New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

James Hardie Former Subsidiaries
(Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009


           1   Name of Act                                          2
           2   Commencement                                         2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries
               (Winding up and Administration) Act 2005 No 105      3
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                     , 2009

                             New South Wales

James Hardie Former Subsidiaries
(Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009
Act No      , 2009

An Act to amend the James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
Administration) Act 2005 to make further provision with respect to the funding of
claims against certain former subsidiaries of the James Hardie corporate group.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
              James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Clause 1      Amendment Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
           This Act is the James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
           Administration) Amendment Act 2009.
 2    Commencement
           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.

Page 2
James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and             Schedule 1
Administration) Act 2005 No 105

Schedule 1             Amendment of James Hardie Former
                       Subsidiaries (Winding up and
                       Administration) Act 2005 No 105
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    authorised loan facility means a loan facility provided under a
                    relevant loan facility agreement.
                    loan repayment, in relation to an authorised loan facility, means:
                     (a) the repayment of any part of the principal payable under
                          the facility, or
                    (b) the payment of any interest (whether or not the interest is
                          capitalised) payable under the facility, or
                     (c) the payment of any other amounts that are payable under,
                          or in connection with, the facility.
                    loan security expense of a liable entity means any amount that
                    the entity is required to pay under, or in connection with, a
                    relevant loan facility agreement.
                    proceeds of asset realisations of a liable entity includes the
                    proceeds of a relevant insurance contract of the entity within the
                    meaning of section 30.
                    relevant loan facility agreement means any agreement that is
                    authorised by section 30A, as in force from time to time.
                    small claim--see section 4A.
[2]   Section 4 (1), definition of "operating expenses"
      Insert after paragraph (a):
                   (a1) includes any loan security expenses of the entity, and
[3]   Section 4A
      Insert after section 4:
       4A    Meaning of "small claim"
             (1)    For the purposes of this Act, a claim is a small claim if it is a
                    claim for an amount that does not exceed $25,000 or any other
                    amount adjusted in accordance with this section from time to
                    time that is applicable at the time when a claim is payable.
             (2)    If an approved payment scheme under section 35 is or will be in
                    force on 1 July of any year, the Minister is to declare on or before
                    that date, by order published on the NSW legislation website, the

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               James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
               Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
               Administration) Act 2005 No 105

                   amount that is to apply, as from the date specified in the order, for
                   the purposes of subsection (1).
             (3)   The amount declared is to be the amount applicable under
                   subsection (1) (or that amount as last adjusted in accordance with
                   this section) that is adjusted:
                    (a) in the case of the first adjustment that is required to be
                          made following the commencement of this section--by
                          the percentage change in the amount estimated by the
                          Australian Statistician of the average weekly total earnings
                          of full-time adults in Australia over the number of quarters
                          since the commencement of this section that precede the
                          date of the declaration for which those estimates are, at that
                          date, available, or
                   (b) in the case where an adjustment was made for 1 July of the
                          previous year--by the percentage change in the amount
                          estimated by the Australian Statistician of the average
                          weekly total earnings of full-time adults in Australia over
                          the 4 quarters that precede the date of the declaration for
                          which those estimates are, at that date, available, or
                    (c) in the case where the previous adjustment that was
                          required to be made was for 1 July of a year before the
                          previous year--by the percentage change in the amount
                          estimated by the Australian Statistician of the average
                          weekly total earnings of full-time adults in Australia over
                          the number of quarters since the previous adjustment that
                          precede the date of the declaration for which those
                          estimates are, at that date, available.
             (4)   An amount declared for the time being under this section applies
                   to the exclusion of the amount of $25,000 or an amount
                   previously adjusted in accordance with this section.
             (5)   If the Australian Statistician fails or ceases to estimate the
                   amount referred to in subsection (3), the amount declared is to be
                   determined in accordance with the regulations.
             (6)   In adjusting an amount to be declared for the purposes of
                   subsection (1), the amount determined in accordance with
                   subsection (3) is to be rounded to the nearest $500 (with the
                   amounts of $250 and $750 being rounded up).
             (7)   A declaration made or published on the NSW legislation website
                   after 1 July in a year and specifying a date that is before the date
                   it is made or published as the date from which the amount
                   declared by the order is to apply has effect as from that specified

Page 4
James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and              Schedule 1
Administration) Act 2005 No 105

[4]   Section 8 SPF may be treated as charitable trust
      Insert after section 8 (3):
             (4)    Despite anything to the contrary in the SPF trust deed or any
                    legislation of the State or the general law:
                     (a) any money provided to the SPF trustee under an authorised
                           loan facility is taken to have been provided to the SPF
                           trustee for the purpose referred to in subsection (1) (a) (i)
                           and, consequently, to be subject to the trust established by
                           the SPF trust deed, and
                    (b) the making of loan repayments in relation to an authorised
                           loan facility by the SPF trustee from the SPF is taken to be
                           a valid application of the trust fund for the purpose referred
                           to in subsection (1) (a) (i).
[5]   Section 23 Conduct of business during winding up period
      Insert after section 23 (2) (d):
                   (d1) comply with the obligations of the entity under any
                           relevant loan facility agreement (whether or not directed to
                           do so by the SPF trustee), and
                   (d2) without limiting paragraph (d1) or (e), do such of the
                           following as is directed by the SPF trustee from time to
                            (i) give guarantees with respect to obligations of the
                                  SPF trustee in connection with an authorised loan
                                  facility or proposed authorised loan facility,
                           (ii) grant interests in, or other entitlements to, any assets
                                  of the entity (or the proceeds of asset realisations of
                                  the entity) as security for any such guarantees or any
                                  other obligation under a relevant loan facility
                                  agreement or proposed relevant loan facility
                                  agreement, and
[6]   Section 23 (2) (e) (i)
      Omit "or (d)". Insert instead ", (d), (d1) or (d2)".
[7]   Section 24 Directions from SPF trustee
      Omit section 24 (2). Insert instead:
             (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), the SPF trustee may direct a
                    liable entity to do any one or more of the following:
                     (a) enter into arrangements with another or other liable entities
                           for the pooling of funds of the liable entities and for

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                    James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
                    Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
                    Administration) Act 2005 No 105

                              allocation of the pooled funds to payment of payable
                              liabilities of any one or more of those entities,
                       (b)    comply with the entity's obligations under any relevant
                              loan facility agreement,
                       (c)    give guarantees with respect to obligations of the SPF
                              trustee in connection with an authorised loan facility or
                              proposed authorised loan facility,
                       (d)    grant interests in, or other entitlements to, any assets of the
                              entity (or the proceeds of asset realisations of the entity) as
                              security for any such guarantees or any other obligation
                              under a relevant loan facility agreement or proposed
                              relevant loan facility agreement.
 [8]   Section 29 Funds to be paid into special accounts
       Insert "(a)" after "section 24 (2)" in section 29 (6).
 [9]   Section 30 Entitlements to proceeds of contracts of insurance
       Insert after section 30 (6):
             (6A)      Nothing in this section (including any regulations made under
                       this section) operates to prevent or limit the making of loan
                       repayments under an authorised loan facility or the giving of
                       directions by the SPF trustee under section 24 with respect to the
                       facility or a relevant loan facility agreement.
[10]   Part 4, Division 4A
       Insert after Division 4 of Part 4:

       Division 4A            Authorised loan facility
       30A    Agreements concerning provision of loan facility
              (1)      The SPF trustee and each of the liable entities are authorised to
                       enter into one or more agreements with the State (or with both the
                       State and any other persons) for any one or more of the following
                       (a) the provision of funding to the SPF trustee by means of a
                              loan facility,
                       (b) the granting by the SPF trustee of interests in, or other
                              entitlements to, assets (or proceeds of asset realisations) as
                              security for a loan facility provided to the SPF trustee,
                       (c) the giving of guarantees by any liable entity with respect to
                              obligations of the SPF trustee in connection with a loan
                              facility provided to the SPF trustee,

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James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and              Schedule 1
Administration) Act 2005 No 105

                     (d)   the granting by any liable entity of interests in, or other
                           entitlements to, assets (or proceeds of asset realisations) of
                           the entity as security for any such guarantees given by the
                           entity or any other obligation undertaken by the entity.
              (2)   Despite anything to the contrary in the SPF trust deed or any
                    legislation of the State or the general law (and without limiting
                    subsection (1)):
                     (a) the entering into, or the carrying out of, an agreement that
                           is authorised by this section does not:
                            (i) affect the continued existence, or continued validity
                                  as a trust fund, of any compensation fund, or
                           (ii) constitute a breach of trust or other civil wrong
                                  (whether for the purposes of any legislation of the
                                  State or the general law), and
                    (b) all acts, matters and things for or with respect to which
                           provision is made in an agreement that is authorised by this
                           section (including any guarantees or securities given or
                           granted under the agreement) are also authorised, and
                     (c) all acts, matters and things that by an agreement that is
                           authorised by this section are agreed, directed, authorised
                           or permitted to be made, done or executed are also
              (3)   An agreement that is authorised by this section does not cease to
                    be authorised only because it is amended or otherwise varied by
                    the parties to the agreement in accordance with the terms of the
                    agreement as in force from time to time.
              (4)   For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in section 35 or 36 (or in any
                    approved payment scheme under section 35) operates to prevent
                    or limit the making of loan repayments in connection with a loan
                    facility granted under an agreement that is authorised by this
[11]   Section 33 Determination of whether sufficient funds
       Insert "(including funds available under an authorised loan facility)" after
       "compensation funds" in section 33 (1).
[12]   Section 33 (2)
       Insert "(a)" after "section 24 (2)".

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                 James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
                 Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
                 Administration) Act 2005 No 105

[13]   Section 35 SPF trustee may apply to Supreme Court to secure
       continuing funding of claims
       Omit section 35 (5) and (6). Insert instead:
              (5)   Supreme Court may make orders establishing approved
                    payment scheme
                    If the Supreme Court is satisfied on an application under
                    subsection (1) that it is likely that there will be insufficient funds
                    for all payable liabilities of a liable entity to be paid in full as and
                    when they fall due for payment, the Supreme Court may make an
                    order approving a scheme (an approved payment scheme) for the
                    payment by instalments of the full amount of payable liabilities
                    due, or the deferral of payment of payable liabilities of the entity,
                    during the period specified by the order (the scheme period).
              (6)   In specifying the scheme period:
                     (a) the Supreme Court is to take into account the anticipated
                          duration of the period before the liable entity will or is
                          likely to have sufficient funds to pay payable liabilities in
                          full as and when they fall due for payment instead of
                          paying them by instalments or deferring payment, and
                    (b) if the scheme period is to commence before the time it is
                          anticipated that there will be insufficient funds--the
                          Supreme Court is to be satisfied that the early
                          commencement of the scheme period will result in
                          claimants for proven personal asbestos claims being
                          treated more equally in relation to the payment of their
                          claims than would otherwise be the case.
[14]   Section 35 (7), (8) (a) and (13)
       Omit "insufficient funds period" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "scheme period".
[15]   Section 35 (7) (b)
       Omit "subsection (8)". Insert instead "subsections (8) and (8A)".
[16]   Section 35 (7) (e)
       Insert after section 35 (7) (d):
                      (e) the interest rate to be applied in calculating the interest
                            payable on that part of any payable liability that would
                            otherwise attract interest because it is not paid during the
                            scheme period because of the operation of the scheme.

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James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and              Schedule 1
Administration) Act 2005 No 105

[17]   Section 35 (7A)
       Insert after section 35 (7):
            (7A)    An interest rate approved as referred to in subsection (7) (e):
                    (a) need not be a commercial interest rate, but is to be an
                          interest rate that the Supreme Court is satisfied is a rate that
                          makes reasonable allowance for inflation while
                          minimising the liabilities of the liable entity and the cost of
                          the scheme, and
                    (b) applies to the exclusion of any other interest rate that
                          would otherwise have been applicable in determining the
                          interest to be paid to any payable claimant in respect of any
                          part of a payable liability that is not paid during the scheme
                          period because of the operation of the scheme.
[18]   Section 35 (8A)
       Insert after section 35 (8):
            (8A)    In addition to the matters for which a scheme must provide under
                    subsection (7), the Supreme Court may approve a scheme that
                    provides for any or all of the following:
                     (a) the payment in full of liabilities to pay proven personal
                          asbestos claims that are small claims (but only if the
                          Supreme Court is satisfied that there will be sufficient
                          funding to make such payments and the payments referred
                          to in subsection (7) (a)),
                    (b) different payment options from which claimants may elect
                          to be paid for the payment by instalments of proven
                          personal asbestos claims that are not small claims
                          (including a default payment option in the event that a
                          claimant makes no election).
[19]   Section 59 Protection for exercise of certain functions during winding up
       Insert at the end of section 59 (5) (b):
                            , or
                      (c) any party to a relevant loan facility agreement from
                            bringing proceedings, or being granted relief, in respect of
                            any of the following:
                             (i) any civil liability incurred by another party to the
                                  agreement or other person where that liability arises
                                  under or in relation to the agreement,

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                 James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
                 Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1       Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and
                 Administration) Act 2005 No 105

                           (ii)   a failure or refusal by another party to the agreement
                                  to carry out a function conferred or imposed on that
                                  party under the agreement.
[20]   Section 63 Exemption from State tax
       Insert after paragraph (c1) of the definition of exempt matter in section 63 (1):
                     (c2) the entry into any relevant loan facility agreement or the
                           giving of any guarantee, or the granting of any security,
                           under or as contemplated by any such agreement,
[21]   Section 64A
       Insert after section 64:
       64A   Tabling of copies of relevant loan facility agreements
              (1)   The Minister is to cause a copy of any relevant loan facility
                    agreement as in force at the time it is signed to be tabled in each
                    House of Parliament as soon as is reasonably practicable after the
                    agreement is signed by the parties to it.
              (2)   If a House of Parliament is not sitting when the Minister seeks to
                    table a copy of the relevant loan facility agreement, the Minister
                    may present the copy to the Clerk of the House concerned.
              (3)   The copy of the relevant loan facility agreement:
                    (a) is, on presentation and for all purposes, taken to have been
                          laid before the House, and
                    (b) may be printed by authority of the Clerk of the House, and
                    (c) if so printed, is for all purposes taken to be a document
                          published by or under the authority of the House, and
                    (d) is to be recorded:
                           (i) in the case of the Legislative Council, in the Minutes
                                 of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, and
                          (ii) in the case of the Legislative Assembly, in the Votes
                                 and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly,
                          on the first sitting day of the House after receipt of the copy
                          by the Clerk.
              (4)   For the avoidance of doubt, it is declared that the tabling of a copy
                    of any relevant loan facility agreement as provided by this section
                    does not abrogate, limit or otherwise affect any right or liability
                    of any person arising under or in relation to the agreement.

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James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and Administration)
Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of James Hardie Former Subsidiaries (Winding up and            Schedule 1
Administration) Act 2005 No 105

[22]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    James Hardie Former Subsidiaries               (Winding   up   and
                    Administration) Amendment Act 2009

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