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Mining Amendment (Safeguarding
Agricultural Land and Water) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Mining Act 1992 to make provision for protecting agricultural
land and water from mining.
Clause 1      Mining Amendment (Safeguarding Agricultural Land and Water) Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                            1

 1    Name of Act                                                                     2

           This Act is the Mining Amendment (Safeguarding Agricultural Land           3
           and Water) Act 2009.                                                       4

 2    Commencement                                                                    5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                      6

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Mining Amendment (Safeguarding Agricultural Land and Water) Bill 2009

Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29                                      Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29                                 1

      Section 11B                                                                         2

      Insert after section 11A:                                                           3

     11B     Safeguarding agricultural land and water from mining                         4

             (1)    In this section:                                                      5
                    aquifer means a geological structure or formation that is             6
                    permeated with water or is capable of being permeated with            7
                    water.                                                                8
                    EPA Act means the Environmental Planning and Assessment               9
                    Act 1979.                                                            10
                    planning approval means any of the following:                        11
                     (a) development consent under Part 4 of the EPA Act,                12
                    (b) approval under Part 3A of the EPA Act to carry out a             13
                           project to which that Part applies,                           14
                     (c) the modification of any such development consent or             15
                           approval.                                                     16
                    prime agricultural land means land identified as Class 1 or 2        17
                    land in accordance with the document entitled Agricultural Land      18
                    Classification produced by the Department of Primary Industries      19
                    and as in force from time to time, and includes any land of a kind   20
                    prescribed by the regulations, but does not include any land of a    21
                    kind excluded by the regulations.                                    22

             (2)    Words and expressions used in this section that are defined in the   23
                    EPA Act have the same meaning as in that Act.                        24

             (3)    Restriction on granting authorities                                  25

                    Despite any other provision of this Act, an authority cannot be      26
                    granted over or beneath the surface of any of the following land     27
                    (referred to in this section as protected land):                     28
                     (a) prime agricultural land,                                        29
                    (b) land on which, or within 1 kilometre of which, is situated       30
                           a river or aquifer that feeds prime agricultural land.        31

             (4)    Restriction on planning approvals                                    32

                    Planning approval cannot be given or granted for the purposes of     33
                    the carrying out of mining operations over or beneath the surface    34
                    of protected land.                                                   35

             (5)    Any planning approval that is given or granted in contravention      36
                    of subsection (4) has no effect.                                     37

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               Mining Amendment (Safeguarding Agricultural Land and Water) Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29

             (6)   Subsections (4) and (5) have effect despite the provisions of the     1
                   EPA Act or any environmental planning instrument.                     2

             (7)   Inventory of protected land                                           3

                   The Director-General of the Department of Primary Industries is       4
                   to maintain an inventory of protected land. The inventory must        5
                   contain maps that enable protected land to be identified and must     6
                   be made available for public inspection on the Department's           7
                   website.                                                              8

             (8)   Disputes in relation to protected land                                9

                   If any dispute arises as to whether or not any particular land is    10
                   protected land, any party to the dispute may apply to the Land and   11
                   Environment Court for a determination of the matter (in which        12
                   case the Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter).   13

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