New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment Bill 2015

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to
implement all of the recommendations of the report made on 30 July 2015 by the Independent
Panel established to review the jurisdiction of the Independent Commission Against Corruption
(ICAC) following the decision of the High Court in Independent Commission Against Corruption
v Cunneen [2015] HCA 14. That decision excluded certain conduct of private persons from the
definition of "corrupt conduct" under that Act that had previously been assumed to be within
ICAC's jurisdiction. The Hon Murray Gleeson AC (Chair) and Mr Bruce McClintock SC were
commissioned by the Government to conduct the review by letters patent issued on 27 May 2015.
The Panel made the following specific recommendations that are implemented by the Bill:
(a) to extend ICAC's jurisdiction in respect of "corrupt conduct" to include certain specified
       acts of non-public officials that could impair public confidence in public administration,
(b) to provide that ICAC's education, advisory and prevention functions can be used generally
       for the purpose of promoting the integrity and good repute of public administration,
(c) to limit ICAC's power to make findings of "corrupt conduct" against an individual to cases
       where the corrupt conduct is serious.
The Panel also recommended that ICAC be given jurisdiction to investigate possible criminal
offences under electoral and lobbying laws (without extending the meaning of "corrupt conduct")
should Parliament consider that breaches of those laws should be made the subject of ICAC's
jurisdiction. The Bill implements this recommendation as follows:
(a) Conduct that may involve possible criminal offences under the Parliamentary Electorates
       and Elections Act 1912, the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 or the

Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

      Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 may be referred to ICAC for investigation by
      the Electoral Commission (which has responsibility for enforcing compliance with those
      (i)    if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the conduct may involve possible
             criminal offences of a designated kind, or
      (ii) if the conduct is related to possible corrupt conduct that ICAC is already
      ICAC is required to discontinue an investigation if, after a preliminary investigation, the
      conduct does not involve possible criminal offences of the designated kind and is not related
      to possible corrupt conduct that ICAC is already investigating.
(b)   Conduct that may involve possible criminal offences under any of those Acts that is already
      under investigation by ICAC in the investigations known as Operation Spicer and
      Operation Credo are taken to have been referred to ICAC so that it can complete and report
      on those investigations.
(c)   Persons who seek public office may be engaged in corrupt conduct for the purposes of
      ICAC's jurisdiction in respect of any proposed future exercise of their functions as public
      officials even if they do not succeed in being elected or appointed to the public office.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Independent Commission Against
                       Corruption Act 1988 No 35
Schedule 1 [3] amends section 8 of the Act to insert proposed subsection (2A) to extend the
definition of "corrupt conduct" to conduct of non-public officials that could impair public
confidence in public administration and which could involve any of the following:
(a) collusive tendering,
(b) fraud in relation to applications for licences, permits or other authorities under legislation
       designed to protect health and safety or the environment or designed to facilitate the
       management and commercial exploitation of resources,
(c) dishonestly obtaining or assisting in obtaining, or dishonestly benefiting from, the payment
       or application of public funds for private advantage or the disposition of public assets for
       private advantage,
(d) defrauding the public revenue,
(e) fraudulently obtaining or retaining employment or appointment as a public official.
Schedule 1 [1] and [2] make minor amendments consequent on the insertion of proposed
section 8 (2A).
Schedule 1 [4] amends section 8 (3) of the Act to provide that proposed section 8 (2A) extends to
conduct occurring before the commencement of the proposed Act.
Schedule 1 [5] amends section 8 (4) of the Act to make it clear that persons who seek public office
may be engaged in corrupt conduct for the purposes of ICAC's jurisdiction in respect of any
proposed future exercise of their functions as public officials even if they do not succeed in being
elected or appointed to the public office.
Schedule 1 [6] amends section 8 (5) of the Act to extend its application to proposed section 8 (2A)
so that the offences or other matters related to impairing public confidence in the public

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

administration of the State extend to matters arising outside the State or under the law of the
Commonwealth or another jurisdiction.
Schedule 1 [7] amends section 8 (6) of the Act to make it clear that proposed section 8 (2A) does
not operate to either expand or limit the other provisions of section 8 that define "corrupt conduct",
and in particular the provisions of section 8 (2) that were the subject of the High Court's decision
in Independent Commission Against Corruption v Cunneen.
Schedule 1 [8] amends section 13 of the Act to provide that ICAC's education, advisory and
prevention functions can be used generally for the purpose of promoting the integrity and good
repute of public administration.
Schedule 1 [10] inserts proposed section 13A into the Act to include in the functions of ICAC the
jurisdiction to investigate conduct that could involve possible criminal offences under the
Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912, the Election Funding, Expenditure and
Disclosures Act 1981 or the Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 that are referred to ICAC
for investigation by the Electoral Commission because:
(a) there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the conduct may involve possible criminal
       offences of a designated kind, or
(b) the conduct is related to possible corrupt conduct that ICAC is already investigating.
Any such conduct may be referred to ICAC for investigation whether or not it involves corrupt
conduct. The proposed section sets out the matters that must be considered when the Electoral
Commission decides whether to refer conduct for investigation and when ICAC decides, after a
preliminary investigation, to investigate the conduct. ICAC may decide not to continue an
investigation and is required to discontinue an investigation if the conduct does not involve
possible criminal offences of the designated kind and is not related to possible corrupt conduct
that ICAC is already investigating. The designated offences that may be referred to ICAC for
investigation are as follows:
(a) Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981:
       section 54 (False statements--registration),
       section 75 (False statements--campaign funding),
       section 96GE (7) (Provision of false or misleading information with regards to a
       determination by Electoral Commission that person not a prohibited donor),
       section 96H (1), (2) and (3) (Failure to make disclosure and false statements relating to
       section 96HA (Offences relating to caps on donations and expenditure),
       section 96HB (1) (Offence relating to scheme to circumvent the donation or expenditure
       prohibitions or restrictions),
       section 96I (1) (Unlawful acts relating to donations etc),
       section 97M (False statements--administrative and policy development funding),
       section 110A (7) (Provision of false or misleading documents and information),
(b) Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912:
       section 66L (False statements--applications for registration of parties),
       section 81L (False child-related conduct declarations),
       section 106 (Provisional voting),
       section 112 (False answer to questions etc or multiple voting),
       section 114A (3) (False statements in relation to application for postal vote),
       section 114AA (8) (False statements in application to be general postal voter),
       section 114J (1) (Person other than voter marking vote on postal ballot paper),
       section 114P (3), (4) and (5) (False or misleading statements in application for permission
       to vote before polling day),

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

      section 114V (Person other than voter marking vote on pre-poll ballot paper),
      section 114ZU (Person other than voter marking vote on pre-poll ballot paper (declared
      section 115 (Untrue declaration to vote outside electoral district),
      section 120AH (False and misleading statements in technology assisted voting),
      section 120AI (Protection of computer hardware and software),
      section 122A (6) and (7) (Ballot papers not to be informal in certain circumstances),
      section 147 (Bribery etc),
      section 149 (Electoral treating),
      section 151 (Intimidation),
      section 151A (Printing etc false information),
      section 176D (Untrue statements in forms),
      section 176F (Forging or uttering electoral papers),
      section 177 (Offence of stuffing ballot box),
(c)   Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011:
      section 15 (Ban on success fees),
      section 18 (Cooling-off period for ex-Ministers and ex-Parliamentary Secretaries),
(d)   an offence against any of the above Acts, or the regulations under any of the above Acts,
      that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of the proposed section.
Schedule 1 [11]-[13] amend section 14 of the Act to authorise ICAC to gather and assemble
evidence of possible criminal offences the subject of a reference from the Electoral Commission
and to furnish any such evidence to the Electoral Commission or (if considered appropriate) to the
Director of Public Prosecutions, together with any observations or recommendations for action
ICAC considers should be taken in relation to the evidence.
Schedule 1 [14] amends section 16 of the Act to require ICAC to work (as far as practicable) in
co-operation with the Electoral Commission in exercising its proposed function relating to the
investigation of possible criminal offences referred to it for investigation by the Electoral
Schedule 1 [15] inserts proposed section 74BA into the Act to limit ICAC's power to make
findings of "corrupt conduct" against an individual in its reports to cases where the corrupt
conduct is serious. Schedule 1 [9] makes a consequential amendment to section 13 (4) of the Act
to apply that limitation to findings made, or opinions or recommendations formulated, by ICAC
otherwise than in ICAC reports.
Schedule 1 [16] amends Schedule 4 to the Act to insert savings, transitional and other provisions
consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act. In particular:
(a) the clarification in the amendment made by Schedule 1 [5] in relation to persons who fail
      to be elected or appointed as a public official is applied to conduct occurring before the
      enactment of the proposed Act, and
(b) the proposed power of the Electoral Commission to refer possible criminal offences to
      ICAC for investigations is applied to offences that may have been committed before the
      enactment of the proposed Act and ICAC is taken to have had a referral to investigate
      possible criminal offences that have come to light as a result of the investigations of ICAC
      known as Operation Spicer and Operation Credo, and
(c) the proposed limitation on the power of ICAC to make findings of corrupt conduct only in
      the case of serious corrupt conduct is applied to reports made after the enactment of the
      proposed Act and is so applied even if the report relates to investigations commenced or
      undertaken before that enactment.

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                                                                              First print

                                New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment Bill 2015

              1   Name of Act                                                         2
              2   Commencement                                                        2
     Schedule 1   Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
                  No 35                                                                3

                                 New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment Bill 2015

No     , 2015

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 in relation to the
jurisdiction and powers of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                  1

 1    Name of Act                                                                           2
            This Act is the Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Act 2015.   3

 2    Commencement                                                                          4
            This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                           5

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

Schedule 1             Amendment of Independent Commission Against                                     1
                       Corruption Act 1988 No 35                                                       2

[1]   Section 7 Corrupt conduct                                                                        3
      Omit "corrupt conduct in either or both of subsections (1) and (2) of section 8" from            4
      section 7 (1).                                                                                   5
      Insert instead "corrupt conduct in section 8".                                                   6

[2]   Section 7 (2)                                                                                    7
      Omit "section 8 (1) or (2)" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 8".                      8

[3]   Section 8 General nature of corrupt conduct                                                      9
      Insert after section 8 (2):                                                                      10
           (2A)     Corrupt conduct is also any conduct of any person (whether or not a public         11
                    official) that impairs, or that could impair, public confidence in public          12
                    administration and which could involve any of the following matters:               13
                    (a) collusive tendering,                                                           14
                    (b) fraud in relation to applications for licences, permits or other authorities   15
                           under legislation designed to protect health and safety or the              16
                           environment or designed to facilitate the management and commercial         17
                           exploitation of resources,                                                  18
                    (c) dishonestly obtaining or assisting in obtaining, or dishonestly benefiting     19
                           from, the payment or application of public funds for private advantage      20
                           or the disposition of public assets for private advantage,                  21
                    (d) defrauding the public revenue,                                                 22
                    (e) fraudulently obtaining or retaining employment or appointment as a             23
                           public official.                                                            24

[4]   Section 8 (3)                                                                                    25
      Omit "corrupt conduct under this section even though it occurred before the                      26
      commencement of this subsection".                                                                27
      Insert instead "corrupt conduct under subsection (1), (2) or (2A) even though it occurred        28
      before the commencement of that subsection".                                                     29

[5]   Section 8 (4)                                                                                    30
      Insert "This subsection extends to a person seeking to become a public official even if the      31
      person fails to become a public official." after "becoming a public official.".                  32

[6]   Section 8 (5)                                                                                    33
      Omit "matters listed in subsection (2)".                                                         34
      Insert instead "matters listed in subsection (2) or (2A)".                                       35

[7]   Section 8 (6)                                                                                    36
      Insert "or expanding" after "limiting".                                                          37

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

 [8]   Section 13 Principal functions                                                                   1
       Omit section 13 (1) (e)-(j). Insert instead:                                                     2
                    (e) to instruct, advise and assist any public authority, public official or other   3
                          person (on the request of the authority, official or person) on ways in       4
                          which corrupt conduct may be eliminated and the integrity and good            5
                          repute of public administration promoted,                                     6
                    (f) to advise public authorities or public officials of changes in practices or      7
                          procedures compatible with the effective exercise of their functions that      8
                          the Commission thinks necessary to reduce the likelihood of the                9
                          occurrence of corrupt conduct and to promote the integrity and good           10
                          repute of public administration,                                              11
                    (g) to co-operate with public authorities and public officials in reviewing         12
                          laws, practices and procedures with a view to reducing the likelihood of      13
                          the occurrence of corrupt conduct and to promoting the integrity and          14
                          good repute of public administration,                                         15
                    (h) to educate and advise public authorities, public officials and the              16
                          community on strategies to combat corrupt conduct and to promote the          17
                          integrity and good repute of public administration,                           18
                     (i) to educate and disseminate information to the public on the detrimental        19
                          effects of corrupt conduct and on the importance of maintaining the           20
                          integrity and good repute of public administration,                           21
                     (j) to enlist and foster public support in combating corrupt conduct and in        22
                          promoting the integrity and good repute of public administration,             23

 [9]   Section 13 (4)                                                                                   24
       Omit "section 74B (Report not to include findings etc of guilt or recommending                   25
       prosecution)".                                                                                   26

       Insert instead "section 74B or 74BA".                                                            27

[10]   Section 13A                                                                                      28
       Insert after section 13:                                                                         29

       13A   Function of investigating matters referred by Electoral Commission                         30
              (1)   The Commission has the function of investigating conduct that may involve           31
                    possible criminal offences under the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections        32
                    Act 1912, the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 or the         33
                    Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 that the Electoral Commission             34
                    refers to the Commission for investigation under this section.                      35

              (2)   The Electoral Commission may refer any such conduct to the Commission for           36
                    investigation:                                                                      37
                     (a) if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the conduct may involve        38
                           a possible criminal offence to which this section applies (as set out in     39
                           subsection (9)), or                                                          40
                    (b) if the conduct is related to possible corrupt conduct that the Commission       41
                           is already investigating,                                                    42
                    whether or not the time within which proceedings for the possible criminal          43
                    offence may be instituted has expired.                                              44

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

             (3)   After a preliminary investigation, the Commission is to discontinue the              1
                   investigation if:                                                                    2
                    (a) the conduct does not involve any possible criminal offence to which this        3
                          section applies and is not related to possible corrupt conduct that the       4
                          Commission is already investigating, and the Commission is not                5
                          otherwise authorised to investigate the conduct, or                           6
                   (b) the Commission determines it should not carry out any further                    7
                          investigation.                                                                8
             (4)   Conduct may be referred under this section to the Commission for                      9
                   investigation whether or not it involves corrupt conduct. The fact that the          10
                   conduct could be so referred does not prevent the Commission from                    11
                   investigating the conduct without a referral if it is otherwise authorised by this   12
                   Act to do so.                                                                        13

             (5)   The following matters are to be taken into account in determining whether            14
                   conduct should be referred under this section for investigation and, if referred,    15
                   whether the Commission should investigate:                                           16
                   (a) the primary responsibility of the Electoral Commission to investigate            17
                         and prosecute the possible criminal offences concerned,                        18
                   (b) the seriousness or systemic nature of the matter being investigated,             19
                   (c) the complexity of the matter being investigated,                                 20
                   (d) the relationship between the matter being investigated and any other             21
                         ongoing investigation of the Electoral Commission,                             22
                   (e) the relationship between the matter being investigated and any other             23
                         ongoing investigation of the Commission,                                       24
                    (f) the availability of any other public authority or official with the             25
                         responsibility or jurisdiction to investigate or prosecute the possible        26
                         criminal offences concerned,                                                   27
                   (g) any other relevant matter.                                                       28
             (6)   The Electoral Commission, when it refers conduct for investigation under this        29
                   section, must provide the Commission with a statement of the reasons it              30
                   referred the matter for investigation.                                               31
             (7)   The Commission, when it determines to investigate conduct referred under             32
                   this section after a preliminary investigation, must provide the Electoral           33
                   Commission with a statement of the reasons it determined to investigate the          34
                   conduct.                                                                             35
             (8)   A report of the Commission under section 74 that relates to an investigation         36
                   under this section is to include the statements of reasons under subsections (6)     37
                   and (7) in relation to the investigation.                                            38
             (9)   This section applies to the following criminal offences:                             39
                   (a) Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981:                          40
                         section 54 (False statements--registration),                                    41
                         section 75 (False statements--campaign funding),                                42
                         section 96GE (7) (Provision of false or misleading information with            43
                         regards to a determination by Electoral Commission that person not a           44
                         prohibited donor),                                                             45
                         section 96H (1), (2) and (3) (Failure to make disclosure and false             46
                         statements relating to disclosures),                                           47
                         section 96HA (Offences relating to caps on donations and expenditure),         48

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

                         section 96HB (1) (Offence relating to scheme to circumvent the             1
                         donation or expenditure prohibitions or restrictions),                     2
                         section 96I (1) (Unlawful acts relating to donations etc),                 3
                         section 97M (False statements--administrative and policy development        4
                         funding),                                                                  5
                         section 110A (7) (Provision of false or misleading documents and           6
                         information),                                                              7
                   (b)   Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912:                          8
                         section 66L (False statements--applications for registration of parties),   9
                         section 81L (False child-related conduct declarations),                    10
                         section 106 (Provisional voting),                                          11
                         section 112 (False answer to questions etc or multiple voting),            12
                         section 114A (3) (False statements in relation to application for postal   13
                         vote),                                                                     14
                         section 114AA (8) (False statements in application to be general postal    15
                         voter),                                                                    16
                         section 114J (1) (Person other than voter marking vote on postal ballot    17
                         paper),                                                                    18
                         section 114P (3), (4) and (5) (False or misleading statements in           19
                         application for permission to vote before polling day),                    20
                         section 114V (Person other than voter marking vote on pre-poll ballot      21
                         paper),                                                                    22
                         section 114ZU (Person other than voter marking vote on pre-poll ballot     23
                         paper (declared institutions)),                                            24
                         section 115 (Untrue declaration to vote outside electoral district),       25
                         section 120AH (False and misleading statements in technology assisted      26
                         voting),                                                                   27
                         section 120AI (Protection of computer hardware and software),              28
                         section 122A (6) and (7) (Ballot papers not to be informal in certain      29
                         circumstances),                                                            30
                         section 147 (Bribery etc),                                                 31
                         section 149 (Electoral treating),                                          32
                         section 151 (Intimidation),                                                33
                         section 151A (Printing etc false information),                             34
                         section 176D (Untrue statements in forms),                                 35
                         section 176F (Forging or uttering electoral papers),                       36
                         section 177 (Offence of stuffing ballot box),                              37
                   (c)   Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011:                                 38
                         section 15 (Ban on success fees),                                          39
                         section 18 (Cooling-off period for ex-Ministers and ex-Parliamentary       40
                         Secretaries),                                                              41

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

                     (d)    an offence against any of the above Acts, or the regulations under any      1
                            of the above Acts, that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes   2
                            of this section.                                                            3
                     Section 117 (4) does not apply to a regulation made under paragraph (d).           4

[11]    Section 14 Other functions of Commission                                                        5
        Insert after section 14 (1) (a):                                                                6
                      (a1) to gather and assemble, during or after the discontinuance or completion      7
                             of an investigation into conduct under section 13A, evidence that may       8
                             be admissible in the prosecution of a person for a criminal offence in      9
                             connection with the conduct and to furnish such evidence to the            10
                             Electoral Commission and (if considered appropriate) to the Director of    11
                             Public Prosecutions,                                                       12

[12]    Section 14 (1A)                                                                                 13
        Omit "subsection (1) (b)". Insert instead "subsection (1) (a1) or (b)".                         14

[13]    Section 14 (1A)                                                                                 15
        Insert "or the Electoral Commission" after "the Attorney General".                              16

[14]    Section 16 Co-operation with other agencies                                                     17
        Insert after section 16 (1) (a):                                                                18
                      (a1) shall, as far as practicable, work in co-operation with the Electoral        19
                             Commission in connection with a referral by the Electoral Commission       20
                             under section 13A, and                                                     21

[15]    Section 74BA                                                                                    22
        Insert after section 74B:                                                                       23

       74BA   Report may only include findings etc of serious corrupt conduct                           24
               (1)   The Commission is not authorised to include in a report under section 74 a         25
                     finding or opinion that any conduct of a specified person is corrupt conduct       26
                     unless the conduct is serious corrupt conduct.                                     27
               (2)   The Commission is not precluded by this section from including in any such         28
                     report a finding or opinion about any conduct of a specified person that may       29
                     be corrupt conduct within the meaning of this Act if the statement as to the       30
                     finding or opinion does not describe the conduct as corrupt conduct.               31

[16]    Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           32
        Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                                              33

        Part 14 Provisions consequent on enactment of                                                   34
                Independent Commission Against Corruption                                               35
                Amendment Act 2015                                                                      36

         36   Definition                                                                                37
                     In this Part:                                                                      38
                     amending Act means the Independent Commission Against Corruption                   39
                     Amendment Act 2015.                                                                40

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

         37   Application of amendment to section 8 (4)                                             1
                    The amendment to section 8 (4) made by the amending Act extends to conduct      2
                    occurring before the commencement of that amendment.                            3

         38   Application of section 13A                                                            4
              (1)   Section 13A, as inserted by the amending Act, extends to possible criminal      5
                    offences referred to in that section that may have been committed before the    6
                    commencement of the amending Act.                                               7
              (2)   The Electoral Commission is taken to have referred to the Commission under       8
                    section 13A the investigation of conduct that may involve possible criminal      9
                    offences under the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912, the        10
                    Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 or the Lobbying of       11
                    Government Officials Act 2011 that have come to light as a result of            12
                    investigations and proceedings of the Commission known as Operation Spicer      13
                    and Operation Credo. The Commission is taken to have determined under that      14
                    section to continue that investigation.                                         15

         39   Application of section 74BA                                                           16
                    Section 74BA, as inserted by the amending Act, applies to reports made by the   17
                    Commission after the commencement of that section, and so applies even if       18
                    the report relates to an investigation commenced or undertaken before that      19
                    commencement.                                                                   20

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