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New South Wales
iquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Explanatory note This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. Overview of Bill The object of this Bill is to give effect to certain measures set out in the Government's action plan entitled "Hassle Free Nights". For that purpose, the Bill: (a) provides for the establishment and implementation of precinct liquor accords (which will operate on an on-going basis in precincts designated by the Director-General of Communities NSW) and community event liquor accords (which will operate on a temporary basis in relation to community events designated by the Director-General), and (b) enables any such liquor accord to include measures to minimise or prevent alcohol-related violence or harm in, or to protect and support the good order or amenity of, the precinct or area to which the liquor accord applies, and (c) enables the Director-General to impose licence conditions requiring licensees to participate in a precinct or community event liquor accord and, in the case of a precinct liquor accord, also enables the Director-General to require licensees to pay contributions towards the costs associated with the operation of the accord, and b2010-038-35.d17 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Explanatory note (d) enables the Director-General to impose licence conditions affecting the trading hours of any licensed premises, and (e) extends, for a further period of 12 months, the freeze on the granting of liquor licences and various other liquor-related authorisations and development consents in relation to certain premises in central Sydney, and (f) enables police officers and local council employees authorised by the Commissioner of Police to confiscate alcohol from persons who are drinking in a public place (such as a public park) that is situated in the precinct or area to which a precinct or community event liquor accord applies and in which the drinking of alcohol is prohibited under the Local Government Act 1993 by a local council, and (g) makes other amendments of a consequential or minor nature. Outline of provisions Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the proposed Act. Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Precinct liquor accords and community event liquor accords Schedule 1 [20] provides for the approval by the Director-General of Communities NSW of precinct liquor accords and community event liquor accords. These liquor accords may contain measures to minimise or prevent alcohol-related violence or to protect or support the good order and amenity of the relevant precinct or area to which the accord applies and may involve the participation of a variety of stakeholders. The Director-General will be able to designate precincts to which a precinct liquor accord is to apply and such an accord will operate until terminated by the Director-General. A community event liquor accord will not be precinct-based but rather will apply in relation to a particular event that might require the implementation of liquor accord measures in more than one area. In either case, the Director-General will be able to require licensees in the relevant precinct or area to participate in (which includes comply with) the relevant liquor accord. The Director-General will also be able, in the case of a precinct liquor accord, to direct the licensee to contribute to the costs associated with the operation of the accord. The amendment made by Schedule 1 [22] provides that a direction by the Director-General to contribute to the costs of a precinct liquor accord is reviewable by the Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority (the Authority). Schedule 1 [23] provides that the Authority can, on review, vary or revoke the direction only if the amount of the contribution was not determined in accordance with the relevant precinct liquor accord. Explanatory note page 2 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Explanatory note Schedule 1 [1], [2], [9], [10] and [12]-[19] are consequential on the insertion of provisions relating to precinct and community event liquor accords. In particular, certain provisions that currently apply to local liquor accords are extended to precinct and community event liquor accords.
icence conditions imposed by Director-General Schedule 1 [4] enables the Director-General of Communities NSW to impose licence conditions that affect the trading hours of licensed premises (such conditions may currently be imposed by the Director-General but only as the result of a disturbance complaint). Schedule 1 [5] enables the Director-General to vary or revoke licence conditions that have previously been imposed by the Authority if the condition relates to the trading hours of licensed premises or relates to licensed premises situated in the precinct or area to which a precinct or community event liquor accord applies. Schedule 1 [6] makes it clear that the Director-General is not required to give a licensee the opportunity to make submissions on a proposed variation or revocation by the Director-General of a licence condition if the Director-General is making the variation or revocation on the application of the licensee. Schedule 1 [7], [8] and [21] are consequential on the amendments made by Schedule 1 [4] and [5]. Miscellaneous amendments Schedule 1 [3] extends, to 24 June 2011, the period during which the granting of liquor licences and other liquor-related authorisations (including development consents) is restricted in relation to certain premises in central Sydney. Schedule 1 [11] makes it clear that the power under section 77 of the Liquor Act 2007 to turn people out of licensed premises does not limit any other right a person may have to refuse to admit a person to, or to turn a person out of, licensed premises. Schedule 1 [24] enables regulations of a savings or transitional nature to be made as a consequence of the proposed Act. Schedule 2 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 Schedule 2 authorises police officers and local council employees authorised by the Commissioner of Police to confiscate alcohol from persons who are drinking in a public place (such as a public park) that is situated in the precinct or area to which a precinct or community event liquor accord applies and in which the drinking of alcohol is prohibited by a local council by a notice under section 632 of the Local Government Act 1993. The power to confiscate alcohol from persons drinking in such places includes the power to tip out the alcohol from the thing in which the Explanatory note page 3 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Explanatory note alcohol is contained. A similar confiscation and tip out power currently applies in relation to alcohol-free zones (but these existing powers only apply in relation to street drinking). Explanatory note page 4 First print New South Wales
iquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 12 b2010-038-35.d17 New South Wales
iquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 No , 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to give effect to certain measures set out in the Government's action plan entitled "Hassle Free Nights"; and for other purposes. Clause 1 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Liquor Legislation Amendment Act 2010. 3 2 Commencement 4 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 5 Page 2 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 1 [1] Section 4 Definitions 2 Omit the definition of accord area from section 4 (1). 3 [2] Section 4 (1) 4 Insert in alphabetical order: 5 community event liquor accord--see section 136A. 6 liquor accord means a local liquor accord, precinct liquor accord 7 or community event liquor accord. 8 precinct liquor accord--see section 136A. 9 [3] Section 47A Definitions 10 Omit "24 June 2010" from paragraph (b) of the definition of freeze period in 11 section 47A (1). 12 Insert instead "24 June 2011". 13 [4] Section 54 Director-General may impose, vary or revoke licence 14 conditions 15 Insert after section 54 (1): 16 (1A) The conditions that may be imposed by the Director-General on 17 a licence include, but are not limited to, conditions: 18 (a) prohibiting the sale or supply of liquor on the licensed 19 premises before 10 am or after 11 pm (or both), and 20 (b) restricting the trading hours of, and public access to, the 21 licensed premises. 22 [5] Section 54 (2) 23 Omit the subsection. Insert instead: 24 (2) The Director-General may, on application by the licensee or the 25 Commissioner of Police or on the Director-General's own 26 initiative: 27 (a) vary or revoke a licence condition that has been imposed 28 by the Director-General under this section or any other 29 provision of this Act, or 30 (b) vary or revoke a licence condition: 31 (i) relating to the trading hours of any licensed 32 premises, or 33 Page 3 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 (ii) relating to licensed premises situated wholly or 1 partly in the precinct to which a precinct liquor 2 accord applies or in an area to which a community 3 event liquor accord applies, 4 that has been imposed (or taken to have been imposed) by 5 the Authority. 6 [6] Section 54 (3) 7 Omit "that has been imposed by the Director-General under this or any other 8 section of this Act". 9 Insert instead "otherwise than on the application of the licensee". 10 [7] Section 54 (4) 11 Omit "imposed by the Director-General under this section or any other 12 provision of this Act". 13 [8] Section 54 (5) 14 Omit "This section". 15 Insert instead "Except in the case of a condition imposed under subsection 16 (1A) or in the case of the variation or revocation of a condition referred to in 17 subsection (2) (b), this section". 18 [9] Section 76 Self-exclusion of patrons from licensed premises 19 Omit "a party to a local" from section 76 (4). 20 Insert instead "participating in a". 21 [10] Section 77 Non-voluntary exclusion of persons from licensed premises 22 Omit "134) of a local" from section 77 (2) (e). 23 Insert instead "134 or 136D) of a". 24 [11] Section 77 (13) 25 Insert after section 77 (12): 26 (13) Nothing in this or any other section of this Act operates to limit 27 any other right a person has to refuse to admit a person to, or to 28 turn a person out of, licensed premises. 29 [12] Sections 81 (2) (e) and 159 (2) (f) 30 Omit "local" wherever occurring. 31 Page 4 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Schedule 1 [13] Part 8, heading 1 Omit "Local liquor accords". Insert instead "Liquor accords". 2 [14] Part 8, Division 1, heading 3 Insert before section 131: 4 Division 1 Local liquor accords 5 [15] Section 131 Definitions 6 Omit "In this Part". Insert instead "For the purposes of this Act". 7 [16] Section 131, definition of "accord area" 8 Omit the definition. 9 [17] Sections 131 (paragraph (b) of definition of "local liquor accord") and 10 132 11 Omit "this Part" wherever occurring. Insert instead "this Division". 12 [18] Section 135 Approval, variation and termination of local liquor accord 13 Omit "accord area" from section 135 (3). 14 Insert instead "area to which the accord is to apply". 15 [19] Sections 135 (4) and 136 (1) 16 Omit "an accord area" wherever occurring. 17 Insert instead "the area to which a local liquor accord applies". 18 [20] Part 8, Division 2 19 Insert after section 136: 20 Division 2 Precinct liquor accords and community 21 event liquor accords 22 136A General provisions 23 (1) For the purposes of this Act, a precinct liquor accord or a 24 community event liquor accord is a set of measures, approved by 25 the Director-General under this Division, that aim to do either or 26 both of the following: 27 (a) to minimise or prevent alcohol-related violence or 28 anti-social behaviour, or other alcohol-related harm, in the 29 precinct or area to which the relevant liquor accord applies, 30 Page 5 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 (b) to protect and support the good order or amenity of any 1 such precinct or area in connection with issues arising 2 from the presence of, or any proposed increase in the 3 number of, licensed premises in that precinct or area. 4 (2) Each of the following persons or bodies may, in accordance with 5 arrangements established by the Director-General, participate in 6 a precinct liquor accord or community event liquor accord 7 (including the development of a proposed liquor accord): 8 (a) the licensee for any licensed premises situated in the 9 precinct or area to which the accord applies or is to apply, 10 (b) the Commissioner of Police, 11 (c) a local council, 12 (d) persons who are running businesses or commercial 13 operations in the precinct or area to which the accord 14 applies or is to apply, 15 (e) a community representative (as approved by the 16 Director-General) for the precinct or area to which the 17 accord applies or is to apply, 18 (f) such other persons or bodies as the Director-General 19 considers appropriate. 20 Note. Licensees can be required to participate in a liquor accord. See 21 section 136E. 22 (3) A precinct liquor accord or community event liquor accord does 23 not require the agreement of the accord participants to the 24 measures provided for by the accord. 25 136B Director-General may approve liquor accords for designated 26 precincts 27 (1) The Director-General may: 28 (a) designate a precinct as being a precinct to which a 29 proposed precinct liquor accord is to apply, and 30 (b) approve a precinct liquor accord for the designated 31 precinct, and 32 (c) vary, at any time, the terms of a precinct liquor accord. 33 (2) The designated precinct to which a precinct liquor accord applies 34 or is to apply must be shown on a map that is made publicly 35 available in such manner as the Director-General considers 36 appropriate. 37 Page 6 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Schedule 1 (3) The Director-General may approve a precinct liquor accord for a 1 designated precinct only if the Director-General is satisfied that: 2 (a) in the precinct there is, or there is a potential for, a 3 significant risk of harm to members of the public 4 associated with the misuse and abuse of liquor (including 5 harm arising from violence or other anti-social behaviour), 6 and 7 (b) the measures to be provided for by the accord are 8 necessary: 9 (i) to prevent harm to members of the public associated 10 with the misuse and abuse of liquor in the precinct 11 (including harm arising from violence or other 12 anti-social behaviour), or 13 (ii) to protect and support the good order or amenity of 14 the precinct in connection with issues arising from 15 the presence of, or any proposed increase in the 16 number of, licensed premises in the precinct. 17 (4) The Director-General may terminate a precinct liquor accord at 18 any time by notice in writing given to the persons or bodies 19 participating in the accord. 20 136C Director-General may approve liquor accords for community 21 events 22 (1) The Director-General may: 23 (a) designate a community event as being an event to which a 24 proposed community event liquor accord is to apply, and 25 (b) approve a community event liquor accord for that 26 designated event, and 27 (c) vary, at any time, the terms of a community event liquor 28 accord. 29 (2) A community event liquor accord applies during the period, and 30 to the area, specified in the accord. Any such period may include 31 a period before or after the designated community event takes 32 place and the area to which the accord applies may comprise 33 more than one specified area (whether or not those areas are 34 contiguous). 35 (3) In approving a community event liquor accord, the 36 Director-General is to make publicly available, in such manner as 37 Page 7 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 the Director-General considers appropriate, each of the 1 following: 2 (a) the name or description of the community event to which 3 the accord relates, 4 (b) the period during which the accord is to apply, 5 (c) a map showing the area to which the accord is to apply. 6 (4) The Director-General may approve a community event liquor 7 accord for a community event only if the Director-General is 8 satisfied that: 9 (a) in the area in which the accord is to apply there is, or there 10 is a potential for, a significant risk of harm to members of 11 the public associated with the misuse and abuse of liquor 12 (including harm arising from violence or other anti-social 13 behaviour), and 14 (b) the measures to be provided for by the accord are 15 necessary: 16 (i) to prevent harm to members of the public associated 17 with the misuse and abuse of liquor in the area in 18 which the accord is to apply (including harm arising 19 from violence or other anti-social behaviour), or 20 (ii) to protect and support the good order or amenity of 21 that area in connection with issues arising from the 22 presence of, or proposed increase in the number of, 23 licensed premises in that area. 24 136D Content of precinct and community event liquor accords 25 (1) A precinct liquor accord or community event liquor accord may 26 include such measures as the Director-General considers are 27 necessary: 28 (a) to minimise or prevent alcohol-related violence or 29 anti-social behaviour or other alcohol-related harm in the 30 precinct or area to which the accord applies, or 31 (b) to protect and support the good order or amenity of any 32 such precinct or area in connection with issues arising 33 from the presence of, or proposed increase in the number 34 of, licensed premises in the precinct or area concerned. 35 (2) The Director-General must give notice of the terms of a precinct 36 liquor accord or community event liquor accord, and of any 37 variation to the terms of such an accord: 38 (a) to each licensee who is required to participate in the 39 accord, and 40 Page 8 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Schedule 1 (b) to such other participants in the accord as the 1 Director-General considers appropriate. 2 (3) Without limiting the measures that may be included in a precinct 3 liquor accord or community event liquor accord, any such accord 4 may include measures requiring a licensee to do any one or more 5 of the following: 6 (a) to cease serving liquor (including take-away liquor) on the 7 licensed premises during such times as are specified in the 8 accord, 9 (b) to restrict the public's access to the licensed premises in a 10 manner and to the extent provided by the accord, 11 (c) to restrict the use of glass containers on the licensed 12 premises, 13 (d) to maintain an incident register, 14 (e) to install and operate closed-circuit television or any other 15 security device on the licensed premises, 16 (f) to provide security staff in or about the licensed premises. 17 (4) The provisions of section 134 (2) and (3) apply to or in respect of 18 a precinct liquor accord or community event liquor accord in the 19 same way as those provisions apply to or in respect of a local 20 liquor accord (except that section 134 (2) applies as if the 21 reference to a person entering into a local liquor accord were a 22 reference to a person or body participating in a precinct liquor 23 accord or community event liquor accord). 24 136E Requirement to participate in precinct or community event liquor 25 accord 26 (1) The Director-General may, in the case of licensed premises 27 situated wholly or partly in the precinct to which a precinct liquor 28 accord applies or in the area to which a community event liquor 29 accord applies, impose conditions on the licence, by notice in 30 writing to the licensee, requiring the licensee to participate in the 31 liquor accord for that precinct or area. 32 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), if: 33 (a) the sale or supply of liquor after midnight on licensed 34 premises is authorised at least once a week on a regular 35 basis, and 36 (b) the licensed premises are situated wholly or partly in the 37 precinct to which a precinct liquor accord applies or in the 38 area to which a community event liquor accord applies, 39 Page 9 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 it is a condition of the licence that the licensee, on being notified 1 in writing by the Director-General, participate in the liquor 2 accord for that precinct or area. 3 (3) For the purposes of this section, participate in a liquor accord 4 means participate in the development, implementation and 5 operation of the accord and, without limitation, includes any of 6 the following: 7 (a) developing the measures to be provided for by the accord, 8 (b) complying with those measures to the extent that they 9 apply to the licensee, 10 (c) developing and maintaining the mechanisms and 11 processes that support the operation of the accord, 12 (d) participating in any committee established under the 13 accord. 14 (4) Subsection (2) does not, however, operate to require a licensee to 15 participate in a committee established under a liquor accord. 16 (5) A reference in this section to a liquor accord includes a reference 17 to a proposed liquor accord and a reference to the precinct or area 18 to which a liquor accord applies includes a reference to the 19 proposed precinct or area to which the accord is to apply. 20 (6) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a limited licence. 21 136F Precinct liquor accord contributions and fund 22 (1) The Director-General may, by direction in writing to any licensee 23 who is required under this Division to participate in a precinct 24 liquor accord, require the licensee to pay a contribution towards 25 the costs associated with the operation of the accord (including 26 any projects or initiatives carried out under the accord). 27 (2) The amount of any such contribution is to be determined by the 28 Director-General in accordance with the terms of the accord. 29 (3) Any money paid to the Director-General under this section is to 30 be paid into a Precinct Liquor Accord Fund established in the 31 Special Deposits Account. A separate account in that Fund is to 32 be kept for the purposes of each precinct liquor accord. 33 (4) The Director-General has the control and management of the 34 Precinct Liquor Accord Fund. 35 (5) Money held in any separate account of the Precinct Liquor 36 Accord Fund is to be applied only for the purposes of funding the 37 carrying out of projects and activities under the precinct liquor 38 accord in respect of which the separate account is kept. 39 Page 10 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Liquor Act 2007 No 90 Schedule 1 (6) Any amount required to be paid to the Director-General under 1 this section may, if the amount is not paid within the time 2 specified by the Director-General in the direction to the licensee 3 concerned, be recovered by the Director-General from the 4 licensee as a debt due to the Crown for payment into the Precinct 5 Liquor Accord Fund. 6 Note. Failure to comply with a direction under this section may also 7 constitute grounds for taking disciplinary action against the licensee 8 under Part 9. 9 [21] Section 153 Review by Authority of Director-General's decisions 10 Omit section 153 (1) (a). Insert instead: 11 (a) a decision to impose a condition under section 54 12 (Director-General may impose, vary or revoke licence 13 conditions), 14 (a1) a decision under section 54 to vary or revoke a condition 15 of a licence, 16 [22] Section 153 (1) (h1) 17 Insert after section 153 (1) (h): 18 (h1) a direction under section 136F (Precinct liquor accord 19 contributions and fund), 20 [23] Section 153 (4A) 21 Insert after section 153 (4): 22 (4A) However, in the case of a review of a direction by the 23 Director-General under section 136F, the Authority may vary or 24 revoke the Director-General's decision only if the Authority is 25 satisfied that the amount of the contribution directed to be paid 26 was not determined in accordance with the terms of the relevant 27 precinct liquor accord. 28 [24] Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions 29 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 30 Liquor Legislation Amendment Act 2010 31 Page 11 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 2 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 Schedule 2 Amendment of Local Government Act 1 1993 No 30 2 Section 632A 3 Insert after section 632: 4 632A Confiscation of alcohol in certain alcohol prohibited areas 5 (1) A police officer or an enforcement officer may seize any alcohol 6 (and the bottle, can, receptacle or package in which it is 7 contained) that is in the immediate possession of a person in an 8 alcohol prohibited area if the officer has reasonable cause to 9 believe that the person: 10 (a) is drinking, or 11 (b) is about to drink, or 12 (c) has recently been drinking, 13 alcohol in the alcohol prohibited area. 14 (2) Any alcohol or thing seized under this section is, by virtue of the 15 seizure, forfeited: 16 (a) if seized by a police officer--to the State, or 17 (b) if seized by an enforcement officer--to the council that 18 employs the officer. 19 (3) Any alcohol seized under this section may: 20 (a) be disposed of immediately by tipping it out of the bottle, 21 can, receptacle or package in which it is contained, or 22 (b) be otherwise disposed of in accordance with directions 23 given by the Commissioner of Police or the council (as the 24 case requires). 25 (4) In this section: 26 alcohol prohibited area means a public place: 27 (a) situated wholly or partly in the precinct to which a precinct 28 liquor accord (within the meaning of the Liquor Act 2007) 29 applies or in the area to which a community event liquor 30 accord (within the meaning of that Act) applies, and 31 (b) in which the drinking of alcohol is prohibited by a notice 32 under section 632. 33 Page 12 Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 Schedule 2 enforcement officer means an employee of a council authorised 1 in writing by the Commissioner of Police to be an enforcement 2 officer for the purposes of this section. 3 Page 13
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