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Retirement Villages Amendment Bill
No      , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Retirement Villages Act 1999 to make further provision with
respect to the rights and obligations of residents and operators of retirement villages;
to establish a scheme for the enforcement of a resident's right to receive payment
under a village contract; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2008.                    3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.       5

 3    Amendment of Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81                                     6

               The Retirement Villages Act 1999 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.      7

 4    Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002                 8
      No 103                                                                              9

               The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 is             10
               amended by inserting, in alphabetical order, in Schedule 2 to that Act:   11

                            Retirement Villages Act 1999, section 196E                   12

 5    Repeal of Act                                                                      13

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the     14
               provisions of this Act have commenced.                                    15

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   16
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    17

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Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2008

Amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendments                                                              1

                                                                                (Section 3)    2

[1]   Section 3 Objects of Act                                                                 3

      Insert at the end of section 3 (e):                                                      4
                           , and                                                               5
                     (f) to encourage the retirement village industry to adopt best            6
                           practice management standards.                                      7

[2]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                    8

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                           9
                    annual management meeting means the meeting referred to in                10
                    section 72A.                                                              11
                    approved annual budget means a budget taken to be an approved             12
                    annual budget under section 116.                                          13
                    capital works fund means a fund established under section 100.            14
                    Consumer Price Index means the Consumer Price Index (All                  15
                    Groups) for Sydney as published by the Australian Statistician.           16
                    general inquiry document means a document referred to in                  17
                    section 18 (2).                                                           18
                    optional services means optional services made available, by or           19
                    on behalf of the operator, to individual residents of a retirement        20
                    village, and includes such services as may be prescribed by the           21
                    regulations for the purposes of this definition.                          22
                    Note. Examples of optional services are the provision of meals, laundry   23
                    services and the cleaning of the residents' residential premises.         24
                    proposed annual budget means a proposed annual budget                     25
                    referred to in section 112.                                               26
                    Register means:                                                           27
                     (a) in relation to land under the Real Property Act 1900--the            28
                           Register kept under that Act, and                                  29
                    (b) in relation to any other land--the General Register of                30
                           Deeds kept under the Conveyancing Act 1919.                        31

[3]   Section 4 (1), definitions of "capital replacement fund", "maintenance                  32
      fund", "personal services", "statement of approved expenditure" and                     33
      "statement of proposed expenditure"                                                     34

      Omit the definitions.                                                                   35

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Schedule 1       Amendments

 [4]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Director-General"                                        1
       Omit the definition. Insert instead:                                                   2

                    Director-General means:                                                   3
                    (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of                      4
                          Commerce, or                                                        5
                    (b) if there is no such position in that Department--the                  6
                          Director-General of that Department.                                7

 [5]   Section 4 (1), definition of "disclosure statement"                                    8

       Omit "section 18". Insert instead "section 18 (3A)".                                   9

 [6]   Section 4 (1), definition of "former occupant"                                        10

       Omit "owns" from paragraph (b).                                                       11

       Insert instead "is a registered interest holder (other than a person referred to in   12
       section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                                    13

 [7]   Section 4 (1), definition of "residential care facility"                              14

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:                                                  15

                    residential aged care facility means any residential                     16
                    accommodation for retired people that includes:                          17
                    (a) meals and cleaning services, and                                     18
                    (b) personal care or nursing care, or both, and                          19
                    (c) appropriate staffing, furniture, furnishings and equipment           20
                          for the provision of that accommodation and care.                  21

 [8]   Section 4 (1), definition of "service contract"                                       22

       Omit "personal". Insert instead "optional".                                           23

 [9]   Section 5 Meaning of "retirement village"                                             24

       Omit section 5 (3) (e). Insert instead:                                               25
                    (e) any residential premises the subject of a residential                26
                           tenancy agreement to which the NSW Aboriginal Housing             27
                           Office or the New South Wales Land and Housing                    28
                           Corporation is a party,                                           29

[10]   Section 6 Meaning of "ingoing contribution"                                           30

       Omit section 6 (2) (c). Insert instead:                                               31
                    (c) if the resident is the registered proprietor of land, the            32
                           owner of a lot in a strata scheme or the proprietor of a lot      33

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

                          in a community land scheme on which the residential               1
                          premises are located--the purchase price of the land or lot,      2
                   (c1)   if the person is the owner of shares in a company title           3
                          scheme that give rise to a residence right in respect of the      4
                          premises--the purchase price of the shares,                       5

[11]   Sections 7 and 7A                                                                    6

       Omit section 7. Insert instead:                                                      7

         7   Meaning of "registered interest holder"                                        8

             (1)    For the purposes of this Act, a person is the registered interest       9
                    holder with respect to residential premises in a retirement village    10
                    if:                                                                    11
                     (a) the person is:                                                    12
                            (i) the registered proprietor of land, or                      13
                           (ii) the owner of a lot in a strata scheme, or                  14
                          (iii) the proprietor of a lot in a community land scheme,        15
                           within a retirement village and as such has a residence         16
                           right in respect of residential premises within the             17
                           retirement village, or                                          18
                    (b) the person is the owner of shares in a company title scheme        19
                           that give rise to a residence right in respect of residential   20
                           premises within a retirement village, or                        21
                     (c) the person's residence contract is in the form of a               22
                           registered long-term lease that includes a provision that       23
                           entitles the person to at least 50% of any capital gain.        24

             (2)    In this section:                                                       25
                    registered long-term lease means a lease registered under the          26
                    Real Property Act 1900 that:                                           27
                     (a) has a term of at least 50 years (including any option to          28
                           renew), or                                                      29
                    (b) is for the life of the lessee.                                     30

       7A    Meaning of "capital gain"                                                     31

             (1)    In this Act, capital gain, in relation to a resident's entitlement     32
                    under a residence contract or the sharing of a capital gain under a    33
                    village contract between the operator and a resident, means any        34
                    increase between the amount that the resident paid for the             35
                    residence right for the relevant premises and the amount that the      36

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                    Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1       Amendments

                       next resident pays for a residence right for the same premises,        1
                       less any costs associated with the subsequent sale or lease of the     2
                       premises.                                                              3

              (2)      Fees and charges payable under a village contract are not to be        4
                       included in the calculation of the capital gain.                       5

[12]   Section 8 "Permanent vacation" of residential premises                                 6

       Omit section 8 (d). Insert instead:                                                    7
                    (d) if the person is a registered interest holder in relation to          8
                           residential premises or is taken to be a resident of the           9
                           premises by the operation of section 4 (2)--the person dies       10
                           or moves out of the premises.                                     11

[13]   Section 15 Approvals for certain facilities                                           12

       Insert "aged" after "residential" wherever occurring.                                 13

[14]   Section 16 Exceptions to prohibitions on advertising                                  14

       Insert "aged" after "residential" in section 16 (b) and (c), wherever occurring.      15

[15]   Section 17 Representations about retirement villages                                  16

       Insert after section 17 (5):                                                          17

             (5A)      The operator of a retirement village must not publish or distribute   18
                       written promotional material that makes a representation in           19
                       relation to the retirement village of a kind prescribed by the        20
                       regulations.                                                          21
                       Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                    22

[16]   Section 18 General inquiry document and disclosure statement                          23
       concerning retirement village                                                         24

       Omit section 18 (1)-(3). Insert instead:                                              25

              (1)      The operator of a retirement village must provide a person with a     26
                       general inquiry document within 14 days after becoming aware          27
                       that the person is a prospective resident or is acting on behalf of   28
                       a prospective resident.                                               29

              (2)      A general inquiry document is to give a basic explanation of the      30
                       residential premises, services and facilities that are available      31
                       within a retirement village, and must:                                32
                        (a) be in the form prescribed by the regulations, and                33
                       (b) contain the information prescribed by the regulations.            34

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

             (3)    The operator of a retirement village must provide a disclosure          1
                    statement to a prospective resident, or person acting on behalf of      2
                    a prospective resident, who:                                            3
                     (a) requests a copy, or                                                4
                    (b) expresses an interest in particular premises within the             5
                           retirement village,                                              6
                    within 14 days after the request is received or the expression of       7
                    interest is made.                                                       8
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                      9

            (3A)    A disclosure statement is to give specific details of particular       10
                    residential premises in a retirement village (including details of     11
                    the fees and charges that will be payable by the resident of the       12
                    premises) and must:                                                    13
                     (a) be in the form prescribed by the regulations, and                 14
                    (b) contain the information prescribed by the regulations, and         15
                     (c) be signed and dated by the operator of the retirement             16
                           village.                                                        17

            (3B)    The regulations may prescribe different forms for, or information      18
                    to be contained in, general inquiry documents or disclosure            19
                    statements in respect of different classes of general inquiry          20
                    documents or disclosure statements or different circumstances in       21
                    which they are provided.                                               22

[17]   Section 18 (4)                                                                      23

       Insert "disclosure" before "statement" wherever occurring.                          24

[18]   Section 18 (6)                                                                      25

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                26

             (6)    If the operator of a retirement village fails to provide a general     27
                    inquiry document or disclosure statement in accordance with this       28
                    section, the prospective resident, or person acting on behalf of the   29
                    prospective resident, to whom the document or statement should         30
                    have been provided may apply to the Tribunal for (and the              31
                    Tribunal may make) an order requiring the operator to provide          32
                    the general inquiry document or disclosure statement.                  33

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[19]   Section 19                                                                           1
       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                    2

         19   Information to be provided to residents                                       3

              (1)   The Director-General may, by notice in writing to the operator of       4
                    a retirement village, require the operator of the retirement village    5
                    to provide specified information to the residents of the retirement     6
                    village or to a prospective resident of the retirement village.         7

              (2)   An operator of a retirement village must not, without reasonable        8
                    excuse, fail to provide information in accordance with any such         9
                    notice.                                                                10
                    Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.                                     11

              (3)   Without limiting subsection (1), a notice may require the operator     12
                    of a retirement village to provide information relating to any of      13
                    the following:                                                         14
                     (a) the retirement village industry generally,                        15
                    (b) the rights and responsibilities of residents of retirement         16
                           villages,                                                       17
                     (c) living within a strata scheme.                                    18

[20]   Section 20 Copies of certain documents to be available                              19

       Omit "statements of proposed expenditure and the statements of approved             20
       expenditure" from section 20 (1) (c).                                               21

       Insert instead "proposed annual budgets (if any) and the approved annual            22
       budgets".                                                                           23

[21]   Section 20 (1) (c) (iii)                                                            24

       Omit "statements". Insert instead "budgets".                                        25

[22]   Section 20 (1) (d)                                                                  26

       Omit "as referred to in". Insert instead "if so required under".                    27

[23]   Section 20 (1) (i)                                                                  28

       Omit "capital replacement fund or a maintenance fund".                              29

       Insert instead "capital works fund".                                                30

[24]   Section 20 (1) (i)                                                                  31

       Omit "balances". Insert instead "balance".                                          32

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

[25]   Section 20 (1) (j)                                                                  1
       Insert "if the operator is required to provide the residents with quarterly         2
       accounts--" before "the most".                                                      3

[26]   Section 23 Deposits to be kept in trust                                             4

       Omit section 23 (1).                                                                5

[27]   Section 23 (3A)                                                                     6

       Insert after section 23 (3):                                                        7

            (3A)    Subsection (3) does not apply to or in respect of money held by        8
                    an operator of a retirement village if the operator is:                9
                    (a) a body constituted or established by an Act, or                   10
                    (b) a body constituted or established for any benevolent,             11
                          philanthropic or patriotic purpose.                             12

[28]   Section 23 (4) (a)                                                                 13

       Insert "or ingoing contribution" after "deposit".                                  14

[29]   Part 5, Division 1, heading                                                        15

       Insert before section 24:                                                          16

       Division 1           General                                                       17

[30]   Section 24 Resident to enter village contract                                      18

       Insert "in writing" after "with the operator" in section 24 (1).                   19

[31]   Section 24 (4)                                                                     20

       Insert after section 24 (3):                                                       21

              (4)   If a refund, in whole or in part, is not made to a former occupant    22
                    within the period required by subsection (3) (b):                     23
                     (a) the former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       24
                            Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator to         25
                            make the payment, and                                         26
                    (b) interest is payable, at the rate prescribed by the regulations,   27
                            on and from the date that the refund becomes overdue.         28

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[32]   Section 24A                                                                          1
       Insert after section 24:                                                             2

       24A   Retirement village land to be recorded on Register                             3

              (1)   The operator of a retirement village must, in accordance with this      4
                    section, notify the Registrar-General in writing that the land          5
                    comprising the retirement village (or land that is part of the          6
                    retirement village) is used as a retirement village.                    7
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                     8

              (2)   Any such notice is to be provided:                                      9
                    (a) in the case of land that, immediately before the                   10
                         commencement of this section, was used as a retirement            11
                         village--within 3 months after the commencement of this           12
                         section, or                                                       13
                    (b) in any other case--before entering into a residence                14
                         contract with respect to residential premises on that land.       15

              (3)   Nothing in this section requires the operator of a retirement          16
                    village to notify the Registrar-General before entering into a         17
                    residence contract regarding residential premises on land that is      18
                    already the subject of a recording under this section.                 19

              (4)   Form of notice for recording                                           20

                    The notice referred to in subsection (1) must be:                      21
                    (a) in the form approved by the Registrar-General, and                 22
                    (b) in the case of a notice relating to land under the Real            23
                          Property Act 1900--accompanied by the fee prescribed             24
                          under that Act, and                                              25
                    (c) in the case of a notice relating to land not under the Real        26
                          Property Act 1900--accompanied by the fee prescribed             27
                          under the Conveyancing Act 1919.                                 28

              (5)   Registrar-General to record retirement village on Register             29

                    On receipt of a notice under subsection (1), the Registrar-General     30
                    is to make a recording on the relevant Register indicating that the    31
                    land to which the notice relates comprises, or is part of, a           32
                    retirement village.                                                    33

              (6)   Operator to notify of recording being made                             34

                    As soon as practicable after the Registrar-General makes a             35
                    recording under this section, the operator of the retirement village   36
                    is to notify, in writing:                                              37

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

                    (a)    the holder of any other registered interest in the land to       1
                           which the recording relates, and                                 2
                    (b) the Residents Committee (if any) of the retirement village,         3
                    that the recording has been made. The operator must also, when          4
                    notifying a person referred to in paragraph (a), include a              5
                    statement in the form approved by the Director-General that sets        6
                    out the effect of Part 10A.                                             7

             (7)    Operator to notify Registrar-General of certain changes                 8

                    The operator of a retirement village must notify the                    9
                    Registrar-General if any of the information contained in a notice      10
                    lodged under subsection (1) ceases to be accurate by submitting        11
                    a new notice under that subsection.                                    12

             (8)    Use of recording on Register                                           13

                    Information that is recorded under this section may be used to         14
                    establish a list of retirement villages.                               15

             (9)    Application to remove recording                                        16

                    A person may apply in writing to the Registrar-General for the         17
                    removal of a recording made under this section.                        18

            (10)    Form of application for removal of recording                           19

                    The application referred to in subsection (9) must be:                 20
                    (a) in the form approved by the Registrar-General, and                 21
                    (b) in the case of an application relating to land under the Real      22
                          Property Act 1900--accompanied by the fee prescribed             23
                          under that Act, and                                              24
                    (c) in the case of an application relating to land not under the       25
                          Real Property Act 1900--accompanied by the fee                   26
                          prescribed under the Conveyancing Act 1919.                      27

            (11)    Registrar-General may remove recording                                 28

                    If the Registrar-General receives an application referred to in        29
                    subsection (9), the Registrar-General may, if satisfied that:          30
                     (a) there are no residential premises located on the land to          31
                           which the recording relates that are the subject of a village   32
                           contract, and                                                   33
                    (b) there are no amounts outstanding that are payable under a          34
                           village contract relating to residential premises located on    35
                           the land to which the recording relates,                        36
                    remove the recording to which the application relates.                 37

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Schedule 1          Amendments

[33]   Section 29 Variation or replacement of village contracts                                1
       Insert after section 29 (1):                                                            2

             (1A)      An operator must not purport:                                           3
                       (a) to vary a village contract, or                                      4
                       (b) to terminate a village contract and enter into a new village        5
                              contract in relation to the same residential premises,           6
                       unless the resident who is a party to the contract has obtained a       7
                       certificate in accordance with this section.                            8
                       Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                     9

[34]   Section 38 Condition report for certain residential premises                           10

       Insert after section 38 (2):                                                           11

             (2A)      Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may make              12
                       provision for, or with respect to, the following:                      13
                       (a) the time within which the condition report must be                 14
                             completed,                                                       15
                       (b) the time within which the condition report must be                 16
                             provided to a prospective resident.                              17

[35]   Section 38 (5) (b)                                                                     18

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                    19
                    (b) the prospective resident is, or will be, a registered interest        20
                         holder in respect of the residential premises that the               21
                         prospective resident intends to occupy.                              22

[36]   Section 41A                                                                            23

       Insert after section 41:                                                               24

       41A    Renovations and alteration of fixtures or fittings                              25

              (1)      A resident of a retirement village may:                                26
                       (a) add, remove or alter any fixtures or fittings on or within the     27
                              resident's residential premises, or                             28
                       (b) make renovations to the resident's residential premises,           29
                       but only with the written consent of the operator of the retirement    30
                       village.                                                               31

              (2)      The consent of the operator may be subject to such reasonable          32
                       conditions as the operator may include in, or attach to, the written   33
                       consent.                                                               34

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Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2008

Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

             (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), the operator may consent to any         1
                   addition, removal or alteration of fixtures or fittings, or to any       2
                   renovations, referred to in subsection (1) subject to the condition      3
                   that, on the termination of the resident's village contract, the         4
                   premises will be returned to the same condition as they were in          5
                   immediately before the consent was given.                                6

             (4)   The operator of a retirement village must not unreasonably               7
                   withhold consent to any addition, removal or alteration of any           8
                   fixtures or fittings, or to any renovations, referred to in              9
                   subsection (1).                                                         10

             (5)   A resident of a retirement village may apply to the Tribunal for        11
                   (and the Tribunal may make) an order:                                   12
                    (a) permitting the addition, removal or alteration of specified        13
                          fixtures or fittings on or within the resident's residential     14
                          premises, or                                                     15
                   (b) permitting the making of specified renovations to the               16
                          resident's residential premises, or                              17
                    (c) varying the conditions to which the operator's consent is          18
                          subject.                                                         19

             (6)   If the Tribunal is satisfied that the operator of the retirement        20
                   village has unreasonably withheld consent under this section, or        21
                   that the conditions to which such consent is subject are                22
                   unreasonable in the circumstances, the Tribunal may make the            23
                   order sought and the operator is taken to have given consent in         24
                   accordance with the terms of the order.                                 25

             (7)   Despite subsection (1), the consent of the operator of the              26
                   retirement village is not required:                                     27
                    (a) to remove or alter any fixtures or fittings that were added        28
                          by a resident (including fixtures or fittings that were added    29
                          before the commencement of this section) unless the              30
                          removal or alteration of the fixtures or fittings is likely to   31
                          cause significant damage to the residential premises, or         32
                   (b) to make renovations, or to add, remove or alter any fixtures        33
                          or fittings, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of   34
                          this section.                                                    35

             (8)   Nothing in this section authorises a person to add, remove or alter     36
                   any fixtures or fittings in, or renovate any residential premises       37
                   within, a retirement village if consent to do so is required under      38
                   any Act and the consent has not been obtained.                          39

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Schedule 1       Amendments

              (9)   Without limiting subsection (8), nothing in this section authorises     1
                    a person to carry out development (within the meaning of the            2
                    Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979) in                      3
                    contravention of that Act.                                              4

[37]   Section 43 Standard form of village contract                                         5

       Insert after section 43 (7):                                                         6

              (8)   A village contract that provides for the payment of an ingoing          7
                    contribution may also provide:                                          8
                    (a) that any such contribution is to be paid by way of                  9
                           instalments at such intervals as may be specified in the        10
                           contract, and                                                   11
                    (b) if any such contribution is to be paid by instalments, for         12
                           interest on the unpaid portion of any such contribution to      13
                           be payable, as calculated at the rate prescribed by the         14
                           regulations.                                                    15

[38]   Part 5, Division 2                                                                  16

       Insert after section 44:                                                            17

       Division 2           Settling-in period for residents                               18

       44A   Termination of village contract during settling-in period                     19

              (1)   A resident of a retirement village may terminate a village contract    20
                    to which the resident is a party:                                      21
                     (a) by permanently vacating the residential premises within           22
                          the village, or                                                  23
                    (b) in the case of a contract other than a residence contract--        24
                          by notice in writing to the operator of the retirement village   25
                          indicating an intention to terminate the contract,               26
                    before the end of the settling-in period.                              27

              (2)   For the purposes of this Division, the end of the settling-in          28
                    period means the later of:                                             29
                    (a) the day that is 90 days after the date on which the resident       30
                          is entitled to occupy the residential premises concerned         31
                          under the residence contract for the premises, or                32
                    (b) if the resident occupies the premises before the day               33
                          specified in paragraph (a), the day that is 90 days after the    34
                          resident first occupies the residential premises, or             35
                    (c) such date as may be agreed to by the operator and the              36
                          resident.                                                        37

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

             (3)    Nothing in this section requires a resident to occupy the               1
                    residential premises before terminating a village contract under        2
                    this section.                                                           3

             (4)   The termination of a village contract in accordance with this            4
                   Division is not to be regarded as a breach of contract or otherwise      5
                   as a civil wrong.                                                        6

     44B     Liability of former occupant if village contract terminated during             7
             settling-in period                                                             8

             (1)   If a village contract is terminated in accordance with this              9
                   Division, the former occupant is only liable to pay:                    10
                    (a) fair market rent for the period (if any) that the former           11
                         occupant occupied the residential premises under the              12
                         contract, and                                                     13
                   (b) in the case of a village contract that is a residence contract,     14
                         the cost of any repairs for damage to the residential             15
                         premises in excess of fair wear and tear, and                     16
                    (c) a reasonable administration fee, and                               17
                   (d) such other amount as may be prescribed by the regulations.          18

             (2)   Despite subsection (1), if the former occupant has not occupied         19
                   the residential premises prior to terminating a village contract in     20
                   accordance with this Division, the occupant is only liable to pay       21
                   the cost of any repairs for damage to the residential premises in       22
                   excess of fair wear and tear and a reasonable administration fee.       23

             (3)   The amount that the former occupant is liable to pay under this         24
                   section may be offset against any amounts that are to be refunded       25
                   to the former occupant under section 44C.                               26

             (4)   An administration fee referred to in this section must not exceed       27
                   the amount prescribed by the regulations.                               28

     44C     Operator to refund certain payments made by resident                          29

                    If a village contract is terminated in accordance with this            30
                    Division, the operator of the retirement village is to refund or pay   31
                    to the former occupant:                                                32
                     (a) in the case of a former occupant who is a registered interest     33
                           holder (other than a person referred to in section              34
                           7 (1) (c))--the proceeds from the sale of the residential       35
                           premises to which the resident is entitled under the village    36
                           contract, and                                                   37

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Schedule 1     Amendments

                   (b)   in the case of any other former occupant--any ingoing            1
                         contribution paid to the operator under the village contract,    2
                         and                                                              3
                   (c)   any recurrent charges paid to the operator under the village     4
                         contract, and                                                    5
                   (d)   such other amounts as may be prescribed by the                   6
                         regulations.                                                     7

     44D     Time for making of payments                                                  8

             (1)   Except as provided by subsection (2), a refund or payment under        9
                   this Division is to be made within 14 days after the termination of   10
                   the village contract or within such other period as the Tribunal      11
                   may order.                                                            12

             (2)   A payment referred to in section 44C (a) or (b) that is to be made    13
                   to a former occupant who was a registered interest holder is to be    14
                   made within the period after the termination that is the same         15
                   period as that required for a payment under section 180 (2) to a      16
                   former occupant following the sale of premises.                       17

             (3)   If a payment that is required to be made under this Division is not   18
                   paid within the time required by this section, the operator or        19
                   former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the Tribunal       20
                   may make) an order requiring the amount to be paid within a           21
                   specified time.                                                       22

             (4)   If the operator of a retirement village and a former occupant are     23
                   unable to agree on an amount required to be paid under this           24
                   Division, the operator or former occupant may apply to the            25
                   Tribunal for (and the Tribunal may make) an order with respect        26
                   to:                                                                   27
                    (a) the amount of fair market rent (if any) required to be paid      28
                          under section 44B (1) (a), or                                  29
                   (b) what damage (if any) to the residential premises is in            30
                          excess of fair wear and tear, and the amount (if any)          31
                          required to be paid under section 44B (1) (b), or              32
                    (c) the reasonable administration fee (if any) required to be        33
                          paid under section 44B (1) (c).                                34

             (5)   The Tribunal may consider, but is not bound by, the rent (if any)     35
                   specified in the village contract when determining the fair market    36
                   rent for the purposes of making an order under subsection (4) (a).    37

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

              (6)   The Tribunal may consider, but is not bound by, the                     1
                    administration fee (if any) specified in the village contract when      2
                    determining a reasonable administration fee for the purposes of         3
                    making an order under subsection (4) (c).                               4

       44E    Former occupant not required to pay certain amounts                           5

                    If a village contract is terminated in accordance with this             6
                    Division, the former occupant is not required to pay any of the         7
                    following amounts that would, but for this section, be payable by       8
                    the former occupant under that contract:                                9
                     (a) any recurrent charges,                                            10
                    (b) any departure fee,                                                 11
                     (c) the cost of refurbishment within the meaning of Division 4        12
                           of Part 10,                                                     13
                    (d) the costs of sale or letting of the premises,                      14
                     (e) any amount specified in the village contract as being             15
                           payable for terminating the contract during the settling-in     16
                           period,                                                         17
                     (f) any amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes         18
                           of this section.                                                19

[39]   Section 51 Amendment of village rules                                               20

       Insert after section 51 (3):                                                        21

             (3A)   The operator of a retirement village is to notify the residents of     22
                    the village of the outcome of any vote taken to obtain the consent     23
                    of the residents of the retirement village under this section within   24
                    7 days after the operator of the retirement village becomes aware      25
                    of the outcome of the vote.                                            26

[40]   Section 51 (4) (b)                                                                  27

       Omit "statement of approved expenditure".                                           28

       Insert instead "approved annual budget (if any)".                                   29

[41]   Section 53 Operator's concern that amendment will impose additional                 30
       cost                                                                                31

       Omit "statement of approved expenditure" from section 53 (1) (including the         32
       note), (3) and (4), wherever occurring.                                             33

       Insert instead "approved annual budget".                                            34

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[42]   Section 53 (1), note                                                               1
       Omit "annual statements of proposed and approved expenditure".                     2

       Insert instead "proposed and approved annual budgets".                             3

[43]   Section 53 (6)                                                                     4

       Insert after section 53 (5):                                                       5

              (6)   This section does not apply in respect of a retirement village        6
                    where the residents have consented under section 112 (7) to not       7
                    being supplied with a proposed annual budget.                         8

[44]   Section 58A                                                                        9

       Insert after section 58:                                                          10

       58A   Operator to provide safe premises                                           11

              (1)   The operator of a retirement village must ensure that the village    12
                    generally is reasonably safe.                                        13

              (2)   In particular, the operator must:                                    14
                     (a) prepare written safety and emergency procedures, and            15
                    (b) take reasonable steps to ensure that all residents and staff     16
                           are familiar with such procedures, and                        17
                     (c) undertake a safety inspection at least once each year, and      18
                           make a safety inspection report on the findings of any such   19
                           inspection, and                                               20
                    (d) make a copy of the inspection report available to the            21
                           Residents Committee for the retirement village (if any) and   22
                           place a copy of the report on the notice board in a           23
                           communal area within the retirement village, and              24
                     (e) take such other action as the regulations may require to        25
                           ensure that the village generally is reasonably safe.         26

              (3)   Without limiting subsection (2) (e), the regulations may make        27
                    provision for, or with respect to, the following:                    28
                    (a) the form of the written safety and emergency procedures,         29
                    (b) the conduct of safety inspections required under                 30
                          subsection (2) (c),                                            31
                    (c) the manner and form of such a safety inspection report,          32
                    (d) the period that the safety inspection report is to remain on     33
                          the notice board as referred to in subsection (2) (d).         34

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Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

              (4)   Any resident who believes in good faith that the retirement            1
                    village is not reasonably safe may apply to the Tribunal for (and      2
                    the Tribunal may make) any of the following:                           3
                     (a) an order directing the operator to comply with subsection         4
                           (1) or (2),                                                     5
                    (b) any other order referred to in section 128 (1).                    6

[45]   Section 59 Operator to provide village emergency system on request                  7

       Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" from section 59 (2).                       8

       Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                            9

[46]   Section 59A                                                                        10

       Insert after section 59:                                                           11

       59A   Operator to provide emergency and home care service vehicles                 12
             access to retirement village                                                 13

                    The operator of a retirement village must take all reasonable steps   14
                    to ensure that:                                                       15
                     (a) emergency and home care service personnel have                   16
                          unimpeded vehicular access to the residential premises in       17
                          the village at all times, both by day and by night, and         18
                    (b) the residents of the village, and local emergency and home        19
                          care service agencies, are consulted and kept informed          20
                          about any arrangements made to secure that access.              21
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                    22

[47]   Section 60 Variation in services or facilities provided at village                 23

       Omit "statement of approved expenditure" from section 60 (7), wherever             24
       occurring.                                                                         25

       Insert instead "approved annual budget".                                           26

[48]   Section 65 Operator not to demand appointment as proxy                             27

       Omit the section.                                                                  28

[49]   Section 67 Restriction of operator's access to residential premises                29

       Insert at the end of section 67 (1):                                               30
                     Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                   31

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[50]   Section 67 (2) (e) (i)                                                            1
       Omit the subparagraph. Insert instead:                                            2
                          (i) the resident is not a registered interest holder with      3
                                respect to the premises, and                             4

[51]   Section 70 Residents Committees and organisations                                 5

       Omit "statement of approved expenditure" from section 70 (7).                     6

       Insert instead "approved annual budget".                                          7

[52]   Section 70A                                                                       8

       Insert after section 70:                                                          9

       70A   Membership of Residents Committee                                          10

              (1)   A person must not hold the same office, or hold an office           11
                    performing the same (or substantially the same) functions, on the   12
                    Residents Committee of a retirement village for more than           13
                    3 consecutive years, except as provided by the regulations.         14

              (2)   The election of a person to an office in contravention of           15
                    subsection (1) is void.                                             16

              (3)   Any act, matter or thing done by a Residents Committee, in good     17
                    faith, even though at the time that the act, matter or thing was    18
                    done the election of a member of the Committee was void under       19
                    subsection (2), is valid as if the election of the member was not   20
                    void under that subsection.                                         21

[53]   Sections 72A and 72B                                                             22

       Insert after section 72:                                                         23

       72A   Annual management meeting to be held by operator                           24

              (1)   The operator of a retirement village must hold, in each financial   25
                    year of the retirement village, an annual management meeting of     26
                    the residents of the retirement village in accordance with this     27
                    section.                                                            28
                    Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                  29

              (2)   The annual management meeting must be held not more than            30
                    4 months after the end of each financial year.                      31

              (3)   The annual management meeting must be chaired by:                   32
                    (a) the operator of the retirement village, or                      33

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

                    (b)   a representative of the operator of the retirement village        1
                          who is authorised to answer questions put at the meeting in       2
                          accordance with this section.                                     3

             (4)   The operator must notify the residents of the retirement village at      4
                   least 14 days before the annual management meeting of:                   5
                    (a) the time and place of the meeting, and                              6
                   (b) the agenda for the meeting.                                          7
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                       8

             (5)   The notice referred to in subsection (4) must also include an            9
                   invitation to the residents of the retirement village to submit:        10
                    (a) written questions to the operator at least 7 days before the       11
                          meeting, and                                                     12
                   (b) other questions at the meeting.                                     13

             (6)    The regulations may prescribe matters that must be included in         14
                    the agenda for an annual management meeting.                           15

             (7)   If the operator of the retirement village is required, by section       16
                   75 (2B) to be absent from any part of the meeting, the meeting is       17
                   to be chaired by a resident agreed upon by the residents at the         18
                   meeting for that purpose.                                               19

             (8)    Nothing in this section prevents the operator of a retirement          20
                    village from calling a meeting of the residents of the retirement      21
                    village at any other time.                                             22

             (9)   For the avoidance of doubt, the annual management meeting is a          23
                   meeting of the residents of a retirement village and, accordingly,      24
                   the provisions of this Act applying to meetings of the residents        25
                   also apply to an annual management meeting.                             26

     72B     Questions to be answered at annual management meeting                         27

             (1)   The chair of the annual management meeting must ensure that the         28
                   residents of a retirement village have a reasonable opportunity to      29
                   put questions to the operator of the retirement village or a            30
                   representative of the operator at the meeting.                          31

             (2)    The operator of a retirement village or representative of the          32
                    operator must answer questions submitted in writing (under             33
                    section 72A (5) (a)) or put to the operator or representative at the   34
                    meeting:                                                               35
                    (a) if possible--in reasonable detail at the relevant meeting,         36
                          and                                                              37

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Schedule 1          Amendments

                       (b)    to the extent that compliance with paragraph (a) is not          1
                              possible--in reasonable detail, as soon as is practicable        2
                              after the meeting, in a notice in writing given to all of the    3
                              residents of the retirement village.                             4

              (3)      Nothing in this section requires the operator or a person               5
                       representing the operator to:                                           6
                        (a) answer an unreasonable question, or                                7
                       (b) answer a question relating to a matter that is prescribed by        8
                             the regulations as an excluded matter for the purposes of         9
                             this section.                                                    10

[54]   Section 73                                                                             11

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                      12

       73     Villages without Residents Committee                                            13

                       If there is no Residents Committee elected for a retirement            14
                       village, the operator of the village must call a meeting of the        15
                       residents (to be held in or near the village) if requested to do so    16
                       by:                                                                    17
                        (a) in the case of a retirement village with fewer than               18
                              10 occupied residential premises--residents from a              19
                              majority of the occupied residential premises, or               20
                       (b) in the case of a retirement village with 10 or more occupied       21
                              residential premises--the greater of:                           22
                               (i) 5 residents of the retirement village, or                  23
                              (ii) 10% of the residents of the retirement village.            24

[55]   Section 75 Attendance at meetings of residents                                         25

       Insert after section 75 (2):                                                           26

             (2A)      Subsection (2) does not apply to the operator of a retirement          27
                       village, or a person representing the operator of a retirement         28
                       village, during the annual management meeting of the retirement        29
                       village.                                                               30

             (2B)      The operator or operator's representative must not be present at a     31
                       meeting of residents during the casting of any vote that is to be      32
                       taken by the residents at the meeting, but may return to the           33
                       meeting after the vote has been cast.                                  34

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Amendments                                                              Schedule 1

[56]   Section 77 Proxies                                                                 1
       Omit section 77 (1). Insert instead:                                               2

              (1)   A resident of a retirement village may, from time to time, appoint    3
                    one of the following persons as the proxy of the resident:            4
                    (a) a relative of the resident,                                       5
                    (b) the guardian of the resident,                                     6
                    (c) a member of the Residents Committee or other resident of          7
                          the retirement village,                                         8
                    (d) a person prescribed by the regulations.                           9

[57]   Section 77 (4) and (4A)                                                           10

       Omit section 77 (4). Insert instead:                                              11

              (4)   An appointment of a person, other than a person referred to in       12
                    subsection (1), as a proxy is of no effect.                          13

            (4A)    An appointment of the operator of a retirement village or close      14
                    associate of the operator of a retirement village as a proxy is of   15
                    no effect.                                                           16

[58]   Section 77 (6)                                                                    17

       Insert after section 77 (5):                                                      18

              (6)   This section has effect despite any terms of the instrument          19
                    appointing a person as the proxy of the resident.                    20

[59]   Section 78 Certain limitations on proxies                                         21

       Omit section 78 (1). Insert instead:                                              22

              (1)   If a person holds appointments as the proxy of 2 residents (or       23
                    such other number of residents as may be prescribed by the           24
                    regulations) in any one retirement village at any one time, any      25
                    appointment of the person as proxy of another resident of the        26
                    village, while the person continues to hold the other                27
                    appointments, is void.                                               28

[60]   Section 81 Right to become resident                                               29

       Omit "owns (or owned)" from section 81 (2) (a).                                   30

       Insert instead "is, or was, a registered interest holder (other than a person     31
       referred to in section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                 32

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[61]   Section 84 Application for order appointing administrator                          1
       Omit section 84 (2). Insert instead:                                               2

              (2)   The Director-General may apply for an order under this section        3
                    only if:                                                              4
                    (a) the Director-General is of the opinion that the well-being        5
                           or financial security of the residents of the retirement       6
                           village concerned has been, or is likely to be, seriously      7
                           affected by the continued operation of the retirement          8
                           village by the operator, or                                    9
                    (b) the Director-General is of the opinion that the operator of      10
                           the retirement village concerned is wilfully and repeatedly   11
                           acting in contravention of an order made by the Tribunal      12
                           or a court in relation to the retirement village, or          13
                    (c) the retirement village concerned is the subject of an            14
                           existing order under this section.                            15

[62]   Sections 87A and 87B                                                              16

       Insert after section 87:                                                          17

       87A   Expenses of administration                                                  18

              (1)   The expenses incurred by an administrator appointed under this       19
                    Division in exercising the functions of the operator of a            20
                    retirement village are payable from recurrent charges and such       21
                    other funds as would be available to the operator for such           22
                    expenses if the administrator had not been appointed.                23

              (2)   Neither the Crown, the Minister nor the Director-General is liable   24
                    for:                                                                 25
                     (a) any expenses incurred by an administrator appointed under       26
                          this Division to exercise the functions of the operator of a   27
                          retirement village, or                                         28
                    (b) any liability of an operator of a retirement village in          29
                          respect of which an administrator is appointed.                30

       87B   Administrator may vary village contract                                     31

              (1)   Despite any other provision of this Act, an administrator            32
                    appointed under this Division may, with the consent of the           33
                    Director-General:                                                    34
                    (a) amend or revoke an approved annual budget, or                    35
                    (b) vary the recurrent charges payable by the residents of the       36
                          retirement village, or                                         37

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                    (c)     vary the services offered by the retirement village.              1

             (2)   The Director-General may give consent under subsection (1)                 2
                   only if, in the opinion of the Director-General, the proposed              3
                   revocation, variation or amendment is done for the purpose of:             4
                    (a) assisting in the process of finding a new operator for the            5
                         retirement village, or                                               6
                   (b) ensuring the financial viability of the retirement village.            7

             (3)    Nothing done by the administrator in accordance with this section         8
                    is to be regarded as a breach of contract or otherwise as a civil         9
                    wrong.                                                                   10

             (4)    No compensation is payable to any person because of the                  11
                    operation of this section or anything done under this section.           12

[63]   Part 7, Division 2                                                                    13

       Omit Divisions 2 and 3. Insert instead:                                               14

       Division 2           Capital maintenance and replacement                              15

       92    Interpretation                                                                  16

             (1)   In this Division, an item of capital for which an operator of a           17
                   retirement village is responsible means any item of capital within        18
                   the retirement village other than an item of capital:                     19
                    (a) that is owned by a resident of the retirement village, or            20
                   (b) that is association property under a community land                   21
                          scheme or common property under a strata scheme, or                22
                    (c) that is of a class prescribed by the regulations for the             23
                          purposes of this section.                                          24

             (2)   In this Division, capital maintenance or replacement means the            25
                   maintenance or replacement of items of capital for which the              26
                   operator of a retirement village is responsible.                          27

             (3)   For the purposes of this Division, maintenance or replacement of          28
                   an item of capital is urgent if it is for the purpose of rectifying any   29
                   of the following:                                                         30
                   (a) a burst water service,                                                31
                   (b) a blocked or broken lavatory service,                                 32
                   (c) a serious roof leak,                                                  33
                   (d) a gas leak,                                                           34
                   (e) a dangerous electrical fault,                                         35

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Schedule 1      Amendments

                    (f)   flooding or serious flood damage,                                1
                   (g)    serious storm or fire damage,                                    2
                   (h)    a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water          3
                          supply to residential premises within the retirement             4
                          village,                                                         5
                    (i)   a failure or breakdown of any essential service on the           6
                          residential premises for hot water, cooking, heating or          7
                          laundering,                                                      8
                    (j)   any fault or damage that causes the retirement village to be     9
                          unsafe or insecure,                                             10
                   (k)    any other matter prescribed by the regulations.                 11

      93     Obligations of operator with respect to certain capital                      12
             maintenance or replacement                                                   13

             (1)   The operator of a retirement village is to maintain each item of       14
                   capital for which the operator is responsible in a reasonable          15
                   condition having regard to the following:                              16
                   (a) the age of the item,                                               17
                   (b) the prospective life of the item,                                  18
                   (c) the money paid to the operator by the residents under a            19
                          village contract (including ingoing contributions).             20

             (2)   If it is not practical to maintain an item of capital in accordance    21
                   with this section, the operator may replace the item.                  22

             (3)   The operator of a retirement village must carry out the                23
                   maintenance of, or replace, an item of capital for which the           24
                   operator is responsible within a reasonable time after becoming        25
                   aware of the need for the maintenance or replacement of the item.      26

             (4)   Nothing in this section requires the operator of a retirement          27
                   village to carry out maintenance of, or replace, any item of capital   28
                   unless the maintenance or replacement is in accordance with a          29
                   proposal that has been consented to under section 99 or is urgent.     30

      94     Obligations of residents with respect to capital maintenance or              31
             replacement                                                                  32

             (1)   A resident of a retirement village is to notify the operator of the    33
                   retirement village of the need for maintenance to be carried out       34
                   on, or the replacement of, an item of capital for which the            35
                   operator is responsible and that is located within the resident's      36
                   residential premises as soon as the resident becomes aware of the      37
                   need for the maintenance or replacement of the item.                   38

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             (2)   A resident of a retirement village must reimburse the operator of            1
                   the village in respect of any damage (other than fair wear and               2
                   tear) caused by the resident to an item of capital for which the             3
                   operator is responsible.                                                     4

             (3)   A resident of a retirement village must not hinder or obstruct the           5
                   operator of the retirement village or a person authorised by the             6
                   operator, from carrying out the maintenance of or replacing any              7
                   item of capital for which the operator is responsible.                       8
                    Note. Section 67 sets out the circumstances in which an operator of a       9
                    retirement village or a person authorised by the operator may enter        10
                    residential premises in respect of which a person has a residence right.   11

       95    Resident may carry out urgent capital maintenance or replacement                  12

             (1)   A resident of a retirement village may carry out maintenance of             13
                   an item of capital for which the operator of the retirement village         14
                   is responsible, or replace any such item, if:                               15
                    (a) the maintenance or replacement of the item is urgent, and              16
                   (b) the resident first gives the operator a reasonable                      17
                          opportunity to carry out the maintenance or replace the              18
                          item.                                                                19

             (2)    Except as provided by subsection (3), a resident of a retirement           20
                    village who carries out the maintenance of or replaces an item of          21
                    capital in accordance with this section is entitled to be reimbursed       22
                    by the operator of the retirement village for the reasonable costs         23
                    incurred by the resident in doing so.                                      24

             (3)   A resident of a retirement village who is a registered interest             25
                   holder and carries out the maintenance of or replaces an item of            26
                   capital located within the residential premises of the resident in          27
                   accordance with this section is entitled to be reimbursed by the            28
                   operator of the retirement village for the reasonable costs                 29
                   incurred by the resident for which the operator is liable under             30
                   section 98.                                                                 31

             (4)   If the operator of a retirement village fails or refuses to reimburse       32
                   a resident for costs in accordance with this section, the resident          33
                   may apply to the Tribunal for (and the Tribunal may make) an                34
                   order requiring the operator to reimburse the resident for those            35
                   costs.                                                                      36

       96    Tribunal may make orders for capital maintenance and                              37
             replacement                                                                       38

             (1)   If a resident of a retirement village is of the opinion that the            39
                   operator of the retirement village is not maintaining or replacing          40
                   items of capital for which the operator is responsible when                 41

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Schedule 1     Amendments

                   necessary, the resident may apply to the Tribunal for (and the          1
                   Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator:                     2
                   (a) to carry out specified maintenance of an item of capital            3
                         within the time specified in the order, or                        4
                   (b) to replace a specified item of capital within the time              5
                         specified in the order.                                           6

             (2)   If the operator of a retirement village is of the opinion that a        7
                   resident of the retirement village has caused damage to an item of      8
                   capital for which the operator is responsible, the operator may         9
                   apply to the Tribunal for (and the Tribunal may make) an order         10
                   directing the resident to reimburse the operator for the cost of the   11
                   maintenance or replacement of the item of capital as a result of       12
                   the damage.                                                            13

             (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply to damage caused by fair wear and        14
                   tear.                                                                  15

      97     Funding of certain capital maintenance or replacement                        16

             (1)   The operator of a retirement village may, in accordance with a         17
                   proposal that is consented to under section 99, fund up to 50% (or     18
                   such other proportion as may be prescribed by the regulations) of      19
                   the cost of capital maintenance or replacement from the                20
                   following sources:                                                     21
                    (a) the capital works fund for the retirement village (if any),       22
                   (b) recurrent charges.                                                 23

             (2)   Despite subsection (1), the operator of a retirement village may       24
                   fund the whole cost of capital maintenance or replacement from         25
                   the capital works fund for the retirement village (if any) and         26
                   recurrent charges if the operator does not receive:                    27
                    (a) ingoing contributions, or                                         28
                   (b) departure fees, or                                                 29
                    (c) any other source of income (other than recurrent charges)         30
                         from the residents of the retirement village.                    31

             (3)   This section does not authorise the funding of any of the              32
                   following from the capital works fund or recurrent charges:            33
                    (a) the maintenance or replacement of an item of capital to           34
                         which section 98 applies,                                        35
                   (b) the construction of a new building or a new stage of the           36
                         retirement village,                                              37

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                    (c)   any work arising from the breach of a statutory warranty          1
                          (within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989) in             2
                          respect of which proceedings may be commenced under               3
                          Part 2C of that Act,                                              4
                    (d)   the depreciation of items of capital,                             5
                    (e)   the refurbishment of vacant residential premises within the       6
                          retirement village,                                               7
                    (f)   maintenance or replacement of roads or footpaths within a         8
                          retirement village,                                               9
                    (g)   such other things as may be prescribed by the regulations.       10

             (4)   For the avoidance of doubt, capital maintenance or replacement          11
                   is not carried out in accordance with a proposal consented to           12
                   under section 99 if:                                                    13
                    (a) the proportion of the actual cost of carrying out the              14
                          maintenance or replacement of an item of capital funded          15
                          from the sources referred to in subsection (1) exceeds the       16
                          proportion specified in the proposal, or                         17
                   (b) the amount paid for the maintenance or replacement of an            18
                          item of capital from the sources referred to in subsection       19
                          (1), exceeds the amount to be paid from those sources            20
                          under the proposal.                                              21

       98    Funding of capital maintenance or replacement of items within                 22
             registered interest holder's premises                                         23

             (1)   This section applies to an item of capital for which the operator       24
                   of a retirement village is responsible and that is located within the   25
                   residential premises of a resident who is a registered interest         26
                   holder.                                                                 27

             (2)   The operator of a retirement village and a resident who is a            28
                   registered interest holder are to share the cost of the maintenance     29
                   or replacement of an item of capital to which this section applies      30
                   in the same proportion as they are to share any capital gain under      31
                   the village contract.                                                   32

       99    Capital maintenance and replacement to be consented to by                     33
             residents                                                                     34

             (1)    The operator of a retirement village must, in each financial year,     35
                    supply each resident of the village with a proposal for the capital    36
                    maintenance and replacement to be carried out in the next              37
                    financial year:                                                        38
                     (a) at the same time as the operator must supply each resident        39
                          of the village with a proposed annual budget, or                 40

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Schedule 1     Amendments

                   (b)   if the operator is not required to supply a proposed annual     1
                         budget--at least 30 days before the meeting at which the        2
                         proposal will be submitted to the residents.                    3

             (2)   The proposal must:                                                    4
                   (a) list each item of capital maintenance and replacement that        5
                         is proposed to be carried out, and                              6
                   (b) specify in respect of each item the expected cost, including      7
                         the proportion of the expected cost that is intended to be      8
                         funded from the capital works fund or recurrent charges,        9
                         and                                                            10
                   (c) include any quotes that the operator has obtained with           11
                         respect to the proposed capital maintenance and                12
                         replacement, and                                               13
                   (d) include provision for urgent capital maintenance and             14
                         replacement, including the proportion of the cost that is      15
                         intended to be funded from the capital works fund or           16
                         recurrent charges.                                             17

             (3)   The proposal must be submitted to the residents of the retirement    18
                   village at a meeting of the residents, whether at the annual         19
                   management meeting or otherwise.                                     20

             (4)   A proposal may be varied during the course of the meeting prior      21
                   to the residents granting consent to the proposal.                   22

             (5)   If the residents of a retirement village refuse to consent to a      23
                   proposal submitted under this section, the operator of the           24
                   retirement village may apply to the Tribunal for (and the Tribunal   25
                   may make) an order with respect to the capital maintenance and       26
                   replacement that is to be carried out.                               27

             (6)   An order made by the Tribunal under this section is taken to be a    28
                   proposal to which the residents of the retirement village have       29
                   consented.                                                           30

             (7)   In making an order under this section, the Tribunal may have         31
                   regard to the following:                                             32
                    (a) whether the proposed capital maintenance and                    33
                         replacement is necessary or appropriate,                       34
                   (b) whether the expected total cost of the capital maintenance       35
                         and replacement is fair and reasonable,                        36
                    (c) whether the proportion of the cost that is intended to be       37
                         funded from the capital works fund or recurrent charges is     38
                         fair and reasonable,                                           39
                   (d) such other matters as the Tribunal considers appropriate.        40

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Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

             (8)   This section applies to the operator of a retirement village only if    1
                   the operator proposes to use any recurrent charges or any part of       2
                   the capital works fund for the retirement village (if any) to fund      3
                   capital maintenance and replacement.                                    4

             (9)   If the residents of a retirement village consent to a proposal          5
                   submitted under this section, the operator must, on the request of      6
                   a resident of the retirement village, provide the resident with a       7
                   copy of the invoice for any work carried out in accordance with         8
                   the proposal.                                                           9

      100    Capital works fund                                                           10

             (1)   If an approved annual budget provides for the setting aside of any     11
                   part of the recurrent charges for the purpose of funding capital       12
                   maintenance and replacement in a period that extends beyond the        13
                   end of the financial year to which the budget relates, the operator    14
                   of the retirement village must establish and maintain a capital        15
                   works fund.                                                            16

             (2)   However, this section does not require that a separate fund be         17
                   established in respect of each financial year.                         18

             (3)   A capital works fund must be held in an account with an                19
                   authorised deposit-taking institution or as otherwise prescribed       20
                   by the regulations.                                                    21

             (4)   The operator of a retirement village is to pay into the capital        22
                   works fund:                                                            23
                   (a) such portion of the recurrent charges as may be required           24
                         under an approved annual budget, and                             25
                   (b) any interest received from the investment of the whole, or         26
                         any part of, the capital works fund.                             27

             (5)   The operator of a retirement village must not use money from the       28
                   capital works fund except:                                             29
                   (a) to meet the cost of capital maintenance and replacement in         30
                          accordance with a proposal under section 99, or                 31
                   (b) if the residents of the village consent to a proposal that the     32
                          operator of the village distribute the whole, or any part, of   33
                          the capital works fund that is not required to fund capital     34
                          maintenance and replacement to the residents of the             35
                          retirement village in equal shares--in accordance with that     36
                          proposal, or                                                    37
                   (c) as prescribed by the regulations.                                  38
                   Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                    39

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Schedule 1     Amendments

             (6)   A proposal under subsection (5) (b) may be made by the operator       1
                   of the retirement village or the Residents Committee (if any).        2

             (7)   If the residents consent under subsection (5) (b) to a proposal       3
                   made by the Residents Committee, the operator may apply to the        4
                   Tribunal for (and the Tribunal may make) an order that:               5
                    (a) the distribution is not to be made, or                           6
                   (b) approves or varies the proposed distribution.                     7

             (8)   In making an order under subsection (7) the Tribunal may              8
                   consider the following:                                               9
                    (a) the proportion of the capital works fund that is proposed to    10
                         be distributed,                                                11
                   (b) whether the proportion of the capital works fund that is         12
                         proposed to be distributed is reasonably likely to be          13
                         required to fund capital maintenance and replacement,          14
                    (c) any other matter that the Tribunal considers appropriate.       15

     101     Retirement village to be insured                                           16

             (1)   The operator of a retirement village must cause the retirement       17
                   village to be insured (and remain insured) in accordance with this   18
                   section.                                                             19
                   Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                  20

             (2)   The village must have insurance that:                                21
                   (a) covers the following:                                            22
                          (i) damage,                                                   23
                         (ii) costs incidental to the reinstatement or replacement      24
                               of insured buildings,                                    25
                        (iii) public liability, and                                     26
                   (b) provides for the reinstatement of property to its condition      27
                         when new.                                                      28

             (3)   The regulations may prescribe a minimum amount of public             29
                   liability insurance that is required under this section.             30

             (4)   Insurance for damage and costs incidental to the reinstatement or    31
                   replacement of insured buildings must cover the full replacement     32
                   value of the retirement village.                                     33

             (5)   Nothing in this section requires the operator of a retirement        34
                   village to insure an item of capital other than an item of capital   35
                   for which the operator is responsible.                               36

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Amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

               (6)   The operator of a retirement village may fund insurance required        1
                     under this section from recurrent charges if the cost of any such       2
                     insurance is included in the approved annual budget.                    3

        102   Operator not to sell items of capital to residents                             4

               (1)   The operator of a retirement village must not sell any item of          5
                     capital for which the operator is responsible, or pass                  6
                     responsibility for any such item of capital (whether directly or        7
                     indirectly), to a resident or prospective resident of the retirement    8
                     village under a village contract or otherwise except as provided        9
                     by the regulations.                                                    10
                     Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                     11

               (2)   Any contract, agreement or scheme is unenforceable to the extent       12
                     that it purports to sell or pass responsibility for the maintenance    13
                     or replacement of items of capital in contravention of subsection      14
                     (1).                                                                   15

               (3)   This section does not apply to the sale of residential premises        16
                     within a retirement village, including fixtures in any such            17
                     premises.                                                              18

[64]    Section 104 Variation of recurrent charges                                          19

        Omit "at specified intervals (or on specified dates)" from section 104 (1) (b).     20

[65]    Section 104 (2)                                                                     21

        Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                22

               (2)   If a village contract provides for any recurrent charges payable       23
                     under it to be varied otherwise than according to a fixed formula,     24
                     the recurrent charges must not be varied more than once in any         25
                     12 month period. Any second or subsequent purported variation          26
                     within that 12 month period is of no effect.                           27

[66]    Section 105A                                                                        28

        Insert after section 105:                                                           29

       105A   Recurrent charges varied otherwise than by a fixed formula--not               30
              exceeding variation in CPI                                                    31

               (1)   This section applies to the variation of recurrent charges payable     32
                     under a village contract if:                                           33
                     (a) the contract provides that recurrent charges are to be varied      34
                           otherwise than in accordance with a fixed formula, and           35

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Schedule 1      Amendments

                    (b)   the variation does not exceed the variation that would           1
                          result from the recurrent charges being increased in             2
                          proportion to the variation in the Consumer Price Index          3
                          (since the recurrent charges were last varied) and rounded       4
                          to the nearest whole dollar.                                     5

             (2)    In relation to a proposed variation in recurrent charges, the          6
                    variation in the Consumer Price Index since the recurrent charges      7
                    were last varied is taken to be the difference between:                8
                     (a) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before           9
                           those charges were last varied, and                            10
                    (b) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before           11
                           the written notice of the proposed variation is given.         12

             (3)    The operator of a retirement village must give at least 14 days'      13
                    written notice of any proposed variation to the recurrent charges.    14

             (4)    The notice must specify:                                              15
                    (a) the amount of the new recurrent charges, and                      16
                    (b) the date from which the new recurrent charges are payable,        17
                          and                                                             18
                    (c) such other information as may be prescribed by the                19
                          regulations.                                                    20

             (5)    A resident of a retirement village is not required to pay any         21
                    increase in his or her recurrent charges to which this section        22
                    applies until notice of the increase is given as required by this     23
                    section.                                                              24

             (6)    A notice given under this section may be cancelled by a later         25
                    notice or a later notice may provide for a lesser increase than the   26
                    increase specified in the earlier notice.                             27

[67]   Section 106 Recurrent charges varied otherwise than by fixed formula--             28
       exceeding variation in CPI                                                         29

       Omit section 106 (1) (except the note to that subsection). Insert instead:         30

             (1)    This section applies to a variation of recurrent charges payable      31
                    under a village contract if:                                          32
                    (a) the contract provides that recurrent charges are to be varied     33
                          otherwise than in accordance with a fixed formula, and          34
                    (b) the variation exceeds the variation that would result from        35
                          the recurrent charges being increased in proportion to the      36
                          variation in the Consumer Price Index (since the recurrent      37
                          charges were last varied) and rounded to the nearest whole      38
                          dollar.                                                         39

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

              (1A)   In relation to a proposed variation in recurrent charges, the          1
                     variation in the Consumer Price Index since the recurrent charges      2
                     were last varied is taken to be the difference between:                3
                      (a) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before           4
                            those charges were last varied, and                             5
                     (b) the Consumer Price Index published most recently before            6
                            the written notice of the proposed variation is given.          7

              (1B)   The operator of a retirement village must give the resident            8
                     concerned notice in accordance with this section at least 60 days      9
                     before any proposed variation.                                        10

[68]    Section 106 (2) (c) and (c1)                                                       11

        Omit section 106 (2) (c). Insert instead:                                          12
                     (c) contain a brief explanation of the reasons for the proposed       13
                           variation exceeding the variation in the Consumer Price         14
                           Index or the prescribed rate or amount (if any), and            15
                   (c1) include details of any action taken to minimise the                16
                           proposed variation in recurrent charges, and                    17

[69]    Section 106 (3)                                                                    18

        Omit "(if any)".                                                                   19

[70]    Section 106 (7)                                                                    20

        Omit the subsection.                                                               21

[71]    Section 106A                                                                       22

        Insert after section 106:                                                          23

       106A    Recurrent charges varied otherwise than by fixed formula to be              24
               increased in accordance with Act                                            25

                     The operator of a retirement village must not increase (or attempt    26
                     to increase) recurrent charges that are to be varied otherwise than   27
                     according to a fixed formula if the increase would be:                28
                      (a) beyond any upper limit specified in the relevant village         29
                            contract, or                                                   30
                     (b) otherwise than in accordance with section 105A or 106.            31
                     Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.                                    32

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Schedule 1       Amendments

[72]   Section 107 Residents' consent to variation                                            1
       Insert after section 107 (4):                                                          2

              (5)   If the operator of a retirement village fails to provide information      3
                    requested under subsection (4) within the time prescribed by the          4
                    regulations, the Residents Committee (or a resident of the                5
                    retirement village) may apply to the Tribunal for (and the                6
                    Tribunal may make) an order requiring the operator to provide             7
                    the residents with the information specified in the order.                8

              (6)   The regulations may prescribe:                                            9
                    (a) the period within which information requested under                  10
                          subsection (4) must be provided, and                               11
                    (b) information that the operator of a retirement village is not         12
                          required to provide despite a request under subsection (4).        13

[73]   Section 108 Determination by Tribunal                                                 14

       Omit section 108 (1). Insert instead:                                                 15

              (1)   An operator of a retirement village may apply to the Tribunal for        16
                    (and the Tribunal may make) an order in respect of a proposed            17
                    variation of recurrent charges if:                                       18
                     (a) the consent of the residents of the retirement village is           19
                           required before the proposed variation can take effect, and       20
                    (b) the residents do not consent to the proposed variation               21
                           under section 107.                                                22

[74]   Section 108 (4) (b)                                                                   23

       Omit "statement of proposed expenditure or approved expenditure".                     24

       Insert instead "proposed annual budget or approved annual budget".                    25

[75]   Section 111 Abatement of recurrent charges                                            26

       Omit "owns" from the note to section 111 (1).                                         27

       Insert instead "is a registered interest holder (other than a person referred to in   28
       section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                                    29

[76]   Part 7, Division 5, heading                                                           30

       Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                     31

       Division 5          Proposed and approved annual budgets                              32

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[77]   Section 112 Proposed annual budget                                                  1
       Insert ", or such other time as may be prescribed by the regulations" after         2
       "retirement village" in section 112 (1).                                            3

[78]   Section 112 (1), (3) (a) and (6)                                                    4

       Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" wherever occurring.                        5

       Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                            6

[79]   Section 112 (2), (3) (c), (4) and (5)                                               7

       Omit "statement" wherever occurring. Insert instead "budget".                       8

[80]   Section 112 (6)                                                                     9

       Omit "amended statement". Insert instead "amended budget".                         10

[81]   Section 112 (7)-(11)                                                               11

       Insert after section 112 (6):                                                      12

              (7)   The residents of a retirement village may, by special resolution,     13
                    consent to not being supplied with a proposed annual budget.          14

              (8)   If the residents of a retirement village consent to not being         15
                    supplied with a proposed annual budget under this section,            16
                    subsections (1)-(6) and sections 113-117 do not apply in respect      17
                    of the retirement village while the consent remains in force.         18

              (9)   Consent given under subsection (7) remains in force until such        19
                    time as it is revoked by a further special resolution of the          20
                    residents.                                                            21

            (10)    The operator is required to notify the residents of the name of the   22
                    auditor of the accounts at the annual management meeting if:          23
                    (a) consent given under subsection (7) is in force, and               24
                    (b) the operator of the village is required to have the accounts      25
                          of the village audited under section 118.                       26

            (11)    The operator of a retirement village does not commit an offence       27
                    under subsection (1) if consent given under subsection (7) is in      28
                    force at the time that the operator is required to supply the         29
                    proposed annual budget.                                               30

[82]   Section 113 Order for proposed annual budget                                       31

       Omit "statement of proposed expenditure".                                          32

       Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                           33

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Schedule 1        Amendments

[83]    Section 113                                                                       1
        Omit "the statement". Insert instead "the budget".                                2

[84]    Section 114 Residents' consent to expenditure                                     3

        Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" from section 114 (1) and (4),            4
        wherever occurring.                                                               5

        Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                          6

[85]    Section 114 (2) and (4)-(6)                                                       7

        Omit "the statement" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the budget".             8

[86]    Section 114 (4)                                                                   9

        Omit "amended statement". Insert instead "amended budget".                       10

[87]    Section 114 (8)                                                                  11

        Insert after section 114 (7):                                                    12

               (8)    Subsections (1)-(6) do not apply, and the residents are taken to   13
                      have consented to the proposed annual budget, if the recurrent     14
                      charges payable by the residents:                                  15
                      (a) have not been varied, or                                       16
                      (b) have been varied in accordance with section 104 (1) (a) or     17
                            105A.                                                        18

[88]    Section 115 Determination of expenditure by Tribunal                             19

        Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" from section 115 (1)-(3), wherever      20
        occurring.                                                                       21

        Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                         22

[89]    Section 115 (3) (b)                                                              23

        Omit "a statement of approved expenditure".                                      24

        Insert instead "an approved annual budget".                                      25

[90]    Section 115A                                                                     26

        Insert after section 115:                                                        27

       115A   Proposed annual budget may provide for contingencies                       28

                      The regulations may limit the amount that a proposed annual        29
                      budget may allocate for contingencies.                             30

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Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

[91]   Section 116 Expenditure to be in accordance with approved annual                  1
       budget                                                                            2

       Omit section 116 (1). Insert instead:                                             3

              (1)   A proposed annual budget is taken to be an approved annual           4
                    budget if:                                                           5
                    (a) the residents of a retirement village consent to expenditure     6
                          in accordance with the proposed annual budget, or              7
                    (b) the Tribunal orders that the expenditure of the operator is      8
                          to be as itemised in the proposed annual budget.               9

[92]   Section 116 (2) and (4) (b)                                                      10

       Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" wherever occurring.                     11

       Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                         12

[93]   Section 116 (2) and (3)                                                          13

       Omit "statement of approved expenditure" wherever occurring.                     14

       Insert instead "approved annual budget".                                         15

[94]   Section 116 (2)                                                                  16

       Omit "that statement". Insert instead "that budget".                             17

[95]   Section 116 (3A)                                                                 18

       Insert after section 116 (3):                                                    19

            (3A)    An operator does not contravene subsection (3) if the expenditure   20
                    that was otherwise than in accordance with the budget:              21
                     (a) was a variation in expenditure between items in the            22
                          approved annual budget, and                                   23
                    (b) does not reduce the level of services provided by the           24
                          retirement village, and                                       25
                     (c) does not cause the total expenditure provided for by the       26
                          approved annual budget to be exceeded.                        27

[96]   Section 117 Amendment of approved annual budget                                  28

       Omit section 117 (1). Insert instead:                                            29

              (1)   The operator of a retirement village may seek the consent of the    30
                    residents to amend an approved annual budget except if:             31
                     (a) the budget is taken to be an approved annual budget            32
                          because of section 116 (1) (b), or                            33

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 Schedule 1      Amendments

                     (b)   the budget is a proposed annual budget modified in               1
                           accordance with an order of the Tribunal as referred to in       2
                           section 116 (2).                                                 3

 [97]   Section 117 (2) and (3)                                                             4

        Omit "amended statement of approved expenditure" wherever occurring.                5

        Insert instead "approved annual budget as amended".                                 6

 [98]   Section 117 (4) (b)                                                                 7

        Omit "statement of proposed expenditure".                                           8

        Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                            9

 [99]   Section 118 Auditing of accounts                                                   10

        Omit "statement of proposed expenditure" from section 118 (2) (a).                 11

        Insert instead "proposed annual budget (if any)".                                  12

[100]   Section 118 (2) (c)                                                                13

        Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                14
                     (c) the residents' consent to that appointment is required in the     15
                          same way that it is required for the expenditure of the fees     16
                          concerned, but only if the auditor to be appointed did not       17
                          audit the accounts for the previous financial year.              18

[101]   Section 118 (3) and (4)                                                            19

        Omit the subsections. Insert instead:                                              20

              (3)    Within 28 days after the end of the quarter to which the quarterly    21
                     accounts relate, or such other period as may be prescribed by the     22
                     regulations, the operator of a retirement village must provide the    23
                     Residents Committee (if any) with a copy of the quarterly             24
                     accounts of the income and expenditure of the village.                25
                     Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                    26

              (4)    If, more than 28 days after the end of the quarter to which the       27
                     quarterly accounts relate, a resident of the retirement village       28
                     requests that the operator of the retirement village provide a copy   29
                     of the quarterly accounts of the income and expenditure for the       30
                     retirement village, the operator must provide a copy of the           31
                     accounts to the resident within 7 days after receiving the request.   32

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[102]    Section 119 Copies of annual accounts to be provided to residents                     1
         Insert ", or such other period as may be prescribed by the regulations," after        2
         "4 months" in section 119 (1).                                                        3

[103]    Section 119 (2) (a) (i), (ii) and (iia)                                               4

         Omit section 119 (2) (a) (i) and (ii). Insert instead:                                5
                             (i) details of the income and expenditure of the village          6
                                   during the financial year, including income and             7
                                   expenditure of the capital works fund (if any),             8
                            (ii) details of the balance of the capital works fund (if          9
                                   any),                                                      10
                           (iia) if capital maintenance or replacement has been               11
                                   carried out in accordance with a proposal under            12
                                   section 99--details of the expenditure on each item        13
                                   in that proposal, including the proportion of that         14
                                   expenditure that was funded from recurrent charges         15
                                   or the capital works fund (if any),                        16

[104]    Section 119 (4)                                                                      17

         Omit "statement of proposed expenditure".                                            18

         Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                             19

[105]    Section 119 (7)                                                                      20

         Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                 21

                (7)    If there is no Residents Committee for the village concerned, a        22
                       copy of the accounts is to be:                                         23
                        (a) displayed on the common property of the village in                24
                              accordance with the regulations, and                            25
                       (b) provided to any individual resident of the village who             26
                              requests a copy.                                                27

[106]    Sections 119A and 119B                                                               28

         Insert after section 119:                                                            29

        119A    Accounts not required to be audited in certain cases                          30

                (1)    Despite section 118 (1), the operator of a retirement village is not   31
                       required to have the accounts of the retirement village audited if:    32
                        (a) the total of the recurrent charges collected in respect of the    33
                             village in the financial year to which the accounts relate       34

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Schedule 1      Amendments

                          does not exceed $50,000 or such other amount as may be           1
                          prescribed by the regulations, and                               2
                   (b)    the residents have consented to the operator not having the      3
                          accounts of the village audited and that consent is in force.    4

             (2)   If the operator of a retirement village is not required to have the     5
                   accounts of the village audited:                                        6
                    (a) the provisions of section 119 (section 119 (3) excepted)           7
                          apply to the accounts of the retirement village in the same      8
                          way as they apply to audited accounts, and                       9
                   (b) the operator of the village must include a statement as to         10
                          whether or not the operator will be able to meet the            11
                          liabilities relating to the village as and when they fall due   12
                          during the financial year immediately following.                13

             (3)   The operator of a retirement village must not make a statement         14
                   under subsection (2) (b) knowing that it is false or misleading in     15
                   a material particular.                                                 16
                   Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                    17

             (4)   The residents of a retirement village may revoke any consent           18
                   given under this section at any time.                                  19

             (5)   Consent given under this section remains in force until:               20
                   (a) the total of the recurrent charges to be collected by the          21
                        village in a financial year exceeds $50,000 or such other         22
                        amount as may be prescribed by the regulations, or                23
                   (b) the consent is revoked by the residents of the village,            24
                   whichever happens first.                                               25

    119B     Quarterly accounts not required to be given to residents in certain          26
             circumstances                                                                27

             (1)   Despite section 118 (3), the operator of a retirement village is not   28
                   required to give the Residents Committee a copy of the quarterly       29
                   accounts for a retirement village if:                                  30
                    (a) the total of the recurrent charges collected in respect of the    31
                         village in the financial year to which the accounts relate       32
                         does not exceed $50,000 or such other amount as may be           33
                         prescribed by the regulations, and                               34
                   (b) the residents have consented to the operator not giving            35
                         them copies of the quarterly accounts and that consent is in     36
                         force.                                                           37

             (2)   The residents of a retirement village may revoke any consent           38
                   given under this section at any time.                                  39

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                (3)   Consent given under this section remains in force until:               1
                      (a) the total of the recurrent charges to be collected by the          2
                           village in a financial year exceeds $50,000 or such other         3
                           amount as may be prescribed by the regulations, or                4
                      (b) the consent is revoked by the residents of the village,            5
                      whichever happens first.                                               6

[107]    Section 120 Any surplus or deficit to be carried over                               7

         Omit the section.                                                                   8

[108]    Part 7, Division 7                                                                  9

         Insert after Division 6 of Part 7:                                                 10

         Division 7           Surplus or deficit of accounts                                11

        120A   Definitions                                                                  12

                      In this Division:                                                     13
                      deficit means a deficit in the annual accounts of a retirement        14
                      village for any financial year ending on or after 23 November         15
                      2006.                                                                 16
                      surplus means a surplus in the annual accounts of a retirement        17
                      village for any year.                                                 18

        120B   Any surplus to be carried over                                               19

                (1)   Any surplus in the annual accounts of a retirement village is to be   20
                      carried forward to the accounts for the next financial year unless:   21
                      (a) the residents of the village consent to a proposal for the        22
                             expenditure of the whole or any part of the surplus, or        23
                      (b) the residents of the village consent to a proposal that the       24
                             operator distribute the whole or any part of the surplus to    25
                             the existing residents of the village in equal shares.         26

                (2)   A proposal under subsection (1) may be made by the operator of        27
                      the retirement village or the Residents Committee (if any).           28

                (3)   If the residents consent under subsection (1) (b) to a proposal       29
                      made by the Residents Committee, the operator may apply to the        30
                      Tribunal for (and the Tribunal may make) an order that:               31
                       (a) the distribution is not to be made, or                           32
                      (b) approves or varies the proposed distribution.                     33

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               (4)    In making an order under subsection (3), the Tribunal may                1
                      consider the following:                                                  2
                       (a) the proportion of the surplus that is proposed to be                3
                            distributed,                                                       4
                      (b) any other matter that the Tribunal considers appropriate.            5

        120C   Making good of deficit                                                          6

               (1)    A deficit is to be made good by the operator of the retirement           7
                      village.                                                                 8

               (2)    Except as provided by the regulations referred to in subsection          9
                      (3), an operator of a retirement village must not:                      10
                       (a) carry forward a deficit to a subsequent financial year, or         11
                      (b) request or receive from the residents of the retirement             12
                             village any special additional payments for the purpose of       13
                             making good a deficit, or                                        14
                       (c) increase or purport to increase recurrent charges payable          15
                             by the residents of a retirement village in any financial year   16
                             for the purpose of making good a deficit, or                     17
                      (d) use the whole or any part of the recurrent charges collected        18
                             by the operator in a financial year to make good a deficit,      19
                             or                                                               20
                       (e) use the whole or any part of the capital works fund for the        21
                             retirement village to make good a deficit.                       22

               (3)    The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which the                23
                      operator of a retirement village may:                                   24
                      (a) increase the recurrent charges payable by the residents of          25
                            a retirement village for the purpose of making good a             26
                            deficit, or                                                       27
                      (b) use the whole or any part of the recurrent charges collected        28
                            by the operator for the purpose of making good a deficit, or      29
                      (c) carry forward a deficit to a subsequent financial year.             30

               (4)    The operator of a retirement village must not charge the residents      31
                      of a retirement village interest in respect of a deficit.               32

[109]    Section 129 How and when residence right or contract is terminated                   33

         Omit "that are owned by the resident" from section 129 (1).                          34

         Insert instead "in respect of which the resident is a registered interest holder     35
         (other than a person referred to in section 7 (1) (c))".                             36

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[110]    Section 129 (2)                                                                        1
         Omit "relating to premises other than premises owned by the resident or                2
         premises that are subject to an assignable lease (and the residence right under        3
         the contract) terminates".                                                             4

         Insert instead "(other than a contract referred to in subsection (1) or (1A)) and      5
         the residence right under the contract, terminate".                                    6

[111]    Section 129 (2) (a) and (c)                                                            7

         Omit "delivers up vacant possession of the residential premises to the                 8
         operator" wherever occurring.                                                          9

         Insert instead "permanently vacates the premises".                                    10

[112]    Section 129 (2) (b)                                                                   11

         Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                   12
                      (b) on the date on which the resident permanently vacates the            13
                           premises, or                                                        14

[113]    Section 130 Tribunal cannot terminate certain residence contracts                     15

         Omit "owns" from section 130 (a).                                                     16

         Insert instead "is a registered interest holder (other than a person referred to in   17
         section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                                    18

[114]    Section 132 Termination if residence contract frustrated                              19

         Omit "owns" from section 132 (1).                                                     20

         Insert instead "is a registered interest holder (other than a person referred to in   21
         section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                                    22

[115]    Part 9, Division 3A                                                                   23

         Insert after Division 3:                                                              24

         Division 3A         Termination by Supreme Court on                                   25
                             application of administrator                                      26

        136A   Termination on grounds of retirement village ceasing to operate                 27

                (1)   The Supreme Court may, on application by the administrator of a          28
                      retirement village appointed under Division 6 of Part 6, make an         29
                      order terminating the village contracts with respect to the              30
                      retirement village if the Court is satisfied there is no reasonable      31
                      prospect of finding a new operator for the retirement village.           32

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               (2)   If the Court makes an order under this section, the Court:             1
                      (a) must, insofar as the order relates to residence contracts, fix    2
                            in the order a date by which the residents who are affected     3
                            by the order must vacate their residential premises in the      4
                            village, and                                                    5
                     (b) may order an operator or former operator (other than an            6
                            administrator appointed under Division 6 of Part 6) to pay      7
                            compensation to each resident affected by the order for the     8
                            resident's loss of rights under a village contract, and         9
                      (c) may make such other orders as it thinks fit.                     10

[116]   Section 139 Operator not to recover possession of premises except by               11
        order                                                                              12

        Omit section 139 (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                      13

               (1)   A person must not (whether acting on his or her own behalf or on      14
                     behalf of another):                                                   15
                      (a) enter, or attempt to enter, residential premises within a        16
                           retirement village, or                                          17
                     (b) remove, or attempt to remove, a resident from residential         18
                           premises within a retirement village, or                        19
                      (c) take any other action that is intended, or is likely, to cause   20
                           a resident to vacate residential premises within a              21
                           retirement village,                                             22
                     for the purpose of recovering possession of the residential           23
                     premises otherwise than in accordance with this or any other Act      24
                     or law.                                                               25
                     Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                   26

[117]   Sections 142 (2) and 145                                                           27

        Omit "owned by the resident" wherever occurring.                                   28

        Insert instead "occupied by a resident who is a registered interest holder in      29
        respect of the premises".                                                          30

[118]   Section 147 Disposal of uncollected goods                                          31

        Insert after section 147 (4):                                                      32

               (5)   An operator of a retirement village must not sell, remove, destroy    33
                     or dispose of goods referred to in subsection (1) otherwise than      34
                     as provided by this section.                                          35
                     Maximum penalty (subsection (5)): 20 penalty units.                   36

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[119]   Section 150 References to sale of "residential premises"                              1
        Omit section 150 (1) and (3).                                                         2

[120]   Section 150 (2)                                                                       3

        Omit "subsection (1) (b)". Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                        4

[121]   Section 151 Recurrent charges in respect of optional services                         5

        Omit "personal services" wherever occurring.                                          6

        Insert instead "optional services".                                                   7

[122]   Section 152 Recurrent charges in respect of general services: registered              8
        interest holders                                                                      9

        Omit "owns" from section 152 (1).                                                    10

        Insert instead "is a registered interest holder in respect of".                      11

[123]   Section 152 (2)                                                                      12

        Omit "The". Insert instead "Subject to subsection (3), the".                         13

[124]   Section 152 (2) (d)                                                                  14

        Omit "section 150 (1) (b)". Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                      15

[125]   Sections 152 (2) (d) (i) and (ii), 153 (2) (c)-(e), 159 (2) (d) (i) and (ii) and     16
        160 (2) (c)-(e)                                                                      17

        Omit "delivered up vacant possession of the premises to the operator"                18
        wherever occurring.                                                                  19

        Insert instead "permanently vacated the premises".                                   20

[126]   Sections 152 (2) (d) (ii), 153 (2) (d), 159 (2) (d) (ii) and 160 (2) (d)             21

        Omit "vacant possession was delivered" wherever occurring.                           22

        Insert instead "the former occupant permanently vacated the premises".               23

[127]   Section 152 (3)                                                                      24

        Insert after section 152 (2):                                                        25

               (3)   The former occupant's liability to pay recurrent charges (being         26
                     recurrent charges in respect of general services) that arise after      27
                     the former occupant has permanently vacated the residential             28
                     premises is to be met:                                                  29
                      (a) in respect of a liability arising during the 42 days               30
                           immediately after the former occupant permanently                 31
                           vacated the premises--by the former occupant, and                 32

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                      (b)   in respect of a liability arising after the period referred to     1
                            in paragraph (a)--by the former occupant and the operator          2
                            of the retirement village in the same proportions as the           3
                            former occupant and the operator of the retirement village         4
                            would share any capital gain under the village contract.           5

[128]   Section 153 Recurrent charges in respect of general services: generally                6

        Omit "the owner" from section 153 (1).                                                 7

        Insert instead "a registered interest holder in respect".                              8

[129]   Section 153 (2) (e)                                                                    9

        Omit "6 months". Insert instead "42 days".                                            10

[130]   Section 153 (3)                                                                       11

        Insert after section 153 (2):                                                         12

               (3)   On and from the date that the former occupant's liability to pay         13
                     recurrent charges (being recurrent charges in respect of general         14
                     services) ceases under subsection (2), the operator of the               15
                     retirement village must pay the recurrent charges payable in             16
                     relation to those residential premises until the date on which the       17
                     operator of the village enters into a village contract with an           18
                     incoming resident.                                                       19

[131]   Section 154 Time of payment of recurrent charges                                      20

        Omit "owns" from section 154 (1) (b) (i).                                             21

        Insert instead "is a registered interest holder (other than a person referred to in   22
        section 7 (1) (c)) in respect of".                                                    23

[132]   Section 157 Payment of departure fee                                                  24

        Omit "owns (or owned)" from section 157 (3).                                          25

        Insert instead "is, or was, a registered interest holder in respect of".              26

[133]   Section 159 Period for which departure fee may be charged after                       27
        permanent vacation of premises: old contracts--registered interest                    28
        holders                                                                               29

        Omit "owns" from section 159 (1) (a).                                                 30

        Insert instead "is a registered interest holder in respect of".                       31

[134]   Section 159 (2) (d)                                                                   32

        Omit "section 150 (1) (b)". Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                       33

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[135]   Section 160 Period for which departure fee may be charged after                       1
        permanent vacation of premises: old contracts--generally                              2

        Omit "does not own" from section 160 (1) (a).                                         3

        Insert instead "is not a registered interest holder in respect of".                   4

[136]   Section 161 Reduction or waiver of departure fee                                      5

        Omit "after the former occupant's permanent vacation of" from section                 6
        161 (1).                                                                              7

        Insert instead "after the former occupant has permanently vacated".                   8

[137]   Section 163 Condition of premises on termination                                      9

        Omit section 163 (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                        10

               (1)   This section does not apply to or in respect of a former occupant       11
                     who is, or was, a registered interest holder in respect of his or her   12
                     residential premises.                                                   13

               (2)   A former occupant of a retirement village must, allowing for any        14
                     renovations or alterations to fixtures or fittings made with the        15
                     consent of the operator under section 41A, leave his or her             16
                     residential premises as nearly as possible in the same condition        17
                     (fair wear and tear excepted) as the premises were in at the            18
                     beginning of the residence contract.                                    19

[138]   Section 166 Application of Division                                                  20

        Omit "owns". Insert instead "is a registered interest holder in respect of".         21

[139]   Section 170 Costs of sale                                                            22

        Insert after section 170 (3):                                                        23

               (4)   In this section, costs of sale includes (without limiting the           24
                     ordinary meaning of that term) such costs relating to the sale of       25
                     residential premises in a retirement village as may be prescribed       26
                     by the regulations, but does not include such other costs relating      27
                     to the sale of residential premises as may be prescribed by the         28
                     regulations.                                                            29

[140]   Section 174 Letting or subletting of premises                                        30

        Omit "section 150 (1) (b)" from section 174 (1).                                     31

        Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                                                  32

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[141]   Section 175 Determination by Tribunal concerning proposed tenant or                 1
        subtenant                                                                           2

        Insert "and pay such compensation (if any) as is specified in the order" after      3
        "concerned" in section 175 (3) (a).                                                 4

[142]   Section 175 (4)                                                                     5

        Omit "subsection (3) (b)". Insert instead "subsection (3) (a)".                     6

[143]   Section 179 Legal ability to sublet                                                 7

        Omit "section 150 (1) (b)" from section 179 (1).                                    8

        Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                                                 9

[144]   Section 180 Payments to former occupants who were registered interest              10
        holders                                                                            11

        Omit "owns" from section 180 (1).                                                  12

        Insert instead "is, or was, a registered interest holder in respect of".           13

[145]   Section 180 (3) (e)                                                                14

        Omit "section 150 (1) (b)". Insert instead "section 7 (1) (c)".                    15

[146]   Section 180 (4)-(6)                                                                16

        Omit section 180 (4) and (5). Insert instead:                                      17

               (4)   If a payment is not made to the former occupant within the time       18
                     required by subsection (2):                                           19
                      (a) the former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       20
                            Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator to          21
                            make the payment, and                                          22
                     (b) interest is payable, at the rate prescribed by the regulations,   23
                            on that unpaid amount on and from the date that the            24
                            amount becomes overdue.                                        25

               (5)   If, in the opinion of the former occupant, the amount of a payment    26
                     made under this section was not calculated in accordance with         27
                     this Act or any relevant village contract, or the conduct of the      28
                     operator has unfairly had a negative financial impact on the          29
                     former occupant:                                                      30
                      (a) the former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       31
                             Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator to         32
                             recalculate the amount in accordance with the directions of   33
                             the Tribunal and pay any additional amount due to the         34
                             former occupant as a result of the recalculation, and         35

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                      (b)   if the Tribunal considers it appropriate, the Tribunal may      1
                            order the payment of interest on that additional amount at      2
                            the rate prescribed by the regulations.                         3

               (6)   Without limiting subsection (5), conduct of the operator that may      4
                     unfairly have a negative impact on a former occupant includes          5
                     entering into a village contract with a subsequent resident that       6
                     contains terms that:                                                   7
                     (a) are substantially different from those contained in the            8
                            village contract to which the former occupant was a party,      9
                            and                                                            10
                     (b) will have a negative financial impact on the former               11
                            occupant to the benefit of the operator.                       12

[147]   Section 181 Payments to former occupants who were not registered                   13
        interest holders                                                                   14

        Omit "does not own" from section 181 (1).                                          15

        Insert instead "is not, or was not, a registered interest holder in respect of".   16

[148]   Section 181 (7)-(9)                                                                17

        Omit section 181 (7) and (8). Insert instead:                                      18

               (7)   If a payment is not made to the former occupant within the time       19
                     required by this section:                                             20
                      (a) the former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       21
                            Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator to          22
                            make the payment, and                                          23
                     (b) interest is payable, at the rate prescribed by the regulations,   24
                            on that unpaid amount on and from the date that the            25
                            amount becomes overdue.                                        26

               (8)   If, in the opinion of the former occupant, the amount of a payment    27
                     made under this section was not calculated in accordance with         28
                     this Act or any relevant village contract, or the conduct of the      29
                     operator has unfairly had a negative financial impact on the          30
                     former occupant:                                                      31
                      (a) the former occupant may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       32
                             Tribunal may make) an order directing the operator to         33
                             recalculate the amount in accordance with the directions of   34
                             the Tribunal and pay any additional amount due to the         35
                             former occupant as a result of the recalculation, and         36
                     (b) if the Tribunal considers it appropriate, the Tribunal may        37
                             order the payment of interest on that additional amount at    38
                             the rate prescribed by the regulations.                       39

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                (9)    Without limiting subsection (8), conduct of the operator that may      1
                       unfairly have a negative impact on a former occupant includes          2
                       entering into a village contract with a subsequent resident that       3
                       contains terms that:                                                   4
                       (a) are substantially different from those contained in the            5
                              village contract to which the former occupant was a party,      6
                              and                                                             7
                       (b) will have a negative financial impact on the former                8
                              occupant to the benefit of the operator.                        9

[149]    Part 10A                                                                            10

         Insert after Part 10:                                                               11

         Part 10A Protection of ingoing contributions paid                                   12
                  by residents other than registered interest                                13
                  holders                                                                    14

        182A   Application of Part                                                           15

                (1)    This Part applies to a village contract if:                           16
                       (a) there has been an ingoing contribution paid by a resident         17
                             (other than a registered interest holder) under a village       18
                             contract that includes a provision that entitles the resident   19
                             to a refund of the whole, or any part, of that ingoing          20
                             contribution, and                                               21
                       (b) any such refund exceeds the amount prescribed by the              22
                             regulations.                                                    23

                (2)    This Part extends to any such village contract that was in force      24
                       immediately before the commencement of this section.                  25

                (3)    Despite subsections (1) and (2), this Part does not apply to a        26
                       village contract with respect to residential premises in a            27
                       retirement village that gives rise to the residence right of a        28
                       registered interest holder.                                           29

        182B   Creation of charge                                                            30

                (1)    On the date on which a village contract to which this Part applies    31
                       is entered into with respect to residential premises within a         32
                       retirement village, there is created by virtue of this section a      33
                       charge over all land within the retirement village that secures the   34
                       entitlement to a refund under the contract.                           35

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             (2)   In the case of a village contract in force immediately before the      1
                   commencement of this section, any such charge is created on that       2
                   commencement.                                                          3

             (3)   Nothing in this section creates a charge over land:                    4
                   (a) that is not recorded as a retirement village under section         5
                         24A, or                                                          6
                   (b) in respect of which a resident is a registered interest holder.    7

    182C     Disposal of land subject to charge                                           8

             (1)    A person must not dispose of land in respect of which a charge is     9
                    in force under this Part except pursuant to an order under section   10
                    182F.                                                                11
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                  12

             (2)    Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of the disposal of any      13
                    such land in the course of the sale of a retirement village as a     14
                    going concern.                                                       15

    182D     Effect of charge on successors in title                                     16

                    A charge that is created over land under this Part is binding on,    17
                    and is enforceable against, the owner of the land from time to       18
                    time while the charge is in force.                                   19

    182E     Application for enforcement of charge                                       20

             (1)   A person may apply to the Supreme Court for an order under            21
                   section 182F in relation to land within a retirement village in       22
                   respect of which the person is a resident or former occupant if:      23
                    (a) the operator of the retirement village has become insolvent      24
                         or an administrator has been appointed under Division 6 of      25
                         Part 6, and                                                     26
                   (b) the person is of the opinion that it is unlikely that the         27
                         operator will be able to refund the part of the ingoing         28
                         contribution that the applicant is entitled to be refunded      29
                         under a village contract relating to that retirement village.   30

             (2)   A mortgagee, receiver or administrator of land within a               31
                   retirement village may apply to the Supreme Court for an order        32
                   under section 182F in relation to land within a retirement village    33
                   if:                                                                   34
                    (a) the operator of the retirement village has become insolvent      35
                          or an administrator has been appointed under Division 6 of     36
                          Part 6, and                                                    37

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Schedule 1      Amendments

                   (b)    the applicant is of the opinion that it is unlikely that the      1
                          operator will be able to refund any part of an ingoing            2
                          contribution that a resident or former resident is entitled to    3
                          be refunded under a village contract relating to that             4
                          retirement village.                                               5

    182F     Order for enforcement of charge                                                6

                   The Supreme Court may, on an application made under section              7
                   182E with respect to land within a retirement village:                   8
                   (a) order that land within the retirement village, in respect of         9
                        which a charge is in force, is to be sold, and                     10
                   (b) appoint a person to act as the agent for the sale, and              11
                   (c) make a determination as to the entitlements of each of the          12
                        residents or former occupants of the retirement village,           13
                        having regard to:                                                  14
                         (i) the refund entitlement of each resident or former             15
                               occupant under their respective village contracts,          16
                               and                                                         17
                        (ii) the dates on which charges were created under this            18
                               Part with respect to those contracts, and                   19
                   (d) make such orders relating to the distribution of the                20
                        proceeds of the sale as the Court thinks fit, having regard        21
                        to the order that interests are to be satisfied in accordance      22
                        with section 182G, and                                             23
                   (e) make such other orders as the Court sees fit.                       24

    182G     Priority of interests                                                         25

                   For the purposes of any order made under this Part, interests in        26
                   the land concerned are to be satisfied in the following order:          27
                    (a) the costs of the sale of the land and the applicant's costs in     28
                          seeking the order,                                               29
                   (b) any interest, mortgage, lien or other charge on or over the         30
                          land created or registered before the creation of a charge       31
                          under this Part, or otherwise taking priority over a charge      32
                          over the land that has been created under this Part,             33
                    (c) the entitlements of residents and former occupants of the          34
                          retirement village arising from village contracts in respect     35
                          of which a charge over the land has been created under this      36
                          Part,                                                            37

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                      (d)    any interest, mortgage, lien or other charge on or over the          1
                             land created or registered after the creation of a charge            2
                             over the land under this Part,                                       3
                       (e)   the interest of the registered proprietor of the land                4
                             immediately before the sale of the land.                             5

        182H   Order not to disadvantage residents                                                6

                      The Supreme Court must not make an order under this Part unless             7
                      satisfied that the order is in the best interests of the majority of the    8
                      residents of the retirement village.                                        9

        182I   Removal of charge                                                                 10

                      A charge over land created under this Part remains in force until:         11
                      (a) the village contract that caused the charge to be created is           12
                            terminated and all of the operator's liabilities under that          13
                            contract have been met, or                                           14
                      (b) the land is sold in accordance with an order under this Part.          15

[150]    Section 189 Functions of Director-General                                               16

         Omit ", including prosecution for any offence," from section 189 (1) (b).               17

[151]    Section 189 (1) (bi)                                                                    18

         Insert after section 189 (1) (b):                                                       19
                       (bi) the function of prosecuting any offence under this Act or            20
                              the regulations,                                                   21

[152]    Section 189A                                                                            22

         Insert after section 189:                                                               23

        189A   Director-General may issue warning notices                                        24

                (1)   The Director-General may authorise publication of a notice                 25
                      warning persons of particular risks involved in dealing with a             26
                      specified operator of a retirement village or with a person who            27
                      appears to be the operator of a retirement village.                        28

                (2)   For example, a notice may relate to the risks involved in dealing          29
                      with an operator or person who has a history of unconscionable             30
                      conduct in the operator's or person's dealings with consumers.             31

                (3)   The Director-General may authorise the publication of such a               32
                      notice in any one or more of the following ways:                           33
                      (a) to any persons making inquiries to the Director-General                34
                             about the person concerned,                                         35

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                      (b)    by advertisement by the use of any medium,                       1
                      (c)    to any media representatives.                                    2

              (4)     Publication of such a notice may not be authorised unless an            3
                      investigation has been conducted by the Director-General                4
                      (whether or not the investigation is in relation to a complaint).       5

              (5)     Before authorising the publishing of such a notice, the                 6
                      Director-General must give the person concerned an opportunity,         7
                      for a period of not less than 48 hours, to make representations to      8
                      the Director-General about the proposed notice unless the               9
                      Director-General is not able, after making reasonable efforts to       10
                      do so, to contact the person promptly and advise the person of the     11
                      opportunity to make representations.                                   12

              (6)     The opportunity to make representations is not required to be          13
                      given if, in the opinion of the Director-General, there is an          14
                      immediate risk to the public.                                          15

              (7)     No liability is incurred by any person for publishing in good faith:   16
                      (a) a notice under this section, or                                    17
                      (b) a fair report or summary of such a notice.                         18

[153]   Section 190 Director-General may take or defend proceedings                          19

        Omit section 190 (1) (b). Insert instead:                                            20
                     (b) after investigating the complaint, the Director-General is          21
                           satisfied that the resident may have a right to take or           22
                           defend the proceedings, and                                       23

[154]   Sections 193-195                                                                     24

        Omit the sections.                                                                   25

[155]   Section 196 Exclusion of personal liability                                          26

        Insert ", the Registrar-General" after "by the Director-General".                    27

[156]   Section 196                                                                          28

        Insert "or Registrar-General" after "of the Director-General".                       29

[157]   Section 196                                                                          30

        Insert ", the Registrar-General" after "subject the Director-General".               31

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[158]    Part 12A                                                                           1
         Insert after Part 12:                                                              2

         Part 12A Powers of investigation                                                   3

        196A   Powers of entry, inspection etc                                              4

                (1)   An investigator may exercise the powers conferred by this             5
                      section for the purposes of:                                          6
                      (a) ascertaining whether the provisions of this Act or the            7
                            regulations are being complied with or have been                8
                            contravened, or                                                 9
                      (b) investigating a complaint made under this Act, or                10
                      (c) obtaining evidence, documents or information in relation         11
                            to a matter that constitutes or may constitute a               12
                            contravention of this Act or the regulations.                  13

                (2)   An investigator may enter and inspect at any reasonable time any     14
                      premises that the investigator believes on reasonable grounds are    15
                      used for the management of or carrying on of the business of a       16
                      retirement village.                                                  17

                (3)   While on premises entered under this section, an investigator        18
                      may do any one or more of the following:                             19
                      (a) require any person on those premises to produce any              20
                           documents in the possession or under the control of that        21
                           person relating to the carrying on of the business of a         22
                           retirement village and, in the case of documents stored         23
                           electronically, to produce any such documents in written        24
                           form,                                                           25
                      (b) inspect, take copies of or extracts from, or make notes          26
                           from, any such documents and, for that purpose, take            27
                           temporary possession of any such documents,                     28
                      (c) take possession of such documents if the investigator            29
                           considers it necessary to do so for the purpose of obtaining    30
                           evidence or protecting evidence from destruction,               31
                      (d) take such photographs, films and audio, video and other          32
                           recordings as the investigator considers necessary,             33
                      (e) require any person on those premises to answer questions         34
                           or otherwise furnish information in relation to the carrying    35
                           on of the business of a retirement village or a contravention   36
                           of a provision of this Act,                                     37

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                    (f)   require the owner or occupier (including a resident) of           1
                          those premises to provide the investigator with such              2
                          assistance and facilities as is or are reasonably necessary to    3
                          enable the investigator to exercise the functions of an           4
                          investigator under this Part.                                     5

             (4)   An investigator is not entitled to enter a part of premises used for     6
                   residential purposes except:                                             7
                    (a) with the consent of the occupier, or                                8
                   (b) under the authority of a search warrant.                             9

             (5)   An investigator may not exercise in any premises a function             10
                   conferred by this Part unless the investigator produces a               11
                   certificate of identification if requested to do so by a person         12
                   apparently in charge of those premises or apparently in charge of       13
                   any work being performed on those premises.                             14

    196B     Power of investigator to obtain information, documents and                    15
             evidence                                                                      16

                   If an investigator believes on reasonable grounds that a person is      17
                   capable of giving information, producing documents, or giving           18
                   evidence in relation to a matter that constitutes, or may constitute,   19
                   an offence under this Act or the regulations, the investigator may,     20
                   by notice in writing given to the person, require the person:           21
                    (a) to provide an investigator, by writing signed by the person        22
                          (or, in the case of a corporation, by a competent officer of     23
                          the corporation) and given to the investigator within the        24
                          time and in the manner specified in the notice, with any         25
                          such information, or                                             26
                   (b) to produce to an investigator, in accordance with the               27
                          notice, any such documents, or                                   28
                    (c) to appear before an investigator at a time and place               29
                          specified in the notice and give any such evidence, either       30
                          orally or in writing, and produce any such documents.            31

    196C     Obstruction etc of investigator                                               32

             (1)   A person must not:                                                      33
                   (a) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to comply with            34
                         any notice given or requirement made, or to answer any            35
                         question asked, by an investigator under this Part, or            36

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                    (b)  provide information or give evidence in purported                 1
                         compliance with a requirement made or question asked by           2
                         an investigator under this Part knowing the information or        3
                         evidence to be false or misleading in a material particular,      4
                         or                                                                5
                    (c) wilfully delay, hinder or obstruct an investigator in the          6
                         exercise of the investigator's functions under this Part.         7
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or imprisonment for                 8
                    6 months, or both.                                                     9

             (2)   Despite any other provision of this Part, a natural person is          10
                   excused from answering any question, providing any                     11
                   information, giving evidence or producing or permitting the            12
                   inspection of a document in accordance with this Part on the           13
                   ground that the answer, information, evidence or document may          14
                   tend to incriminate the person.                                        15

    196D     Taking possession of documents to be used as evidence                        16

             (1)   If an investigator takes possession of any documents under this        17
                   Part for the purpose of obtaining evidence or protecting evidence      18
                   from destruction, they may be retained by the investigator until       19
                   the completion of proceedings (including proceedings on appeal)        20
                   in which they may be evidence.                                         21

             (2)   The person from whom the documents are taken must be                   22
                   provided, within a reasonable time after the documents are taken,      23
                   with a copy of the documents certified by an investigator as a true    24
                   copy.                                                                  25

             (3)    A copy of documents provided under this section is, as evidence,      26
                    of equal validity to the documents of which it is certified to be a   27
                    true copy.                                                            28

    196E     Search warrants                                                              29

             (1)   An investigator may apply to an authorised officer within the          30
                   meaning of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities)           31
                   Act 2002 for the issue of a search warrant for premises if the         32
                   investigator believes on reasonable grounds:                           33
                    (a) that a provision of this Act or the regulations is being          34
                          contravened on the premises, or                                 35
                   (b) that there is on the premises evidence of a contravention of       36
                          this Act or the regulations.                                    37

             (2)   An authorised officer to whom such an application is made may,         38
                   if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for doing so, issue a   39
                   search warrant authorising an investigator named in the warrant:       40

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                       (a)   to enter and inspect premises, and                               1
                       (b)   to exercise on the premises any function of an investigator      2
                             under this Part.                                                 3

                (3)   Division 4 of Part 5 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and                 4
                      Responsibilities) Act 2002 applies to a search warrant issued           5
                      under this section.                                                     6

[159]    Section 197A                                                                         7

         Insert after section 197:                                                            8

        197A   False or misleading information                                                9

                      An operator of a retirement village must not, in purported             10
                      compliance with any requirement of this Act, give to any resident      11
                      or prospective resident any information that the operator knows        12
                      to be false or misleading in a material particular.                    13
                      Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                     14

[160]    Section 198 Costs of operator's legal advice or proceedings                         15

         Omit "statement of approved expenditure" from section 198 (1) (a).                  16

         Insert instead "approved annual budget".                                            17

[161]    Section 198 (2)                                                                     18

         Omit "statement of proposed expenditure".                                           19

         Insert instead "proposed annual budget".                                            20

[162]    Section 202 Costs of administration                                                 21

         Insert at the end of the section:                                                   22

                (2)   In the course of the administration of this Act, the Minister may      23
                      fund the provision of advisory and advocacy services to residents      24
                      and prospective residents of retirement villages.                      25

[163]    Section 203 Regulations                                                             26

         Insert after section 203 (3):                                                       27

                (4)   The regulations may exempt specified village contracts or a            28
                      specified class of village contracts from any provision of this Act.   29

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[164]   Schedule 1 Consent of residents                                                       1
        Omit Part 3. Insert instead:                                                          2

        Part 3        Consent requiring special resolution                                    3

          5    Notice of special resolution                                                   4

                      If a measure or action requires a special resolution, a ballot must     5
                      be conducted in accordance with the regulations.                        6

          6    How special resolution is carried                                              7

                      A special resolution is carried only if it is passed by at least 75%    8
                      of the number of residents who participate in the ballot.               9

[165]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                10

        Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   11

                      Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2008                                 12

[166]   Schedule 4, clause 1 (1A)                                                            13

        Insert after clause 1 (1):                                                           14

              (1A)    For the avoidance of doubt, any such provision may, if the             15
                      regulations so provide, have effect despite any specified              16
                      provision of this Act (including a provision of this Schedule).        17

[167]   Schedule 4, Part 3                                                                   18

        Insert after Part 2:                                                                 19

        Part 3        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                  20
                      Retirement Villages Amendment Act 2008                                 21

        Division 1             General                                                       22

        15     Definition                                                                    23

                      In this Part:                                                          24
                      2008 amending Act means the Retirement Villages Amendment              25
                      Act 2008.                                                              26

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Schedule 1      Amendments

      16     Amendments extend to existing contracts                                        1
                   Except as otherwise provided by this Part or the regulations, an         2
                   amendment made by the 2008 amending Act extends to a village             3
                   contract that was in force immediately before the commencement           4
                   of that amendment.                                                       5

      Division 2          Recurrent charges                                                 6

      17     Liability of former occupant of residential premises for recurrent             7
             charges where former occupant is registered interest holder                    8

             (1)   This clause applies to a former occupant of residential premises         9
                   in a retirement village who is the registered interest holder in        10
                   relation to those premises and who had vacated the premises             11
                   before the commencement of section 152 (3) (as inserted by the          12
                   2008 amending Act).                                                     13

             (2)   If a former occupant of residential premises in a retirement            14
                   village was still liable to pay recurrent charges in respect of those   15
                   premises immediately before the commencement of section                 16
                   152 (3) (as inserted by the 2008 amending Act), a reference in          17
                   section 152 (3) (a) to 42 days immediately after the former             18
                   occupant permanently vacated the premises is to be read as a            19
                   reference to 6 months after that commencement.                          20

             (3)   In this clause, a reference to recurrent charges is a reference to      21
                   recurrent charges in respect of general services.                       22

      18     Liability of former occupant of residential premises for recurrent            23
             charges where former occupant is not registered interest holder               24

             (1)   This clause applies to a former occupant of residential premises        25
                   in a retirement village who is not a registered interest holder in      26
                   relation to those premises and who had vacated the premises             27
                   before the amendment of section 153 (2) (e) by the 2008                 28
                   amending Act.                                                           29

             (2)   If a former occupant of residential premises in a retirement            30
                   village was still liable to pay recurrent charges in respect of those   31
                   premises immediately before the amendment of section                    32
                   153 (2) (e) by the 2008 amending Act, a reference in that               33
                   paragraph to the date that is 42 days after the date on which the       34
                   former occupant otherwise permanently vacated the premises is           35
                   to be read as a reference to:                                           36
                    (a) the date that is 42 days after the commencement of this            37
                          clause, or                                                       38

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                    (b)  the date that is 6 months after the former occupant                1
                         delivered up vacant possession of those premises to the            2
                         operator,                                                          3
                    whichever date occurs first.                                            4

             (3)   In this clause, a reference to recurrent charges is a reference to       5
                   recurrent charges in respect of general services.                        6

      Division 3          Making good of outstanding deficits                               7

       19    Definition                                                                     8

                    In this Division, outstanding deficit means the total deficit in the    9
                    annual accounts of a retirement village that accrued on or before      10
                    the end of a financial year of the retirement village occurring        11
                    most recently before 23 November 2006.                                 12

       20    Making good of deficit                                                        13

             (1)   The operator of a retirement village may:                               14
                   (a) make good the whole, or any part, of any outstanding                15
                         deficit from any funds, other than recurrent charges,             16
                         available to the operator, or                                     17
                   (b) propose that the residents of the village make good the             18
                         whole, or any part, of any outstanding deficit:                   19
                          (i) by making special additional payments, or                    20
                         (ii) from any surplus in the annual accounts of the               21
                                retirement village in any financial year.                  22

             (2)   The residents of a retirement village may, by special resolution,       23
                   consent to a proposal under subclause (1) (b) (i) or (ii).              24

             (3)    A proposal under subclause (1) (b) may only be put to the              25
                    residents of the retirement village once.                              26

             (4)   Despite section 120B (as inserted by the 2008 amending Act), if         27
                   the residents of a retirement village consent to a proposal under       28
                   subclause (1) (b) (ii), the operator of the retirement village may      29
                   make good the whole, or any part, of that outstanding deficit from      30
                   a surplus in the annual accounts of the village in accordance with      31
                   the proposal.                                                           32

             (5)   The regulations may prescribe expenditure or circumstances              33
                   resulting in, or contributing to, the outstanding deficit in respect    34
                   of which the operator is prevented from making a proposal under         35
                   subclause (1) (b) (i) or (ii).                                          36

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Schedule 1      Amendments

             (6)   Nothing in this clause authorises the making good of the whole         1
                   or any part of an outstanding deficit by using money from the          2
                   capital works fund.                                                    3

      21     Tribunal may make orders for making good of deficit                          4

             (1)   If a retirement village has an outstanding deficit on or after         5
                   23 November 2011 or such later date as may be prescribed by the        6
                   regulations, the operator may apply to the Tribunal for (and the       7
                   Tribunal may make) an order specifying:                                8
                    (a) the amount of any such deficit that is to be made good by         9
                         the operator of the retirement village, and                     10
                   (b) the amount of any such deficit that is to be made good by         11
                         the residents of the retirement village, and                    12
                    (c) the date by which any such deficit is to be made good.           13

             (2)   In making an order under this clause, the Tribunal must give          14
                   consideration to such matters as may be prescribed by the             15
                   regulations.                                                          16

             (3)   If the operator of the retirement village does not apply to the       17
                   Tribunal for an order under this clause within 30 days after          18
                   23 November 2011, or such later date as may be prescribed by the      19
                   regulations, the operator must make good the whole of the             20
                   outstanding deficit.                                                  21

      Division 4           Capital replacement and maintenance                           22

      22     Definitions                                                                 23

                   In this Division:                                                     24
                   capital replacement fund means a capital replacement fund             25
                   established under section 95 (as in force immediately before its      26
                   substitution by the 2008 amending Act).                               27
                   capital works fund means a capital works fund established under       28
                   section 100 (as substituted by the 2008 amending Act).                29
                   maintenance fund means a maintenance fund established under           30
                   section 100 (as in force immediately before its substitution by the   31
                   2008 amending Act).                                                   32

      23     Reimbursement for urgent capital replacement or maintenance                 33
             carried out by resident                                                     34

                   Section 95 (as substituted by the 2008 amending Act) does not         35
                   apply in respect of any capital replacement or maintenance            36
                   carried out, or caused to be carried out, by a resident of a          37
                   retirement village before the commencement of that amendment.         38

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Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

       24    Application of capital replacement and maintenance provisions                 1
                    For the purposes of section 98 (as substituted by the 2008             2
                    amending Act), the cost to a resident of a retirement village (who     3
                    was a resident of the village immediately before that substitution)    4
                    for capital maintenance or replacement must not, in any financial      5
                    year, exceed $1,000 or such other amount as may be prescribed          6
                    by the regulations.                                                    7

       25    Existing capital replacement funds and maintenance funds                      8

             (1)    On the substitution of Division 2 of Part 7 by the 2008 amending       9
                    Act, any capital replacement fund existing immediately before         10
                    that substitution is dissolved.                                       11

             (2)   Any funds held in a capital replacement fund for a retirement          12
                   village that is dissolved by subclause (1) are to be held by the       13
                   operator and may be used by the operator to fund the operator's        14
                   proportion of any capital maintenance and replacement.                 15

             (3)   Any maintenance fund for a retirement village existing                 16
                   immediately before the repeal of Division 3 of Part 7 by the 2008      17
                   amending Act is taken, on that repeal, to be a capital works fund.     18

       26    Sale of items of capital to residents                                        19

             (1)   Except as provided by this clause, section 102, as substituted by      20
                   the 2008 amending Act, does not apply in respect of the sale of        21
                   an item of capital before the substitution of that section.            22

             (2)   A resident of a retirement village may, by notice in writing to the    23
                   operator of the village, advise that this clause applies to a          24
                   specified item of capital owned by the resident if:                    25
                   (a) the item was purchased from the operator of the village on         26
                          or after 23 November 2006, and                                  27
                   (b) but for the purchase of the item, it is an item for which the      28
                          operator would be responsible (within the meaning of            29
                          section 92, as substituted by the 2008 amending Act).           30

             (3)   On the giving of such a notice to the operator of a retirement         31
                   village:                                                               32
                   (a) ownership of the item of capital referred to in the notice is      33
                          transferred to the operator, and                                34
                   (b) the resident is entitled to receive a payment equal to the         35
                          amount the resident paid for the item.                          36

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Schedule 1     Amendments

             (4)   A payment that a resident is entitled to receive under this clause     1
                   is required to be made at the same time as the operator is required    2
                   to make a payment to the resident under section 44D (2), 180 (2)       3
                   or 181 (2) as the case may be.                                         4

             (5)   The operator of a retirement village may apply to the Tribunal for     5
                   (and the Tribunal may make) an order, reducing the amount to           6
                   which a resident is entitled under subclause (3) (b), having regard    7
                   to the condition of the item of capital concerned.                     8

             (6)   An application made by an operator under subclause (5) may             9
                   relate to more than one item of capital or more than one notice       10
                   under this clause.                                                    11

      27     Contract, agreement or scheme for the replacement or                        12
             maintenance of items of capital                                             13

             (1)   This clause applies to any contract, agreement or scheme              14
                   between the operator of a retirement village and a resident of the    15
                   retirement village that:                                              16
                    (a) purports to pass responsibility for the maintenance or           17
                          replacement of an item of capital for which the operator is    18
                          responsible (within the meaning of section 92) to the          19
                          resident, and                                                  20
                   (b) was entered into before the substitution of section 102.          21

             (2)   Except as provided by this clause, section 102 does not apply in      22
                   respect of a contract, agreement or scheme to which this clause       23
                   applies.                                                              24

             (3)   A resident who is a party to a contract, agreement or scheme to       25
                   which this clause applies may give notice in writing to the           26
                   operator who is a party to the contract, agreement or scheme that     27
                   the resident intends section 102 (2) to apply to the contract,        28
                   agreement or scheme.                                                  29

             (4)   On the giving of the notice, section 102 (2) and (3) are taken to     30
                   extend to the contract, agreement or scheme, but only in relation     31
                   to anything required to be done under the contract, agreement or      32
                   scheme after the giving of the notice.                                33

             (5)   A notice may only be given under this clause within the period of     34
                   3 months immediately after the commencement of section 102.           35

             (6)   A reference in this clause to section 102 is a reference to that      36
                   section as substituted by the 2008 amending Act.                      37

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Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

      Division 5          Miscellaneous                                                     1

       28    Amendments relating to annual budgets                                          2

                    A statement of proposed expenditure or a statement of approved          3
                    expenditure under this Act (as in force immediately before the          4
                    commencement of this clause) is taken, on that commencement,            5
                    to be a proposed annual budget or an approved annual budget,            6
                    respectively.                                                           7

       29    General inquiry document and disclosure statement concerning a                 8
             village                                                                        9

             (1)    An amendment made to section 18 (1) by the 2008 amending Act           10
                    does not apply to or in respect of a person if the operator of a       11
                    retirement village was aware, before the commencement of that          12
                    amendment, that the person was a prospective resident or was           13
                    acting on behalf of a prospective resident.                            14

             (2)    However, the operator of a retirement village must provide any         15
                    such person with a general inquiry document within 14 days after       16
                    the commencement of that amendment.                                    17

             (3)    An amendment made to section 18 (3) by the 2008 amending Act           18
                    does not apply to a request or expression of interest made before      19
                    the commencement of that amendment.                                    20

       30    Amendment relating to residents entering village contract                     21

                    An amendment made to section 24 (1) by the 2008 amending Act           22
                    does not extend to an agreement entered into before the                23
                    commencement of that amendment.                                        24

       31    Amendment relating to renovations and alteration of fixtures or               25
             fittings                                                                      26

                    Section 41A (as inserted by the 2008 amending Act) does not            27
                    apply to any renovations or alterations of fixtures or fittings that   28
                    were commenced, but not completed, before the insertion of that        29
                    section.                                                               30

       32    Settling-in period provisions                                                 31

             (1)    Division 2 of Part 5 (as inserted by the 2008 amending Act)            32
                    extends to a village contract entered into before the insertion of     33
                    that Division.                                                         34

             (2)   For the avoidance of doubt, the end of the settling-in period with      35
                   respect to a village contract to which Division 2 of Part 5 applies     36
                   because of subclause (1) is the later of:                               37

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Schedule 1     Amendments

                   (a)   the day that is 90 days after the date on which the resident      1
                         is entitled to occupy the residential premises concerned          2
                         under the residence contract for the premises, or                 3
                   (b)   if the resident occupies the premises before the day              4
                         specified in paragraph (a), the day that is 90 days after the     5
                         resident first occupies the residential premises, or              6
                   (c)   such date as may be agreed to by the operator and the             7
                         resident.                                                         8

      33     Membership of Residents Committee                                             9

                   For the purposes of section 70A (as inserted by the 2008               10
                   amending Act), any term of office concluded before the                 11
                   commencement of that section is disregarded.                           12

      34     Holding of first annual management meeting                                   13

                   Section 72A (as inserted by the 2008 amending Act) applies to          14
                   each financial year for a retirement village ending after the          15
                   insertion of that section and extends to a financial year of a         16
                   retirement village that ended within the 2 months occurring            17
                   immediately before that insertion.                                     18

      35     Existing proxies                                                             19

             (1)   An amendment made to this Act by the 2008 amending Act does            20
                   not affect the casting of a vote by means of a proxy in force          21
                   immediately before the commencement of the amendment.                  22

             (2)   However, any such proxy expires at the end of the financial year       23
                   of the retirement village commencing after the commencement of         24
                   the amendment.                                                         25

      36     Variation of recurrent charges                                               26

                   Section 104 (2) (as substituted by the 2008 amending Act)              27
                   applies to a village contract that is referred to in that subsection   28
                   and was in existence before that substitution on and from the date     29
                   that the village contract was last varied before that substitution.    30

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Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

       37    Amendments relating to quarterly accounts                                  1
                    An amendment made to section 118 by the 2008 amending Act           2
                    does not apply to the quarterly accounts for a retirement village   3
                    in respect of a quarter that had ended before the commencement      4
                    of the amendment.                                                   5

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