Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone                           1
      (1)   The Advisory Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by    2
            the circulation of papers among all the members of the Advisory Board        3
            for the time being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing by a     4
            majority of those members is taken to be a decision of the Advisory          5
            Board.                                                                       6

      (2)   The Advisory Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at    7
            a meeting at which members (or some members) participate by                  8
            telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any         9
            member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the        10
            other members.                                                              11

      (3)   For the purposes of:                                                        12
             (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or                   13
            (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),                        14
            the Chairperson and each member have the same voting rights as they         15
            have at an ordinary meeting of the Advisory Board.                          16

      (4)   A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the regulations,   17
            to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Board.        18

      (5)   Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of              19
            subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the information in      20
            the papers concerned.                                                       21

15    Minutes                                                                           22

      (1)   The Advisory Board must keep minutes of proceedings at its meetings.        23

      (2)   The Advisory Board must furnish to the Chief Executive Officer a copy       24
            of the minutes of each meeting within 14 days after the meeting was         25
            held.                                                                       26

16    First meeting                                                                     27

            The Minister may call the first meeting of the Advisory Board in such       28
            manner as the Minister thinks fit.                                          29

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Schedule 2      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 2             Savings, transitional and other                                    1
                       provisions                                                         2

                                                                          (Section 44)    3

 1    Regulations                                                                         4

      (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional          5
             nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:                    6
             this Act                                                                     7

      (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from      8
             the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.                     9

      (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that     10
             is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision   11
             does not operate so as:                                                     12
              (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the       13
                    State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person       14
                    existing before the date of its publication, or                      15
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an         16
                    authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to    17
                    be done before the date of its publication.                          18

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