New South Wales Bills

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                          New South Wales

Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume
and Mulwala) Bill 2001


Part 1   Preliminary
           1   Name and purpose of Act                                    2
           2   Commencement                                               2
           3   Definitions                                                2
           4   Laws associated with marine safety legislation             4

Part 2   Area transferred to Victorian jurisdiction
           5 Application of marine safety legislation of Victoria and
             associated Victorian laws in transferred New South Wales
             area                                                         5
           6 Conferral of functions and jurisdiction on Victoria          5
           7 Provisions of marine safety legislation of Victoria with
             specific application not to apply                            5
           8 Exclusion of applicable provisions by regulation             6
Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001



Part 3       Area transferred to New South Wales jurisdiction
                9 Application of marine safety legislation of New South
                  Wales and associated New South Wales laws in
                  transferred Victorian area                                7
               10 Conferral of functions and jurisdiction on New South
                  Wales                                                     7

Part 4       Miscellaneous
               11   Appointment of interstate officers                      8
               12   Act to bind Crown                                       8
               13   Regulations                                             8
               14   Savings and transitional provisions                     8

Contents page 2
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, has

                                              Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                              Legislative Assembly,
                                              Sydney,                       , 2001

                               New South Wales

Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume
and Mulwala) Bill 2001
Act No     , 2001

An Act to rationalise the application of the marine safety legislation of New South
Wales and Victoria in Lake Hume and Lake Mulwala on the Murray River border;
and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1           Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001

Part 1             Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1 Preliminary
   1     Name and purpose of Act
         (1) This Act is the Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala)
             Act 2001.
         (2) The purpose of this Act is to rationalise the application of the marine
             safety legislation of New South Wales and Victoria in Lake Hume and
             Lake Mulwala on the Murray River border, which has been submerged
             by the creation of those Lakes. Under the combined operation of this
             Act and the corresponding Victorian Act, the marine safety legislation
             is to have effect as if the border:
             (a)     included within Victoria all the waters of Lake Hume
                     downstream of the Bethanga Bridge, and
             (b)     included within New South Wales all the waters of Lake Hume
                     upstream of that bridge, and all the waters of Lake Mulwala
                     (including the waters of the Ovens River north of the Murray
                     Valley Highway Bridge).

   2     Commencement
             This Act commences on a day to be appointed by proclamation.

   3     Definitions
             In this Act:
             associated laws has the meaning given by section 4.
             Bethanga Bridge means the bridge by that name over the Murray
             River as at the commencement of this Act, but if that bridge is replaced
             after that commencement, means the replacement bridge.
             corresponding Victorian Act means the Marine Safety Legislation
             (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Act 2001 of Victoria.
             exercise includes perform.
             function includes a power, duty or authority.

Page 2
Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001           Clause 3

Preliminary                                                            Part 1

              Lake Hume means the lake by that name on the Murray River,
              comprising the waters from the Hume Weir upstream to the imaginary
              line across the Murray River at longitude 147 degrees and 30 minutes
              Lake Mulwala means the lake by that name on the Murray River,
              (a)     the waters from the Yarrawonga Weir upstream to the
                      imaginary line across the Murray River at longitude 146
                      degrees and 15 minutes east, and
              (b)     the waters of the Ovens River north of the Murray Valley
                      Highway Bridge.
              law includes unwritten law.
              marine safety legislation means the marine safety legislation of New
              South Wales and the marine safety legislation of Victoria.
              marine safety legislation of New South Wales means the provisions
              of the Marine Safety Act 1998 of New South Wales, and the
              regulations and other instruments made under that Act, as in force
              from time to time.
              marine safety legislation of Victoria means the provisions of the
              Marine Act 1988 of Victoria, and the regulations and other
              instruments made under that Act, as in force from time to time.
              Murray Valley Highway Bridge means the bridge, on the Murray
              Valley Highway, over the Ovens River as at the commencement of
              this Act, but if that bridge is replaced after that commencement, means
              the replacement bridge.
              transferred New South Wales area means so much of the area
              covered for the time being by the waters of Lake Hume downstream
              of the Bethanga Bridge as is within the territorial limits of New South
              transferred Victorian area means:
              (a)     so much of the area covered for the time being by the waters of
                      Lake Hume upstream of the Bethanga Bridge, and
              (b)     so much of the area covered for the time being by the waters of
                      Lake Mulwala (including the waters of the Ovens River north
                      of the Murray Valley Highway Bridge),
              as are within the territorial limits of Victoria.

                                                                                Page 3
Clause 4           Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001

Part 1             Preliminary

   4     Laws associated with marine safety legislation
         (1) For the purposes of this Act, associated laws, in relation to the marine
             safety legislation of a State, are the provisions of any laws of that State
             concerning a matter arising under that legislation.
         (2) Matters arising under marine safety legislation include, for example
             (but without limitation) the following:
             (a)    the investigation and prosecution of offences under that
                    legislation (including the issue of infringement or penalty
                    notices), and the arrest, bail, trial and conviction of offenders,
             (b)    the jurisdiction of courts and tribunals under that legislation,
             (c)    the procedure before courts and tribunals exercising jurisdiction
                    under that legislation (including with respect to evidence,
                    appeals and review),
             (d)    the payment and recovery of fines, penalties, fees and other
                    money under that legislation,
             (e)    the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman with respect to the conduct
                    of public officials under that legislation,
             (f)    the access to information held by public officials under that
             (g)    the interpretation of that legislation.

Page 4
Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001           Clause 5

Area transferred to Victorian jurisdiction                             Part 2

Part 2 Area transferred to Victorian jurisdiction

   5     Application of marine safety legislation of Victoria and associated
         Victorian laws in transferred New South Wales area
         (1) The marine safety legislation of Victoria, and the associated laws of
             Victoria, apply in and in relation to the transferred New South Wales
             area as if that area were within the territorial limits of Victoria.
         (2) The marine safety legislation of New South Wales, and the associated
             laws of New South Wales, do not apply in or in relation to the
             transferred New South Wales area.

   6     Conferral of functions and jurisdiction on Victoria
         (1) All persons who have functions conferred or imposed on them for the
             purposes of or in connection with the marine safety legislation of
             Victoria (or the associated laws of Victoria) have and may exercise
             those functions for the purposes of or in connection with that
             legislation or those laws, as applying in and in relation to the
             transferred New South Wales area by virtue of this Part.
         (2) The several courts of Victoria are invested with jurisdiction in all
             matters arising under the marine safety legislation of Victoria (or the
             associated laws of Victoria), as applying in and in relation to the
             transferred New South Wales area by virtue of this Part.

   7     Provisions of marine safety legislation of Victoria with specific
         application not to apply
         (1) Nothing in this Part renders a provision of the marine safety legislation
             of Victoria applicable in a particular place:
             (a)    in so far as the provision is incapable of applying in or in
                    relation to that place, or
             (b)    if that legislation expressly provides that the provision does not
                    extend or apply in or in relation to that place, or
             (c)    if that legislation expressly provides that the provision applies
                    only in a specified locality that does not include that place.
         (2) A provision of the marine safety legislation of Victoria is not taken to
             be a provision to which subsection (1) applies merely because it is
             limited in its application to acts, matters or things within the waters
             (however described) of Victoria.

                                                                                Page 5
Clause 8          Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001

Part 2            Area transferred to Victorian jurisdiction

   8     Exclusion of applicable provisions by regulation
             The regulations under this Act:
             (a)   may exclude particular provisions of the marine safety
                   legislation of Victoria or the associated laws of Victoria from
                   applying in and in relation to the transferred New South Wales
                   area by virtue of this Part, and
             (b)   may provide that particular provisions of the marine safety
                   legislation of New South Wales or the associated laws of New
                   South Wales are not excluded from applying in or in relation to
                   the transferred New South Wales area by virtue of this Part.

Page 6
Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001           Clause 9

Area transferred to New South Wales jurisdiction                       Part 3

Part 3 Area transferred to New South Wales jurisdiction

   9    Application of marine safety legislation of New South Wales and
        associated New South Wales laws in transferred Victorian area
              This Part has effect for the purposes of the provisions of the
              corresponding Victorian Act that apply the marine safety legislation of
              New South Wales, and any associated laws of New South Wales, in
              and in relation to the transferred Victorian area as if that area were
              within the territorial limits of New South Wales.

  10    Conferral of functions and jurisdiction on New South Wales
        (1) All persons who have functions conferred or imposed on them for the
            purposes of or in connection with the marine safety legislation of New
            South Wales (or the associated laws of New South Wales) have and
            may exercise those functions for the purposes of or in connection with
            that legislation or those laws, as applying in and in relation to the
            transferred Victorian area by virtue of the corresponding Victorian Act.
        (2) The several courts of New South Wales are invested with jurisdiction
            in all matters arising under the marine safety legislation of New South
            Wales (or the associated laws of New South Wales), as applying in and
            in relation to the transferred Victorian area by virtue of the
            corresponding Victorian Act.

                                                                                Page 7
Clause 11          Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001

Part 4             Miscellaneous

Part 4 Miscellaneous

  11     Appointment of interstate officers
         (1) A power under the marine safety legislation of New South Wales to
             appoint or authorise a person for the purposes of the enforcement of
             that legislation in New South Wales or in the transferred Victorian area
             extends to the appointment or authorisation of a person who is a
             member of the police force of Victoria or who is employed under
             Part 3 of the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998 of
         (2) A person who is police officer of New South Wales or a member of
             the staff of the Waterways Authority of New South Wales (or of any
             other authority of New South Wales) may be appointed or authorised
             under the marine safety legislation of Victoria for the purposes of the
             enforcement of that legislation in Victoria or in the transferred New
             South Wales area.

  12     Act to bind Crown
              This Act binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and, in so far
              as the legislative power of the Parliament of New South Wales permits,
              the Crown in all its other capacities.

  13     Regulations
              The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for
              or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted
              to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for
              carrying out or giving effect to this Act.

  14     Savings and transitional provisions
         (1) Nothing in this Act limits any other law that provides for the
             application of the laws of the State, or any part of those laws, beyond
             the limits of the State.
         (2) If the Marine Safety Act 1998 of New South Wales has not
             commenced before the commencement of this Act, a reference in this
             Act to the marine safety legislation of New South Wales is, until that
             Act commences, taken to be a reference to the Acts and regulations to
             be repealed by Schedule 2 to that Act.

Page 8
Marine Safety Legislation (Lakes Hume and Mulwala) Bill 2001   Clause 14

Miscellaneous                                                  Part 4

        (3) The regulations may contain other provisions of a savings or
            transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.

                                                                        Page 9


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