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Health Services Amendment (National
Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Health Services Act 1997 to make provision for health funding
arrangements under the National Health Reform Agreement.
Clause 1      Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                             1

 1    Name of Act                                                                      2

           This Act is the Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform           3
           Agreement) Act 2012.                                                        4

 2    Commencement                                                                     5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                       6

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Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Amendment of Health Services Act 1997                            1
                         No 154                                                           2

[1]    Sections 4 (a) and (c1), 28 (f) and (g), 62B (1) and 126 (2) (a) and (d) and       3
       clause 92 of Schedule 7                                                            4

       Omit "NHHN Agreement" wherever occurring.                                          5

       Insert instead "National Health Reform Agreement".                                 6

[2]    Section 126I                                                                       7

       Insert before section 127:                                                         8

      126I    Health funding arrangements under the National Health Reform                9
              Agreement                                                                  10

                    Schedule 6A contains provisions relating to health funding           11
                    arrangements under the National Health Reform Agreement.             12

[3]    Section 127 Determination of subsidies                                            13

       Insert after section 127 (2):                                                     14

             (2A)   In making a determination under this section, the Minister is also   15
                    to have regard to the National Health Reform Agreement.              16

[4]    Section 127 (6)                                                                   17

       Insert after section 127 (5):                                                     18

              (6)   This section does not affect the operation of the provisions         19
                    relating to health funding arrangements under the National           20
                    Health Reform Agreement set out in Schedule 6A.                      21

[5]    Schedule 6A                                                                       22

       Insert after Schedule 6:                                                          23

       Schedule 6A             National Health Funding Pool and                          24
                               Administration                                            25

       Part 1       Preliminary                                                          26

         1    Interpretation                                                             27

              (1)   In this Schedule:                                                    28
                    Administrator means the Administrator of the National Health         29
                    Funding Pool appointed under clause 3 and under the                  30

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

                   corresponding provision of the laws of the Commonwealth and                1
                   the other States.                                                          2
                   COAG means the Council of Australian Governments.                          3
                   local hospital network means an organisation that is a local               4
                   hospital network (however described) for the purposes of the               5
                   National Health Reform Agreement.                                          6
                   Note. In New South Wales, local health districts, specialty network        7
                   governed health corporations and affiliated health organisations           8
                   declared to be networks under section 62B of the Act are local hospital    9
                   networks for the purposes of the National Health Reform Agreement.        10
                   National Health Funding Pool means the combined State Pool                11
                   Accounts for each State.                                                  12
                   National Health Reform Agreement means the National Health                13
                   Reform Agreement between the Commonwealth and the States                  14
                   that was agreed to by COAG on 2 August 2011, as amended from              15
                   time to time.                                                             16
                   responsible Minister for a jurisdiction means the relevant                17
                   Minister with portfolio responsibility for the administration of          18
                   the provision of this Schedule in which the expression occurs (or         19
                   of the corresponding provision of the laws of the Commonwealth            20
                   and the other States).                                                    21
                   Note. See also clause 27.                                                 22
                   Standing Council on Health means (subject to subclause (2)) the           23
                   Ministerial Council by that name or, if there is no such                  24
                   Ministerial Council, the standing Ministerial Council established         25
                   or recognised by COAG whose members include all Ministers in              26
                   Australia having portfolio responsibility for health.                     27
                   State includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern          28
                   Territory.                                                                29
                   State Managed Fund of a State means a bank account or fund                30
                   established or designated by the State for the purposes of health         31
                   funding under the National Health Reform Agreement that is                32
                   required to be undertaken in the State through a State Managed            33
                   Fund.                                                                     34
                   State Pool Account of a State means the bank account                      35
                   established by the State under Part 3 or under the corresponding          36
                   provisions of the law of another State.                                   37
                   Note. Function and exercise of a function are defined in the Dictionary   38
                   to the Act.                                                               39

             (2)   The Standing Council on Health, when acting under this                    40
                   Schedule, is to be constituted only by a single Minister for the          41
                   Commonwealth and a single Minister for each of the States, and            42

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Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                              Schedule 1

                    any reference in this Schedule to a member of that Council is to        1
                    be construed as a reference to those Ministerial members only.          2

             (3)    If there are 2 or more Ministers for the Commonwealth or for a          3
                    State who are members of the Standing Council on Health, the            4
                    relevant Minister for the purposes of this Schedule is the Minister     5
                    having primary portfolio responsibility for health in his or her        6
                    jurisdiction.                                                           7

             (4)    A reference in this Schedule to the agreement of, or a request by,      8
                    a member of the Standing Council on Health is a reference to an         9
                    agreement or request in writing.                                       10

             (5)    This Schedule is to be interpreted in accordance with Schedule 7       11
                    to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) and,          12
                    for that purpose, Schedule 7 applies as if references to this Law      13
                    or a Queensland Act were references to this Schedule or an Act         14
                    of this jurisdiction, and with all other necessary modifications.      15

             (6)    The Interpretation Act 1987 does not apply to or in respect of this    16
                    Schedule.                                                              17

      Part 2        Administrator of the National Health                                   18
                    Funding Pool                                                           19

        2    The office of Administrator                                                   20

             (1)    The office of Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool        21
                    is established by this Schedule.                                       22

             (2)    It is the intention of Parliament that the same individual holds the   23
                    office established under subclause (1) and under the                   24
                    corresponding provision of the laws of the Commonwealth and            25
                    the other States.                                                      26

             (3)    The Administrator appointed under this Schedule may exercise           27
                    and perform the functions of the Administrator in relation to:         28
                    (a) one jurisdiction, or                                               29
                    (b) 2 or more or all jurisdictions collectively.                       30

             (4)    A reference in a provision of this Schedule (other than in             31
                    clause 8 (1) and Part 3) to a function of the Administrator under      32
                    this Schedule includes a reference to a function of the                33
                    Administrator under the corresponding provision of the laws of         34
                    the Commonwealth and the other States.                                 35

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

         3   Appointment of Administrator                                                   1
             (1)      The Minister for this jurisdiction who is a member of the             2
                      Standing Council on Health is to appoint an individual to the         3
                      office of the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool       4
                      under this Schedule.                                                  5

             (2)      Before the appointment is made, the Chair of the Standing             6
                      Council on Health is to give each member of the Council an            7
                      opportunity to nominate an individual for appointment.                8

             (3)      An appointment is not to be made unless all the members of the        9
                      Standing Council on Health have agreed on the individual who         10
                      will be appointed as Administrator, the date that the appointment    11
                      will take effect, the period of appointment and the conditions of    12
                      appointment.                                                         13

             (4)      The appointment is to be made by instrument in writing.              14

             (5)      The Administrator is to be appointed (subject to subclause (3))      15
                      for the period, not exceeding 5 years, and on the conditions         16
                      specified in his or her instrument of appointment, but is eligible   17
                      for re-appointment.                                                  18

             (6)      The Administrator is entitled to the remuneration determined in      19
                      accordance with the law of the Commonwealth.                         20

         4   Suspension of Administrator                                                   21

             (1)      The Chair of the Standing Council on Health is required to           22
                      suspend the Administrator from office if requested to do so by:      23
                      (a) at least 3 members of the Council who are Ministers of a         24
                            State, or                                                      25
                      (b) the member of the Council who is a Minister of the               26
                            Commonwealth.                                                  27

             (2)      A member of the Standing Council on Health is not to request the     28
                      suspension of the Administrator unless the member is satisfied       29
                      that the Administrator:                                              30
                       (a) is, because of any physical or mental incapacity or             31
                             otherwise, unable to perform his or her functions             32
                             satisfactorily, or                                            33
                      (b) has failed to comply with his or her obligations or duties as    34
                             Administrator, or                                             35
                       (c) has been accused or convicted of an offence that carries a      36
                             penalty of imprisonment, or                                   37
                      (d) has or may become bankrupt.                                      38

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Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                                   Schedule 1

             (3)    A suspension is to be effected by an instrument in writing and is              1
                    to be notified by the Chair of the Standing Council on Health to               2
                    all members of the Council.                                                    3

             (4)    A suspension is terminated after a period of suspension of                     4
                    60 days unless before the end of that period the Administrator is              5
                    removed or resigns from office or a majority of the members of                 6
                    the Standing Council on Health:                                                7
                     (a) terminate the suspension, or                                              8
                    (b) extend the suspension for a specified further period.                      9

             (5)    Despite subclause (1), the Chair of the Standing Council on                   10
                    Health is not to suspend the Administrator from office within the             11
                    period of 90 days after an earlier period of suspension was                   12
                    terminated unless a majority of the members of the Council                    13
                    request the Chair to do so.                                                   14

        5    Removal or resignation of Administrator                                              15

             (1)    The Minister for this jurisdiction who is a member of the                     16
                    Standing Council on Health is required to remove the                          17
                    Administrator from office if a majority of the members of the                 18
                    Council agree to the Administrator's removal from office.                     19

             (2)    The Administrator is to be removed from office by an instrument               20
                    in writing that takes effect on the date agreed to by the majority            21
                    of the members of the Standing Council on Health.                             22

             (3)    The Administrator may resign as Administrator by notice in                    23
                    writing to the Chair of the Standing Council on Health.                       24

             (4)    The resignation of the Administrator takes effect on the date                 25
                    notified by the Chair of the Standing Council on Health to all                26
                    members of the Council.                                                       27

        6    Acting Administrator                                                                 28

             (1)    The Chair of the Standing Council on Health may, from time to                 29
                    time, appoint an individual to act as the Administrator during any            30
                    period when the office is vacant or the holder of the office is               31
                    suspended or absent from duty.                                                32

             (2)    Any such appointment may only be made from a panel of                         33
                    persons, and in accordance with the procedure, agreed to by all               34
                    the members of the Standing Council on Health.                                35
                    Note. The applied provisions of Schedule 7 to the Health Practitioner         36
                    Regulation National Law (NSW) (clause 27) contain additional                  37
                    provisions relating to acting appointments that have effect subject to this   38
                    clause.                                                                       39

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

         7   Provision of staff and facilities for Administrator                            1
             (1)      Staff and facilities to assist the Administrator in exercising or     2
                      performing his or her functions under this Schedule are to be         3
                      provided by the National Health Funding Body constituted under        4
                      the National Health Reform Act 2011 of the Commonwealth.              5

             (2)      The Administrator is not entitled to delegate a function conferred    6
                      on the Administrator under this Schedule to that body, to any         7
                      such member of staff or to any other person or body.                  8

         8   Functions of Administrator                                                     9

             (1)      The Administrator is:                                                10
                      (a) to calculate and advise the Treasurer of the                     11
                           Commonwealth of the amounts required to be paid by the          12
                           Commonwealth into each State Pool Account of the                13
                           National Health Funding Pool under the National Health          14
                           Reform Agreement (including advice on any                       15
                           reconciliation of those amounts based on subsequent             16
                           actual service delivery), and                                   17
                      (b) to monitor State payments into each State Pool Account           18
                           for the purposes of Part 4, and                                 19
                      (c) to make payments from each State Pool Account in                 20
                           accordance with the directions of the State concerned, and      21
                      (d) to report publicly on the payments made into and from            22
                           each State Pool Account and other matters on which the          23
                           Administrator is required to report under this Schedule,        24
                           and                                                             25
                      (e) to exercise or perform any other functions conferred on the      26
                           Administrator under this Schedule.                              27
                      Note. The corresponding provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth   28
                      provide that the functions of the Administrator include monitoring   29
                      Commonwealth payments into each State Pool Account for the           30
                      purposes of Part 4.                                                  31

             (2)      The Administrator and the body and staff assisting the               32
                      Administrator are not subject to the control or direction of any     33
                      Minister of the Commonwealth in relation to the exercise or          34
                      performance of the Administrator's functions under this              35
                      Schedule.                                                            36

             (3)      However, the Administrator is required to comply with any            37
                      directions given by COAG in relation to the manner in which the      38
                      Administrator exercises or performs his or her functions under       39
                      this Schedule (including in relation to the preparation or           40

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Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                             Schedule 1

                    provision of annual or monthly reports, financial statements or       1
                    information under Part 4).                                            2

             (4)    Directions given by COAG under subclause (3):                         3
                    (a) are to be given in accordance with a written resolution of        4
                          COAG passed in accordance with the procedures                   5
                          determined by COAG, and                                         6
                    (b) are to be notified in writing to the Administrator, and           7
                    (c) are to be made publicly available by the Administrator.           8

             (5)    To avoid doubt, this Schedule is not intended:                        9
                    (a) to give the Commonwealth ownership or control of money           10
                          in a State Pool Account, or                                    11
                    (b) to affect the obligation of the Administrator under the law      12
                          of a State to make payments from the State Pool Account        13
                          of the State in accordance with the directions of the State.   14

             (6)    To avoid doubt, the Administrator may have regard to                 15
                    information obtained in the exercise or performance of functions     16
                    under the law of another jurisdiction in the exercise or             17
                    performance of the Administrator's functions under Part 4.           18

      Part 3        State Pool Accounts--the National Health                             19
                    Funding Pool                                                         20

        9    Establishment of State Pool Accounts with Reserve Bank                      21

             (1)    The Director-General of the Ministry of Health is to open and        22
                    maintain with the Reserve Bank of Australia a separate State         23
                    bank account for the purpose of the National Health Reform           24
                    Agreement.                                                           25

             (2)    The bank account is the State Pool Account established for the       26
                    State for the purposes of this Schedule.                             27

             (3)    The State Pool Account is established as an account in the Special   28
                    Deposits Account.                                                    29

             (4)    To avoid doubt, the State Pool Account and the money standing        30
                    to the credit of the Account are under the control of the            31
                    Director-General of the Ministry of Health for the purposes of the   32
                    application of relevant accounting standards.                        33

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

      10     Payments into State Pool Account                                               1
                      There is payable into the State Pool Account established for the      2
                      State:                                                                3
                      (a) money paid to the State by the Commonwealth for                   4
                             payment into the State Pool Account under the National         5
                             Health Reform Agreement, and                                   6
                      (b) money made available by the State for the purposes of             7
                             funding in the State through the State Pool Account under      8
                             the National Health Reform Agreement, and                      9
                      (c) money paid to the State by another State for payment into        10
                             the State Pool Account under the National Health Reform       11
                             Agreement, and                                                12
                      (d) interest paid on money deposited in the State Pool               13
                             Account, unless directed to be paid into another bank         14
                             account by the responsible Minister for the State.            15

      11     Payments from State Pool Account                                              16

             (1)      There is payable from the State Pool Account established for the     17
                      State amounts to fund the following in the State under the           18
                      National Health Reform Agreement (including through a State          19
                      Managed Fund):                                                       20
                      (a) the services provided by local hospital networks,                21
                      (b) health teaching, training and research provided by local         22
                            hospital networks or other organisations,                      23
                      (c) any other matter that under that Agreement is to be funded       24
                            through the National Health Funding Pool.                      25

             (2)      Payments of amounts from the State Pool Account established for      26
                      the State are to be made by the Administrator strictly in            27
                      accordance with the directions of the responsible Minister for the   28
                      State, including on the amount of each payment, the party or         29
                      account to which it is to be paid and the timing of the payment.     30

             (3)      The Administrator is required to authorise personally each           31
                      payment made from the State Pool Account.                            32

             (4)      The Administrator is, at the direction of the responsible Minister   33
                      for the State, to repay any money paid by the State into the State   34
                      Pool Account for the State that the responsible Minister is          35
                      satisfied constitutes an overpayment into that Account.              36

             (5)      This clause does not affect the payment from the State Pool          37
                      Account of charges imposed by the Reserve Bank of Australia for      38
                      the operation of that Account.                                       39

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Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                             Schedule 1

             (6)    This clause does not require the payment for services and matters     1
                    referred to in subclause (1) to be made only from the State Pool      2
                    Account.                                                              3

             (7)    For the purposes of this clause, the funding of a local hospital      4
                    network includes the funding of another party on behalf of the        5
                    network for corporate or other services provided to the network       6
                    by that other party.                                                  7

             (8)    If at any time when a payment from the State Pool Account is          8
                    required to be made there is no Administrator or the                  9
                    Administrator is not available to make the payment at that time,     10
                    the payment from that Account may be made by an official of this     11
                    State who is directed by the responsible Minister for the State to   12
                    make the payment.                                                    13

       12    State Managed Funds                                                         14

                    The Director-General of the Ministry of Health is to:                15
                    (a) open and maintain a separate bank account, or                    16
                    (b) establish and maintain a separate fund, or                       17
                    (c) designate an existing bank account or fund,                      18

                    as the State Managed Fund for the State for the purposes of health   19
                    funding under the National Health Reform Agreement.                  20

       13    Distribution of Commonwealth funding                                        21

             (1)    Directions by the responsible Minister for the State to the          22
                    Administrator for payments from the State Pool Account are, in       23
                    relation to the distribution of Commonwealth funding provided        24
                    to the State under the National Health Reform Agreement, to be       25
                    consistent with the advice provided by the Administrator to the      26
                    Treasurer of the Commonwealth about the basis on which the           27
                    Administrator has calculated the payments to be made into that       28
                    Account by the Commonwealth.                                         29

             (2)    This clause does not affect the obligation of the Administrator to   30
                    make payments from the State Pool Account strictly in                31
                    accordance with the directions of the responsible Minister for the   32
                    State.                                                               33

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

      Part 4          Financial management and reporting                                  1

      14     Financial management obligations of Administrator                            2

                      The Administrator must:                                             3
                      (a) develop and apply appropriate financial management              4
                           policies and procedures with respect to the State Pool         5
                           Accounts (including policies and procedures to ensure          6
                           payments from those Accounts are made in accordance            7
                           with the directions of the responsible Ministers), and         8
                      (b) keep proper records in relation to the administration of the    9
                           State Pool Accounts, including records of all payments        10
                           made into and from those Accounts and the basis on which      11
                           the payments were made, and                                   12
                      (c) prepare the financial statements required by this Part in      13
                           relation to the State Pool Accounts and arrange for the       14
                           audit of those financial statements in accordance with this   15
                           Part.                                                         16

      15     Monthly reports by Administrator                                            17

             (1)      The Administrator must provide monthly reports to the              18
                      Commonwealth and each State containing the following               19
                      information for the relevant month:                                20
                       (a) the amounts paid into each State Pool Account and State       21
                            Managed Fund by the relevant State and the basis on which    22
                            the payments were made,                                      23
                      (b) the amounts paid into each State Pool Account by the           24
                            Commonwealth and the basis on which the payments were        25
                            made,                                                        26
                       (c) the amounts paid from each State Pool Account to local        27
                            hospital networks, a State Managed Fund or other             28
                            organisations or funds and the basis on which the            29
                            payments were made,                                          30
                      (d) the amounts paid from each State Managed Fund to local         31
                            hospital networks or other organisations or funds and the    32
                            basis on which the payments were made,                       33
                       (e) the number of public hospital services funded for each        34
                            local hospital network (including a running financial year   35
                            total) in accordance with the system of activity based       36
                            funding,                                                     37
                       (f) the number of other public hospital services and functions    38
                            funded from each State Pool Account or State Managed         39
                            Fund (including a running financial year total).             40

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Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                             Schedule 1

             (2)    A monthly report required to be provided to a jurisdiction under      1
                    this clause is to be provided to the responsible Minister for that    2
                    jurisdiction or to a body or officer notified to the Administrator    3
                    by that Minister.                                                     4

             (3)    The Administrator is to make reports provided under this clause       5
                    publicly available.                                                   6

       16    Annual report by Administrator                                               7

             (1)    The Administrator must, within 4 months after the end of each         8
                    financial year, provide to the responsible Ministers an annual        9
                    report on the exercise or performance of his or her functions        10
                    under this Schedule during the financial year.                       11

             (2)    The annual report must include the following information for the     12
                    relevant financial year:                                             13
                     (a) the amounts paid into each State Pool Account and State         14
                          Managed Fund by the relevant State and the basis on which      15
                          the payments were made,                                        16
                    (b) the amounts paid into each State Pool Account by the             17
                          Commonwealth and the basis on which the payments were          18
                          made,                                                          19
                     (c) the amounts paid from each State Pool Account to local          20
                          hospital networks, a State Managed Fund or other               21
                          organisations or funds and the basis on which the              22
                          payments were made,                                            23
                    (d) the amounts paid from each State Managed Fund to local           24
                          hospital networks or other organisations or funds and the      25
                          basis on which the payments were made,                         26
                     (e) the number of public hospital services funded for each          27
                          local hospital network in accordance with the system of        28
                          activity based funding,                                        29
                     (f) the number of other public hospital services and functions      30
                          funded from each State Pool Account or State Managed           31
                          Fund.                                                          32

             (3)    The annual report is to be accompanied by:                           33
                    (a) an audited financial statement for each State Pool Account,      34
                          and                                                            35
                    (b) a financial statement that combines the audited financial        36
                          statements for each State Pool Account.                        37

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             (4)      A responsible Minister must, as soon as practicable after                1
                      receiving an annual report under this clause, cause a copy of the        2
                      report to be tabled in the Parliament of the responsible Minister's      3
                      jurisdiction.                                                            4

      17     Administrator to prepare financial statements for State Pool                      5
             Accounts                                                                          6

                      The Administrator must, after each financial year, prepare:              7
                      (a) a financial statement for each State Pool Account that               8
                           details financial transactions during that financial year,          9
                           and                                                                10
                      (b) a combined financial statement that consists of the                 11
                           financial statements for each State Pool Account for the           12
                           financial year.                                                    13

      18     Audit of financial statements                                                    14

                      A financial statement under this Part for the State Pool Account        15
                      of a State is to be audited by the Auditor-General of that State in     16
                      accordance with the relevant legislation of that State relating to      17
                      financial audit by the Auditor-General.                                 18

      19     Performance audits                                                               19

             (1)      For the purposes of this clause, a performance audit is an audit        20
                      by the Auditor-General of a jurisdiction of the exercise or             21
                      performance of the functions of the Administrator in relation to        22
                      that jurisdiction to determine whether the Administrator is acting      23
                      effectively, economically, efficiently and in compliance with all       24
                      relevant laws.                                                          25

             (2)      Before the Auditor-General of this jurisdiction conducts a              26
                      performance audit, the Auditor-General must notify the                  27
                      Auditors-General of all other jurisdictions of his or her intention     28
                      to conduct the proposed audit.                                          29

             (3)      Auditors-General who are conducting performance audits at the           30
                      same time are to make arrangements to co-ordinate the conduct           31
                      of those audits in relation to any requirements imposed on the          32
                      Administrator.                                                          33

             (4)      A performance audit is to be conducted by the Auditor-General           34
                      of this jurisdiction in accordance with the laws of this jurisdiction   35
                      relating to the exercise or performance of the functions of the         36
                      Auditor-General.                                                        37

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Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                             Schedule 1

       20    States to provide Administrator with information about State                 1
             Managed Funds                                                                2

             (1)    The responsible Minister for a State is to provide information to     3
                    the Administrator about any of the following matters relating to      4
                    the State Managed Fund of the State that the Administrator            5
                    requires for the preparation of reports and financial statements      6
                    under this Part:                                                      7
                     (a) the amounts paid by the State into the State Managed Fund        8
                          and the basis on which the payments were made,                  9
                    (b) the amounts paid by the State from the State Managed             10
                          Fund to local hospital networks or other organisations or      11
                          funds and the basis on which the payments were made,           12
                     (c) public hospital services and functions that are funded from     13
                          the State Managed Fund.                                        14

             (2)    The information is to be provided by the time requested by the       15
                    Administrator.                                                       16

       21    Provision of information generally                                          17

             (1)    The Administrator is required to provide to the responsible          18
                    Minister for a jurisdiction any information requested by that        19
                    Minister that relates to that jurisdiction.                          20

             (2)    The information is to be provided by the time requested by that      21
                    responsible Minister.                                                22

             (3)    The Administrator is required to provide to the responsible          23
                    Ministers of all jurisdictions a copy of advice provided by the      24
                    Administrator to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth about the         25
                    basis on which the Administrator has calculated the payments to      26
                    be made into State Pool Accounts by the Commonwealth.                27

             (4)    The Administrator may at any time provide any information that       28
                    relates to a jurisdiction to the responsible Minister for that       29
                    jurisdiction.                                                        30

             (5)    Any information relating to a jurisdiction that is provided by the   31
                    Administrator to another jurisdiction may only be publicly           32
                    released by that other jurisdiction in accordance with               33
                    arrangements approved by the responsible Minister for the            34
                    jurisdiction to which the information relates.                       35

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                Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

      Part 5          Miscellaneous                                                           1

      22     Exclusion of legislation of this jurisdiction                                    2

                      The following Acts of this jurisdiction do not apply to or in           3
                      respect of the Administrator or any function exercised or               4
                      performed by the Administrator:                                         5
                       (a) the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009,               6
                      (b) the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002,                7
                       (c) the Ombudsman Act 1974,                                            8
                      (d) the Privacy and Personal Information Protection                     9
                            Act 1998,                                                        10
                       (e) the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983,                            11
                       (f) the State Records Act 1998.                                       12

      23     Application of Commonwealth Acts                                                13

             (1)      The following Acts apply (subject to subclause (2)) as laws of         14
                      this jurisdiction to or in respect of the Administrator and any        15
                      function exercised or performed by the Administrator:                  16
                       (a) the Archives Act 1983 of the Commonwealth,                        17
                      (b) the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 of the            18
                             Commonwealth,                                                   19
                       (c) the Freedom of Information Act 1982 of the                        20
                             Commonwealth,                                                   21
                      (d) the Ombudsman Act 1976 of the Commonwealth,                        22
                       (e) the Privacy Act 1988 of the Commonwealth.                         23

             (2)      Each of those Acts so applies subject to the modifications made        24
                      by regulations made under the National Health Reform Act 2011          25
                      of the Commonwealth with the agreement of all the members of           26
                      the Standing Council on Health.                                        27

             (3)      Until regulations referred to in subclause (2) are made,               28
                      subclause (1) does not have effect and instead the legislation         29
                      referred to in clause 22 (a)-(d) and (f) applies to or in respect of   30
                      the Administrator and any function exercised or performed by the       31
                      Administrator.                                                         32

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Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154                               Schedule 1

       24    Extraterritorial operation of Act                                               1
                    It is the intention of Parliament that the operation of this Schedule    2
                    is to include, as far as possible, operation in relation to the          3
                    following:                                                               4
                     (a) things situated in or outside the territorial limits of this        5
                            jurisdiction,                                                    6
                    (b) acts, transactions and matters done, entered into or                 7
                            occurring in or outside the territorial limits of this           8
                            jurisdiction,                                                    9
                     (c) things, acts, transactions and matters (wherever situated,         10
                            done, entered into or occurring) that would, apart from this    11
                            Schedule, be governed or otherwise affected by the law of       12
                            another jurisdiction.                                           13

       25    Schedule to bind Crown                                                         14

                    This Schedule binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and,          15
                    in so far as the legislative power of the Parliament of New South       16
                    Wales permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.                   17

       26    Delegation of functions of responsible Minister                                18

             (1)    The responsible Minister for this State may delegate to an              19
                    authority or officer of the State the responsible Minister's            20
                    functions under this Schedule.                                          21

             (2)    This clause does not apply to the functions of a Minister under         22
                    Part 2.                                                                 23

       27    Transitional and validation provisions                                         24

             (1)    If, on the commencement of this Schedule, corresponding                 25
                    provisions to this Schedule have not been enacted by another            26
                    jurisdiction, the responsible Minister for that jurisdiction for the    27
                    purposes of this Schedule is the Minister of that jurisdiction with     28
                    portfolio responsibility for health.                                    29

             (2)    Any thing done by a Minister of the Commonwealth or of a State          30
                    before the commencement of this Schedule that would have been           31
                    validly done if this Schedule, and the corresponding provisions of      32
                    other jurisdictions, had been in force at the time is taken to have     33
                    been validly done.                                                      34

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               Health Services Amendment (National Health Reform Agreement) Bill 2012

Schedule 1     Amendment of Health Services Act 1997 No 154

[6]   Dictionary                                                                        1
      Omit the definition of NHHN Agreement from Part 1.                                2

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                     3
                    National Health Reform Agreement has the same meaning as it         4
                    has in Schedule 6A and includes any agreement that replaces or      5
                    supersedes that Agreement.                                          6

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