New South Wales Bills

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                           New South Wales

Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012


              1    Name of Act                                          2
              2    Commencement                                         2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11            3

                            New South Wales

Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 to make further provision with respect
to the control of noxious weeds; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                         1

 1    Name of Act                                                  2

           This Act is the Noxious Weeds Amendment Act 2012.       3

 2    Commencement                                                 4

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.   5

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Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11                                Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993                                 1
                       No 11                                                               2

[1]   Section 3 Objects of this Act                                                        3

      Omit section 3 (a) (ii) and (iii). Insert instead:                                   4
                          (ii) prevent, eliminate or restrict the spread in this State     5
                                 of particular significant weeds, and                      6
                         (iii) effectively manage widespread significant weeds in          7
                                 this State,                                               8

[2]   Section 7 Weed control orders                                                        9

      Omit section 7 (3). Insert instead:                                                 10

           (2A)    The Minister may, in a weed control order, grant an exemption          11
                   referred to in section 32A.                                            12

           (2B)    An exemption has effect for the period specified in the order and      13
                   is subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the      14
                   order.                                                                 15

           (2C)    The Minister may amend or revoke an exemption or a condition           16
                   of an exemption.                                                       17

             (3)   For the purposes of this Act, a plant that is the subject of a weed    18
                   control order is a noxious weed in relation to the land to which       19
                   the order applies.                                                     20

[3]   Section 11                                                                          21

      Insert after section 10:                                                            22

      11    Power to regulate or prohibit bringing into NSW noxious weed                  23
            material or things likely to introduce such material                          24

             (1)   The Minister may, by order published in accordance with                25
                   subsection (2), regulate or prohibit the bringing into the State (or   26
                   into any specified part of the State) of noxious weed material or      27
                   any other thing that the Minister considers is likely to introduce     28
                   any noxious weed material into the State (or into any specified        29
                   part of the State).                                                    30

             (2)   An order made by the Minister under this section is to be              31
                   published in the Gazette. However, if the Minister considers the       32
                   order is required urgently, the order may be published:                33
                   (a) in a newspaper circulating, or by radio or television              34
                          broadcast, in the area to which the land subject to the order   35

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                Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11

                            is located, or, if appropriate, in a newspaper circulating        1
                            throughout the whole State, or                                    2
                      (b)   on the internet website of a newspaper referred to in             3
                            paragraph (a) or on the Department's internet website.            4

             (3)      If an order is published in accordance with subsection (2) other        5
                      than in the Gazette, the Minister is to publish the order as soon as    6
                      practicable in the Gazette.                                             7

             (4)      An order commences on the day it is first published in accordance       8
                      with this section or on such later day as may be specified in the       9
                      order.                                                                 10

             (5)      A person who fails to comply with an order made under this             11
                      section is guilty of an offence.                                       12
                      Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                    13

[4]   Section 12 Private occupiers of land must control noxious weeds on land                14

      Insert at the end of the section (after the note):                                     15

             (2)      A local control authority may, by written notice, require the          16
                      owner of land (other than a public authority or a local control        17
                      authority) to which a weed control order applies to provide the        18
                      following information in relation to the land:                         19
                       (a) the name and contact details of the occupier of the land or       20
                            any part of the land,                                            21
                      (b) a description of the land occupied by the occupier.                22

             (3)      The notice must specify the manner in which, and may specify a         23
                      reasonable time by which, the information must be provided.            24

             (4)      A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a        25
                      requirement of a notice under this section is guilty of an offence.    26
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                     27

[5]   Section 13 Public authorities' obligations to control noxious weeds on                 28
      own land                                                                               29

      Insert ", and a description of the land occupied," after "the public authority" in     30
      section 13 (2).                                                                        31

[6]   Sections 28 (3) and 30 (2)                                                             32

      Omit "the weed material of a weed" wherever occurring.                                 33

      Insert instead "a plant, or any seed or other part of a plant,".                       34

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Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11                             Schedule 1

 [7]   Sections 29 and 32                                                              1
       Omit "a weed" wherever occurring. Insert instead "a plant".                     2

 [8]   Section 31 Machinery and equipment--spread of noxious weeds into                3
       NSW                                                                             4

       Omit "in Queensland" from section 31 (1).                                       5

       Insert instead "elsewhere in Australia".                                        6

 [9]   Section 31 (2)                                                                  7

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                            8

              (2)   This section applies to machinery or equipment:                    9
                    (a) that is of a kind declared, by order of the Minister          10
                          published in the Gazette, to be machinery or equipment to   11
                          which this section applies, and                             12
                    (b) that has already been used for the purpose for which it was   13
                          manufactured,                                               14
                    being machinery or equipment that is brought into New South       15
                    Wales from another State or a Territory.                          16

[10]   Section 31 (3) and (6) (b)                                                     17

       Omit "agricultural machine" wherever occurring.                                18

       Insert instead "machinery or equipment".                                       19

[11]   Section 31 (3) (a)                                                             20

       Omit "border of New South Wales and Queensland".                               21

       Insert instead "borders of New South Wales".                                   22

[12]   Section 31 (3) (a)                                                             23

       Omit "machines" and "a machine" wherever occurring.                            24

       Insert instead "machinery or equipment".                                       25

[13]   Sections 31 (3) and (4) and 40                                                 26

       Omit "The machine" and "the machine" wherever occurring.                       27

       Insert instead "The machinery or equipment" and "the machinery or              28
       equipment", respectively.                                                      29

[14]   Section 31 (3) (a)                                                             30

       Omit "at that place". Insert instead "at such a place".                        31

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                 Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11

[15]   Section 31 (3) (e)                                                                       1
       Omit "Queensland". Insert instead "the State or Territory concerned".                    2

[16]   Sections 31 (4), (6) (a) and (7) and 40                                                  3

       Omit "an agricultural machine" wherever occurring.                                       4

       Insert instead "machinery or equipment".                                                 5

[17]   Section 32 Use of machinery or equipment                                                 6

       Omit "an agricultural machine". Insert instead "machinery or equipment".                 7

[18]   Section 32A                                                                              8

       Insert after section 32:                                                                 9

       32A   Exemptions relating to weeds notifiable only on Lord Howe Island                  10

              (1)      The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, exempt:            11
                        (a) a person or class of persons, or                                   12
                       (b) premises, machinery or equipment,                                   13
                       from the operation in any part of the State other than Lord Howe        14
                       Island of section 28 (1), 29, 32 or 40 in relation to a plant, or any   15
                       seed or other part of a plant, that is a Class 2 noxious weed only      16
                       on Lord Howe Island (and not elsewhere in the State).                   17

              (2)      An exemption is subject to such conditions, if any, as may be           18
                       specified in the order.                                                 19

              (3)      An order commences on the day it is published in the Gazette or         20
                       on such later day as may be specified in the order.                     21

[19]   Section 40 Further powers in relation to notifiable weed material                       22

       Omit "notifiable weed material of a weed".                                              23

       Insert instead "a plant, or any seed or other part of a plant,".                        24

[20]   Section 40                                                                              25

       Omit "such weed material".                                                              26

       Insert instead "such plant, or seed or other part of a plant".                          27

[21]   Section 44 Inspections and investigations                                               28

       Omit section 44 (c). Insert instead:                                                    29
                    (c) examine, take samples, photographs or video recordings                 30
                          of, seize, detain or remove any thing in or about those              31
                          premises that the inspector or authorised officer                    32

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Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11                                   Schedule 1

                           reasonably suspects to be noxious weed material or to be            1
                           vegetable matter, or any other thing, containing noxious            2
                           weed material,                                                      3

[22]   Section 44 (h)                                                                          4

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                     5
                    (h) remove or destroy or cause to be removed or destroyed any              6
                         thing in or about those premises that the inspector or                7
                         authorised officer reasonably suspects to be noxious weed             8
                         material or to be vegetable matter, or any other thing,               9
                         containing noxious weed material,                                    10

[23]   Section 47A Inspectors and others may inquire as to source or                          11
       destination of noxious weed material                                                   12

       Omit section 47A (1). Insert instead:                                                  13

              (1)   An inspector or authorised officer who reasonably believes that a         14
                    person has information that may assist in tracing or determining          15
                    the source or destination of any matter that the inspector or             16
                    authorised officer reasonably suspects to be noxious weed                 17
                    material may require the person to answer questions for that              18
                    purpose.                                                                  19

[24]   Section 68 Delegation by local control authorities                                     20

       Omit "other than this power of delegation".                                            21

       Insert instead "(other than this power of delegation) but only under this power        22
       of delegation".                                                                        23

[25]   Section 68, note                                                                       24

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                      25
                    Note. Accordingly, a council may not delegate any of its functions as a   26
                    local control authority under this Act under the council's power of       27
                    delegation under the Local Government Act 1993.                           28

[26]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                  29

       Insert at the end of clause 2 (1):                                                     30

                    Noxious Weeds Amendment Act 2012                                          31

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                 Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Noxious Weeds Act 1993 No 11

[27]   Schedule 2, clause 9                                                                1
       Insert after clause 8:                                                              2

         9   Existing orders and declarations under section 31                             3

              (1)      In this clause:                                                     4
                       amending Act means the Noxious Weeds Amendment Act 2012.            5

              (2)      An order made in relation to agricultural machines under section    6
                       31 (2) and in force immediately before the substitution of that     7
                       subsection by the amending Act is taken to be an order made in      8
                       relation to machinery or equipment under section 31 (2) as so       9
                       substituted.                                                       10

              (3)      Any declaration lodged or other thing done under and in            11
                       accordance with section 31 (3) before its amendment by the         12
                       amending Act is taken to have been lodged or done under and in     13
                       accordance with that subsection as so amended.                     14

[28]   Dictionary                                                                         15

       Omit "a weed" from the definition of noxious weed. Insert instead "a plant".       16

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