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New South Wales Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. Overview of Bill The object of this Bill is to amend the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 in relation to access to land by the holders of prospecting titles over the land following the decision of the Supreme Court in Brown & Anor v Coal Mines Australia; Alcorn & Anor v Coal Mines Australia Pty Ltd [2010] NSWSC 143. The Bill: (a) removes the obligation, before prospecting activities are carried out, for an access arrangement to be made with certain secondary landholders whose interests are recorded on the land register but who are not entitled to possession of the land (such as a financial institution holding a registered mortgage over the land), but retains the obligation on holders of those titles to pay compensation to those secondary landholders for compensable loss caused by their prospecting activities, and (b) enables separate land access arrangements to be made where there are multiple landholders of particular land and removes provision for the termination of any arrangement with multiple landholders whenever one of those landholders ceases to be a landholder or when an additional person becomes a landholder, and b2010-030-30.d11 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note (c) makes a person who becomes an additional landholder of land for which there is an existing access arrangement subject to that arrangement unless the person objects within 7 days after being notified of the arrangement and, if he or she objects, until an access arrangement is agreed or determined or a period of 28 days expires without any such agreement or determination, and (d) provides for access arrangements to make provision for the notification to the holder of the prospecting title of particulars of additional landholders and makes it clear that additional provisions may be included in the arrangements if they are not matters already required by or under the Act or the conditions of the prospecting title, and (e) enables access arrangements to be varied by agreement of the parties, by the arbitrator who determined the arrangement or by the Land and Environment Court, and (f) repeals an uncommenced provision of the Mining Amendment Act 2008 that would have required the specification of the amount of compensation that is payable in the event of compensable loss before prospecting activities are carried out (in addition to requiring a land access arrangement before those activities are carried out), and (g) excludes secondary landholders from various other provisions that require landholders to be notified before leases and other authorities are granted or areas constituted for prospecting, and (h) validates existing land access arrangements and leases and other authorities if they comply with the revised requirements set out in the proposed Act. Outline of provisions Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the proposed Act. Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 Currently, the definition of landholder under the Mining Act 1992 (the Mining Act) includes a person identified in any register or record kept by the Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the land. Schedule 1 [1] amends the definition of landholder to provide that in order to qualify as a person who falls within that part of the definition of landholder, the person must be a mortgagee in possession, the holder of a lease, or other person entitled to an exclusive right of occupation, a Minister or public authority having an interest under a covenant imposed under the Crown Lands Act 1989 or under a conservation, natural heritage or biobanking agreement or a person prescribed by the regulations. Any person who does not hold any such interest in the land but who is identified in the land register as a person having an interest in the land (such as a financial Explanatory note page 2 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note institution holding a registered mortgage over the land) is a secondary landholder. This amendment removes the obligation, before prospecting activities are carried out, for an access arrangement to be made with secondary landholders. It also removes various obligations under the Mining Act to notify those landholders before leases and other authorities are granted or certain prospecting areas are constituted (eg cl 21 of Schedule 1; s 177; s 200; s 221). Schedule 1 [8] and [9] amend sections 255A, 262, 269 and 271 of the Mining Act to retain the obligation on holders of prospecting titles to give notice to secondary landholders prior to entering their land and to pay compensation to those secondary landholders for compensable loss caused by their prospecting activities. Schedule 1 [10] amends section 383C of the Mining Act to retain a general immunity for secondary landholders from any action, liability, claim or demand arising as a consequence of any act or omission of a person authorised to exercise any power or right under the Mining Act or under a prospecting title. Schedule 1 [2] inserts a definition of secondary landholder for the purpose of the proposed amendments. Currently, section 140 of the Mining Act requires the holder of a prospecting title to enter into an access arrangement in relation to land that is agreed between the holder of the title and each landholder prior to carrying out prospecting operations on that land. Schedule 1 [3] substitutes section 140 to enable separate land access arrangements to be made where there are multiple landholders of particular land, where prospecting occurs progressively in different areas of the same landholding or where separate arrangements are required to preserve the confidentiality of certain provisions in the arrangements. Schedule 1 [5] amends section 142 to make provision for circumstances in which some, but not all, landholders of particular land have agreed to an access arrangement with the holder of a prospecting title. In particular, a landholder who has agreed to an access arrangement will not be a party to a hearing before an arbitrator in relation to the landholders who have not agreed to an access arrangement, unless the landholder requests to be made a party to the hearing. Schedule 1 [4] amends section 141 of the Mining Act to provide that access arrangements may make provision for the notification to the holder of the prospecting title of particulars of additional landholders and to make it clear that additional provisions may be included in the arrangements if they are not matters already required by or under the Act or the conditions of the prospecting title. Schedule 1 [6] inserts proposed section 155 (6A) which provides that a review of a determination made by an arbitrator is to be by way of rehearing in the Land and Environment Court. Schedule 1 [7] substitutes sections 157 and 158 of the Mining Act. Proposed section 157 enables an access arrangement to be varied or terminated by the agreement of the parties to the arrangement, by the arbitrator who determined the arrangement or by the Land and Environment Court. Explanatory note page 3 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note Proposed section 158 provides that an access arrangement does not terminate if a person becomes a landholder of all or any part of the land concerned after the arrangement was agreed or determined, or if one landholder to an arrangement with 2 or more landholders ceases to be a landholder of the land concerned. A person who becomes an additional landholder of land for which there is an existing access arrangement is subject to that arrangement unless the person objects within 7 days after being notified of the arrangement and, if he or she so objects, until an access arrangement is agreed or determined, or a period of 28 days expires without any such arrangement or determination. If land subject to an access arrangement ceases to be subject to a particular prospecting title, and instead becomes subject to another prospecting title that is either held by the same title holder or by a person who is assigned the rights of the holder under the access arrangement, the access arrangement does not terminate and the arrangement becomes an access arrangement in respect of that other prospecting title. Schedule 1 [11] permits, in addition to the regulation of arbitrator's costs, the making of provisions to regulate the procedure of any arbitration conducted under the Mining Act. Schedule 1 [12] permits regulations under the Mining Act to contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act. Schedule 1 [13] contains savings and transitional provisions consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act, which validate existing land access arrangements and leases or other authorities if they comply with the revised requirements set out in the proposed Act. Schedule 2 Amendment of Mining Amendment Act 2008 No 19 Schedule 2 [2] amends an uncommenced provision of the Mining Amendment Act 2008 (the 2008 Act) to retain the obligation on the holder of a prospecting title to pay compensation to a secondary landholder for compensable loss caused by the holder's prospecting activities. Schedule 2 [3] and [4] repeal uncommenced provisions of the 2008 Act that would have required the specification of the amount of compensation that is payable in the event of compensable loss before prospecting activities are carried out. Schedule 2 [1] and [5] repeal uncommenced provisions of the 2008 Act consequential on the amendments made by Schedule 1 to the proposed Act. Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Currently, the definition of landholder under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (the Petroleum Act) includes a person identified in any register or record kept by the Explanatory note page 4 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the land. Schedule 3 [1] amends the definition of landholder to provide that in order to qualify as a person who falls within that part of the definition of landholder, the person must be a mortgagee in possession, the holder of a lease, or other person entitled to an exclusive right of occupation, a Minister or public authority having an interest under a covenant imposed under the Crown Lands Act 1989 or under a conservation, natural heritage or biobanking agreement or a person prescribed by the regulations. Any person who does not hold any such interest in the land but who is identified in the land register as a person having an interest in the land (such as a financial institution holding a registered mortgage over the land) is a secondary landholder. This amendment removes the obligation, before prospecting activities are carried out, for an access arrangement to be made with secondary landholders. It also removes various obligations under the Petroleum Act to obtain the consent of those landholders before certain operations under leases may be carried out (eg s 71). Schedule 3 [8] amends section 101 of the Petroleum Act to retain the obligation on holders of prospecting titles to give notice to secondary landholders prior to entering their land. Schedule 3 [2] inserts a definition of secondary landholder for the purpose of the proposed amendments. Currently, section 69C of the Petroleum Act requires the holder of a prospecting title to enter into an access arrangement in relation to land that is agreed between the holder of the title and each landholder prior to carrying out prospecting operations on that land. Schedule 3 [3] substitutes section 69C to enable separate land access arrangements to be made where there are multiple landholders of particular land, where prospecting occurs progressively in different areas of the same landholding or where separate arrangements are required to preserve the confidentiality of certain provisions in the arrangements. Schedule 3 [5] amends section 69E to make provision for circumstances in which some, but not all, landholders of particular land have agreed to an access arrangement with the holder of a prospecting title. In particular, a landholder who has agreed to an access arrangement will not be a party to a hearing before an arbitrator in relation to the landholders who have not agreed to an access arrangement, unless the landholder requests to be made a party to the hearing. Schedule 3 [4] amends section 69D of the Petroleum Act to provide that access arrangements may make provision for the notification to the holder of the prospecting title of particulars of additional landholders and to make it clear that additional provisions may be included in the arrangements if they are not matters already required by or under the Act or the conditions of the prospecting title. Schedule 3 [6] inserts proposed section 69R (6A), which provides that a review of a determination made by an arbitrator is to be by way of rehearing in the Land and Environment Court. Explanatory note page 5 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Explanatory note Schedule 3 [7] substitutes sections 69T and 69U of the Petroleum Act. Proposed section 69T enables an access arrangement to be varied or terminated by the agreement of the parties to the arrangement, by the arbitrator who determined the arrangement or by the Land and Environment Court. Proposed section 69U provides that an access arrangement does not terminate if a person becomes a landholder of all or any part of the land concerned after the arrangement was agreed or determined, or if one landholder to an arrangement with 2 or more landholders ceases to be a landholder of the land concerned. A person who becomes an additional landholder of land for which there is an existing access arrangement is subject to that arrangement unless the person objects within 7 days after being notified of the arrangement and, if he or she so objects, until an access arrangement is agreed or determined, or a period of 28 days expires without any such arrangement or determination. If land subject to an access arrangement ceases to be subject to a particular prospecting title, and instead becomes subject to another prospecting title that is either held by the same title holder or by a person who is assigned the rights of the holder under the access arrangement, the access arrangement does not terminate and the arrangement becomes an access arrangement in respect of that other prospecting title. Schedule 3 [9] allows the making of regulations to regulate arbitrator's costs and the procedure of any arbitration conducted under the Petroleum Act. Schedule 3 [10] inserts proposed section 141 to provide a general immunity to landholders (including secondary landholders) from any action, liability, claim or demand arising as a consequence of any act or omission of a person authorised to exercise any power or right under the Petroleum Act or under a petroleum title. Schedule 3 [11] allows regulations under the Petroleum Act to contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act. Schedule 3 [12] contains savings and transitional provisions consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act, which validate existing land access arrangements and petroleum titles if they comply with the revised requirements set out in the proposed Act. Explanatory note page 6 First print New South Wales Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of Mining Amendment Act 2008 No 19 9 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 10 b2010-030-30.d11 New South Wales Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 No , 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 in relation to rights of access to land for exploration; and for other purposes. Clause 1 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land 3 Access) Act 2010. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 1 [1] Dictionary, definition of "landholder" 2 Omit paragraph (g) from the definition of landholder. Insert instead: 3 (g) a person identified in any register or record kept by the 4 Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the 5 land, being: 6 (i) a mortgagee in possession of the land, or 7 (ii) a lessee of the land or other person entitled to an 8 exclusive right of occupation of the land, or 9 (iii) a Minister or public authority having the benefit of 10 a covenant affecting the land that is imposed by a 11 Minister on behalf of the Crown under the Crown 12 Lands Act 1989, or 13 (iv) a Minister or public authority having an interest in 14 the land under a conservation, natural heritage or 15 biobanking agreement, or 16 (v) a person prescribed by the regulations for the 17 purposes of this paragraph, or 18 (g1) a person identified in any register or record kept by the 19 Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the 20 land, other than a person to whom paragraph (g) applies, 21 but only in a provision of this Act in which a reference to 22 a landholder is expressed to include a secondary 23 landholder, or 24 Note. See s 255A, Part 13, s 383C. 25 [2] Dictionary 26 Insert in alphabetical order: 27 secondary landholder--see paragraph (g1) of the definition of 28 landholder. 29 [3] Section 140 30 Omit the section. Insert instead: 31 140 Prospecting to be carried out in accordance with access 32 arrangement 33 (1) The holder of a prospecting title must not carry out prospecting 34 operations on any particular area of land except in accordance 35 Page 3 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 with an access arrangement or arrangements applying to that area 1 of land: 2 (a) agreed (orally or in writing) between the holder of the 3 prospecting title and each landholder of that area of land, 4 or 5 (b) determined by an arbitrator in accordance with this 6 Division. 7 (2) Separate access arrangements may (but need not) be agreed or 8 determined with different landholders of the same area of land, 9 for different areas of the same landholding or with respect to the 10 different matters to which access arrangements relate. 11 (3) Separate access arrangements may be made to preserve the 12 confidentiality of provisions of the arrangements, to deal with 13 persons becoming landholders at different times or for any other 14 reason. 15 [4] Section 141 Matters for which access arrangements to provide 16 Omit section 141 (1) (i). Insert instead: 17 (i) the notification to the holder of the prospecting title of 18 particulars of any person who becomes an additional 19 landholder, 20 (j) such other matters not otherwise required by or under this 21 Act or the conditions of the prospecting title as the parties 22 to the arrangement may agree to include in the 23 arrangement. 24 [5] Section 142 Holder of prospecting title to seek access arrangement 25 Omit section 142 (3). Insert instead: 26 (3) The holder of a prospecting title and a landholder of the land 27 concerned may agree (either orally or in writing and either before 28 or after the prospecting title is granted) on an access arrangement. 29 (4) If some but not all of the landholders of any particular land have 30 agreed to an access arrangement, a reference in sections 143-156 31 to each landholder of the land or to a party to the hearing before 32 an arbitrator does not include a reference to any of those 33 landholders who has agreed to an access arrangement. However, 34 the arbitrator may allow a landholder who has agreed to an access 35 arrangement to become a party to the hearing of the matter in 36 order to ensure consistency in the access arrangements over the 37 same land, and may, for that purpose, replace the agreed access 38 arrangement with the access arrangement determined by the 39 arbitrator. 40 Page 4 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 Schedule 1 (5) In this section, a reference to the holder of a prospecting title 1 includes a reference to the proposed holder of a prospecting title. 2 [6] Section 155 Review of determination 3 Insert after section 155 (6): 4 (6A) A review of a determination is to be by way of rehearing, and 5 fresh material or material in addition to, or in substitution for, the 6 material considered on the making of the determination by the 7 arbitrator may be given on the review and taken into 8 consideration by the Land and Environment Court. 9 [7] Sections 157 and 158 10 Omit the sections. Insert instead: 11 157 Variation of access arrangements 12 (1) An access arrangement may be varied in accordance with the 13 terms of the arrangement relating to its variation. 14 (2) An access arrangement may also be varied: 15 (a) by the agreement of the parties to the arrangement, or 16 (b) with the consent of all the parties to the arrangement, by 17 the arbitrator who determined the arrangement, or 18 (c) on application by any of the parties to the arrangement, by 19 order of the Land and Environment Court. 20 (3) In this section, vary includes terminate. 21 158 Change in landholders etc 22 (1) An access arrangement with 2 or more landholders does not 23 terminate because one of those landholders ceases to be a 24 landholder of the land concerned. 25 (2) An access arrangement does not terminate because a person 26 becomes a landholder of all or any part of the land concerned 27 after the arrangement was agreed or determined. 28 (3) An access arrangement does not run with the land, and 29 accordingly a person does not (except as provided by this section) 30 become a party to the access arrangement merely because the 31 person becomes a landholder of any of the land after the access 32 arrangement was agreed or determined. 33 (4) If, after an access arrangement has been agreed or determined, a 34 person becomes a landholder of any of the land to which the 35 arrangement applies in addition to another landholder who 36 Page 5 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 continues to be a party to the arrangement, the provisions of the 1 arrangement (other than those relating to the payment of 2 compensation) apply to the new landholder as if the new 3 landholder were a party to the arrangement, but only if the holder 4 of the prospecting title concerned has given the new landholder a 5 copy of the access arrangement. 6 (5) If the new landholder objects to the access arrangement within 7 7 days after being given a copy of the arrangement, the access 8 arrangement ceases to apply to the new landholder when 9 whichever of the following first happens: 10 (a) the new landholder agrees to an access arrangement with 11 the holder of the prospecting title concerned in accordance 12 with this Division, 13 (b) an arbitrator is appointed and determines an access 14 arrangement in relation to the new landholder in 15 accordance with this Division, 16 (c) at the end of the period of 28 days after the new landholder 17 objects, an access arrangement has not been so agreed or 18 determined. 19 However, if an arbitrator is appointed or an application for review 20 of a determination of the arbitrator is made, the arbitrator or the 21 Land and Environment Court (as the case requires) may continue 22 the existing access arrangement (with or without variation) until 23 the determination of the arbitration or review. 24 (6) Nothing in this section prevents an access arrangement being 25 agreed or determined in respect of a proposed new landholder. 26 (7) An access arrangement agreed with the holder of a prospecting 27 title does not terminate: 28 (a) if land subject to the access arrangement ceases to be 29 subject to that prospecting title and becomes subject to 30 another prospecting title, and 31 (b) if that other prospecting title is held by the same person or 32 by a person who is assigned the rights of the holder under 33 the access arrangement. 34 In that case, the arrangement becomes an access arrangement 35 under this Division in respect of that other prospecting title. 36 [8] Section 255A Restriction of power of entry: permit holders 37 Insert after section 255A (2): 38 (3) In this section, landholder includes a secondary landholder. 39 Page 6 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 Schedule 1 [9] Sections 262, 269 and 271 1 Insert in alphabetical order in each section: 2 landholder includes a secondary landholder. 3 [10] Section 383C General immunity of landholders 4 Insert at the end of the section: 5 (2) In this section, landholder includes a secondary landholder. 6 [11] Schedule 4 Regulation making powers 7 Omit clause 10. Insert instead: 8 10 Arbitration 9 Regulating arbitrator's costs under this Act and the procedure of 10 any arbitration conducted under this Act. 11 [12] Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions 12 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 13 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) 14 Act 2010, but only in relation to the amendments made to this Act 15 [13] Schedule 6 16 Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering: 17 Part Provisions consequent on enactment of 18 Mining and Petroleum Legislation 19 Amendment (Land Access) Act 2010 20 Definition 21 In this Part: 22 the amending Act means the Mining and Petroleum Legislation 23 Amendment (Land Access) Act 2010. 24 Existing land access arrangement 25 (1) A land access arrangement purporting to have been agreed or 26 determined under Division 2 of Part 8 of this Act before the 27 commencement of the amending Act that would have been a 28 valid arrangement if agreed or determined after that 29 commencement is taken to be (and always to have been) a valid 30 arrangement under that Division. 31 Page 7 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Mining Act 1992 No 29 (2) Any action purportedly taken before the commencement of the 1 amending Act in relation to a proposed access arrangement under 2 that Division that would have been validly taken after that 3 commencement is taken to have been (and always to have been) 4 validly taken under that Division. 5 (3) This clause does not affect any order of a court made before the 6 commencement of the amending Act. 7 (4) If, before the commencement of the amending Act, an access 8 arrangement determined by an arbitrator, or by a court following 9 a review of a determination made by an arbitrator, was set aside 10 by a court, any party to the access arrangement may apply to the 11 Land and Environment Court for the determination of an access 12 arrangement in accordance with Division 2 of Part 8 of this Act, 13 as amended by the amending Act. This subclause does not 14 prevent an access arrangement being agreed to or determined by 15 an arbitrator in accordance with that Division, as so amended. 16 Existing mining authorities 17 (1) In this clause: 18 mining authority means an authority or other authorisation 19 granted under this Act or any prospecting area constituted under 20 this Act. 21 (2) A mining authority purporting to have been granted or 22 constituted under this Act before the commencement of the 23 amending Act that would have been a valid mining authority if 24 granted or constituted after that commencement is taken to be 25 (and always to have been) a valid mining authority under this 26 Act. 27 (3) Any action purportedly taken before the commencement of the 28 amending Act in relation to a proposed mining authority under 29 this Act that would have been validly taken after that 30 commencement is taken to have been (and always to have been) 31 validly taken under this Act. 32 (4) This clause does not affect any order of a court made before the 33 commencement of the amending Act. 34 Page 8 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Mining Amendment Act 2008 No 19 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendment of Mining Amendment Act 1 2008 No 19 2 [1] Schedule 1 [99], proposed section 140 3 Omit the item. 4 [2] Schedule 1 [208] 5 Insert in alphabetical order in proposed section 242B (6): 6 landholder includes a secondary landholder. 7 [3] Schedule 1 [225] 8 Omit the item. 9 [4] Schedule 1 [226] 10 Omit "Omit section 264 (4). Insert instead:" and proposed section 264 (4). 11 Insert instead "Insert after section 264 (4):". 12 [5] Schedule 1 [273] 13 Omit proposed clause titled "Access arrangements". 14 Page 9 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1 1991 No 84 2 [1] Section 3 Definitions 3 Omit paragraph (g) of the definition of landholder in section 3 (1). 4 Insert instead: 5 (g) a person identified in any register or record kept by the 6 Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the 7 land, being: 8 (i) a mortgagee in possession of the land, or 9 (ii) a lessee of the land or other person entitled to an 10 exclusive right of occupation of the land, or 11 (iii) a Minister or public authority having the benefit of 12 a covenant affecting the land that is imposed by a 13 Minister on behalf of the Crown under the Crown 14 Lands Act 1989, or 15 (iv) a Minister or public authority having an interest in 16 the land under a conservation, natural heritage or 17 biobanking agreement, or 18 (v) a person prescribed by the regulations for the 19 purposes of this paragraph, or 20 (g1) a person identified in any register or record kept by the 21 Registrar-General as a person having an interest in the 22 land, other than a person to whom paragraph (g) applies, 23 but only in a provision of this Act in which a reference to 24 a landholder is expressed to include a secondary 25 landholder, or 26 Note. See sections 101 and 141. 27 [2] Section 3 (1) 28 Insert in alphabetical order: 29 secondary landholder--see paragraph (g1) of the definition of 30 landholder. 31 Page 10 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Schedule 3 [3] Section 69C 1 Omit the section. Insert instead: 2 69C Prospecting to be carried out in accordance with access 3 arrangement 4 (1) The holder of a prospecting title must not carry out prospecting 5 operations on any land except in accordance with an access 6 arrangement or arrangements applying to the land: 7 (a) agreed (orally or in writing) between the holder of the 8 prospecting title and each landholder of the land, or 9 (b) determined by an arbitrator in accordance with this Part. 10 (2) Separate access arrangements may (but need not) be agreed or 11 determined with different landholders of the same area of land, 12 for different areas of the same landholding or with respect to the 13 different matters to which access arrangements relate. 14 (3) Separate access arrangements may be made to preserve the 15 confidentiality of provisions of the arrangements, to deal with 16 persons becoming landholders at different times or for any other 17 reason. 18 [4] Section 69D Matters for which access arrangements to provide 19 Omit section 69D (1) (i). Insert instead: 20 (i) the notification to the holder of the prospecting title of 21 particulars of any person who becomes an additional 22 landholder, 23 (j) such other matters not otherwise required by or under this 24 Act or the conditions of the prospecting title as the parties 25 to the arrangement may agree to include in the 26 arrangement. 27 [5] Section 69E Holder of prospecting title to seek access arrangement 28 Omit section 69E (3). Insert instead: 29 (3) The holder of a prospecting title and a landholder of the land 30 concerned may agree (either orally or in writing and either before 31 or after the prospecting title is granted) on an access arrangement. 32 (4) If some but not all of the landholders of any particular land have 33 agreed to an access arrangement, a reference in sections 69F-69S 34 to each landholder of the land or to a party to the hearing before 35 an arbitrator does not include a reference to any of those 36 landholders who has agreed to an access arrangement. However, 37 the arbitrator may allow a landholder who has agreed to an access 38 Page 11 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 arrangement to become a party to the hearing of the matter in 1 order to ensure consistency in the access arrangements over the 2 same land, and may, for that purpose, replace the agreed access 3 arrangement with the access arrangement determined by the 4 arbitrator. 5 (5) In this section, a reference to the holder of a prospecting title 6 includes a reference to the proposed holder of a prospecting title. 7 [6] Section 69R Review of determination 8 Insert after section 69R (6): 9 (6A) A review of a determination is to be by way of rehearing, and 10 fresh material or material in addition to, or in substitution for, the 11 material considered on the making of the determination by the 12 arbitrator may be given on the review and taken into 13 consideration by the Land and Environment Court. 14 [7] Sections 69T and 69U 15 Omit the sections. Insert instead: 16 69T Variation of access arrangements 17 (1) An access arrangement may be varied in accordance with the 18 terms of the arrangement relating to its variation. 19 (2) An access arrangement may also be varied: 20 (a) by the agreement of the parties to the arrangement, or 21 (b) with the consent of all the parties to the arrangement, by 22 the arbitrator who determined the arrangement, or 23 (c) on application by any of the parties to the arrangement, by 24 order of the Land and Environment Court. 25 (3) In this section, vary includes terminate. 26 69U Change in landholders etc 27 (1) An access arrangement with 2 or more landholders does not 28 terminate because one of those landholders ceases to be a 29 landholder of the land concerned. 30 (2) An access arrangement does not terminate because a person 31 becomes a landholder of all or any part of the land concerned 32 after the arrangement was agreed or determined. 33 (3) An access arrangement does not run with the land, and 34 accordingly a person does not (except as provided by this section) 35 become a party to the access arrangement merely because the 36 Page 12 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Schedule 3 person becomes a landholder of any of the land after the access 1 arrangement was agreed or determined. 2 (4) If, after an access arrangement has been agreed or determined, a 3 person becomes a landholder of any of the land to which the 4 arrangement applies in addition to another landholder who 5 continues to be a party to the arrangement, the provisions of the 6 arrangement (other than those relating to the payment of 7 compensation) apply to the new landholder as if the new 8 landholder were a party to the arrangement, but only if the holder 9 of the prospecting title concerned has given the new landholder a 10 copy of the access arrangement. 11 (5) If the new landholder objects to the arrangement within 7 days 12 after being given a copy of the arrangement, the access 13 arrangement ceases to apply to the new landholder when 14 whichever of the following first happens: 15 (a) the new landholder agrees to an access arrangement with 16 the holder of the prospecting title concerned in accordance 17 with this Part, 18 (b) an arbitrator is appointed and determines an access 19 arrangement in relation to the new landholder in 20 accordance with this Part, 21 (c) at the end of the period of 28 days after the new landholder 22 objects, an access arrangement has not been so agreed or 23 determined. 24 However, if an arbitrator is appointed or an application for review 25 of the determination of the arbitrator is made, the arbitrator or 26 Land and Environment Court (as the case requires) may continue 27 the existing access arrangement (with or without variation) until 28 the determination of the arbitration or review. 29 (6) Nothing in this section prevents an access arrangement being 30 agreed or determined in respect of a proposed new landholder. 31 (7) An access arrangement agreed with the holder of a prospecting 32 title does not terminate: 33 (a) if land subject to the access arrangement ceases to be 34 subject to that prospecting title and becomes subject to 35 another prospecting title, and 36 (b) if that other prospecting title is held by the same person or 37 by a person who is assigned the rights of the holder under 38 the access arrangement. 39 In that case, the arrangement becomes an access arrangement 40 under this Part in respect of that other prospecting title. 41 Page 13 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 [8] Section 101 Notice to landholder 1 Insert after section 101 (2): 2 (3) In this section, landholder includes a secondary landholder. 3 [9] Section 138 Regulations 4 Insert at the end of section 138 (1) (p): 5 , and 6 (q) regulating arbitrator's costs under this Act and the 7 procedure of any arbitration conducted under this Act. 8 [10] Section 141 9 Insert after section 140: 10 141 General immunity of landholders 11 (1) The landholder of land within which any person (other than the 12 landholder) is authorised to exercise any power or right: 13 (a) by or under this Act, or 14 (b) by any petroleum title under this Act, 15 is not subject to any action, liability, claim or demand arising as 16 a consequence of that person's acts or omissions in the exercise, 17 or purported exercise, of any such power or right. 18 (2) This section extends to anything done or omitted to be done 19 before the commencement of this section. 20 (3) In this section, landholder includes a secondary landholder. 21 [11] Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions 22 Insert at the end of clause 2 (1) (b): 23 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) 24 Act 2010, but only in relation to amendments made to this Act 25 Page 14 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Schedule 3 [12] Schedule 1 1 Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering: 2 Part Provisions consequent on enactment of 3 Mining and Petroleum Legislation 4 Amendment (Land Access) Act 2010 5 Definition 6 In this Part, the amending Act means the Mining and Petroleum 7 Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Act 2010. 8 Existing land access arrangement 9 (1) A land access arrangement purporting to have been agreed or 10 determined under Part 4A of this Act before the commencement 11 of the amending Act that would have been a valid arrangement if 12 agreed or determined after that commencement is taken to be 13 (and always to have been) a valid arrangement under that Part. 14 (2) Any action purportedly taken before the commencement of the 15 amending Act in relation to a proposed access arrangement under 16 that Part that would have been validly taken after that 17 commencement is taken to have been (and always to have been) 18 validly taken under that Part. 19 (3) This clause does not affect any order of a court made before the 20 commencement of the amending Act. 21 (4) If, before the commencement of the amending Act, an access 22 arrangement determined by an arbitrator, or by a court following 23 a review of a determination made by an arbitrator, was set aside 24 by a court, any party to the access arrangement may apply to the 25 Land and Environment Court for the determination of an access 26 arrangement in accordance with Part 4A of this Act, as amended 27 by the amending Act. This subclause does not prevent an access 28 arrangement being agreed to or determined by an arbitrator in 29 accordance with that Part, as so amended. 30 Existing petroleum titles 31 (1) A petroleum title purporting to have been granted under this Act 32 before the commencement of the amending Act that would have 33 been a valid petroleum title if granted after that commencement 34 is taken to be (and always to have been) a valid petroleum title 35 under this Act. 36 Page 15 Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Land Access) Bill 2010 Schedule 3 Amendment of Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 (2) Any action purportedly taken before the commencement of the 1 amending Act in relation to a proposed petroleum title under this 2 Act that would have been validly taken after that commencement 3 is taken to have been (and always to have been) validly taken 4 under this Act. 5 (3) This clause does not affect any order of a court made before the 6 commencement of the amending Act. 7 Page 16
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