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NSW Self Insurance Corporation
Amendment Bill 2013
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to amend the NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 to enable the
Corporation to provide certain principal arranged construction insurance and manage
the liabilities of certain State officials.
Clause 1      NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                      1

 1    Name of Act                                                               2

           This Act is the NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Act 2013.   3

 2    Commencement                                                              4

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                5

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NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106                Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Amendment of NSW Self Insurance                                         1
                      Corporation Act 2004 No 106                                             2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                   3

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                          4
                    construction contract means a contract or other agreement for             5
                    the carrying out of construction work.                                    6
                    Construction Risks Insurance Fund means the Fund established              7
                    under section 12C.                                                        8
                    contractor, in relation to a construction contract, means a party         9
                    to the contract who undertakes to carry out the construction work        10
                    under the contract, and includes any subcontractors engaged by           11
                    such a party to carry out work on the party's behalf.                    12
                    eligible State official means a person who is:                           13
                     (a) an employee or officer of the State, or                             14
                    (b) an employee, or a member, director or other officer, of an           15
                           authority of the State.                                           16
                    mandatory Government arranged construction insurance                     17
                    means principal arranged construction insurance that the State or        18
                    an authority of the State is required (whether as a matter of law        19
                    or Government policy) to arrange with the Self Insurance                 20
                    Corporation because of a direction of the Treasurer or the               21
                    Secretary of the Treasury.                                               22
                   Note. For example, the State or an authority of the State may, by means   23
                   of a Treasury Circular issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, be        24
                   required to arrange for specified insurance.                              25
                   principal, in relation to a construction contract, means any of the       26
                   following:                                                                27
                    (a) a party to the contract for which the construction work              28
                          under the contract is being carried out,                           29
                   (b) a person (other than a party to the contract) who is a                30
                          member of a partnership, joint venture or other                    31
                          arrangement for the benefit of which the construction work         32
                          under the contract is being carried out.                           33
                   principal arranged construction insurance means insurance that            34
                   is arranged by a principal in relation to a construction contract to      35
                   cover principals and contractors with respect to the risks                36
                   associated with the construction work to which the construction           37
                   contract relates.                                                         38

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                NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106

[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Government managed fund scheme"                            1
      Omit "or an authority of the State" wherever occurring.                                  2

      Insert instead ", an authority of the State or an eligible State official".              3

[3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Government managed fund scheme"                            4

      Omit "but does not include any arrangement under which home warranty                     5
      insurance is provided (or the Home Warranty Insurance Fund is managed) by                6
      or on behalf of the Self Insurance Corporation.".                                        7

      Insert instead:                                                                          8

                   but does not include any arrangement under which:                           9
                   (c) home warranty insurance is provided (or the Home                       10
                         Warranty Insurance Fund is managed) by or on behalf of               11
                         the Self Insurance Corporation, or                                   12
                   (d) principal arranged construction insurance is provided (or              13
                         the Construction Risks Insurance Fund is managed) by or              14
                         on behalf of the Self Insurance Corporation.                         15

[4]   Section 8 Specific functions in relation to Government managed fund                     16
      schemes                                                                                 17

      Insert "(including by providing indemnities)" after "arrangements" in                   18
      section 8 (c).                                                                          19

[5]   Section 8 (d)                                                                           20

      Omit "or an authority of the State" wherever occurring.                                 21

      Insert instead ", an authority of the State or an eligible State official".             22

[6]   Section 8 (2)-(4)                                                                       23

      Insert at the end of section 8:                                                         24

             (2)   In exercising its functions under subsection (1) (c), the Self             25
                   Insurance Corporation may enter into contracts of insurance as             26
                   the insured but not as the insurer.                                        27
                   Note. The Self Insurance Corporation may, for example, obtain              28
                   insurance from another insurer to cover its own liabilities in providing   29
                   cover under a Government managed fund scheme. However, it may not          30
                   provide insurance to the State or any authority of the State or eligible   31
                   State official whose liabilities are covered by such a scheme. Their       32
                   liabilities may be managed by means of other agreements and                33
                   arrangements, including by the provision of indemnities.                   34

             (3)   Nothing in the State Owned Corporations Act 1989 (including                35
                   clauses 5 and 6 of Schedule 10 to that Act) prevents the Self              36
                   Insurance Corporation from providing indemnities to, or entering           37

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NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106                    Schedule 1

                   agreements or arrangements with, a director or other officer (or                1
                   any other person concerned, or taking part, in the management)                  2
                   of a State owned corporation to cover the liabilities of such a                 3
                   director, officer or person.                                                    4

             (4)   Entering into insurance or other agreements or arrangements                     5
                   (including the provision of indemnities) to cover the liabilities to            6
                   which a Government managed fund scheme applies is declared to                   7
                   be an excluded matter for the purposes of the Corporations Act                  8
                   2001 of the Commonwealth in relation to Chapter 7 (Financial                    9
                   services and markets) of that Act.                                             10
                   Note. Section 5F of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth              11
                   provides that if a State law declares a matter to be an excluded matter        12
                   for the purposes of that section in relation to all or part of the             13
                   Corporations legislation of the Commonwealth, then the provisions that         14
                   are the subject of the declaration will not apply in relation to that matter   15
                   in the State concerned.                                                        16

[7]   Section 8B Competition authorisations                                                       17

      Omit "Trade Practices Act 1974" wherever occurring in section 8B (1)                        18
      and (3).                                                                                    19

      Insert instead "Competition and Consumer Act 2010".                                         20

[8]   Section 8C                                                                                  21

      Insert after section 8B:                                                                    22

      8C    Specific functions relating to principal arranged construction                        23
            insurance                                                                             24

             (1)   The Self Insurance Corporation has the following functions with                25
                   respect to principal arranged construction insurance:                          26
                    (a) to carry on the business of providing principal arranged                  27
                         construction insurance with respect to major capital works               28
                         projects in New South Wales,                                             29
                   (b) to manage the Construction Risks Insurance Fund,                           30
                    (c) to enter into contracts, agreements or other arrangements                 31
                         with other persons (including re-insurers) for services                  32
                         relating to the exercise of the Corporation's functions in               33
                         connection with the provision of such principal arranged                 34
                         construction insurance and the management of the                         35
                         Construction Risks Insurance Fund.                                       36

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                NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 1      Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106

             (2)    A project is a major capital works project for the purposes of          1
                    subsection (1) (a) if:                                                  2
                    (a) the construction contract for the project provides for the          3
                          construction of a building, road, tramway, railway, bridge,       4
                          tunnel or other capital works, and                                5
                    (b) one or more of the principals in relation to the construction       6
                          contract is or are the State or an authority of the State, and    7
                    (c) the project is:                                                     8
                           (i) required to have mandatory Government arranged               9
                                 construction insurance, or                                10
                          (ii) a project that the Minister, by order published in the      11
                                 Gazette, has declared to be a project involving major     12
                                 capital works for the purposes of this section.           13

 [9]   Section 11 Self Insurance Fund                                                      14

       Insert "or Construction Risks Insurance Fund" after "Home Warranty                  15
       Insurance Fund" in section 11 (1) (f).                                              16

[10]   Section 11 (2)                                                                      17

       Omit "home warranty insurance and the management of the Home Warranty               18
       Insurance Fund".                                                                    19

       Insert instead "home warranty insurance or principal arranged construction          20
       insurance or the management of the Home Warranty Insurance Fund or                  21
       Construction Risks Insurance Fund".                                                 22

[11]   Section 11 (2) (f)                                                                  23

       Insert after section 11 (2) (e):                                                    24
                      (f) payment into the Construction Risks Insurance Fund of            25
                            such amounts as may be approved by the Minister for            26
                            transfer into that Fund.                                       27

[12]   Section 11 (3)                                                                      28

       Omit "home warranty insurance or the operation of the Home Warranty                 29
       Insurance Fund".                                                                    30

       Insert instead "home warranty insurance or principal arranged construction          31
       insurance or the operation of the Home Warranty Insurance Fund or                   32
       Construction Risks Insurance Fund".                                                 33

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NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106            Schedule 1

[13]   Part 4, Division 3                                                               1
       Insert after Division 2:                                                         2

       Division 3           Construction Risks Insurance Fund                           3

       12C   Construction Risks Insurance Fund                                          4

              (1)   There is to be established in the Special Deposits Account a        5
                    Construction Risks Insurance Fund (the Fund).                       6

              (2)   The following are to be paid into the Fund:                         7
                    (a) all money received by the Self Insurance Corporation as         8
                          insurance premiums for principal arranged construction        9
                          insurance that it provides,                                  10
                    (b) all money received by the Self Insurance Corporation from      11
                          re-insurers in connection with principal arranged            12
                          construction insurance that it provides,                     13
                    (c) all money recovered by the Self Insurance Corporation by       14
                          the exercise of any right of subrogation or other right of   15
                          recovery in connection with principal arranged               16
                          construction insurance that it provides,                     17
                    (d) all money received under any security, guarantee or            18
                          recourse held by the Self Insurance Corporation in respect   19
                          of any policies for principal arranged construction          20
                          insurance that it has issued,                                21
                    (e) all money transferred to the Fund from the Self Insurance      22
                          Fund,                                                        23
                     (f) all money advanced to the Fund by the Minister or             24
                          appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Fund,     25
                    (g) the proceeds of the investment of money in the Fund,           26
                    (h) all money directed or authorised to be paid into the Fund      27
                          by or under this or any other Act.                           28

              (3)   Money may be paid from the Fund for any of the following           29
                    purposes:                                                          30
                    (a) the payment of claims made under any principal arranged        31
                          construction insurance provided by the Self Insurance        32
                          Corporation,                                                 33
                    (b) the payment of the costs (including disbursements and          34
                          commissions) of risk management, actuarial, agency,          35
                          brokerage, legal and other services provided in connection   36
                          with the administration of the principal arranged            37

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                 NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Schedule 1          Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106

                              construction insurance business of the Self Insurance           1
                              Corporation,                                                    2
                       (c)    the payment of amounts required to meet administrative          3
                              expenses in relation to the Fund,                               4
                       (d)    the payment into the Consolidated Fund of any amount            5
                              that the Self Insurance Corporation considers (after            6
                              applying an appropriate prudential margin) to be surplus to     7
                              the requirements of the Fund from time to time to repay         8
                              (whether in whole or in part) any money previously              9
                              advanced to the Fund by the Minister or appropriated by        10
                              Parliament for the purposes of the Fund,                       11
                       (e)    the payment of any other amounts directed or authorised to     12
                              be paid from the Fund by or under this or any other Act.       13

       12D    Investment of money in Construction Risks Insurance Fund                       14

                       The Self Insurance Corporation may invest money in the                15
                       Construction Risks Insurance Fund:                                    16
                       (a) in the manner authorised by or under the Public                   17
                             Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987, or               18
                       (b) if that Act does not confer power on the Self Insurance           19
                             Corporation to invest the money, in any other manner            20
                             approved by the Minister.                                       21

[14]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                 22

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                    23

                       any other Act that amends this Act                                    24

[15]   Schedule 1, Part 4                                                                    25

       Insert after Part 3:                                                                  26

       Part 4          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 27
                       NSW Self Insurance Corporation                                        28
                       Amendment Act 2013                                                    29

         5    Existing individual statements of cover                                        30

              (1)      Any statement of cover issued by the Self Insurance Corporation       31
                       before the commencement of the NSW Self Insurance                     32
                       Corporation Amendment Act 2013 that purported to cover the            33
                       liabilities of an eligible State official on an individual basis is   34
                       taken to be (and always to have been) legally enforceable by the      35
                       official in its application to that official.                         36

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NSW Self Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2013

Amendment of NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106             Schedule 1

             (2)   A statement of cover for the purposes of subclause (1) is a            1
                   statement of Government policy issued by the Self Insurance            2
                   Corporation concerning the manner in which the Self Insurance          3
                   Fund is to be applied to meet the liabilities of authorities of the    4
                   State (or their employees, members, directors or other officers).      5

        6   Transfer of money from Self Insurance Fund to Construction Risks              6
            Insurance Fund                                                                7

             (1)   This clause applies to any money deposited in the Self Insurance       8
                   Fund (existing principal arranged insurance funds) that:               9
                   (a) was deposited in the Self Insurance Fund before the               10
                         commencement of Division 3 of Part 4 of this Act, and           11
                   (b) would have been required to be paid into the Construction         12
                         Risks Insurance Fund had Division 3 of Part 4 of this Act       13
                         been in force when the money was originally received or         14
                         recovered by the Self Insurance Corporation.                    15

             (2)   All existing principal arranged insurance funds are to be paid        16
                   from the Self Insurance Fund into the Construction Risks              17
                   Insurance Fund as soon as is reasonably practicable after the         18
                   establishment of the Construction Risks Insurance Fund.               19

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