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Racing Administration Amendment
Act 1999 No 17


              1    Name of Act                                     2
              2    Commencement                                    2
              3    Amendment of Racing Administration Act 1998
                   No 114                                          2

      Schedule 1   Amendments                                      3

                            New South Wales

Racing Administration Amendment
Act 1999 No 17

Act No 17, 1999

An Act to amend the Racing Administration Act 1998 to enable prescribed
persons and bodies to publish certain betting information relating to interstate
totalizator operations; and for other purposes. [Assented to 1 July 1999]
Section 1        Racing Administration Amendment Act 1999 No 17

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

1    Name of Act
            This Act is the Racing Administration Amendment Act 1999.

2    Commencement
            This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by

3    Amendment of Racing Administration Act 1998 No 114
            The Racing Administration Act 1998 is amended as set out in
            Schedule 1.

Page 2
Racing Administration Amendment Act 1999 No 17

Amendments                                                          Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

                                                                          (Section 3)

[1]     Section 28 Publication or advertising of certain dividends or
        betting odds not affected

        Insert at the end of the section:
              (2)     Nothing in this Part prohibits or restricts the publication, by
                      a person or body prescribed by the regulations, of
                      information relating to the dividends or betting odds, or
                      probable dividends or betting odds, payable in respect of a
                      totalizator operation conducted in another State or Territory
                      by a person or body authorised under the law of that other
                      State or Territory to conduct totalizator operations.

[2]     Section 37 Regulations

        Insert at the end of the section:
              (2)     A regulation may apply, adopt or incorporate the provisions
                      of any code or other publication, with or without
                      modifications, either as in force as at a particular day or as
                      in force for the time being.

[Minister's second reading speech made in--
          Legislative Assembly on 26 May 1999
          Legislative Council on 23 June 1999]

                                      BY AUTHORITY

                                                                              Page 3


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