New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of
Information) Bill 2016

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to protect persons who lodge complaints about corrupt conduct with the
Independent Commission Against Corruption, or who otherwise voluntarily give statements or
documents to the Commission, from any criminal or civil liability that might otherwise arise as a
result of the complaint, statement or document, including liability for defamation or breach of
confidentiality and the taking of disciplinary action by a professional organisation.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Independent Commission Against
                       Corruption Act 1988 No 35
Schedule 1 [2] protects a person who voluntarily gives any statement of information, or produces
any document or thing, to the Independent Commission Against Corruption in good faith in
connection with a complaint or an investigation from civil or criminal liability, and from
disciplinary proceedings, in relation to the statement or production.
Schedule 1 [3] remakes and extends an existing provision that gives qualified protection to natural
persons from self-incrimination, so that it applies to the making of voluntary statements, and the

Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Explanatory note

voluntary production of documents or things, by a natural person. Schedule 1 [1] and [4] make
consequential amendments.

Page 2
Introduced by Mr J T Parker, MP                                            First print

                                 New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of
Information) Bill 2016

                1   Name of Act                                                    2
                2   Commencement                                                   2
Schedule 1          Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act
                    1988 No 35                                                     3

                                  New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of
Information) Bill 2016

No     , 2016

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to protect individuals
who voluntarily disclose information to the Commission from criminal or civil liability in
connection with that disclosure.
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2016 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                        1

  1   Name of Act                                                                                 2

             This Act is the Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment                  3
             (Disclosure of Information) Act 2016.                                                4

  2   Commencement                                                                                5

             This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                                6

Page 2
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

Schedule 1              Amendment of Independent Commission Against                                     1
                        Corruption Act 1988 No 35                                                       2

[1]    Section 26 Self-incrimination                                                                    3

       Omit the section.                                                                                4

[2]    Section 109 Protection from liability                                                            5

       Omit section 109 (5) and (6). Insert instead:                                                    6

              (5)   A person is not subject to any criminal or civil liability for compliance, or       7
                    purported compliance, with a requirement of this Act and no action, claim,          8
                    demand or disciplinary action may be taken against or made of the person in         9
                    relation to that compliance or purported compliance.                               10

              (6)   A person who voluntarily gives any statement of information or produces any        11
                    document or thing to the Commission in good faith in connection with a             12
                    complaint made to, or an investigation conducted by, the Commission about a        13
                    matter that concerns or may concern corrupt conduct is not subject to any          14
                    criminal or civil liability for giving the statement of information or producing   15
                    the document or thing and no action, claim, demand or disciplinary action may      16
                    be taken against or made of the person in relation to the statement or             17
                    production.                                                                        18

              (7)   This section has effect despite any duty of secrecy or confidentiality or any      19
                    other restriction on disclosure (whether or not imposed by an Act) applicable      20
                    to the relevant person.                                                            21

[3]    Section 109A                                                                                    22

       Insert after section 109:                                                                       23

      109A   Self-incrimination                                                                        24

              (1)   This section applies where a natural person gives any statement of information     25
                    or produces any document or thing to the Commission in good faith:                 26
                    (a) in connection with a complaint made to, or an investigation conducted          27
                          by, the Commission about a matter that concerns or may concern               28
                          corrupt conduct, or                                                          29
                    (b) pursuant to a requirement of the Commission under section 21 or 22.            30

              (2)   If the statement, document or thing tends to incriminate the person and the        31
                    person objects to the giving or production at the time, neither the fact of the    32
                    requirement nor the statement, document or thing itself (if produced) may be       33
                    used in any proceedings against the person (except proceedings for an offence      34
                    against this Act or except as provided by section 114A (5)).                       35

              (3)   The statement, document or thing may however be used for the purposes of the       36
                    complaint or investigation concerned, despite any such objection.                  37

Page 3
Independent Commission Against Corruption Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35

[4]   Section 114A Disciplinary proceedings--taking action based on finding of corrupt             1
      conduct                                                                                     2

      Omit "sections 26 and 37" from section 114A (5). Insert instead "sections 37 and 109A".     3

Page 4


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