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                                 New South Wales

Personal Property Securities
(Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Bill 2009


                   1   Name of Act                                                  2
                   2   Commencement                                                 2
                   3   Repeal of Registration of Interests in Goods Act 1986
                       No 37 and associated regulations                             2
              4        Repeal of Security Interests in Goods Act 2005 No 69         2
     Schedule 1        Amendment of Personal Property Securities
                       (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 No 35                         3
     Schedule 2        Amendment of other Acts                                     17

                             New South Wales

Personal Property Securities
(Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
2009 to make provision for matters of a savings or transitional nature consequent on
the referral of matters by that Act to the Parliament of the Commonwealth; and to
make related amendments to other legislation.
                  Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Clause 1          Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                 1

 1    Name of Act                                                                          2

               This Act is the Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers)          3
               Amendment Act 2009.                                                         4

 2    Commencement                                                                         5

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as             6
               provided by subsection (2).                                                 7

         (2)   Sections 3 and 4 and Schedule 2.1-2.3 and 2.5 commence on a day or          8
               days to be appointed by proclamation.                                       9

         (3)   A day may not be appointed under subsection (2) for the                    10
               commencement of section 3 or 4 that is earlier than the day on which the   11
               registration commencement time (within the meaning of the Personal         12
               Property Securities Act 2009 of the Commonwealth) occurs.                  13

 3    Repeal of Registration of Interests in Goods Act 1986 No 37 and                     14
      associated regulations                                                              15

               The Registration of Interests in Goods Act 1986 and any regulation         16
               made under that Act are repealed.                                          17

 4    Repeal of Security Interests in Goods Act 2005 No 69                                18

               The Security Interests in Goods Act 2005 is repealed.                      19

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Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Bill 2009

Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act   Schedule 1
2009 No 35

Schedule 1             Amendment of Personal Property                                   1
                       Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act                             2
                       2009 No 35                                                       3

      Schedule 1                                                                        4

      Insert at the end of the Act:                                                     5

      Schedule 1             Savings, transitional and other                            6
                             provisions consequent on                                   7
                             enactment of Personal Property                             8
                             Securities Act 2009 of the                                 9
                             Commonwealth                                              10

      Part 1       Preliminary                                                         11

        1   Definitions                                                                12

             (1)   In this Schedule:                                                   13
                   Director-General means the Director-General within the              14
                   meaning of the Registration of Interests in Goods Act 1986.         15
                   exercise a function includes perform a duty.                        16
                   function includes a power, authority or duty.                       17
                   General Register of Deeds means the General Register of Deeds       18
                   kept under Division 1 of Part 23 of the Conveyancing Act 1919.      19
                   matter includes act, omission, body, person and thing.              20
                   migration time has the same meaning as in the PPS Act.              21
                   PPS Act means the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 of the      22
                   Commonwealth.                                                       23
                   PPS Register means the Personal Property Securities Register        24
                   established under the PPS Act.                                      25
                   PPS Registrar means the Registrar of Personal Property              26
                   Securities under the PPS Act.                                       27
                   registration commencement time has the same meaning as in the       28
                   PPS Act.                                                            29
                   REVS means the Register maintained under the Registration of        30
                   Interests in Goods Act 1986.                                        31
                   the 2009 amending Act means the Personal Property Securities        32
                   (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Act 2009.                           33
                   transitional security interest has the same meaning as in the PPS   34
                   Act.                                                                35

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               Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
               2009 No 35

             (2)   A reference in this Schedule to an Act or statutory rule that is       1
                   repealed by the 2009 amending Act is, on and from the day on           2
                   which the Act or statutory rule is repealed, a reference to the Act    3
                   or statutory rule as in force immediately before that day.             4

             (3)   Notes included in this Schedule do not form part of this Act.          5

      Part 2       Savings and transitional provisions                                    6
                   relating to transfer of functions to                                   7
                   Commonwealth                                                           8

      Division 1         General                                                          9

         2   Provision of information to the Commonwealth                                10

             (1)   The Director-General is specifically authorised to provide the        11
                   Commonwealth, the PPS Registrar or any other officer of the           12
                   Commonwealth with such information recorded in, or                    13
                   concerning the use of, REVS as the Director-General considers         14
                   appropriate in order to assist the Commonwealth in establishing       15
                   the PPS Register.                                                     16

             (2)   For the purposes of subclause (1), information recorded in REVS       17
                   on behalf of another State or a Territory pursuant to an agreement    18
                   under section 15A of the Registration of Interests in Goods Act       19
                   1986 may be provided to the Commonwealth, the PPS Registrar           20
                   or any other officer of the Commonwealth only if the                  21
                   Director-General has been requested to do so by or on behalf of       22
                   the State or Territory concerned.                                     23

             (3)   The Registrar-General is specifically authorised to provide     the   24
                   Commonwealth, the PPS Registrar or any other officer of         the   25
                   Commonwealth with such information recorded in,                  or   26
                   concerning the use of, the General Register of Deeds for        the   27
                   purposes of the Security Interests in Goods Act 2005 as         the   28
                   Registrar-General considers appropriate in order to assist      the   29
                   Commonwealth in establishing the PPS Register.                        30

             (4)   The Director-General and Registrar-General may provide the            31
                   information that they are authorised to provide under this clause     32
                   in whatever form (including by means of electronic data or in a       33
                   form approved for the purposes of the PPS Act) as they consider       34
                   appropriate.                                                          35

             (5)   Subject to subclause (6), the provisions of this clause prevail to    36
                   the extent of any inconsistency with the provisions of any other      37
                   Act or statutory rule.                                                38

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Bill 2009

Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act    Schedule 1
2009 No 35

             (6)   The provisions of this clause are in addition to, and do not          1
                   derogate from, the provisions of section 9A of the Fair Trading       2
                   Act 1987.                                                             3

      Division 2         Interests to which Registration of Interests in                 4
                         Goods Act 1986 applies                                          5

        3   Interpretation                                                               6

                   In this Division:                                                     7
                   existing Act means the Registration of Interests in Goods Act         8
                   1986.                                                                 9
                   post-PPS transitional period means the period of 7 years             10
                   commencing at the registration commencement time.                    11
                   pre-PPS transitional period means the period:                        12
                    (a) commencing at the migration time or such earlier time as        13
                          may be prescribed by the regulations, and                     14
                   (b) ending at the registration commencement time.                    15
                   prescribed goods has the same meaning as in the existing Act.        16
                   the Minister means the Minister administering the Fair Trading       17
                   Act 1987.                                                            18

        4   Existing Act ceases to have effect at registration commencement             19
            time                                                                        20

             (1)   The existing Act ceases to have effect in relation to prescribed     21
                   goods at the registration commencement time, except as               22
                   otherwise provided by this Division.                                 23

             (2)   If a provision of the existing Act (the primary provision) is        24
                   continued in effect by this Division:                                25
                    (a) any other provision of the existing Act (a related              26
                         provision) that is referred to in the primary provision is     27
                         also continued in effect to the extent necessary for the       28
                         purposes of the continued application of the primary           29
                         provision, and                                                 30
                   (b) any power to make regulations in respect of a matter that        31
                         is conferred by the primary provision or a related provision   32
                         is taken to include a power for the matter to be prescribed    33
                         by regulations made under this Act after the registration      34
                         commencement time.                                             35

             (3)   The regulations under the existing Act as in force immediately       36
                   before the registration commencement time continue to apply for      37
                   the purposes of a primary provision or related provision that        38

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
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                   confers a regulation-making power for a matter under the existing           1
                   Act until regulations are made under this Act for that matter.              2

             (4)   This Division has effect:                                                   3
                   (a) despite anything to the contrary in the existing Act, and               4
                   (b) in relation to provisions of the existing Act that this                 5
                         Division continues in effect after the registration                   6
                         commencement time even after the existing Act is repealed             7
                         by the 2009 amending Act.                                             8
                   Note. Section 3 of the 2009 amending Act provides for the repeal of the     9
                   existing Act on a day appointed by proclamation (being a day that is not   10
                   earlier than the day on which the registration commencement time           11
                   occurs).                                                                   12

         5   Director-General may refuse to exercise registration functions                   13

             (1)   Subject to clause 6, the Director-General may refuse to exercise           14
                   a registration function during the pre-PPS transitional period.            15

             (2)   Without limiting subclause (1), the Director-General may refuse            16
                   to exercise a registration function during the pre-PPS transitional        17
                   period in relation to a matter that was not finally determined or          18
                   concluded immediately before the commencement of that period.              19

             (3)   In this clause:                                                            20
                   registration function means any function conferred or imposed              21
                   on the Director-General by or under:                                       22
                    (a) section 5, 6, 7 or 16A of the existing Act, or                        23
                   (b) any other provision of the existing Act concerning                     24
                          registration or REVS as may be prescribed by the                    25
                          regulations.                                                        26

         6   Show cause proceedings under section 7 of existing Act                           27

             (1)   This clause applies to the following matters:                              28
                   (a) a notice given to a person by the Director-General under               29
                         section 7 (3) of the existing Act that is in force                   30
                         immediately before the registration commencement time if             31
                         the period specified in the notice had not yet expired by            32
                         that time (an existing show cause notice),                           33
                   (b) the cancellation of the registration of an interest by the             34
                         Director-General following the giving of a notice to a               35
                         person under section 7 (3) of the existing Act if the person         36
                         has a right to apply to the Administrative Decisions                 37
                         Tribunal for a review of the cancellation immediately                38
                         before the registration commencement time (an existing               39
                         reviewable cancellation decision),                                   40

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Bill 2009

Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act      Schedule 1
2009 No 35

                   (c)   an application to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal           1
                         for the review of a decision of the Director-General              2
                         following the giving of a notice under section 7 (3) of the       3
                         existing Act to cancel the registration of an interest if the     4
                         application is pending, but not finally determined,               5
                         immediately before the registration commencement time             6
                         (an existing review application).                                 7

             (2)   An existing show cause notice may be dealt with under the               8
                   existing Act as if the power of the Director-General under              9
                   section 7 (4) of that Act to decide whether to cancel the              10
                   registration of the interest were a power to decide whether the        11
                   registration should have been cancelled had the Act continued in       12
                   effect.                                                                13

             (3)   An existing reviewable cancellation decision may be the subject        14
                   of an application for review to the Administrative Decisions           15
                   Tribunal, and may be dealt with by the Tribunal, under the             16
                   existing Act as if the right to seek the review of the decision of     17
                   the Director-General to cancel the registration of the interest were   18
                   a right to seek a review of a decision of the Director-General that    19
                   the registration should have been cancelled had the Act continued      20
                   in effect.                                                             21

             (4)   An existing review application may be determined by the                22
                   Administrative Decisions Tribunal under the existing Act as if         23
                   the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to review the decision of the         24
                   Director-General to cancel the registration of the interest were       25
                   jurisdiction to review a decision of the Director-General that the     26
                   registration should have been cancelled had the Act continued in       27
                   effect.                                                                28

             (5)   The Director-General may, if satisfied that a matter to which this     29
                   clause applies has been finalised, provide the PPS Registrar with      30
                   a written notice (based on the results of the finalisation of the      31
                   matter) stating the following:                                         32
                   (a) the nature of the matter that has been finalised,                  33
                   (b) whether or not the interest to which the matter related            34
                          should have been registered in REVS,                            35
                   (c) whether or not the interest should be treated as a migrated        36
                          security interest for the purposes of the PPS Act.              37
                   Note. The PPS Registrar has power under the PPS Act to remove          38
                   migrated data that has mistakenly been included in the PPS Register.   39

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               Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
               2009 No 35

         7   Search certificates and notices                                                       1
             (1)   The provisions of section 8 of the existing Act continue to apply               2
                   after the registration commencement time in relation to any                     3
                   certificate issued under that section before that time.                         4

             (2)   The Director-General may continue to issue certificates under                   5
                   section 8 (5) of the existing Act during the post-PPS transitional              6
                   period as to the state of REVS in relation to goods at any time in              7
                   the 7 years before the registration commencement time.                          8

             (3)   The provisions of section 8 (6)-(9) of the existing Act, in their               9
                   application to certificates under section 8 (5), continue to apply             10
                   to certificates issued as provided by subclause (2).                           11

             (4)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the                  12
                   issue of certificates under section 8 (1) of the existing Act during           13
                   the pre-PPS transitional period.                                               14

             (5)   Regulations made for the purposes of subclause (4) prevail to the              15
                   extent of any inconsistency with the provisions of the existing                16
                   Act.                                                                           17

         8   Enforcement of interests in prescribed goods                                         18

                   Subject to Chapter 9 (Transitional provisions) of the PPS Act:                 19
                   (a) sections 9 and 10 of the existing Act continue to apply to                 20
                         purchases that occurred before the registration                          21
                         commencement time, and                                                   22
                   (b) sections 3B, 10A and 11 of the existing Act continue to                    23
                         apply in relation to:                                                    24
                          (i) transitional security interests in prescribed goods,                25
                               and                                                                26
                         (ii) any other interests in prescribed goods that arose                  27
                               before the registration commencement time.                         28
                   Note. Chapter 9 of the PPS Act makes provision for matters of a                29
                   transitional nature in relation to the commencement of the provisions of       30
                   that Act. The PPS Act will start to apply to security interests in personal    31
                   property (including transitional security interests) at the registration       32
                   commencement time.                                                             33
                   Section 308 of the PPS Act defines a transitional security interest to         34
                   be a security interest provided for by a transitional security agreement if:   35
                    (a)    in the case of a security interest arising before the registration     36
                           commencement time--the PPS Act would have applied in                   37
                           relation to the security interest immediately before the               38
                           registration commencement time, but for section 310 (which             39
                           provides for the Act to start to apply at that time), or               40

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                    (b)    in the case of a security interest arising at or after the registration    1
                           commencement time:                                                         2
                             (i)   the transitional security agreement as in force                    3
                                   immediately before the registration commencement time              4
                                   provides for the granting of the security interest, and            5
                            (ii)   the PPS Act applies in relation to the security interest.          6
                   A transitional security agreement is an agreement or act by which a                7
                   security interest of a kind to which the PPS Act applies is created, arises        8
                   or is provided for and that was in force immediately before the                    9
                   registration commencement time.                                                   10

        9   Compensation provisions under existing Act                                               11

             (1)   The provisions of sections 13 and 14 of the existing Act continue                 12
                   to apply after the registration commencement time in relation to                  13
                   the determination of compensation for loss sustained in                           14
                   connection with an application for registration of a registrable                  15
                   interest (within the meaning of that Act) that was made before                    16
                   that time.                                                                        17

             (2)   The provisions of section 15 of the existing Act continue to apply                18
                   in relation to decisions of the Director-General made before the                  19
                   registration commencement time.                                                   20

       10   Offences under existing Act                                                              21

                   The provisions of the existing Act continue to apply after the                    22
                   registration commencement time in relation to offences                            23
                   committed, or alleged to have been committed, before that time.                   24

       11   Fees and charges payable under existing Act                                              25

             (1)   The following fees and charges remain recoverable by the                          26
                   Director-General in a court of competent jurisdiction after the                   27
                   registration commencement time:                                                   28
                    (a) any fees or charges that were payable under the existing                     29
                          Act immediately before that time,                                          30
                   (b) any fees or charges for which the Director-General may                        31
                          require payment under subclause (2).                                       32

             (2)   After the registration commencement time, the Director-General                    33
                   may require payment by an account customer (within the                            34
                   meaning of section 16A of the existing Act) of any fees and                       35
                   charges that would have been payable under arrangements made                      36
                   under the existing Act for a matter arising before that time had the              37
                   Act continued in effect.                                                          38

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
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      12     Agreements under section 15A of existing Act                                   1
             (1)   Any agreement in force under section 15A of the existing Act             2
                   immediately before the registration commencement time                    3
                   continues to have effect after that time in respect of matters           4
                   arising before that time.                                                5

             (2)   Section 15A (2) of the existing Act continues to have effect for         6
                   this purpose.                                                            7

      13     Funding arrangements                                                           8

             (1)   The Registration of Interests in Goods Account established under         9
                   section 11 of the existing Act is abolished at the registration         10
                   commencement time.                                                      11

             (2)   The Director-General may, by order in writing, direct that any          12
                   money standing to the credit of that Account on the date of its         13
                   abolition be applied for any of the purposes referred to in             14
                   section 11 (5) of the existing Act.                                     15

             (3)   For the purposes of subclause (2), a reference to the existing Act      16
                   in section 11 (5) of that Act is taken to include a reference to this   17
                   Division and the provisions of the existing Act that are continued      18
                   in effect by this Division.                                             19

      14     Delegations by Director-General                                               20

             (1)   The Director-General may delegate the following functions of            21
                   the Director-General to appropriate persons:                            22
                    (a) a function under this Schedule (apart from this power of           23
                         delegation),                                                      24
                   (b) a function under any provision of the existing Act that             25
                         continues to have effect after the registration                   26
                         commencement time by operation of this Division.                  27

             (2)   The following are appropriate persons for the purposes of               28
                   subclause (1):                                                          29
                   (a) a person engaged in the administration of the existing Act,         30
                   (b) a person engaged in the administration of any other Act             31
                         administered by the Minister.                                     32

             (3)   A delegation that is in force immediately before the registration       33
                   commencement time in relation to a provision of the existing Act        34
                   that continues to have effect after that time by operation of this      35
                   Division has effect as a delegation under this clause until it is       36
                   revoked by the Director-General.                                        37

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Bill 2009

Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act         Schedule 1
2009 No 35

      Division 3          Interests to which Security Interests in                             1
                          Goods Act 2005 applies                                               2

       15   Interpretation                                                                     3

                   In this Division:                                                           4
                   agricultural goods mortgage, aquaculture fish mortgage, crop                5
                   mortgage and stock mortgage have the same meanings as in the                6
                   existing Act.                                                               7
                   existing Act means the Security Interests in Goods Act 2005.                8
                   goods has the same meaning as in the existing Act.                          9
                   pre-PPS transitional period means the period:                              10
                    (a) commencing at the migration time or such earlier time as              11
                          may be prescribed by the regulations, and                           12
                   (b) ending at the registration commencement time.                          13

       16   Existing Act ceases to have effect at registration commencement                   14
            time                                                                              15

             (1)   The existing Act ceases to have effect in relation to goods at the         16
                   registration commencement time, except as otherwise provided               17
                   by this Division.                                                          18

             (2)   If a provision of the existing Act (the primary provision) is              19
                   continued in effect by this Division:                                      20
                    (a) any other provision of the existing Act (a related                    21
                         provision) that is referred to in the primary provision is           22
                         also continued in effect to the extent necessary for the             23
                         purposes of the continued application of the primary                 24
                         provision, and                                                       25
                   (b) any power to make regulations in respect of a matter that              26
                         is conferred by the primary provision or a related provision         27
                         is taken to include a power for the matter to be prescribed          28
                         by regulations made under this Act after the registration            29
                         commencement time.                                                   30

             (3)   This Division has effect:                                                  31
                   (a) despite anything to the contrary in the existing Act, and              32
                   (b) in relation to provisions of the existing Act that this                33
                         Division continues in effect after the registration                  34
                         commencement time even after the existing Act is repealed            35
                         by the 2009 amending Act.                                            36
                   Note. Section 4 of the 2009 amending Act provides for the repeal of the    37
                   existing Act on a day appointed by proclamation (being a day that is not   38

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
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                   earlier than the day on which the registration commencement time       1
                   occurs).                                                               2

      17     Registrar-General may refuse to exercise registration functions              3

             (1)   The Registrar-General may refuse to exercise a registration            4
                   function during the pre-PPS transitional period.                       5

             (2)   Without limiting subclause (1), the Registrar-General may refuse       6
                   to exercise a registration function during the pre-PPS transitional    7
                   period in relation to a matter that was not finally determined or      8
                   concluded immediately before the commencement of that period.          9

             (3)   In this clause:                                                       10
                   registration function means any function conferred or imposed         11
                   on the Registrar-General by or under a provision of the existing      12
                   Act relating to the registration of instruments for the purposes of   13
                   the existing Act.                                                     14

      18     Agricultural goods mortgages                                                15

             (1)   Nothing in this Division is intended to affect the continued          16
                   validity and enforceability of any agricultural goods mortgage        17
                   that is in effect immediately before the time when the existing       18
                   Act ceases to apply to agricultural goods by operation of             19
                   clause 16.                                                            20

             (2)   Any instrument executed before the registration commencement          21
                   time that has not been (but could have been) registered under the     22
                   existing Act as an agricultural goods mortgage immediately            23
                   before the registration commencement time is taken to have had        24
                   effect as an agricultural goods mortgage immediately before that      25
                   time.                                                                 26

             (3)   Any instrument executed before the registration commencement          27
                   time that has not been (but could have been) registered under the     28
                   existing Act as a variation, renewal, assignment or discharge of      29
                   an agricultural goods mortgage immediately before the                 30
                   registration commencement time is taken to have effect as such        31
                   immediately before that time.                                         32

             (4)   This clause has effect subject to Chapter 9 (Transitional             33
                   provisions) of the PPS Act.                                           34

      19     Enforcement of interests in goods                                           35

             (1)   Subject to Chapter 9 (Transitional provisions) of the PPS Act, the    36
                   existing enforcement provisions continue to apply in relation to:     37
                   (a) transitional security interests in goods, and                     38

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                   (b)    any other security interests in goods (within the meaning      1
                          of the existing Act) that arose before the registration        2
                          commencement time.                                             3
                   Note. See the note to clause 8.                                       4

             (2)   In this clause:                                                       5
                   existing enforcement provisions means the following provisions        6
                   of the existing Act:                                                  7
                    (a) in relation to crop mortgages--sections 8-11,                    8
                   (b) in relation to stock mortgages--section 14,                       9
                    (c) in relation to aquaculture fish mortgages--section 16,          10
                   (d) in relation to agricultural goods mortgages--section 19,         11
                    (e) Division 4 of Part 3.                                           12

       20   Offences under section 32 of the existing Act                               13

                   The provisions of the existing Act continue to apply after the       14
                   registration commencement time in relation to offences               15
                   committed, or alleged to have been committed, under section 32       16
                   of that Act before that time.                                        17

       21   Fees payable for registration                                               18

                   Any fee that was payable under the Conveyancing Act 1919 for         19
                   the registration of an instrument for the purposes of the existing   20
                   Act immediately before the registration commencement time            21
                   continues to be payable under that Act.                              22

      Part 3       Miscellaneous                                                        23

       22   Compensation not payable in respect of PPS transitional matters             24

             (1)   Compensation is not payable by or on behalf of:                      25
                    (a) the State or an authority of the State, or                      26
                   (b) an officer, employee or agent of the State,                      27
                   for an act or omission that is a PPS transitional matter or that     28
                   arises (directly or indirectly) from a PPS transitional matter.      29

             (2)   Subclause (1):                                                       30
                   (a) applies only in respect of acts done or omitted to be done       31
                         in good faith, and                                             32
                   (b) does not apply to acts or omissions that cause personal          33
                         injury to a person or the death of a person, and               34
                   (c) does not limit the operation of clause 9.                        35

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             (3)   In this clause:                                                           1
                   compensation includes damages and any other form of monetary              2
                   compensation.                                                             3
                   PPS transitional matter means any of the following:                       4
                    (a) the provision of information to the Commonwealth, the                5
                          PPS Registrar, any other officer of the Commonwealth or            6
                          any other person for the purpose of assisting the                  7
                          Commonwealth in establishing the PPS Register,                     8
                   (b) a refusal by the Director-General or the Registrar-General            9
                          to exercise a registration function as provided by clause 5       10
                          or 17 respectively,                                               11
                    (c) the administration of this Act or the regulations,                  12
                   (d) the exercise of functions under this Act or the regulations.         13

      23     Implied power to make declarations that licences etc not personal              14
             property                                                                       15

                   A power conferred by an Act on any person or body to make a              16
                   statutory rule that grants or confers, or provides for the granting      17
                   or conferral of, a licence or other State statutory right includes the   18
                   power to declare that the licence or right is not personal property      19
                   for the purposes of the PPS Act.                                         20
                   Note. The terms licence and State statutory right are defined by         21
                   section 3 of this Act.                                                   22

      24     Regulations                                                                    23

             (1)   The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this            24
                   Act, for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required      25
                   or permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to      26
                   be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.             27

             (2)   Without limiting subclause (1), the regulations may declare a            28
                   matter to be an excluded matter for the purposes of section 259 of       29
                   the PPS Act in relation to:                                              30
                    (a) the whole of the PPS Act (or an instrument made under               31
                         that Act), or                                                      32
                   (b) a specified provision of the PPS Act (or an instrument               33
                         made under that Act), or                                           34
                    (c) the PPS Act (or an instrument made under the PPS Act),              35
                         other than a specified provision, or                               36
                   (d) the PPS Act (or an instrument made under the PPS Act),               37
                         otherwise than to a specified extent.                              38

Page 14
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Bill 2009

Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act    Schedule 1
2009 No 35

             (3)   Without limiting subclauses (1) and (2), the regulations may          1
                   contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent     2
                   on the enactment or making of the following Acts and                  3
                   instruments:                                                          4
                    (a) this Act,                                                        5
                   (b) the 2009 amending Act,                                            6
                    (c) the PPS Act or any Act or instrument of the                      7
                         Commonwealth that amends the PPS Act.                           8

             (4)   If the regulations so provide, any provision referred to in           9
                   subclause (3) may:                                                   10
                    (a) have effect despite any specified provision of this             11
                         Schedule, and                                                  12
                   (b) take effect from the date of assent to the Act or the making     13
                         of the instrument concerned or a later date.                   14

             (5)   To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date   15
                   that is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW          16
                   legislation website, the provision does not operate so as:           17
                    (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than    18
                          the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that   19
                          person existing before the date of its publication, or        20
                   (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or     21
                          an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or     22
                          omitted to be done before the date of its publication.        23

             (6)   Any matter for which a regulation made under this Act makes          24
                   provision is taken to be a matter for which a regulatory impact      25
                   statement is not required for the purposes of the Subordinate        26
                   Legislation Act 1989.                                                27

       25   Updating of references to Personal Property Securities Act 2009 of          28
            the Commonwealth                                                            29

             (1)   This clause applies to any reference to the Personal Property        30
                   Securities Act 2009 of the Commonwealth in this Act (other than      31
                   this clause) or in the 2009 amending Act.                            32

             (2)   Any reference to which this clause applies is to be read as a        33
                   reference to the Personal Property Securities Act 2010 of the        34
                   Commonwealth if the Personal Property Securities Bill 2009 that      35
                   was introduced in the House of Representatives of the                36
                   Commonwealth Parliament on 24 June 2009 is enacted in the            37
                   calendar year of 2010 rather than in the calendar year of 2009.      38

                                                                           Page 15
               Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
               Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act
               2009 No 35

             (3)   If subclause (2) operates to update references to which this clause   1
                   applies, the regulations may amend this Act (other than this          2
                   clause) and the 2009 amending Act to replace references to the        3
                   Personal Property Securities Act 2009 of the Commonwealth             4
                   with references to the Personal Property Securities Act 2010 of       5
                   the Commonwealth.                                                     6

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Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                               Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of other Acts                                         1

2.1 Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 No 3                                               2

      Section 11 Application to licences of Licensing and Registration                 3
      (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002                                                    4

      Insert at the end of section 11 (3) (h):                                         5
                           , and                                                       6
                     (i) a licence is not transferable.                                7

2.2 Motor Vehicle Repairs Act 1980 No 71                                               8

      Section 27A                                                                      9

      Insert after section 27:                                                        10

     27A    Transfer or loan of tradesperson's certificate                            11

             (1)   The holder of a tradesperson's certificate must not:               12
                   (a) transfer, attempt to transfer or lend the certificate to       13
                         another person, or                                           14
                   (b) allow the use of the certificate by another person.            15

             (2)   A person must not:                                                 16
                   (a) attempt to obtain the transfer to the person of a              17
                         tradesperson's certificate, or                               18
                   (b) attempt to borrow, or borrow or use, a tradesperson's          19
                         certificate of which the person is not the holder.           20
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                 21

2.3 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66                                22

      Section 13 Transfer or lending of licence or certificate of registration        23
      prohibited                                                                      24

      Insert "transfer," after "must not" in section 13 (1).                          25

2.4 Registration of Interests in Goods Act 1986 No 37                                 26

      Section 16A Account customers                                                   27

      Insert "(or such other period as may be prescribed by the regulations)" after   28
      "60 days" in section 16A (3) (a).                                               29

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                Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment
                Bill 2009

Schedule 2      Amendment of other Acts

2.5 Valuers Act 2003 No 4                                                      1

      Section 10 Application to registration of Licensing and Registration     2
      (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002                                            3

      Insert at the end of section 10 (3) (d):                                 4
                           , and                                               5
                     (e) registration is not transferable.                     6

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