New South Wales Bills

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Harness Racing Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to make provision with respect to the control and regulation of harness
racing; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                 1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                 2

  1      Name of Act                                                                       3

               This Act is the Harness Racing Act 2009.                                    4

  2      Commencement                                                                      5

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.        6

  3      Definitions                                                                       7

         (1)   In this Act:                                                                8
               de facto partner, in relation to a person, means the other party to a de    9
               facto relationship (within the meaning of the Property (Relationships)     10
               Act 1984) with the person.                                                 11
               eligible industry body means a body determined to be an eligible           12
               industry body for the time being under section 32 (2).                     13
               exercise a function includes perform a duty.                               14
               function includes a power, authority or duty.                              15
               GRNSW means Greyhound Racing New South Wales constituted by                16
               the Greyhound Racing Act 2009.                                             17
               harness racing means pacing or trotting.                                   18
               harness racing club includes any body or other association of persons,     19
               whether incorporated or unincorporated and whether registered or not,      20
               promoting, conducting or controlling, or formed for promoting,             21
               conducting or controlling, a harness racing meeting or harness racing      22
               meetings.                                                                  23
               harness racing meeting has the same meaning as meeting for harness         24
               racing has in section 4 of the Racing Administration Act 1998.             25
               HRICG means the Harness Racing Industry Consultation Group                 26
               established by this Act.                                                   27
               HRNSW means Harness Racing New South Wales constituted by this             28
               Act.                                                                       29
               Integrity Auditor means the Harness Racing Integrity Auditor               30
               appointed under this Act.                                                  31
               racing official means a member of HRNSW, the chief executive officer       32
               of HRNSW, a steward appointed by HRNSW or any other member of              33
               staff of HRNSW.                                                            34
               rule means a rule made under this Act.                                     35
               Selection Panel means the Selection Panel established under section 7.     36

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                Clause 3

Preliminary                                                             Part 1

       (2)    A reference in this Act to a person associated with harness racing is a    1
              reference to the following:                                                2
               (a) a person who handles horses at a harness race,                        3
              (b) a bookmaker's clerk,                                                   4
               (c) a breeder of horses for harness racing,                               5
              (d) a person who is an officer or employee of a harness racing club        6
                    or is otherwise concerned in the management or control of any        7
                    such club,                                                           8
               (e) any other person of a class prescribed by the regulations for the     9
                    purposes of this subsection.                                        10

       (3)    Unless the regulations otherwise provide, a reference in any provision    11
              of this Act:                                                              12
              (a) to registration includes a reference to licence, and                  13
              (b) to register includes a reference to license, and                      14
              (c) to registered includes a reference to licensed.                       15

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Clause 4          Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 2            Harness Racing New South Wales

Part 2         Harness Racing New South Wales                                              1

  4      Constitution of Harness Racing New South Wales                                    2

         (1)   There is constituted by this Act a body corporate with the corporate        3
               name of Harness Racing New South Wales.                                     4

         (2)   HRNSW may use another name approved by the Minister by order                5
               published in the Gazette.                                                   6

         (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), HRNSW may use that other name              7
               when entering into any agreement or in relation to any other dealings of    8
               HRNSW.                                                                      9

  5      HRNSW independent of Government                                                  10

               HRNSW or any of its subsidiaries:                                          11
               (a) does not represent the Crown and is not subject to direction or        12
                     control by or on behalf of the Government, and                       13
               (b) cannot render the State liable for any debts, liabilities or other     14
                     obligations of HRNSW or its subsidiaries,                            15
               unless this or any other Act expressly provides otherwise.                 16

  6      Membership                                                                       17

         (1)   HRNSW is to consist of 5 members appointed as follows:                     18
               (a) 5 members recommended for appointment by the Selection Panel           19
                   under section 7 and appointed by the Minister to give effect to the    20
                   recommendation of the Selection Panel, unless the appointment          21
                   is to fill a casual vacancy under paragraph (b),                       22
               (b) the appointment of a member to fill a casual vacancy (a vacancy        23
                   in the office of a member occurring other than by reason of the        24
                   completion of the member's term of office) is to be made by the        25
                   Minister on the nomination of HRNSW.                                   26

         (2)   A person is not eligible to be a member of HRNSW if the person:            27
               (a) is an employee of a harness racing club, or                            28
               (b) is a member of the governing body of a harness racing club or          29
                     eligible industry body, or                                           30
               (c) is registered by or with HRNSW under this Act, or                      31
               (d) is registered or licensed by or with GRNSW under the                   32
                     Greyhound Racing Act 2009, or                                        33
               (e) holds a licence issued by Racing New South Wales, or                   34

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                 Clause 7

Harness Racing New South Wales                                           Part 2

              (f)   is currently, or during the previous 10 years has been, warned off,    1
                    disqualified or named on the Unpaid Forfeit List under the rules,      2
                    or                                                                     3
             (g)    during the previous 10 years has been convicted in New South           4
                    Wales of an offence that is punishable by imprisonment for             5
                    12 months or more, or convicted elsewhere than in New South            6
                    Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales,             7
                    would be an offence so punishable, or                                  8
             (h)    is an undischarged bankrupt or is taking advantage of the laws in      9
                    force for the time being relating to bankruptcy, or                   10
              (i)   is a mentally incapacitated person.                                   11

       (3)   A person is not eligible to be appointed as a member of HRNSW if the         12
             person is a member of the Selection Panel at the time the Selection Panel    13
             makes its recommendation for the appointment concerned.                      14

       (4)   A person is not eligible to hold office as a member of HRNSW for more        15
             than 8 years in total (whether or not involving consecutive terms of         16
             office).                                                                     17

       (5)   While a person is a member of HRNSW, any entitlement of the person           18
             to vote as a member of a harness racing club or of an eligible industry      19
             body is suspended.                                                           20

       (6)   Schedule 1 contains provisions relating to members of HRNSW.                 21

  7   Selection Panel                                                                     22

       (1)   The Minister is to establish a Selection Panel to recommend persons for      23
             appointment as members of HRNSW and to recommend the term of                 24
             office of members.                                                           25

       (2)   The Selection Panel must recommend only the number of persons                26
             required to be appointed (no more and no fewer) and must recommend           27
             a term of office for each person recommended.                                28

       (3)   The Selection Panel must not recommend a person for appointment as           29
             a member of HRNSW unless the Panel is satisfied that the person has          30
             experience in a senior administrative role or experience at a senior level   31
             in one or more of the fields of business, finance, law, marketing,           32
             technology, commerce, regulatory administration or regulatory                33
             enforcement.                                                                 34

       (4)   Before recommending a person for appointment as a member of                  35
             HRNSW, the Selection Panel must conduct a probity check of the               36
             person (with the level of scrutiny as determined by the Minister). The       37
             Minister is to appoint a Probity Adviser to assist the Selection Panel to    38
             conduct probity checks.                                                      39

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Clause 8          Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 2            Harness Racing New South Wales

         (5)   The Selection Panel is to choose between candidates for                     1
               recommendation for appointment as a member of HRNSW on the basis            2
               of merit, with merit to be determined on the basis of a candidate's         3
               abilities, qualifications, experience and personal qualities that are       4
               relevant to the performance of the duties of membership of HRNSW.           5

  8      Review of appointments process                                                    6

         (1)   The Minister is to review the operation of sections 6 and 7 and clause 3    7
               of Schedule 1 to determine whether their policy objectives remain valid     8
               and whether their terms remain appropriate for securing those               9
               objectives.                                                                10

         (2)   The review is to be undertaken before the beginning of February 2012.      11

         (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of     12
               Parliament within 12 months after the review is completed.                 13

  9      Functions of HRNSW                                                               14

         (1)   HRNSW has the functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this        15
               or any other Act or law.                                                   16

         (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the functions of HRNSW include the        17
               following:                                                                 18
                (a) to control, supervise and regulate harness racing in the State,       19
               (b) to register harness racing clubs, harness racing horses, owners,       20
                     trainers and drivers of harness racing horses, bookmakers for        21
                     harness racing and other persons associated with harness racing,     22
                (c) to initiate, develop and implement policies considered conducive      23
                     to the promotion, strategic development and welfare of the           24
                     harness racing industry in the State,                                25
               (d) to distribute money received as a result of commercial                 26
                     arrangements required by the Totalizator Act 1997,                   27
                (e) to allocate to harness racing clubs the dates on which they may       28
                     conduct harness racing meetings.                                     29

         (3)   HRNSW may affiliate with such organisations, whether in or out of          30
               New South Wales, as HRNSW considers appropriate.                           31

         (4)   The functions of HRNSW are not limited by the rules and are to be          32
               exercised independently of Harness Racing Australia or any successor.      33

10       Powers of HRNSW                                                                  34

         (1)   HRNSW has power to do all things that may be necessary or convenient       35
               to be done for or in connection with the exercise of its functions.        36

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                Clause 10

Harness Racing New South Wales                                          Part 2

       (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), HRNSW has power to do the                   1
             following:                                                                   2
              (a) investigate and report on proposals for the construction of new         3
                   racecourses, and inspect new racecourses or alterations or             4
                   renovations to existing racecourses,                                   5
              (b) supervise the activities of harness racing clubs, persons registered    6
                   by HRNSW and all other persons engaged in or associated with           7
                   harness racing,                                                        8
              (c) inquire into and deal with any matter relating to harness racing        9
                   and to refer any such matter to stewards or others for                10
                   investigation and report and, without limiting the generality of      11
                   this power, to inquire at any time into the running of any harness    12
                   racing horse on any course or courses, whether or not a report        13
                   concerning the matter has been made or decision arrived at by         14
                   any stewards,                                                         15
              (d) direct and supervise the dissolution of a harness racing club that     16
                   ceases to be registered by HRNSW,                                     17
              (e) appoint an administrator to conduct the affairs of a harness racing    18
                   club,                                                                 19
              (f) disqualify a harness racing horse from participating in a race,        20
              (g) exclude from participating in a race a harness racing horse not        21
                   registered under the rules,                                           22
              (h) prohibit a person from attending or taking part in a harness racing    23
                   meeting,                                                              24
               (i) impose a penalty on a person registered by it or on an owner of a     25
                   harness racing horse for a contravention of the rules,                26
               (j) consult, join, affiliate and maintain liaison with other              27
                   associations or bodies, whether in the State or elsewhere,            28
                   concerned with harness racing,                                        29
              (k) enter into contracts,                                                  30
               (l) acquire, hold, take or lease and dispose of real and personal         31
                   property whether in its own right or as trustee,                      32
             (m) borrow money,                                                           33
              (n) order an audit of the books and accounts of a harness racing club      34
                   by an auditor who is a registered company auditor nominated by        35
                   HRNSW,                                                                36
              (o) scrutinise the constitutions of harness racing clubs to ensure they    37
                   conform to any applicable Act and the rules and that they clearly     38
                   and concisely express the needs and desires of the clubs              39
                   concerned and of harness racing generally,                            40

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Clause 11            Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 2            Harness Racing New South Wales

               (p)      publish material, including periodical publications, to inform the      1
                        public about matters relating to harness racing, whether in the         2
                        State or elsewhere,                                                     3
               (q)      undertake research and investigation into all aspects of the            4
                        breeding of harness racing horses and of harness racing                 5
                        generally,                                                              6
               (r)      take such steps and do such acts and things as are incidental or        7
                        conducive to the exercise of its powers and the performance of its      8
                        functions.                                                              9

         (3)   Nothing in this Act confers on HRNSW power to conduct harness                   10
               racing meetings on its own behalf.                                              11

11       Registration functions of HRNSW--general                                              12

         (1)   HRNSW is to exercise its registration functions so as to ensure that any        13
               individuals registered by HRNSW are persons who, in the opinion of              14
               HRNSW, are fit and proper persons to be so registered (having regard            15
               in particular to the need to protect the public interest as it relates to the   16
               harness racing industry).                                                       17

         (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), a person is not to be so registered if the     18
               person has a conviction and HRNSW is of the opinion that the                    19
               circumstances of the offence concerned are such as to render the person         20
               unfit to be so registered.                                                      21

         (3)   This section does not limit any provisions of the rules relating to the         22
               exercise of the registration functions of HRNSW.                                23

         (4)   In this section:                                                                24
               conviction has the same meaning as in the Criminal Records Act 1991             25
               but does not include a conviction that is spent under that Act.                 26
               registration functions means the functions referred to in Division 1 of         27
               Part 3.                                                                         28

12       Consultation and planning                                                             29

         (1)   HRNSW is to prepare strategic plans for its activities from time to time.       30

         (2)   HRNSW is to undertake formal consultation on a regular basis with               31
               HRICG and other harness racing industry stakeholders in connection              32
               with the initiation, development and implementation of policies for the         33
               promotion, strategic development and welfare of the harness racing              34
               industry.                                                                       35

         (3)   HRNSW is to prepare an initial strategic plan for the harness racing            36
               industry within 12 months after the commencement of this section and            37
               is to prepare a further strategic plan for the harness racing industry at       38

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                  Clause 13

Harness Racing New South Wales                                            Part 2

             least every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is prepared. Each such    1
             strategic plan must be prepared in consultation with HRICG and other           2
             harness racing industry stakeholders.                                          3

       (4)   The annual report of HRNSW under section 16 is to include a progress           4
             report on implementation of the strategic plan of HRNSW and the                5
             strategic plan for the harness racing industry over the period to which        6
             the annual report relates.                                                     7

13    Chief executive officer of HRNSW                                                      8

       (1)   HRNSW may employ a chief executive officer of HRNSW.                           9

       (2)   The chief executive officer is responsible for the day-to-day                 10
             management of HRNSW.                                                          11

       (3)   The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 does not                 12
             apply to or in respect of the chief executive officer.                        13

14    Staff of HRNSW                                                                       14

       (1)   HRNSW may employ such other staff as it requires to exercise its              15
             functions.                                                                    16

       (2)   HRNSW may fix the salary, wages and other conditions of staff                 17
             employed under subsection (1) (including the chief executive officer of       18
             HRNSW) in so far as they are not fixed by or under any other Act or           19
             law.                                                                          20

       (3)   The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 does not                 21
             apply to or in respect of staff employed under subsection (1).                22

       (4)   HRNSW may engage consultants for the purposes of obtaining expert             23
             advice.                                                                       24

15    Arrangements for use of staff and facilities of GRNSW or Racing New                  25
      South Wales                                                                          26

       (1)   HRNSW may arrange for the use of the services of any staff (by                27
             secondment or otherwise) or facilities of GRNSW or Racing New South           28
             Wales.                                                                        29

       (2)   For the purposes of this Act, a person whose services are made use of         30
             under subsection (1) is taken to be a member of staff of HRNSW.               31

       (3)   Without limiting subsection (1), HRNSW may arrange for a steward              32
             appointed by GRNSW or Racing New South Wales to perform the                   33
             functions of a steward of HRNSW under this Act. Any such person is            34
             taken to have been appointed by HRNSW as a steward for the purposes           35
             of this Act while exercising functions under this Act in accordance with      36
             those arrangements.                                                           37

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Clause 16         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 2            Harness Racing New South Wales

         (4)   Without limiting subsection (1), HRNSW may arrange to share with                1
               GRNSW or Racing New South Wales any equipment, information                      2
               technology (such as computer software) or office or any administrative          3
               system relating to licensing or registration.                                   4

         (5)   HRNSW is not authorised to enter into an arrangement under this                 5
               section in relation to stewards, or registration, without the consent of the    6
               Minister.                                                                       7

         (6)   The consent of the Minister under subsection (5):                               8
               (a) may be given in relation to a particular arrangement or a class of          9
                     arrangements, and                                                        10
               (b) may be subject to conditions, and                                          11
               (c) may be amended from time to time.                                          12

16       Annual report of HRNSW                                                               13

         (1)   HRNSW must, as soon as practicable after 30 June and in any case               14
               before 1 November in each year prepare and forward to the Minister a           15
               report of its work and activities for the 12 months ending on that             16
               30 June.                                                                       17

         (2)   The report must include copies of the financial statements of HRNSW            18
               for the 12-month period to which the report relates together with an           19
               auditor's report on those statements prepared by an independent auditor.       20

         (3)   The Minister is to table the report or cause it to be tabled in both Houses    21
               of Parliament as soon as practicable after the report is forwarded to the      22
               Minister.                                                                      23

         (4)   HRNSW is to make copies of the report available to the public at a             24
               reasonable price.                                                              25

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                  Clause 17

Control and regulation of harness racing                                  Part 3

Part 3        Control and regulation of harness racing                                      1

Division 1           Registration                                                           2

17     Registration of harness racing clubs                                                 3

       (1)    HRNSW may, in accordance with the rules, register or refuse to register       4
              any harness racing club.                                                      5

       (2)    HRNSW must not refuse to register a harness racing club under this            6
              section unless it is of the opinion that:                                     7
              (a) the racing club is not, or will not be, financially viable in relation    8
                    to participation in the harness racing industry, or                     9
              (b) the registration of the harness racing club (whether under this or       10
                    another Act) has previously been cancelled, or                         11
              (c) it would be in the best interests of the harness racing industry to      12
                    do so.                                                                 13

18     Registration of harness horses and persons associated with harness                  14
       racing                                                                              15

       (1)    HRNSW may, in accordance with the rules, register or refuse to register      16
              any harness racing horse, or any owner, trainer or driver of harness         17
              racing horses, bookmaker or other person associated with harness             18
              racing.                                                                      19

       (2)    HRNSW must not refuse to register any harness racing horse or any            20
              person under subsection (1) unless it is of the opinion that it would be     21
              in the best interests of the harness racing industry to do so.               22

19     Registration of bookmakers                                                          23

       (1)    An individual over the age of 18 years or a proprietary company may          24
              apply to HRNSW for registration as a bookmaker in relation to harness        25
              racing.                                                                      26

       (2)    Despite section 18 (2), HRNSW must refuse to grant an application for        27
              registration of a proprietary company as a bookmaker unless satisfied        28
              that the company is an eligible company.                                     29

       (3)    For the purposes of this section, eligible company means a proprietary       30
              company that is registered under the Corporations Act 2001 of the            31
              Commonwealth and in which:                                                   32
              (a) each director, shareholder and person concerned in the                   33
                    management of the company is of or over the age of 18 years, and       34
              (b) each director is registered as a bookmaker under this Act, and           35

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Clause 19         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 3               Control and regulation of harness racing

               (c)      each director is a shareholder and person concerned in the              1
                        management of the company, and                                          2
               (d)      each shareholder who is not a director is a close family member         3
                        of a director, and                                                      4
               (e)      each shareholder or person concerned in the management of the           5
                        company who is not a director is, in the opinion of HRNSW, a fit        6
                        and proper person to be registered as an individual as a                7
                        bookmaker under this Act, and                                           8
               (f)      no shareholder or person concerned in the management of the             9
                        company, other than a director, is registered as an individual as a    10
                        bookmaker under this Act, and                                          11
               (g)      subject to the regulations, no person (other than a shareholder)       12
                        has any interest in the shares or assets of the company.               13

         (4)   It is a condition of a company's registration as a bookmaker under this         14
               Act that:                                                                       15
                (a) the company continues to be an eligible company, and                       16
               (b) no director, shareholder or person concerned in the management              17
                       of the company:                                                         18
                         (i) is a director, shareholder or person concerned in the             19
                              management of, or is an employee or agent of, any other          20
                              company that is registered as a bookmaker under this Act,        21
                              or                                                               22
                        (ii) has a financial interest in any business of a bookmaker that      23
                              is carried on by any such other company under the                24
                              authority of its registration under this Act, or                 25
                      (iii) is registered or otherwise authorised as an individual to          26
                              carry on, or carries on, the business of a bookmaker,            27
                              bookmaker's clerk or turf commission agent, or a                 28
                              totalizator business, or any other kind of betting, wagering,    29
                              gambling or gaming business, in another country, or              30
                       (iv) is a director, shareholder or person concerned in the              31
                              management of a corporation, or is a member of a                 32
                              partnership, that is registered or otherwise authorised to       33
                              carry on, or that carries on, any such business in another       34
                              country, or                                                      35
                        (v) is an employee or agent of any individual, partnership or          36
                              corporation referred to in subparagraph (iii) or (iv), or        37
                       (vi) has a financial interest in the business of a bookmaker or         38
                              turf commission agent, or a totalizator business, or any         39
                              other kind of betting, wagering, gambling or gaming              40
                              business, that is authorised to be carried on or is carried on   41
                              in another country.                                              42

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                  Clause 19

Control and regulation of harness racing                                  Part 3

       (5)    It is a condition of a company's registration as a bookmaker under this       1
              Act that no director, shareholder or person concerned in the                  2
              management of the company:                                                    3
               (a) carries on the business of a bookmaker, otherwise than on behalf         4
                      of the company, in relation to any greyhound, horse or harness        5
                      race, at a harness racing meeting in New South Wales, or              6
              (b) carries on the business of an authorised sports betting                   7
                      bookmaker, otherwise than on behalf of the company, at a              8
                      racecourse licensed for harness racing.                               9

       (6)    In subsection (4) (b), a reference to carrying on the business of a          10
              bookmaker, or the business of a bookmaker's clerk or turf commission         11
              agent, includes a reference to acting as a bookmaker, or a bookmaker's       12
              clerk or turf commission agent.                                              13

       (7)    HRNSW may suspend or cancel the registration of a company as a               14
              bookmaker if satisfied that any condition referred to in subsection (4) or   15
              (5) is contravened in respect of the company. This does not limit the        16
              powers of HRNSW to suspend or cancel the registration of a company           17
              as a bookmaker under section 21.                                             18

       (8)    Any debt that is incurred by a company in carrying on business as a          19
              bookmaker registered under this Act is enforceable jointly and severally     20
              against all persons who are directors of the company at the time the debt    21
              is incurred (whether or not they are directors at the time the debt is       22
              sought to be enforced).                                                      23

       (9)    In this section:                                                             24
              authorised sports betting bookmaker has the same meaning as in               25
              section 4 of the Racing Administration Act 1998.                             26
              close family member of a director means:                                     27
               (a) a spouse, de facto partner, parent, child, brother or sister of the     28
                     director, or                                                          29
              (b) a person who has a relationship with the director that is                30
                     prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.    31
              financial interest in a bookmaking business means an entitlement to          32
              receive any of the income from the business.                                 33
              proprietary company has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act          34
              2001 of the Commonwealth.                                                    35
              racecourse licensed for harness racing means a racecourse in respect         36
              of which a licence for harness racing meetings granted under section 7       37
              of the Racing Administration Act 1998 is in force.                           38

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Clause 20         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 3            Control and regulation of harness racing

20       Suspension or cancellation of registration of harness racing clubs on              1
         commercial grounds                                                                 2

         (1)   HRNSW may, in accordance with the rules, suspend or cancel the               3
               registration of any harness racing club.                                     4

         (2)   HRNSW must not suspend or cancel any registration under this section         5
               unless it is of the opinion that:                                            6
               (a) the harness racing club is not, or will not be, financially viable in    7
                     relation to participation in the harness racing industry, or           8
               (b) it would be in the best interests of the harness racing industry to      9
                     do so.                                                                10

         (3)   HRNSW may not suspend or cancel any registration under this section         11
               for the purpose of taking disciplinary action or for the purposes of        12
               occupational health and safety.                                             13

21       Disciplinary and occupational health and safety action may be taken by            14
         HRNSW                                                                             15

         (1)   HRNSW may, in accordance with the rules, do any of the following:           16
               (a) cancel the registration under this Act of:                              17
                     (i) any harness racing club, or                                       18
                    (ii) any harness racing horse, or                                      19
                   (iii) any owner, trainer or driver of harness racing horses, or         20
                           bookmaker or other person associated with harness racing,       21
               (b) disqualify, either permanently or temporarily, any owner, trainer       22
                    or driver of harness racing horses, or bookmaker or other person       23
                    associated with harness racing,                                        24
               (c) prohibit any person from participating in or associating with           25
                    harness racing in any specified capacity,                              26
               (d) prohibit any horse from competing in any harness race,                  27
               (e) prohibit any person from attending or taking part in a harness          28
                    racing meeting,                                                        29
               (f) impose fines, not exceeding 200 penalty units, on any harness           30
                    racing club or on any owner, trainer or driver of harness racing       31
                    horses, or bookmaker or other person associated with harness           32
                    racing for breaches of the rules,                                      33
               (g) suspend, for such term as HRNSW thinks fit, any right or                34
                    privilege conferred by this Act or the rules on any owner, trainer     35
                    or driver of harness racing horses, or bookmaker or other person       36
                    associated with harness racing,                                        37

Page 14
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                 Clause 22

Control and regulation of harness racing                                 Part 3

              (h)    prohibit any person registered under the rules from taking part in    1
                     any harness racing meeting held by any harness racing club that       2
                     is not registered under the rules.                                    3

       (2)    Any fine imposed under subsection (1) (f) is to be paid to and be the        4
              property of HRNSW.                                                           5

       (3)    HRNSW may only take action under this section for disciplinary               6
              purposes or for the purposes of occupational health and safety.              7

Division 2           Rules                                                                 8

22     Rules in relation to harness racing                                                 9

       (1)    HRNSW may make rules, not inconsistent with this Act or the                 10
              regulations, for or with respect to the control and regulation of harness   11
              racing.                                                                     12

       (2)    Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), HRNSW may make           13
              rules for or with respect to the following:                                 14
               (a) any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be             15
                     prescribed by the rules,                                             16
              (b) any of the matters referred to in Division 1,                           17
               (c) the effect of a disqualification of, or other penalty imposed on, a    18
                     person or harness racing horse under section 21 (1),                 19
              (d) the allocation to harness racing clubs of dates on which they may       20
                     conduct harness racing meetings and harness races,                   21
               (e) the holding and conduct of harness racing meetings and of races        22
                     at any such meeting,                                                 23
               (f) the keeping of horses that are in the care or custody of persons       24
                     registered under the rules,                                          25
              (g) the breeding of harness racing horses,                                  26
              (h) the naming and identification of harness racing horses,                 27
               (i) the appointment of stewards by HRNSW and the functions of              28
                     those stewards (including functions that do not relate to harness    29
                     racing meetings),                                                    30
               (j) conferring on stewards appointed by HRNSW the same functions           31
                     as are exercisable by HRNSW under Division 1,                        32
              (k) the extent to which and the circumstances in which stewards             33
                     appointed by HRNSW may exercise their functions to the               34
                     exclusion of stewards of harness racing clubs,                       35
               (l) the fees and charges referred to in section 38.                        36

                                                                             Page 15
Clause 23         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 3            Control and regulation of harness racing

23       Rules generally                                                                   1
         (1)   A provision of a rule made under this Division may:                         2
               (a) apply generally or be limited in its application by reference to        3
                     specified exceptions or factors, or                                   4
               (b) apply differently according to different factors of a specified         5
                     kind, or                                                              6
               (c) authorise any matter or thing to be from time to time determined,       7
                     applied or regulated by any specified person or body,                 8
               or may do any combination of those things.                                  9

         (2)   A rule made under this Division may apply, adopt or incorporate any        10
               publication as in force at a particular time or as in force from time to   11
               time.                                                                      12

         (3)   A rule made under this Division may not be made for or with respect to     13
               any of the matters for or with respect to which regulations may be made    14
               by virtue of this Act (section 48 (1) (b) excepted).                       15

Division 3           Harness Racing Integrity Auditor                                     16

24       Appointment of Integrity Auditor                                                 17

         (1)   HRNSW is to appoint a person who, in the opinion of HRNSW, has             18
               suitable legal qualifications to hold the office of Harness Racing         19
               Integrity Auditor.                                                         20

         (2)   HRNSW is to conduct a probity check of a person (with the level of         21
               scrutiny to be determined by the Minister) before appointing a person to   22
               the office of Harness Racing Integrity Auditor.                            23

         (3)   An appointment of a Harness Racing Integrity Auditor has no effect         24
               unless the Minister approves of the appointment.                           25

         (4)   A person holding office as the Greyhound Racing Integrity Auditor          26
               under the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 may also be appointed to the           27
               office of Harness Racing Integrity Auditor.                                28

         (5)   A probity check need not be conducted under subsection (2) of a person     29
               if the person holds the office of the Greyhound Racing Integrity Auditor   30
               and GRNSW conducted probity checks of that person before his or her        31
               appointment in accordance with the Greyhound Racing Act 2009.              32

25       Functions of Integrity Auditor                                                   33

         (1)   The Integrity Auditor has the following functions:                         34
               (a) the primary oversight of those aspects of the functions of             35
                     HRNSW that relate to stewards, drug testing and control and          36
                     registration,                                                        37

Page 16
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                  Clause 26

Control and regulation of harness racing                                  Part 3

              (b)    providing advice to HRNSW on the matters referred to in                1
                     paragraph (a),                                                         2
              (c)    receiving and investigating complaints against racing officials in     3
                     respect of the exercise of functions relating to harness racing,       4
              (d)    such other functions as are conferred or imposed on the Integrity      5
                     Auditor by or under this or any other Act.                             6

       (2)    The functions of the Integrity Auditor are to be exercised independently      7
              of HRNSW.                                                                     8

26     Inquiries and investigations by Integrity Auditor in relation to complaint           9

       (1)    A person may make a complaint to the Integrity Auditor in respect of         10
              the exercise of functions by a racing official relating to harness racing.   11

       (2)    On receiving a complaint from a person under this section, the Integrity     12
              Auditor must investigate the complaint with due diligence unless the         13
              Integrity Auditor considers that the complaint:                              14
               (a) is frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith, or                   15
              (b) is trivial, or                                                           16
               (c) does not relate to the exercise of functions by a racing official in    17
                     a corrupt, improper or unethical manner.                              18

       (3)    If the Integrity Auditor decides to investigate a complaint, the Integrity   19
              Auditor must inform the racing official concerned of the substance of        20
              the complaint and give the racing official a reasonable opportunity to       21
              respond to it.                                                               22

       (4)    The Integrity Auditor may, by notice in writing, require a racing official   23
              who is the subject of an investigation under this section to do one or       24
              more of the following:                                                       25
              (a) provide, in accordance with directions in the notice, such               26
                    information verified by statutory declaration as, in the opinion of    27
                    the Integrity Auditor, is relevant to the investigation and is         28
                    specified in the notice,                                               29
              (b) produce, in accordance with directions in the notice, such records       30
                    as, in the opinion of the Integrity Auditor, are relevant to the       31
                    investigation and permit examination of the records, the taking of     32
                    extracts from them and the making of copies of them,                   33
              (c) authorise a person described in the notice to comply with a              34
                    requirement of the kind referred to in paragraph (a) or (b),           35

                                                                              Page 17
Clause 27         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 3            Control and regulation of harness racing

               (d)   furnish to the Integrity Auditor such authorisations and consents       1
                     as the Integrity Auditor requires for the purpose of enabling the       2
                     Integrity Auditor to obtain information (including financial and        3
                     other confidential information) from other persons concerning           4
                     the person under investigation.                                         5

         (5)   A person who complies with a requirement of a notice under                    6
               subsection (4) does not on that account incur a liability to another          7
               person.                                                                       8

         (6)   A person must not fail to comply with a requirement of the Integrity          9
               Auditor contained in a notice under subsection (4).                          10
               Maximum penalty (subsection (6)): 20 penalty units.                          11

27       Action after investigation of complaint                                            12

         (1)   The Integrity Auditor must provide a report in writing of the results of     13
               the investigation of a complaint to HRNSW and the Minister if satisfied      14
               that those results indicate that there has been a contravention of this or   15
               any other Act in relation to the conduct of harness racing or a              16
               contravention of the code of conduct adopted by HRNSW in accordance          17
               with clause 16 of Schedule 1.                                                18

         (2)   If such a report identifies any racing official in an adverse manner, the    19
               Integrity Auditor must also give a copy of the report to the racing          20
               official.                                                                    21

         (3)   The Integrity Auditor must inform the person who made the complaint          22
               of whether a report has been made under this section or whether the          23
               Integrity Auditor considers that the complaint does not warrant such a       24
               report being made.                                                           25

Page 18
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                               Clause 28

Directions and minimum standards                                       Part 4

Part 4       Directions and minimum standards                                            1

28    Power to set minimum standards for conduct of races and harness                    2
      racing meetings                                                                    3

       (1)   HRNSW may set minimum standards in connection with the conduct by           4
             harness racing clubs of harness races and harness racing meetings,          5
             including minimum standards with respect to the following:                  6
              (a) racecourse design and construction,                                    7
             (b) racecourse facilities and amenities (including facilities and           8
                   amenities to be provided for patrons, such as grandstands and         9
                   other patron amenities),                                             10
              (c) harness racing training facilities,                                   11
             (d) the financial management of harness racing meetings, including         12
                   the management of the costs of conducting harness racing             13
                   meetings,                                                            14
              (e) the fees and charges imposed by a harness racing club in              15
                   connection with races conducted by the club,                         16
              (f) prize money paid on races conducted by a harness racing club,         17
             (g) starters, appearance and other fees paid by a harness racing club,     18
             (h) such other matters relating to the conduct of harness races and        19
                   harness racing meetings as may be prescribed by the regulations.     20

       (2)   HRNSW may set minimum standards under this section in any one or           21
             more (or any combination) of the following ways:                           22
             (a) by a direction in writing to harness racing clubs,                     23
             (b) as a condition of the registration of harness racing clubs,            24
             (c) as a condition of the allocation of the dates on which harness         25
                   racing clubs may conduct harness racing meetings.                    26

       (3)   HRNSW is to consult with harness racing clubs in relation to any           27
             proposal to set minimum standards under this section and in the course     28
             of that consultation must give a harness racing club a reasonable          29
             opportunity to be heard and to make submissions on the proposal.           30

       (4)   Minimum standards may be set under this section even if they are           31
             inconsistent with a provision of a by-law under any Act. In the event of   32
             an inconsistency between minimum standards set under this section and      33
             a provision of such a by-law, those minimum standards prevail to the       34
             extent of the inconsistency.                                               35

                                                                           Page 19
Clause 29         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 4            Directions and minimum standards

29       Harness racing clubs to provide information and documents                           1
               HRNSW may give a direction in writing to a harness racing club                2
               requiring the club to provide specified documents or furnish specified        3
               information to HRNSW within a time specified in the direction, being          4
               documents or information that HRNSW considers will be of assistance           5
               in connection with the exercise of its functions referred to in               6
               section 9 (2) (a) or (c) or 28.                                               7

30       Sanctions for non-compliance by harness racing club with directions                 8
         and minimum standards                                                               9

         (1)   HRNSW may impose any sanction authorised by this section on a                10
               harness racing club that HRNSW is satisfied has:                             11
               (a) failed without reasonable excuse to comply with a minimum                12
                     standard set under section 28, or                                      13
               (b) failed without reasonable excuse to comply with a direction given        14
                     to the harness racing club under section 29.                           15

         (2)   Each of the following sanctions is a sanction that HRNSW may impose          16
               under this section:                                                          17
               (a) a public admonishment of the harness racing club,                        18
               (b) a requirement that the harness racing club pay to HRNSW a civil          19
                     penalty of up to 50 penalty units (or up to 100 penalty units if the   20
                     contravention or failure is the second or a subsequent                 21
                     contravention or failure for which a civil penalty has been            22
                     imposed on the club under this section),                               23
               (c) suspension or cancellation of the harness racing club's                  24
                     registration.                                                          25

         (3)   HRNSW is not to impose a sanction under this section without first           26
               giving the harness racing club concerned notice in writing of the            27
               proposed sanction and a reasonable opportunity to be heard and to make       28
               submissions about the matter.                                                29

         (4)   Subsection (3) does not apply in respect of the imposition of a sanction     30
               if HRNSW is satisfied that the sanction must be imposed as a matter of       31
               urgency because the contravention or failure concerned poses a               32
               significant threat:                                                          33
                (a) to public health or safety, or                                          34
               (b) to the financial wellbeing of the harness racing industry as a           35
                      whole in New South Wales.                                             36

Page 20
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                            Clause 30

Directions and minimum standards                                    Part 4

       (5)   A sanction is imposed by giving notice in writing of the decision to   1
             impose the sanction to the harness racing club concerned.              2

       (6)   A civil penalty imposed under this section may be recovered by         3
             HRNSW as a debt.                                                       4

                                                                        Page 21
Clause 31         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 5            Harness Racing Industry Consultation Group

Part 5         Harness Racing Industry Consultation Group                                   1

31       Establishment of Harness Racing Industry Consultation Group                        2

               There is established by this Act a committee called the Harness Racing       3
               Industry Consultation Group. The committee may also be called                4
               HRICG.                                                                       5

32       Membership                                                                         6

         (1)   HRICG is to consist of the following members:                                7
               (a) one person nominated by the New South Wales Harness Racing               8
                   Club,                                                                    9
               (b) one person nominated by the clubs funded by HRNSW as TAB                10
                   clubs,                                                                  11
               (c) one person nominated by the clubs funded by HRNSW as                    12
                   non-TAB clubs,                                                          13
               (d) no more than 3 persons, each to be nominated by a different             14
                   eligible industry body.                                                 15

         (2)   The Minister is to determine from time to time the bodies that are          16
               eligible industry bodies for the purposes of subsection (1) (d). The        17
               Minister is to consult with HRNSW on determinations made by the             18
               Minister under this subsection.                                             19

         (3)   A person may be appointed as an alternate of a member, to act as that       20
               member during the absence or illness of, or during a vacancy in the         21
               office of, the member.                                                      22

         (4)   An alternate is to be appointed by the body that the member represents      23
               or (in the case of a member who is nominated by a body) appointed by        24
               the nominating body.                                                        25

         (5)   An alternate, while acting as a member, is taken to be a member and has     26
               and may exercise the functions of the member for whom he or she is the      27
               alternate.                                                                  28

         (6)   If a body referred to in subsection (1) changes its name or ceases to       29
               exist, the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, direct that a   30
               reference in this section to the body is to be read as a reference to the   31
               body under its changed name or to a specified body that appears to the      32
               Minister to be the body's successor.                                        33

         (7)   Schedule 2 contains provisions relating to members of HRICG.                34

Page 22
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                               Clause 33

Harness Racing Industry Consultation Group                             Part 5

33    Eligibility for membership                                                        1
       (1)   A person is not eligible to be a member of HRICG if the person:            2
             (a) is a member of the Selection Panel, or                                 3
             (b) is a member of HRNSW, or                                               4
             (c) is currently, or during the previous 10 years has been, warned off,    5
                   disqualified or named on the Unpaid Forfeit List under the rules,    6
                   or                                                                   7
             (d) during the previous 10 years has been convicted in New South           8
                   Wales of an offence that is punishable by imprisonment for           9
                   12 months or more, or convicted elsewhere than in New South         10
                   Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales,          11
                   would be an offence so punishable, or                               12
             (e) is an undischarged bankrupt or is taking advantage of the laws in     13
                   force for the time being relating to bankruptcy, or                 14
             (f) is a mentally incapacitated person.                                   15

       (2)   A person is not eligible to be appointed as a member of HRICG unless      16
             the person has been the subject of a probity check by HRNSW.              17

34    Functions of HRICG                                                               18

       (1)   HRICG has the function of consulting with and making                      19
             recommendations to HRNSW on matters concerning harness racing in          20
             the State.                                                                21

       (2)   Recommendations made by HRICG to HRNSW are to be made in                  22
             writing and tabled at the next meeting of HRNSW or may be presented       23
             in person at that meeting by the Chairperson of HRICG.                    24

       (3)   HRNSW is to respond to HRICG in writing in relation to any such           25
             recommendations within a reasonable time after they are received. If      26
             HRNSW does not support a recommendation made by HRICG, the                27
             response by HRNSW is to include its reasons for not supporting the        28
             recommendation.                                                           29

       (4)   The Chairperson of HRICG is to provide a report on the work and           30
             activities of HRICG for inclusion in the annual report of HRNSW.          31

                                                                           Page 23
Clause 35         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 6            Finance

Part 6         Finance                                                                      1

35       Financial year                                                                     2

         (1)   Subject to subsection (2), the financial year of HRNSW is the year           3
               commencing on 1 July.                                                        4

         (2)   A different financial year for HRNSW may be determined by the                5
               Minister by order published in the Gazette.                                  6

36       Expenses                                                                           7

               HRNSW is liable for all expenses (including remuneration and                 8
               allowances payable to members of HRNSW, the chief executive officer          9
               of HRNSW and the other staff of HRNSW) incurred by HRNSW in the             10
               exercise of its functions.                                                  11

37       Accounts                                                                          12

               HRNSW may establish such accounts as it thinks appropriate for the          13
               money received and expended by HRNSW.                                       14

38       Fees and charges                                                                  15

         (1)   HRNSW may determine the fees and charges payable for registration or        16
               for the transaction of other business with HRNSW.                           17

         (2)   If a steward appointed by HRNSW acts at a harness racing meeting held       18
               by a harness racing club, HRNSW may charge the club for the services        19
               of the steward.                                                             20

39       Harness Racing Benevolent Fund                                                    21

         (1)   There is to be established by HRNSW, in an authorised deposit-taking        22
               institution in New South Wales, a fund to be called the "Harness Racing     23
               Benevolent Fund".                                                           24

         (2)   There is to be paid into the Benevolent Fund:                               25
               (a) any money received by HRNSW for payment into the Benevolent             26
                     Fund, and                                                             27
               (b) any money acquired by HRNSW on trust or subject to a condition          28
                     that it be applied in or towards the assistance of a person to whom   29
                     subsection (4) (a) applies, and                                       30
               (c) any money received by HRNSW:                                            31
                      (i) in respect of any loan advanced from money within the            32
                             Benevolent Fund, and                                          33
                     (ii) in payment of interest on any such loan, and                     34

Page 24
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                 Clause 39

Finance                                                                  Part 6

                   (iii)   in payment of any charges, costs and expenses incurred in       1
                           respect of any such loan, and                                   2
             (d)    the income derived from the investment of any money within the         3
                    Benevolent Fund.                                                       4

       (3)   If money in the Benevolent Fund:                                              5
              (a) was paid into the Benevolent Fund under subsection (2) (b), and          6
             (b) is, under the terms of a trust, or by virtue of a condition, to which     7
                   HRNSW has agreed, required to be applied in or towards the              8
                   assistance of a specified person or a specified class or description    9
                   of persons, being a person or persons from within the class of         10
                   persons to whom subsection (4) (a) applies,                            11
             that money (together with any interest or income derived from the            12
             investment of that money) is to be carried to a separate account in the      13
             Benevolent Fund established for the purpose of the trust or of fulfilling    14
             the condition.                                                               15

       (4)   There may be paid out of the Benevolent Fund:                                16
             (a) in respect of money that has not been carried to a separate account      17
                   in the Benevolent Fund, grants or loans (whether with or without       18
                   interest) to any person who is in indigent circumstances and who       19
                   is or has, at any time, been:                                          20
                    (i) an owner, trainer or driver of harness racing horses, or          21
                   (ii) a person employed in a stable of harness racing horses, or        22
                  (iii) a person who has rendered valuable service to harness             23
                          racing, or                                                      24
                  (iv) a dependant of a person referred to in subparagraph (i), (ii)      25
                          or (iii), and                                                   26
             (b) in respect of money which has been carried to a separate account         27
                   within the Benevolent Fund, that money (and any interest or            28
                   income derived from the investment of that money) subject to the       29
                   trust or condition on which that money is held.                        30

                                                                             Page 25
Clause 40          Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 7             Miscellaneous

Part 7         Miscellaneous                                                               1

40       Records                                                                           2

               HRNSW is to keep records for the purposes of this Act relating to its       3
               functions.                                                                  4

41       Production of records to HRNSW                                                    5

         (1)   In this section:                                                            6
               records includes:                                                           7
                (a) documents, registers and other records of information, and             8
               (b) invoices, receipts, orders for the payment of money, bills of           9
                      exchange, promissory notes, vouchers and other records of           10
                      transactions, and                                                   11
                (c) such working papers and other documents as are necessary to           12
                      explain the methods and calculations by which accounts are made     13
                      up,                                                                 14
               however compiled, recorded or stored.                                      15

         (2)   HRNSW may at any time, by notice in writing, give a direction to:          16
                (a) a harness racing club, or                                             17
               (b) a person who is or has been an officer or employee of, or an agent,    18
                      banker, Australian legal practitioner, auditor or other person      19
                      acting in any capacity for or on behalf of, a harness racing club   20
                      (including such a club that is in the course of being wound up or   21
                      has been dissolved),                                                22
               requiring the production, at such time and place as are specified in the   23
               direction, of such records relating to the affairs of the harness racing   24
               club as are so specified.                                                  25

         (3)   Where any records relating to the affairs of a harness racing club are     26
               compiled, recorded or stored by means of a mechanical, electronic or       27
               other device, a direction under subsection (2) may require the             28
               production of a document containing a clear reproduction in writing of     29
               the whole or any part of those records.                                    30

         (4)   A person must not, when required under subsection (2) to produce a         31
               record:                                                                    32
                (a) refuse or neglect to produce the record, or                           33
               (b) produce a record that contains information that to the person's        34
                     knowledge is false or misleading in a material particular unless     35
                     the person discloses that fact when producing the record.            36
               Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.                                          37

Page 26
Harness Racing Bill 2009                                                   Clause 42

Miscellaneous                                                              Part 7

       (5)   A reference in this section to the affairs of a harness racing club is a         1
             reference to the affairs of the club that relate, directly or indirectly, to     2
             harness racing.                                                                  3

       (6)   A power of HRNSW to give a direction under this section does not                 4
             affect any power of HRNSW to give a direction under section 29.                  5
             However, a person is not liable to a penalty under both section 30 and           6
             this section in respect of a direction to the person that relates to the same    7
             records or information.                                                          8

42    Delegation                                                                              9

       (1)   Subject to subsection (2), HRNSW may delegate the exercise of its               10
             functions to:                                                                   11
              (a) a member of HRNSW or the chief executive officer of HRNSW,                 12
                   or                                                                        13
             (b) a committee comprised of, or a combination of, those persons, or            14
              (c) a member of staff of HRNSW.                                                15

       (2)   HRNSW must not delegate a function relating to the registration of a            16
             harness racing club, or the suspension or cancellation of such                  17
             registration, under this Act.                                                   18

43    Protection from personal liability                                                     19

             Anything done or omitted to be done by:                                         20
              (a) HRNSW or HRICG, or                                                         21
             (b) a member of HRNSW or HRICG, or                                              22
              (c) the chief executive officer of HRNSW, or                                   23
             (d) any steward appointed under this Act by HRNSW, or                           24
              (e) any person acting under the direction of HRNSW or HRICG,                   25
             does not subject the member, chief executive officer, steward or a              26
             person so acting, personally to any action, liability, claim or demand if       27
             the thing was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purposes         28
             of executing this or any other Act.                                             29

44    Authentication of certain documents                                                    30

             Any summons, process, demand, order, notice, statement, direction or            31
             other document requiring authentication by HRNSW is sufficiently                32
             authenticated without the seal of HRNSW if signed by the Chairperson            33
             of HRNSW, the chief executive officer of HRNSW or another member                34
             of staff of HRNSW authorised to do so by the chief executive officer.           35

                                                                                Page 27
Clause 45         Harness Racing Bill 2009

Part 7            Miscellaneous

45       Proof of certain matters not required                                             1
               In any legal proceedings, proof is not required (until evidence is given    2
               to the contrary) of the following matters:                                  3
                (a) the constitution of HRNSW,                                             4
               (b) any resolution of HRNSW,                                                5
                (c) the appointment of, or the holding of office by, any member of         6
                      HRNSW,                                                               7
               (d) the presence of a quorum at any meeting of HRNSW.                       8

46       Recovery of money                                                                 9

               Any charge, fee or other money due to HRNSW may be recovered by            10
               HRNSW as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction.                      11

47       Proceedings for offences                                                         12

               Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations are to be   13
               dealt with summarily.                                                      14

48       Regulations                                                                      15

         (1)   The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for     16
               or with respect to:                                                        17
               (a) any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be             18
                     prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for   19
                     carrying out or giving effect to this Act, and                       20
               (b) any matter for or with respect to which rules may be made under        21
                     Division 2 of Part 3.                                                22

         (2)   If there is any inconsistency between the regulations and the rules made   23
               under Division 2 of Part 3, the regulations prevail to the extent of the   24
               inconsistency.                                                             25

         (3)   A regulation may create an offence punishable by a penalty not             26
               exceeding 5 penalty units.                                                 27

         (4)   A reference in Division 1 of Part 3 to the rules includes a reference to   28
               regulations in so far as the regulations make provision for or with        29
               respect to any of the matters mentioned in that Division.                  30

49       Review of Act                                                                    31

         (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy         32
               objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act        33
               remain appropriate for securing those objectives.                          34

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Harness Racing Bill 2009                                              Clause 49

Miscellaneous                                                         Part 7

       (2)   The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of   1
             5 years from the date of assent to this Act.                             2

       (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of   3
             Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.      4

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Schedule 1      Provisions relating to members of HRNSW

Schedule 1            Provisions relating to members of                                 1
                      HRNSW                                                             2

 1    Definitions                                                                       3

             In this Schedule:                                                          4
             Chairperson means the Chairperson of HRNSW.                                5
             member means a member of HRNSW.                                            6

 2    Chairperson                                                                       7

      (1)    The members are to elect a Chairperson from among themselves.              8
             HRNSW may remove a person from office as Chairperson at any time.          9

      (2)    A person ceases to hold office as Chairperson if he or she:               10
             (a) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to HRNSW,       11
                   or                                                                  12
             (b) is removed from that office by HRNSW, or                              13
             (c) ceases to hold office as a member.                                    14

      (3)    The Chairperson does not cease to be a member merely because he or        15
             she ceases to be Chairperson.                                             16

 3    Term of office of members                                                        17

      (1)    A member of HRNSW is to be appointed to hold office (subject to this      18
             Act) for a period of up to 4 years recommended by the Selection Panel     19
             under section 7, unless the appointment is to fill a casual vacancy.      20

      (2)    A member appointed to fill a casual vacancy (a vacancy in the office of   21
             a member occurring other than by reason of the completion of the          22
             member's term of office) is to be appointed for the balance of the term   23
             of office of the member's predecessor.                                    24

 4    Remuneration                                                                     25

      (1)    A member of HRNSW is entitled to be paid:                                 26
             (a) remuneration consisting of a base amount adjusted annually in         27
                 accordance with the annual percentage increase (if any) in the        28
                 Consumer Price Index occurring after the determination or             29
                 redetermination of the base amount takes effect, and                  30
             (b) allowances to reimburse the member for expenses that he or she        31
                 may incur (for travel or accommodation, for example).                 32

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Provisions relating to members of HRNSW                                  Schedule 1

       (2)   The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal may, on the             1
             application of HRNSW, redetermine the base amount from time to time,          2
             with effect from the date of the redetermination or such later date as the    3
             Tribunal may specify.                                                         4

       (3)   In this clause:                                                               5
             base amount means an amount determined for the purposes of this               6
             clause by the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal               7
             (which determination, whenever made, is taken to be effective on the          8
             commencement of this subclause).                                              9
             Consumer Price Index means the number appearing in the Consumer              10
             Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney issued by the Australian           11
             Statistician.                                                                12

  5   Vacation of office                                                                  13

       (1)   The office of a member becomes vacant if the member:                         14
             (a) dies, or                                                                 15
             (b) completes a term of office and is not reappointed, or                    16
             (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to HRNSW,          17
                   or                                                                     18
             (d) is absent from 4 consecutive meetings of HRNSW of which                  19
                   reasonable notice has been given to the member personally or in        20
                   the ordinary course of post, except on leave granted by HRNSW          21
                   or unless, before the expiration of 4 weeks after the last of those    22
                   meetings, the member is excused by HRNSW for having been               23
                   absent from those meetings, or                                         24
             (e) becomes a person who is not eligible to be a member, or                  25
             (f) is removed from office under subclause (2).                              26

       (2)   The Minister may, on the recommendation of HRNSW, remove a                   27
             member from office for incapacity, incompetence, misbehaviour or a           28
             contravention of the code of conduct adopted by HRNSW under                  29
             clause 16.                                                                   30

  6   Member vacancies to be filled                                                       31

             If the office of a member becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this       32
             Act, to be appointed to fill the vacancy.                                    33

  7   Presiding member                                                                    34

       (1)   The Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, another member        35
             elected to chair the meeting by the members present is to preside at a       36
             meeting of HRNSW.                                                            37

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Schedule 1      Provisions relating to members of HRNSW

      (2)    The person presiding at a meeting of HRNSW has a deliberative vote           1
             and, in the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.     2

 8    Voting                                                                              3

             A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of         4
             HRNSW at which a quorum is present is the decision of HRNSW.                 5

 9    Transaction of business outside meetings or by telecommunication                    6

      (1)    HRNSW may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the             7
             circulation of papers among all of its members, and a resolution in          8
             writing approved in writing by a majority of the voting members is           9
             taken to be a decision of HRNSW.                                            10

      (2)    HRNSW may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at   11
             which members (or some members) participate by telephone,                   12
             closed-circuit television or other means, but only if a member who          13
             speaks on a matter at the meeting can be heard by the other members.        14

      (3)    For the purposes of:                                                        15
              (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or                   16
             (b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),                        17
             the Chairperson and each other member have the same voting rights as        18
             they have at an ordinary meeting of HRNSW.                                  19

      (4)    A resolution approved under subclause (1) is to be recorded in the          20
             minutes of the meetings of HRNSW.                                           21

      (5)    Papers may be circulated among members for the purposes of                  22
             subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the information in      23
             the papers concerned.                                                       24

10    Disclosure of pecuniary interests by members                                       25

      (1)    If:                                                                         26
              (a)  a member has a pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or     27
                   about to be considered at a meeting of HRNSW or a committee           28
                   of HRNSW, and                                                         29
             (b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper                30
                   performance of the member's duties in relation to the                 31
                   consideration of the matter,                                          32
             the member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come     33
             to the member's knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a         34
             meeting of HRNSW or the committee.                                          35

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Provisions relating to members of HRNSW                                  Schedule 1

       (2)   A disclosure by a member at a meeting of HRNSW that the member:               1
              (a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or          2
                    other body, or                                                         3
             (b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or          4
              (c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company        5
                    or other body or to a specified person,                                6
             is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter        7
             relating to that company or other body or to that person which may arise      8
             after the date of the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed        9
             under subclause (1).                                                         10

       (3)   Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be recorded        11
             by HRNSW in a book kept for the purpose and that book must be open           12
             at all reasonable hours to inspection by any person on payment of a          13
             reasonable fee determined by HRNSW.                                          14

       (4)   After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the    15
             member must not, unless HRNSW otherwise determines:                          16
             (a) be present during any deliberation of HRNSW with respect to the          17
                    matter, or                                                            18
             (b) take part in any decision of HRNSW with respect to the matter.           19

       (5)   For the purpose of the making of a determination by HRNSW under              20
             subclause (4), a member who has a pecuniary interest in a matter to          21
             which the disclosure relates must not:                                       22
             (a) be present during any deliberation of HRNSW for the purpose of           23
                   making the determination, or                                           24
             (b) take part in the making by HRNSW of the determination.                   25

       (6)   A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of           26
             HRNSW.                                                                       27

11    Pecuniary interests required to be disclosed                                        28

       (1)   For the purposes of clause 10, a pecuniary interest is an interest that a    29
             person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation     30
             of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with   31
             whom the person is associated as provided by subclauses (3)-(5).             32

       (2)   A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is   33
             so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as       34
             likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the    35
             matter.                                                                      36

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Schedule 1      Provisions relating to members of HRNSW

      (3)    For the purposes of clause 10, a person has a pecuniary interest in a        1
             matter if the pecuniary interest is the interest of:                         2
             (a) the person, or                                                           3
             (b) another person with whom the person is associated as provided            4
                   by this clause.                                                        5

      (4)    A person is taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if:               6
             (a) the person's spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person,     7
                   or a partner or employer of the person, has a pecuniary interest in    8
                   the matter, or                                                         9
             (b) the person, or a nominee, partner or employer of the person, is a       10
                   member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest       11
                   in the matter.                                                        12

      (5)    However, a person is not taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter     13
             as referred to in subclause (4):                                            14
             (a) if the person is unaware of the relevant pecuniary interest of the      15
                    spouse, de facto partner, relative, partner, employer or company     16
                    or other body, or                                                    17
             (b) just because the person is a member of, or is employed by, a            18
                    statutory body or is employed by the Crown, or                       19
             (c) just because the person is a member of a company or other body          20
                    that has a pecuniary interest in the matter, so long as the person   21
                    has no beneficial interest in any shares of the company or body.     22

12    Duty of members to act in interests of public and industry                         23

             It is the duty of each member to act in the public interest and in the      24
             interests of the harness racing industry as a whole in the State.           25

13    General procedure                                                                  26

             The procedure for the calling of meetings of HRNSW and for the              27
             conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the       28
             regulations, to be as determined by HRNSW.                                  29

14    Quorum                                                                             30

             The quorum for a meeting of HRNSW is a majority of its members.             31

15    First meeting                                                                      32

             The Minister may call the first meeting of HRNSW under this Act in          33
             such manner as the Minister thinks fit.                                     34

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Provisions relating to members of HRNSW                                   Schedule 1

16    Code of conduct                                                                       1
       (1)   HRNSW must adopt a code of conduct to be observed by members and               2
             staff of HRNSW.                                                                3

       (2)   The code of conduct must include a statement of the duty of members            4
             of HRNSW under clause 12 (Duty of members to act in interests of               5
             public and industry) and clause 10 (Disclosure of pecuniary interests by       6
             members) and the obligations of HRNSW under clause 10 in connection            7
             with disclosures under that clause.                                            8

       (3)   HRNSW must review its code of conduct at least every 3 years and               9
             make such changes to it as it considers appropriate.                          10

17    Effect of certain other Acts                                                         11

       (1)   The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 does not                 12
             apply to or in respect of the appointment of a member.                        13

       (2)   If by or under any Act provision is made:                                     14
              (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to            15
                    devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, or   16
             (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the            17
                    duties of that office,                                                 18
             the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that     19
             office and also the office of a member or from accepting and retaining        20
             any remuneration payable to the person under this Act as a member.            21

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Schedule 2      Provisions relating to HRICG

Schedule 2            Provisions relating to HRICG                                        1

 1    Membership is honorary                                                              2

             The members of HRICG are honorary members and no remuneration is             3
             payable to them in respect of the duties they perform as members. The        4
             members are however entitled to be reimbursed by HRNSW for                   5
             reasonable expenses (such as for travel or accommodation) that they          6
             may incur in attending meetings of HRICG.                                    7

 2    Vacation of office                                                                  8

      (1)    The office of a member of HRICG becomes vacant if the member:                9
             (a) dies, or                                                                10
             (b) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to HRNSW          11
                   and HRICG, or                                                         12
             (c) is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of HRICG of which                 13
                   reasonable notice has been given to the member personally or in       14
                   the ordinary course of post, except on leave granted by HRICG         15
                   or unless, before the expiration of 4 weeks after the last of those   16
                   meetings, the member is excused by HRICG for having been              17
                   absent from those meetings, or                                        18
             (d) becomes a person who is not eligible to be a member, or                 19
             (e) is a member on the nomination of a body and that nomination is          20
                   withdrawn by the body or the body ceases to exist, or                 21
             (f) is removed from office under subclause (2).                             22

      (2)    The Minister may, on the recommendation of HRICG, remove a                  23
             member of HRICG from office for incapacity, incompetence or                 24
             misbehaviour.                                                               25

 3    Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of HRICG                                        26

      (1)    HRICG is to elect a Chairperson from among its members. HRICG may           27
             also elect a Deputy Chairperson from among its members. HRICG may           28
             remove a person from office as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of         29
             HRICG at any time.                                                          30

      (2)    A person ceases to hold office as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson if      31
             he or she:                                                                  32
             (a) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to HRNSW          33
                    and HRICG, or                                                        34
             (b) is removed from that office by HRICG, or                                35
             (c) ceases to hold office as a member of HRICG.                             36

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Provisions relating to HRICG                                           Schedule 2

       (3)   To be elected or removed from office as Chairperson or Deputy              1
             Chairperson of HRICG requires a simple majority of the members             2
             present and voting at a meeting of HRICG at which a quorum is present.     3

       (4)   The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson does not cease to be a member        4
             of HRICG merely because he or she ceases to be Chairperson or Deputy       5
             Chairperson.                                                               6

  4   Member vacancies to be filled                                                     7

             When the office of a member of HRICG becomes vacant, a person is to        8
             be nominated to fill the vacancy in the same way as the person whose       9
             office has become vacant was nominated.                                   10

  5   Procedure                                                                        11

       (1)   HRICG may regulate its proceedings as it considers appropriate, subject   12
             to this clause.                                                           13

       (2)   The quorum for a meeting of HRICG is a majority in number of the          14
             members for the time being.                                               15

       (3)   HRICG must meet at least 6 times in each year unless HRICG otherwise      16
             determines.                                                               17

       (4)   The Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy         18
             Chairperson is to preside at a meeting of HRICG. If neither the           19
             Chairperson nor Deputy Chairperson is present at a meeting, the           20
             members present may elect one of their number to preside at the           21
             meeting. The person presiding at a meeting has a deliberative vote and,   22
             in the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.       23

       (5)   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of      24
             HRICG at which a quorum is present is the decision of HRICG.              25

  6   Meetings with HRNSW                                                              26

       (1)   In addition to any other meetings that HRICG may hold, HRICG must         27
             hold a meeting not less than 6 times in each year with one or more        28
             members of HRNSW at least one of whom is the Chairperson or the           29
             chief executive officer of HRNSW.                                         30

       (2)   The number of meetings required by this clause can be changed by          31
             agreement between HRNSW and HRICG.                                        32

       (3)   The minutes of a meeting under this clause are to be circulated among     33
             both the members of HRICG and the members of HRNSW.                       34

  7   Administrative support                                                           35

             HRNSW is to provide such reasonable administrative support as may be      36
             required to enable HRICG to exercise its functions.                       37

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Schedule 3      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 3             Savings, transitional and other                                    1
                       provisions                                                         2

Part 1       General                                                                      3

 1    Regulations                                                                         4

      (1)    The regulations may include provisions of a savings or transitional          5
             nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:                    6
             this Act                                                                     7

      (2)    A provision of a regulation authorised by this clause may, if the            8
             regulations so provide, take effect as from the date of assent to the Act    9
             concerned or as from a later day.                                           10

      (3)    To the extent to which a provision of a regulation authorised by this       11
             clause takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its        12
             publication on the NSW legislation website, the provision does not          13
             operate:                                                                    14
             (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the        15
                   State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person        16
                   existing before the date of its publication, or                       17
             (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an         18
                   authority of the State), in respect of anything done or omitted to    19
                   be done before the date of its publication.                           20

      (4)    The provisions of this Schedule are subject to the regulations.             21

Part 2       Provisions consequent on enactment of this                                  22
             Act                                                                         23

Division 1          Interpretation                                                       24

 2    Definitions                                                                        25

             In this Part:                                                               26
             former administration Act means the Greyhound and Harness Racing            27
             Administration Act 2004.                                                    28
             former Authority means the Greyhound and Harness Racing                     29
             Regulatory Authority constituted by the former administration Act.          30
             former HRNSW Act means the Harness Racing Act 2002.                         31

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Harness Racing Bill 2009

Savings, transitional and other provisions                                Schedule 3

Division 2           Provisions relating to HRNSW                                           1

  3    Continuation of HRNSW                                                                2

              HRNSW is taken for all purposes (including the rules of private               3
              international law) to be a continuation of, and the same legal entity as,     4
              HRNSW constituted under the former HRNSW Act.                                 5

  4    Membership of HRNSW                                                                  6

       (1)    Despite section 6 of this Act, HRNSW is taken to be duly constituted          7
              under that section by the members of HRNSW holding office under               8
              section 8 of the former HRNSW Act immediately before the repeal of            9
              section 8 of that Act.                                                       10

       (2)    Subclause (1) has effect:                                                    11
              (a) until the expiration of the term of office of those members or until     12
                    the date on which the first appointment of members of HRNSW            13
                    in accordance with section 6 of this Act takes effect, whichever       14
                    occurs first, and                                                      15
              (b) despite the vacation of office of any such member in accordance          16
                    with Schedule 1.                                                       17

       (3)    The person holding office as Chairperson of HRNSW immediately                18
              before the repeal of section 8 of the former HRNSW Act is taken to have      19
              been elected to that office in accordance with Schedule 1.                   20

  5    Existing staff of HRNSW                                                             21

       (1)    The person employed under section 11 of the former HRNSW Act to the          22
              office of chief executive officer and holding that office immediately        23
              before the repeal of that section is taken to have been employed in that     24
              office under section 13 of this Act. Until other provision is duly made,     25
              that employment is taken to be on the same terms and conditions as           26
              applied to the employment under section 11 of the former HRNSW Act.          27

       (2)    Any person employed under section 12 of the former HRNSW Act as a            28
              member of staff of HRNSW and holding that position immediately               29
              before the repeal of that section is taken to have been employed in that     30
              position under section 14 of this Act. Until other provision is duly made,   31
              that employment is taken to be on the same terms and conditions as           32
              applied to the employment under section 12 of the former HRNSW Act.          33

  6    Delegations                                                                         34

              Any delegation made under section 56 of the former HRNSW Act is              35
              taken to have been made under section 42 of this Act.                        36

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Schedule 3      Savings, transitional and other provisions

Division 3         Provisions relating to former Authority and its                            1
                   assets, rights, liabilities and staff                                      2

 7    References to former Authority                                                          3

             Regulations may be made under clause 1 that require a reference in any           4
             instrument made under another Act, or in any document of any kind, to            5
             the former Authority to be read as, or as including, a reference to              6
             HRNSW.                                                                           7

 8    Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of former Authority                          8

      (1)    In this clause:                                                                  9
             transferee, in relation to the transfer of an asset, right or liability by or   10
             under this clause, means the body to which the asset, right or liability is     11
             transferred.                                                                    12
             transferor, in relation to the transfer of an asset, right or liability by or   13
             under this clause, means the body from which the asset, right or liability      14
             is transferred.                                                                 15

      (2)    The Minister may, by order in writing, transfer to HRNSW such of the            16
             assets, rights and liabilities of the former Authority as are specified or      17
             referred to in the order.                                                       18

      (3)    An order under this clause takes effect on the date specified in the order.     19

      (4)    An order under subclause (2) may be made on such terms and                      20
             conditions as are specified in the order.                                       21

      (5)    On and from the date on which any asset, right or liability is transferred      22
             by subclause (2), the following provisions have effect with respect to          23
             the transfer:                                                                   24
              (a) the transferred asset vests in the transferee by virtue of this clause     25
                    and without the need for any conveyance, transfer, assignment or         26
                    assurance,                                                               27
             (b) the transferred rights and liabilities become by virtue of this             28
                    clause the rights and liabilities of the transferee,                     29
              (c) all proceedings relating to the asset, right or liability commenced        30
                    before the transfer day by or on behalf of, or against, the              31
                    transferor and pending immediately before the transfer day are           32
                    taken to be proceedings pending by or against the transferee,            33
             (d) any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done in relation to          34
                    the asset, right or liability before the transfer day by, to or in       35
                    respect of the transferor is (to the extent to which that act, matter    36
                    or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or             37
                    omitted by, to or in respect of the transferee.                          38

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Savings, transitional and other provisions                                  Schedule 3

       (6)    The operation of this clause is not to be regarded:                             1
              (a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil               2
                    wrong, or                                                                 3
              (b) as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting, restricting or        4
                    regulating the assignment or transfer of assets, rights or                5
                    liabilities, or                                                           6
              (c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as             7
                    causing or permitting the termination of any instrument, because          8
                    of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of any asset, right      9
                    or liability, or                                                         10
              (d) as an event of default under any contract or other instrument.             11

       (7)    No attornment to HRNSW by a lessee of the former Authority is                  12
              required.                                                                      13

  9    Employment of employees of former Authority by HRNSW                                  14

       (1)    Until 1 August 2009, HRNSW:                                                    15
              (a) must notify Authority employees whenever it intends to fill a              16
                     position in the staff of HRNSW, and                                     17
              (b) must give the notified employees a reasonable opportunity to               18
                     apply for the position.                                                 19

       (2)    An Authority employee who:                                                     20
               (a) applies for a position to be filled as referred to in subclause (1),      21
                     and                                                                     22
              (b) at the time of making the application is performing substantially          23
                     the same duties for the former Authority as are required to be          24
                     performed in the position to be filled or, if at that time the former   25
                     Authority has been dissolved, was performing substantially those        26
                     same duties for the former Authority immediately before its             27
                     dissolution,                                                            28
              is to be considered for the position in preference to any other applicant      29
              for the position who is not such a person.                                     30

       (3)    The employment of an Authority employee who is appointed to a                  31
              position in the staff of HRNSW in accordance with this clause is not to        32
              be terminated within the period of 12 months after the commencement            33
              of the employment on the ground of redundancy arising from the                 34
              operation of this Act.                                                         35

       (4)    An Authority employee who is appointed to a position in the staff of           36
              HRNSW in accordance with this clause is, on commencing employment              37
              in that position, entitled to be paid compensation by HRNSW calculated         38
              in accordance with Schedule 1 to the Employment Protection                     39

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Schedule 3      Savings, transitional and other provisions

             Regulation 2001 (as in force at the commencement of this clause) as if         1
             the compensation payment were a severance payment referred to in that          2
             Schedule. No other payment or benefit is payable to the Authority              3
             employee merely because he or she ceases to be a member of staff of the        4
             former Authority.                                                              5

      (5)    If HRNSW is unable to fill a position in accordance with subclause (2)         6
             within a reasonable time after the position was notified to Authority          7
             employees, nothing in this clause prevents HRNSW from filling the              8
             position in any other way.                                                     9

      (6)    In this clause, Authority employee means a person who was a member            10
             of staff of the former Authority before its dissolution.                      11

10    Duty and other fees                                                                  12

             An instrument executed only for a purpose ancillary to or consequential       13
             on the operation of this Part or the purpose of giving effect to this Part:   14
             (a) is not chargeable with duty, and                                          15
             (b) is exempt from payment of any other fee or charge that would              16
                   otherwise be payable under any other Act in respect of the              17
                   registration of any such instrument.                                    18

11    Actions of former Authority                                                          19

             Anything done by the former Authority relating to a registration,             20
             suspension, disqualification or prohibition under the former                  21
             administration Act in respect of harness racing before the dissolution of     22
             the former Authority is, after that dissolution, taken to have been done      23
             under the relevant provisions of this Act by HRNSW.                           24

Division 4         Miscellaneous                                                           25

12    References to former Act                                                             26

      (1)    On and from the repeal of the former HRNSW Act, a reference in any            27
             other Act, in any instrument made under another Act, or in any                28
             document of any kind, to the former HRNSW Act is to be read as a              29
             reference to this Act.                                                        30

      (2)    On and from the repeal of the former administration Act, a reference in       31
             any other Act, in any instrument made under another Act, or in any            32
             document of any kind, to the former administration Act is to be read as       33
             a reference to this Act to the extent that it relates to harness racing.      34

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Harness Racing Bill 2009

Savings, transitional and other provisions                                Schedule 3

13     Dissolution of Harness Racing Industry Participants Advisory                         1
       Committee                                                                            2

       (1)    On the repeal of Part 5 of the former HRNSW Act, the Harness Racing           3
              Industry Participants Advisory Committee is dissolved.                        4

       (2)    No remuneration or compensation is payable to any member of that              5
              Committee as a result of its dissolution.                                     6

14     Existing rules                                                                       7

              On the repeal of section 16 of the former administration Act, the rules       8
              made under that section and in force immediately before that repeal are       9
              taken to have been made under this Act by HRNSW and may be                   10
              amended and repealed accordingly.                                            11

15     Registration                                                                        12

              On the repeal of Part 3 of the former administration Act, any registration   13
              granted by the former Authority in relation to harness racing under that     14
              Act and in force immediately before that repeal is taken to have been        15
              granted by HRNSW under this Act.                                             16

16     Harness Racing Benevolent Fund                                                      17

              The Harness Racing Benevolent Fund established under section 52 of           18
              the former Act is taken to have been established under section 39 of this    19
              Act.                                                                         20

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