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New South Wales Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation 9 b2012-093-06.d17 New South Wales Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 No , 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Passenger Transport Act 1990 in relation to ticketing matters with respect to travel on trains and the regulation of the conduct of persons on railway premises; to amend other legislation consequentially; and for other purposes. Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Clause 1 Bill 2012 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and 3 Passenger Conduct) Act 2012. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation. 6 Page 2 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Passenger Transport 1 Act 1990 No 39 2 [1] Section 3 Definitions 3 Insert "or a police officer" after "section 46W" in the definition of authorised 4 officer in section 3 (1). 5 [2] Section 3 (1) 6 Insert in alphabetical order: 7 railway premises has the same meaning as in the Rail Safety 8 National Law set out in the Schedule to the Rail Safety National 9 Law (South Australia) Act 2012 of South Australia, but does not 10 include any railway premises to which that Law does not apply. 11 smartcard means an authority to travel on a passenger transport 12 vehicle or train that is of a type prescribed by the regulations. 13 smartcard reader means a device of a type prescribed by the 14 regulations that is designed to enable the reading of information 15 recorded on a smartcard. 16 train has the same meaning as in the Rail Safety National Law set 17 out in the Schedule to the Rail Safety National Law (South 18 Australia) Act 2012 of South Australia, but does not include any 19 train to which that Law does not apply. 20 [3] Section 3 (1A) 21 Insert after section 3 (1): 22 (1A) A reference in this Act to a train or to railway premises includes 23 a reference to any vehicle being used by the operator of a rail 24 passenger service for the carriage of passengers in connection 25 with that service. 26 [4] Section 46BB Chief Investigator and transport safety investigator's 27 functions 28 Insert "in his or her capacity as an authorised officer" after "authorised officer" 29 in section 46BB (6). 30 Page 3 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 [5] Section 46I 1 Omit the section. Insert instead: 2 46I Power of entry 3 (1) An authorised officer may enter the following premises: 4 (a) any premises (other than any premises, or a part of any 5 premises, that are used as a dwelling) that the officer 6 reasonably suspects are being used for the purposes of a 7 public passenger service, a taxi-cab network (as defined in 8 section 29A) or for the keeping of records for any such 9 purposes, 10 (b) railway premises. 11 (2) Entry may be made only at the following times: 12 (a) any reasonable hour in the daytime, 13 (b) any hour during which a public passenger service or rail 14 passenger service is in operation or other related activity is 15 in progress or is usually carried out in or on the premises, 16 (c) any other hour that the premises are otherwise open for 17 entry. 18 [6] Section 46R Authority to enter 19 Omit "the person" from section 46R (1). 20 Insert instead "the authorised officer". 21 [7] Section 46R (2) 22 Omit "the regulator" wherever occurring. 23 Insert instead "the person who appointed the authorised officer". 24 [8] Section 46W Appointment of authorised officers 25 Insert "appointed under this section" after "authorised officer" in 26 section 46W (4). 27 [9] Section 46W (6) and (7) 28 Insert after section 46W (5): 29 (6) TfNSW may appoint a member of staff of TfNSW, or a person of 30 a class prescribed by the regulations, to be an authorised officer 31 in relation to rail passenger services and railway premises. 32 (7) Any person appointed as an authorised officer under 33 subsection (6) may exercise the functions of an authorised officer 34 Page 4 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 Schedule 1 under this Act only in so far as those functions relate to rail 1 passenger services and railway premises. 2 [10] Section 55 Offenders to state name and address 3 Omit section 55 (1). Insert instead: 4 (1) A person may be required to state his or her full name and 5 residential address by an authorised officer if the authorised 6 officer: 7 (a) reasonably suspects the person to be committing or to have 8 committed an offence against this Act or the regulations, or 9 (b) reasonably suspects the person to be committing or to have 10 committed an offence against the Graffiti Control Act 2008 11 on railway premises, or 12 (c) finds the person in circumstances that lead, or has 13 information that leads, the officer reasonably to suspect the 14 person has committed such an offence. 15 [11] Section 55 (2) (a) 16 Omit "a police officer or". Insert instead "an". 17 [12] Section 55 (3) 18 Omit "police officer or" where firstly occurring. 19 [13] Section 55 (3) (b) 20 Omit the paragraph. Insert instead: 21 (b) identified himself or herself as an authorised officer or, in 22 the case of an authorised officer who is a police officer, as 23 a police officer. 24 [14] Section 55 (4) 25 Insert after section 55 (3): 26 (4) The authorised officer may also request the person to provide 27 evidence of the correctness of the stated name or required address 28 if the authorised officer reasonably suspects the stated name or 29 address is false. 30 Page 5 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 [15] Section 57 1 Insert after section 56: 2 57 Additional penalties for railway offences affecting safety 3 (1) This section applies to an offence committed on or in relation to 4 railway premises or any station, platform, monorail running line 5 or supporting column associated with a monorail transport 6 system. 7 (2) If a court that convicts a person for an offence against the 8 regulations is satisfied that the offence was committed in 9 circumstances of aggravation, the court may impose a penalty for 10 the offence not exceeding 250 penalty units. 11 (3) For the purposes of this section, circumstances of aggravation 12 are that the actions of the offender that constituted the offence: 13 (a) caused or contributed to appreciable danger or harm to any 14 persons, animals, premises or property, or 15 (b) were reasonably likely to cause or contribute to such 16 danger or harm (whether or not any such danger or harm 17 was actually caused). 18 [16] Section 63 Regulations 19 Omit section 63 (2) (d), (i)-(k), (n)-(p), (v), (aa), (ee) and (hh)-(jj). 20 [17] Section 63 (2) 21 Insert in appropriate order: 22 (d) the regulation or prohibition of eating, drinking or 23 smoking in public passenger vehicles and on trains and 24 other railway premises, and 25 (i) the conduct of persons (including drivers) in or on public 26 passenger vehicles, trains and other railway premises, and 27 (ia) prohibiting persons from travelling on, or attempting to 28 travel on, a passenger transport vehicle or train without 29 holding an appropriate ticket or other form of authority, 30 and 31 (j) the powers and duties of drivers of public passenger 32 vehicles or trains and of authorised officers, including (but 33 not limited to) requiring the handing over of tickets and 34 other authorities to travel for examination, and 35 (k) the authority of drivers of buses, other public passenger 36 vehicles or trains, and of authorised officers, to eject 37 persons guilty of any contravention of the regulations, and 38 Page 6 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 Schedule 1 (ka) the exclusion of persons, animals or freight from railways, 1 and 2 (kb) trespass on railways, and 3 (n) the taking up or setting down of passengers or other 4 matters incidental to the transport of passengers on public 5 passenger vehicles or trains, and 6 (o) the carriage of passengers' luggage or other goods, and 7 animals, on public passenger vehicles or trains, and 8 (p) the regulation or prohibition of the carriage of passengers 9 standing in or on any part of a public passenger vehicle or 10 train, and 11 (v) the imposition of penalties for the failure, neglect or 12 refusal by a passenger of a public passenger vehicle or 13 train to pay the appropriate fare or for leaving the public 14 passenger vehicle or railway premises before paying the 15 appropriate fare, and 16 (aa) the custody and return of property left in public passenger 17 vehicles or on trains or other railway premises, the 18 payment of compensation for any such property and the 19 disposal or sale of any such property not claimed and the 20 time of any such disposal or sale, and 21 (ee) the erection and display of signs and notices for the 22 guidance of the drivers of public passenger vehicles or 23 trains and the public, and 24 (hh) the sale of tickets and other types of authority to travel on 25 public passenger vehicles or trains and the conditions 26 under which tickets and such types of authority must be 27 sold, and 28 (ii) the granting of free or concession passes for travel on 29 public passenger vehicles or trains, and 30 (jj) the terms and conditions to which tickets, smartcards and 31 other authorities to travel on public passenger vehicles or 32 trains are subject, and 33 (kk) the use of smartcards and smartcard readers and the testing 34 and certification of smartcard readers, and 35 (ll) without limiting paragraph (kk), the admission of 36 information obtained by smartcard readers, and of 37 certificates relating to that information and to the testing of 38 smartcard readers, as evidence (including conclusive 39 Page 7 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39 evidence) in legal proceedings relating to an offence 1 against the regulations, and 2 (mm) generally as to the regulation and control of public 3 passenger vehicles and trains, their drivers and passengers, 4 railway premises and persons on railway premises. 5 [18] Section 63 (3) 6 Omit "any person or vehicle or any class of persons or vehicles". 7 Insert instead "any person, vehicle, train, public passenger service or rail 8 passenger service or any class of persons, vehicles, trains, public passenger 9 services or rail passenger services". 10 [19] Section 63 (5) 11 Insert after section 63 (4): 12 (5) The regulations may apply, adopt or incorporate (with or without 13 changes) any publication as in force at a particular time or as in 14 force from time to time. 15 [20] Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions 16 Omit clause 2 (1). Insert instead: 17 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 18 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any 19 Act that amends this Act. 20 [21] Schedule 3, Part 13 21 Insert after Part 12: 22 Part 13 Provision consequent on enactment of 23 Passenger Transport Amendment 24 (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) 25 Act 2012 26 70 Rail Safety (Offences) Regulation 2008 27 On and from the repeal of section 131 of the Rail Safety Act 2008 28 by the Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and 29 Passenger Conduct) Act 2012, the Rail Safety (Offences) 30 Regulation 2008 is taken to have been made under this Act and 31 may be amended or repealed accordingly. 32 Page 8 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Amendment of other legislation Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation 1 2.1 Rail Safety Act 2008 No 97 2 [1] Section 104 Power to direct name and address be given 3 Omit "or the Graffiti Control Act 2008" wherever occurring in 4 section 104 (1) (a) and (b). 5 [2] Section 131 Railway offences 6 Omit the section. 7 [3] Section 132 Proceedings for offences 8 Omit "(other than offences under a regulation made under section 131)" from 9 section 132 (3). 10 [4] Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions 11 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 12 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger 13 Conduct) Act 2012 14 [5] Schedule 3, Part 3 15 Insert after Part 2: 16 Part 3 Provision consequent on enactment of 17 Passenger Transport Amendment 18 (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) 19 Act 2012 20 21 Proceedings for offences 21 The amendment of section 132 by the Passenger Transport 22 Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Act 2012 does 23 not affect its operation in relation to proceedings for offences 24 committed, or alleged to have been committed, before the repeal 25 of section 131 and any such proceedings may continue to be dealt 26 with as if section 132 had not been so amended. 27 Page 9 Passenger Transport Amendment (Ticketing and Passenger Conduct) Bill 2012 Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation 2.2 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109 1 Section 70 Payments into RailCorp Fund 2 Omit "section 131 of the Rail Safety Act 2008" from section 70 (d). 3 Insert instead "the Passenger Transport Act 1990". 4 Page 10
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