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                               New South Wales

Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022

             1   Name of Act                                                    2
             2   Commencement                                                   2
Schedule 1       Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10            3
Schedule 2       Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Regulation 2017          10
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                                   , 2022

                                    New South Wales

Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022

Act No        , 2022

An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 and
regulations under the Act following a statutory review of the Act.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts--
  1   Name of Act
             This Act is the Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Act 2022.
  2   Commencement
             This Act commences as follows--
             (a) for Schedule 1[10]-[14], [19], [24], [25], [30], [31], [34]-[45], [52] and [53]--
                   on the date of assent to this Act,
             (b) otherwise--on 1 April 2023 or a later day or days appointed by proclamation.

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

Schedule 1                Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017
                          No 10
 [1]     Section 1.3 Objects of Act
         Omit "minor injuries" from section 1.3(2)(d).
         Insert instead "soft tissue injuries and psychological or psychiatric injuries that are not
         recognised psychiatric illnesses".
 [2]     Section 1.4 Definitions
         Omit the definition of minor injury from section 1.4(1).
 [3]     Section 1.4(1)
         Insert in alphabetical order--
                       threshold injury--see section 1.6.
 [4]     Section 1.6, heading
         Omit the heading. Insert instead--
         1.6   Meaning of "threshold injury"

 [5]     Section 1.6(1)
         Omit the subsection. Insert instead--
                (1)   For the purposes of this Act, a threshold injury is, subject to this section, one
                      or more of the following--
                      (a) a soft tissue injury,
                      (b) a psychological or psychiatric injury that is not a recognised psychiatric
 [6]     Section 1.6(3)
         Omit the subsection.
 [7]     Section 1.6(4)(a)
         Omit "soft tissue injury or from being a minor psychological or psychiatric injury".
         Insert instead "threshold injury".
 [8]     Section 1.6(4)(b)
         Omit "soft tissue injury or as a minor psychological or psychiatric injury".
         Insert instead "threshold injury".
 [9]     Section 1.6(5)
         Omit "minor injury". Insert instead "threshold injury".
[10]     Section 1.10A
         Insert after section 1.10--
       1.10A   Liability of Nominal Defendant
                      The provisions of this Act relating to the liability of the Nominal Defendant in
                      connection with a motor accident apply to a claim for statutory benefits in the
                      same way as they apply to a claim for damages, subject to--

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

                    (a)     necessary modifications, and
                    (b)     modifications prescribed by the regulations.
[11]   Section 2.25 Adjustment of premiums and Fund levies in case of excess profits or
       excess losses
       Insert "or minimise" after "avoid" wherever occurring in section 2.25(1)-(5).
[12]   Section 2.25
       Insert after section 2.25(2)--
            (2A)    The Motor Accident Guidelines may include provision for the adjustment of
                    premiums and Fund levies under Division 10.4 for the purposes of this clause
                    to take into account innovations implemented by insurers to promote the
                    objects of this Act.
[13]   Section 2.27 Nominal Defendant
       Insert at the end of the section--
                    Note-- See section 1.10A for the application of this Division to statutory benefits.

[14]   Section 2.28 Application of Division to statutory benefits
       Omit the section.
[15]   Section 3.11, heading
       Omit the heading. Insert instead--
       3.11 Cessation of weekly payments after 52 weeks to injured persons most at fault
            or with threshold injuries

[16]   Section 3.11(1)
       Omit "26 weeks". Insert instead "52 weeks".
[17]   Section 3.11(1)(b)
       Omit "minor injuries". Insert instead "threshold injuries".
[18]   Section 3.11, note
       Omit "26 weeks". Insert instead "52 weeks".
[19]   Section 3.24 Entitlement to statutory benefits for treatment and care
       Insert at the end of the section--
             (3)    The Motor Accident Guidelines may provide for--
                    (a) circumstances in which the cost of treatment and care is taken to be
                         reasonable for the purposes of this section, and
                    (b) circumstances in which treatment and care is taken to be reasonable and
                         necessary for the purposes of subsection (2).
                    Note-- See Part 7 and Schedule 2 for provisions relating to disputes about whether
                    treatment and care, or the cost or treatment and care, provided or to be provided to an
                    injured person is reasonable and necessary.

[20]   Section 3.28, heading
       Omit the heading. Insert instead--

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

       3.28 Cessation of statutory benefits after 52 weeks to injured adult persons most at
            fault or to injured persons with threshold injuries

[21]   Section 3.28(1)
       Omit "26 weeks". Insert instead "52 weeks".
[22]   Section 3.28(1)(b)
       Omit "minor injuries". Insert instead "threshold injuries".
[23]   Section 3.28(3)
       Omit the subsection.
[24]   Section 3.31 Limits under Guidelines on statutory benefits for particular treatment
       and care
       Omit "attendant care" from section 3.31(1)(c).
[25]   Section 3.31(1)(c)
       Insert instead ", or who otherwise meet the requirements of the Motor Accident Guidelines"
       after "approved competencies".
[26]   Section 3.38, heading
       Omit "6 months". Insert instead "12 months".
[27]   Section 3.38(1)
       Omit "26 weeks". Insert instead "52 weeks".
[28]   Section 4.4, heading
       Omit the heading. Insert instead--
       4.4   No damages for threshold injuries

[29]   Section 4.4
       Omit "minor injuries". Insert instead "threshold injuries".
[30]   Section 6.13 Time for making of claims for statutory benefits
       Insert ", unless permitted by the regulations" after "claim is made" in section 6.13(2).
[31]   Section 6.14 Time for making of claims for damages
       Omit section 6.14(1).
[32]   Section 6.19 Acceptance of liability for claim for statutory benefits
       Omit "26 weeks" wherever occurring in section 6.19(1) and (2).
       Insert instead "52 weeks".
[33]   Section 6.19(2) and (3)
       Omit "3 months" wherever occurring. Insert instead "9 months".
[34]   Section 6.23 Restrictions on settlement of claim for damages
       Omit section 6.23(1).

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

[35]   Section 6.27 Medical and other examination of claimant
       Insert after section 6.27(1)--
            (1A)    If the Motor Accident Guidelines require an assessment for the purposes of
                    subsection (1)(b) or (c) to be conducted by a person authorised by the
                    Guidelines, the claimant is not required to undergo the assessment unless it is
                    conducted by a person so authorised.
            (1B)    The Motor Accident Guidelines may make provision for or in relation to the
                    appointment of persons authorised to conduct assessments for the purposes of
                    subsection (1)(b) or (c).
[36]   Section 6.27(2)
       Omit "Any such examination or assessment".
       Insert instead "An examination or assessment under subsection (1)".
[37]   Section 7.19 Internal review required before medical assessment
       Insert after section 7.19(2)--
            (2A)    This section does not apply to a medical dispute about the degree of permanent
                    impairment of the injured person that has resulted from injury caused by the
                    motor accident.
[38]   Section 7.33 Time limits for referring claims and making assessment
       Omit the section.
[39]   Section 9.10 Imposition of civil penalty on or censure of licensed insurer
       Insert ", or in addition to," after "instead of" in section 9.10(1).
[40]   Section 9.10(2) and (3)
       Omit the subsections. Insert instead--
              (2)   Before imposing a civil penalty, the Authority must give the licensed insurer
                    a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in relation to the alleged
[41]   Section 9.14 Administrative reviews of licensing decisions by Civil and
       Administrative Tribunal
       Omit "fine" from section 9.14(1)(f). Insert instead "civil penalty".
[42]   Section 10.12 Motor Accidents Operational Fund (the SIRA Fund)
       Insert after section 10.12(3)(h1)--
                    (h2) expenditure incurred by the Authority in the provision of a trauma
                            support service established under section 11.1A,
                    (h3) the amount of legal costs the Authority determines are to be reimbursed
                            to claimants who are parties to court proceedings significantly
                            impacting the sustainability and affordability of the motor accidents
                            scheme under this Act,
[43]   Section 10.15 Assessment by Lifetime Care and Support Authority of amount to be
       contributed to MAITC Benefits Fund
       Insert at the end of the section--

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

                (2)   The regulations may make provision in relation to the determination of
                      amounts for the purposes of subsection (1)(b) to be set aside for the exercise
                      of the functions of the Lifetime Care and Support Authority relating to the
                      administration of this Act as the relevant insurer under section 3.2(3).
                (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may--
                      (a) require the Lifetime Care and Support Authority to disclose to the
                           Authority information relating to--
                            (i) payments of statutory benefits for treatment and care that the
                                  Lifetime Care and Support Authority is required to make under
                                  Division 3.4, and
                           (ii) other significant matters that are likely to have a material
                                  financial impact on the motor accidents scheme under this Act,
                      (b) authorise the Authority to determine maximum amounts that may be
                           determined by the Lifetime Care and Support Authority in relation to
                           the cost of claims handling.
                (4)   The Authority may only determine maximum amounts for the purposes of
                      subsection (3)(b) if it is satisfied that the amounts are reasonable to enable the
                      Lifetime Care and Support Authority to exercise its functions under this Act.
                (5)   The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under subsection
                      (2) or (3) unless the Minister certifies that--
                       (a) the Minister administering the Motor Accidents (Lifetime Care and
                             Support) Act 2006 has been consulted about the proposed regulation,
                      (b) the Lifetime Care and Support Authority has been consulted about the
                             proposed regulation.
[44]     Section 11.1A
         Insert before section 11.1--
       11.1A    Trauma support service
                (1)   The Authority may establish in association with its operations a trauma
                      support service for members of the family of persons who have been injured
                      or who have died as a result of motor accidents.
                (2)   The trauma support service is to provide support determined by the Authority
                      immediately after a motor accident to members of the family of persons who
                      have been injured or who have died as a result of the motor accident.
[45]     Section 11.13 Review of Act
         Omit section 11.13(2). Insert instead--
                (2)   A review under this section is to be undertaken--
                      (a) as soon as practicable after the period of 3 years from the
                            commencement of the Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Act 2022,
                      (b) every 5 years after the period of 3 years referred to in paragraph (a).
               (2A)   A report of the outcome of each review is to be tabled in each House of
                      Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period for undertaking the

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

[46]   Schedule 2 Matters for the purposes of Part 7
       Omit clause 1(l) and (m).
[47]   Schedule 2, clause 2(c)
       Omit the paragraph.
[48]   Schedule 2, clause 2(e)
       Omit "minor injury". Insert instead "threshold injury".
[49]   Schedule 2, clause 3(d)
       Omit "to injured persons most at fault or with minor injuries after 26 weeks) the motor
       accident concerned was caused by the fault of another".
       Insert instead "after 52 weeks to injured persons most at fault or with threshold injuries) the
       motor accident concerned was caused wholly or mostly by the fault of the injured".
[50]   Schedule 2, clause 3(e)
       Omit "26 weeks to injured adult persons most at fault or to injured persons with minor
       injuries) or 3.36 (No statutory benefits for at-fault driver or owner if vehicle uninsured) the
       motor accident was caused".
       Insert instead "52 weeks to injured adult persons most at fault or to injured persons with
       threshold injuries) or 3.36 (No statutory benefits for at-fault driver or owner if vehicle
       uninsured) the motor accident was caused wholly or".
[51]   Schedule 2, clause 3(g)
       Omit "6 months". Insert instead "12 months".
[52]   Schedule 2, clause 3(k)
       Insert ", including statutory benefits for a period before a claim is made," after "payment of
       statutory benefits".
[53]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering--

       Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of Motor
                    Accident Injuries Amendment Act 2022
                    In this Part--
                    2022 amending Act means the Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Act 2022.
              Application of amendments
                    Except as provided by this Part or the regulations, an amendment made to this
                    Act by the 2022 amending Act extends to--
                    (a) a motor accident occurring before the commencement of the
                          amendment, but not before 1 December 2017, and
                    (b) a claim for statutory benefits or damages made before the
                          commencement of the amendment, but not before 1 December 2017,

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Schedule 1 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 No 10

                    (c)   proceedings pending before a merit reviewer, a medical assessor, a
                          claims assessor or a court immediately before the commencement of the
             Statutory benefits after 26 weeks
                   An amendment made to this Act by the 2022 amending Act, Schedule 1[16],
                   [18], [21], [23], [26], [27] or [51] or Schedule 2[7] does not apply to a motor
                   accident occurring before the commencement of the amendment.
             Acceptance of liability
                   An amendment made to this Act by the 2022 amending Act, Schedule 1[32] or
                   [33] does not apply to a motor accident occurring before the commencement
                   of the amendment.
             Internal review
                   The amendment made to this Act by the 2022 amending Act, Schedule 1[37]
                   does not apply to a decision of an insurer made before the commencement of
                   the amendment about the degree of permanent impairment of an injured

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Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries Regulation 2017

Schedule 2            Amendment of Motor Accident Injuries
                      Regulation 2017
[1]   Clause 4 Meaning of "minor injury"
      Omit the heading to clause 4. Insert instead--
      4      Meaning of "threshold injury", section 1.6(4) of the Act

[2]   Clause 4(2)
      Omit "minor psychological or psychiatric injury". Insert instead "threshold injury".
[3]   Clause 4(2), note
      Omit "minor injury". Insert instead "threshold injury".
[4]   Clause 18 Medical matters subject to evidence restriction (section 7.52 (4))
      Omit "minor injuries" from clause 18(b). Insert instead "threshold injuries".
[5]   Clause 18(d)
      Omit "minor injury". Insert instead "threshold injury".
[6]   Schedule 1 Maximum costs for legal services
      Omit "minor injuries" wherever occurring in Schedule 1, Part 1, clause 3(2)(d) and (e).
      Insert instead "threshold injury".
[7]   Schedule 1, Part 1, clause 3(2)(g)
      Omit "6 months". Insert instead "12 months".

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