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Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Retail Trading Act 2008 to make further provision with respect
to the regulation of shop opening hours, restricted trading days and bank trading
days; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                            1

 1    Name of Act                                                                     2

               This Act is the Retail Trading Amendment Act 2012.                     3

 2    Commencement                                                                    4

         (1)   Except as provided by subsection (2), this Act commences on the date   5
               of assent to this Act.                                                 6

         (2)   Schedule 1 [1], [7]-[18] and [20] commence on 1 July 2013.             7

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Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008                              1
                       No 49                                                             2

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              3

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                     4

                    shop exemption--see section 10.                                      5

                    tourist trading precinct exemption--see section 10A.                 6

[2]   Section 3A                                                                         7

      Insert after section 3:                                                            8

       3A    Meaning of "freely elected to work"                                         9

                    For the purposes of this Act, a person:                             10
                    (a) has not freely elected to work at a shop or a bank on a day     11
                          if the person has been coerced, harassed, threatened or       12
                          intimidated to work on that day by or on behalf of the        13
                          occupier of the shop or the bank, and                         14
                    (b) is not taken to have freely elected to work on a day merely     15
                          because the person is rostered, or required by the terms of   16
                          an industrial instrument, to work on that day.                17

[3]   Section 4 Shops to be closed on restricted trading days                           18

      Omit section 4 (3).                                                               19

[4]   Section 7 Businesses of certain kinds exempt from trading restrictions            20

      Omit section 7 (2)-(4). Insert instead:                                           21

             (2)    An exemption under this section is subject to the condition that,   22
                    on a restricted trading day, the exempted shop is staffed only by   23
                    persons who have freely elected to work on that day. This           24
                    subsection has effect despite any other law.                        25

[5]   Sections 8, 8A and 8B                                                             26

      Omit section 8. Insert instead:                                                   27

        8    Exemption based on size of workforce                                       28

             (1)    Small shops                                                         29

                    A shop is exempted from a requirement under this Act to be kept     30
                    closed on a restricted trading day if:                              31
                    (a) the number of persons employed and working in a business        32
                          carried on in the shop on the restricted trading day          33

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               Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49

                            (whether for the full day or a part of the day) is less than 5,    1
                            and                                                                2
                      (b)   at any time within the period of 7 days before that                3
                            restricted trading day, the number of persons employed by          4
                            the occupier of the shop and working in any business               5
                            carried on in shops of any kind in the State is less than 5.       6

             (2)      Medium sized shops                                                       7

                      A shop (other than a shop to which subsection (1) applies) is            8
                      exempted from a requirement under this Act to be kept closed on          9
                      a restricted trading day if:                                            10
                      (a) the number of persons employed and working in a business            11
                             carried on in the shop on the restricted trading day             12
                             (whether for the full day or a part of the day) does not         13
                             exceed 20, and                                                   14
                      (b) at any time within the period of 7 days before that                 15
                             restricted trading day, the number of persons employed by        16
                             the occupier of the shop and working in any business             17
                             carried on in shops of any kind in the State does not exceed     18
                             100.                                                             19

             (3)      The number of persons employed for the purposes of                      20
                      subsections (1) (b) and (2) (b):                                        21
                      (a) if the occupier of the shop is a body corporate, is to include      22
                            the persons:                                                      23
                             (i) employed in shops of any kind in the State by a body         24
                                   corporate that is related to that body corporate           25
                                   (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001           26
                                   of the Commonwealth), and                                  27
                            (ii) working in any business carried on in those shops,           28
                                   and                                                        29
                      (b) is to be calculated by dividing the total number of the hours       30
                            worked by all persons employed and working in the                 31
                            business carried on in those shops during the relevant            32
                            period by 38.                                                     33

             (4)      An exemption under subsection (2) is subject to the condition           34
                      that, on a restricted trading day, the exempted shop is staffed only    35
                      by persons who have freely elected to work on that day. This            36
                      subsection has effect despite any other law.                            37

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Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49                              Schedule 1

       8A    Exemption for receiving, unpacking or preparing goods for sale               1
             after restricted trading day                                                 2

             (1)    A shop is exempted from a requirement under this Act to be kept       3
                    closed on a restricted trading day if the only business activities    4
                    carried on at the shop during the restricted trading day are the      5
                    reception, unpacking or preparation of goods for sale at the shop     6
                    after the conclusion of a restricted trading day.                     7

             (2)    An exemption under this section is subject to the condition that,     8
                    on a restricted trading day, the exempted shop is staffed only by     9
                    persons who have freely elected to work on that day. This            10
                    subsection has effect despite any other law.                         11

       8B    Exemption from Boxing Day trading restrictions                              12

             (1)    A shop is exempted from a requirement under this Act to be kept      13
                    closed on Boxing Day, subject to the condition that, on Boxing       14
                    Day, the exempted shop is staffed only by persons who have           15
                    freely elected to work on that day.                                  16

             (2)    This section has effect despite any other law.                       17

[6]   Section 9A                                                                         18

      Insert after section 9:                                                            19

       9A    Offence--failure to comply with exemption condition                         20

                    An occupier of a shop must not fail to comply with a condition of    21
                    an exemption imposed under this Division.                            22
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                   23

[7]   Section 10 Director-General may exempt shops from trading restrictions             24

      Insert "(a shop exemption)" after "closed" in section 10 (1).                      25

[8]   Section 10 (3)                                                                     26

      Omit "an exemption under this Division".                                           27

      Insert instead "a shop exemption".                                                 28

[9]   Section 10 (4), (5) and (7)                                                        29

      Omit "An exemption" wherever occurring.                                            30

      Insert instead "A shop exemption".                                                 31

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                 Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49

[10]   Section 10A                                                                                1
       Insert after section 10:                                                                   2

       10A   Director-General may exempt shops in a tourist trading precinct                      3
             from trading restrictions                                                            4

              (1)      The Director-General may by order, on application by a local               5
                       council, exempt the shops in a specified location from a                   6
                       requirement under this Act to be kept closed (a tourist trading            7
                       precinct exemption).                                                       8

              (2)      The Director-General must not grant a tourist trading precinct             9
                       exemption unless the Director-General is satisfied that the               10
                       location that is to be the subject of the exemption is, or is within,     11
                       a tourist area (that is, an area that during a period or periods of the   12
                       year has a tourist population that is greater than its normal             13
                       resident population).                                                     14

              (3)      Before granting a tourist trading precinct exemption, the                 15
                       Director-General is to have regard to such matters as may be              16
                       prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section.           17

              (4)      A tourist trading precinct exemption may:                                 18
                       (a) apply in respect of one or more specified restricted trading          19
                             days or all restricted trading days, or                             20
                       (b) apply in respect of specified times on a restricted trading           21
                             day.                                                                22

              (5)      A tourist trading precinct exemption has effect for the period, not       23
                       exceeding 5 years, specified by the Director-General in the order.        24

              (6)      The period of the exemption may not be extended by an                     25
                       amendment to the order.                                                   26

              (7)      A tourist trading precinct exemption may be subject to                    27
                       conditions.                                                               28

[11]   Section 11 Applications for exemptions                                                    29

       Insert "(in the case of a shop exemption)" after "sought" in section 11 (1) (b).          30

[12]   Section 11 (1) (b1)                                                                       31

       Insert after section 11 (1) (b):                                                          32
                    (b1) made at least 3 months (or such other period as may be                  33
                            prescribed by the regulations) before the first day for              34
                            which the exemption is sought (in the case of a tourist              35
                            trading precinct exemption), and                                     36

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Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49                             Schedule 1

[13]   Section 11 (2)                                                                    1
       Insert "for a shop exemption" after "application".                                2

[14]   Section 11A Publication of orders and reasons for decisions                       3

       Insert "(including any conditions to which the exemption is subject)" after       4
       "granting an exemption" in section 11A (1).                                       5

[15]   Section 11B Deemed refusal of application                                         6

       Omit "an exemption". Insert instead "a shop exemption".                           7

[16]   Section 11B (2)                                                                   8

       Insert at the end of section 11B:                                                 9

              (2)   If the Director-General has not determined an application for a     10
                    tourist trading precinct exemption within 3 months (or such other   11
                    period as the regulations may provide) after the application was    12
                    made to the Director-General (or such longer period as the          13
                    Director-General determines with the consent in writing of the      14
                    applicant), the Director-General is taken, for the purposes of      15
                    section 12, to have made a decision to refuse to grant the          16
                    exemption.                                                          17

[17]   Section 11C Application of Division to applications for amendment or             18
       revocation of exemption orders                                                   19

       Omit "an exemption" from section 11C (1).                                        20

       Insert instead "a shop exemption".                                               21

[18]   Section 11C (1A)                                                                 22

       Insert after section 11C (1):                                                    23

            (1A)    A local council that has been granted a tourist trading precinct    24
                    exemption under this Division may apply for the amendment or        25
                    revocation of the exemption order.                                  26

[19]   Section 13 Staffing on restricted trading days                                   27

       Omit section 13 (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                     28

              (1)   An exemption granted by the Director-General under this Part is     29
                    subject to the condition that each exempted shop that is opened     30
                    on a restricted trading day to which the exemption applies is       31
                    staffed only by persons who have freely elected to work on that     32
                    day.                                                                33

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                  Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1           Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49

[20]    Section 14 Offence--failure to comply with exemption condition                          1
        Omit "An occupier of a shop must not fail to comply with a condition of an              2
        exemption imposed under this Division".                                                 3

        Insert instead "An occupier of a shop that is opened on a restricted trading day        4
        to which a shop exemption or tourist trading precinct exemption applies must            5
        not fail to comply with a condition of the exemption".                                  6

[21]    Section 14CA                                                                            7

        Insert after section 14C:                                                               8

       14CA   Exemption for Bank Holiday                                                        9

               (1)      Despite section 14C, a bank may open for retail banking business       10
                        on Bank Holiday, subject to the condition that it is staffed only by   11
                        persons who have freely elected to work on that day.                   12

               (2)      Subsection (1) has effect despite any other law.                       13

               (3)      A bank to which this section applies must not fail to comply with      14
                        the condition specified in subsection (1).                             15
                        Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                     16

[22]    Section 14F Staffing on bank close days                                                17

        Omit section 14F (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                          18

               (1)      Any approval granted by the Director-General under this Part is        19
                        subject to the condition that, on a bank close day, the bank           20
                        authorised to open in accordance with the approval is staffed only     21
                        by persons who have freely elected to work on that day.                22

[23]    Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                  23

        Omit clause 1 of the Schedule. Insert instead:                                         24

          1   Regulations                                                                      25

               (1)      The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or                 26
                        transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any     27
                        Act that amends this Act.                                              28

               (2)      Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect     29
                        from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.          30

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Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Retail Trading Act 2008 No 49                               Schedule 1

              (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date    1
                     that is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW           2
                     legislation website, the provision does not operate so as:            3
                      (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than     4
                            the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that    5
                            person existing before the date of its publication, or         6
                     (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or      7
                            an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or      8
                            omitted to be done before the date of its publication.         9

[24]   Schedule 2, clause 2                                                               10

       Insert after clause 2 (4):                                                         11

              (5)    An existing exemption that was granted under section 89B of the      12
                     Shops and Industries Act 1962 ceases to have effect on               13
                     30 June 2013.                                                        14

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