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                                New South Wales

Residential Tenancies Amendment
(Olympic Games) Bill 1999


                   1   Name of Act                                             2
                   2   Commencement                                            2
                   3   Amendment of Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26       2

       Schedule 1 Amendments                                                   3

                           New South Wales

Residential Tenancies Amendment
(Olympic Games) Bill 1999

No    , 1999

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 in relation to rents for
residential premises during and around the time the Sydney Olympic Games are
being held; and for other purposes.
Clause 1        Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                       1

1    Name of Act                                                                 2
           This Act is the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games)       3
           Act 1999.                                                             4

2    Commencement                                                                5
           This Act commences on the day occurring 2 months after the date of    6
           assent, unless commenced sooner by proclamation.                      7

3    Amendment of Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26                           8
           The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 is amended as set out in           9
           Schedule 1.                                                          10

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                       Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments                                                                  1
                                                                        (Section 3)    3

[1]     Section 5 Application of Act                                                   4
        Omit section 5 (1). Insert instead:                                            6
             (1)    This Act (except as provided by Schedule 5) applies to             7
                    residential tenancy agreements made after the                      8
                    commencement of this section.                                      9

[2]     Section 6 Agreements and premises to which Act does not apply                 10
        Omit section 6 (1) (e). Insert instead:                                       12
                    (e)     if the agreement is made in good faith for the purpose    13
                            of giving a right to occupy residential premises for a    14
                            period of not more than 2 months for the purpose of       15
                            a holiday.                                                16

[3]     Section 6 (2) (c)                                                             17
        Omit the paragraph.                                                           19

[4]     Section 6 (3)                                                                 20
        Omit "(c),".                                                                  22

[5]     Section 138                                                                   23
        Insert after section 137:                                                     25

      138 Special provisions applying for period of Sydney Olympic                    26
          Games                                                                       27
             (1)    Schedule 5 has effect.                                            28
             (2)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or            29
                    transitional nature consequent on Schedule 5 ceasing to           30
                    have effect.                                                      31

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                  Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1        Amendments

[6]      Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions consequent               1
         on enactment of amending legislation                                           2
         Insert " Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Act 1999"             4
         at the end of clause 1 (1).                                                    5

[7]      Schedule 5                                                                     6
         Insert after Schedule 4:                                                       8
         Schedule 5 Special provisions applying for                                    11
                    period of Sydney Olympic Games                                     12

                                                                   (Sections 5, 138)   13

         Part 1      Preliminary                                                       14

         1 Definitions                                                                 15
                     In this Schedule, except in so far as the context or              16
                     subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires:                   17
                     premises ordinarily the subject of a residential tenancy          18
                     agreement means premises, or any part of premises, which          19
                     have been the subject of a residential tenancy agreement at       20
                     any time during the 12 months prior to a new residential          21
                     tenancy agreement to which this Schedule applies being            22
                     entered into.                                                     23
                     previous residential tenancy agreement means the last             24
                     residential tenancy agreement to which the premises were          25
                     subject.                                                          26
                     Rent Report means the Rent and Sales Report NSW                   27
                     published by the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning         28
                     (or another publication prescribed by the regulations).           29
                     Sydney Statistical Division means those government areas          30
                     defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as comprising      31
                     the Sydney Statistical Division, and includes local               32
                     government areas that may be included in the Sydney               33
                     Statistical Division after the commencement of this               34
                     Schedule.                                                         35

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                      Schedule 1

         2 Application of Schedule                                                  1
             (1)    The provisions of this Schedule apply to:                       2
                    (a)   new residential tenancy agreements made:                  3
                          (i)    on or after 1 June 1999, and                       4
                          (ii) before 1 January 2002 or such later date as          5
                                 may be prescribed by the regulations, and          6
                          (iii) for the occupation of residential premises          7
                                 situated within the Sydney Statistical Division    8
                                 or such other geographical areas as may be         9
                                 prescribed by the regulations, and                10
                    (b)   existing residential tenancy agreements made before      11
                          1 June 1999 for the occupation of residential            12
                          premises situated within the Sydney Statistical          13
                          Division or such other geographical areas as may be      14
                          prescribed by the regulations.                           15
             (2)    This Schedule ceases to have effect on 1 January 2002 or       16
                    such later date as may be prescribed by the regulations.       17

         3 Certain sections not to apply                                           18
                    Sections 46, 48, 56, 57, 58 and 60 (and any other prescribed   19
                    provision of this Act) do not apply to a residential tenancy   20
                    agreement to which this Schedule applies.                      21

        Part 2      Setting of rents                                               22

         4 Setting of rents                                                        23
                    The rent payable under any residential tenancy agreement to    24
                    which this Schedule applies must be determined in              25
                    accordance with this Part.                                     26

         5 Rent for premises ordinarily the subject of a residential               27
           tenancy agreement                                                       28
             (1)    The rent payable for occupation of premises ordinarily the     29
                    subject of a residential tenancy agreement must not exceed:    30
                    (a)   the rent payable under the previous residential          31
                          tenancy agreement, or                                    32

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                   Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1         Amendments

                     (b)    if the previous residential tenancy agreement was       1
                            terminated more than 3 months before the date on        2
                            which the residential tenancy agreement is made, the    3
                            rent payable under the previous residential tenancy     4
                            agreement adjusted to reflect changes in the            5
                            Consumer Price Index (All Groups--Sydney) since         6
                            the date the previous agreement was terminated.         7
             (2)     The landlord must, in accordance with the regulations,         8
                     certify the rent payable under the previous residential        9
                     tenancy agreement in the form prescribed by the regulations   10
                     at the commencement of the residential tenancy agreement.     11

         6 Rents for premises not ordinarily the subject of a residential          12
           tenancy agreement                                                       13
             (1)     The landlord may have regard to the following factors when    14
                     determining the rent payable for occupation of premises not   15
                     ordinarily the subject of a residential tenancy agreement:    16
                     (a)   the general market level of rents for comparable        17
                           premises in the locality or a similar locality,         18
                     (b)   the value of the residential premises,                  19
                     (c)   the amount of any outgoings in respect of the           20
                           residential premises required to be borne by the        21
                           landlord under the proposed residential tenancy         22
                           agreement,                                              23
                     (d)   the estimated cost of any services provided by the      24
                           landlord or the tenant under the proposed residential   25
                           tenancy agreement,                                      26
                     (e)   the value and nature of any fittings, appliances or     27
                           other goods, services or facilities provided with the   28
                           residential premises,                                   29
                     (f)   the accommodation and amenities provided in the         30
                           residential premises and the state of repair and        31
                           general condition of the premises,                      32
                     (g)   any work done to the premises by or on behalf of the    33
                           tenant, to which the landlord has consented,            34
                     (h)   data published in the Rent Report,                      35
                     (i)   any other relevant matter.                              36

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                      Schedule 1

             (2)    The landlord must, in accordance with the regulations,           1
                    certify at the commencement of the tenancy that regard has       2
                    been had to the factors specified in subclause (1) when          3
                    determining the rent for premises. This certification must be    4
                    in the form prescribed by the regulations.                       5

         7 Power of Tribunal to determine rents                                      6
             (1)    A tenant who has entered into a residential tenancy              7
                    agreement for occupation of premises not ordinarily the          8
                    subject of a residential tenancy agreement may apply to the      9
                    Tribunal for an order that the rent for the premises is         10
                    excessive.                                                      11
             (2)    The tenant may make an application to the Tribunal under        12
                    this clause not later than 90 days after the date that the      13
                    residential tenancy agreement was made.                         14
             (3)    The Tribunal, in determining whether a rent payable under       15
                    a residential tenancy agreement is excessive, may have          16
                    regard to the following factors:                                17
                    (a)    the general market level of rents for comparable         18
                           premises in the locality or a similar locality,          19
                    (b)    the value of the residential premises,                   20
                    (c)    the amount of any outgoings in respect of the            21
                           residential premises required to be borne by the         22
                           landlord under the residential tenancy agreement,        23
                    (d)    the estimated cost of any services provided by the       24
                           landlord or the tenant under the residential tenancy     25
                           agreement,                                               26
                    (e)    the value and nature of any fittings, appliances or      27
                           other goods, services or facilities provided with the    28
                           residential premises,                                    29
                    (f)    the accommodation and amenities provided in the          30
                           residential premises and the state of repair and         31
                           general condition of the premises,                       32
                    (g)    any work done to the premises by or on behalf of the     33
                           tenant, to which the landlord has consented,             34
                    (h)    data published in the Rent Report,                       35
                    (i)    any other relevant matter.                               36

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                   Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1         Amendments

             (4)     In an application under this clause, the landlord bears the      1
                     onus of proof.                                                   2

          8 Orders as to excessive rents                                              3
             (1)     The Tribunal may, on application by a tenant under clause        4
                     7, and after considering any matters it considers appropriate    5
                     under clause 7 (3), make an order determining that a rent is     6
                     excessive.                                                       7
             (2)     If the Tribunal determines that a rent is excessive, the         8
                     Tribunal may order that from a day specified by the              9
                     Tribunal, not being earlier than the commencement of the        10
                     residential tenancy agreement, the rent must not exceed an      11
                     amount specified by the Tribunal and may make such other        12
                     orders as it thinks fit.                                        13

         Part 3      Rent increases                                                  14

          9 Frequency of rent increases                                              15
                     The rent payable under a residential tenancy agreement to       16
                     which this Schedule applies must not be increased more          17
                     than once in any 12-month period.                               18

         10 Method of calculating rent increases                                     19
             (1)     Except by order of the Tribunal, rents must not be increased    20
                     by more than the lesser of the following:                       21
                     (a)   the increase in the Consumer Price Index (All             22
                           Groups--Sydney) published by the Australian               23
                           Bureau of Statistics between the quarter immediately      24
                           preceding when the current rent was set and the           25
                           quarter immediately preceding the time when the           26
                           notice of the rent increase is served, or                 27
                     (b)   20 per cent of the current rent.                          28
             (2)     The regulations may contain provisions for the purpose of       29
                     giving effect to any of the provisions of subclause (1).        30

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                     Schedule 1


       11 Power of Tribunal to determine amount of rent increase                    2
             (1)    A landlord may apply to the Tribunal for an order that          3
                    permits a rent increase in excess of the increase permitted     4
                    under clause 10.                                                5
             (2)    The Tribunal may, in determining the amount of a rent           6
                    increase, have regard to the following factors:                 7
                    (a)    the general market level of rents for comparable         8
                           premises in the locality or a similar locality,          9
                    (b)    the value of the residential premises,                  10
                    (c)    the amount of any outgoings in respect of the           11
                           residential premises required to be borne by the        12
                           landlord under the residential tenancy agreement,       13
                    (d)    the estimated cost of any services provided by the      14
                           landlord or the tenant under the residential tenancy    15
                           agreement,                                              16
                    (e)    the value and nature of any fittings, appliances or     17
                           other goods, services or facilities provided with the   18
                           residential premises,                                   19
                    (f)    the accommodation and amenities provided in the         20
                           residential premises and the state of repair and        21
                           general condition of the premises,                      22
                    (g)    any work done to the premises by or on behalf of the    23
                           tenant, to which the landlord has consented,            24
                    (h)    data published in the Rent Report,                      25
                    (i)    any other relevant matter.                              26
             (3)    In an application under this clause, the landlord bears the    27
                    onus of proof.                                                 28

       12 Orders as to rent increases                                              29
             (1)    The Tribunal may, on application by a landlord under clause    30
                    11, and after considering any matters it considers             31
                    appropriate under clause 11 (2), make an order permitting a    32
                    rent increase in excess of that which would be permitted       33
                    under clause 10.                                               34

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                    Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1          Amendments

              (2)     The Tribunal must specify a day from which an order              1
                      permitting a rent increase in excess of that which would be      2
                      permitted under clause 10 takes effect. The day specified by     3
                      the Tribunal must not be earlier than 60 days after the day      4
                      of the Tribunal hearing.                                         5

          Part 4      Termination                                                      6

          13 Notice of termination                                                     7
              (1)     A landlord or tenant must not be given a notice of               8
                      termination of a residential tenancy agreement otherwise         9
                      than in accordance with this Part.                              10
              (2)     A notice of termination may not be given under clause 14,       11
                      15 or 16 so as to terminate a residential tenancy agreement     12
                      during the currency of a fixed term.                            13

          14 Notice of termination where premises sold                                14
              (1)     A landlord may give notice of termination of a residential      15
                      tenancy agreement to the tenant on the ground that the          16
                      landlord has (after entering into the agreement) entered into   17
                      a contract for the sale of the residential premises under       18
                      which the landlord is required to give vacant possession.       19
              (2)     The notice of termination must not specify a day earlier than   20
                      60 days after the day on which the notice is given as the day   21
                      on which vacant possession of the residential premises is to    22
                      be delivered up to the landlord.                                23

          15 Notice of termination by landlord for conversion, major                  24
             renovation, change of use or demolition of premises                      25
              (1)     A landlord may give notice of termination of a residential      26
                      tenancy agreement to the tenant on the ground that the          27
                      landlord proposes:                                              28
                      (a)    to carry out major renovations to the residential        29
                             premises that are not possible without vacant            30
                             possession, or                                           31
                      (b)    to change the use of the residential premises to a       32
                             non-residential use, or                                  33
                      (c)    to demolish the residential premises.                    34

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                       Schedule 1

             (2)    The notice of termination must not be given unless the            1
                    landlord has obtained all approvals and consents (and any         2
                    other authorities) necessary to give effect to the proposal.      3
             (3)    The notice of termination must not specify a day earlier than     4
                    90 days after the day on which the notice is given on which       5
                    vacant possession of the residential premises is to be            6
                    delivered up to the landlord.                                     7

       16 Notice of termination by landlord--use of premises as                       8
          principal residence                                                         9
             (1)    A landlord may give notice of termination of a residential       10
                    tenancy agreement for a fixed term on the ground that the        11
                    landlord requires the premises for the principal place of        12
                    residence of the landlord or a relative of the landlord.         13
             (2)    The notice of termination must not specify a day earlier than    14
                    30 days after the day on which the notice is given as the day    15
                    on which vacant possession is to be delivered up to the          16
                    landlord.                                                        17
             (3)    The notice may be given to the tenant before the end of the      18
                    term of the agreement and may specify a termination date         19
                    that is the date of, or a date after, the end of the term.       20
             (4)    In this clause:                                                  21
                    relative of a landlord means any of the following:               22
                    (a)     the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt,   23
                            nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child of     24
                            the landlord or of the landlord's spouse,                25
                    (b)     the spouse of the landlord or of a person referred to    26
                            in paragraph (a).                                        27
                    spouse includes a de facto partner as defined in the De          28
                    Facto Relationships Act 1984.                                    29

       17 Notice of termination by landlord on ground of breach of                   30
          agreement (other than arrears of rent)                                     31
             (1)    If a tenant has breached a residential tenancy agreement         32
                    (otherwise than in relation to the payment of rent), the         33
                    landlord may give notice to the tenant to remedy the breach      34
                    within a period of not less than 30 days after the date on       35
                    which the notice is given to the tenant.                         36

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                    Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1          Amendments

              (2)     A landlord may give a notice of termination of a residential       1
                      tenancy agreement to the tenant on the ground that the             2
                      tenant has failed to remedy a breach of the agreement within       3
                      the period specified by a notice under subclause (1).              4
              (3)     The notice of termination under subclause (2) must not             5
                      specify a day earlier than 14 days after the day on which the      6
                      notice is given as the day on which vacant possession of the       7
                      residential premises is to be delivered up to the landlord.        8
              (4)     If the tenant remedies the breach specified in the notice          9
                      under subclause (1) before the day specified in the notice of     10
                      termination, the notice of termination ceases to have effect      11
                      and no further notice of termination may be given in respect      12
                      of that breach.                                                   13
              (5)     Despite the foregoing provisions of this clause, if a tenant      14
                      has breached a residential tenancy agreement (otherwise           15
                      than in relation to the payment of rent) and the breach is of     16
                      the same nature as that for which a notice has been given         17
                      under subclause (1) within the previous period of 3 months,       18
                      and the breach is serious, the landlord may give a notice of      19
                      termination of the residential tenancy agreement.                 20
              (6)     The notice of termination under subclause (5) must not            21
                      specify a day earlier than 14 days after the day on which the     22
                      notice is given as the day on which vacant possession of the      23
                      residential premises is to be delivered up to the landlord.       24

          18 Notice of termination by landlord--arrears of rent                         25
              (1)     If a tenant has failed to pay rent in accordance with the         26
                      residential tenancy agreement, the landlord may give notice       27
                      to the tenant to pay the arrears of rent within a period of not   28
                      less than 14 days after the date on which the notice is given     29
                      to the tenant.                                                    30
              (2)     A landlord may give a notice of termination of a residential      31
                      tenancy agreement to the tenant on the ground that the            32
                      tenant has failed to remedy a breach of the agreement within      33
                      the period specified by a notice under subclause (1).             34
              (3)     The notice of termination must not specify a day earlier than     35
                      14 days after the day on which the notice is given as the day     36
                      on which vacant possession of the residential premises is to      37
                      be delivered up to the landlord.                                  38

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                       Schedule 1

             (4)    If the tenant pays all arrears of rent to which a notice under    1
                    subclause (1) applies before the day specified in the notice      2
                    of termination, the notice of termination ceases to have          3
                    effect and no further notice of termination may be given in       4
                    respect of those arrears.                                         5

       19 Notice of termination at end of fixed term agreement without                6
          any ground                                                                  7
             (1)    A tenant may give notice of termination of a residential          8
                    tenancy agreement that creates a tenancy for a fixed term         9
                    during the currency of the term without specifying any           10
                    ground for the termination.                                      11
             (2)    A notice of termination given under this clause must not         12
                    specify a day earlier than 14 days after the day on which the    13
                    notice is given or the day the term of the residential tenancy   14
                    agreement ends, whichever is the later, as the day on which      15
                    vacant possession of the residential premises is to be or will   16
                    be delivered up.                                                 17
             (3)    This clause does not apply to residential premises to which      18
                    a relevant code of practice applies, being premises              19
                    consisting of a site on which:                                   20
                    (a)    a relocatable home, or                                    21
                    (b)    a registrable moveable dwelling with a rigid annexe       22
                           attached to it,                                           23
                    (not being a home or dwelling provided by the landlord) is       24
                    situated or proposed to be situated.                             25

        Part 5      Miscellaneous                                                    26

       20 Offences and penalties                                                     27
             (1)    A person who knowingly contravenes or fails to comply            28
                    with a provision set out below is guilty of an offence and is    29
                    liable to a penalty specified in relation to that provision:     30
                    Clause 5 (2)--20 penalty units                                   31
                    Clause 6 (2)--20 penalty units.                                  32
             (2)    Subclause (1) has effect despite section 125 (2).                33

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                    Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999

Schedule 1          Amendments

          21 Landlord and Tenant (Rental Bonds) Act 1977                           1
              (1)     The provisions of section 9 (2) (b) of the Landlord and      2
                      Tenant (Rental Bonds) Act 1977 do not apply to:              3
                      (a)   the demand of an amount of money that would, if        4
                            deposited or paid, be a rental bond, or                5
                      (b)   the receipt of a rental bond,                          6
                      in respect of a lease of furnished premises for which the    7
                      weekly rental is $1000 (or such higher amount as is          8
                      prescribed by regulations under that Act) or more.           9
              (2)     The regulations under the Landlord and Tenant (Rental       10
                      Bonds) Act 1977 may prescribe amounts for the purposes of   11
                      subclause (1).                                              12
              (3)     Words and expressions used in this clause have the same     13
                      meanings as in the Landlord and Tenant (Rental Bonds) Act   14
                      1977.                                                       15

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