New South Wales Bills

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                                New South Wales

Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007


Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                                2
                   2   Commencement                                               2
                   3   Meaning of "rural community"                               2
                   4   Other definitions                                          2

Part 2         Requirements of rural communities impact
                   5   Rural communities impact statements must be written by
                       Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit                   4
                   6   Matters that must be covered by a rural communities
                       impact statement                                           4
                   7   Other matters may be included                              5
                   8   A finding of "no likely impact" is acceptable              5

Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007


Part 3       Assessment of likely impact of proposed Acts
             on rural communities
               9    Likely impact on rural communities must be assessed before
                    a Bill is considered by the Cabinet                        6
              10    Likely impact on rural communities must be disclosed to
                    Members of Parliament before a Bill is considered by
                    Parliament                                                 6

Part 4       Assessment of likely impact of proposed
             statutory rules on rural communities
              11    Minister on whom this Part imposes obligations                7
              12    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined
                    before a statutory rule is submitted to Governor              7
              13    Public notice of rural communities impact statement
                    required before certain statutory rules are made              7
              14    Tabling of rural communities impact statement required in
                    relation to all statutory rules                               7
              15    Other public notice of rural communities impact statement
                    required in relation to all statutory rules                   8

Part 5       Assessment of likely impact of proposed
             environmental planning instruments on rural
              16    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined
                    before a proposed State environmental planning policy is
                    recommended to Governor                                       9
              17    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined
                    before regional environmental plan is made                    9
              18    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined
                    before local environmental plan is made                      10

Part 6       Assessment of likely impact of proposed
             Cabinet decisions on rural communities
              19    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined
                    before Cabinet decides on any matter                         11
              20    Part extends to legislation                                  11

Part 7       Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit
              21    Establishment of Rural Communities Impact Assessment
                    Unit                                                         12
              22    Liaison with Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit        12
              23    Electronic access to rural communities impact statements     12

Contents page 2
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007


Part 8       Miscellaneous
              24    Rural communities impact statement not necessary in
                    certain circumstances                                     14
              25    Speaker and President to report on non-compliance         14

                                                                  Contents page 3
                           New South Wales

Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007
No     , 2007

A Bill for

An Act to require the preparation of rural communities impact statements and to
specify the circumstances in which they are required; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                2

  1      Name of Act                                                                      3

               This Act is the Rural Communities Impacts Act 2007.                        4

  2      Commencement                                                                     5

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                      6

  3      Meaning of "rural community"                                                     7

         (1)   For the purposes of this Act, the part of the State that is outside the    8
               following metropolitan areas comprises the rural community:                9
                (a) the Sydney metropolitan area, that is, the area constituted by the   10
                     local government areas of Ashfield, Auburn, Bankstown,              11
                     Baulkham Hills, Blacktown, Botany Bay, Burwood, Camden,             12
                     Campbelltown, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Fairfield, Hawkesbury,        13
                     Holroyd, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Hurstville, Kogarah,                14
                     Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Leichhardt, Liverpool, Manly,               15
                     Marrickville, Mosman, North Sydney, Parramatta, Penrith,            16
                     Pittwater, Randwick, Rockdale, Ryde, Strathfield, Sutherland,       17
                     Sydney, Warringah, Waverley, Willoughby and Woollahra,              18
               (b) the Newcastle metropolitan area, that is, the area constituted by     19
                     the local government areas of Lake Macquarie and Newcastle,         20
                (c) the Wollongong metropolitan area, that is, the area constituted by   21
                     the local government areas of Shellharbour and Wollongong.          22

         (2)   The rural community consists of any number of recognised rural            23
               communities in the State.                                                 24

  4      Other definitions                                                               25

               In this Act:                                                              26
               environmental planning instrument means:                                  27
                (a) a State environmental planning policy, or                            28
               (b) a regional environmental plan, or                                     29
                (c) a local environmental plan,                                          30
               which all have the same meaning as in the Environmental Planning and      31
               Assessment Act 1979.                                                      32
               Government Member of Parliament means a member of Parliament              33
               who is a member of the one or more parties that make up the               34
               Government.                                                               35

Page 2
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                  Clause 4

Preliminary                                                          Part 1

              Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit means the branch of the       1
              Department of Premier and Cabinet established under section 21.        2
              statutory rule means a regulation, by-law, rule or ordinance:          3
              (a) that is made by the Governor, or                                   4
              (b) that is made by a person or body other than the Governor, but is   5
                     required by law to be approved or confirmed by the Governor.    6

                                                                          Page 3
Clause 5          Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 2            Requirements of rural communities impact statements

Part 2         Requirements of rural communities impact                                     1
               statements                                                                   2

  5      Rural communities impact statements must be written by Rural                       3
         Communities Impact Assessment Unit                                                 4

               A rural communities impact statement is not valid for the purposes of        5
               this Act unless it is written by the Rural Communities Impact                6
               Assessment Unit.                                                             7

  6      Matters that must be covered by a rural communities impact statement               8

         (1)   A rural communities impact statement that is required to be prepared by      9
               this Act in relation to a proposed Bill, statutory rule, environmental      10
               planning instrument or decision is not valid for the purposes of this Act   11
               unless it includes the following matters:                                   12
                (a) a detailed description of any costs that are likely to be placed on    13
                     businesses in the rural community in order to comply with the         14
                     relevant legislation or decision (whether or not the same costs       15
                     would be imposed on any other community),                             16
               (b) an examination of the likely impact of those costs on                   17
                     development and employment in the rural community (whether            18
                     or not there would be the same impact on any other community),        19
                (c) special emphasis on the modelling of the likely impact on the          20
                     rural community that would occur or remain 5 years after the          21
                     legislation or decision is made (whether or not there would be the    22
                     same impact on any other community),                                  23
               (d) an examination of the likely impact of the proposed legislation or      24
                     decision on the social structures and well-being of the rural         25
                     community (whether or not there would be the same impact on           26
                     any other community),                                                 27
                (e) an examination of the likely impact of the proposed legislation or     28
                     decision on the availability of public transport, health services,    29
                     education facilities, policing, courts, government advisory           30
                     services and infrastructure provision in the rural community          31
                     (whether or not there would be the same impact on any other           32
                     community),                                                           33
                (f) an examination of the likely impact of the proposed legislation or     34
                     decision on the natural environment, having regard to the need to     35
                     balance economic and social well-being with environmental             36
                     sustainability.                                                       37

Page 4
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                      Clause 7

Requirements of rural communities impact statements                      Part 2

       (2)   If any of the above matters is not applicable to the relevant legislation     1
             or decision under consideration, a rural communities impact statement         2
             complies with this section if it merely states that the matter is not         3
             applicable.                                                                   4

  7   Other matters may be included                                                        5

             In addition to the matters listed in section 6, a rural communities impact    6
             statement may consider other aspects of the likely impact of the              7
             proposed legislation or decision on the rural community.                      8

  8   A finding of "no likely impact" is acceptable                                        9

             A rural communities impact statement may (if appropriate) merely state       10
             that the relevant Bill, statutory rule, environmental planning instrument    11
             or decision has "no likely impact" on the rural community.                   12

                                                                              Page 5
Clause 9         Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 3           Assessment of likely impact of proposed Acts on rural communities

Part 3        Assessment of likely impact of proposed Acts                                 1
              on rural communities                                                         2

  9      Likely impact on rural communities must be assessed before a Bill is              3
         considered by the Cabinet                                                         4

              A Minister, or a Government Member of Parliament, who intends to             5
              introduce a Bill into either House of Parliament must ensure, before the     6
              Bill is considered by the Cabinet:                                           7
               (a) that a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in          8
                      relation to the Bill, which provides information about the likely    9
                      impact of the proposed Act on the rural community, and              10
              (b) that the Minister or Member has given consideration as to               11
                      whether or not the proposed Act will have any likely impact on      12
                      the rural community by having regard to the rural communities       13
                      impact statement and any other submissions or matters that the      14
                      Minister or Member considers appropriate.                           15

10       Likely impact on rural communities must be disclosed to Members of               16
         Parliament before a Bill is considered by Parliament                             17

              A Minister, or a Government Member of Parliament, who introduces a          18
              Bill into either House of Parliament must ensure that, before the debate    19
              on that Bill in that House, a copy of the rural communities impact          20
              statement in relation to the Bill has been tabled in that House of          21
              Parliament.                                                                 22

Page 6
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                       Clause 11

Assessment of likely impact of proposed statutory rules on rural          Part 4

Part 4        Assessment of likely impact of proposed                                       1
              statutory rules on rural communities                                          2

11     Minister on whom this Part imposes obligations                                       3

              The obligations under this Part are imposed on the Minister                   4
              administering the Act under which a statutory rule is or is proposed to       5
              be made.                                                                      6

12     Likely impact on rural communities must be determined before a                       7
       statutory rule is submitted to Governor                                              8

              A Minister who intends to submit a proposed statutory rule for making         9
              by the Governor, or for the approval of or confirmation by the               10
              Governor, must, before submitting the proposed statutory rule, ensure:       11
              (a) that a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in           12
                    relation to the proposed statutory rule, which provides                13
                    information about the likely impact of the proposed statutory rule     14
                    on the rural community, and                                            15
              (b) that the Minister has given consideration as to whether or not the       16
                    proposed statutory rule will have any likely impact on the rural       17
                    community by having regard to the rural communities impact             18
                    statement and any other submissions or matters that the Minister       19
                    considers appropriate.                                                 20

13     Public notice of rural communities impact statement required before                 21
       certain statutory rules are made                                                    22

       (1)    This section applies to a statutory rule in relation to which section 5 of   23
              the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 requires a regulatory impact            24
              statement to be prepared and made available or made available for            25
              inspection.                                                                  26

       (2)    If this section applies, the regulatory impact statement must include the    27
              rural communities impact statement for the proposed statutory rule.          28

14     Tabling of rural communities impact statement required in relation to all           29
       statutory rules                                                                     30

              The Minister responsible for a statutory rule must ensure that the notice    31
              of the making of a statutory rule that is required to be given by section    32
              40 of the Interpretation Act 1987 is accompanied by the rural                33
              communities impact statement for the statutory rule.                         34

                                                                               Page 7
Clause 15        Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 4           Assessment of likely impact of proposed statutory rules on rural

15       Other public notice of rural communities impact statement required in              1
         relation to all statutory rules                                                    2

              The Minister responsible for a statutory rule must ensure that notice of      3
              the rural communities impact statement for the statutory rule, and where      4
              it can be accessed both in print and electronically, is printed in the same   5
              Gazette as that in which the statutory rule is published.                     6

Page 8
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                     Clause 16

Assessment of likely impact of proposed environmental planning          Part 5
instruments on rural communities

Part 5       Assessment of likely impact of proposed                                      1
             environmental planning instruments on rural                                  2
             communities                                                                  3

16    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined before a                      4
      proposed State environmental planning policy is recommended to                      5
      Governor                                                                            6

             A Minister who intends to recommend to the Governor the making of a          7
             proposed State environmental planning policy must, before                    8
             recommending the proposed policy, ensure:                                    9
              (a) that a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in         10
                   relation to the proposed policy, which provides information           11
                   about the likely impact of the proposed policy on the rural           12
                   community, and                                                        13
             (b) that the rural communities impact statement was made available          14
                   to the public at the same time and in the same way as the proposed    15
                   policy was publicly exhibited under the Environmental Planning        16
                   and Assessment Act 1979, and                                          17
              (c) that the Minister has given consideration as to whether or not the     18
                   policy will have a likely impact on the rural community by            19
                   having regard to the rural communities impact statement and any       20
                   other submissions or matters that the Minister considers              21
                   appropriate.                                                          22

17    Likely impact on rural communities must be determined before regional              23
      environmental plan is made                                                         24

             A Minister who intends to make a regional environmental plan in             25
             relation to a local government area that is not in a metropolitan area      26
             must ensure:                                                                27
              (a) that a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in         28
                    relation to the proposed plan, which provides information about      29
                    the likely impact of the proposed plan on the rural community,       30
                    and                                                                  31
             (b) that the rural communities impact statement was made available          32
                    to the public at the same time and in the same way as the proposed   33
                    plan was publicly exhibited under the Environmental Planning         34
                    and Assessment Act 1979, and                                         35
              (c) that the Minister has given consideration as to whether or not the     36
                    plan will have a likely impact on the rural community by having      37
                    regard to the rural communities impact statement and any other       38
                    submissions or matters that the Minister considers appropriate.      39

                                                                              Page 9
Clause 18        Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 5           Assessment of likely impact of proposed environmental planning
                 instruments on rural communities

18       Likely impact on rural communities must be determined before local                 1
         environmental plan is made                                                         2

              A Minister who intends to make a local environmental plan in relation         3
              to a local government area that is not in a metropolitan area must ensure:    4
               (a) that a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in           5
                     relation to the proposed plan, which provides information about        6
                     the likely impact of the proposed plan on the rural community,         7
                     and                                                                    8
              (b) that the rural communities impact statement was made available            9
                     to the public at the same time and in the same way as the proposed    10
                     plan was publicly exhibited under the Environmental Planning          11
                     and Assessment Act 1979, and                                          12
               (c) that the Minister has given consideration as to whether or not the      13
                     plan will have a likely impact on the rural community by having       14
                     regard to the rural communities impact statement and any other        15
                     submissions or matters that the Minister considers appropriate.       16

Page 10
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                        Clause 19

Assessment of likely impact of proposed Cabinet decisions on rural         Part 6

Part 6        Assessment of likely impact of proposed                                        1
              Cabinet decisions on rural communities                                         2

19     Likely impact on rural communities must be determined before Cabinet                  3
       decides on any matter                                                                 4

       (1)    This section applies to every decision that is put before the Cabinet that:    5
              (a) involves the proposed introduction of taxes, charges and fees that         6
                    are, or are likely to be, imposed on residents or businesses in the      7
                    rural community (whether or not they would also be imposed on            8
                    any other community), or                                                 9
              (b) involves the proposed increase of taxes, charges and fees that are,       10
                    or are likely to be, imposed on residents or businesses in the rural    11
                    community (whether or not they would also be imposed on any             12
                    other community), or                                                    13
              (c) otherwise could reasonably be expected to have an impact on the           14
                    rural community (whether or not it has the same impact on any           15
                    other community).                                                       16

       (2)    The Premier must ensure that the Cabinet does not consider any                17
              decision to which this section applies unless:                                18
              (a) a rural communities impact statement has been prepared in                 19
                    relation to the proposed decision, which provides information           20
                    about the likely impact of the proposed decision on the rural           21
                    community, and                                                          22
              (b) a copy of the rural communities impact statement has been                 23
                    circulated to each Cabinet member before the decision is made.          24

       (3)    The Premier must ensure that, before the Cabinet makes a decision on          25
              the matter, each Cabinet member has given consideration as to whether         26
              or not the decision will have a likely impact on the rural community by       27
              having regard to the rural communities impact statement.                      28

20     Part extends to legislation                                                          29

              This Part extends to the consideration of Bills, statutory rules or           30
              environmental planning instruments and is in addition to, and not in          31
              substitution for, Parts 3-5.                                                  32

                                                                               Page 11
Clause 21         Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 7            Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit

Part 7         Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit                                       1

21       Establishment of Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit                            2

         (1)   The Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit is established as a               3
               branch of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.                               4

         (2)   The Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit may arrange for the               5
               use of the services of any staff (by secondment or otherwise) or facilities    6
               of a Department for the purpose of writing one or more particular rural        7
               communities impact statements. For the purposes of this Act, a person          8
               whose services are made use of under this section is a member of the           9
               staff of the Unit.                                                            10

         (3)   The Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit cannot be abolished,             11
               renamed or removed from the Department of Premier and Cabinet by              12
               order under Chapter 4 of the Public Sector Employment and                     13
               Management Act 2002.                                                          14

22       Liaison with Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit                               15

               There is to be in each Department of the Public Service at least one          16
               person whose duties involve, or include, liaising with the Rural              17
               Communities Impact Assessment Unit on matters arising under this Act          18
               that concern the Department.                                                  19

23       Electronic access to rural communities impact statements                            20

               The Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit must maintain a                  21
               website that allows free public access to rural communities impact            22
               statements as follows:                                                        23
               (a) statements in relation to proposed Bills must be posted on the            24
                     website on and from the day of the second reading of the Bill up        25
                     until the time that the Act is repealed,                                26
               (b) statements in relation to proposed statutory rules in relation to         27
                     which regulatory impact statements are required to be publicly          28
                     exhibited must be posted on the website on and from the first day       29
                     of exhibition of the regulatory impact statement up until the time      30
                     that the statutory rule is repealed,                                    31
               (c) statements in relation to proposed statutory rules in relation to         32
                     which regulatory impact statements are not required to be               33
                     publicly exhibited must be posted on the website on and from the        34
                     date of their publication in the Gazette up until the time that the     35
                     statutory rule is repealed,                                             36

Page 12
Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007                                    Clause 23

Rural Communities Impact Assessment Unit                               Part 7

             (d)    statements in relation to proposed environmental planning           1
                    instruments are to be posted on the website on and from the first   2
                    day of public exhibition of the proposed instrument up until the    3
                    time that the instrument is repealed.                               4

                                                                            Page 13
Clause 24         Rural Communities Impacts Bill 2007

Part 8            Miscellaneous

Part 8         Miscellaneous                                                                   1

24       Rural communities impact statement not necessary in certain                           2
         circumstances                                                                         3

         (1)   Subject to subsection (3), it is not necessary to comply with this Act to       4
               the extent that the Premier certifies in writing that, in his or her opinion    5
               in the special circumstances of the case, the public interest requires that     6
               the Bill, statutory rule, environmental planing instrument or Cabinet           7
               decision concerned should be introduced or made without complying               8
               with this Act.                                                                  9

         (2)   Without limiting the special circumstances to which the Premier may            10
               refer under this section, they include:                                        11
                (a) the need to ensure the safety of people, the environment or               12
                      property in the case of an emergency, and                               13
               (b) the need to ensure the security of the State.                              14

         (3)   If a Bill, statutory rule or environmental planning instrument is              15
               introduced or made in the circumstances mentioned in subsection (1),           16
               the requirements of this Act must:                                             17
                (a) in the case of a Bill--be complied with within 10 sitting days            18
                      after the Bill is introduced, or                                        19
               (b) in the case of a statutory rule or environmental planning                  20
                      instrument--within 4 months after the rule or instrument is made.       21

25       Speaker and President to report on non-compliance                                    22

               The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the President of the               23
               Legislative Council are each to inform their respective Houses of any          24
               non-compliance with section 10 or 14, within 3 sitting days after              25
               becoming aware of the non-compliance.                                          26

Page 14


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