New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant)
Amendment Bill 2013

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to amend the Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 to
permit grants to be made available under that Act to persons who relocate from metropolitan areas
to regional areas for the purposes of employment, self-employment or purchasing a home.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on 1 January 2014.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home
                       Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26
The Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 (the principal Act) established a scheme
for the payment of grants to persons who live in their own homes in metropolitan areas
(metropolitan homes) if those persons sell their metropolitan homes and purchase homes in
regional areas (regional homes) and relocate and reside in those regional homes.
Schedule 1 [15] extends the scheme to persons who reside in metropolitan homes that they do not
own. In such a case, the person must still purchase a regional home and relocate and reside in that
regional home. To be eligible for such a grant, the person must have had his or her principal place
of residence in one or more metropolitan homes for a continuous period of 2 years and each such
metropolitan home must have been occupied under a lease or licence or other arrangement for
valuable consideration. Each metropolitan home must be at least 100 kilometres from the regional

Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Explanatory note

home that is purchased. Schedule 1 [17] extends the 100 kilometre requirement to the current
scheme in the principal Act so that the metropolitan home that is sold must be at least
100 kilometres from the regional home that is purchased. Schedule 1 [16] makes a consequential
Schedule 1 [19] inserts proposed Division 2 into Part 2 of the principal Act. The proposed
Division provides for the payment of a skilled regional relocation incentive of $10,000 to persons
who relocate from metropolitan areas to regional areas for the purposes of employment or
self-employment. A person who applies for the incentive (the applicant) is eligible for the
incentive in respect of a relocation if the applicant is an eligible applicant and the relocation is an
eligible employment relocation or an eligible self-employment relocation.
To be an eligible employment relocation, the applicant must be employed on a full-time basis for
at least 2 years (or such lesser period as may be permitted by the Chief Commissioner of State
Revenue (the Chief Commissioner)) in one or more jobs in regional areas (regional jobs).
Employment in the first regional job must commence on or after 1 January 2014 and before 1 July
2015. The applicant also needs to have relocated from a metropolitan area for the purposes of the
regional job, having resided in one or more metropolitan homes for a continuous period of at least
2 years ending within 12 months before commencing employment in the regional job. The
applicant's regional job and home must be at least 100 kilometres away from the applicant's
former metropolitan home.
To be an eligible self-employment relocation, the applicant must relocate from a metropolitan area
for the purposes of self-employment in a regional small business (being a business in a regional
area that has an ABN and is conducted by an individual who is a sole trader or by a partnership
where each partner is an individual). The applicant must have resided in one or more metropolitan
homes for a continuous period of at least 2 years ending within 12 months before commencing
self-employment in the regional small business. The regional small business and the applicant's
regional home must be at least 100 kilometres away from the applicant's former metropolitan
home. The applicant must establish or purchase the regional small business in which the applicant
is to be self-employed.
To establish a regional small business the applicant must either set up a small business in a
regional area or relocate a small business from a metropolitan area to a regional area. To purchase
a small business the applicant must purchase at least 50% of a small business in a regional area.
The establishment or purchase of a regional small business is not eligible for a regional relocation
grant if a person has already been paid a regional relocation grant in relation to the establishment
or purchase of the small business. Self-employment in the regional small business must be
commenced by the applicant on or after 1 January 2014 and before 1 July 2015. The applicant
must be self-employed in the regional small business for at least 2 years (or such lesser period as
may be permitted by the Chief Commissioner) following the applicant's relocation. The applicant
must also complete a business advisory program approved by the Small Business Commissioner
unless the applicant is purchasing part of an existing regional small business and a person who has
been a partner in the business (or who has operated the business as a sole trader) will continue in
the business as a partner with the applicant.
Schedule 1 [5] sets out the requirements to be met to be an eligible applicant for a regional
relocation grant (which includes a skilled regional relocation incentive). To be an eligible
applicant, the applicant must be a natural person who is an Australian citizen or permanent
resident and the applicant or any member of the applicant's household must not have already
received a regional relocation grant. Schedule 1 [5] also makes it clear that a person may not be
paid more than one regional relocation grant and that more than one grant cannot be paid in
relation to the establishment or purchase of a regional small business. Schedule 1 [24] provides
that a skilled regional relocation incentive is to be paid in 2 equal instalments at least a year apart.
Schedule 1 [3], [6]-[10], [12]-[14], [18], [22], [23], [27] and [28] rename the current regional
relocation grant as the regional relocation home buyers grant and make a number of other
amendments that are consequential on the amendments made by Schedule 1 [15] and [19].

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Schedule 1 [1] and [2] amend the long title and the name of the principal Act to take into account
the proposed skilled regional relocation incentive.
Schedule 1 [4] makes provision for determining whether a principal place of employment or
principal place of business is in a regional area or within 100 kilometres of a specified place in the
case of a person (such as a tradesperson) whose work takes place in a number of locations.
Schedule 1 [4] also provides that a regional relocation grant is taken not to have been paid if it is
later paid back.
Schedule 1 [11] provides that only one regional relocation home buyers grant is payable in respect
of the purchase of a regional home.
Schedule 1 [20] provides for the time in which applications for a regional relocation grant must
be made and also provides that an application is to be accompanied by any evidence required by
the Chief Commissioner to demonstrate the applicant's eligibility for the regional relocation grant.
Schedule 1 [21] provides that all interested persons must be applicants for a regional relocation
home buyers grant. Section 5 (2) of the principal Act (which is proposed to be relocated to
section 4B (1) by Schedule 1 [5]) requires that every applicant meet the requirements for the
payment of a regional relocation home buyers grant for any one of those applicants to be eligible.
An interested person means each owner of the regional home that is purchased who was, in the
case of an application made on the basis of the disposal of a metropolitan home, also an owner of
that metropolitan home.
Schedule 1 [25] provides that if an applicant has a liability to repay an amount under the principal
Act, that amount is a charge on the applicant's interest in land. Either the regional home that was
the subject of a regional relocation home buyers grant or, in the case of a skilled regional
relocation incentive, on any interest held by the applicant in land. Schedule 1 [26] makes a
consequential amendment.
Schedule 1 [31] provides that the Minister for Finance and Services can appoint a scheme closure
date if it appears to the Minister that the number of regional relocation grants authorised to be paid
under the principal Act has exceeded or will exceed the amount of money appropriated from the
Consolidated Fund for the purposes of regional relocation grants during the period of 1 July 2013
to 30 June 2015. Schedule 1 [33] provides that funds for the purposes of regional relocation grants
are to be appropriated by Parliament. Schedule 1 [29] and [30] make consequential amendments.
Schedule 1 [32] provides that a regional relocation home buyers grant is not payable in respect of
the purchase of a regional home if the purchase is commenced after the scheme closure date and
a skilled regional relocation incentive is not payable in respect of employment in a regional job,
or self-employment in a regional small business, if the employment or self-employment is
commenced after the scheme closure date.
Schedule 1 [34] inserts a number of savings and transitional provisions consequent on the
enactment of the proposed Act.

Page 3
                                                                              First print

                                  New South Wales

Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant)
Amendment Bill 2013

              1    Name of Act                                                        2
              2    Commencement                                                       2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act
                   2011 No 26                                                         3

                                   New South Wales

Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant)
Amendment Bill 2013

No     , 2013

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 to permit grants to be
made available under that Act to persons who relocate from metropolitan areas to regional areas
for the purposes of employment, self-employment or purchasing a home; and for other purposes.
Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

            This Act is the Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Act 2013.   3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

            This Act commences on 1 January 2014.                                         5

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

Schedule 1              Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home                                            1
                        Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26                                                      2

[1]   Long title                                                                                          3

      Insert ", workers and self-employed persons" after "buyers".                                        4

[2]   Section 1 Name of Act                                                                               5

      Omit "(Home Buyers Grant)". Insert instead "Grants".                                                6

[3]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                               7

      Omit the definitions of commencement, completion, eligible applicant, eligible home                 8
      relocation, regional relocation grant and scheme target from section 3 (1).                         9

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                                      10
                    commencement of a purchase of a regional home--see section 10.                       11
                    commencement of employment in a regional job--see section 22.                        12
                    commencement of self-employment in a regional small business--see                    13
                    section 22F.                                                                         14
                    completion of a purchase of a regional home--see section 11.                         15
                    eligible applicant--see section 4A.                                                  16
                    eligible employment relocation--see Subdivision 2 of Division 2 of Part 2.           17
                    eligible home relocation--see Subdivision 2 of Division 1 of Part 2.                 18
                    eligible self-employment relocation--see Subdivision 3 of Division 2 of              19
                    Part 2.                                                                              20
                    job includes an apprenticeship or a traineeship.                                     21
                    regional relocation grant means a regional relocation home buyers grant or a         22
                    skilled regional relocation incentive.                                               23
                    regional relocation home buyers grant means a regional relocation home               24
                    buyers grant authorised under this Act.                                              25
                    skilled regional relocation incentive means a skilled regional relocation            26
                    incentive authorised under this Act.                                                 27

[4]   Section 3 (2A) and (2B)                                                                            28

      Insert after section 3 (2):                                                                        29

              (2A)   A requirement in this Act that a principal place of business or a principal place   30
                     of employment is in a regional area or is at least 100 kilometres from a            31
                     specified place is satisfied, in the case of employment or self-employment that     32
                     takes place at a number of different locations, if the majority of that             33
                     employment or self-employment takes place in the regional area or at least          34
                     100 kilometres from that specified place.                                           35

              (2B)   A person is taken not to have been paid a regional relocation grant for the         36
                     purposes of this Act if the regional relocation grant was paid but later paid       37
                     back, together with any penalty or interest payable under this Act.                 38

[5]   Sections 4A-4C                                                                                     39

      Insert after section 4:                                                                            40

         4A    Meaning of "eligible applicant"                                                           41

               (1)   An applicant is an eligible applicant for the purposes of this Act if the           42
                     requirements of this section are satisfied.                                         43

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

              (2)   The applicant must be a natural person.                                            1

              (3)   The applicant must be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident:               2
                    (a) in the case of an application for a regional relocation home buyers            3
                          grant--on the date the purchase of the regional home is completed, or        4
                    (b) in the case of an application for a skilled regional relocation incentive--    5
                          on the date the applicant commences employment in the regional job, or       6
                          commences self-employment in the regional small business.                    7

              (4)   The applicant must not have been a party to an earlier application under this      8
                    Act in respect of which a regional relocation grant was paid.                      9

              (5)   The applicant must not have resided in a metropolitan home with a person who      10
                    has been paid a regional relocation grant within 2 years before the relocation    11
                    in respect of which that grant was paid and also resided in a regional home       12
                    with that person within 2 years after that relocation.                            13

         4B   Joint applicants                                                                        14

              (1)   A requirement imposed by Part 2 on an applicant applies, where there are 2 or     15
                    more joint applicants, to each applicant.                                         16

              (2)   Subsection (1) is subject to the following:                                       17
                    (a) if this Act specifies that only one of the applicants has to comply with      18
                         the relevant requirement, then only one of the applicants has to comply      19
                         with that requirement,                                                       20
                    (b) an applicant need not comply with a requirement to the extent that the        21
                         applicant is exempted from compliance by or under this Act.                  22

         4C   More than one grant cannot be paid                                                      23

              (1)   A person is not eligible to be paid more than one regional relocation grant       24
                    under this Act.                                                                   25

              (2)   More than one grant cannot be paid in respect of the establishment or purchase    26
                    of a regional small business.                                                     27

[6]   Part 2, heading                                                                                 28

      Omit "grant". Insert instead "grants".                                                          29

[7]   Part 2, Division 1, heading                                                                     30

      Insert "home buyers" after "relocation".                                                        31

[8]   Part 2, Division 1, Subdivision 1, heading                                                      32

      Insert before section 5:                                                                        33

      Subdivision 1          General                                                                  34

[9]   Section 5                                                                                       35

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                               36

          5   Entitlement to grant                                                                    37

                    A regional relocation home buyers grant is payable on application under this      38
                    Act in respect of the purchase of a home if:                                      39
                    (a) the applicant is an eligible applicant, and                                   40
                    (b) the purchase is an eligible home relocation.                                  41

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

[10]   Section 6 Amount of grant                                                                      1
       Insert "home buyers" after "relocation".                                                       2

[11]   Section 7 One grant per transaction                                                            3

       Omit "and the disposal of a metropolitan home" from section 7 (1).                             4

[12]   Part 2, Division 2                                                                             5

       Renumber as Subdivision 2.                                                                     6

[13]   Section 8 Eligible home relocation                                                             7

       Omit "Division". Insert instead "Subdivision".                                                 8

[14]   Section 9 Applicant must purchase a regional home                                              9

       Insert after section 9 (3):                                                                   10

              (4)    The applicant must not purchase the regional home in his or her capacity as     11
                     trustee.                                                                        12

[15]   Section 15 Applicant must relocate from metropolitan area                                     13

       Insert after section 15 (1):                                                                  14

            (1A)     Residents in metropolitan areas who are not home owners                         15

                     An applicant relocates from a metropolitan area if:                             16
                     (a) the applicant, within 12 months before the purchase of the regional         17
                          home commenced, had his or her principal place of residence in one or      18
                          more metropolitan homes for a continuous period of at least 2 years, and   19
                     (b) the applicant is not an owner of any of those metropolitan homes but        20
                          occupied them under a lease, licence or other arrangement for valuable     21
                          consideration, and                                                         22
                     (c) each of those metropolitan homes is at least 100 kilometres in a straight   23
                          line from the regional home, and                                           24
                     (d) the applicant ceases to reside in any metropolitan home before the          25
                          purchase of the regional home is completed or within the period allowed    26
                          for residence relocation.                                                  27

[16]   Section 15 (2), heading                                                                       28

       Insert "Home owners in metropolitan areas".                                                   29

[17]   Section 15 (2) (a1)                                                                           30

       Insert after section 15 (2) (a):                                                              31
                     (a1) the metropolitan home is at least 100 kilometres in a straight line from   32
                            the regional home, and                                                   33

[18]   Part 2, Division 3                                                                            34

       Omit the Division.                                                                            35

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

[19]   Part 2, Division 2                                                                               1
       Insert after section 17A:                                                                        2

       Division 2           Skilled regional relocation incentive                                       3

       Subdivision 1          General                                                                   4

         18   Entitlement to incentive                                                                  5

                    A skilled regional relocation incentive is payable on application under this Act    6
                    in respect of the relocation of a person if:                                        7
                     (a) the applicant is an eligible applicant, and                                    8
                    (b) the relocation is:                                                              9
                            (i) an eligible employment relocation, or                                  10
                           (ii) an eligible self-employment relocation.                                11

         19   Amount of grant                                                                          12

                    The amount of the skilled regional relocation incentive is $10,000.                13

       Subdivision 2          Eligible employment relocation                                           14

         20   Eligible employment relocation                                                           15

                    The relocation by an applicant is an eligible employment relocation if the         16
                    requirements set out in this Subdivision are satisfied.                            17

         21   Applicant must be employed in a regional job                                             18

              (1)   The applicant must be employed in one or more regional jobs for:                   19
                    (a) at least 2 years (within the 3 years immediately following the applicant       20
                          commencing employment in a regional job), or                                 21
                    (b) such lesser period as may be permitted by the Chief Commissioner.              22

              (2)   The Chief Commissioner may permit a period of employment that is less than         23
                    2 years if satisfied that the applicant has been unable to continue employment     24
                    in regional jobs for 2 years because of circumstances beyond the control of the    25
                    applicant.                                                                         26

              (3)   For the purposes of this Act, an applicant is employed in a regional job if:       27
                    (a) the applicant is employed in a job on a full-time basis, and                   28
                    (b) the applicant's principal place of employment in the job is in a regional      29
                          area, and                                                                    30
                    (c) the applicant commenced employment in the job on or after                      31
                          1 January 2014.                                                              32

         22   Date regional job commenced                                                              33

              (1)   Employment in a regional job by the applicant must commence before                 34
                    1 July 2015.                                                                       35

              (2)   For the purposes of this Act, employment in a regional job commences:              36
                    (a) on the date that the applicant starts working in the regional job, or          37
                    (b) in the case of an applicant whose eligibility for a regional relocation        38
                          grant arises out of employment in more than one regional job--the first      39
                          date that the applicant starts working in any of those regional jobs.        40

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

             (3)   This section is subject to Part 7 (which provides for a scheme closure date).       1

     22A    Applicant must relocate from metropolitan area                                             2

             (1)   The applicant must relocate from a metropolitan area.                               3

             (2)   An applicant relocates from a metropolitan area if:                                 4
                   (a) the applicant relocates, within the period allowed for relocation, to a         5
                        regional area for the purposes of employment in a regional job, and            6
                   (b) the applicant, within 12 months before commencing employment in the             7
                        regional job, had his or her principal place of residence in one or more       8
                        metropolitan homes for a continuous period of at least 2 years, and            9
                   (c) each of those metropolitan homes is at least 100 kilometres in a straight      10
                        line from:                                                                    11
                         (i) each regional home occupied and used by the applicant as a               12
                               principal place of residence during the 2 years following the          13
                               applicant's relocation, and                                            14
                        (ii) each principal place of employment of the applicant during the           15
                               2 years following the applicant's relocation.                          16

             (3)   The period allowed for relocation is 3 months after the applicant commences        17
                   employment in the regional job or such longer period as the Chief                  18
                   Commissioner may approve.                                                          19

             (4)   The Chief Commissioner may approve a longer period for relocation only if          20
                   satisfied that the delay in relocating is caused by circumstances beyond the       21
                   control of the applicant.                                                          22

      Subdivision 3         Eligible self-employment relocation                                       23

     22B    Eligible self-employment relocation                                                       24

                   The relocation by an applicant is an eligible self-employment relocation if the    25
                   requirements set out in this Subdivision are satisfied.                            26

     22C    Applicant must relocate from metropolitan area                                            27

             (1)   The applicant must relocate from a metropolitan area.                              28

             (2)   An applicant relocates from a metropolitan area if:                                29
                   (a) the applicant relocates, within the period allowed for relocation, to a        30
                        regional area for the purposes of being self-employed in a regional           31
                        small business established or purchased by the applicant, and                 32
                   (b) the applicant, within 12 months before commencing self-employment              33
                        in the regional small business, had his or her principal place of residence   34
                        in one or more metropolitan homes for a continuous period of at least         35
                        2 years, and                                                                  36
                   (c) each of those metropolitan homes is at least 100 kilometres in a straight      37
                        line from:                                                                    38
                         (i) each regional home occupied and used by the applicant as a               39
                                principal place of residence during the 2 years following the         40
                                applicant's relocation, and                                           41
                        (ii) each principal place of business of the regional small business          42
                                during the 2 years following the applicant's relocation.              43

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

             (3)   The period allowed for relocation is 3 months after the applicant commences           1
                   self-employment in the regional small business or such longer period as the           2
                   Chief Commissioner may approve.                                                       3

             (4)   The Chief Commissioner may approve a longer period for relocation only if             4
                   satisfied that the delay in relocating is caused by circumstances beyond the          5
                   control of the applicant.                                                             6

     22D    Applicant must establish or purchase a regional small business                               7

             (1)   The applicant must establish or purchase a regional small business.                   8

             (2)   A business is a small business if the business has an ABN and:                        9
                   (a) is conducted by an individual who is a sole trader, or                           10
                   (b) is conducted by a partnership where each of the partners is an                   11
                         individual.                                                                    12

             (3)   For the purposes of this Act, an applicant establishes a regional small business     13
                   if:                                                                                  14
                    (a) the applicant sets up a new small business that has its principal place of      15
                         business in a regional area, or                                                16
                   (b) the applicant relocates a small business that has its principal place of         17
                         business in a metropolitan area to a regional area and the principal place     18
                         of business of the small business in the regional area is at least             19
                         100 kilometres in a straight line from its principal place of business in      20
                         the metropolitan area.                                                         21

             (4)   For the purposes of this Act, an applicant purchases a regional small business       22
                   if the applicant purchases at least 50% of a small business that has its principal   23
                   place of business in a regional area.                                                24

     22E    Grant must not have been paid                                                               25

                   The establishment or purchase of a regional small business is not eligible if a      26
                   person has been paid a regional relocation grant under this Act in relation to       27
                   the establishment or purchase of the small business.                                 28

     22F    Date applicant commences self-employment in regional small business                         29

             (1)   Self-employment in the regional small business by the applicant must                 30
                   commence on or after 1 January 2014 and before 1 July 2015.                          31

             (2)   For the purposes of this Act, self-employment in a regional small business           32
                   established or purchased by an applicant commences on the date that the              33
                   applicant starts working in the regional small business.                             34

             (3)   This section is subject to Part 7 (which provides for a scheme closure date).        35

     22G    Applicant must be self-employed in small business for at least 2 years                      36

             (1)   The applicant must be self-employed in the regional small business for at least      37
                   2 years, or such lesser period as may be permitted by the Chief Commissioner,        38
                   following the applicant's relocation from a metropolitan area.                       39

             (2)   The Chief Commissioner may permit a period that is less than 2 years if              40
                   satisfied that the applicant has been unable to continue self-employment in the      41
                   regional small business for 2 years because of circumstances beyond the              42
                   control of the applicant.                                                            43

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

       22H    Applicant must complete approved program                                                    1
                    The applicant must complete a business advisory program approved by the               2
                    Small Business Commissioner unless:                                                   3
                    (a) the applicant is purchasing part of a regional small business, and                4
                    (b) another person who has been a partner in the business (or who has                 5
                          operated the business as a sole trader) for at least 2 years before the         6
                          applicant's relocation from the metropolitan area will continue in the          7
                          business as a partner with the applicant for at least 2 years after that        8
                          relocation.                                                                     9

[20]   Section 23 Making of applications                                                                 10

       Omit section 23 (2)-(4). Insert instead:                                                          11

              (2)   An application for a regional relocation grant is to be accompanied by such          12
                    documents or other evidence as may be required by the Chief Commissioner             13
                    to demonstrate the applicant's eligibility for the grant.                            14

              (3)   An application for a regional relocation home buyers grant cannot be made            15
                    before the purchase of the regional home is completed but may be made before         16
                    the applicant has used and occupied the regional home as a principal place of        17
                    residence for the period required by section 16 (1).                                 18

              (4)   An application for a skilled regional relocation incentive cannot be made until      19
                    at least 3 months after the applicant commences employment in a regional job         20
                    or commences self-employment in a regional small business but may be made            21
                    before the applicant has been employed in regional jobs or self-employed in          22
                    the regional small business for the period required by section 21 (1) or 22G.        23

[21]   Section 24                                                                                        24

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                 25

         24   All interested persons must join in application for home buyers grant                      26

              (1)   This section applies to an application for a regional relocation home buyers         27
                    grant.                                                                               28

              (2)   All interested persons must be applicants.                                           29

              (3)   A person is an interested person if:                                                 30
                    (a) the person:                                                                      31
                           (i) is an owner of the land purchased that is the site of, or is intended     32
                                  to be the site of, the regional home (at the completion of the         33
                                  purchase), and                                                         34
                          (ii) is or was an owner of the land that is the site of the metropolitan       35
                                  home that is disposed of to relocate from a metropolitan area          36
                                  (before the disposal of the home), or                                  37
                    (b) the person is, in the case of a grant being sought on the basis of a             38
                          relocation referred to in section 15 (1A), an owner of the land purchased      39
                          that is the site of, or is intended to be the site of, the regional home (at   40
                          the completion of the purchase).                                               41

[22]   Section 27 Payment in advance, subject to statutory conditions                                    42

       Insert ", an eligible employment relocation or an eligible self-employment relocation" after      43
       "eligible home relocation" wherever occurring in section 27 (1) and (2).                          44

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

[23]   Section 27 (5) and (6)                                                                            1
       Omit section 27 (5). Insert instead:                                                              2

              (5)   Payment of a regional relocation home buyers grant cannot be authorised              3
                    before the purchase of the regional home is completed.                               4

              (6)   Payment of a skilled regional relocation incentive cannot be authorised until        5
                    at least 3 months after the applicant commences employment in a regional job         6
                    or commences self-employment in a regional small business.                           7

[24]   Section 29 Payment of grant                                                                       8

       Insert after section 29 (2):                                                                      9

              (3)   A skilled regional relocation incentive is to be paid in 2 equal instalments with   10
                    the second instalment being paid at least one year after the first instalment.      11

[25]   Section 33 Charge on land for liability of applicant                                             12

       Omit section 33 (1). Insert instead:                                                             13

              (1)   Any liability that an applicant has under this Act to pay or repay an amount to     14
                    the Chief Commissioner is a charge on:                                              15
                     (a) in the case of an applicant for a regional relocation home buyers grant--      16
                          the applicant's interest in the land on which is situated the home that is    17
                          the subject of the purchase for which the regional relocation grant was       18
                          sought, or                                                                    19
                    (b) in the case of an applicant for a skilled regional relocation incentive--       20
                          any interest held by the applicant in land.                                   21

[26]   Section 33 (2)                                                                                   22

       Omit "on which the home is situated".                                                            23

[27]   Section 50 Chief Commissioner may carry out authorised investigation                             24

       Omit section 50 (2) (c). Insert instead:                                                         25
                    (c) whether a relocation in respect of which a regional relocation grant has        26
                          been paid under this Act was an eligible relocation, or                       27

[28]   Section 50 (3)                                                                                   28

       Insert after section 50 (2):                                                                     29

              (3)   In this section:                                                                    30
                    eligible relocation means an eligible home relocation, an eligible employment       31
                    relocation or an eligible self-employment relocation.                               32

[29]   Section 56 Scheme target                                                                         33

       Omit the section.                                                                                34

[30]   Section 57 Scheme closure date                                                                   35

       Omit "number of" from section 57 (1).                                                            36

[31]   Section 57 (1)                                                                                   37

       Omit "the scheme target".                                                                        38

       Insert instead "the amount of money appropriated from the Consolidated Fund for the              39
       purposes of regional relocation grants during the period of 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2015".        40

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Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant) Act 2011 No 26

[32]   Section 58                                                                                       1
       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                2

       58     Effect of scheme closure                                                                  3

              (1)    A regional relocation home buyers grant is not payable in respect of the           4
                     purchase of a regional home if the purchase is commenced after the scheme          5
                     closure date.                                                                      6

              (2)    A skilled regional relocation incentive is not payable in respect of employment    7
                     in a regional job or self-employment in a regional small business if the           8
                     employment or self-employment is commenced after the scheme closure date.          9

              (3)    However, the appointment of a scheme closure date does not affect the             10
                     operation of this Act in respect of a purchase of a regional home, employment     11
                     in a regional job or self-employment in a regional small business that is         12
                     commenced on or before the scheme closure date.                                   13

[33]   Section 63 Standing appropriation                                                               14

       Omit the section.                                                                               15

[34]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           16

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                            17

       Part 3        Provisions consequent on Regional Relocation                                      18
                     (Home Buyers Grant) Amendment Act 2013                                            19

          4   Definition                                                                               20

                     In this Part:                                                                     21
                     amending Act means the Regional Relocation (Home Buyers Grant)                    22
                     Amendment Act 2013.                                                               23

          5   One grant per household                                                                  24

                     Section 4A applies to a regional relocation grant payable before the              25
                     commencement of that section but does not apply so as to require the              26
                     repayment of a regional relocation grant that was paid before the                 27
                     commencement of that section.                                                     28

          6   Commencement of purchase of regional home by metropolitan tenants                        29

                     Section 15 (1A), as inserted by the amending Act, does not apply in respect of    30
                     the purchase of a regional home that commenced before 1 January 2014.             31

          7   Metropolitan home must be at least 100 kilometres from regional home                     32

                     Section 15 (2) (a1), as inserted by the amending Act, applies in respect of the   33
                     purchase of a regional home that occurred before the commencement of that         34
                     paragraph but not if the Chief Commissioner has already received an               35
                     application for the payment of a grant in respect of the purchase.                36

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