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Public Sector Employment and
Management Amendment Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 to make
further provision with respect to the appointment of long-term temporary employees
and persons on long-term secondments, the advertising of public service positions
and the use of eligibility lists; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Public Sector Employment and Management                    3
               Amendment Act 2008.                                                        4

 2    Commencement                                                                        5

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                      6

 3    Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002                       7
      No 43                                                                               8

               The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 is amended            9
               as set out in Schedule 1.                                                 10

 4    Amendment of other legislation                                                     11

               The Act and Regulation specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out     12
               in that Schedule.                                                         13

 5    Repeal of this Act                                                                 14

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act       15
               commences.                                                                16

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   17
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    18

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Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002             Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Public Sector                                            1
                       Employment and Management Act 2002                                    2

                                                                              (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                  4

      Omit the definition of Public Sector Notices from section 3 (1).                       5

[2]   Section 18 Advertising vacancies                                                       6

      Omit "in the Public Sector Notices and in such other" from section 18 (1).             7

      Insert instead "on the NSW Government's recruitment website and in such".              8

[3]   Section 20 Eligibility lists                                                           9

      Omit section 20 (3). Insert instead:                                                  10

            (3)    An eligibility list for a position remains current for 12 months         11
                   after the list was created.                                              12

[4]   Section 20 (5) and (5A)                                                               13

      Omit section 20 (5). Insert instead:                                                  14

            (5)    An eligibility list is applicable not only to the position in relation   15
                   to which it was created (the relevant position) but also:                16
                    (a) to any other position in the Department that the appropriate        17
                         Department Head determines the list should be applicable           18
                         to on the basis that the other position is substantially the       19
                         same as the relevant position, and                                 20
                   (b) to any other position in another Department that the                 21
                         Department Head for that Department determines the list            22
                         should be applicable to on the basis that the other position       23
                         is substantially the same as the relevant position.                24

           (5A)    Any such determination by the Department Head may be made at             25
                   any time during the currency of the eligibility list.                    26

[5]   Section 20 (7)                                                                        27

      Omit the subsection.                                                                  28

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                    Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002

 [6]   Section 21 Appointments subject to promotion appeal                                     1
       Insert at the end of section 21 (2):                                                    2
                       Note. See section 19 of the Government and Related Employees            3
                       Appeal Tribunal Act 1980 which requires the appropriate Department      4
                       Head to cause notice of the proposed appointment to be published and    5
                       distributed to employees.                                               6

 [7]   Section 21 (3)                                                                          7

       Omit the subsection.                                                                    8

 [8]   Section 23 Appointments on probation                                                    9

       Omit "this Part" from section 23 (1). Insert instead "this Act".                       10

 [9]   Section 31 Appointment of long-term employees to officer positions                     11

       Omit section 31 (3) (a). Insert instead:                                               12
                    (a) the employee must, at some stage of the temporary                     13
                          employment, have been selected to perform duties at a               14
                          grade that is the same as (or similar to) the grade of the          15
                          position concerned (whether or not the duties of the                16
                          position are substantially the same as the duties performed         17
                          during the temporary employment),                                   18
                  (a1) the employee was performing duties at that grade                       19
                          following some form of open competition that involved the           20
                          selection of the employee as the person who, in the opinion         21
                          of the Department Head, had the greatest merit among the            22
                          candidates concerned,                                               23

[10]   Section 31 (3) (e)                                                                     24

       Omit the paragraph.                                                                    25

[11]   Section 86 Temporary staff transfers (secondments)                                     26

       Insert after section 86 (6):                                                           27

             (6A)      The head of the host agency may appoint the person who                 28
                       becomes an employee of the agency under subsection (6) (the            29
                       relevant person) to a position in the agency (the new position)        30
                       that is:                                                               31
                        (a) at the same grade as (or at a grade similar to) the relevant      32
                               person's original position in the home agency, or              33
                       (b) at any grade higher than the relevant person's original            34
                               position in the home agency.                                   35

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Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002              Schedule 1

            (6B)    The new position may, but need not, be advertised. Accordingly,          1
                    if the new position is a position in the Public Service and it is not    2
                    advertised, an appointment under subsection (6A) is not an               3
                    appointment to which section 19 applies.                                 4

            (6C)    If the relevant person is appointed to the new position, the head        5
                    of the host agency may decide to make the appointment without            6
                    requiring the person to serve any period of probation.                   7

            (6D)    The relevant person may be appointed to the new position only if         8
                    each of the following requirements is satisfied:                         9
                    (a) the rate of salary or wages payable to the person at the time       10
                          of appointment to the new position must not exceed the            11
                          maximum rate payable for Grade 12, Administrative and             12
                          Clerical Division, of the Public Service,                         13
                    (b) the head of the host agency must be satisfied that ongoing          14
                          work is available in respect of the person in the agency,         15
                    (c) the head of the host agency must be satisfied that the              16
                          person has the relevant skills, qualifications, experience,       17
                          work performance standards and personal qualities to              18
                          enable the person to perform the duties of the new position.      19

            (6E)    Without limiting subsection (6D), if:                                   20
                     (a) the grade of the new position is higher than the grade of the      21
                           relevant person's original position in the home agency, and      22
                    (b) the new position has not been advertised,                           23
                    the relevant person may be appointed to the new position only if        24
                    the person has been performing duties in the host agency at a           25
                    grade that is the same as (or similar to) the grade of the new          26
                    position and was performing those duties following some form of         27
                    open competition that involved the selection of the person as the       28
                    person who, in the opinion of the head of the host agency, had the      29
                    greatest merit among the candidates concerned.                          30

[12]   Schedule 4, Savings, transitional and other provisions                               31

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1);                                                   32

                    Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Act                   33
                    2008                                                                    34

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                 Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002

[13]   Schedule 4, Part 5                                                                    1
       Insert after Part 4:                                                                  2

       Part 5          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 3
                       Public Sector Employment and                                          4
                       Management Amendment Act 2008                                         5

         27   Operation of amendments                                                        6

              (1)      In this clause, amending Act means the Public Sector                  7
                       Employment and Management Amendment Act 2008.                         8

              (2)      Existing eligibility lists                                            9

                       Section 20, as amended by the amending Act, extends to               10
                       eligibility lists having effect immediately before the               11
                       commencement of those amendments.                                    12

              (3)      Existing temporary employees                                         13

                       Section 31, as amended by the amending Act, extends to persons       14
                       employed as Departmental temporary employees as at the               15
                       commencement of those amendments.                                    16

              (4)      Existing secondments                                                 17

                       The amendment to section 86 made by the amending Act extends         18
                       to a person who, as at the commencement of that amendment, is        19
                       the subject of an employee-initiated temporary transfer under that   20
                       section but who has not yet become an employee of the host           21
                       agency concerned.                                                    22

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Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of other legislation                                        Schedule 2

Schedule 2              Amendment of other legislation                                  1

                                                                         (Section 4)    2

2.1 Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act                                3
    1980 No 39                                                                          4

      Section 19 Publication of notices                                                 5

      Insert after section 19 (1A):                                                     6

            (1B)    A notice under subsection (1):                                      7
                    (a) may, without limiting the manner in which it may                8
                          otherwise be published, appear on the NSW Government's        9
                          recruitment website, and                                     10
                    (b) is taken to have been distributed in accordance with           11
                          subsection (1) if that website contains the notice and is    12
                          made available to the employees of the employer.             13

2.2 Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal                                   14
    Regulation 2005                                                                    15

[1]   Clause 4 Publication of notices                                                  16

      Omit "section 19 (1)". Insert instead "section 19 (4)".                          17

[2]   Schedule 1 Forms                                                                 18

      Omit "circulated in the Public Service Notices and/or advertised outside the     19
      Service" from Form 1.                                                            20

      Insert instead "advertised".                                                     21

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