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Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment (Political
Donations) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to
confer on the Independent Commission Against Corruption the function of
investigating and reporting on connections between political donations and decisions
of elected public officials.
              Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Political
Clause 1      Donations) Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                     1

 1    Name of Act                                                              2

           This Act is the Independent Commission Against Corruption           3
           Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2009.                           4

 2    Commencement                                                             5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.               6

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Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Political
Donations) Bill 2009

Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988           Schedule 1
No 35

Schedule 1             Amendment of Independent                                             1
                       Commission Against Corruption Act                                    2
                       1988 No 35                                                           3

      Section 13A                                                                           4

      Insert after section 13:                                                              5

     13A     Function of investigating connections between political donations              6
             and decisions by elected public officials                                      7

             (1)   It is a function of the Commission to investigate any connection         8
                   between reportable political donations and decisions made by             9
                   elected public officials in the course of their official functions.     10

             (2)   That function extends to investigations by the Commission on an         11
                   on-going basis, and is not limited to investigations arising out of     12
                   a matter reported to the Commission under this Act.                     13

             (3)   For the purposes of this section, there is a connection between a       14
                   reportable political donation and a decision made by an elected         15
                   public official if, and only if:                                        16
                    (a) a person makes a reportable political donation to an elected       17
                         public official (or to the political party to which the elected   18
                         public official belongs), and                                     19
                   (b) the elected public official makes a decision in the course of       20
                         his or her official functions that benefits the person who        21
                         made the donation, and                                            22
                    (c) the decision was apparently made because of the donation           23
                         (whether because it was a benefit to which the person was         24
                         not reasonably entitled or for any other reason).                 25

             (4)   A decision made by a public official who is not an elected public       26
                   official:                                                               27
                    (a) while engaged by or acting for or on behalf of, or in the          28
                          place of, or as deputy or delegate of, an elected public         29
                          official, or                                                     30
                   (b) otherwise in the course of his or her employment by or in           31
                          a public authority for which the elected public official is      32
                          responsible,                                                     33
                   is to be regarded for the purposes of this section as a decision        34
                   made by the elected public official.                                    35

                                                                               Page 3
               Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Political
               Donations) Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
               No 35

             (5)   The Commission is authorised to include, in a report under         1
                   section 74, findings or opinions on connections between            2
                   reportable political donations and decisions made by elected       3
                   public officials.                                                  4

             (6)   In this section:                                                   5
                   elected public official means an elected member within the         6
                   meaning of the Election Funding and Disclosures Act 1981, and      7
                   includes a member of a group or candidate within the meaning of    8
                   that Act.                                                          9
                   reportable political donation means a reportable political        10
                   donation within the meaning of Part 6 of the Election Funding     11
                   and Disclosures Act 1981 that is required to be disclosed under   12
                   that Part.                                                        13

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