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Road Transport Legislation
Amendment Act 1999 No 19


            1   Name of Act                                2
            2   Commencement                               2
            3   Repeal of Acts and Regulations             2
            4   Amendment of Acts and Regulations          2

            1   Repeals                                    3
            2   Consequential amendment of Acts            4
            3   Consequential amendment of Regulations    62
            4   Other amendment of Acts                   86

                            New South Wales

Road Transport Legislation
Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Act No 19, 1999

An Act to repeal the Traffic Act 1909 and certain related legislation; to amend
other legislation consequent on those repeals and the enactment of the Road
Transport (General) Act 1999 and the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
Management) Act 1999; to amend the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 to
exempt principal statutory rules that include matters involving the
implementation of certain intergovernmental road transport agreements from the
requirement to prepare regulatory impact statements and to postpone the date for
the staged repeal of certain regulations made under the Traffic Act 1909; to
make amendments in the nature of statute law revision and other amendments
to the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, the Road Transport
(Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 and the Traffic Act 1909; and for other
purposes. [Assented to 1 July 1999]
Section 1        Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

   1     Name of Act
             This Act is the Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999.

   2     Commencement
         (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act commences on a day or days to
             be appointed by proclamation.
         (2) Schedule 4 (and so much of section 4 as relates to that Schedule)
             commence on the date of assent.

   3     Repeal of Acts and Regulations
             The Acts and Regulations specified in Schedule 1 are repealed.

   4     Amendment of Acts and Regulations
             The Acts and Regulations specified in Schedules 2-4 are amended
             as set out in those Schedules.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Repeals                                                         Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Repeals

                                                                  (Section 3)

Traffic Act 1909 No 5
Traffic Amendment (Confiscation of Keys and Driving Prevention) Act 1998
No 1
Traffic Amendment (Disqualification for Speeding) Act 1997 No 132
Traffic Amendment (Learner Driver Supervisors) Act 1996 No 75
Traffic Amendment (Pay Parking Schemes) Act 1998 No 20
Traffic Amendment (Penalties and Disqualifications) Act 1998 No 70
Traffic Amendment (Speeding Anti-evasion Measures) Act 1998 No 152
Traffic Amendment (Street and Illegal Drag Racing) Act 1996 No 145
Traffic Amendment (Street and Illegal Drag Racing) Act 1997 No 74
Traffic Amendment (Tyre Deflation--Police Pursuits) Act 1998 No 112
Traffic Amendment (Variable Speed Limits) Act 1998 No 27
Traffic Amendment (Vehicle Identification) Act 1996 No 146
Traffic and Crimes Amendment (Menacing and Predatory Driving) Act 1997
No 75
Traffic Legislation Amendment Act 1997 No 115

General Traffic Regulations 1916
General Traffic (Pedestrian) Regulations 1937
Motor Traffic Regulations 1935
Traffic (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1993

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                  Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2        Consequential amendment of Acts

Schedule 2 Consequential amendment of Acts

                                                                          (Section 4)

2.1      Bicentennial Park Trust Act 1987 No 29

 [1]     Section 22 Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences

         Omit the definition of owner from section 22 (6). Insert instead:
                    owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                    vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                    Act 1999.

 [2]     Section 22 (6), definitions of "registered" and "trader's plate"

         Omit the definitions.

2.2      Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Act 1983 No 145

         Section 23 Liability of vehicle owner for certain offences

         Omit section 23 (6). Insert instead:
                (6) In this section:
                    owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                    vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                    Act 1999.

2.3      Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 No 55

 [1]     Section 3 Definitions

         Omit paragraph (a) from the definition of traffic offence in section 3 (1).
         Insert instead:
                      (a)  the road transport legislation within the meaning of
                           the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                      Schedule 2

 [2]   Section 33 Penalties

       Omit section 33 (5) (a). Insert instead:
                  (a)    to impose any disqualification under the road
                         transport legislation within the meaning of the Road
                         Transport (General) Act 1999 on a person whom it
                         has found guilty of an offence,

2.4    Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202

 [1]   Section 116 Open and private access ways

       Omit section 116 (1) (a). Insert instead:
                  (a)    the road transport legislation within the meaning of
                         the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, and

 [2]   Section 116 (7)

       Omit the definition of road or road related area. Insert instead:
                  road or road related area means a road or road related area
                  within the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act
                  1999 (other than a road or road related area that is the subject
                  of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act
                  relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

2.5    Credit Act 1984 No 94

       Section 5 Definitions

       Omit "Motor Traffic Act 1909" from paragraph (a) of the definition of
       commercial vehicle in section 5 (1).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (General) Act 1999".

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                 Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2       Consequential amendment of Acts

2.6      Crimes Act 1900 No 40

 [1]     Section 52A Dangerous driving: substantive matters

         Omit the definition of drug from section 52A (9). Insert instead:
                    drug has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                    (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

 [2]     Section 52A (9), definition of "road"

         Omit paragraph (a). Insert instead:
                    (a)   a road or road related area within the meaning of the
                          Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road
                          or road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                          made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all
                          of the provisions of that Act), or

 [3]     Section 52AA Dangerous driving: procedural matters

         Omit section 52AA (2). Insert instead:
                (2) Evidence of intoxication. For the purposes of section 52A,
                    evidence may be given of the concentration of alcohol
                    present in the accused's blood at the time of the impact
                    occasioning death or grievous bodily harm occurring at a
                    place that is not a road or road related area within the
                    meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                    than a road or road related area that is the subject of a
                    declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating
                    to all of the provisions of that Act) as determined by a blood
                    analysis carried out in accordance with Division 4 of Part 2
                    of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

 [4]     Section 52B Dangerous navigation: substantive matters

         Omit the definition of drug from section 52B (9). Insert instead:
                    drug has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                    (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                       Schedule 2

 [5]   Section 154AA Car stealing etc

       Omit section 154AA (2). Insert instead:
              (2) In this section:
                  motor car means a motor vehicle (but not a trailer) within
                  the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, but
                  does not include a caravan or motor vehicle constructed
                  principally for use in agricultural production.

 [6]   Section 353A Power to search person, make medical examination,
       take photograph, finger-prints etc

       Omit section 353A (7) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    an offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 of driving
                          a motor vehicle on a road or road related area (other
                          than a road or road related area that is the subject of
                          a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999) negligently
                          occasioning death, negligently occasioning grievous
                          bodily harm, furiously or recklessly or at a speed or in
                          a manner that is dangerous to the public,

 [7]   Section 353A (7) (c)

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (c)    an offence under any of the following provisions of
                          the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
                          Act 1999:
                          (i)    section 9 (1), (2) (a) or (b), (3) (a) or (b), (4)
                                 (a) or (b), 15 (4) or 16,
                          (ii)   section 12 (1) (a) or (b),
                          (iii) section 22 (2),
                          (iv) section 29 (2),
                          (v)    section 43,
                          (vi) section 70,

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Schedule 2       Consequential amendment of Acts

 [8]     Section 356B Effect of Part on other powers and duties

         Omit "section 4E of the Traffic Act 1909" from section 356B (1) (b).
         Insert instead "Division 3 of Part 2 of the Road Transport (Safety and
         Traffic Management) Act 1999".

 [9]     Section 414A Certificates to be evidence

         Omit "section 4AB of the Traffic Act 1909" from section 414A (1A).
         Insert instead "section 46 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
         Management) Act 1999".

[10]     Section 414A (1C)

         Omit "section 4AC of the Traffic Act 1909".
         Insert instead "section 47 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
         Management) Act 1999".

[11]     Section 414A (1D) (a)

         Omit "Traffic Act 1909".
         Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

[12]     Section 414A (2)

         Omit "4E (12) (a) or (b) of the Traffic Act 1909" and "section 4E of
         that Act".
         Insert instead "section 33 (1) or (2) of the Road Transport (Safety and
         Traffic Management) Act 1999" and "Division 3 of Part 2 of that Act"

[13]     Section 414A (3A)

         Omit "section 5AB of the Traffic Act 1909 (Evidence of presence of
         drugs)" and "section 5 (2) of that Act".
         Insert instead "section 34 or 35 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
         Management) Act 1999" and "section 12 of that Act" respectively.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

[14]   Section 414A (4)

       Omit "section 4G of the Traffic Act 1909" and "section 4E of that Act".
       Insert instead "33 (4), (5), (6) or (7) of the Road Transport (Safety and
       Traffic Management) Act 1999" and "Division 3 of Part 2 of that Act"

[15]   Section 414A (6) (a)

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909".
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

2.7    Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8

       Section 11 How are traffic offences to be dealt with?

       Omit "(within the meaning of the Traffic Act 1909)" from section 11 (1)
       and (4) wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "(within the meaning of the road transport legislation
       referred to in section 5 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999)".

2.8    Crown Lands Act 1989 No 6

       Section 161 Liability of vehicle owner for certain offences

       Omit the definition of owner from section 161 (6). Insert instead:
                  owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                  vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                  Act 1999.

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

 2.9   Darling Harbour Authority Act 1984 No 103

       Section 23J Application of certain legislation

       Omit section 23J (1) (h). Insert instead:
                   (h)    the road transport legislation within the meaning of
                          the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,

2.10   Driving Instructors Act 1992 No 3

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definitions of motor vehicle, road and road related area from
       section 3 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    motor vehicle means a motor vehicle (including any trailer
                    towed by the vehicle) within the meaning of the Road
                    Transport (General) Act 1999.
                    road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                    Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                    subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                    Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).
                    road related area means a road related area within the
                    meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                    than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                    made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                    provisions of that Act).

 [2]   Section 15 Testing of applicant

       Omit "the Traffic Act 1909, and of the regulations made under that Act,"
       from section 15 (b).
       Insert instead "the road transport legislation within the meaning of the
       Road Transport (General) Act 1999".

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                      Schedule 2

 [3]   Section 28 Return of licence

       Omit "up to the officer in charge of a district registry within the meaning
       of the Traffic Act 1909 or to any other place" from section 28 (5).
       Insert instead "to a place".

 [4]   Section 53 Use of unsatisfactory vehicle

       Omit "the Traffic Act 1909 and the regulations made under that Act".
       Insert instead "the road transport legislation within the meaning of the
       Road Transport (General) Act 1999".

 [5]   Section 54 Employer not to allow use of unsatisfactory vehicle

       Omit "the Traffic Act 1909 and the regulations made under that Act".
       Insert instead "the road transport legislation within the meaning of the
       Road Transport (General) Act 1999".

2.11   Duties Act 1997 No 123


       Omit the definition of road. Insert instead:
                  road means a road or road related area within the meaning of
                  the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 (other
                  than a road or road related area that is the subject of a
                  declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

2.12   Electricity Safety Act 1945 (1946 No 13)

       Section 19F Definitions

       Omit the definition of traffic route. Insert instead:
                  traffic route has the same meaning as it has in section 45E
                  of the Transport Administration Act 1988.

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

2.13   Fines Act 1996 No 99

       Schedule 1 Statutory provisions under which penalty notices

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909, section 18B".
       Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                   Road Transport (General) Act 1999, Division 1 of Part 3

2.14   Forestry Act 1916 No 55

       Section 38C Liability of vehicle owners for parking offences

       Omit the definition of owner from section 38C (1). Insert instead:
                  owner of a motor vehicle includes the responsible person for
                  the vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

2.15   Impounding Act 1993 No 31

       Dictionary of expressions used in this Act

       Omit paragraph (a) of the definition of motor vehicle. Insert instead:
                  (a)   a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Road
                        Transport (General) Act 1999 and includes a caravan
                        or trailer, and

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                    Schedule 2

2.16   Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17

 [1]   Schedule 1 Persons deemed to be employees

       Omit clause 2 (2) (b). Insert instead:
                    (b)   motor lorry means any motor vehicle (whether or not
                          in combination with any trailer) that is constructed
                          principally for the conveyance of goods or
                          merchandise or for the conveyance of any kind of
                          materials used in any trade, business or industry, or
                          for use in any work whatsoever other than the
                          conveyance of persons, but does not include a motor
                          cycle or a tractor,

 [2]   Dictionary

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle. Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

2.17   Justices Act 1902 No 27

 [1]   Section 107 Stay of execution of conviction, order or sentence
       pending appeal

       Omit section 107 (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Despite subsection (1), any period during which the stay is
                  in force is not to be taken into account when calculating the
                  length of a period of disqualification from holding a driver
                  licence resulting from a conviction under the road transport
                  legislation within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

 [2]   Section 111 Supreme Court may confirm conviction, order or
       sentence with effect from an earlier day

       Omit section 111 (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), any period during which a
                  stay of execution was in force in respect of a conviction
                  under the road transport legislation within the meaning of the
                  Road Transport (General) Act 1999 is not to be taken into
                  account when calculating the length of a period of
                  disqualification from holding a driver licence resulting from
                  the conviction.

 [3]   Section 112 Appeals relating to certain traffic offences committed
       by children

       Omit paragraph (a) from the definition of traffic offence in section
       112 (2).
       Insert instead:
                    (a) the road transport legislation within the meaning of
                        the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, or

 [4]   Section 127 Stay of execution of conviction, order or sentence
       pending appeal

       Omit section 127 (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Despite subsection (1), any period during which the stay is
                  in force is not to be taken into account when calculating the
                  length of a period of disqualification from holding a driver
                  licence resulting from a conviction under the road transport
                  legislation within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

 [5]   Section 133D Appeals relating to certain traffic offences committed
       by children

       Omit paragraph (a) from the definition of traffic offence in section
       133D (2).
       Insert instead:
                    (a) the road transport legislation within the meaning of
                        the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, or

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

 [6]   Section 133P Court may confirm conviction, order or sentence with
       effect from an earlier day

       Omit section 133P (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), any period during which a
                  stay of execution was in force in respect of a conviction
                  under the road transport legislation within the meaning of the
                  Road Transport (General) Act 1999 is not to be taken into
                  account when calculating the length of a period of
                  disqualification from holding a driver licence resulting from
                  the conviction.

 [7]   Section 133AH Stay of execution of conviction, order or sentence
       pending appeal

       Omit section 133AH (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Despite subsection (1), any period during which the stay is
                  in force is not to be taken into account when calculating the
                  length of a period of disqualification from holding a driver
                  licence resulting from a conviction under the road transport
                  legislation within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

 [8]   Section 154 Regulations

       Omit section 154 (1C).

2.18   Liquor Act 1982 No 147

       Section 152A Confiscation of proof of age cards

       Omit ", the Registered Clubs Act 1976 or the Traffic Act 1909" from
       section 152A (1) (c), (4) (c) and (5) (b) wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "or the Registered Clubs Act 1976".

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

2.19    Local Government Act 1993 No 30

 [1]    Section 633C

        Omit the section. Insert instead:

       633C    Part not to affect roads and traffic functions under other
                    The provisions of this Part:
                    (a)   do not limit or restrict the operation of the road
                          transport legislation with respect to roads or road
                          related areas within the meaning of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999 or the Roads Act 1993
                          with respect to public roads, and
                    (b)   do not authorise the erection of any device if the
                          erection of any such device is inconsistent with a
                          function exercisable under the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 with
                          respect to roads or road related areas within the
                          meaning of that Act or under the Roads Act 1993 with
                          respect to public roads.

 [2]    Section 651 Liability of vehicle owner for certain offences

        Omit section 651 (9). Insert instead:
               (9) In this section:
                   (a)     a reference to a penalty notice is a reference to a
                           penalty notice under Division 1 of Part 3 of the Road
                           Transport (General) Act 1999, and
                   (b)     a reference to an owner of a vehicle is a reference to
                           the responsible person for the vehicle within the
                           meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,
                   (c)     a reference to an authorised officer is a reference to a
                           prescribed officer within the meaning of section 15 of
                           the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

 [3]   Dictionary

       Omit ", but does not include a metered space (within the meaning of the
       Traffic Act 1909)" from the definition of public car park.
       Insert instead ", but does not include a pay parking space under the Road
       Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 prescribed by the

2.20   Marine (Boating Safety--Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1991 No 80

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definitions of analyst, breath analysing instrument, breath
       analysis and breath test from section 3 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    analyst, breath analysing instrument, breath analysis and
                    breath test have the same meanings as they have in the Road
                    Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "drug"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  drug has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                  (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

 [3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "hospital"

       Omit "section 4F of the Traffic Act 1909" from the definition.
       Insert instead "section 19 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
       Management) Act 1999".

 [4]   Sections 11 (1), 24 (3) (c), 25 (5) (f) and 26 (4) (f)

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

2.21   Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121

 [1]   Section 20 Definitions

       Omit the definition of drug from section 20 (1). Insert instead:
                  drug has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                  (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

 [2]   Schedule 1 Alcohol and drugs--breath analysis and related matters

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clauses 1 (2), 2 (1), 15 (3) (c), 16 (5) (f)
       and 17 (4) (f) wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

2.22   Maritime Services Act 1935 No 47

       Section 30C Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences

       Omit the definition of Owner from section 30C (6). Insert instead:
                  Owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                  vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                  Act 1999.

2.23   Motor Accidents Act 1988 No 102

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of excluded area from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  excluded area means a road or road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act
                  1997 that is the subject of a declaration made under section
                  9 (1) (b) of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 relating
                  to all of the provisions of the Road Transport (Vehicle
                  Registration) Act 1997.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                               Schedule 2

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "light rail vehicle"

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from the definition of light rail vehicle in
       section 3 (1).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

 [3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "motor vehicle"

       Omit the definition (and related note). Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.
                   Note. The Road Transport (General) Act 1999 defines motor vehicle
                   to mean a vehicle that is built to be propelled by a motor that forms part
                   of the vehicle.

 [4]   Section 3 (1), definition of "road related area"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                 road related area means an area (other than an excluded
                 (a)     referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the
                         definition of road related area in section 4 of the
                         Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997, or
                 (b)     referred to in paragraph (f) of that definition that has
                         been declared under section 9 (1) (a) of the Road
                         Transport (General) Act 1999 to be an area to which
                         the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997

 [5]   Section 3 (1), definition of "trailer"

       Omit the definition (and related note). Insert instead:
                  trailer means a trailer within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999.
                   Note. The Road Transport (General) Act 1999 defines trailer to mean
                   a vehicle that is built to be towed, or is towed, by a motor vehicle, but
                   does not include a motor vehicle that is being towed.

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

 [6]   Section 3 (1), definition of "vehicle"

       Omit the definition (and related note). Insert instead:
                  vehicle means a vehicle within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999.
                  Note. The Road Transport (General) Act 1999 defines vehicle to
                  mean any description of vehicle on wheels (including a light rail
                  vehicle) but not including other vehicles used on railways or tramways.

 [7]   Section 42 Accident must be reported within 28 days

       Omit "(whether under section 8 of the Motor Traffic Act 1909 or
       otherwise)" from section 42 (1).
       Insert instead "(whether under the regulations made under the Road
       Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 or otherwise)".

 [8]   Section 74 Contributory negligence--generally

       Omit section 74 (2) (a) (i)-(iii). Insert instead:
                         (i)      section 9 of the Road Transport (Safety and
                                  Traffic Management) Act 1999, or
                         (ii)     section 12 of Road Transport (Safety and
                                  Traffic Management) Act 1999,

 [9]   Section 74 (2) (c) and (d)

       Omit the paragraphs. Insert instead:
                  (c)     where the injured person (not being a minor) or the
                          deceased person was, contrary to the requirements of
                          regulations made under the Road Transport (Safety
                          and Traffic Management) Act 1999, not wearing a
                          seat belt as required by those regulations at the time
                          of the motor accident,
                  (d)     where the injured person or the deceased person was,
                          at the time of the motor accident, contrary to the
                          requirements of regulations made under the Road
                          Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999,
                          not wearing a protective helmet.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

[10]   Section 74 (5)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (5) If, in relation to the motor accident, the injured person or
                  deceased person is convicted of an offence under the Road
                  Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 of:
                  (a)     refusing or failing to submit to breath analysis, to
                          undergo a breath test, to submit to an assessment of
                          sobriety or to provide samples of the person's blood
                          and urine, or
                  (b)     wilfully altering the concentration of alcohol in the
                          person's blood, or
                  (c)     preventing a sample of the person's blood from being
                   the person is taken, for the purposes of this section, to have
                   been convicted of an offence under section 9 (4) of the Road
                   Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

[11]   Section 76 Defence of voluntary assumption of risk

       Omit section 76 (3). Insert instead:
              (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a motor vehicle is
                  engaged in motor racing if it is participating in an organised
                  motor sports event or an activity that is an offence under
                  section 40 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                  Management) Act 1999.

2.24   Motor Dealers Act 1974 No 52

       Section 4 Definitions

       Omit paragraph (a) from the definition of inspection report in section
       4 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    (a) where no report is prescribed for the purposes of
                        paragraph (b), an inspection report issued in
                        accordance with the regulations made under the Road
                        Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997, or

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

2.25   Motor Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Act 1985 No 24

 [1]   Section 3, definitions

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle. Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle within the meaning of
                  the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3, definition of "motor vehicle racing ground"

       Omit "a road or road related area within the meaning of the Traffic Act
       1909 (other than a road or road related area that is the subject of a
       declaration made under section 2A (1) (b) of that Act)".
       Insert instead "a road or road related area within the meaning of the Road
       Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road or road related area that
       is the subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act
       relating to all of the provisions of that Act )".

2.26   Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988 No 111

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definitions of motor tricycle and motor vehicle from section
       3 (1).
       Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                   motor tricycle means any motor vehicle with 3 wheels and
                   having a GVM (within the meaning of the Road Transport
                   (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997) of 1 tonne or less.
                   motor vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a light rail
                   vehicle) or trailer within the meaning of the Road Transport
                   (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "pensioner"

       Omit "by virtue of the regulations under the Traffic Act 1909" from
       paragraph (c).
       Insert instead "under the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998".

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

 [3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "road"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

 [4]   Section 3 (1), definition of "road related area"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

 [5]   Section 3 (1), definition of "station waggon"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  station waggon has the same meaning as it has in the Road
                  Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

2.27   Mount Panorama Motor Racing Act 1989 No 108

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of road. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

 [2]   Section 3, definition of "road related area"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

 [3]   Section 12 Suspension and application of certain legislation etc

       Omit section 12 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    section 40 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                          Management) Act 1999, and

 [4]   Section 12 (3)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (3) For the purposes of the road transport legislation within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, any
                  road or road related area temporarily closed for the purposes
                  of constituting the whole or part of the race track at the
                  Mount Panorama Circuit on a day or days specified in a
                  permit is not, while so closed, a road or road related area
                  within the meaning of that legislation.

2.28   National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80

       Section 159 Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences

       Omit the definition of owner from section 159 (1). Insert instead:
                  owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                  vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                  Act 1999.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

2.29   Passenger Transport Act 1990 No 39

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of road. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

 [2]   Section 3, definition of "road related area"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

2.30   Police Powers (Vehicles) Act 1998 No 166

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of owner. Insert instead:
                  owner of a vehicle means the responsible person for the
                  vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                  Act 1999 and includes:
                  (a)    a person who is not such an owner but who usually
                         has the care, control and custody of the vehicle, and
                  (b)    any other person prescribed by the regulations for the
                         purposes of this definition.

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

 [2]   Section 3, definition of "road"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

 [3]   Section 3, definition of "road related area"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

2.31   Police Service Act 1990 No 47

 [1]   Section 211A Testing of police officers for alcohol and prohibited

       Omit section 211A (4C). Insert instead:
             (4C) Any such medical practitioner must take the sample if
                  informed by the authorised person that the sample is required
                  to be taken by the practitioner, but not a sample of blood if
                  such a sample is taken under Division 4 of Part 2 of the Road
                  Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
                  instead. That Division applies to any taking of a sample
                  pursuant to this subsection as if the sample were a sample of
                  blood taken under that Division.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

 [2]   Section 211A (4D)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
            (4D) Any sample taken under subsection (4C) is to be dealt with,
                 and a report on the analysis of the sample is to be provided,
                 in accordance with the regulations. However, nothing in this
                 section or the regulations derogates from the operation of
                 Division 4 of Part 2 of the Road Transport (Safety and
                 Traffic Management) Act 1999.

 [3]   Section 211A (7)

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from paragraph (b) of the definition of
       breath test.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
       Act 1999".

2.32   Protection Of The Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156

 [1]   Section 160 Defences

       Omit "(being a motor vehicle that immediately before that removal or
       other action was not registrable under the Traffic Act 1909)" from section
       160 (3) (c).
       Insert instead "(being a motor vehicle that immediately before that
       removal or other action was not registrable under the Road Transport
       (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997)".

 [2]   Section 160 (6) (b)

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b)    was not registrable under the Road Transport (Vehicle
                          Registration) Act 1997.

 [3]   Section 165 Suspension of registration

       Omit "suspend the registration of a motor vehicle under the Traffic Act
       1909" from section 165 (1).
       Insert instead "suspend the registration of a motor vehicle under the
       Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

 [4]   Section 165 (6)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (6) While the registration of a motor vehicle is suspended under
                  this section, the motor vehicle is taken, for the purposes of
                  this Act, the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997
                  and any other Act, not to be registered under that Act.

 [5]   Section 166 Prohibition on registration

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from section 166 (1) (a).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [6]   Dictionary

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle. Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle has the same meaning as it has in the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [7]   Dictionary, "owner of a motor vehicle"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  owner of a motor vehicle includes the responsible person for
                  the vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

2.33   Rail Safety Act 1993 No 50

 [1]   Schedule 2 Railway employees--alcohol or other drugs

       Omit the definitions of analyst, breath analysing instrument, breath
       analysis and breath test from clause 1 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    analyst, breath analysing instrument, breath analysis and
                    breath test have the same meanings as they have in the Road
                    Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                       Schedule 2

 [2]   Schedule 2, clause 1 (1), definition of "drug"

       Omit paragraph (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    any substance that is a drug within the meaning of the
                          Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
                          Act 1999.

 [3]   Schedule 2, clause 1 (1), definition of "hospital"

       Omit "section 4F of the Traffic Act 1909" from the definition.
       Insert instead "section 19 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
       Management) Act 1999".

 [4]   Schedule 2, clauses 1 (2), 20 (3) (c), 21 (5) (f) and 22 (4) (f)

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" wherever occurring
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
       Act 1999".

 [5]   Dictionary of words and expressions

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from the definition of railway safety work.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
       Act 1999".

2.34   Recreation Vehicles Act 1983 No 136

 [1]   Section 4 Definitions

       Omit the definition of district registry from section 4 (1). Insert instead:
                  district registry means a motor registry within the meaning
                  of section 20 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 4 (1), definition of "motor vehicle"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a light rail
                  vehicle) or trailer within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

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Schedule 2        Consequential amendment of Acts

 [3]   Section 5

       Omit the section. Insert instead:

            5   Application of road transport legislation
                (1) Except as provided by or under this Act, the road transport
                    legislation does not apply to or in respect of a motor vehicle,
                    or the driving of a motor vehicle, in a recreation vehicle area.
                (2) Subsection (1) does not limit the operation of section 15 of
                    the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 in respect of
                    offences committed under this Act or the regulations.
                (3) In this Act, road transport legislation has the same meaning
                    as it has in the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [4]   Section 23 Application of certain offences under Road Transport
       (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999

       Omit "Sections 4, 4E and 5 (2) of the Traffic Act 1909" from section
       23 (1).
       Insert instead "Sections 9, 12 and 42 of the Road Transport (Safety and
       Traffic Management) Act 1999".

 [5]   Section 23 (2)

       Omit "sections 4, 4E and 5 (2) of the Traffic Act 1909".
       Insert instead "sections 9, 12 and 42 of the Road Transport (Safety and
       Traffic Management) Act 1999".

 [6]   Section 44 Regulations

          Omit section 44 (3) (e). Insert instead:
                     (e)    provide that any specified provision of the road
                            transport legislation within the meaning of the Road
                            Transport (General) Act 1999 applies (subject to such
                            variations, if any, as are specified in the regulations
                            under this Act) to and in respect of a motor vehicle, or
                            the driving of a motor vehicle, in a recreation vehicle

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                            Schedule 2

2.35   Road Obstructions (Special Provisions) Act 1979 No 9

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "public road"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  public road means a road or road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road that is the subject of a declaration made under
                  section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the provisions
                  of that Act).

2.36   Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99

 [1]   Section 1 Name of Act

       Insert before section 1:
                   Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road
                   transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport
                   (General) Act 1999. Other road transport legislation includes the Road
                   Transport (General) Act 1999, the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                   Management) Act 1999, the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles
                   Registration Charges) Act 1995, the Road Transport (Vehicle
                   Registration) Act 1997 and the regulations made under those Acts. As
                   part of the road transport legislation, this Act is subject to various
                   provisions in the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 concerning the
                   administration and enforcement of the road transport legislation

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

 [2]   Section 3 Objects of Act

       Omit the note to the section. Insert instead:
                    Note. This Act and the regulations under this Act establish a driver
                    licensing system, including a demerit points system and providing for
                    the issue, suspension, cancellation and renewal of driver licences and
                    the classes of driver licences. Licences may be cancelled for offences
                    under the Fines Act 1996 as a result of failure to pay fines, in addition
                    to the Authority's powers of cancellation under this Act and the

 [3]   Section 19 Regulations generally

       Omit "Ministerial Council" from section 19 (2).
       Insert instead "Australian Transport Council".

 [4]   Section 21 Review of prescribed decisions by Administrative
       Decisions Tribunal

       Omit the section.

 [5]   Part 3 Offences

       Omit the note under the Part heading.

 [6]   Section 25

       Omit the section. Insert instead:

          25   Driver must be licensed
               (1) A person must not, unless exempted by the regulations:
                   (a)   drive a motor vehicle on any road or road related area
                         without being licensed for that purpose, or
                   (b)   employ or permit any person not so licensed to drive
                         a motor vehicle on any road or road related area.
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                               Schedule 2

              (2) A person who has never been licensed must not, unless
                  exempted by the regulations, drive a motor vehicle on any
                  road or road related area without being licensed for that
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of a first
                   offence) or 30 penalty units or imprisonment for a period 18
                   months or both (in the case of a second or subsequent
              (3) If a person is convicted of an offence under subsection (2)
                  (being a second or subsequent offence), the person is
                  disqualified by the conviction (and without any specific
                  order) for a period of 3 years from holding a driver licence.
                  The disqualification is in addition to any penalty imposed for
                  the offence.
                   Note. Section 26 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 provides
                   for the effect of a disqualification (whether or not by order of a court).
              (4) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person has not been
                  licensed in connection with an offence if the person has not
                  held a drivers licence (or equivalent) of any kind in Australia
                  for the period of at least 5 years immediately before being
                  convicted of the offence.
              (5) An offence under this section is a second or subsequent
                  offence for the purposes of this section if:
                  (a)   it is the second or subsequent occasion on which the
                        person is convicted of an offence against this section
                        within the period of 5 years immediately before the
                        person is convicted of the offence, or
                  (b)   within the period of 5 years immediately before the
                        person is convicted of the offence, the person was
                        convicted of:
                        (i)      an offence under section 6 (1C) or 7A of the
                                 Traffic Act 1909 (as in force before its repeal),
                        (ii)     an offence under section 25 (2).

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Schedule 2    Consequential amendment of Acts

             (6) A person who has never been licensed cannot be convicted
                 under both this section and section 25A in respect of driving
                 on the same occasion. However, nothing in this section
                 prevents the person from being convicted of an offence
                 under section 25A in respect of driving that constitutes an
                 offence under this section.
             (7) A person cannot be convicted under both subsection (1) (a)
                 and (2) in respect of driving on the same occasion. A person
                 charged with an offence under subsection (2) can be
                 convicted instead of an offence under subsection (1) (a), but
                 a person charged with an offence under subsection (1) (a)
                 cannot be convicted instead of an offence under subsection
             (8) Subsection (1) does not apply to or in respect of a light rail
                 vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (Safety
                 and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

       25A   Offences committed by disqualified drivers or drivers whose
             licences are suspended or cancelled
             (1) A person who is disqualified by or under any Act from
                 holding or obtaining a driver licence must not:
                 (a)   drive a motor vehicle on a road or road related area
                       during the period of disqualification, or
                 (b)   make an application for a driver licence during the
                       period of disqualification and in respect of the
                       application state his or her name falsely or incorrectly
                       or omit to mention the disqualification.
                 Maximum penalty: 30 penalty units or imprisonment for 18
                 months or both (in the case of a first offence) or 50 penalty
                 units or imprisonment for 2 years or both (in the case of a
                 second or subsequent offence).
             (2) A person whose driver licence is suspended must not:
                 (a)   drive on a road or road related area a motor vehicle of
                       the class to which the suspended driver licence
                       relates, or

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                       Schedule 2

                   (b)    make an application for a driver licence during the
                          period of suspension for a motor vehicle of the class
                          to which the suspended driver licence relates and in
                          respect of such an application state his or her name
                          falsely or incorrectly or omit to mention the
                   Maximum penalty: 30 penalty units or imprisonment for 18
                   months or both (in the case of a first offence) or 50 penalty
                   units or imprisonment for 2 years or both (in the case of a
                   second or subsequent offence).
              (3) A person whose application for a driver licence is refused or
                  whose driver licence is cancelled must not:
                  (a)   drive on a road or road related area a motor vehicle of
                        the class to which the cancelled licence or the refused
                        application related without having subsequently
                        obtained a driver licence for a motor vehicle of that
                        class, or
                  (b)   make an application for a driver licence for a motor
                        vehicle of the class to which the cancelled licence or
                        the refused application related and in respect of the
                        application state his or her name falsely or incorrectly
                        or omit to mention the cancellation or refusal.
                   Maximum penalty: 30 penalty units or imprisonment for 18
                   months or both (in the case of a first offence) or 50 penalty
                   units or imprisonment for 2 years or both (in the case of a
                   second or subsequent offence).
              (4) For the purposes of subsection (3) (b), a person who applies
                  for a driver licence for a class of motor vehicle need not
                  mention a previous cancellation of a driver licence (or
                  refusal of an application for a driver licence) for that class of
                  motor vehicle if the person has obtained a driver licence after
                  any such cancellation or refusal by means of an application
                  that stated his or her name correctly and mentioned the
                  cancellation or refusal.
              (5) Subsections (1) and (3) (a) do not apply to the driving of a
                  motor vehicle in circumstances prescribed by the regulations.
              (6) An offence under this section is a second or subsequent
                  offence for the purposes of this section if:

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

                   (a)     it is the second or subsequent occasion on which the
                           person is convicted of an offence against this section
                           within the period of 5 years immediately before the
                           person is convicted of the offence, or
                   (b)     within the period of 5 years immediately before the
                           person is convicted of the offence, the person was
                           convicted of:
                           (i)      a major offence within the meaning of the
                                    Road Transport (General) Act 1999, or
                           (ii)     an offence under section 6 (1C) of the Traffic
                                    Act 1909 (as in force before its repeal), or
                           (iii) an offence under section 25 (2).
              (7) If a person is convicted by a court of an offence under
                  subsection (1), (2) or (3) (a), the person:
                  (a)    is disqualified by the conviction (and without any
                         specific order) for the relevant disqualification period
                         from the date of expiration of the existing
                         disqualification or suspension or from the date of
                         such conviction, whichever is the later, from holding
                         a driver licence, and
                  (b)    may also be disqualified, for such additional period as
                         the court may order, from holding a driver licence.
                   Note. Section 26 of theRoad Transport (General) Act 1999 provides
                   for the effect of a disqualification (whether or not by order of a court).
              (8) The disqualification referred to in subsection (7) is in
                  addition to any penalty imposed for the offence.
              (9) Subsections (1)-(3) apply to a person who is disqualified
                  from holding a licence, or whose licence is suspended or
                  cancelled, by a court in Australia or under any law in this
                  State or another State or Territory.
             (10) In this section, the relevant disqualification period is:
                  (a)     in the case of a first offence under subsection (1)--12
                          months, or
                  (b)     in the case of a second or subsequent offence under
                          subsection (1)--2 years.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                  Schedule 2

 [7]   Section 26 Evidentiary provisions

       Omit the section.

 [8]   Section 27 Proceedings for offences

       Omit the section.

 [9]   Section 28 Application orders and emergency orders

       Omit the section.

[10]   Section 29 Power to include or exclude areas

       Omit the section.

[11]   Section 30 Power to exclude persons or vehicles

       Omit the section.

[12]   Section 31 Personal liability

       Omit the section.

[13]   Section 33 Cancellation of driver licences by Authority

       Omit "section 18B of the Traffic Act 1909" from section 33 (1) (a).
       Insert instead "Division 1 of Part 3 of the Road Transport (General)
       Act 1999".

[14]   Section 33 (5)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (5) In this section:
                  speeding offence means an offence that involves exceeding
                  a speed limit fixed by or under the Road Transport (Safety
                  and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

[15]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Omit clause 4.

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

[16]   Dictionary, definition of "Ministerial Council"

       Omit the definition. Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                  Australian Transport Council means the Australian
                  Transport Council referred to in section 3 of the National
                  Road Transport Commission Act 1991 of the
                  Commonwealth or its successor.

[17]   Dictionary, definition of "penalty notice"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  penalty notice means:
                  (a)    a notice issued under Division 1 of Part 3 of the Road
                         Transport (General) Act 1999, or
                  (b)    a penalty reminder notice issued under the Fines Act

[18]   Dictionary, definition of "road related area"

       Omit paragraph (e) of the definition. Insert instead:
                   (e)    a shoulder of a road, or
                   (f)    any other area that is open to or used by the public
                          and that has been declared under section 9 of the
                          Road Transport (General) Act 1999 to be an area to
                          which specified provisions of this Act or the
                          regulations apply.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                            Schedule 2

2.37   Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act
       1995 No 72

 [1]   Section 1 Name of Act

       Insert before section 1:
                   Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road
                   transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport
                   (General) Act 1999. Other road transport legislation includes the Road
                   Transport (General) Act 1999, the Road Transport (Driver Licensing)
                   Act 1998, the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 and the
                   regulations made under those Acts. As part of the road transport
                   legislation, this Act is subject to various provisions in the Road
                   Transport (General) Act 1999 concerning the administration and
                   enforcement of the road transport legislation generally.

 [2]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit paragraph (d) of the definition of eligible pensioner. Insert instead:
                   (d)    who is the holder of a current licence to drive a
                          vehicle, being a licence for which no fee was payable
                          by virtue of the Road Transport (Driver Licensing)
                          Act 1998 or the regulations made under that Act, or

 [3]   Section 3, definitions of "road", "road related area" and "vehicle"

       Omit the definitions. Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                  road means an area that is open to or used by the public and
                  is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving
                  or riding of motor vehicles.
                  road related area means:
                  (a)    an area that divides a road, or
                  (b)    a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road, or
                  (c)    an area that is open to the public and is designated for
                         use by cyclists or animals, or
                  (d)    an area that is not a road and that is open to or used
                         by the public for driving, riding or parking vehicles,
                  (e)    a shoulder of a road, or

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

                   (f)    any other area that is open to or used by the public
                          and that has been declared under section 9 of the
                          Road Transport (General) Act 1999 to be an area to
                          which specified provisions of this Act or the
                          regulations apply.
                   road transport legislation has the same meaning as it has in
                   the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.
                   vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the meaning
                   of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [4]   Section 3 (2)

       Insert at the end of section 3:
              (2) Notes included in this Act are explanatory notes and do not
                  form part of this Act.

 [5]   Section 32 Powers to do certain things not affected

       Omit "the Traffic Act 1909".
       Insert instead "the road transport legislation (other than this Act)".

2.38   Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

 [1]   Section 1 Name of Act

       Insert before section 1:
                   Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road
                   transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport
                   (General) Act 1999. Other road transport legislation includes the Road
                   Transport (General) Act 1999, the Road Transport (Driver Licensing)
                   Act 1998, the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges)
                   Act 1995 and the regulations made under those Acts. As part of the
                   road transport legislation, this Act is subject to various provisions in the
                   Road Transport (General) Act 1999 concerning the administration and
                   enforcement of the road transport legislation generally.

 [2]   Section 4 Definitions

       Omit paragraph (e) of the definition of road related area. Insert instead:
                   (e)     a shoulder of a road, or

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                    Schedule 2

                   (f)     any other area that is open to or used by the public
                           and that has been declared under section 9 of the
                           Road Transport (General) Act 1999 to be an area to
                           which specified provisions of this Act or the
                           regulations apply.

 [3]   Section 15 Regulations to establish registration system

       Omit section 15 (2) (j).

 [4]   Section 16 Regulations may exclude registrable vehicles from this

       Omit section 16 (3).

 [5]   Section 17 Review of prescribed decisions by Administrative
       Decisions Tribunal

       Omit the section.

 [6]   Section 21A

       Insert after section 21:

       21A    Offences relating to identification numbers of engines and
              other parts of motor vehicles or trailers
                   A person must not:
                   (a)   if the person is not the manufacturer--stamp or affix
                         or cause or permit any person to stamp or affix any
                         identification number on or to the engine, engine
                         block or any other part prescribed by the regulations
                         of a motor vehicle or trailer without the written
                         authority of the Authority and except as prescribed by
                         the regulations, or
                   (b)   except as required or permitted by or under this
                         Act--alter, deface, remove or obliterate any
                         identification number stamped on or otherwise
                         affixed to the engine, engine block or any other part
                         prescribed by the regulations of a motor vehicle or
                         trailer, or

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

                   (c)     without lawful authority or excuse, have in the
                           person's possession any engine, engine block or other
                           prescribed part of a motor vehicle or trailer knowing
                           that the identification number stamped on or
                           otherwise affixed to it has been altered, defaced,
                           removed or obliterated otherwise than as required or
                           permitted by or under this Act.
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units or imprisonment for 6
                   months, or both.

 [7]   Section 22 Evidentiary provisions

       Omit the section.

 [8]   Section 22A Proceedings for offences

       Omit the section.

 [9]   Section 24 Application orders and emergency orders

       Omit the section.

[10]   Section 25 Power to include or exclude areas

       Omit the section.

[11]   Section 25A Power to exclude registrable vehicles

       Omit the section.

[12]   Section 27C

       Insert after section 27B:

       27C    Seizure of number-plate
                   A police officer or person authorised by the Authority may
                   seize any number-plate:
                   (a)    that is attached to:
                          (i)     a registrable vehicle the registration of which
                                  has expired not less than 15 days before the
                                  date on which the number-plate is seized, or

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                      Schedule 2

                           (ii)   a registrable vehicle the registration of which
                                  has been cancelled, or
                   (b)     that has been used in contravention of a provision of
                           the regulations that is prescribed by the regulations.

[13]   Section 28 Indemnity

       Omit the section.

[14]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions

       Omit clause 9.

2.39   Roads Act 1993 No 33

 [1]   Section 5 Right of passage along public road by members of the

       Omit section 5 (3) (a). Insert instead:
                  (a)    by or under the road transport legislation within the
                         meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,

 [2]   Section 52 Tollways

       Omit section 52 (3). Insert instead:
              (3) A tollway is not a road or road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 for the
                  purposes of any Act or law, or any provision of an Act or
                  law, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

 [3]   Section 102 Liability for damage to public road

       Omit section 102 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) A person who causes damage to a public road, or to any road
                  work on a public road or any traffic control facility on a road
                  or road related area within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road or road
                  related area that is the subject of a declaration made under
                  section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the provisions
                  of that Act), is liable to pay to the appropriate roads authority
                  the cost incurred by that authority in making good the

 [4]   Section 124 Traffic Act 1909 to prevail

       Omit the section.

 [5]   Section 144 Permits for road events

       Omit section 144 (3). Insert instead:
              (3) A permit may not be granted with respect to an activity for
                  which an approval is required under section 40 of the Road
                  Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 unless
                  such an approval is in force.

 [6]   Section 144B Roads authority not to obstruct light rail system

       Omit section 144B (4). Insert instead:
              (4) Nothing in this section prevents the temporary closure of any
                  road or road related area within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road or road
                  related area that is the subject of a declaration made under
                  section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the provisions
                  of that Act) or the taking of other action that is authorised by
                  section 74 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                  Management) Act 1999.

 [7]   Section 225 Certain fines to be paid into RTA Fund

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909".
       Insert instead "Road Transport (General) Act 1999".

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                        Schedule 2

 [8]   Section 231A Vehicles contravening load requirements

       Omit the definition of road or road related area from section 231A (6).
       Insert instead:
                    road or road related area means a road or road related area
                    within the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act
                    1999 (other than a road or road related area that is the subject
                    of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act
                    relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

 [9]   Section 244 Liability of owner of vehicle for certain driving offences

       Omit section 244 (9). Insert instead:
              (9) If action is taken under Division 1 of Part 3 of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 in relation to an offence to
                  which this section applies:
                  (a)    a reference in this section to a penalty notice is taken
                         to be a reference to a penalty notice under that
                         Division, and
                  (b)    a reference in this section to an owner of a vehicle is
                         a reference to a responsible person for a vehicle
                         within the meaning of that Act, and
                  (c)    a reference in this section to an authorised officer is a
                         reference to an authorised officer within the meaning
                         of that Division.

[10]   Section 264A National road transport regulations

       Omit section 264A (4) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)     apply any provisions of the road transport legislation
                           within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                           Act 1999 relating to the prosecution of offences or
                           enforcement or relating to evidential matters to the
                           exclusion of provisions of this Act or other
                           regulations made under this Act relating to those

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

[11]    Section 264A (8)

        Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
               (8) A regulation may be made under this section even though it
                   may be made under the road transport legislation within the
                   meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

[12]    Section 264B

        Insert after section 264A:

       264B    Regulations may provide that Roads Act 1993 does not apply
               in certain circumstances
                     For the purpose of facilitating the administration and
                     enforcement of the road transport legislation (within the
                     meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999), the
                     regulations may provide that any specified provision of the
                     Roads Act 1993 (or any specified regulation made under any
                     provision of that Act) does not apply to a vehicle, person or
                     animal (or any class of vehicles, persons or animals) to the
                     extent specified by the regulations.

[13]    Dictionary

        Omit the definition of traffic control facility. Insert instead:
                   traffic control facility has the same meaning as it has in Part
                   6 of the Transport Administration Act 1988, and carry out
                   traffic control work includes carry out any activity in
                   connection with the construction, erection, installation,
                   maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of a traffic
                   control facility.

2.40    Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Act 1980 No 19

 [1]    Section 22A Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences

        Omit the definition of owner from section 22A (7). Insert instead:
                   owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the
                   vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                   Act 1999.

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 [2]   Section 22A (7), definitions of "registered" and "trader's plate"

       Omit the definitions.

2.41   Search Warrants Act 1985 No 37

       Section 10 Definitions

       Omit "section 4BD of the Traffic Act 1909," from the definition of
       search warrant.
       Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                   section 41 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,

2.42   State Sports Centre Trust Act 1984 No 68

 [1]   Section 20A Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences

       Omit paragraph (b) from the definition of owner in section 20A (7).
       Insert instead:
                   (b)    in the case of a motor vehicle--the responsible person
                          for the vehicle within the meaning of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 20A (7), definitions of "registered" and "trader's plate"

       Omit the definitions.

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

2.43   Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25

       Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definitions of road and road related area from section 3 (1).
       Insert instead:
                    road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                    Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                    subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                    Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).
                    road related area means a road related area within the
                    meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                    than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                    made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                    provisions of that Act).

2.44   Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52

 [1]   Section 69C Stay of execution of conviction, order or sentence
       pending appeal

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from section 69C (5).
       Insert instead "road transport legislation within the meaning of the Road
       Transport (General) Act 1999".

 [2]   Section 87 Common law claim--running down cases

       Omit section 87 (3). Insert instead:
              (3) In subsection (2):
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, but does
                  not include a vehicle used on a tramway.
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

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                    road related area means a road related area within the
                    meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                    than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                    made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                    provisions of that Act).

2.45   Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Act 1998 No 170

       Section 23

       Omit the section. Insert instead:

        23    Parking
              (1) The Authority has, in relation to core land, non-core land and
                  managed land, the same functions as a council and other
                  persons and bodies have under the pay parking regulations.
              (2) The regulations may provide for how references to persons
                  and areas in the pay parking regulations are to be read in
                  their application to the Authority and to core land, non-core
                  land and managed land.
              (3) In this section, pay parking regulations means regulations
                  made under the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic
                  Management) Act 1999 in respect of pay parking.

2.46   Sydney Harbour Tunnel (Private Joint Venture) Act 1987 No 49

       Section 14 Sydney Harbour Tunnel not a public road or road or
       road related area

       Omit section 14 (2). Insert instead:
              (2) The provisions of the road transport legislation within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 apply to
                  and in respect of the Sydney Harbour Tunnel as if it were a
                  road or road related area.

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Schedule 2     Consequential amendment of Acts

2.47   Tow Truck Act 1989 No 158

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a light rail
                  vehicle) or trailer within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "road" and "road related area"

       Omit the definitions. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

2.48   Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111

 [1]   Section 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle from section 3 (1). Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a light rail
                  vehicle) or trailer within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Section 3 (1), definitions of "road" and "road related area"

       Omit the definitions. Insert instead:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).

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                   road related area means a road related area within the
                   meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                   than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                   made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                   provisions of that Act).

 [3]   Section 17 Application for licence

       Omit section 17 (2) (e). Insert instead:
                   (e)      provide proof that the applicant is the responsible
                            person (within the meaning of the Road Transport
                            (General) Act 1999) for each of those tow trucks, and

 [4]   Section 26 Restrictions on granting drivers certificate

       Omit "the Traffic Act 1909 or" from section 26 (5).

2.49   Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109

 [1]   Part 6, Division 1

       Insert after the Part heading:

       Division 1           Interpretation

       45E    Interpretation
              (1) In this Part:
                  approaches, in relation to an intersection or railway
                  crossing, means so much of the approaches to the
                  intersection or crossing as consist of roads or road related
                  areas or of parts of roads or road related areas.
                  distribution district of an electricity distributor means the
                  electricity distributor's distribution district within the
                  meaning of the Electricity Supply Act 1995.
                  electricity distributor means an electricity distributor within
                  the meaning of the Electricity Supply Act 1995.

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Schedule 2   Consequential amendment of Acts

                electricity structure means any structure erected or
                maintained by an electricity distributor for the purpose of
                transmission or distribution of electricity or for the purpose
                of public lighting.
                intersection means an intersection or junction of roads or
                road related areas.
                public authority means a public or local authority
                constituted by or under an Act, and includes the following:
                (a)     the Police Service,
                (b)     any Government department,
                (c)     a statutory body representing the Crown,
                (d)     a person or body prescribed by the regulations for the
                        purposes of this definition.
                road has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                (General) Act 1999.
                road related area has the same meaning as it has in the Road
                Transport (General) Act 1999.
                traffic control facility means:
                (a)     traffic control lights on roads or road related areas,
                        and equipment used in connection with traffic control
                        lights, or
                (b)     any sign, marking, structure or device containing or
                        relating to a requirement or direction, contravention
                        of which is an offence arising under:
                        (i)     this Act or the regulations, or
                        (ii)    any other Act, regulation or by-law prescribed
                                for the purposes of this subparagraph, or
                (c)     any other sign, marking, structure or device that is
                        intended to promote safe or orderly traffic movement
                        on roads or road related areas or to warn, advise or
                        inform the drivers of vehicles, or pedestrians, of any
                        matter or thing in relation to vehicular or pedestrian
                        traffic or road conditions or hazards, or
                (d)     any bridge or subway or other facility for use by
                        pedestrians over, across, under or alongside a road or
                        road related area, or

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                       Schedule 2

                   (e)     any other thing prescribed as a traffic control facility
                           by the regulations.
                   traffic route means:
                   (a)     a main road or secondary road within the meaning of
                           the Roads Act 1993, or
                   (b)     a public road within the meaning of that Act (other
                           than a main road or secondary road) in respect of
                           which the Authority has, by reason of the volume of
                           vehicular or pedestrian traffic carried on it,
                           determined requires lighting to a standard approved
                           by the Authority.
              (2) A reference (however expressed) in this Part to any thing,
                  person or traffic, on a road or road related area, includes a
                  reference to any thing, person or traffic above, over, across,
                  in or under a road or road related area.

 [2]   Part 6, Division 1, heading

       Omit the heading. Insert instead:

       Division 1A        Constitution and management of Roads and
                          Traffic Authority

 [3]   Part 6, Division 1A

       Insert after section 49:

       Division 1B        Functions of Roads and Traffic Authority

 [4]   Section 52A

       Insert after section 52:

       52A    Functions relating to traffic management and safety
              (1) The functions of the Authority include the following:
                  (a)   to review the traffic arrangements in the State
                        (including arrangements in connection with the
                        movement, regulation and control of traffic and the
                        parking of vehicles),

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                 (b)    to formulate or adopt plans and proposals for the
                        improvement of those arrangements,
                 (c)    to establish general standards and principles in
                        connection with:
                        (i)    the design, construction, erection, affixing,
                               marking, maintenance, repair, alteration,
                               operation or removal of traffic control
                               facilities, and
                        (ii)   the design of intersections and the approaches
                               to them or the approaches to railway level
                        for purposes connected with traffic safety and the
                        movement, regulation and control of traffic,
                 (d)    to promote traffic safety,
                 (e)    to co-ordinate the activities of public authorities so far
                        as those activities relate to:
                        (i)    the carrying out of plans and proposals
                               formulated or adopted by the Authority for the
                               improvement of traffic arrangements, or
                        (ii)   the design, construction, erection, affixing,
                               marking, maintenance, repair, alteration,
                               operation or removal of traffic control
                               facilities, or
                        (iii) traffic safety, or
                        (iv) any other matter connected with the
                               Authority's functions under this Part.
             (2) The Authority may:
                 (a)  promote traffic safety measures or activities,
                      including measures or activities for:
                      (i)     the safety and protection of the public,
                              including pedestrians, on roads or road related
                              areas, and
                      (ii)    the prevention of accidents on roads or road
                              related areas, and
                      (iii) the minimising of the effect of accidents on
                              roads or road related areas, and
                      (iv) the protection of property from damage from
                              accidents on roads or road related areas, and

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                   (b)    promote or engage in the dissemination and
                          publication by suitable media of advice and
                          information resulting from research or otherwise for
                          the education and guidance of, and observance by,
                          drivers of or persons travelling in vehicles, or persons
                          on roads or road related areas, or manufacturers of,
                          repairers of, or dealers in, vehicles or vehicle parts,
                   (c)    make reports or recommendations to the Minister for
                          Roads, or any other person or body, in relation to the
                          (i)    traffic arrangements, and the movement,
                                 regulation and control of traffic, on roads or
                                 road related areas,
                          (ii)   traffic planning,
                          (iii) traffic safety,
                          (iv) the parking of vehicles,
                          (v)    the operation, maintenance or alteration of
                                 traffic control facilities,
                          (vi) any other matter connected with the
                                 Authority's functions under this Part, and
                   (d)    carry out or promote research or investigations into
                          matters connected with any of the Authority's
                          functions under this Part including research or
                          investigations into:
                          (i)    traffic control facilities, and
                          (ii)   the cause of accidents, their incidence and the
                                 ways and means that may be adopted for their
                                 prevention or for controlling or mitigating
                                 their effects.

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

 [5]   Part 6, Division 1C

       Insert after section 53:

       Division 1C        Directions and recommendations to public

       53A    Directions to public authorities
              (1) The Authority may, from time to time, direct public
                  authorities to implement plans or proposals formulated or
                  adopted, general standards or general principles established,
                  or other decisions made, by the Authority in the exercise of
                  the Authority's functions under this Part.
              (2) The Authority may communicate directions under this
                  section to such public authorities, and in such manner, as it
                  thinks fit.
              (3) While a direction communicated to a public authority under
                  this section and applicable to its functions is in force, it is the
                  duty of the public authority, by the exercise of its functions
                  in accordance with law, to comply with the direction, except
                  if to do so:
                  (a)     would be impracticable because of emergency,
                          accident or other special circumstances, or
                  (b)     would affect the functions of any person or body with
                          respect to the laying or making of any information or
                          complaint, the continuance or discontinuance of any
                          proceedings for an alleged offence or any other
                          manner of dealing with an alleged offence.
              (4) The failure of a public authority to comply with a direction
                  of the Authority under this section does not invalidate any
                  act, matter or thing to which the direction relates, and in
                  particular does not invalidate the construction, erection,
                  affixing or marking of any traffic control facility or any
                  direction that is contained in or relates to the facility.
              (5) A direction may be given under this section so as to apply
                  generally or in any particular case or class of cases.
              (6) The power to give a direction includes the power to amend
                  or revoke a direction.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                      Schedule 2

              (7) The Authority may bring proceedings in the Supreme Court
                  for an order to require a public authority to comply with a
                  direction under this section.
              (8) The Supreme Court may, in any such proceedings, make
                  such order as it thinks fit.

       53B    Recommendations as to lighting of roads and road related
              (1) The Authority may, for the purpose of promoting traffic
                  safety, make recommendations to a public authority in
                  relation to the public authority's functions in connection
                  with the lighting of roads or road related areas, including
                  recommendations in relation to the following:
                  (a)    general principles relating to the provision of lighting
                         on roads or road related areas,
                  (b)    the need for lighting on any particular road or road
                         related area or part of a road or road related area,
                  (c)    the need for the improvement of lighting on any
                         particular road or road related area or part of a road or
                         road related area.
              (2) It is the duty of a public authority to which recommendations
                  are made under this section to give them proper
                  consideration and, as far as may be reasonably practicable,
                  to carry them into effect.

       53C    Inter-relationship of Division with law relating to local
              (1) If the provisions of this Division are inconsistent with the
                  provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 (or any
                  statutory rule made under any Act), the provisions of this
                  Division prevail.
              (2) Nothing in this Division applies to or in respect of any sign,
                  mark, structure or device containing or relating to a
                  requirement or direction, contravention of which gives rise
                  to an offence under the Local Government Act 1993 (or any
                  regulation under that Act), but not under any other Act or

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

              (3) Any person who or body which would not, but for this
                  subsection, have the power to co-operate with, or do or
                  perform any act or thing in conjunction with, the Authority
                  is authorised by this section so to co-operate or do or
                  perform the act or thing.

 [6]   Sections 80A-80C

       Insert after section 80:

       80A    Payments of subsidies to councils for traffic route lighting
              (1) The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, grant
                  annual subsidies to councils for the lighting, to a standard
                  approved by the Authority, of traffic routes.
              (2) Before granting any such subsidy the Authority may require
                  a council to enter into an agreement with the Authority to
                  secure the carrying out of the purposes for which, and the
                  terms and conditions on and subject to which, the subsidy is

       80B    Authority to make available money for subsidies
              (1) In the period of 12 months commencing on 1 July each year,
                  the Authority must make available the amount of subsidies
                  that the Minister with the concurrence of the Treasurer
                  estimates will be granted to councils under this Part in that
                  period of 12 months.
              (2) The Minister, before the commencement of each period of
                  12 months referred to in subsection (1), is to serve a notice
                  on the Authority specifying the amount of the payment
              (3) An amount payable under this section in any period of 12
                  months is to be paid in such sum or sums, at such time or
                  times during that period and in such manner as the Minister
                  may require in and by the notice referred to in subsection (2).
              (4) The Authority may make the whole or any part of a payment
                  required by this section out of the Roads and Traffic
                  Authority Fund.

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Consequential amendment of Acts                                       Schedule 2

       80C    Payments of subsidies to electricity distributors for removal
              or relocation of electricity structures
              (1) The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, grant
                  subsidies to an electricity distributor for or towards the cost
                  of removing or relocating electricity structures erected,
                  within the distribution district of the distributor, on or
                  adjacent to public roads, being electricity structures which
                  the Authority has determined require removal or relocation
                  for the purposes of traffic safety.
              (2) Before granting any such subsidy, the Authority may require
                  an electricity distributor referred to in subsection (1) to enter
                  into an agreement with the Authority to secure the carrying
                  out of the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions
                  upon and subject to which, the subsidy is granted.

 [7]   Schedule 7 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert at the end of clause 2 (1):
                    Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (but only
                    in relation to the amendments to this Act).

 [8]   Schedule 7, Part 6

       Insert after Part 5:

       Part 6 Provisions consequent on enactment of
              Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act
        77    Definitions
              (1) In this Part:
                  amending Act means the Road Transport Legislation
                  Amendment Act 1999.
                  repealed Act means the Traffic Act 1909 as in force
                  immediately before its repeal by the amending Act.
              (2) For the purposes of this Part, a provision of this Act
                  corresponds to a provision of the repealed Act if the

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of Acts

                   provision is in the same (or in substantially the same) terms
                   as the provision in the repealed Act.

          78   Traffic routes under section 10X of repealed Act
                   A public road that was a traffic route within the meaning of
                   paragraph (b) of the definition of traffic route in section 10X
                   of the repealed Act immediately before its repeal is taken to
                   be a traffic route within the meaning of section 45E (1) of
                   this Act.

          79   Directions to public authorities under section 2G of repealed
                   Any direction given by the Authority to a public authority
                   under section 2G of the repealed Act that was in force
                   immediately before the repeal of that Act is taken to be a
                   directive given to the public authority under section 53A of
                   this Act.

          80   Recommendations to public authorities under section 2H of
               repealed Act in respect of lighting
                   Any recommendation made by the Authority to a public
                   authority under section 2H of the repealed Act that was in
                   force immediately before the repeal of that Act is taken to be
                   a recommendation made to the public authority under section
                   53B of this Act.

          81   Subsidies granted but not paid under Part 3C or 3D of
               repealed Act
               (1) Any subsidy granted to a council under Part 3C of the
                   repealed Act that is still payable to the council immediately
                   before the repeal of that Act is taken to be a subsidy granted
                   and payable to the council under the corresponding
                   provisions of Division 3 of Part 8 of this Act (as amended by
                   the amending Act).
               (2) Any subsidy granted to an electricity distributor under Part
                   3D of the repealed Act that is still payable to the council
                   immediately before the repeal of that Act is taken to be a
                   subsidy granted and payable to the electricity distributor
                   under the corresponding provisions of Division 3 of Part 8 of
                   this Act (as amended by the amending Act).

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Acts                                     Schedule 2

        82    Running of subsidy periods under section 10Z of repealed
                   If a period of 12 months commencing on a 1 July
                   commenced under section 10Z of the repealed Act had not
                   expired immediately before the repeal of that section, section
                   80B applies to the unexpired period as if it had been in force
                   when the period of 12 months first commenced.

2.50   Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70

       Section 10 Journey claims

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from section 10 (1B).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

                                                                         Page 61
               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

Schedule 3 Consequential amendment of

                                                                       (Section 4)

3.1    Ambulance Services (Staff) Regulation 1995

       Clause 13 Offences to be reported

       Omit the definition of traffic offence from clause 13 (4). Insert instead:
                  traffic offence means any of the following offences:
                  (a)     the offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                          driving a motor vehicle upon a road or road related
                          area furiously or recklessly or at a speed or in a
                          manner which is dangerous to the public,
                  (b)     the offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                          driving a motor vehicle upon a road or road related
                          area negligently,
                  (c)     the offence under section 43 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relates to menacing driving),
                  (d)     the offences under section 9 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relate to presence of prescribed concentration of
                          alcohol in person's blood),
                  (e)     the offences under section 19 (2) of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999 (which relate to
                          refusing to produce a motor vehicle driver's licence
                          when required or to state a name and home address,
                          or stating a false name and home address),
                  (f)     the offences under section 12 (1) of the Road
                          Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
                          (which relate to driving etc. while under the influence
                          of alcohol or any other drug),

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                              Schedule 3

                   (g)    the offences under section 25A (1) and (3) of the
                          Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 (which
                          relate to driving while unlicensed),
                   (h)    the offences under section 70 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relate to failing to stop after an accident and give

3.2    Charitable Fundraising Regulation 1998

       Clause 27 Soliciting from occupants of motor vehicles

       Omit clause 27 (2). Insert instead:
              (2) In this clause:
                  road means a road within the meaning of the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999 (other than a road that is the
                  subject of a declaration made under section 9 (1) (b) of that
                  Act relating to all of the provisions of that Act).
                  road related area means a road related area within the
                  meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 (other
                  than a road related area that is the subject of a declaration
                  made under section 9 (1) (b) of that Act relating to all of the
                  provisions of that Act).

3.3    Crimes (Detention After Arrest) Regulation 1998

       Clause 13 Custody managers not prevented from exercising
       other functions

       Omit clause 13 (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    any function under the provisions of Part 2 of the
                          Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act
                          1999 (such as carrying out a breath analysis).

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Schedule 3      Consequential amendment of Regulations

3.4    Dangerous Goods Regulation 1978

 [1]    Clause 15A Register of drivers of vehicles used to carry dangerous

        Omit clause 15A (8) (b). Insert instead:
                    (b)    who has committed an offence against the Act, this
                           Regulation or the road transport legislation within the
                           meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999,

 [2]    Clause 281A

        Omit the clause. Insert instead:

       281A    Use of liquefied flammable gas in motor vehicles
                    A person must not put any liquefied flammable gas in the
                    air-conditioning system of a motor vehicle (within the
                    meaning of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act

3.5    Dangerous Goods (Gas Installations) Regulation 1998

        Clause 26 Identification labels

        Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 26 (2).
        Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.6    Driving Instructors Regulation 1993

        Clause 10 Duplicate driving controls

        Omit clause 10 (2) (d). Insert instead:
                    (d)    to an implement within the meaning of the Road
                           Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

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Consequential amendment of Regulations                          Schedule 3

3.7    Fines Regulation 1997

 [1]   Clause 12 Vehicle or vessel offences: section 38

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 12 (1) wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
       Act 1999".

 [2]   Clause 12 (2)

       Omit the matter relating to the Traffic Act 1909, section 18A.
       Insert in appropriate alphabetical order:
                   ·      Road Transport (General) Act 1999, section 43

3.8    Fire Brigades (General) Regulation 1997

 [1]   Clause 8 Appointments to the permanent fire brigade

       Omit clause 8 (2) (c). Insert instead:
                   (c)    holds a current driver licence under the Road
                          Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, and

 [2]   Clause 9 Appointments to volunteer fire brigades

       Omit clause 9 (3) (c). Insert instead:
                   (c)    holds a current driver licence under the Road
                          Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, and

 [3]   Clause 17 Unacceptable behaviour

       Omit clause 17 (3). Insert instead:
              (3) In this clause:
                  drug has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                  (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (paragraph (a) of
                  the definition of drug in the Dictionary of that Act

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

 3.9   Home Building Regulation 1997

       Clause 6 "Dwelling"--certain residential buildings and other
       structures excluded

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 6 (h).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.10   Justices (Short Descriptions of Motor Traffic and Other
       Offences) Regulation 1986

       Schedule 1

       Omit the matter relating to the General Traffic Regulations 1916, the
       General Traffic (Pedestrian) Regulations 1937, the Motor Traffic
       Regulations 1935 and the Traffic Act 1909.

3.11   Local Government (Approvals) Regulation 1993

 [1]   Clause 98 Activities for which approval is not required

       Omit clause 98 (d) (iii). Insert instead:
                         (iii) in a motor vehicle registered under the Road
                                  Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 that
                                  is used primarily for road transport.

 [2]   Clause 98 (e) (iii)

       Omit the subparagraph. Insert instead:
                        (iii) in a motor vehicle registered under the Road
                               Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 that
                               is used primarily for road transport.

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Consequential amendment of Regulations                             Schedule 3

3.12   Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and
       Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 1995

 [1]   Dictionary

       Omit the definition of campervan. Insert instead:
                  campervan means a moveable dwelling (other than a
                  caravan) that is designed so as to be registrable as a motor
                  vehicle under the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act
                  1997, and includes a camper trailer.

 [2]   Dictionary, definition of "caravan"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  caravan means a moveable dwelling that is designed so as
                  to be registrable as a trailer under the Road Transport
                  (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997, but does not include a
                  camper trailer.

 [3]   Dictionary, definition of "park van"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  park van means a moveable dwelling (other than a tent),
                  whether or not capable of being registered under the Road
                  Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997, that:
                  (a)    is or usually is continuously located on a short-term
                         site, and
                  (b)    is provided for hire, and
                  (c)    is used by a site occupier other than the owner of the
                         moveable dwelling primarily for holiday purposes.

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

 [4]   Dictionary, definition of "relocatable home"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  relocatable home means:
                  (a)    a manufactured home, or
                  (b)    any other moveable dwelling (whether or not
                         self-contained) that comprises one or more major
                         sections, including any associated structure that forms
                         part of the dwelling,
                   but does not include a tent, caravan or campervan or any
                   moveable dwelling that is capable of being registered under
                   the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997.

3.13   Medical Practice Regulation 1998

       Clause 6 Offences for which notice of conviction of medical
       practitioner not required

       Omit clause 6 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) All the offences under the road transport legislation (within
                  the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999) are
                  prescribed offences for the purposes of section 71 of the Act,
                  except for the following offences:
                  (a)    an offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                         (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                         driving a motor vehicle upon a public street furiously
                         or recklessly or at a speed or in a manner which is
                         dangerous to the public,
                  (b)    an offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                         (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                         driving a motor vehicle upon a public street
                         negligently if the registered medical practitioner is, by
                         way of penalty, sentenced to imprisonment or fined a
                         sum of not less than $200,

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                              Schedule 3

                   (c)    any offence under section 19 (2) of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999 (which relates to
                          refusing to produce a driver licence when required or
                          to state name and home address, or stating a false
                          name and home address),
                   (d)    any offence under section 12 (1) of the Road
                          Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
                          (which relates to driving etc while under the influence
                          of alcohol or any other drug),
                   (e)    any offence under section 25A (1), (2) or (3) of the
                          Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 (which
                          relates to driving while unlicensed),
                   (f)    any offence under section 70 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relates to failing to stop after an accident),
                   (g)    any offence under section 9 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relates to presence of prescribed concentration of
                          alcohol in person's blood),
                   (h)    an offence under section 43 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                          relates to menacing driving),
                   (i)    any other offence under the road transport legislation
                          if the court orders the disqualification of the medical
                          practitioner from holding a driver licence.

3.14   Motor Dealers Regulation 1986

 [1]   Clause 4 Definitions

       Omit the definition of plate date from clause 4 (1). Insert instead:
                  plate date means the date on an identification plate within
                  the meaning of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                  Regulation 1998.

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

 [2]   Clause 4 (1), definition of "vehicle identification number" or "VIN"

       Omit "(as defined in Regulation 2 of the Motor Traffic
       Regulations 1935)".
       Insert instead "(as defined in the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
       Regulation 1998)".

 [3]   Clause 27 Certificate of inspection

       Omit "the regulations under the Traffic Act 1909" from clause 27 (1).
       Insert instead "the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.15   Noise Control (Miscellaneous Articles) Regulation 1995

 [1]   Clause 3 Definitions

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from the definition of mobile air compressor
       in clause 3 (1).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [2]   Clause 17 Labelling of mobile garbage compactors

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 17 (1).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.16   Noise Control (Motor Vehicles                    and   Motor   Vehicle
       Accessories) Regulation 1995

 [1]   Clause 4 Sale of motor vehicles generally

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 4 (2) (b).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

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Consequential amendment of Regulations                           Schedule 3

 [2]   Clause 6 Sale of motor vehicle horns generally

       Omit clause 6 (3) (f). Insert instead:
                   (f)    a vehicle in respect of which the Roads and Traffic
                          Authority has given written approval for the
                          attachment of a horn or similar device for the
                          purposes of Schedule 4 to the Road Transport
                          (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

 [3]   Clause 18 Use of motor vehicle horns generally

       Omit clause 18 (2) (f). Insert instead:
                   (f)    a vehicle in respect of which the Roads and Traffic
                          Authority has given written approval for the
                          attachment of a horn or similar device for the
                          purposes of Schedule 4 to the Road Transport
                          (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

 [4]   Clause 29 Defective vehicle notices

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 29 (3) (c).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [5]   Clause 31 Suspension of registration pending inspection

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 31 (1).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [6]   Clause 32 Prohibition on registration of certain motor vehicles

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 32 (1) (a).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.17   Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Regulation 1995

 [1]   Clause 8 Records of drivers

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 8 (1) (b).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998".

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Schedule 3      Consequential amendment of Regulations

 [2]   Clause 13 Overloading

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 13 (5).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [3]   Clause 51 Buses registered interstate

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909".
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

3.18   Passenger Transport            (Private    Hire    Vehicle     Services)
       Regulation 1995

 [1]   Clause 4 Maximum age of private hire vehicles

       Omit "a compliance plate was fitted to the vehicle in accordance with
       paragraph 4A of Schedule F to the Motor Traffic Regulations 1935" from
       clause 4 (3).
       Insert instead "an identification plate fitted to the vehicle in accordance
       with the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998".

 [2]   Clause 8 Records of drivers

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 8 (1) (b).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998".

3.19   Passenger Transport (Taxi-cab Services) Regulation 1995

 [1]   Clause 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of taxi stand. Insert instead:
                  taxi stand means a taxi stand appointed under clause 51 of
                  this Regulation or a taxi stand or taxi zone (however
                  described) established under regulations made under the
                  Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

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Consequential amendment of Regulations                             Schedule 3

 [2]   Clause 12 Stand-by taxi-cabs

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 12 (3).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".

 [3]   Clause 16 Records of drivers

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 16 (1) (b).
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998".

3.20   Physiotherapists Registration Regulation 1995

       Clause 29

       Omit the clause. Insert instead:

        29    Offences for which notice of conviction of physiotherapist
              not required
                   All the offences under the road transport legislation (within
                   the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999) are
                   prescribed offences for the purposes of section 24 (2A) of
                   the Act, except for the following offences:
                   (a)    an offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                          driving a motor vehicle upon a public street furiously
                          or recklessly or at a speed or in a manner which is
                          dangerous to the public,
                   (b)    an offence under section 42 of the Road Transport
                          (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 relating to
                          driving a motor vehicle upon a public street
                          negligently if the physiotherapist is, by way of
                          penalty, sentenced to imprisonment or fined a sum of
                          not less than $200,
                   (c)    any offence under section 19 (2) of the Road
                          Transport (General) Act 1999 (which relates to
                          refusing to produce a driver licence when required or
                          to state name and home address, or stating a false
                          name and home address),

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

                  (d)    any offence under section 12 (1) of the Road
                         Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
                         (which relates to driving etc while under the influence
                         of alcohol or any other drug),
                  (e)    any offence under section 25A (1), (2) or (3) of the
                         Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 (which
                         relate to driving while unlicensed),
                  (f)    any offence under section 70 of the Road Transport
                         (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                         relates to failing to stop after an accident),
                  (g)    any offence under section 9 of the Road Transport
                         (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                         relates to presence of prescribed concentration of
                         alcohol in person's blood),
                  (h)    an offence under section 43 of the Road Transport
                         (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (which
                         relates to menacing driving),
                  (i)    any other offence under the road transport legislation
                         if the court orders the disqualification of the
                         physiotherapist from holding a driver licence.

3.21   Police Service Regulation 1990

 [1]   Clause 66B Definitions

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from the definition of breath analysing
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

 [2]   Clause 66B, definition of "breath test"

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from paragraph (b) of the definition.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                             Schedule 3

 [3]   Clause 66C Operation of this Part

       Omit "Traffic Act 1909" from clause 66C (1) and (2) wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management)
       Act 1999".

3.22   Registration of Interests in Goods Regulation 1994

 [1]   Clause 4 Definitions

       Omit the clause. Insert instead:

          4   Definitions
                   In this Division:
                   registration number includes an unregistered vehicle permit
                   issued in respect of a motor vehicle under the Road
                   Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998 or similar
                   legislation of a participating State.
                   vehicle identification number means the number allocated
                   to a vehicle under the International Standards Organisation
                   vehicle identification system required under an Australian
                   Design Rule adopted by a regulation made under the Road
                   Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997.

 [2]   Clause 6 Prescribed information relating to motor vehicles (sec 5
       (1A) and (2))

       Omit clause 6 (2) (a) and (b). Insert instead:
                  (a)     information received from the Roads and Traffic
                          Authority in relation to a motor vehicle whose
                          registration has been cancelled under the Fines Act
                  (b)     information received from the Roads and Traffic
                          Authority in relation to a motor vehicle whose
                          registration is subject to an exemption or concession
                          under the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                          Regulation 1998,

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

3.23   Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999

 [1]   Clause 12 Learner driver must be accompanied

       Omit clause 12 (5) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    take all reasonable precautions to prevent a
                          contravention of the road transport legislation within
                          the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act

 [2]   Clause 14 Heavy vehicle learners

       Omit clause 14 (2).

 [3]   Clause 15 Provisional licences

       Omit clause 15 (5) (a). Insert instead:
              (5) In addition to any other ground on which a licence may be
                  cancelled by the Authority, a provisional licence may be
                  cancelled immediately by the Authority on any of the
                  following grounds:
                  (a)   the holder of the licence is convicted of an offence
                        under the Act or this Regulation or of a penalty notice
                        offence referred to in section 15 of the Road
                        Transport (General) Act 1999,
                  (b)   the holder of the licence pays a penalty pursuant to
                        section 15 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999
                        in respect of any such offence.

 [4]   Clause 40 Downgrading of driver licence

       Omit clause 40 (1) (a). Insert instead:
                  (a)    by the operation of the road transport legislation
                         (within the meaning of the Road Transport (General)
                         Act 1999) as a result of the imposition on the holder
                         of the licence of a period of disqualification, or

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                                  Schedule 3

 [5]   Clause 64 Fee exemption for eligible pensioners

       Omit paragraph (d) from the definition of eligible pensioner in clause
       64 (2).
       Insert instead:
                   (d)    who is the holder of a current driver licence, being a
                          licence for which no fee was payable by virtue of this
                          Regulation, or

3.24   Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996

 [1]   Clause 10 Exemption by notice in Gazette

       Omit clause 10 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)    a dimension limit in the Road Transport (Vehicle
                          Registration) Regulation 1998.

 [2]   Clause 10 (3)

       Omit the note. Insert instead:
                   Note. Gazette is defined in the Interpretation Act 1987 to mean the
                   New South Wales Government Gazette.

 [3]   Clause 11 What must be included in a Class 1 notice?

       Omit clause 11 (1) (c). Insert instead:
                   (c)    the provisions of this Regulation and the Road
                          Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998
                          from which exemption is given, and

 [4]   Clause 12 Exemption by permit

       Omit clause 12 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) An owner of a Class 1 vehicle may apply to the Authority for
                  a permit exempting the vehicle from a requirement of
                  Schedule 1 or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                  Regulation 1998.

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Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

 [5]   Clause 12 (4)

       Omit the note to the subclause. Insert instead:
                   Note. Clause 90 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                   Regulation 1998 provides that a person or vehicle is exempted from a
                   dimension limit or any other requirement of those Regulations if that
                   person or vehicle is exempted from that limit or requirement under this

 [6]   Clause 13 What must be included in a Class 1 permit?

       Omit clause 13 (1) (c). Insert instead:
                   (c)     the provisions of Schedule 1 or the Road Transport
                           (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998 from which
                           exemption is given, and

 [7]   Clause 23 Exemption by notice in Gazette

       Omit clause 23 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)     a dimension limit in the Road Transport (Vehicle
                           Registration) Regulation 1998.

 [8]   Clause 23 (3)

       Omit the note to the subclause. Insert instead:
                   Note. Clause 90 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                   Regulation 1998 provides that a person or vehicle is exempted from a
                   dimension limit or any other requirement of those Regulations if that
                   person or vehicle is exempted from that limit or requirement under this

 [9]   Clause 24 Exemption by permit

       Omit clause 24 (1). Insert instead:
              (1) An owner of a Class 3 vehicle may apply to the Authority for
                  a permit exempting the Class 3 vehicle from a requirement
                  of Schedule 1 or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                  Regulation 1998.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                                Schedule 3

[10]   Clause 25 Power to grant Class 3 permit

       Omit clause 25 (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)     a dimension limit in the Road Transport (Vehicle
                           Registration) Regulation 1998.

[11]   Clause 26 What must be included in a Class 3 notice or permit?

       Omit clause 26 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)     the provisions of Schedule 1 and the Road Transport
                           (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998 from which
                           exemption is given, and

[12]   Clause 27 Issuing a Class 3 notice or permit

       Omit clause 27 (1) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)     a dimension limit in Schedule 1 and the Road
                           Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998 is
                           not exceeded by more than 10%.

[13]   Clause 27 (2)

       Omit the subclause. Insert instead:
              (2) In the case of a combination, if each of the individual
                  vehicles that make up the combination, together with any
                  load, comply in all respects with the mass and dimension
                  limits of Schedule 1 and the Road Transport (Vehicle
                  Registration) Regulation 1998, the conditions of a Class 3
                  notice or Class 3 permit may allow an increase in the total
                  length limit or the total mass limit, or both, prescribed in that
                  Schedule and that Regulation for the combination as a

[14]   Clause 27 (4) (b)

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                   (b)     the carrying of more than one large indivisible item
                           does not cause the vehicle or combination and its load
                           to exceed a dimension limit in Schedule 1 or the Road
                           Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

                           that would not have been exceeded by the carrying of
                           only one of the large indivisible items, and

[15]   Clause 36 Failure to comply with a condition of a Class 1, 2 or 3
       notice or permit

       Omit "Schedule 1, the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation
       1998 or the Motor Traffic Regulations 1935" from clause 36 (2).
       Insert instead "Schedule 1 or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
       Regulation 1998".

[16]   Clause 36 (4)

       Omit "Schedule 1, the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation
       1998 or the Motor Traffic Regulations 1935".
       Insert instead "Schedule 1 or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
       Regulation 1998".

[17]   Clause 36 (5)

       Omit "Schedule 1, the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation
       1998 or the Motor Traffic Regulations 1935".
       Insert instead "Schedule 1 or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
       Regulation 1998".

[18]   Clause 36 (6)

       Omit the note to the subclause. Insert instead:
                   Note. Clause 90 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                   Regulation 1998 provides that a person or vehicle is exempted from a
                   dimension limit or any other requirement of those Regulations if that
                   person or vehicle is exempted from that limit or requirement under this

[19]   Clause 41A

       Omit the clause:

       41A    Definitions
                   In this Part:
                   articulated vehicle and tractor have the same meanings as
                   they have in the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                   Regulation 1998.
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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                                       Schedule 3

[20]   Schedule 1 Mass and loading requirements for heavy vehicles

       Omit clause 7 (1) from Part 2. Insert instead:
              (1) A vehicle or a combination, and its load, must not exceed a
                  size limit set for the vehicle or combination in the Road
                  Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

[21]   Schedule 2 Oversize and overmass vehicles

       Omit clause 2 (1) from Part 1. Insert instead:
              (1) A vehicle or combination described in Table 3 must not,
                  together with any load, exceed a dimension limit specified in
                  the Table for that vehicle or combination, or the
                  corresponding limit in the Road Transport (Vehicle
                  Registration) Regulation 1998 or Schedule 1, whichever is
                  the greater.

[22]   Schedule 2, Part 4

       Omit the note to clause 30. Insert instead:
                    Note. Clause 90 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                    Regulation 1998 provides that a person or vehicle is exempted from a
                    dimension limit or any other requirement of those Regulations if that
                    person or vehicle is exempted from that limit or requirement under this

[23]   Schedule 2, Part 5

       Omit clause 33 (2). Insert instead:
              (2) A light referred to in subclause (1) must flash yellow unless
                  the vehicle is a police vehicle or a vehicle belonging to an
                  Authority and the light is of a colour approved under
                  Schedule 4 to the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                  Regulation 1998.

[24]   Dictionary

       Omit paragraph (e) of the definition of Class 1 vehicle. Insert instead:
                    (e)     a dimension limit in Schedule 1 or the Road
                            Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998.

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

[25]   Dictionary, definition of "Class 2 vehicle"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  Class 2 vehicle means a restricted access vehicle that
                  complies with the mass and dimension limits prescribed in
                  the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998
                  and, except as provided in paragraph (b) of the definition of
                  restricted access vehicle, Schedule 1 and is:
                  (a)    a B-double, or
                  (b)    a road train, or
                  (c)    a controlled access bus not more than 14.5 m long, or
                  (d)    a combination carrying vehicles on more than one
                         deck that, together with its load, meets one or both of
                         the following criteria:
                         (i)     its height exceeds 4.3 m but does not exceed
                                 4.6 m,
                         (ii)    its length exceeds 19 m, or
                  (e)    a single motor vehicle, or a combination, that exceeds
                         4.3 m, but does not exceed 4.6 m, in height and is
                         built to carry cattle, sheep, pigs or horses.

[26]   Dictionary, definition of "controlled access bus"

       Omit paragraph (a) of the definition. Insert instead:
                  (a)   an articulated vehicle with the meaning of the Road
                        Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998, or

[27]   Dictionary, definition of "oversize"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  oversize means having a dimension that, including the
                  dimension of any load, exceeds a relevant dimension limit in
                  this Regulation or the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                  Regulation 1998.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                                     Schedule 3

[28]   Dictionary, definition of "restricted access vehicle"

       Omit paragraph (b) (iv) of the definition. Insert instead:
                        (iv) any other dimension limit prescribed in this
                                Regulation or the Road Transport (Vehicle
                                Registration) Regulation 1998.

3.25   Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998

 [1]   Clause 42 Suspension or cancellation of registration

       Omit clause 42 (5) (b). Insert instead:
                   (b)      a provision of the road transport legislation (within
                            the meaning of the Road Transport (General) Act
                            1999) other than this Act or the regulations.

 [2]   Clause 43 Procedures for suspension and cancellation of

       Omit clause 43 (2) (b) (iv). Insert instead:
                         (iv) if there is a right under the Road Transport
                                 (General) Act 1999 or a regulation made under
                                 that Act to appeal against the decision or to
                                 have it reviewed--advises the registered
                                 operator of the right of appeal or review.

 [3]   Clause 75 Change or replacement of vehicle part

       Omit the note to clause 75. Insert instead:
                   Note. Section 50 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 empowers
                   police officers to enter premises carrying out vehicle repairs for the
                   purpose of tracing stolen motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts.

 [4]   Schedule 1 Application of Act and Regulation

       Omit clause 2 (2).

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 3     Consequential amendment of Regulations

 [5]   Dictionary

       Omit paragraph (d) of the definition of eligible pensioner in clause 1.
       Insert instead:
                    (d)   who is the holder of a current driver licence, being a
                          licence for which no fee was payable under the Road
                          Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, or

 [6]   Dictionary, clause 1

       Omit the definition of emergency vehicle. Insert instead:
                  emergency vehicle means:
                  (a)    any vehicle apparently carrying a member of the
                         Police Service on urgent duty, or
                  (b)    any fire engine, reel or other vehicle apparently
                         proceeding in the charge of a fire fighter to a fire or
                         other emergency, or
                  (c)    any ambulance vehicle apparently proceeding to the
                         scene of an accident or to a hospital with an injured
                         person or apparently conveying, or apparently
                         proceeding to any place to convey, a person who is
                         seriously ill, or
                  (d)    any Red Cross vehicle apparently carrying blood for
                         an urgent transfusion.

 [7]   Dictionary, clause 1

       Omit the definition of penalty notice. Insert instead:
                  penalty notice means a penalty notice served on a person
                  under Division 1 of Part 3 of the Road Transport (General)
                  Act 1999.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Consequential amendment of Regulations                            Schedule 3

3.26   Roads (General) Regulation 1994

 [1]   Clause 3 Definitions

       Omit the definition of motor vehicle. Insert instead:
                  motor vehicle has the same meaning as it has in the Road
                  Transport (General) Act 1999.

 [2]   Clause 3, definition of "vehicle"

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                  vehicle has the same meaning as it has in the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

3.27   Tow Truck Regulation 1990

       Clause 4 definitions

       Omit the definition of owner from clause 4 (1). Insert instead:
                  owner of a motor vehicle includes the responsible person for
                  the vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport
                  (General) Act 1999.

3.28   Transport Administration (Railway Offences) Regulation 1994

       Clause 31 Certain vehicles crossing railway line at level

       Omit clause 31 (2) (a). Insert instead:
                  (a)    the vehicle and load comply with the relevant
                         regulations made under the Road Transport (Safety
                         and Traffic Management) Act 1999 and the Roads Act
                         1993 (or are the subject of a relevant permit under
                         either of those Acts), and

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 4     Other amendment of Acts

Schedule 4 Other amendment of Acts

                                                                      (Section 4)

4.1    Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99

 [1]   Section 14 Demerit points register

       Omit "who does not hold an Australian driver licence" from section
       14 (3).
       Insert instead "(whether or not a person holds an Australian driver

 [2]   Section 14 (4)

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), if a person applies for a
                  driver licence (including for the renewal of a licence) having
                  incurred 12 or more demerit points within a 3 year period
                  ending on the day on which the applicant last committed an
                  offence for which demerit points have been recorded against
                  the applicant:
                  (a)    the Authority may refuse the person's application and
                         take action under section 16A, or
                  (b)    the Authority may grant the licence and take action
                         under section 16 or 16A.

 [3]   Section 16 Consequences of incurring demerit points

       Omit section 16 (3):
              (3) Despite subsection (2), the Authority is not required to take
                  action under that subsection if it is of the opinion:
                  (a)    that it would be unreasonable to do so, having regard
                         to the date when any relevant offence was committed,
                  (b)    it would be more appropriate for the person to be
                         dealt with under section 14 (4) and 16A.

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Other amendment of Acts                                                    Schedule 4

 [4]   Section 16 (8)

       Omit "within 21 days after being served with a notice of licence
       suspension by the Authority, notify the Authority in writing".
       Insert instead "after being served with a notice of licence suspension by
       the Authority (but before the commencement of the period of
       suspension), notify the Authority in a form approved by the Authority".

 [5]   Section 16A

       Insert after section 16:

       16A    Ineligibility to apply for driver licences by persons incurring
              demerit points
              (1) Licence ineligibility for demerit points
                  The Authority may give a notice of licence ineligibility to the
                  applicant for a licence (not being a provisional licence or
                  learner licence) who incurs 12 or more demerit points within
                  the 3 year period ending on the day on which the person last
                  committed an offence for which demerit points have been
                  recorded against the person.
                   Note. Provisional licence holders are dealt with in section 17.
              (2) However, the Authority may not give a person both a notice
                  of licence ineligibility and a notice of licence suspension
                  under section 16 in respect of the same 3 year period.
              (3) The notice of licence ineligibility must specify the date on
                  which the ineligibility is to take effect (not being a date that
                  is earlier than the date on which the notice is given) and must
                  contain any other matters specified by the regulations. If the
                  notice is delivered to the applicant personally, the specified
                  date is taken to be the date on which it is so delivered unless
                  the notice provides for a later date.

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              Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 4    Other amendment of Acts

             (4) The period of licence ineligibility under subsection (1) is the
                 period applicable under the following table:

                  Licence ineligibility for demerit points

                  Column 1                            Column 2
                  Number of demerit points            Period of       licence
                  incurred within previous 3          ineligibility
                  12 to 15                            3 months
                  16 to 19                            4 months
                  20 or more                          5 months

             (5) If a person who has been served with a notice of licence
                 ineligibility does not make an election under subsection (7),
                 the person is not entitled:
                 (a)    to be issued with a driver licence for the ineligibility
                        period applicable under this section from the date
                        specified in the notice, and
                 (b)    to apply for a driver licence for that period.
             (6) On the commencement of an ineligibility period or a period
                 of good behaviour (see subsection (7)), all demerit points
                 recorded in the demerit points register against the person at
                 the date of the notice are taken to be deleted.
             (7) Alternative to ineligibility
                 A person who incurs at least 12 demerit points within the 3
                 year period ending on the day on which the person last
                 committed an offence for which demerit points have been
                 recorded against the person may notify the Authority in a
                 form approved by the Authority that he or she elects, as an
                 alternative to undergoing the ineligibility period, to be of
                 good behaviour for a period of 12 months from the day on
                 which the licence ineligibility would otherwise have had

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Other amendment of Acts                                             Schedule 4

              (8) If a person who makes an election in accordance with
                  subsection (7) incurs 2 or more demerit points during the 12
                  months' good behaviour period:
                  (a)   the Authority must give the person a notice
                        suspending the person's driver licence, commencing
                        on a day specified in the notice, for twice the period
                        that would have applied to the person under this
                        section if the person had not made the election, and
                  (b)   the person's driver licence is suspended for that
                        period from the date specified in the notice.
              (9) On the commencement of the period of suspension referred
                  to in subsection (8), all demerit points recorded in the
                  demerit points register against the person at the date of the
                  notice, and taken into account for the purpose of the notice,
                  are taken to be deleted.
             (10) Despite subsections (6) and (9), demerit points incurred by
                  a person:
                  (a)    after the person is served with a notice of licence
                         ineligibility but before the licence ineligibility takes
                         effect, or
                  (b)    if the person makes an election in accordance with
                         subsection (7), after the person is served with the
                         notice of licence ineligibility and before the 12
                         months' period of good behaviour begins, are not
                         taken to be deleted under this section when the
                         licence ineligibility takes effect or period of good
                         behaviour begins and are to be taken into account for
                         the purposes of subsection (1) from the end of the
                         licence ineligibility or period of good behaviour.
             (11) Nothing in subsection (7) or (10) prevents the Authority
                  from retaining records of deleted demerit points incurred by
                  any person.

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 4      Other amendment of Acts

 [6]   Section 33 Cancellation and suspension of driver licences by
       Authority in respect of speeding offences

       Omit "cancelled" and "cancel" from section 33 (1) and (2) wherever
       Insert instead "cancelled or suspended" and "cancel or suspend"

 [7]   Section 33 (3A)

       Insert after section 33 (3):
             (3A) If a person's driver licence is suspended by the Authority
                  under this section, the person's licence is suspended for such
                  period as may be determined by the Authority and specified
                  in a notice served on the person by the Authority.

 [8]   Section 33 (5)

       Insert "or (5BA)" after "(5B)" wherever occurring.

 [9]   Section 33A

       Insert after section 33:

       33A    Effect of expiry of driver licence during a suspension period
                   If the driver licence of a person expires during a period of
                   suspension for the licence imposed under section 16, 16A or
                   (a)    the person cannot apply to the Authority for another
                          driver licence during the unexpired portion of the
                          suspension period, and
                   (b)    the person's driver licence is taken to be suspended
                          during the unexpired portion of the suspension period
                          for the purposes of any offence provision under this
                          Act or any other law in relation to driving a vehicle
                          while a person's driver licence is suspended.

[10]   Section 34 Unpaid fees and charges

       Insert "or charges" after "fees".

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Other amendment of Acts                                                 Schedule 4

[11]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions

       Insert after Part 2:

       Part 3 Provisions consequent on enactment of
              Schedule 4 to Road Transport Legislation
              Amendment Act 1999
          9   Validation--licence granted with good behaviour condition
              granted as alternative to licence refusal
                    Any election made by the holder of a driver licence before
                    the commencement of Schedule 4.1 to the Road Transport
                    (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 to be of good behaviour for a
                    specified period as an alternative to having his or her
                    application for a licence refused by the Authority:
                    (a)    is validated to the extent of any invalidity if the
                           election would have been valid had section 14 (as
                           amended) and 16A been in force at the time the
                           election was made, and
                    (b)    is taken for all purposes to have been an election
                           made under section 16A.

4.2    Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

       Section 15 Regulations to establish registration system

       Insert after section 15 (2) (e):
                    (e1)      provide for the waiver or postponement (or partial
                              waiver or postponement), in accordance with the
                              regulations, of the registration fees for a registrable
                              vehicle under this Act or for fees for an unregistered
                              vehicle permit, and

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Schedule 4      Other amendment of Acts

4.3    Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146

 [1]   Section 10 Staged repeal of statutory rules

       Omit "1 September 1999" from section 10 (4).
       Insert instead "1 December 1999".

 [2]   Schedule 3 Matters not requiring regulatory impact statements

       Insert after clause 4:
              4A. Matters involving the substantial implementation of the
                  Heavy Vehicles Agreement or the Light Vehicles Agreement
                  set out in the National Road Transport Commission Act
                  1991 of the Commonwealth that have been the subject of
                  regulatory assessment in accordance with the Agreement.

4.4    Traffic Act 1909 No 5

       Section 10AA Effect of disqualification

       Omit section 10AA (2). Insert instead:
              (2) A disqualification to hold an Australian driver licence
                  (within the meaning of the Road Transport (Driver
                  Licensing) Act 1998) held under a law in force in another
                  State or internal Territory by a person who holds a driver
                  licence issued in this State is, for the purposes of subsection
                  (1), to be treated as if it were a disqualification to hold the
                  driver licence issued in this State.
             (2A) A person who is so disqualified must:
                  (a)   if present at the court (being a court in this State) and
                        in possession of his or her driver licence--surrender
                        the licence to the court immediately after being
                        convicted, or
                  (b)   if present at the court (being a court in this State) but
                        not in possession of the licence or if not present at the
                        court--surrender the licence to the Authority as soon
                        as practicable after being convicted, or

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 19

Other amendment of Acts                                               Schedule 4

                    (c)     if the person is to be treated under subsection (2) as
                            having been disqualified from holding a driver licence
                            issued in this State--surrender the licence to the
                            Authority as soon as practicable after being
                            disqualified from holding the Australian driver
                            licence referred to in that subsection.

[Minister's second reading speech made in--
     Legislative Assembly on 27 May 1999
     Legislative Council on 23 June 1999]

                                     BY AUTHORITY

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