New South Wales Bills

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                              New South Wales

Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Jury Act 1977 (the Act):
(a) to change the categories of persons disqualified from jury service or ineligible
      to undertake jury service, and
(b) to remove certain exemptions as of right from jury service and enable, instead,
      a person to apply for an exemption from jury service for "good cause" (a term
      which is defined), and
(c) to improve the administrative provisions governing the way in which the
      sheriff, courts and coroners determine persons who are excluded from jury
      service or are exempt from jury service, and
(d) to increase the workplace protections for employees who are required to attend
      for jury service, and
(e) to enable the sheriff to request certain information from the Commissioner of
      Police and the Roads and Traffic Authority in relation to persons being
      considered for inclusion on a jury roll.

Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Explanatory note

The Bill also amends the Jury Regulation 2004 (the Regulation):
(a) to enable a person to be included on more than one jury roll, and
(b) to revise the allowances payable to persons for attendance for jury service.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be
appointed by proclamation.

Schedule 1                Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18
Changes in categories of persons disqualified from or ineligible for jury
service or able to claim exemptions from jury service
Currently, Schedule 1 to the Act lists categories of persons who are disqualified from
jury service and Schedule 2 to the Act lists categories of persons who are ineligible
for jury service. The amendments replace the concept of disqualification from jury
service and ineligibility for jury service with the concept of exclusion from jury
Schedule 1 [22] omits Schedules 1 and 2 to the Act and replaces those Schedules
with a single Schedule which contains categories of persons who are excluded from
jury service.
The changes to the categories of persons who will be excluded from jury service
include the following:
(a) persons who have been found guilty of certain serious offences will be
       excluded from jury service for life,
(b) persons who have been imprisoned or detained for committing other offences
       will be excluded from jury service for a specified number of years depending
       on the length of the period of detention and whether the offences were
       committed as adults or juveniles,
(c) persons awaiting trial or sentencing for an offence or the determination of an
       appeal in relation to an offence, or subject to certain orders, will be excluded
       from jury service,
(d) persons will be excluded from jury service during any period of 12 months or
       more in which they are disqualified from holding a driver licence,
(e) Australian lawyers will no longer be excluded from jury service,
(f)    the holders of certain specified offices or certain positions will be excluded
       from jury service but, with certain exceptions, only while holding the office or
       position and for 3 years afterwards,

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Explanatory note

(g)    a person who is unable to read or understand English will no longer be
       excluded from jury service (but will instead be eligible for an exemption for
       good cause under proposed section 14),
(h) a person who is unable, because of sickness, infirmity or disability, to
       discharge the duties of a juror will no longer be excluded from jury service (but
       will instead be eligible for a permanent exemption or exemption for good
       cause under proposed section 14 depending on the nature of the sickness,
       infirmity or disability),
(i)    a person who is an undischarged bankrupt will be excluded from jury service.
Schedule 1 [23] omits Schedule 3 to the Act which contains the categories of persons
who have a right to claim an exemption from jury service and inserts a new
Schedule 2 which contains a revised list of those categories. The following current
categories of exemptions have been excluded from the new Schedule, but persons
within those categories will be able to apply for an exemption for good cause under
proposed section 14:
(a) mining managers and under-managers of mines,
(b) persons who are at least 70 years old,
(c) pregnant women,
(d) a person who has the care, custody and control of children under the age of
       18 years (other than children who have ceased attending school), and who, if
       exempted, would be the only person exempt under this item in respect of those
(e) a person who resides with, and has full-time care of, a person who is sick,
       infirm or disabled.
Schedule 1 [3] substitutes sections 13-15 of the Act dealing with the procedure for
including persons on a supplementary jury roll.
Proposed section 13 requires the sheriff (as is currently the case) to send a notice to
each person that the sheriff intends to include on a supplementary jury roll informing
the person of that intention and the various categories of exclusion and exemption
from jury service. The notice also includes a questionnaire designed to elicit
information as to whether the person is excluded from jury service or has a claim for
exemption from jury service.
Proposed section 14 provides for the manner in which a person may claim to be
excluded or exempt from jury service as of right or may apply to the sheriff for some
other exemption.
The proposed section enables a person to request a permanent exemption from jury
service on the grounds that he or she has a permanent mental or physical impairment
that results in jury service being incompatible with the person's good health or that
otherwise renders the person unable to perform jury service.
The proposed section also enables a person to request an exemption from jury service
for the whole or part of the period for which the person is liable to be summoned for
jury service by showing good cause. The sheriff may exempt a person from jury

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Explanatory note

service for good cause whether or not a request for exemption has been made. (See
proposed section 14A as to what constitutes "good cause".)
Any such claim or application may be made in response to a notice under proposed
section 13, or in writing in an approved form to the sheriff, at any time before the
person is actually in attendance at a trial or coronial inquest pursuant to a summons
for jury service.
Proposed section 14A sets out what generally constitutes good cause to be exempted
or excused from jury service, being grounds involving hardship, serious
inconvenience, disability or conflict of interest, or some other reason that would
affect the person's ability to perform the functions of a juror.
Proposed section 14B enables a person to apply to the sheriff for deferral of jury
Proposed section 14C enables the sheriff to require verification by statutory
declaration or the provision of other evidence of claims, requests or applications in
connection with exclusions and exemptions from, and deferrals of, jury service.
Proposed section 14D imposes a general duty on the sheriff to update the
information on jurors contained in jury rolls and supplementary jury rolls.
Proposed section 15 re-enacts the current section 15 of the Act dealing with appeals
to the Local Court from decisions of the sheriff in connection with exemptions from
jury service as a consequence of the removal of the concepts of disqualification from,
and ineligibility for, jury service.
Schedule 1 [1], [2], [4], [5], [6], [9], [10], [11], [12], [18], [19] and [21] contain
consequential amendments.

Employment related amendments
Schedule 1 [13] and [15] amend section 69 of the Act to increase the penalties for
an offence against that section from 20 penalty units to 200 penalty units (in the case
of a corporation) or 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months, or both (in the
case of an individual). That section contains offences relating to dismissing a person
from his or her employment, injuring a person in his or her employment or altering a
person's position to his or her prejudice because the person has been summoned for
jury service.
Schedule 1 [14] amends section 69 of the Act to make it clear that it extends to
certain casual employees.
Schedule 1 [16] inserts proposed section 69A into the Act to create offences to
prevent employers requiring employees to use their leave if they are summoned for
jury service or to work extra time to make up for work time lost while attending for
jury service.

Powers of sheriff to request certain information
Schedule 1 [20] amends section 75A of the Act to enable the sheriff to obtain
information from the Commissioner of Police relating to the criminal record of a
person proposed to be summoned for jury service to determine whether the person is

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Explanatory note

excluded from jury service. The amendment also enables the sheriff to obtain
information from the Chief Executive of the Roads and Traffic Authority for the
purpose of checking the relevant details of a person proposed to be summoned for
jury service.

Schedule 1 [7] amends section 38 of the Act to enable a person making a request for
an exemption from jury service to a court at a trial or a coroner at a coronial inquest
to make the request in writing if it relates to the person's health or may cause
embarrassment or distress if made public.
Schedule 1 [8] removes an unnecessary word by way of statute law revision.
Schedule 1 [11] substitutes section 62 of the Act to include as an offence the
provision of false or misleading information to the sheriff in connection with a claim
for jury allowance and to increase the penalty for existing offences of providing false
or misleading information to the sheriff from 10 penalty units to 50 penalty units
(currently, $5,500).
Schedule 1 [17] amends section 72 as a consequence of the amendments to the
Regulation in Schedule 2 relating to allowances to persons attending for jury service.
Schedule 1 [24] and [25] amend Schedule 8 to the Act to provide for savings and
transitional provisions consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act.

Schedule 2             Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004
Schedule 2 [1] amends clause 3 of the Regulation to enable a person to be included
in more than one jury district and, as a result, on more than one jury roll.
Schedule 2 [2] and [3] substitute clause 5 and Schedule 1 to the Regulation to revise
the allowances payable to persons who are required to attend for jury service. The
attendance allowance is the same for all persons for the first 10 days of attendance
and then is increased from day 11 onwards for persons who are employed.

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                                                       First print

                            New South Wales

Jury Amendment Bill 2010


              1    Name of Act                                  2
              2    Commencement                                 2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18             3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004           22

                            New South Wales

Jury Amendment Bill 2010
No     , 2010

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Jury Act 1977 in relation to the eligibility and selection of
jurors; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Jury Amendment Bill 2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Jury Amendment Act 2010.                               3

 2    Commencement                                                                4

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1              Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                       1

[1]   Part 2                                                                                   2

      Omit the Part. Insert instead:                                                           3

      Part 2         Qualifications and liability for jury service                             4

        5      Persons qualified and liable to serve as jurors                                 5

                     Subject to this Act, every person who is enrolled as an elector for       6
                     the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales pursuant to the               7
                     Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 is qualified             8
                     and liable to serve as a juror.                                           9

        6      Persons excluded from jury service                                             10

                     A person is not qualified or liable to serve as a juror during any       11
                     period that the person is excluded from jury service by                  12
                     Schedule 1.                                                              13

        7      Persons entitled to be exempted from serving as jurors                         14

                     A person referred to in Schedule 2 is entitled as of right to be         15
                     exempted from serving as a juror if that person claims exemption         16
                     in accordance with this Act.                                             17
                     Note. Section 14 deals with the making of claims for exemptions under    18
                     Schedule 2 and provides for the granting of other exemptions from jury   19
                     service.                                                                 20

        8      Amendment of Schedule 1 or 2                                                   21

                     The regulations may amend Schedule 1 or 2 by adding any matter           22
                     to, deleting any matter from or altering any matter in the               23
                     Schedule.                                                                24

[2]   Section 12 Random selection of prospective jurors                                       25

      Omit section 12 (3). Insert instead:                                                    26

               (3)   The estimate is to allow for persons who are excluded from jury          27
                     service and for persons who will duly claim exemption from jury          28
                     service.                                                                 29

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                Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1          Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

[3]   Sections 13-15                                                                           1
      Omit the sections. Insert instead:                                                       2

         13   Persons included on supplementary jury roll to be notified                       3

              (1)      The sheriff must send to each person whose name is included on          4
                       a supplementary jury roll for a district, and who does not appear       5
                       to the sheriff to be excluded or exempt from jury service, a notice:    6
                        (a) informing the person that it is proposed to include the            7
                               person on the jury roll, and                                    8
                       (b) describing the classes of persons who are excluded from             9
                               jury service by Schedule 1 and who are entitled as of right    10
                               to be exempted from jury service under Schedule 2, and         11
                        (c) informing the person that a claim for permanent exemption         12
                               may be made on the grounds referred to in section 14 (2)       13
                               or a claim for exemption on showing good cause may be          14
                               made under section 14 (3), and                                 15
                       (d) containing a questionnaire that is required to be completed        16
                               by the person if:                                              17
                                (i) the person is excluded from jury service or claims        18
                                      exemption from jury service, or                         19
                               (ii) the particulars of the person appearing on the            20
                                      questionnaire have changed, or                          21
                              (iii) the person is otherwise required by the sheriff in the    22
                                      notice to complete the questionnaire, and               23
                        (e) requiring the person, if required to complete the                 24
                               questionnaire, to complete it and return it to the sheriff,    25
                               within the time specified in the notice.                       26

              (2)      Without limiting the matters that may be included in any such          27
                       questionnaire, it may include questions as to whether the person       28
                       has a physical disability that would require some form of              29
                       assistance or aid to be rendered to the person to enable the person    30
                       to discharge the duties of a juror.                                    31

         14   Claims for exclusion or exemption from jury service made to                     32
              sheriff                                                                         33

              (1)      A person may claim to be excluded from jury service by                 34
                       Schedule 1 or exempted from jury service as of right under             35
                       Schedule 2.                                                            36

              (2)      A person may request the sheriff to exempt him or her                  37
                       permanently from jury service because the person suffers from a        38
                       permanent mental or physical impairment that results in jury           39

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                           Schedule 1

                   service being incompatible with the person's good health or that           1
                   otherwise renders the person unable to perform jury service.               2

             (3)   A person may request the sheriff to exempt him or her from jury            3
                   service for the whole or part of any period during which the               4
                   person may be summoned for jury service by showing good                    5
                   cause for the exemption.                                                   6
                   Note. Section 14A generally defines what constitutes good cause for the    7
                   purposes of an exemption.                                                  8

             (4)   The sheriff may exempt a person from jury service whether or not           9
                   on the request of the person if the sheriff is of the opinion that        10
                   there is good cause for the exemption.                                    11

             (5)   A claim or request to be excluded or exempted from jury service           12
                   may be made:                                                              13
                   (a) in response to a notice sent to the person under section 13,          14
                         or                                                                  15
                   (b) by application made in writing to the sheriff and in a form           16
                         approved by the sheriff.                                            17

             (6)   A person who has been summoned to attend at a trial or coronial           18
                   inquest may not be excluded or exempted from jury service under           19
                   this section after the commencement of the trial or inquest.              20
                   Note. Section 38 enables a person summoned to attend at a court or        21
                   coronial inquest to be excused from attending by the court or coroner     22
                   concerned.                                                                23

             (7)   If a person claims or requests to be excluded or exempted from            24
                   jury service in accordance with this section and the sheriff              25
                   determines that the person is not excluded or exempted, the               26
                   sheriff must notify the person in writing of the sheriff's                27
                   determination and of the person's right to appeal to the Local            28
                   Court against the determination.                                          29

     14A    What constitutes good cause for the purposes of an exemption                     30
            from jury service                                                                31

                   For the purposes of this Act, a person has good cause to be               32
                   exempted or excused from jury service if:                                 33
                   (a) jury service would cause undue hardship or serious                    34
                         inconvenience to the person, the person's family or the             35
                         public, or                                                          36
                   (b) some disability associated with that person would render              37
                         him or her, without reasonable accommodation, unsuitable            38
                         for or incapable of effectively serving as a juror, or              39

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                Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1         Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

                      (c)   a conflict of interest or some other knowledge,                    1
                            acquaintance or friendship exists that may result in the           2
                            perception of a lack of impartiality in the juror, or              3
                      (d)   there is some other reason that would affect the person's          4
                            ability to perform the functions of a juror.                       5

     14B     Deferral of jury service                                                          6

             (1)      A person who is required by summons to attend for jury service           7
                      may apply in writing to the sheriff for deferral of jury service to      8
                      a later time within the period during which the person may be            9
                      summoned to attend for jury service.                                    10

             (2)      On receiving the application, the sheriff may defer the person's        11
                      jury service to a later time within that period.                        12

             (3)      If the sheriff decides to refuse the application, the sheriff must      13
                      inform the applicant in writing of the decision.                        14

             (4)      The sheriff may not defer the jury service of a person who has          15
                      been summoned to attend at a trial or coronial inquest if the trial     16
                      or inquest has commenced.                                               17

     14C     Sheriff may require information and verification of information                  18

             (1)      The sheriff may require a person who claims or requests to be           19
                      excluded or exempted from jury service, or applies for deferral of      20
                      jury service, to provide evidence to the satisfaction of the sheriff    21
                      to support the claim, request or application.                           22

             (2)      The sheriff may require any of the following information to be          23
                      verified by statutory declaration:                                      24
                      (a) information given in a questionnaire under section 13,              25
                      (b) information provided to the sheriff for the purpose of              26
                             determining whether or not a person is excluded or is to be      27
                             exempted from jury service,                                      28
                      (c) information provided to the sheriff for the purpose of              29
                             determining whether or not a person's jury service should        30
                             be deferred.                                                     31

             (3)      Proceedings may be taken for an offence against this Act or the         32
                      Oaths Act 1900 for providing false or misleading information to         33
                      the sheriff that is required to be verified by statutory declaration.   34
                      However, a person is not liable to be convicted of an offence           35
                      under both Acts in relation to the provision of the same                36
                      information.                                                            37

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                          Schedule 1

     14D    Sheriff to amend supplementary jury roll and jury roll to delete                1
            persons excluded or exempt from jury service                                    2

                   The sheriff is to amend a supplementary jury roll or jury roll:          3
                   (a) by deleting the name and particulars of a person if:                 4
                          (i) the sheriff determines that the person is excluded            5
                                 from jury service, or                                      6
                         (ii) the person has claimed exemption in accordance                7
                                 with this Act and has been exempted from jury              8
                                 service for the whole of the period during which the       9
                                 person may otherwise be summoned to attend for            10
                                 jury service, or                                          11
                        (iii) the person is dead or no longer resides in the jury          12
                                 district to which the roll relates, or                    13
                   (b) to indicate that a person on the roll has been exempted             14
                         from jury service for part of the period during which the         15
                         person may be summoned to attend for jury service, or             16
                   (c) to indicate that the jury service of a person on the roll has       17
                         been deferred to a specified date in the period during which      18
                         the person may be summoned to attend for jury service, or         19
                   (d) to correct the particulars relating to any person on the roll.      20

       15   Appeal against being included on jury roll or being summoned                   21
            from supplementary jury roll                                                   22

             (1)   A person aggrieved by a determination of the sheriff notified to        23
                   the person under section 14 may appeal to the Local Court by            24
                   lodging a notice of appeal with the registrar of that court within      25
                   21 days after being so notified.                                        26

             (2)   However, if the person is summoned to attend for jury service on        27
                   a day occurring before those 21 days have expired and before the        28
                   notice of appeal is lodged, the appeal is instead to be made (as        29
                   specified in a notice attached to the summons):                         30
                   (a) to the judge or coroner having the conduct of the trial or          31
                          coronial inquest concerned, or                                   32
                   (b) to such other judge or coroner, or to such associate Judge,         33
                          magistrate or registrar of a court, as may be specified in the   34
                          notice.                                                          35

             (3)   The court or person to whom an appeal is made under this section        36
                   must hear and determine the appeal.                                     37

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               Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1         Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

             (4)      The court or person to whom the appeal is made must allow the              1
                      appeal and order the sheriff to amend the jury roll or                     2
                      supplementary jury roll appropriately if satisfied that the                3
                      appellant:                                                                 4
                      (a) is excluded from jury service, or                                      5
                      (b) is entitled as of right to be exempted from jury service               6
                            under Schedule 2 and has duly claimed exemption, or                  7
                      (c) should be exempted from jury service on a ground referred              8
                            to in section 14 (2) or (3).                                         9

             (5)      If the court or person to whom the appeal is made is satisfied that       10
                      the appellant, having been summoned for jury service, has good            11
                      cause to be excused from attending at the relevant court or               12
                      inquest, the court or person must excuse the appellant from               13
                      attendance.                                                               14

             (6)      In any case not covered by subsection (4) or (5), the court or            15
                      person to whom the appeal is made must disallow the appeal.               16

             (7)      A decision under this section is final and conclusive and is to be        17
                      given effect by the sheriff.                                              18

             (8)      A person who has lodged an appeal under this section that has not         19
                      been heard and determined is taken, for the purposes of                   20
                      section 38, to have good cause to be excused from attending at a          21
                      court or coronial inquest in accordance with a summons.                   22

[4]   Section 15A Periodic updating of jury roll                                                23

      Omit "section 14" from section 15A (1). Insert instead "section 14D".                     24

[5]   Section 37 Certain persons and jurors not required to disclose identity                   25

      Omit "section 38 (1) (b)" from section 37 (1). Insert instead "section 38 (1)".           26

[6]   Sections 18 and 18A                                                                       27

      Omit the sections.                                                                        28

[7]   Section 38 Person summoned for jury service may be excused at trial or                    29
      inquest                                                                                   30

      Omit section 38 (1)-(6). Insert instead:                                                  31

             (1)      A court or coroner conducting a trial or a coronial inquest may           32
                      excuse a person for good cause from attending in pursuance of a           33
                      summons at any time on or after the day on which the person's             34
                      attendance is required.                                                   35
                      Note. Section 14A generally defines what constitutes good cause for the   36
                      purposes of excusing a person from jury service.                          37

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                       Schedule 1

             (2)    A person may be excused under subsection (1):                        1
                    (a) on the person's request or on the court's or coroner's own       2
                          motion, and                                                    3
                    (b) even if the sheriff has previously determined not to excuse      4
                          the person for that cause.                                     5

             (3)    A person who makes a request to be excused under subsection (1)      6
                    may make the request in writing to the court or coroner if the       7
                    circumstances of the request relate to the person's health or may    8
                    cause embarrassment or distress if made public.                      9

             (4)    A person may be excused under subsection (1) for the whole or       10
                    any part of the time that the person's attendance is required.      11

             (5)    A court or coroner may require a person to make any request to      12
                    be excused under subsection (1) on oath unless the request is       13
                    made in writing in accordance with subsection (3).                  14

             (6)    If a person is excused under subsection (1) or by the sheriff in    15
                    accordance with section 14 after the issue of the relevant          16
                    summons, the panel and the card relating to that person are to be   17
                    clearly marked accordingly and the card kept apart from the cards   18
                    relating to other persons on that panel.                            19

 [8]   Section 48 Balloting for jury in criminal proceedings                            20

       Omit "appear" where secondly occurring in section 48 (2) (b).                    21

 [9]   Section 53A Mandatory discharge of individual juror                              22

       Omit section 53A (1). Insert instead:                                            23

             (1)    The court or coroner must discharge a juror if, in the course of    24
                    any trial or coronial inquest:                                      25
                    (a) it is found that the juror was mistakenly or irregularly        26
                           empanelled, whether because the juror was excluded from      27
                           jury service or was otherwise not returned and selected in   28
                           accordance with this Act, or                                 29
                    (b) the juror has become excluded from jury service, or             30
                    (c) the juror has engaged in misconduct in relation to the trial    31
                           or coronial inquest.                                         32

[10]   Section 53B Discretionary discharge of individual juror                          33

       Omit section 53B (a) and the note to that paragraph. Insert instead:             34
                    (a) the juror (though able to discharge the duties of a juror)      35
                         has, in the judge's or coroner's opinion, become so ill,       36
                         infirm or incapacitated as to be likely to become unable to    37

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                 Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1          Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

                             serve as a juror before the jury delivers their verdict or has    1
                             become so ill as to be a health risk to other jurors or           2
                             persons present at the trial or coronial inquest, or              3

[11]   Section 62                                                                              4

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                       5

        62   Supply of false or misleading information to sheriff                              6

              (1)      A person must not provide any information or produce any                7
                       document to the sheriff that the person knows to be false or            8
                       misleading in a material respect:                                       9
                       (a) when claiming to be excluded from jury service under               10
                             Schedule 1 or to be entitled as of right to be exempted from     11
                             jury service under Schedule 2, or                                12
                       (b) when requesting an exemption from jury service under               13
                             section 14, or                                                   14
                       (c) when applying for deferral of jury service under                   15
                             section 14B, or                                                  16
                       (d) when claiming otherwise that the person is not or will not         17
                             be available for jury service, or                                18
                       (e) in connection with a claim for payment under section 72.           19

              (2)      A person must not cause or permit any representation the person        20
                       knows to be false or misleading in a material respect to be made       21
                       to the sheriff on the person's behalf, or on behalf of another         22
                       person, for the purpose of evading jury service.                       23
                       Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                     24

[12]   Section 62A                                                                            25

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                      26

       62A   Failure to inform sheriff of exclusion from jury service                         27

                       A person summoned to attend at a court or coronial inquest who         28
                       knows that he or she is excluded from jury service must, before        29
                       the day on which the person's attendance is required, inform the       30
                       sheriff of that fact and the reason why the person is excluded from    31
                       jury service.                                                          32
                       Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.                                     33

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Jury Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                       Schedule 1

[13]   Section 69 Unlawful dismissal of or prejudice to employees summoned              1
       for jury service                                                                 2

       Omit "Penalty: 20 penalty units." wherever occurring in section 69 (1), (5)      3
       and (7).                                                                         4

[14]   Section 69 (10)                                                                  5

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                             6

             (10)   In this section:                                                    7
                    employee means:                                                     8
                     (a) a full-time employee, or                                       9
                    (b) an employee who, as a regular casual employee (or partly       10
                           as a regular casual employee and partly as a full-time or   11
                           part-time employee), has worked with the employer for at    12
                           least 12 months on an unbroken, regular and systematic      13
                           basis (including any period of authorised leave or          14
                           absence).                                                   15
                    employer includes a person acting on behalf of the employer.       16

[15]   Section 69                                                                      17

       Insert at the end of the section:                                               18
                     Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units (in the case of a              19
                     corporation) or 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months,   20
                     or both (in the case of an individual).                           21

[16]   Section 69A                                                                     22

       Insert after section 69:                                                        23

       69A   Other offences relating to employment conditions of jurors                24

              (1)   An employer must not require an employee to use any leave to       25
                    which the employee is entitled for the purpose of complying with   26
                    a summons to serve as a juror.                                     27

              (2)   Subsection (1) does not prevent an employee from requesting to     28
                    use any leave to which he or she is entitled for the purpose of    29
                    complying with a summons to serve as a juror, or an employer       30
                    from granting any such request.                                    31

              (3)   An employer must not require an employee:                          32
                    (a) to carry out any work on any day on which the employee         33
                         is serving as a juror, or                                     34

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Schedule 1          Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

                       (b)   to undertake any additional hours of work to compensate          1
                             for work time lost by the employee while serving as a            2
                             juror.                                                           3

              (4)      Subsection (3) does not prevent an employer from requiring an          4
                       employee who is empanelled as a juror to carry out work during         5
                       normal working hours on any day if the jury of which the               6
                       employee is a member is not required to attend at the relevant         7
                       court or coronial inquest on that day.                                 8

              (5)      In this section:                                                       9
                       employee means:                                                       10
                        (a) a full-time employee, or                                         11
                       (b) an employee who, as a regular casual employee (or partly          12
                              as a regular casual employee and partly as a full-time or      13
                              part-time employee), has worked with the employer for at       14
                              least 12 months on an unbroken, regular and systematic         15
                              basis (including any period of authorised leave or             16
                              absence).                                                      17
                       employer includes a person acting on behalf of the employer.          18
                       normal working hours means the period between 9 am and 6 pm           19
                       on any day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.          20
                       Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                    21

[17]   Section 72 Payment for jury service                                                   22

       Omit section 72 (1) and (1A). Insert instead:                                         23

              (1)      Subject to the regulations, a person is entitled to be paid an        24
                       amount determined in accordance with the regulations for              25
                       attendance for jury service at a court or coronial inquest.           26

             (1A)      However, a person is not so entitled if the person attends for jury   27
                       service in accordance with the summons and then successfully          28
                       applies to be excused from attending further for jury service.        29

[18]   Section 73 Verdict not invalidated in certain cases                                   30

       Omit "disqualified from serving, or was ineligible to serve, as a juror" from         31
       section 73 (1) (a).                                                                   32

       Insert instead "excluded from jury service".                                          33

[19]   Section 73 (1) (a1)                                                                   34

       Omit "disqualified from serving or ineligible to serve as a juror".                   35

       Insert instead "excluded from jury service".                                          36

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Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                        Schedule 1

[20]   Section 75A Information to be supplied to sheriff                                   1
       Insert after section 75A (2):                                                       2

             (2A)   For the purpose of determining whether a person proposed to be         3
                    summoned for jury service should be excluded from jury service,        4
                    the sheriff may request the Commissioner of Police to provide          5
                    information relating to the criminal record of the person.             6

             (2B)   For the purpose of checking the relevant details of a person           7
                    proposed to be summoned for jury service, the sheriff may              8
                    request the Chief Executive of the Roads and Traffic Authority to      9
                    provide information relating to the person.                           10

             (2C)   The Commissioner of Police or the Chief Executive of the Roads        11
                    and Traffic Authority is required and permitted to comply with a      12
                    request made by the sheriff under this section.                       13

[21]   Section 75C Juror may report misconduct and other irregularities                   14

       Omit paragraph (b) of the definition of irregularity in section 75C (4).           15

       Insert instead:                                                                    16
                     (b)   a juror becoming excluded from jury service,                   17

[22]   Schedules 1 and 2                                                                  18

       Omit the Schedules. Insert instead:                                                19

       Schedule 1             Persons excluded from jury service                          20

                                                                            (Section 6)   21

         1    Persons having committed certain serious offences excluded from             22
              jury service for life                                                       23

              (1)   A person is excluded from jury service for life if the person has     24
                    been found guilty or convicted of any of the following offences       25
                    (wherever committed):                                                 26
                     (a) an offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would          27
                          be punishable with a maximum penalty of life                    28
                          imprisonment,                                                   29
                    (b) an offence that involves a terrorist act within the meaning       30
                          of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002,                      31
                     (c) an offence under Part 7 (Public justice offences) of the         32
                          Crimes Act 1900,                                                33
                    (d) a sexual offence within the meaning of section 7 of the           34
                          Criminal Records Act 1991.                                      35

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              (2)      Despite subclause (1), the exclusion referred to in that subclause    1
                       ceases to apply if:                                                   2
                       (a) the relevant finding of guilt has been quashed or annulled        3
                             or a pardon has been granted in respect of the finding of       4
                             guilt, or                                                       5
                       (b) the relevant conviction has been quashed or annulled or a         6
                             pardon has been granted in respect of the conviction.           7

          2   Persons serving or having served sentence of imprisonment                      8

              (1)      This clause does not apply to an offence referred to in clause 1.     9

              (2)      A person is excluded from jury service while serving a sentence      10
                       of imprisonment (in New South Wales or elsewhere) for an             11
                       offence committed when the person was of or above the age of         12
                       18 years.                                                            13

              (3)      A person is excluded from jury service:                              14
                       (a) for 7 years after serving such a sentence or sentences of        15
                             imprisonment of less than 3 consecutive months, or             16
                       (b) for 10 years after serving such a sentence or sentences of       17
                             imprisonment of 3 consecutive months or more.                  18

              (4)      Subclause (3) does not apply to:                                     19
                       (a) a sentence of imprisonment that has been quashed or              20
                             converted to a non-custodial sentence on appeal, or            21
                       (b) a sentence of imprisonment in respect of a conviction that       22
                             has been quashed or annulled or for which a pardon has         23
                             been granted, or                                               24
                       (c) a sentence of imprisonment for failure to pay a fine.            25

              (5)      In this clause, sentence of imprisonment includes the following:     26
                        (a) a sentence of imprisonment the subject of a periodic            27
                              detention order or home detention order under the Crimes      28
                              (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999,                              29
                       (b) a suspended sentence of imprisonment,                            30
                        (c) compulsory drug treatment detention within the meaning          31
                              of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999,         32
                       (d) a sentence of imprisonment, a suspended sentence or              33
                              detention of a similar nature to those referred to in         34
                              paragraphs (a)-(c) served in another jurisdiction.            35

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Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                          Schedule 1

             (6)   In this clause, a reference to serving a sentence of imprisonment        1
                   includes a reference to:                                                 2
                    (a) being subject to a suspended sentence of imprisonment, or           3
                   (b) being on probation or parole after serving part of a                 4
                          sentence of imprisonment.                                         5

        3   Persons serving or having served period of detention                            6

             (1)   This clause does not apply to an offence referred to in clause 1.        7

             (2)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in              8
                   which the person is detained in a detention centre or other              9
                   institution for juvenile offenders, or in a correctional centre, as a   10
                   result of being found guilty of an offence committed when the           11
                   person was under the age of 18 years.                                   12

             (3)   A person who has been found guilty of an offence committed              13
                   when the person was under the age of 18 years and as a result has       14
                   been detained in a detention centre or other institution for            15
                   juvenile offenders, or in a correctional centre, is excluded from       16
                   jury service for 3 years after the expiry of the period of detention.   17

             (4)   Subclause (3) does not apply to:                                        18
                   (a) any period of detention converted to a non-custodial                19
                         penalty on appeal or where the relevant order made on the         20
                         finding of guilt has been quashed, or                             21
                   (b) a period of detention in respect of a finding of guilt that has     22
                         been quashed or annulled or for which a pardon has been           23
                         granted, or                                                       24
                   (c) a period of detention for failure to pay a fine.                    25

             (5)   In this clause, a reference to being detained in a detention centre     26
                   or other institution for juvenile offenders includes a reference to:    27
                    (a) being subject to an order for such detention where the             28
                          operation of the order is suspended, or                          29
                   (b) being on probation or parole after serving part of a period         30
                          of detention.                                                    31

        4   Persons subject to certain orders and disqualifications or in                  32
            custody                                                                        33

             (1)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in             34
                   which the person is bound by an order made in New South Wales           35
                   or elsewhere pursuant to or consequent on a criminal charge or          36

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

                   conviction including the following orders so made, but not           1
                   including an order for compensation:                                 2
                    (a) an apprehended violence order within the meaning of the         3
                         Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007,              4
                   (b) a community service order or an order under section 9, 10        5
                         or 11 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999,           6
                    (c) an extended supervision order, a continuing detention           7
                         order or an interim detention order under the Crimes           8
                         (Serious Sex Offenders) Act 2006,                              9
                   (d) a non-association order or place restriction order within the   10
                         meaning of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999,        11
                    (e) a prohibition order or contact prohibition order within the    12
                         meaning of the Child Protection (Offenders Prohibition        13
                         Orders) Act 2004,                                             14
                    (f) an order under section 7A of the Drug Court Act 1998,          15
                   (g) an intervention program order within the meaning of the         16
                         Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999.                       17

             (2)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in         18
                   which the person is:                                                19
                   (a) a person in custody within the meaning of section 249 of        20
                         the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999, or         21
                   (b) awaiting trial or sentence for an offence or the                22
                         determination of appeal proceedings in relation to an         23
                         offence for which the person has been found guilty or         24
                         convicted, or                                                 25
                   (c) subject to a preventative detention order within the            26
                         meaning of Part 2A of the Terrorism (Police Powers)           27
                         Act 2002 or a control order or interim control order under    28
                         Division 104 of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth,        29
                         or                                                            30
                   (d) a registrable person within the meaning of the Child            31
                         Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000, or              32
                   (e) bound by an undertaking to participate in the Program           33
                         under the Pre-Trial Diversion of Offenders Act 1985, or       34
                    (f) subject to a limiting term under the Mental Health             35
                         (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990, or                            36
                   (g) detained in a hospital or other place under Division 6 of       37
                         Part IB of the Crimes Act 1914 of the Commonwealth.           38

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Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                       Schedule 1

             (3)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period of           1
                   12 months or more in which the person is disqualified from            2
                   holding a driver licence.                                             3

        5   Persons holding particular office                                            4

             (1)   A person holding any of the following offices is excluded from        5
                   jury service:                                                         6
                    (a) the Governor,                                                    7
                   (b) a judicial officer (within the meaning of the Judicial            8
                          Officers Act 1986),                                            9
                    (c) a coroner,                                                      10
                   (d) a member of the Executive Council,                               11
                    (e) a member of the Legislative Council or Legislative              12
                          Assembly,                                                     13
                    (f) the Ombudsman, a Deputy Ombudsman or an Assistant               14
                          Ombudsman,                                                    15
                   (g) a Crown Prosecutor,                                              16
                   (h) the Senior Public Defender, a Deputy Senior Public               17
                          Defender or a Public Defender,                                18
                     (i) the Director of Public Prosecutions, a Deputy Director of      19
                          Public Prosecutions or the Solicitor for Public               20
                          Prosecutions,                                                 21
                     (j) the Solicitor General,                                         22
                   (k) the Crown Advocate,                                              23
                     (l) the Crown Solicitor.                                           24

             (2)   A person who held an office referred to in subclause (1) is also     25
                   excluded from jury service for the period of 3 years after ceasing   26
                   to hold that office.                                                 27

        6   Persons employed or engaged in certain occupations in the public            28
            sector                                                                      29

             (1)   A person who is an Australian lawyer or paralegal is excluded        30
                   from jury service during any period in which he or she is            31
                   employed or engaged in the public sector in the provision of legal   32
                   services in criminal cases.                                          33

             (2)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in          34
                   which the person is employed or engaged as a member of staff in      35

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Schedule 1      Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

                    any of the following bodies, except if the person is employed or        1
                    engaged as clerical, administrative or support staff:                   2
                    (a) the Office of the Ombudsman,                                        3
                    (b) the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions,                  4
                    (c) the Crown Solicitor's Office.                                       5

              (3)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in             6
                    which he or she is employed or engaged in law enforcement or            7
                    criminal investigation in any of the following bodies, except if        8
                    the person is employed or engaged on a casual or voluntary basis        9
                    or as clerical, administrative or support staff:                       10
                     (a) the NSW Police Force,                                             11
                    (b) the Australian Federal Police,                                     12
                     (c) the NSW Crime Commission,                                         13
                    (d) the Australian Crime Commission,                                   14
                     (e) the Police Integrity Commission,                                  15
                     (f) the Independent Commission Against Corruption.                    16

              (4)   A person who was employed or engaged as referred to in                 17
                    subclause (1), (2) or (3) is also excluded from jury service for the   18
                    period of 3 years after ceasing to be so employed or engaged.          19

          7   Persons having access to information about inmates and other                 20
              detainees                                                                    21

              (1)   A person is excluded from jury service during any period in            22
                    which he or she holds the position of a member, officer or             23
                    employee of any of the following bodies but only if, as a result of    24
                    holding that position, the person has direct access to inmates or      25
                    information about inmates:                                             26
                     (a) Department of Justice and Attorney General,                       27
                    (b) Department of Human Services,                                      28
                     (c) State Parole Authority,                                           29
                    (d) the Serious Offenders Review Council,                              30
                     (e) the Probation and Parole Service,                                 31
                     (f) Justice Health,                                                   32
                    (g) the Mental Health Review Tribunal.                                 33

              (2)   A person who held a position referred to in subclause (1) is also      34
                    excluded from jury service for the period of 3 years after ceasing     35
                    to hold that position.                                                 36

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Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                          Schedule 1

              (3)   In this clause, inmate has the same meaning as in the Crimes            1
                    (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 and includes a person on         2
                    remand and a person subject to control within the meaning of the        3
                    Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987.                                  4

         8   Undischarged bankrupts                                                         5

                    A person is excluded from jury service for any period during            6
                    which he or she is an undischarged bankrupt.                            7
       Note. Other persons are ineligible for jury service because of the Jury Exemption    8
       Act 1965 of the Commonwealth.                                                        9

[23]   Schedule 3                                                                          10

       Omit the Schedule. Insert instead:                                                  11

       Schedule 2             Persons who have a right to claim                            12
                              exemption                                                    13

                                                                             (Section 7)   14

         1          Clergy.                                                                15

         2          Vowed members of any religious order.                                  16

         3          Persons practising as dentists.                                        17

         4          Persons practising as pharmacists.                                     18

         5          Persons practising as medical practitioners.                           19

         6          A person employed or engaged (except on a casual or voluntary          20
                    basis) in the provision of fire, ambulance, rescue, or other           21
                    emergency services, whether or not in the public sector.               22

         7          A person who:                                                          23
                    (a) within the 3 years that end on the date of the person's claim      24
                          for exemption, attended court in accordance with a               25
                          summons and served as a juror, or                                26
                    (b) within the 12 months that end on the date of the person's          27
                          claim for exemption, attended court in accordance with a         28
                          summons and who was prepared to, but did not, serve as a         29
                          juror.                                                           30

         8          A person who is entitled to be exempted under section 39 on            31
                    account of previous lengthy jury service.                              32

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Schedule 1          Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18

[24]   Schedule 8 Transitional and savings provisions                                        1
       Insert at the end of clause 1A (1):                                                   2
                     Jury Amendment Act 2010                                                 3

[25]   Schedule 8, Part 12                                                                   4

       Insert after Part 11:                                                                 5

       Part 12 Transitional and savings provisions                                           6
               consequent on enactment of Jury                                               7
               Amendment Act 2010                                                            8

       21    Application of amendments                                                       9

              (1)      In this clause, amending Act means the Jury Amendment                10
                       Act 2010.                                                            11

              (2)      Subject to the regulations, an amendment made to a provision of      12
                       this Act by the amending Act:                                        13
                        (a) does not affect any juror empanelled before the                 14
                             commencement of the amendment or give rise to a right to       15
                             challenge any such juror, and                                  16
                       (b) does not require any notice sent under section 13 before the     17
                             commencement of the amendment to be sent again, and            18
                        (c) does not prevent a person to whom such a notice was sent        19
                             from claiming to be excluded from jury service under           20
                             Schedule 1 as in force after the commencement of the           21
                             amendment, and                                                 22
                       (d) does not prevent a person to whom such a notice was sent         23
                             from claiming an exemption as of right under Schedule 3        24
                             as in force before the commencement of the amendment or        25
                             from claiming or requesting an exemption under this Act        26
                             as in force after that commencement, and                       27
                        (e) does not prevent a person to whom such a notice was sent        28
                             from applying for deferral of jury service under               29
                             section 14B as inserted by the amending Act, and               30
                        (f) does not affect the validity of any jury roll certified under   31
                             section 16 before the commencement of the amendment,           32
                             and                                                            33
                       (g) does not affect the validity of any supplementary jury roll      34
                             prepared before the commencement of the amendment.             35

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Amendment of Jury Act 1977 No 18                                     Schedule 1

             (3)   Without limiting clause 1A, regulations of a savings or           1
                   transitional nature may be made for or with respect to the        2
                   application of any provision of this Act that is amended by the   3
                   amending Act.                                                     4

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Schedule 2       Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004

Schedule 2             Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004                                           1

[1]   Clause 3 Jury districts                                                                      2

      Omit clause 3 (1) (a). Insert instead:                                                       3
                   (a) the address of each person whose name appears on an                         4
                         electoral roll is included in at least one jury district, and             5

[2]   Clause 5                                                                                     6

      Omit the clause. Insert instead:                                                             7

          5   Payment for jury service                                                             8

              (1)   For the purposes of section 72 of the Act, if a person is entitled to          9
                    be paid for attendance for jury service at a court or coronial                10
                    inquest, the amount to be paid is to be calculated in accordance              11
                    with this clause.                                                             12

              (2)   The amount is to be calculated as the sum of the following:                   13
                    (a) an attendance allowance calculated in accordance with the                 14
                         Table in Part 1 of Schedule 1,                                           15
                    (b) the travelling allowance calculated in accordance with                    16
                         Part 2 of Schedule 1,                                                    17
                    (c) the refreshment allowance calculated in accordance with                   18
                         Part 3 of Schedule 1.                                                    19

              (3)   A person who is employed at the time the person is in attendance              20
                    for jury service is entitled to an attendance allowance only if:              21
                     (a) the person's full wage, salary or income is reduced during               22
                           that time as a result of the jury service and then only to the         23
                           extent of the reduction, or                                            24
                    (b) the person is not paid any of the wage, salary or income                  25
                           that the person would normally be entitled to during that              26
                           time, or                                                               27
                     (c) the person is required to reimburse his or her employer the              28
                           amount of the jury allowance.                                          29

              (4)   The sheriff may require a person who claims or intends to claim               30
                    a jury allowance to supply such information as the sheriff                    31
                    considers necessary to determine the amount of jury allowance,                32
                    if any, to which the person is entitled.                                      33
                    Note. Section 62 of the Act makes it an offence to supply false or            34
                    misleading information to the sheriff in connection with a claim for a jury   35
                    allowance.                                                                    36

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Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004                                     Schedule 2

             (5)   In this clause and Schedule 1, a reference to a person who is       1
                   employed includes a reference to:                                   2
                    (a) a person who is a full-time, part-time or casual employee,     3
                          and                                                          4
                   (b) a person who is an independent contractor or a                  5
                          self-employed person.                                        6

[3]   Schedule 1                                                                       7

      Omit the Schedule. Insert instead:                                               8

      Schedule 1              Jury service allowances                                  9

                                                                         (Clause 5)   10

      Part 1       Attendance allowance                                               11

      Column 1                       Column 2              Column 3
      Period of attendance           Daily allowance for   Daily allowance for
                                     person who is not     person who is
                                     employed              employed
      Attendance for less than       Nil                   Nil
      4 hours on day 1 if person not
      selected for jury service
      Attendance for less than 4     $50                   $50
      hours on day 1 if person
      selected for jury service
      Attendance for 4 hours or      $100                  $100
      more on day 1 (whether or
      not person selected for jury
      Attendance for days 2-10       $100                  $100
      Attendance for day 11 and      $100                  $225

      Part 2       Travelling allowance                                               12

      On each day that a person is in attendance for jury service, the person is      13
      entitled to be paid as follows for one journey each way between the place of    14

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Schedule 2      Amendment of Jury Regulation 2004

      residence of that person, as shown on the jury roll, and the court or coronial      1
      inquest attended:                                                                   2
       (a) for a journey of not more than 14 kilometres--$4.30 each way,                  3
      (b) for a journey of more than 14 kilometres but not more than                      4
            100 kilometres--30.70 cents per kilometre each way,                           5
       (c) for a journey of 100 kilometres or more--$30.70 each way.                      6

      Part 3       Refreshment allowance                                                  7

      If a person serving as a juror is released by the judge or coroner during a         8
      luncheon adjournment, the juror is entitled to be paid a refreshment allowance      9
      of $6.60, but only if the juror does not accept any refreshment provided free of   10
      charge.                                                                            11

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