New South Wales Bills

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                            New South Wales

Road Transport Legislation
Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle
Use) Bill 2010


              1    Name of Act                                               2
              2    Commencement                                              2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                   Act 1997 No 119                                           3
     Schedule 2    Consequential amendment of other legislation              9

                             New South Wales

Road Transport Legislation
Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle
Use) Bill 2010
No     , 2010

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 concerning
registered operators of vehicles and the detection of offences involving unauthorised
vehicle use; and to make consequential amendments to certain other legislation.
              Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill
Clause 1      2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                           1

 1    Name of Act                                                                    2

           This Act is the Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised        3
           Vehicle Use) Act 2010.                                                    4

 2    Commencement                                                                   5

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.      6

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119         Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle                                   1
                       Registration) Act 1997 No 119                                          2

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                   3

      Insert at the end of the definition of garage address:                                  4
                    Note. See section 10 concerning the number of registered operators for    5
                    a registrable vehicle that may be recorded in the Register.               6

[2]   Section 4, definition of "Register"                                                     7

      Omit "the regulations". Insert instead "this Act".                                      8

[3]   Section 7 Functions of Authority                                                        9

      Omit "the regulations" from section 7 (1) (b). Insert instead "this Act".              10

[4]   Section 7 (2)-(4)                                                                      11

      Omit the subsections.                                                                  12

[5]   Section 10                                                                             13

      Omit sections 10 and 11. Insert instead:                                               14

       10    Maintenance of the Register                                                     15

             (1)    Register to be maintained in accordance with regulations                 16

                    Subject to this section, the Register is to be maintained in             17
                    accordance with the regulations.                                         18

             (2)    Register does not provide evidence of title                              19

                    The Register does not provide evidence of title to any registrable       20
                    vehicle.                                                                 21

             (3)    Security of information in Register                                      22

                    The Authority must ensure that the information in the Register           23
                    that is of a personal nature or that has commercial sensitivity for      24
                    the person about whom it is kept is not released except as               25
                    provided by the regulations or under another law.                        26

             (4)    Recording of names of registered operators                               27

                    The Authority may:                                                       28
                    (a) in the case of a transitional registrable vehicle--continue          29
                         to record in the Register the names of not more than                30
                         2 persons as being responsible for the vehicle, or                  31

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Schedule 1          Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

                       (b)    in the case of any other registrable vehicle--record in the        1
                              Register the name of only one person as being responsible          2
                              for the vehicle.                                                   3
                       Note. Section 4 defines a registered operator of a registrable vehicle    4
                       to mean a person recorded in the Register as a person responsible for     5
                       the vehicle.                                                              6

              (5)      A registrable vehicle is a transitional registrable vehicle if:           7
                       (a) 2 persons were recorded in the Register as being                      8
                             responsible for the vehicle immediately before the                  9
                             commencement of this section, and                                  10
                       (b) the vehicle has not ceased to be a transitional registrable          11
                             vehicle since that time.                                           12

              (6)      A registrable vehicle ceases to be a transitional registrable            13
                       vehicle on the occurrence of any of the following:                       14
                       (a) the transfer of the registration of the vehicle,                     15
                       (b) the cancellation or surrender of the registration of the             16
                             vehicle,                                                           17
                       (c) if the registration of the vehicle has expired and the period        18
                             within which the registration may be renewed has also              19
                             expired.                                                           20

              (7)      If more than one person is recorded as a registered operator of a        21
                       transitional registrable vehicle, a reference in any relevant            22
                       legislation to the registered operator of a registrable vehicle          23
                       within the meaning of this Act is taken (subject to any regulations      24
                       made for the purposes of subsection (3)) to include a reference to       25
                       each registered operator of the transitional registrable vehicle.        26

              (8)      The regulations may provide for the determination of the                 27
                       respective rights, liabilities and obligations of each registered        28
                       operator of a transitional registrable vehicle under any relevant        29
                       legislation.                                                             30

              (9)      Other information that may be included in Register                       31

                       The Register may include information notified to the Authority           32
                       under this Act and such other information as the Authority               33
                       considers appropriate.                                                   34

             (10)      Register may be kept as computer database or other form                  35

                       The Register may be kept in the form of, or as part of, a computer       36
                       database or in such other form as the Authority considers                37
                       appropriate.                                                             38

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119        Schedule 1

            (11)    Correction of Register                                                  1
                    Without limiting section 7 or any other provision of this section,      2
                    the Authority may correct any mistake, error or omission in the         3
                    Register subject to the requirements (if any) of the regulations.       4

            (12)    Definition                                                              5

                    In this section:                                                        6
                    relevant legislation means:                                             7
                     (a) a provision of this Act (or a provision of a regulation made       8
                           under this Act), or                                              9
                    (b) a provision of any other Act (or a provision of a statutory        10
                           rule made under any other Act) concerned with the               11
                           registered operator of a registrable vehicle within the         12
                           meaning of this Act.                                            13

[6]   Section 22C                                                                          14

      Insert after section 22B:                                                            15

      22C    Photographic evidence of unauthorised vehicle use                             16

             (1)    This section applies to proceedings for any of the following           17
                    offences (an unauthorised vehicle use offence):                        18
                    (a) an offence against section 18 (Prohibition on using                19
                          unregistered registrable vehicles),                              20
                    (b) an offence against section 8 (Offence of using uninsured           21
                          motor vehicle on road) of the Motor Accidents                    22
                          Compensation Act 1999,                                           23
                    (c) an offence against the regulations involving a prohibited          24
                          use of a registrable vehicle that is prescribed by the           25
                          regulations for the purposes of this section.                    26

             (2)    A photograph of a vehicle taken by an approved camera device           27
                    that is evidence under the evidence use provisions for the device      28
                    of an offence to which those provisions ordinarily apply may also      29
                    be tendered in evidence under this section in proceedings for an       30
                    unauthorised vehicle use offence involving the vehicle.                31
                    Note. For example, a photograph taken by an approved camera            32
                    detection device that is evidence of a traffic light offence under     33
                    section 57 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act   34
                    1999 may also be tendered in evidence in proceedings for an            35
                    unauthorised vehicle use offence involving the same vehicle.           36

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

             (3)      For this purpose, the evidence use provisions for the approved               1
                      camera device are taken to apply in relation to the tendering,               2
                      admission and use in evidence of such a photograph as if the                 3
                      provisions extended to proceedings for an unauthorised vehicle               4
                      use offence as well as to proceedings for an offence to which the            5
                      provisions ordinarily apply.                                                 6
                      Note. Evidence use provisions for approved camera devices usually            7
                      make provision for the admission of photographs taken by such devices        8
                      in specified kinds of proceedings and for the use of evidence derived        9
                      from such photographs. These provisions also usually require the            10
                      provision of certificate evidence concerning the inspection or testing of   11
                      the devices.                                                                12

             (4)      Nothing in this section prevents a photograph taken by an                   13
                      approved camera device being tendered and used in evidence                  14
                      both in proceedings for an unauthorised vehicle use offence and             15
                      proceedings for an offence to which the evidence use provisions             16
                      for the device ordinarily apply.                                            17

             (5)      In this section:                                                            18
                      approved average speed detection device, approved camera                    19
                      detection device, approved camera recording device and                      20
                      approved traffic lane camera device have the same meanings as               21
                      in the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act                   22
                      1999.                                                                       23
                      approved camera device means any of the following:                          24
                       (a) an approved average speed detection device,                            25
                      (b) an approved camera detection device,                                    26
                       (c) an approved camera recording device,                                   27
                      (d) an approved traffic lane camera device,                                 28
                       (e) an approved toll camera.                                               29
                      approved toll camera has the same meaning as in section 250A                30
                      of the Roads Act 1993.                                                      31
                      evidence use provisions for an approved camera device means:                32
                       (a) if the device is an approved average speed detection                   33
                             device--the provisions of section 47B of the Road                    34
                             Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (and              35
                             section 73A of that Act in its application to evidence or            36
                             presumptions under those provisions), or                             37
                      (b) if the device is an approved camera detection device--the               38
                             provisions of section 57 of the Road Transport (Safety and           39
                             Traffic Management) Act 1999 (and section 73A of that                40
                             Act in its application to evidence or presumptions under             41
                             those provisions), or                                                42

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

                    (c)    if the device is an approved camera recording device--the      1
                           provisions of section 47 of the Road Transport (Safety and     2
                           Traffic Management) Act 1999 (and section 73A of that          3
                           Act in its application to evidence or presumptions under       4
                           those provisions), or                                          5
                    (d)    if the device is an approved traffic lane camera device--      6
                           the provisions of section 57B of the Road Transport            7
                           (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 (and section          8
                           73A of that Act in its application to evidence or              9
                           presumptions under those provisions), or                      10
                    (e)    if the device is an approved toll camera--the provisions of   11
                           section 250A of the Roads Act 1993.                           12

[7]   Section 23A Registered operators                                                   13

      Omit the section.                                                                  14

[8]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                     15

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 16

                    Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle           17
                    Use) Act 2010                                                        18

[9]   Schedule 3                                                                         19

      Insert at the end of the Schedule (with appropriate Part and clause numbers):      20

      Part          Provisions consequent on enactment of                                21
                    Road Transport Legislation Amendment                                 22
                    (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Act 2010                                  23

             Definition                                                                  24

                    In this Part:                                                        25

                    amending Act means the Road Transport Legislation                    26
                    Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Act 2010.                       27

             Application of section 22C                                                  28

                    Section 22C, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation    29
                    to unauthorised vehicle use offences (within the meaning of that     30
                    section) committed, or alleged to have been committed, after the     31
                    commencement of that section.                                        32

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               Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Schedule 1      Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

             Existing Register continues to have effect                                1
                   The Register of Registrable Vehicles maintained by the              2
                   Authority under this Act immediately before the commencement        3
                   of Schedule 1 [5] to the amending Act continues to be the           4
                   Register of Registrable Vehicles for the purposes of this Act (as   5
                   amended by the amending Act).                                       6

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Consequential amendment of other legislation                             Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Consequential amendment of other                                    1
                       legislation                                                         2

2.1 Road Transport (General) Act 2005 No 11                                                3

[1]   Section 179 Liability of responsible person for vehicle for designated               4
      offences                                                                             5

      Insert at the end of paragraph (e) of the definition of camera recorded offence      6
      in section 179 (12):                                                                 7
                           , or                                                            8
                     (f) an unauthorised vehicle use offence in respect of which the       9
                           penalty notice or the court attendance notice indicates that   10
                           the offence was detected by an approved camera device          11
                           (within the meaning of section 22C of the Road Transport       12
                           (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997).                              13

[2]   Section 179 (12)                                                                    14

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                       15
                    unauthorised vehicle use offence means an unauthorised vehicle        16
                    use offence (within the meaning of section 22C of the Road            17
                    Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997), but does not include      18
                    an offence where it is alleged that the offender merely caused,       19
                    permitted or otherwise allowed a vehicle to be driven or used.        20

2.2 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007                                 21

[1]   Clause 7 Who may apply for registration?                                            22

      Omit clause 7 (2)-(4).                                                              23

[2]   Clause 14 Maintenance of the Registers                                              24

      Omit "transitional vehicle (within the meaning of clause 7 (3))" from               25
      clause 14 (1) (a).                                                                  26

      Insert instead "transitional registrable vehicle (within the meaning of             27
      section 10 of the Act)".                                                            28

[3]   Clause 14 (1) (a1)                                                                  29

      Omit "clause 7 (3)". Insert instead "section 10 of the Act".                        30

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                Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Unauthorised Vehicle Use) Bill

Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of other legislation

[4]   Clause 91A                                                                       1
      Insert after clause 91:                                                          2

      91A    Photographic evidence of unauthorised vehicle use: section 22C            3
             of Act                                                                    4

                   The following offences against this Regulation are prescribed for   5
                   the purposes of section 22C of the Act:                             6
                    (a) an offence against clause 50 (3),                              7
                   (b) an offence against clause 84 (3),                               8
                    (c) an offence against clause 84 (5).                              9

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