New South Wales Bills

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                            New South Wales

Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and
Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012


              1    Name of Act                                                2
              2    Commencement                                               2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support)
                   Act 2006 No 16                                             3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999
                   No 41                                                      8

                            New South Wales

Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and
Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 and the
Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 in relation to treatment and care needs; and
for other purposes.
              Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
Clause 1      Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support          3
           Schemes Legislation Amendment Act 2012.                                4

 2    Commencement                                                                5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                  6

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Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16   Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Motor Accidents                                        1
                       (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006                                2
                       No 16                                                               3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                4

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                       5
                    approved provider--see section 11C (2).                                6
                    assessed treatment and care needs--see section 11A (2).                7
                    excluded treatment and care needs--see section 5A (2).                 8

[2]   Section 3 (1)                                                                        9

      Omit "section 6" from the definition of treatment and care needs.                   10

      Insert instead "section 5A".                                                        11

[3]   Section 5A                                                                          12

      Insert after section 5:                                                             13

       5A    Treatment and care needs                                                     14

             (1)    For the purposes of this Act, the treatment and care needs of a       15
                    participant in the Scheme are the participant's needs for or in       16
                    connection with any of the following:                                 17
                    (a) medical treatment (including pharmaceuticals),                    18
                    (b) dental treatment,                                                 19
                    (c) rehabilitation,                                                   20
                    (d) ambulance transportation,                                         21
                    (e) respite care,                                                     22
                     (f) attendant care services,                                         23
                    (g) aids and appliances,                                              24
                    (h) prostheses,                                                       25
                     (i) education and vocational training,                               26
                     (j) home and transport modification,                                 27
                    (k) workplace and educational facility modifications,                 28
                     (l) such other kinds of treatment, care, support or services as      29
                           may be prescribed by the regulations under this paragraph.     30

             (2)    Despite subsection (1), the treatment and care needs of a             31
                    participant do not include any treatment, care, support or services   32

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                Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16

                      of a kind declared by the regulations to be excluded treatment          1
                      and care needs.                                                         2

[4]   Part 2, heading                                                                         3

      Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                       4

      Part 2          Participation in Scheme                                                 5

[5]   Sections 6 and 10                                                                       6

      Omit the sections.                                                                      7

[6]   Part 2A                                                                                 8

      Insert after Part 2:                                                                    9

      Part 2A Payments under Scheme                                                          10

      11A    Assessed treatment and care needs of participants to be paid for                11
             by Authority                                                                    12

             (1)      The Authority is to pay for all of the reasonable expenses             13
                      incurred by or on behalf of a person in relation to the assessed       14
                      treatment and care needs of the person while the person is a           15
                      participant in the Scheme.                                             16

             (2)      The assessed treatment and care needs of a person who is a             17
                      participant in the Scheme are those treatment and care needs that      18
                      are assessed by the Authority, in its treatment and care needs         19
                      assessment, to be treatment and care needs that:                       20
                      (a) are reasonable and necessary in the circumstances, and             21
                      (b) relate to the motor accident injury in respect of which the        22
                             person is a participant.                                        23

             (3)      No expenses are payable in respect of:                                 24
                      (a) excluded treatment and care needs, and                             25
                      (b) treatment and care needs that are not assessed treatment           26
                           and care needs.                                                   27

             (4)      As an alternative to paying the expenses for which it is liable        28
                      under this section as and when they are incurred, the Authority        29
                      may pay those expenses by the payment to the participant of an         30
                      amount to cover those expenses over a fixed period pursuant to         31
                      an agreement between the Authority and the participant for the         32
                      payment of those expenses by the participant.                          33

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Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16   Schedule 1

             (5)    The LTCS Guidelines may make provision for or with respect to         1
                    determining which treatment and care needs of a participant in        2
                    the Scheme are reasonable and necessary in the circumstances          3
                    and relate to the motor accident injury in respect of which the       4
                    person is a participant.                                              5

     11B     Payment not required in certain circumstances                                6

             (1)    The Authority is not required to make a payment in relation to the    7
                    following:                                                            8
                     (a) any treatment, care, support or service provided to a            9
                          participant in the Scheme on a gratuitous basis (that is,      10
                          anything provided to a participant for which the participant   11
                          has not paid and is not liable to pay),                        12
                    (b) any treatment, care, support or service that is required to be   13
                          provided by an approved provider but is provided by a          14
                          person who is not, at the time of the provision, an approved   15
                          provider.                                                      16

             (2)    However, the Authority may elect to make a payment in relation       17
                    to any treatment, care, support or service referred to in            18
                    subsection (1) if the Authority is of the opinion that special       19
                    circumstances exist that justify such payment.                       20

             (3)    The LTCS Guidelines may make provision for or with respect to        21
                    determining whether special circumstances exist that justify         22
                    payment in relation to any treatment, care, support or service       23
                    referred to in subsection (1).                                       24

             (4)    To avoid doubt, this section applies even if the treatment, care,    25
                    support or services concerned are provided in connection with the    26
                    provision of the assessed treatment and care needs of a              27
                    participant in the Scheme.                                           28

             (5)    This section has effect despite section 11A.                         29

     11C     Approved providers                                                          30

             (1)    The following treatment, care, support or services (provided in      31
                    connection with the provision of assessed treatment and care         32
                    needs of a participant in the Scheme) are to be provided only by     33
                    an approved provider of the treatment, care, support or service:     34
                    (a) attendant care services,                                         35
                    (b) any other treatment, care, support or services (other than       36
                          the services of a medical practitioner) identified in the      37
                          LTCS Guidelines as treatment, care, support or services        38
                          that are to be provided by an approved provider.               39

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                 Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
                 Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16

              (2)      An approved provider of a service is a person, or a person of a         1
                       class, approved by the Authority (or by any other person                2
                       specified in the LTCS Guidelines), in accordance with the LTCS          3
                       Guidelines, to provide the treatment, care, support or service          4
                       under the Scheme.                                                       5

              (3)      The LTCS Guidelines may also make provision for or with                 6
                       respect to the standards of competency of approved providers.           7

 [7]   Sections 48 (3) (a) and 49 (1) (a)                                                      8

       Omit "Part 2 (Care and support for Scheme participants)" wherever occurring.            9

       Insert instead "Part 2A (Payments under Scheme)".                                      10

 [8]   Sections 49 (1) (b) and (c) and (2) and 54 (4)                                         11

       Omit "Part 2" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Part 2A".                            12

 [9]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                  13

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                     14

                       Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes                  15
                       Legislation Amendment Act 2012                                         16

[10]   Schedule 3, Part 3                                                                     17

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                   18

       Part 3          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                  19
                       Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and                                  20
                       Support Schemes Legislation Amendment                                  21
                       Act 2012                                                               22

         3    General operation of amendments                                                 23

              (1)      An amendment made to this Act by the Motor Accidents and               24
                       Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation Amendment                25
                       Act 2012 (the amending Act) applies in relation to any claim           26
                       made on or after the relevant date, regardless of whether the          27
                       claim is made in relation to past or future treatment and care         28
                       needs.                                                                 29

              (2)      To avoid doubt, subclause (1) applies even if the motor accident       30
                       concerned occurred before the relevant date or the claim relates       31
                       to a person who was a participant in the Scheme before the             32
                       relevant date.                                                         33

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Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16   Schedule 1

             (3)    In this clause:                                                       1
                    claim means a claim within the meaning of the Motor Accidents         2
                    Compensation Act 1999 or a claim or request for payment in            3
                    relation to treatment and care needs made to a licensed insurer or    4
                    the Authority under this Act.                                         5
                    the relevant date means the date of introduction into Parliament      6
                    of the Bill for the amending Act.                                     7

        4    Approved providers                                                           8

                    An approval given by or on behalf of the Authority under              9
                    section 10 that was in force immediately before the omission of      10
                    that section, and the insertion of section 11C, by the Motor         11
                    Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation          12
                    Amendment Act 2012 is taken, on that omission and insertion, to      13
                    be an approval under section 11C.                                    14

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                Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2         Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41

Schedule 2               Amendment of Motor Accidents                                       1
                         Compensation Act 1999 No 41                                        2

[1]   Section 27A Effect of Lifetime Care and Support Scheme payments                       3

      Omit "section 130A (No damages for expenses covered by Lifetime Care and              4
      Support Scheme)".                                                                     5

      Insert instead "section 141A (No damages relating to treatment and care needs         6
      for Lifetime Care and Support Scheme participants)".                                  7

[2]   Section 43A                                                                           8

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                     9

      43A    Application of Chapter to treatment and care needs covered by                 10
             Lifetime Care and Support Scheme                                              11

             (1)      This Chapter does not apply in respect of any treatment and care     12
                      needs of a person who is a participant in the Scheme under the       13
                      Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006, or any         14
                      excluded treatment and care needs, that relate to the motor          15
                      accident injury in respect of which the person is a participant in   16
                      the Scheme and that arise during the period in which the person      17
                      is a participant in the Scheme.                                      18

             (2)      This section applies:                                                19
                      (a) whether or not the treatment and care needs are assessed         20
                            treatment and care needs under the Motor Accidents             21
                            (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006, and                      22
                      (b) whether or not the Lifetime Care and Support Authority is        23
                            required to make a payment in respect of the treatment and     24
                            care needs concerned, and                                      25
                      (c) whether or not the treatment, care, support or service           26
                            (provided in connection with treatment and care needs) is      27
                            provided on a gratuitous basis.                                28

             (3)      In this section, treatment and care needs and excluded treatment     29
                      and care needs have the same meanings as they have in the            30
                      Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006.                31

[3]   Section 128                                                                          32

      Renumber as section 141B and insert after section 141A (as inserted by               33
      Schedule 2 [7]) with the heading "Maximum amount of damages for                      34
      provision of certain attendant care services".                                       35

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Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41                  Schedule 2

[4]    Section 129                                                                          1
       Renumber as section 141C and insert after section 141B (as inserted by               2
       Schedule 2 [3]) with the heading "Respite care".                                     3

[5]    Section 130A No damages for expenses covered by Lifetime Care and                    4
       Support Scheme                                                                       5

       Omit the section.                                                                    6

[6]    Sections 137 (2) and 142 (3)                                                         7

       Omit "section 128" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 141B".                8

[7]    Section 141A                                                                         9

       Insert after section 141:                                                           10

      141A   No damages relating to treatment and care needs for Lifetime Care             11
             and Support Scheme participants                                               12

              (1)    No damages may be awarded to a person who is a participant in         13
                     the Scheme under the Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and               14
                     Support) Act 2006 in respect of any of the treatment and care         15
                     needs of the participant, or any excluded treatment and care          16
                     needs, that relate to the motor accident injury in respect of which   17
                     the person is a participant in the Scheme and that arise during the   18
                     period in which the person is a participant in the Scheme.            19

              (2)    This section applies:                                                 20
                     (a) whether or not the treatment and care needs are assessed          21
                           treatment and care needs under the Motor Accidents              22
                           (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006, and                       23
                     (b) whether or not the Lifetime Care and Support Authority is         24
                           required to make a payment in respect of the treatment and      25
                           care needs concerned, and                                       26
                     (c) whether or not the treatment, care, support or service            27
                           (provided in connection with treatment and care needs) is       28
                           provided on a gratuitous basis.                                 29

              (3)    In this section, treatment and care needs and excluded treatment      30
                     and care needs have the same meanings as they have in the             31
                     Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006.                 32

[8]    Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               33

       Insert at the end of clause 2 (1):                                                  34

                     Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes                 35
                     Legislation Amendment Act 2012                                        36

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                Motor Accidents and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2         Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41

[9]   Schedule 5, Part 10                                                                 1
      Insert after Part 9:                                                                2

      Part 10 Provisions arising from Motor Accidents                                     3
              and Lifetime Care and Support Schemes                                       4
              Legislation Amendment Act 2012                                              5

      40     General operation of amendments                                              6

             (1)      An amendment made to this Act by the Motor Accidents and            7
                      Lifetime Care and Support Schemes Legislation Amendment             8
                      Act 2012 (the amending Act) applies in relation to any claim        9
                      made on or after the relevant date, regardless of whether the      10
                      claim is made in relation to past or future treatment and care     11
                      needs.                                                             12

             (2)      To avoid doubt, subclause (1) applies even if the motor accident   13
                      concerned occurred before the relevant date or the claim relates   14
                      to a person who was a participant in the Scheme under the Motor    15
                      Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 before the          16
                      relevant date.                                                     17

             (3)      In this clause:                                                    18
                      claim includes a claim or request for payment in relation to       19
                      treatment and care needs made to a licensed insurer or the         20
                      Lifetime Care and Support Authority under the Motor Accidents      21
                      (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006.                              22
                      the relevant date means the date of introduction into Parliament   23
                      of the Bill for the amending Act.                                  24

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