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Motor Accidents Compensation
Amendment Bill 2010
No     , 2010

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and the Motor
Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 in relation to motor accidents for
which compensation is payable and the appointment of claims assessors; and for
other purposes.
Clause 1      Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                    1

 1    Name of Act                                                             2

           This Act is the Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Act 2010.   3

 2    Commencement                                                            4

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.              5

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Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41                  Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Amendment of Motor Accidents                                          1
                      Compensation Act 1999 No 41                                           2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                 3

      Omit the definition of claims assessor. Insert instead:                               4
                  claims assessor means a person appointed as a claims assessor             5
                  under section 99.                                                         6

[2]   Section 3, definition of "motor accident"                                             7

      Insert at the end of paragraph (c) of the definition:                                 8
                           , or                                                             9
                     (d) a dangerous situation caused by the driving of the vehicle,       10
                           a collision or action taken to avoid a collision with the       11
                           vehicle, or the vehicle's running out of control.               12

[3]   Section 3A General restrictions on application of Act                                13

      Insert at the end of section 3A (1) (c):                                             14
                           , or                                                            15
                     (d) a dangerous situation caused by the driving of the vehicle,       16
                           a collision or action taken to avoid a collision with the       17
                           vehicle, or the vehicle's running out of control.               18

[4]   Section 88 Definitions                                                               19

      Omit the definition of claims assessor from section 88 (1).                          20

[5]   Section 91 Time limits for referring claims                                          21

      Omit "section 133" from section 91 (2) (d). Insert instead "section 132 (3)".        22

[6]   Section 99                                                                           23

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                    24

       99   Appointment of claims assessors                                                25

             (1)   The Authority may appoint as a claims assessor any person who,          26
                   in the opinion of the Authority, is suitably qualified to be a claims   27
                   assessor. Such a person may be a member of staff.                       28

             (2)   A claims assessor has the functions that are conferred on the           29
                   claims assessor by or under this Act.                                   30

             (3)   The Authority may remove a claims assessor from office at any           31
                   time.                                                                   32

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                    Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1          Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41

              (4)      A claims assessor is entitled to be paid the remuneration               1
                       (including travelling and subsistence allowances) that the              2
                       Authority may from time to time determine in respect of the             3
                       claims assessor.                                                        4

 [7]   Section 99A Principal Claims Assessor                                                   5

       Insert after section 99A (2):                                                           6

             (2A)      The Principal Claims Assessor is, in the exercise of his or her         7
                       functions, subject to the general direction and control of the Chief    8
                       Executive Officer. However, the provisions of section                   9
                       105 (2)-(5) apply to the Principal Claims Assessor in the same         10
                       way as they apply to a claims assessor.                                11

 [8]   Section 99A (3)                                                                        12

       Omit "member of staff". Insert instead "claims assessor".                              13

 [9]   Section 103 Protection of claims assessors                                             14

       Insert after section 103 (1):                                                          15

             (1A)      However, any such liability attaches to the Crown.                     16

[10]   Section 105                                                                            17

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                      18

       105    Control and direction of claims assessors                                       19

              (1)      A claims assessor is, in the exercise of his or her functions,         20
                       subject to the general control and direction of the Principal          21
                       Claims Assessor.                                                       22

              (2)      However, a claims assessor is not, in his or her capacity as a         23
                       claims assessor, subject to control and direction by the Principal     24
                       Claims Assessor, the Authority, any member of staff of any             25
                       Division of the Government Service or any other person with            26
                       regard to any of the decisions of the assessor that affect the         27
                       interests of the parties to an assessment.                             28

              (3)      The Principal Claims Assessor, the Authority, any member of            29
                       staff of any Division of the Government Service or any other           30
                       person cannot overrule or interfere with any decision of a claims      31
                       assessor who is a member of staff that affects the interests of the    32
                       parties to an assessment in respect of any such assessment.            33

              (4)      This section does not prevent the making of arrangements for the       34
                       training of claims assessors, and does not prevent claims              35
                       assessors from obtaining advice, to ensure consistently correct        36

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Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41               Schedule 1

                    application of the provisions of this Act and the regulations and    1
                    of other relevant matters.                                           2

              (5)   This section does not affect the exercise of the functions of the    3
                    Chief Executive Officer of the Authority under the Public Sector     4
                    Employment and Management Act 2002 with respect to claims            5
                    assessors who are members of staff.                                  6

[11]   Section 199 Board of Directors                                                    7

       Insert after section 199 (2) (a):                                                 8
                     (a1) a member of staff who for the time being holds an office       9
                            nominated by the Chief Executive Officer,                   10

[12]   Section 208 Membership and procedure of Council                                  11

       Omit "12" from section 208 (1).                                                  12

[13]   Section 208 (1) (j) and (k)                                                      13

       Insert after section 208 (1) (i):                                                14
                       (j) a member of staff who for the time being holds an office     15
                            nominated by the Chief Executive Officer,                   16
                      (k) such additional members (if any) as the Minister decides to   17
                            appoint, being persons of the Minister's own choosing and   18
                            not exceeding 4 additional members.                         19

[14]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to Board of Directors of Authority                20

       Omit the definition of part-time director from clause 1. Insert instead:         21
                   part-time director means a director appointed under                  22
                   section 199 (2) (b).                                                 23

[15]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to Motor Accidents Council                        24

       Omit the definition of appointed member from clause 1. Insert instead:           25
                   appointed member means a member of the Motor Accidents               26
                   Council who is appointed by the Minister.                            27

[16]   Schedule 2, clause 10                                                            28

       Omit "7 members". Insert instead "a majority of members for the time being".     29

[17]   Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions                            30

       Insert at the end of clause 2 (1):                                               31

                    Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Act 2010                     32

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                 Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Schedule 1       Amendment of Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41

[18]   Schedule 5, Part 9                                                                 1
       Insert after clause 36:                                                            2

       Part 9       Provisions arising from Motor Accidents                               3
                    Compensation Amendment Act 2010                                       4

         37   Definition                                                                  5

                    In this Part:                                                         6
                    amending Act means the Motor Accidents Compensation                   7
                    Amendment Act 2010.                                                   8

         38   Operation of amendment to definition of "motor accident"                    9

                    The amendments made by the amending Act to the definition of         10
                    motor accident in section 3 and to section 3A extend to an           11
                    incident or accident that occurred on or after 1 October 2006, but   12
                    not so as to affect any compromise or settlement of a claim, or      13
                    any decision made by a court, before the date of assent to the       14
                    amending Act.                                                        15

         39   Claims assessors                                                           16

              (1)   A person (other than a member of staff or an officer of the          17
                    Authority) who was designated by the Authority as a claims           18
                    assessor before the substitution of section 99 by the amending       19
                    Act is taken to have been validly appointed by that designation as   20
                    a claims assessor.                                                   21

              (2)   A person cannot challenge or otherwise call into question            22
                    anything done or not done by a person referred to in subclause (1)   23
                    on the basis that the person was not a claims assessor because the   24
                    person was not validly appointed as a claims assessor.               25

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Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Bill 2010

Amendment of Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006 No 16   Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of Motor Accidents                                      1
                       (Lifetime Care and Support) Act 2006                              2
                       No 16                                                             3

[1]   Section 34 Board of Directors                                                      4

      Insert after section 34 (2) (a):                                                   5
                    (a1) a member of staff who for the time being holds an office        6
                           nominated by the Chief Executive Officer,                     7

[2]   Section 45 Membership and procedure of Advisory Council                            8

      Omit "8 members" from section 45 (1). Insert instead "9 members".                  9

[3]   Section 45 (1) (f)                                                                10

      Insert after section 45 (1) (e):                                                  11
                     (f) a member of staff who for the time being holds an office       12
                           nominated by the Chief Executive Officer.                    13

[4]   Schedule 1 Provisions relating to Board of Directors of Authority                 14

      Omit the definition of part-time director from clause 1. Insert instead:          15
                  part-time director means a director appointed under                   16
                  section 34 (2) (b).                                                   17

[5]   Schedule 2 Provisions relating to Advisory Council                                18

      Omit the definition of appointed member from clause 1. Insert instead:            19
                  appointed member means any member of the Advisory Council             20
                  appointed under section 45 (1) (a)-(d).                               21

[6]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             22

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                23

                    Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Act 2010                     24

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