New South Wales Bills

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                                  New South Wales

Residential Tenancies Amendment
(Domestic Violence) Bill 1999


                   1   Name of Act                                                  2
                   2   Commencement                                                 2
                   3   Amendment of Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26            2

 Schedule 1            Amendments                                                   3

                              New South Wales

Residential Tenancies Amendment
(Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

No     , 1999

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 in relation to domestic
violence committed in residential premises; and for other purposes.

See also Residential Tenancies Amendment (Olympic Games) Bill 1999.
Clause 1        Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                      1

1    Name of Act                                                                2
           This Act is the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic            3
           Violence) Act 1999.                                                  4

2    Commencement                                                               5
           This Act commences on the date of assent.                            6

3    Amendment of Residential Tenancies Act 1987 No 26                          7
           The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 is amended as set out in          8
           Schedule 1.                                                          9

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                       Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments                                                                  1
                                                                        (Section 3)    3


[1]     Section 3 Definitions                                                          5
        Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):                                 7
                     apprehended violence order means an order made pursuant           8
                     to Part 15A of the Crimes Act 1900.                               9
                     domestic violence includes any behaviour or conduct for          10
                     which an apprehended violence order may be made pursuant         11
                     to Part 15A of the Crimes Act 1900.                              12
                     person in a domestic relationship with the tenant includes:      13
                     (a)    the spouse or former spouse of the tenant, or             14
                     (b)    the de facto partner (as defined in the De Facto          15
                            Relationships Act 1984) or former de facto partner of     16
                            the tenant, or                                            17
                     (c)    a person who is living with or has ordinarily lived in    18
                            the same household in an intimate relationship with       19
                            the tenant.                                               20


[2]     Section 23A                                                                   22
        Insert after section 23:                                                      24

      23A Use of premises by tenant--domestic violence                                25
                     It is a term of every residential tenancy agreement that the     26
                     tenant must not commit an act of domestic violence in the        27
                     residential premises.                                            28


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                    Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Schedule 1          Amendments

[3]      Section 33A                                                                 1
         Insert after section 33:                                                    3

       33A Assignment of co-tenancy                                                  4
                      The Tribunal may, on application by a co-tenant under a        5
                      residential tenancy agreement, make an order assigning a       6
                      co-tenancy from one co-tenant to another where it is           7
                      satisfied that an act of domestic violence has been, or is     8
                      likely to be, committed by one co-tenant against the other,    9
                      or another, co-tenant.                                        10


[4]      Section 35AA                                                               12
         Insert after section 35:                                                   14

      35AA Recognition of certain persons as tenants--domestic violence             15
              (1)     A person may apply to the Tribunal for an order to be         16
                      recognised as the tenant under a residential tenancy          17
                      agreement instead of the person currently recognised as the   18
                      tenant because that person has committed an act of domestic   19
                      violence against the person seeking the order.                20
              (2)     In deciding the application, the Tribunal must have regard    21
                      to the following issues:                                      22
                      (a)     whether the person has a current apprehended          23
                              violence order against the tenant,                    24
                      (b)     if an apprehended violence order has been made,       25
                              whether a condition was imposed excluding the         26
                              tenant from entering or remaining on the premises.    27
              (3)     Where either paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (2) is        28
                      satisfied, the Tribunal must make an order recognising the    29
                      applicant as the tenant.                                      30
              (4)     Subsection (2) does not limit the issues to which the         31
                      Tribunal may have regard.                                     32

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                      Schedule 1

             (5)     This section applies to:                                        1
                     (a)    a person in a domestic relationship with the tenant      2
                            who occupies the premises as his or her residential      3
                            address, or                                              4
                     (b)    a co-tenant in a domestic relationship with the other    5
                            or another co-tenant.                                    6
             (6)     The Tribunal may not make an order under subsection (1)         7
                     without giving the landlord the opportunity to be heard on      8
                     the application.                                                9
             (7)     Within 7 days after the making of an order under subsection    10
                     (1), a residential tenancy agreement giving effect to the      11
                     order must be entered into by the relevant parties.            12
             (8)     Until such an agreement is entered into, a residential         13
                     tenancy agreement giving effect to the order is taken to be    14
                     in force.                                                      15


[5]     Section 68A                                                                 17
        Insert after section 68:                                                    19

      68A Tribunal may terminate residential tenancy agreement where                20
          co-tenant causes serious damage or injury                                 21
                     A co-tenant may apply to the Tribunal for an order for         22
                     possession because the other, or another, co-tenant has        23
                     intentionally or recklessly caused, or is likely to            24
                     intentionally or recklessly cause:                             25
                     (a)    injury to:                                              26
                            (i)    the applicant, or                                27
                            (ii) someone else occupying, or allowed on, the         28
                                   premises, or                                     29
                     (b)    serious damage to the premises.                         30


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                    Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Schedule 1          Amendments

[6]      Section 68B                                                                    1
         Insert as section 68B:                                                         3

      68B Tribunal may terminate residential tenancy agreement where                    4
          landlord causes serious damage or injury                                      5
                      A tenant may apply to the Tribunal for an order for               6
                      possession because the landlord has intentionally or              7
                      recklessly caused, or is likely to intentionally or recklessly    8
                      cause:                                                            9
                      (a)    injury to:                                                10
                             (i)    the tenant, or                                     11
                             (ii) someone else occupying, or allowed on, the           12
                                    premises, or                                       13
                      (b)    damage to:                                                14
                             (i)    the tenant's goods, or                             15
                             (ii) the goods of someone else occupying, or              16
                                    allowed on, the premises.                          17


[7]      Section 69A Tribunal may terminate residential tenancy agreement              19
         where tenant would otherwise suffer undue hardship                            20
         Insert after section 69A (3):                                                 22
              (4)     For the purposes of this section, and without limitation,        23
                      undue hardship may be suffered because of:                       24
                      (a)     circumstances of domestic violence between the           25
                              tenant and another occupant, or                          26
                      (b)     verbal abuse, or threats, by the landlord, or            27
                      (c)     harassment by the landlord, or                           28
                      (d)     intimidation by the landlord.                            29

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Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Amendments                                                         Schedule 1

             (5)     If the Tribunal makes an order terminating a residential            1
                     tenancy agreement under this section, the Tribunal may              2
                     make an order awarding compensation to the tenant for the           3
                     reasonable costs of finding and relocating to alternative           4
                     residential premises if it is satisfied that the undue hardship     5
                     is or would be caused by the landlord's verbal abuse, threats,      6
                     harassment or intimidation.                                         7


[8]     Section 85 Orders of the Tribunal                                                9
        Insert after section 85 (3):                                                    11
             (4)     If a tenant or co-tenant makes an application under section        12
                     68A or 68B, the Tribunal may, in the absence of any party,         13
                     make an interim order restraining the landlord or a co-tenant      14
                     from committing further acts of domestic violence if the           15
                     Tribunal is of the opinion that it is necessary to do so for the   16
                     protection of the applicant or other occupants of the              17
                     premises.                                                          18


[9]     Section 85A                                                                     20
        Insert after section 85:                                                        22

      85A Tribunal not to attempt to conciliate domestic violence matters               23
                     The Tribunal is not to conciliate, or attempt to conciliate, in    24
                     a matter where one of the parties discloses or alleges that        25
                     acts of domestic violence have been committed on one of            26
                     the parties by another party.                                      27

                                                                              Page 7
                 Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 1999

Schedule 1       Amendments


[10]     Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions consequent        2
         on enactment of amending legislation                                    3
         Insert "Residential Tenancies Amendment (Domestic Violence) Act         5
         1999" at the end of clause 1 (1).                                       6

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