New South Wales Bills

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                            New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013


              1    Name of Act                                              2
              2    Commencement                                             2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption
                   Act 1988 No 35                                           3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66             7
     Schedule 3    Amendment of Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                   11
     Schedule 4    Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47                      12
     Schedule 5    Amendment of Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28 16
     Schedule 6    Amendment of Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54             20

                             New South Wales

Independent Commission Against
Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 and
other Acts with respect to the vetting of applicants for employment and the provision
of information to the Ombudsman about young offenders and other matters; and for
other purposes.
              Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Clause 1      Amendment Bill 2013

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                       1

 1    Name of Act                                                                2

           This Act is the Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other   3
           Legislation Amendment Act 2013.                                       4

 2    Commencement                                                               5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                 6

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No      Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Independent                                           1
                       Commission Against Corruption Act                                  2
                       1988 No 35                                                         3

[1]    Sections 104C and 104D                                                             4

       Insert after section 104B:                                                         5

      104C   Vetting of prospective staff or consultants                                  6

             (1)    Vetting information that is held by the Inspector or Commission       7
                    or obtained under this section may be used in determining             8
                    whether to appoint a person (an applicant) as an officer of the       9
                    Inspector or the Commission.                                         10

             (2)    For the purposes of this section, vetting information is             11
                    information of the following kind about an applicant, or about an    12
                    associate or relative of an applicant:                               13
                     (a) any criminal intelligence report or other criminal              14
                          information,                                                   15
                    (b) information held in the Births, Deaths and Marriages             16
                          Register,                                                      17
                     (c) information held by Roads and Maritime Services relating        18
                          to licences or other authorities, offences or penalties,       19
                    (d) information held by Corrective Services NSW,                     20
                          Department of Attorney General and Justice,                    21
                     (e) information held by CrimTrac,                                   22
                     (f) information held by a law enforcement agency,                   23
                    (g) information held by an agency of the Commonwealth or of          24
                          the State or another State or Territory investigating public   25
                          sector corruption,                                             26
                    (h) information held by an agency of a jurisdiction outside          27
                          Australia, being an agency responsible for the enforcement     28
                          of laws of that jurisdiction,                                  29
                      (i) information prescribed by the regulations that is held by a    30
                          public authority or held by a Government agency of             31
                          another jurisdiction (whether in or outside Australia).        32

             (3)    The Inspector or Commission may, with the consent of an              33
                    applicant, request a public authority or other person or body to     34
                    disclose vetting information about the applicant.                    35

             (4)    The Inspector or Commission may also, without consent, request       36
                    a public authority or other person or body (not being an agency      37

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               Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
               Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 1     Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No

                   of a jurisdiction outside Australia) to disclose vetting information         1
                   about associates or relatives of the applicant.                              2

             (5)   A public authority that holds, or is responsible for the disclosure          3
                   of, vetting information is authorised to disclose the information            4
                   to the Inspector or Commission for the purposes of this section.             5

             (6)   The Commissioner of Police is authorised at any time to disclose             6
                   (or arrange for a member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) to             7
                   the Inspector or Commission information about the criminal                   8
                   history of a person for the purposes of this section, including the          9
                   following:                                                                  10
                    (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything            11
                          to the contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991,                    12
                   (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether or not                13
                          heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,                   14
                    (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the              15
                          contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                      16

             (7)   For the purposes of the collection, disclosure or use of vetting            17
                   information under this section or section 104D, the information             18
                   may be collected, disclosed or used despite any other Act or law.           19
                   Note. Section 111 makes it an offence for an officer or former officer of   20
                   the Inspector or Commission to disclose information obtained in the         21
                   exercise of functions under this Act.                                       22

             (8)   This section does not restrict or prevent:                                  23
                   (a) the Inspector or Commission or any other person from                    24
                         collecting, disclosing or using any information that the              25
                         Inspector, Commission or other person may otherwise                   26
                         lawfully collect, disclose or use, or                                 27
                   (b) the Inspector or Commission from considering                            28
                         information other than vetting information in determining             29
                         whether or not to appoint an applicant as an officer of the           30
                         Inspector or Commission.                                              31

             (9)   In this section and section 104D:                                           32

                   appoint includes engage, make use of the services of and second.            33

                   law enforcement agency means the following:                                 34
                    (a) the NSW Police Force,                                                  35
                   (b) a Police Force of another State or Territory,                           36
                    (c) the Australian Federal Police,                                         37

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No       Schedule 1

                    (d)   any other authority or person responsible for the                1
                          enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth or of the            2
                          State or another State or Territory.                             3

                    officer of the Inspector includes a person engaged by the              4
                    Inspector under section 57E (3).                                       5

    104D     Safeguards relating to use of vetting information                             6

             (1)    The relevant body for a record must, for the period of 2 years         7
                    commencing on the commencement of this section (the review             8
                    period), keep a record of each occasion when vetting information       9
                    about an associate or a relative of an applicant is considered        10
                    under section 104C.                                                   11

             (2)    The relevant body is to record whether vetting information was        12
                    the basis (wholly or partly) of a decision not to appoint the         13
                    applicant and the information relied on for that purpose.             14

             (3)    A person appointed by the Attorney General is to review the           15
                    records kept under this section at the end of the review period.      16

             (4)    The person appointed must be a person who is:                         17
                    (a) a former Judge of the Supreme Court of the State or of any        18
                          other State or Territory, a former Judge of the Federal         19
                          Court of Australia or a former Justice of the High Court of     20
                          Australia, or                                                   21
                    (b) a person qualified to be appointed as (but who is not) a          22
                          Judge or Justice of any such court.                             23

             (5)    The relevant body may, at the request of the person conducting        24
                    the review, make available any records kept by the body under         25
                    this section and any further information requested by the person      26
                    that is reasonably related to the review.                             27

             (6)    The person conducting the review must, not later than 6 months        28
                    after the end of the review period, report on the records to the      29
                    Minister and the Attorney General and provide a copy of the           30
                    report to the relevant body.                                          31

             (7)    A report may contain recommendations relating to the collection,      32
                    use and disclosure of vetting information under section 104C and      33
                    related procedures or practices of the relevant body.                 34

             (8)    The relevant body for a record relating to the use of information     35
                    about an associate or a relative of an applicant for appointment in   36
                    a position:                                                           37
                    (a) as an officer of the Inspector--is the Inspector, or              38
                    (b) as an officer of the Commission--is the Commission.               39

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                Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Amendment of Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No

[2]   Section 111 Secrecy                                                               1
      Insert after section 111 (1) (b):                                                 2
                     (c) a person who conducts a review under section 104D, but         3
                           only in relation to the person's functions under that        4
                           section, and                                                 5

[3]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             6

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                7

                   any other Act that amends this Act                                   8

[4]   Schedule 4                                                                        9

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:    10

      Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of                               11
                   Independent Commission Against                                      12
                   Corruption and Other Legislation                                    13
                   Amendment Act 2013                                                  14

             Previous collection, use and disclosure of vetting information            15

                   Any collection, use or disclosure of vetting information to or by   16
                   the Inspector or the Commission that occurred before the            17
                   commencement of section 104C, as inserted by the Independent        18
                   Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation                 19
                   Amendment Act 2013, is taken to have been validly done if the       20
                   collection, use or disclosure would have been valid if done on or   21
                   after that commencement.                                            22

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66                              Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of Crime Commission Act                                    1
                       2012 No 66                                                           2

[1]   Sections 78A and 78B                                                                  3

      Insert before section 79:                                                             4

      78A    Vetting of prospective staff                                                   5

             (1)    Vetting information that is held by the Inspector or Commission         6
                    or obtained under this section may be used in determining               7
                    whether to appoint a person (an applicant) as an officer of the         8
                    Inspector or the Commission.                                            9

             (2)    For the purposes of this section, vetting information is               10
                    information of the following kind about an applicant, or about an      11
                    associate or relative of an applicant:                                 12
                     (a) any criminal intelligence report or other criminal                13
                          information,                                                     14
                    (b) information held in the Births, Deaths and Marriages               15
                          Register,                                                        16
                     (c) information held by Roads and Maritime Services relating          17
                          to licences or other authorities, offences or penalties,         18
                    (d) information held by Corrective Services NSW,                       19
                          Department of Attorney General and Justice,                      20
                     (e) information held by CrimTrac,                                     21
                     (f) information held by a law enforcement agency,                     22
                    (g) information held by an agency of the Commonwealth or of            23
                          the State or another State or Territory investigating public     24
                          sector corruption,                                               25
                    (h) information held by an agency of a jurisdiction outside            26
                          Australia, being an agency responsible for the enforcement       27
                          of laws of that jurisdiction,                                    28
                      (i) information prescribed by the regulations that is held by a      29
                          public authority or held by a Government agency of               30
                          another jurisdiction (whether in or outside Australia).          31

             (3)    The Inspector or Commission may, with the consent of an                32
                    applicant, request a public authority or other person or body to       33
                    disclose vetting information about the applicant.                      34

             (4)    The Inspector or Commission may also, without consent, request         35
                    a public authority or other person or body (not being an agency        36
                    of a jurisdiction outside Australia) to disclose vetting information   37
                    about associates or relatives of the applicant.                        38

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               Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
               Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 2         Amendment of Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66

             (5)      A public authority that holds, or is responsible for the disclosure         1
                      of, vetting information is authorised to disclose the information           2
                      to the Inspector or Commission for the purposes of this section.            3

             (6)      The Commissioner of Police is authorised at any time to disclose            4
                      (or arrange for a member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) to            5
                      the Inspector or Commission information about the criminal                  6
                      history of a person for the purposes of this section, including the         7
                      following:                                                                  8
                       (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything            9
                             to the contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991,                   10
                      (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether or not               11
                             heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,                  12
                       (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the             13
                             contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                     14

             (7)      For the purposes of the collection, disclosure or use of vetting           15
                      information under this section or section 78B, the information             16
                      may be collected, disclosed or used despite any other Act or law.          17
                      Note. Section 80 makes it an offence for an officer or former officer of   18
                      the Inspector or Commission to disclose information obtained in the        19
                      exercise of functions under this Act.                                      20

             (8)      This section does not restrict or prevent:                                 21
                      (a) the Inspector or Commission or any other person from                   22
                            collecting, disclosing or using any information that the             23
                            Inspector, Commission or other person may otherwise                  24
                            lawfully collect, disclose or use, or                                25
                      (b) the Inspector or Commission from considering                           26
                            information other than vetting information in determining            27
                            whether or not to appoint an applicant as an officer of the          28
                            Inspector or Commission.                                             29

             (9)      In this section and section 78B:                                           30

                      appoint includes engage, make use of the services of and second.           31

                      law enforcement agency means the following:                                32
                       (a) the NSW Police Force,                                                 33
                      (b) a Police Force of another State or Territory,                          34
                       (c) the Australian Federal Police,                                        35
                      (d) any other authority or person responsible for the                      36
                            enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth or of the                37
                            State or another State or Territory.                                 38

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66                             Schedule 2

                    public authority has the same meaning as it has in the                 1
                    Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988.                    2

     78B     Safeguards relating to use of vetting information                             3

             (1)    The relevant body for a record must, for the period of 2 years         4
                    commencing on the commencement of this section (the review             5
                    period), keep a record of each occasion when vetting information       6
                    about an associate or a relative of an applicant is considered         7
                    under section 78A.                                                     8

             (2)    The relevant body is to record whether vetting information was         9
                    the basis (wholly or partly) of a decision not to appoint the         10
                    applicant and the information relied on for that purpose.             11

             (3)    A person appointed by the Attorney General is to review the           12
                    records kept under this section at the end of the review period.      13

             (4)    The person appointed must be a person who is:                         14
                    (a) a former Judge of the Supreme Court of the State or of any        15
                          other State or Territory, a former Judge of the Federal         16
                          Court of Australia or a former Justice of the High Court of     17
                          Australia, or                                                   18
                    (b) a person qualified to be appointed as (but who is not) a          19
                          Judge or Justice of any such court.                             20

             (5)    The relevant body may, at the request of the person conducting        21
                    the review, make available any records kept by the body under         22
                    this section and any further information requested by the person      23
                    that is reasonably related to the review.                             24

             (6)    The person conducting the review must, not later than 6 months        25
                    after the end of the review period, report on the records to the      26
                    Minister and the Attorney General and provide a copy of the           27
                    report to the relevant body.                                          28

             (7)    A report may contain recommendations relating to the collection,      29
                    use and disclosure of vetting information under section 78A and       30
                    related procedures or practices of the relevant body.                 31

             (8)    The relevant body for a record relating to the use of information     32
                    about an associate or a relative of an applicant for appointment in   33
                    a position:                                                           34
                    (a) as an officer of the Inspector--is the Inspector, or              35
                    (b) as an officer of the Commission--is the Commission.               36

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                Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 2          Amendment of Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66

[2]   Section 80 Secrecy                                                                    1
      Insert after section 80 (1):                                                          2

             (1A)      This section applies to a person conducting a review under           3
                       section 78B in relation to the person's functions under that         4
                       section.                                                             5

[3]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to the members and procedure of the                    6
      Management Committee                                                                  7

      Insert "a former Judge of the District Court of New South Wales," before "a           8
      former Judge" where firstly occurring in clause 2 (1).                                9

[4]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                10

      Insert after Part 2:                                                                 11

      Part 3           Provisions relating to Independent                                  12
                       Commission Against Corruption and Other                             13
                       Legislation Amendment Act 2013                                      14

      10      Validation                                                                   15

                       A person who was appointed to the Management Committee              16
                       before the commencement of Schedule 2 [3] to the Independent        17
                       Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation                 18
                       Amendment Act 2013 and who would be eligible to be so               19
                       appointed on that commencement is taken to have been validly        20
                       appointed from the date of the person's appointment.                21

      11      Previous collection, use and disclosure of vetting information               22

                       Any collection, use or disclosure of vetting information to or by   23
                       the Inspector or the Commission that occurred before the            24
                       commencement of section 78A, as inserted by the Independent         25
                       Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation                 26
                       Amendment Act 2013, is taken to have been validly done if the       27
                       collection, use or disclosure would have been valid if done on or   28
                       after that commencement.                                            29

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                 Schedule 3

Schedule 3             Amendment of Ombudsman Act 1974                                1
                       No 68                                                          2

      Section 13AA Preliminary inquiries                                              3

      Insert after section 13AA (3):                                                  4

             (4)    A public authority that discloses information to the Ombudsman    5
                    in response to an inquiry under this section is not required to   6
                    comply with section 16, 17, 18 or 19 (1) of the Privacy and       7
                    Personal Information Protection Act 1998.                         8

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               Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
               Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 4         Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47

Schedule 4               Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47                                 1

[1]   Sections 96B-96D                                                                      2

      Insert after section 96A:                                                             3

      96B    Vetting of prospective members of NSW Police Force or                          4
             consultants                                                                    5

             (1)      Vetting information that is held by the Commissioner or obtained      6
                      under this section may be used in determining whether to appoint      7
                      an applicant as a member of the NSW Police Force or to engage         8
                      an applicant as a consultant to the NSW Police Force.                 9

             (2)      For the purposes of this section, vetting information is             10
                      information of the following kind about an applicant, or about an    11
                      associate or relative of an applicant:                               12
                       (a) any criminal intelligence report or other criminal              13
                            information,                                                   14
                      (b) information held in the Births, Deaths and Marriages             15
                            Register,                                                      16
                       (c) information held by Roads and Maritime Services relating        17
                            to licences or other authorities, offences or penalties,       18
                      (d) information held by Corrective Services NSW,                     19
                            Department of Attorney General and Justice,                    20
                       (e) information held by CrimTrac,                                   21
                       (f) information held by a law enforcement agency,                   22
                      (g) information held by an agency of the Commonwealth or of          23
                            the State or another State or Territory investigating public   24
                            sector corruption,                                             25
                      (h) information held by an agency of a jurisdiction outside          26
                            Australia, being an agency responsible for the enforcement     27
                            of laws of that jurisdiction,                                  28
                        (i) information prescribed by the regulations that is held by a    29
                            public authority or held by a Government agency of             30
                            another jurisdiction (whether in or outside Australia).        31

             (3)      The Commissioner may, with the consent of an applicant, request      32
                      a public authority or other person or body to disclose vetting       33
                      information about the applicant.                                     34

             (4)      The Commissioner may also, without consent, request a public         35
                      authority or other person or body (not being an agency of a          36
                      jurisdiction outside Australia) to disclose vetting information      37
                      about associates or relatives of the applicant.                      38

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47                                            Schedule 4

             (5)    A public authority that holds, or is responsible for the disclosure          1
                    of, vetting information is authorised to disclose the information            2
                    to the Commissioner for the purposes of this section.                        3

             (6)    The following information about the criminal history of a person             4
                    may be disclosed and considered for the purposes of this section:            5
                    (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything              6
                          to the contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991,                      7
                    (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether or not                 8
                          heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,                     9
                    (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the               10
                          contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                       11

             (7)    For the purposes of the collection, disclosure or use of vetting            12
                    information under this section or section 96C, the information              13
                    may be collected, disclosed or used despite any other Act or law.           14
                    Note. Section 62 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act     15
                    1998 makes it an offence for a public sector official (including a member   16
                    of the NSW Police Force) to disclose personal information, other than for   17
                    official purposes, about a person to which the official has had access in   18
                    an official capacity.                                                       19

             (8)    This section does not restrict or prevent:                                  20
                    (a) the Commissioner or any other person from collecting,                   21
                          disclosing or using any information that the Commissioner             22
                          or other person may otherwise lawfully collect, disclose or           23
                          use, or                                                               24
                    (b) the Commissioner from considering information other                     25
                          than vetting information in determining whether or not to             26
                          appoint an applicant as a member of the NSW Police Force              27
                          or to engage an applicant as a consultant to the NSW                  28
                          Police Force.                                                         29

             (9)    In this section:                                                            30

                    law enforcement agency means the following:                                 31
                     (a) a Police Force of another State or Territory,                          32
                    (b) the Australian Federal Police,                                          33
                     (c) any other authority or person responsible for the                      34
                          enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth or of the                 35
                          State or another State or Territory.                                  36

                    public authority has the same meaning as it has in the                      37
                    Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988.                         38

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                Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 4         Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47

     96C     Safeguards relating to use of vetting information                               1
             (1)      The Commissioner must, for the period of 2 years commencing            2
                      on the commencement of this section (the review period), keep a        3
                      record of each occasion when vetting information about an              4
                      associate or a relative of an applicant is considered under section    5
                      96B.                                                                   6

             (2)      The Commissioner is to record whether vetting information was          7
                      the basis (wholly or partly) of a decision not to appoint or engage    8
                      the applicant and the information relied on for that purpose.          9

             (3)      A person appointed by the Attorney General is to review the           10
                      records kept under this section at the end of the review period.      11

             (4)      The person appointed must be a person who is:                         12
                      (a) a former Judge of the Supreme Court of the State or of any        13
                            other State or Territory, a former Judge of the Federal         14
                            Court of Australia or a former Justice of the High Court of     15
                            Australia, or                                                   16
                      (b) a person qualified to be appointed as (but who is not) a          17
                            Judge or Justice of any such court.                             18

             (5)      The Commissioner may, at the request of the person conducting         19
                      the review, make available any records kept by the                    20
                      Commissioner under this section and any further information           21
                      requested by the person that is reasonably related to the review.     22

             (6)      The person conducting the review must, not later than 6 months        23
                      after the end of the review period, report on the records to the      24
                      Minister and the Attorney General and provide a copy of the           25
                      report to the Commissioner.                                           26

             (7)      A report may contain recommendations relating to the collection,      27
                      use and disclosure of vetting information under section 96B and       28
                      related procedures or practices of the Commissioner.                  29

     96D     Secrecy--review information                                                    30

             (1)      The person who conducts the review under section 96C must not,        31
                      directly or indirectly, except for the purposes of this Act or        32
                      otherwise in connection with the exercise of the person's             33
                      functions under this Act:                                             34
                       (a) make a record of any communication, or                           35
                      (b) divulge or communicate to any person any information,             36

                      being information acquired by the person by reason of, or in the      37
                      course of, the exercise of the person's functions under this Act.     38

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47                                     Schedule 4

             (2)    The person who conducts the review under section 96C cannot be       1
                    required:                                                            2
                     (a) to produce in any court any document or other thing that        3
                          has come into the person's possession, custody or control      4
                          by reason of, or in the course of, the exercise of the         5
                          person's functions under this Act, or                          6
                    (b) to divulge or communicate to any court any matter or thing       7
                          that has come to the person's notice in the exercise of the    8
                          person's functions under this Act.                             9

             (3)    Despite this section, the person may divulge any such               10
                    information:                                                        11
                     (a) for the purposes of and in accordance with this Act, or        12
                    (b) to any prescribed authority or person.                          13

[2]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             14

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:     15

      Part          Provisions consequent on enactment of                               16
                    Independent Commission Against                                      17
                    Corruption and Other Legislation                                    18
                    Amendment Act 2013                                                  19

             Previous collection, use and disclosure of vetting information             20

                    Any collection, use or disclosure of vetting information to or by   21
                    the Commissioner that occurred before the commencement of           22
                    section 96B, as inserted by the Independent Commission Against      23
                    Corruption and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013, is taken       24
                    to have been validly done if the collection, use or disclosure      25
                    would have been valid if done on or after that commencement.        26

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                 Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
                 Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 5       Amendment of Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28

Schedule 5               Amendment of Police Integrity                                    1
                         Commission Act 1996 No 28                                        2

[1]    Section 56 Secrecy                                                                 3

       Insert at the end of section 56 (1) (e):                                           4
                            , and                                                         5
                      (f) a person who conducts a review under section 136B, but          6
                            only in relation to the exercise of the person's functions    7
                            under that section.                                           8

[2]    Section 124 Firearms and other police equipment                                    9

       Insert "or appropriately trained officers" after "police officers" where          10
       secondly occurring in section 124 (1) and (2).                                    11

[3]    Section 124 (2)                                                                   12

       Omit "handcuffs and body armour vests".                                           13

       Insert instead "anti-personnel spray, batons, magazines for semi-automatic        14
       pistols, handcuffs and body armour vests".                                        15

[4]    Section 124 (3)                                                                   16

       Insert after section 124 (2):                                                     17

              (3)   An officer is an appropriately trained officer if the                18
                    Commissioner certifies in writing that the officer is an             19
                    appropriately trained officer for the purposes of this section.      20

[5]    Sections 136A and 136B                                                            21

       Insert after section 136:                                                         22

      136A   Vetting of prospective staff or consultants                                 23

              (1)   Vetting information that is held by the Inspector or Commission      24
                    or obtained under this section may be used in determining            25
                    whether to appoint a person (an applicant) as an officer of the      26
                    Inspector or the Commission.                                         27

              (2)   For the purposes of this section, vetting information is             28
                    information of the following kind about an applicant, or about an    29
                    associate or relative of an applicant:                               30
                     (a) any criminal intelligence report or other criminal              31
                          information,                                                   32
                    (b) information held in the Births, Deaths and Marriages             33
                          Register,                                                      34

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Independent Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28                   Schedule 5

                    (c)    information held by Roads and Maritime Services relating         1
                           to licences or other authorities, offences or penalties,         2
                    (d)    information held by Corrective Services NSW,                     3
                           Department of Attorney General and Justice,                      4
                    (e)    information held by CrimTrac,                                    5
                     (f)   information held by a law enforcement agency,                    6
                    (g)    information held by an agency of the Commonwealth or of          7
                           the State or another State or Territory investigating public     8
                           sector corruption,                                               9
                    (h)    information held by an agency of a jurisdiction outside         10
                           Australia, being an agency responsible for the enforcement      11
                           of laws of that jurisdiction,                                   12
                    (i)    information prescribed by the regulations that is held by a     13
                           public authority or held by a Government agency of              14
                           another jurisdiction (whether in or outside Australia).         15

             (3)    The Inspector or Commission may, with the consent of an                16
                    applicant, request a public authority or other person or body to       17
                    disclose vetting information about the applicant.                      18

             (4)    The Inspector or Commission may also, without consent, request         19
                    a public authority or other person or body (not being an agency        20
                    of a jurisdiction outside Australia) to disclose vetting information   21
                    about associates or relatives of the applicant.                        22

             (5)    A public authority that holds, or is responsible for the disclosure    23
                    of, vetting information is authorised to disclose the information      24
                    to the Inspector or Commission for the purposes of this section.       25

             (6)    The Commissioner of Police is authorised at any time to disclose       26
                    (or arrange for a member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) to       27
                    the Inspector or Commission information about the criminal             28
                    history of a person for the purposes of this section, including the    29
                    following:                                                             30
                     (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything       31
                           to the contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991,               32
                    (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether or not           33
                           heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,              34
                     (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the         35
                           contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                 36

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Schedule 5      Amendment of Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28

             (7)   For the purposes of the collection, disclosure or use of vetting            1
                   information under this section or section 136B the information              2
                   may be collected, disclosed or used despite any other Act or law.           3
                   Note. Section 56 makes it an offence for an officer or former officer of    4
                   the Inspector or Commission to disclose information obtained in the         5
                   exercise of functions under this Act.                                       6

             (8)   This section does not restrict or prevent:                                  7
                   (a) the Inspector or Commission or any other person from                    8
                         collecting, disclosing or using any information that the              9
                         Inspector, Commission or other person may otherwise                  10
                         lawfully collect, disclose or use, or                                11
                   (b) the Inspector or Commission from considering                           12
                         information other than vetting information in determining            13
                         whether or not to appoint an applicant as an officer of the          14
                         Inspector or Commission.                                             15

             (9)   In this section and section 136B:                                          16

                   appoint includes engage, make use of the services of and second.           17

                   law enforcement agency means the following:                                18
                    (a) the NSW Police Force,                                                 19
                   (b) a Police Force of another State or Territory,                          20
                    (c) the Australian Federal Police,                                        21
                   (d) any other authority or person responsible for the                      22
                         enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth or of the                23
                         State or another State or Territory.                                 24

    136B     Safeguards relating to use of vetting information                                25

             (1)   The relevant body for a record must, for the period of 2 years             26
                   commencing on the commencement of this section (the review                 27
                   period), keep a record of each occasion when vetting information           28
                   about an associate or a relative of an applicant is considered             29
                   under section 136A.                                                        30

             (2)   The relevant body is to record whether vetting information was             31
                   the basis (wholly or partly) of a decision not to appoint the              32
                   applicant and the information relied on for that purpose.                  33

             (3)   A person appointed by the Attorney General is to review the                34
                   records kept under this section at the end of the review period.           35

             (4)   The person appointed must be a person who is:                              36
                   (a) a former Judge of the Supreme Court of the State or of any             37
                         other State or Territory, a former Judge of the Federal              38

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Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28                  Schedule 5

                          Court of Australia or a former Justice of the High Court of      1
                          Australia, or                                                    2
                    (b)   a person qualified to be appointed as (but who is not) a         3
                          Judge or Justice of any such court.                              4

             (5)    The relevant body may, at the request of the person conducting         5
                    the review, make available any records kept by the body under          6
                    this section and any further information requested by the person       7
                    that is reasonably related to the review.                              8

             (6)    The person conducting the review must, not later than 6 months         9
                    after the end of the review period, report on the records to the      10
                    Minister and the Attorney General and provide a copy of the           11
                    report to the relevant body.                                          12

             (7)    A report may contain recommendations relating to the collection,      13
                    use and disclosure of vetting information under section 136A and      14
                    related procedures or practices of the relevant body.                 15

             (8)    The relevant body for a record relating to the use of information     16
                    about an associate or a relative of an applicant for appointment in   17
                    a position:                                                           18
                    (a) as an officer of the Inspector--is the Inspector, or              19
                    (b) as an officer of the Commission--is the Commission.               20

[6]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               21

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:       22

      Part          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 23
                    Independent Commission Against                                        24
                    Corruption and Other Legislation                                      25
                    Amendment Act 2013                                                    26

             Previous collection, use and disclosure of vetting information               27

                    Any collection, use or disclosure of vetting information to or by     28
                    the Inspector or the Commission that occurred before the              29
                    commencement of section 136A, as inserted by the Independent          30
                    Commission Against Corruption and Other Legislation                   31
                    Amendment Act 2013, is taken to have been validly done if the         32
                    collection, use or disclosure would have been valid if done on or     33
                    after that commencement.                                              34

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                    Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 6          Amendment of Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54

Schedule 6                Amendment of Young Offenders Act                                   1
                          1997 No 54                                                         2

[1]   Section 17 Records of warnings                                                         3

      Insert "or the Ombudsman" after "Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research"              4
      in section 17 (4).                                                                     5

[2]   Section 17 (4)                                                                         6

      Insert "or Ombudsman" after "Bureau" where secondly occurring.                         7

[3]   Section 66 Disclosure of records                                                       8

      Insert after section 66 (2):                                                           9

             (2A)      Despite subsection (1), information (including records) referred     10
                       to in that subsection may (subject to any regulations made for the   11
                       purposes of subsection (3)) be divulged to the Ombudsman, or a       12
                       person authorised by the Ombudsman, for the purposes of the          13
                       exercise of any of the functions of the Ombudsman.                   14

[4]   Section 66 (3)                                                                        15

      Insert "or (2A)" after "subsection (2) (e) or (f)".                                   16

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