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                                New South Wales

Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009


                   1   Name of Act                                               2
                   2   Commencement                                              2
                   3   Repeal of Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration
                       Charges) Act 1995 No 72                                   2
                   4   Repeal of Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration
                       Charges) Regulation 2006                                  2
     Schedule 1        Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
                       Act 1997 No 119                                           3
     Schedule 2        Consequential amendment of other Acts and Regulations    19

                              New South Wales

Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)
Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 to make
provision for registration charges for heavy vehicles; and to repeal and amend certain
other Acts and Regulations consequentially.
              Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Clause 1      Registration Charges) Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment        3
           (Heavy Vehicle Registration Charges) Act 2009.                         4

 2    Commencement                                                                5

           This Act commences on a day to be appointed by proclamation.           6

 3    Repeal of Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act          7
      1995 No 72                                                                  8

           The Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995      9
           is repealed.                                                          10

 4    Repeal of Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges)             11
      Regulation 2006                                                            12

           The Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Regulation   13
           2006 is repealed.                                                     14

Page 2
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119           Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle                                     1
                       Registration) Act 1997 No 119                                            2

[1]   Part 1 Preliminary                                                                        3

      Omit the note at the beginning of the Part. Insert instead:                               4
                    Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road      5
                    transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport         6
                    (General) Act 2005. Other road transport legislation includes the Motor     7
                    Vehicles Taxation Act 1988, the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act       8
                    1998, the Road Transport (General) Act 2005, the Road Transport             9
                    (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 and the statutory rules made      10
                    under those Acts. As part of the road transport legislation, this Act is   11
                    subject to various provisions in the Road Transport (General) Act 2005     12
                    concerning the administration and enforcement of the road transport        13
                    legislation generally.                                                     14

[2]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                    15

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                            16
                    chargeable heavy vehicle--see section 17 (1).                              17
                    registration charge--see section 17 (1).                                   18

[3]   Section 7 Functions of Authority                                                         19

      Omit "the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995                  20
      or" from section 7 (1) (c).                                                              21

[4]   Section 8 Powers of Authority                                                            22

      Omit "the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995                  23
      or" from section 8 (1) (g).                                                              24

[5]   Part 2A                                                                                  25

      Insert after Part 2:                                                                     26

      Part 2A Registration charges for heavy vehicles                                          27

      Division 1             Preliminary                                                       28

       17    Definitions                                                                       29

             (1)    In this Part:                                                              30
                    administration fee means a fee payable under section 17C (2).              31
                    appropriate officer means any person authorised by the                     32
                    Authority for the purposes of this Part either generally or in any         33
                    particular case.                                                           34

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               Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
               Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

                      chargeable heavy vehicle means a vehicle that has a MRC (Mass         1
                      Rating for Charging) of more than 4.5 tonnes.                         2
                      compliance plate means a plate authorised to be placed on a           3
                      vehicle, or taken to have been placed on a vehicle, under the         4
                      Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 of the Commonwealth.                 5
                      configuration of a vehicle means a description of a vehicle in the    6
                      regulations for which separate provision is made in the               7
                      regulations for the amount of the registration charge.                8
                      financial year means a year commencing on 1 July.                     9
                      MRC (Mass Rating for Charging), in relation to a                     10
                      vehicle, means:                                                      11
                       (a) the maximum mass of the vehicle (including any load,            12
                            recorded on the compliance plate as the GVM, GTMR              13
                            or ATM of the vehicle), or                                     14
                      (b) in relation to a vehicle for which there is no                   15
                            compliance plate--its operating mass.                          16
                      Note. GVM means Gross Vehicle Mass, GTMR means Gross Trailer         17
                      Mass Rating and ATM means Aggregate Trailer Mass.                    18
                      operating mass, in relation to a vehicle, means the maximum          19
                      mass of the vehicle, including any load, as determined by the        20
                      Authority having regard to the design and construction of the        21
                      vehicle or of any of its components.                                 22
                      owner, in relation to a vehicle, includes:                           23
                       (a) every person who is the owner, joint owner or part owner        24
                             of the vehicle, and                                           25
                      (b) any person who has the use of the vehicle under a                26
                             hire-purchase or hiring agreement,                            27
                      but does not include the lessor of a vehicle under a hire-purchase   28
                      agreement.                                                           29
                      registration charge means a charge imposed under this Part for       30
                      the registration or renewal of registration of a chargeable heavy    31
                      vehicle.                                                             32
                      road transport legislation has the same meaning as in the Road       33
                      Transport (General) Act 2005.                                        34
                      vehicle means a motor vehicle or trailer within the meaning of the   35
                      Road Transport (General) Act 2005.                                   36

             (2)      Any reference in this Part to regulations made for the purposes of   37
                      this Part is a reference to regulations made under this Act for or   38
                      with respect to a matter that is required or permitted to be         39
                      prescribed by a provision of this Part.                              40

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119        Schedule 1

      Division 2          Amount of registration charges for                                 1
                          chargeable heavy vehicles                                          2

     17A     Amount of annual registration charge for chargeable heavy                       3
             vehicles                                                                        4

             (1)   The annual registration charge for a chargeable heavy vehicle             5
                   that is registered, or the registration of which is renewed, during       6
                   a particular financial year is the amount for the type or kind of         7
                   vehicle specified by, or calculated in accordance with, the               8
                   regulations.                                                              9
                   Note. See section 17C for the calculation of registration charges for    10
                   chargeable heavy vehicles registered for less than one year. Also,       11
                   annual registration charges are not payable to the extent to which an    12
                   exemption or partial exemption is granted by or under regulations made   13
                   for the purposes of subsection (2) (c).                                  14

             (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may make                15
                   provision for or with respect to the following:                          16
                   (a) the specification or calculation of registration charges by          17
                         reference to types or kinds of chargeable heavy vehicles,          18
                   (b) the indexation of the amount payable for registration                19
                         charges over a number of financial years,                          20
                   (c) exemptions or partial exemptions (or the granting of                 21
                         exemptions or partial exemptions) from, or reductions in,          22
                         registration charges,                                              23
                   (d) the refunding of registration charges paid for the                   24
                         registration of a chargeable heavy vehicle if, during the          25
                         currency of the registration, a change is made in the              26
                         construction, equipment, configuration, use or ownership           27
                         of the vehicle of such a nature that no charges or a reduced       28
                         amount of charges would be payable in respect of the               29
                         vehicle on the renewal of its registration,                        30
                   (e) the amount of any such refund to be calculated in                    31
                         accordance with a formula to be prescribed by the                  32
                         regulations,                                                       33
                    (f) the production, at the time of application for registration or      34
                         renewal of registration of a chargeable heavy vehicle or at        35
                         any time during the currency of the registration, of               36
                         weighbridge tickets showing the weight of the vehicle,             37
                   (g) fees of an administrative nature for changes in registration         38
                         charges and registration arising out of a change in the            39
                         construction, equipment, configuration, use or ownership           40
                         of a chargeable heavy vehicle.                                     41

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               Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
               Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

             (3)      The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation that         1
                      prescribes any amounts as annual registration charges, or the            2
                      manner in which annual registration charges are to be calculated,        3
                      for chargeable heavy vehicles unless the Minister is satisfied that      4
                      the provisions of the regulation are consistent with:                    5
                       (a) model legislation within the meaning of the National                6
                             Transport Commission Act 2003 of the Commonwealth, or             7
                      (b) provisions for road transport laws that are recommended or           8
                             approved by the Australian Transport Council or the               9
                             National Transport Commission under the Agreement                10
                             referred to in section 4 of the National Transport               11
                             Commission Act 2003 of the Commonwealth for                      12
                             implementation or adoption by the parties to that                13
                             Agreement.                                                       14

             (4)      For the avoidance of doubt, subsection (3) does not limit the           15
                      ability of the Minister to recommend the making of a regulation         16
                      that makes provision for or with respect to exemptions or partial       17
                      exemptions from, or refunds of, registration charges.                   18

     17B     Registration charge for primary producer's vehicle                               19

             (1)      If the registration charge for a primary producer's vehicle that,       20
                      but for this section, would be payable under this Part (the charge      21
                      under this Part) is more than the motor vehicle tax that, but for       22
                      section 3B of the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988, would be            23
                      payable under that Act (the tax under the 1988 Act), the                24
                      registration charge for the vehicle is not the charge under this Part   25
                      but the tax under the 1988 Act.                                         26

             (2)      The effect of the following may be ignored for the purpose of           27
                      calculating the motor vehicle tax referred to in subsection (1):        28
                      (a) any exemption granted under section 17 of the Motor                 29
                            Vehicles Taxation Act 1988,                                       30
                      (b) clause 3 (c) of Schedule 1 to that Act (to the extent to            31
                            which it excludes motor lorries from the operation of that        32
                            clause),                                                          33
                      (c) clause 9 of Schedule 1 to that Act.                                 34

             (3)      In this section:                                                        35
                      primary producer's vehicle has the same meaning as in the               36
                      Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988.                                       37

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

      Division 3          Registration charges for registration periods                   1
                          of less than one year                                           2

     17C     Amount of registration charge for chargeable heavy vehicle                   3
             registered for less than one year                                            4

             (1)   The amount of the registration charge for a chargeable heavy           5
                   vehicle to be registered for a period of less than one year is the     6
                   amount calculated by multiplying the relevant annual registration      7
                   charge for the vehicle by the number of days for which                 8
                   registration or renewal of registration is to have effect and          9
                   dividing the result by 365.                                           10

             (2)   If registration or renewal of registration of a chargeable heavy      11
                   vehicle is to have effect for a period of less than one year, the     12
                   Authority may impose an additional administration fee of not          13
                   more than 10 percent of the relevant registration charge for that     14
                   period.                                                               15

             (3)   The amount of a registration charge or administration fee referred    16
                   to in this section is to be rounded up or down to the nearest whole   17
                   dollar amount (rounding an amount of 50 cents upwards).               18

      Division 4          When registration charges payable                              19

     17D     Definition                                                                  20

                   In this Division:                                                     21
                   registration charges includes administration fees.                    22

     17E     Payment of registration charges                                             23

             (1)   The registration charges for a chargeable heavy vehicle must be       24
                   paid:                                                                 25
                   (a) at the time of application for registration of the vehicle,       26
                         and                                                             27
                   (b) at the time of application for each renewal of registration       28
                         of the vehicle.                                                 29

             (2)   A person in whose name an application for registration or             30
                   renewal of registration is made must not fail to pay the full         31
                   amount of registration charges required by subsection (1).            32
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)      33
                   or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                  34

             (3)   Registration charges are payable in respect of a registration or      35
                   renewal of registration that occurs after the commencement of         36
                   this section.                                                         37

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               Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
               Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

             (4)      Despite the conviction of a person for an offence under this           1
                      section, the person remains liable to pay the unpaid amount of the     2
                      registration charges.                                                  3

     17F     Use of unregistered vehicles and vehicles for which charges                     4
             unpaid                                                                          5

             (1)      This section applies to the following kinds of chargeable heavy        6
                      vehicle (other than a vehicle exempted from registration):             7
                      (a) a vehicle that is not registered,                                  8
                      (b) a registered vehicle that is liable to registration charges        9
                            (including any charges or additional charges payable under      10
                            section 17J) but for which such charges, though due and         11
                            payable, have not been paid.                                    12

             (2)      The owner of a vehicle to which this section applies must not:        13
                      (a) use or drive the vehicle on a road or road related area, or       14
                      (b) cause or permit it to be driven on a road or road related         15
                            area.                                                           16
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)      17
                      or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                  18

             (3)      In addition to imposing a penalty for an offence under this           19
                      section, the court concerned may order the owner to pay to the        20
                      Authority within a time specified by the order:                       21
                       (a) if the vehicle is not registered--the registration charges       22
                            that would be due on the application for the registration or    23
                            renewal of registration of the vehicle for a period of 1 year   24
                            or for such greater or lesser period as the court in all the    25
                            circumstances thinks just, or                                   26
                      (b) if the vehicle is registered--the registration charges so due     27
                            and payable.                                                    28

      Division 5            Assessment and collection of charges and                        29
                            fees                                                            30

     17G     Authority to determine charges and fees                                        31

                      The Authority must determine, in accordance with this Part and        32
                      the regulations, whether any registration charges or                  33
                      administration fees are payable under this Part in respect of a       34
                      vehicle and, if there are, the amount of the charges or fees.         35

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

     17H     Provision of information to determine charges                                1
             (1)   For the purpose of determining whether any registration charges        2
                   under this Part are payable in respect of a vehicle and, if so, the    3
                   amount of the charges, the Authority or an appropriate officer         4
                   may:                                                                   5
                   (a) require the owner or person in charge of the vehicle to            6
                         produce the vehicle within a specified period and at a           7
                         specified place and provide all reasonable facilities to         8
                         enable an appropriate officer to examine it, or                  9
                   (b) require the owner or person in charge of the vehicle or           10
                         person liable to pay registration charges to provide such       11
                         information in writing by statutory declaration or              12
                         otherwise as the Authority or the appropriate officer           13
                         considers appropriate.                                          14

             (2)   An owner or other person must not fail to comply with a               15
                   requirement under subsection (1).                                     16
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)      17
                   or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                  18

             (3)   An owner or other person must not provide information knowing         19
                   it to be false or misleading in respect of any matter necessary or    20
                   convenient to enable the appropriate registration charges under       21
                   this Part to be determined.                                           22
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)      23
                   or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                  24

             (4)   An owner or other person must comply with a requirement under         25
                   subsection (1) at the owner's or other person's own cost if           26
                   required to do so by the Authority.                                   27

      17I    Adjustment of charges by Authority                                          28

             (1)   The Authority may, at any time, alter, vary or rescind any            29
                   determination as to registration charges or administration fees, or   30
                   may refund the whole or any portion of any charges or fees paid,      31
                   for the purpose of ensuring that this Part is complied with.          32

             (2)   The Authority may require a person in whose name a chargeable         33
                   heavy vehicle is registered to pay registration charges or            34
                   administration fees or additional charges or fees, within a           35
                   specified time, if the charges or fees are payable as a result of     36
                   action taken under subsection (1).                                    37

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               Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
               Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

             (3)      A person must not fail to comply with a requirement under                1
                      subsection (2).                                                          2
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)         3
                      or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                     4

             (4)      In addition to imposing a penalty for any such offence, the court        5
                      concerned may order the person to pay to the Authority within a          6
                      specified period the amount of the registration charges or               7
                      administration fees or additional charges or fees.                       8

             (5)      A person is not liable to pay registration charges or                    9
                      administration fees or additional charges or fees as a result of        10
                      action taken under subsection (1) if the Authority's determination      11
                      was made more than 3 years before the date of the action and the        12
                      person satisfies the Authority that there was no intention to avoid     13
                      paying charges or fees.                                                 14

     17J     Changes in owners or to vehicles must be notified to Authority                   15

             (1)      A person in whose name a chargeable heavy vehicle is registered         16
                      must notify the Authority of any change during the currency of          17
                      the registration in the construction, equipment, configuration, use     18
                      or ownership of the vehicle of such a nature that registration          19
                      charges or additional registration charges would be payable if the      20
                      registration was renewed when the change occurred.                      21
                      Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                     22

             (2)      The person or, if the change is in ownership, the new owner must        23
                      pay to the Authority the appropriate amount of registration             24
                      charges or additional registration charges forthwith or within the      25
                      period specified by the Authority.                                      26
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)        27
                      or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                    28

             (3)      A person who is required by subsection (1) to notify the                29
                      Authority of any change in the construction, equipment,                 30
                      configuration, use or ownership of a vehicle must not authorise         31
                      or permit the use of the vehicle on a road or road related area until   32
                      the Authority has been so notified.                                     33
                      Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                     34

             (4)      In addition to imposing a penalty for an offence under this             35
                      section, the court concerned may order the offender to pay to the       36
                      Authority within a specified period any amount that, from the           37
                      evidence given during the proceedings, the court is satisfied the       38
                      offender should have paid to the Authority as registration charges      39
                      or administration fees or additional charges or fees.                   40

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119       Schedule 1

     17K     Calculation of charges arising from changes                                   1
             (1)   The registration charges or additional registration charges             2
                   payable under section 17J are for the unexpired period of the           3
                   registration or for such shorter period as the Authority, having        4
                   regard to the temporary nature of any change, determines should         5
                   apply.                                                                  6

             (2)   The charges are to be calculated at the rate of:                        7
                    (a) in the case of the registration of a chargeable heavy vehicle      8
                          for a period of more than 3 months--one-twelfth of the           9
                          charge applicable after the change in respect of a yearly       10
                          registration if the vehicle was exempt from or not liable to    11
                          registration charges before the change or, as the case may      12
                          be, one-twelfth of the difference between the charge            13
                          applicable before the change and the charge applicable          14
                          after the change in respect of a yearly registration, or        15
                   (b) in the case of the registration of a chargeable heavy vehicle      16
                          for a period of 3 months or less--one-third of the charge       17
                          applicable after the change in respect of a quarterly           18
                          registration if the vehicle was exempt from or not liable to    19
                          registration charges before the change or, as the case may      20
                          be, one-third of the difference between the charge              21
                          applicable before the change and the charge applicable          22
                          after the change in respect of a quarterly registration,        23
                   for each month or part of a month in the unexpired period or the       24
                   shorter period, as the case may be.                                    25

     17L     Refund of charges on cancellation of registration                            26

             (1)   If the Authority cancels the registration of a chargeable heavy        27
                   vehicle on the application of the person in whose name the             28
                   vehicle is registered before the registration expires, the Authority   29
                   may, in its discretion, grant to the person a refund of the            30
                   registration charges imposed in respect of the vehicle.                31

             (2)   The refund is to be calculated:                                        32
                   (a) at the rate of one-twelfth of the charge applicable in respect     33
                         of a yearly registration for each complete month in the          34
                         portion of the unexpired period of the registration at the       35
                         date of the cancellation, less any cancellation fee              36
                         determined by the Authority, or                                  37
                   (b) in such manner as may be prescribed by the regulations.            38

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                Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
                Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

     17M     Time limit for refunds                                                            1
                      A person is not entitled to a refund of registration charges if the      2
                      application for the refund is made more than 3 years from the date       3
                      of payment of the charges.                                               4

      Division 6            Other provisions dealing with registration                         5
                            charges                                                            6

     17N     Vehicles registered in another jurisdiction                                       7

             (1)      The owner of a chargeable heavy vehicle registered in another            8
                      jurisdiction, or which is exempted from registration in another          9
                      jurisdiction (other than because the vehicle is registered              10
                      elsewhere), must not:                                                   11
                       (a) use or drive the vehicle on a road or road related area other      12
                             than in the configuration for which it is registered or in       13
                             which it is so exempt, or                                        14
                      (b) cause or permit it to be so driven on a road or road related        15
                             area.                                                            16
                      Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                     17

             (2)      This section does not apply if the vehicle, in its changed              18
                      configuration, would be liable to the same or less registration         19
                      charges in the jurisdiction in which it is registered than those paid   20
                      for the configuration for which it is registered or in which it is so   21
                      exempt.                                                                 22

             (3)      In this section:                                                        23
                      another jurisdiction means a jurisdiction other than New South          24
                      Wales.                                                                  25

     17O     Powers to do certain things not affected                                         26

                      Nothing in this Part affects any power under the road transport         27
                      legislation (other than this Part) or any other Act:                    28
                       (a) to charge fees in respect of the inspection of vehicles for        29
                             the purpose of registration, or                                  30
                      (b) to make rebates of registration charges for particular              31
                             classes of vehicles or road users, or                            32
                       (c) to charge pro rata amounts for registrations that are for less     33
                             than a whole year, or                                            34
                      (d) to make refunds in respect of the surrender of the                  35
                             registration of a vehicle, or                                    36

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

                    (e)   to charge other administrative fees or other charges in         1
                          respect of matters relating to vehicles (including              2
                          registration of vehicles).                                      3

     17P     Particulars of orders to be sent to Authority                                4

             (1)   The relevant registrar of the Local Court is to forward to the         5
                   Authority particulars of any conviction or order made under this       6
                   Part or regulations made for the purposes of this Part.                7

             (2)   Whenever a person is by an order made by a court under this Part       8
                   adjudged to pay registration charges or administration fees or         9
                   additional charges or fees, the provisions of any other Act do not    10
                   apply to or in respect of the order, but instead the order:           11
                   (a) operates as an order for the payment of money under the           12
                          Civil Procedure Act 2005, and                                  13
                   (b) is enforceable as such an order under the provisions of that      14
                          Act.                                                           15

             (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), an order referred to in that      16
                   subsection may be entered in the records of the Local Court if the    17
                   order was made in the manner prescribed by rules made under the       18
                   Civil Procedure Act 2005.                                             19

             (4)   A registrar of the Local Court must pay to the Authority any          20
                   amount paid to the registrar under an order referred to in            21
                   subsection (2).                                                       22

     17Q     Evidence of charges and fees                                                23

                   In any proceedings under this Part, the production by the             24
                   Authority or on its behalf of a certificate purporting to be signed   25
                   by an appropriate officer certifying the following is admissible in   26
                   those proceedings and is evidence of the particulars contained in     27
                   the certificate:                                                      28
                    (a) that the amount specified in the certificate as being the        29
                          amount of registration charges or administration fees          30
                          payable in respect of a vehicle is due and unpaid, or was      31
                          due or paid on a specified date, or was not paid before a      32
                          specified date,                                                33
                   (b) that an adjustment of charges or a requirement to pay             34
                          registration charges or additional registration charges in     35
                          respect of a vehicle was made in accordance with this Part.    36

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               Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
               Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

     17R     Variation and revocation of exemptions and other actions                        1
             (1)      The Minister (in the case of an exemption or partial exemption         2
                      from registration charges under regulations made for the               3
                      purposes of this Part) or the Authority (in the case of a reduction    4
                      of registration charges, a refund of registration charges or an        5
                      approval under this Part or regulations made for the purposes of       6
                      this Part) may:                                                        7
                       (a) impose such conditions as the Minister or Authority thinks        8
                             fit, and                                                        9
                      (b) revoke or vary any such condition or add any condition at         10
                             any time during the period in respect of which the             11
                             exemption, partial exemption, reduction, refund or             12
                             approval operates.                                             13

             (2)      A person must not fail to comply with a condition in force under      14
                      this section.                                                         15
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units (in the case of an individual)      16
                      or 100 penalty units (in the case of a corporation).                  17

             (3)      When this Part or regulations made for the purposes of this Part      18
                      confer power on the Minister, the Authority or an appropriate         19
                      officer:                                                              20
                       (a) to grant an exemption or partial exemption from, or              21
                             reduction of, charges, or                                      22
                      (b) to grant an approval, or                                          23
                       (c) to give a direction, or                                          24
                      (d) to make a request, or                                             25
                       (e) to do any other act, matter or thing,                            26
                      the Minister, Authority or officer is also empowered to revoke or     27
                      vary the exemption, partial exemption, approval, direction,           28
                      request, act, matter or thing.                                        29

     17S     Charges and fees to be paid into Roads and Traffic Authority Fund              30

             (1)      There is appropriated by this section for payment out of the          31
                      Consolidated Fund into the Roads and Traffic Authority Fund all       32
                      amounts received on or after the commencement of this section         33
                      in payment of registration charges and administration fees under      34
                      this Part.                                                            35

             (2)      There is payable out of the Roads and Traffic Authority Fund          36
                      such amounts as may become payable under this Part by way of          37
                      refunds of registration charges or administration fees.               38

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
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Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

             (3)   In this section:                                                       1
                   Roads and Traffic Authority Fund means the Roads and Traffic           2
                   Authority Fund established under the Transport Administration          3
                   Act 1988.                                                              4

[6]   Section 27 Power to seize unregistered vehicles                                     5

      Omit "charges or administration fees imposed under the Road Transport               6
      (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995" from section 27 (5) (b).            7

      Insert instead "registration charges or administration fees imposed under           8
      Part 2A".                                                                           9

[7]   Section 30 Unpaid charges and fees                                                 10

      Insert ", except as provided by section 17P (2)," after "Authority and".           11

[8]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                     12

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 13

                   Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy                14
                   Vehicle Registration Charges) Act 2009                                15

[9]   Schedule 3                                                                         16

      Insert at the end of the Schedule (with appropriate Part and clause numbers):      17

      Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 18
                   Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)                                 19
                   Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Registration                                 20
                   Charges) Act 2009                                                     21

             Definitions                                                                 22

                   In this Part:                                                         23
                   amending Act means the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)          24
                   Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Registration Charges) Act 2009.              25
                   corresponding provision of this Act or the regulations, in relation   26
                   to any provision of the repealed charges legislation, means any       27
                   provision of this Act or the regulations that corresponds (or         28
                   substantially corresponds) to the provision of the repealed           29
                   charges legislation.                                                  30
                   repeal day means the day on which the repealed charges                31
                   legislation is repealed by the amending Act.                          32
                   repealed Act means the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles                 33
                   Registration Charges) Act 1995.                                       34

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

                      repealed charges legislation means:                                     1
                      (a) the repealed Act, and                                               2
                      (b) the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration                     3
                            Charges) Regulation 2006.                                         4

             Charges and administration fees paid or payable under repealed                   5
             charges legislation                                                              6

             (1)      Any applicable registration charges or administration fees under        7
                      the repealed charges legislation that were paid in respect of a         8
                      registration or renewal of registration of a chargeable heavy           9
                      vehicle before the repeal day for a registration period ending after   10
                      that day are taken on and from the repeal day to be registration       11
                      charges or administrative fees paid under Part 2A of this Act for      12
                      the vehicle for the unexpired balance of the registration period.      13

             (2)      Any registration charges or administrative fees payable under the      14
                      repealed charges legislation immediately before the repeal day in      15
                      respect of the registration or renewal of registration of a            16
                      chargeable heavy vehicle continue to be payable on and from the        17
                      repeal day in accordance with that legislation despite the repeal      18
                      of that legislation.                                                   19

             (3)      Any registration charges or administrative fees referred to in         20
                      subclause (2) that are paid on or after the repeal day for a           21
                      registration period ending after that day are taken to be              22
                      registration charges or administrative fees paid under Part 2A of      23
                      this Act for the vehicle for the unexpired balance of the              24
                      registration period.                                                   25

             Payment of charges and fees collected under repealed charges                    26
             legislation into Consolidated Fund                                              27

             (1)      Any registration charges or administrative fees payable under the      28
                      repealed charges legislation that are paid on or after the repeal      29
                      day are to be paid into the Consolidated Fund. However,                30
                      section 17S of this Act extends to any such charges or fees as if      31
                      they were charges or fees paid under Part 2A of this Act.              32

             (2)      Section 37 of the repealed Act, as in force immediately before the     33
                      repeal day, continues to apply on and from the repeal day in           34
                      respect of charges or fees paid under that Act before the repeal       35
                      day.                                                                   36

             Existing refund rights not affected                                             37

                      Nothing in this Part affects any right to a refund arising under the   38
                      repealed charges legislation (whether before or after the repeal       39
                      day).                                                                  40

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
Registration Charges) Bill 2009

Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119      Schedule 1

             Orders to pay additional penalty in relation to certain offences             1
             under repealed Act                                                           2

                   Sections 13 (2), 19 (2) and 20 (3) of the repealed Act continue to     3
                   apply on and from the repeal day in relation to offences               4
                   committed before the repeal day.                                       5

             Existing authorised officers                                                 6

                   Any person who was an authorised officer for the purposes of the       7
                   repealed Act immediately before the repeal day is taken on and         8
                   from that day to be authorised to be an appropriate officer for the    9
                   purposes of Part 2A of this Act until such time as the person         10
                   ceases to be so authorised under Part 2A of this Act.                 11

             References to repealed Act and this Act                                     12

             (1)   In any other Act or in any instrument made under another Act          13
                   (and except as provided by subclauses (2) and (3)):                   14
                    (a) subject to paragraph (b), a reference to the repealed Act is     15
                         to be read on and from the repeal day as a reference to         16
                         Part 2A of this Act, and                                        17
                   (b) a reference to a provision of the repealed Act is to be read      18
                         on and from the repeal day as a reference to the                19
                         corresponding provision (if any) of this Act or the             20
                         regulations.                                                    21

             (2)   Subclause (1) does not apply to the following:                        22
                   (a) references to the repealed Act in the Motor Vehicles              23
                         Taxation Act 1988,                                              24
                   (b) such other references to the repealed Act in an Act, or an        25
                         instrument made under an Act, as may be prescribed by the       26
                         regulations.                                                    27

             (3)   A reference to this Act (or to Part 2A of this Act) in any of the     28
                   following provisions is to be read on and from the repeal day as      29
                   including a reference to the repealed Act:                            30
                    (a) section 5 (1) (e), and the definition of road transport          31
                         legislation in section 187 (7), of the Road Transport           32
                         (General) Act 2005,                                             33
                   (b) sections 78 (1) (b) (i) and 106 (2) of the Transport              34
                         Administration Act 1988,                                        35
                    (c) sections 7 (1) (c), 8 (1) (g) and 27 (5) (b) of this Act,        36
                   (d) clauses 14 (3) and 41 (1) (c) of the Road Transport               37
                         (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2007,                         38

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Schedule 1         Amendment of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119

                      (e)    such other provisions of Acts, or instruments made under           1
                             Acts, as may be prescribed by the regulations.                     2

             General savings provision                                                          3

             (1)      Subject to this Part and the regulations, anything done under or          4
                      for the purposes of a provision of the repealed charges legislation       5
                      is, to the extent that the thing is in force or has effect immediately    6
                      before the repeal day, taken on and from the repeal day to have           7
                      been done under or for the purposes of the corresponding                  8
                      provision (if any) of this Act or the regulations.                        9

             (2)      Without limiting subclause (1), any exemption, approval,                 10
                      direction, request or certificate given or made under the repealed       11
                      charges legislation that is continued in force or effect by              12
                      subclause (1) may be repealed, revoked or replaced in accordance         13
                      with this Act and the regulations.                                       14

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
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Consequential amendment of other Acts and Regulations                       Schedule 2

Schedule 2              Consequential amendment of other Acts                                  1
                        and Regulations                                                        2

2.1 Children's Services Regulation 2004                                                        3

[1]   Clause 5 Meaning of "notifiable offence"                                                 4

      Omit "section 19 (2) of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999" from                      5
      clause 5 (2) (g).                                                                        6

      Insert instead "section 171 (2) of the Road Transport (General) Act 2005".               7

[2]   Clause 5 (3)                                                                             8

      Omit the subclause and the note that follows it. Insert instead:                         9

             (3)     In this clause, road transport legislation has the same meaning          10
                     as in the Road Transport (General) Act 2005.                             11
                     Note. Road transport legislation is defined in section 5 of the Road     12
                     Transport (General) Act 2005 as:                                         13
                      (a)   that Act,                                                         14
                      (b)   the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998,                   15
                      (c)   the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999,      16
                      (d)   the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997,               17
                      (e)   the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988,                             18
                       (f)  any other Act or regulation (or any provision of such an Act or   19
                            regulation) prescribed by the regulations under the Road          20
                            Transport (General) Act 2005,                                     21
                      (g)   any statutory rule made under any Act referred to in              22
                            paragraphs (a)-(e) above.                                         23

2.2 Criminal Procedure Regulation 2005                                                        24

      Schedule 6 Traffic offender intervention program                                        25

      Omit the note to the definition of traffic offence from clause 1. Insert instead:       26
                     Note. Road transport legislation is defined in section 5 of the Road     27
                     Transport (General) Act 2005 as:                                         28
                      (a)   that Act,                                                         29
                      (b)   the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998,                   30
                      (c)   the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999,      31
                      (d)   the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997,               32
                      (e)   the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988,                             33
                       (f)  any other Act or regulation (or any provision of such an Act or   34
                            regulation) prescribed by the regulations under the Road          35
                            Transport (General) Act 2005,                                     36

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Schedule 2          Consequential amendment of other Acts and Regulations

                        (g)   any statutory rule made under any Act referred to in            1
                              paragraphs (a)-(e) above.                                       2

2.3 Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988 No 111                                                   3

[1]   Section 3B                                                                              4

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                       5

      3B      Relationship with Part 2A of Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)              6
              Act 1997                                                                        7

                       This Act applies to motor vehicles in respect of which an amount       8
                       of tax (including a nil amount) is specified in Schedule 1, but        9
                       does not apply to a vehicle in respect of which a registration        10
                       charge (including a nil charge) is imposed under Part 2A of the       11
                       Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 or which is            12
                       exempt from registration charges under that Part.                     13
                       Note. Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997   14
                       makes provision for registration charges for heavy vehicles.          15

[2]   Section 5 Amount of tax                                                                16

      Insert after section 5 (1D):                                                           17

             (1E)      For the purposes of the calculation of the amount of motor            18
                       vehicle tax as provided by subsection (1A) for a calendar year (or    19
                       part of calendar year) occurring after the commencement of            20
                       Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997:        21
                       (a) any reference in Schedule 1 to charges (including a nil           22
                             charge) under the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles                23
                             Registration Charges) Act 1995 is to be read as a reference     24
                             to registration charges (including a nil charge) under          25
                             Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)            26
                             Act 1997, and                                                   27
                       (b) any reference in Schedule 1 to a vehicle being exempt from        28
                             charges under Part 4 of the Road Transport (Heavy               29
                             Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995 is to be read as a      30
                             reference to a vehicle being exempt from registration           31
                             charges under Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle            32
                             Registration) Act 1997.                                         33

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Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Heavy Vehicle
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Consequential amendment of other Acts and Regulations                        Schedule 2

2.4 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99                                            1

      Part 1 Preliminary                                                                        2

      Omit the note at the beginning of the Part. Insert instead:                               3
                   Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road       4
                   transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport          5
                   (General) Act 2005. Other road transport legislation includes the Motor      6
                   Vehicles Taxation Act 1988, the Road Transport (General) Act 2005, the       7
                   Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999, the Road            8
                   Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 and the statutory rules made       9
                   under those Acts. As part of the road transport legislation, this Act is    10
                   subject to various provisions in the Road Transport (General) Act 2005      11
                   concerning the administration and enforcement of the road transport         12
                   legislation generally.                                                      13

2.5 Road Transport (General) Act 2005 No 11                                                    14

[1]   Part 1.1 Introductory                                                                    15

      Omit the note at the beginning of the Part. Insert instead:                              16
                   Note. This Act and the regulations made under it form part of the road      17
                   transport legislation identified by section 5. Other road transport         18
                   legislation includes the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988, the Road         19
                   Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998, the Road Transport (Safety and       20
                   Traffic Management) Act 1999, the Road Transport (Vehicle                   21
                   Registration) Act 1997 and the statutory rules made under those Acts.       22
                   As part of the road transport legislation, this Act is subject to various   23
                   provisions in this Act concerning the administration and enforcement of     24
                   the road transport legislation generally.                                   25

[2]   Section 5 Meaning of "road transport legislation"                                        26

      Omit section 5 (1) (c).                                                                  27

[3]   Section 187 Court may impose penalty and disqualify driver on                            28
      conviction                                                                               29

      Omit the definition of road transport legislation from section 187 (7).                  30

      Insert instead:                                                                          31
                    road transport legislation does not include the following:                 32
                    (a) the Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1988 or regulations made               33
                          under that Act,                                                      34
                    (b) Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)                   35
                          Act 1997 or regulations made for the purposes of that Part           36
                          (within the meaning of that Part).                                   37

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Schedule 2      Consequential amendment of other Acts and Regulations

2.6 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act                                              1
    1999 No 20                                                                                      2

      Part 1 Preliminary                                                                            3

      Omit the note at the beginning of the Part. Insert instead:                                   4
                   Note. This Act and the statutory rules made under it form part of the            5
                   road transport legislation identified by section 5 of the Road Transport         6
                   (General) Act 2005. Other road transport legislation includes the Motor          7
                   Vehicles Taxation Act 1988, the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act            8
                   1998, the Road Transport (General) Act 2005, the Road Transport                  9
                   (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 and the statutory rules made under              10
                   those Acts. As part of the road transport legislation, this Act is subject to   11
                   various provisions in the Road Transport (General) Act 2005 concerning          12
                   the administration and enforcement of the road transport legislation            13
                   generally.                                                                      14

2.7 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109                                                       15

[1]   Section 46 Constitution of RTA                                                               16

      Omit "Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995"                         17
      from section 46 (2) (a).                                                                     18

      Insert instead "Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997".                             19

[2]   Section 78 Payments into Roads and Traffic Authority Fund                                    20

      Omit "the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995"                     21
      from section 78 (1) (b) (i).                                                                 22

      Insert instead "Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)                         23
      Act 1997".                                                                                   24

[3]   Section 106 Grants to councils in connection with use of buses                               25

      Omit "the Road Transport (Heavy Vehicles Registration Charges) Act 1995"                     26
      from section 106 (2).                                                                        27

      Insert instead "Part 2A of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)                         28
      Act 1997".                                                                                   29

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