New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground
Amendment Bill 2006


          1    Name of Act                                         2
          2    Commencement                                        2
          3    Amendment of Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground
               Act 1978 No 72                                      2
           4   Repeal of Act                                       2
  Schedule 1   Amendments                                          3
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2006

                            New South Wales

Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground
Amendment Bill 2006
Act No      , 2006

An Act to amend the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 in relation to the
purposes for which the scheduled lands under the Act may be used; and for other

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment
               Act 2006.
 2    Commencement
               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
 3    Amendment of Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 No 72
               The Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978 is amended as set out
               in Schedule 1.
 4    Repeal of Act
         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act
         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.

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Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Amendments
                                                                          (Section 3)
[1]   Section 8 Continuation of dedication of land in Part 1 of Schedule 2
      Omit "shall be deemed to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands
      Consolidation Act 1913 for public recreation and (without affecting section
      10) that Act, with the exception of Divisions 2 and 4 of Part 3B thereof, shall
      apply to and in respect of that land".
      Insert instead "is taken to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands Act
      1989 for public recreation".
[2]   Section 9 Vesting and dedication of land in Part 2 of Schedule 2
      Omit "shall be deemed to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands
      Consolidation Act 1913 for public recreation, and (without affecting section
      10) that Act, with the exception of Divisions 2 and 4 of Part 3B thereof, shall
      apply to and in respect of that land" from section 9 (b).
      Insert instead "is taken to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands Act
      1989 for public recreation".
[3]   Section 9A Vesting and dedication of land in Part 3 of Schedule 2
      Omit "shall be deemed to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands
      Consolidation Act 1913 for public recreation, and (without affecting section
      10) that Act, with the exception of Division 2 and 4 of Part 3B thereof, shall
      apply to and in respect of that land" from section 9A (b).
      Insert instead "is taken to be Crown land dedicated under the Crown Lands Act
      1989 for public recreation".
[4]   Section 9B
      Insert after section 9A:
      9B     Application of Crown Lands Act 1989
                   The Crown Lands Act 1989 applies to and in respect of scheduled
                   lands, except for the following provisions:
                    (a) sections 100, 101, 111, 111A, 121A and 122-128,
                   (b) Divisions 4, 6 and 7 of Part 5.

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                 Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1      Amendments

[5]   Sections 10-12
      Omit the sections. Insert instead:
         10   Revocation of dedication
              (1)   Despite the provisions of this or any other Act, a dedication
                    referred to in section 8, 9 or 9A cannot be revoked except by an
                    Act of Parliament.
              (2)   However, subsection (1) does not affect the operation of section
                    104 of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
         11   Appointment of Trust as trustee
                    The Trust is taken to be a reserve trust under the Crown Lands Act
                    1989 of the scheduled lands and is the sole trustee of the
                    scheduled lands.
         12   Estate of Trust in, and dealings with, scheduled lands
              (1)   For the purposes only of this Act and any by-law under this Act,
                    and the provisions of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Crown Lands Act
                    1989 applying by virtue of section 9B of this Act, the Trust is
                    taken to have an estate in fee simple in the scheduled lands.
              (2)   Subsection (1) operates only to the extent that the Trust would not
                    have an estate in fee simple in the scheduled lands apart from that
              (3)   The Trust is not capable of alienating, charging, granting leases
                    of, or licences in respect of, the scheduled lands or any part of the
                    scheduled lands except in accordance with the provisions of
                    Division 5 of Part 5 of the Crown Lands Act 1989 applying by
                    virtue of section 9B of this Act.
              (4)   A reference in section 108 of the Crown Lands Act 1989 to
                    prescribed purposes includes, in relation to the scheduled lands,
                    a reference to the purposes referred to in section 14 of this Act.
              (5)   A reference in the provisions of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Crown
                    Lands Act 1989 applying by virtue of section 9B of this Act to the
                    Minister is, in relation to the scheduled lands, to be read as a
                    reference to the Minister administering this Act.
              (6)   The Trust is, in the exercise or performance of its functions in
                    relation to the grant of licences under section 108 of the Crown
                    Lands Act 1989, subject to the control and direction of the

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Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

[6]   Sections 16C-16E
      Insert after section 16B:
      16C    Additional uses allowed on scheduled lands
             (1)   Subject to section 16D, any part of the scheduled lands may be
                   used for purposes permitted on that part by a State environmental
                   planning policy.
             (2)   After the commencement of this section, a State environmental
                   planning policy may not permit the use of the scheduled lands for
                   any purpose unless the use of the land for that purpose has been
                   approved by the Minister administering this Act.
             (3)   Section 16B does not prevent provision being included in a State
                   environmental planning policy in relation to any part of the
                   scheduled lands that is designated land. However, if such
                   provision is made, section 16B ceases to apply to that part of the
                   land except in relation to:
                    (a) any improvement or use of that part of the land carried out
                         pursuant to an approval under section 16A that was
                         granted before the date on which the State environmental
                         planning policy took effect, or
                   (b) any improvement carried out, or use of that part of the
                         land, pursuant to an approval under section 16A that was
                         granted on or after the date on which the State
                         environmental planning policy took effect in response to
                         an application made by the Trust before that date.
             (4)   This section:
                   (a) does not affect any provision of a State environmental
                         planning policy as in force before the commencement of
                         this section, and
                   (b) affects provisions included in a State environmental
                         planning policy after the commencement of this section
                         only to the extent that those provisions relate to the
                         scheduled lands.
             (5)   In this section, State environmental planning policy has the
                   same meaning as in the Environmental Planning and Assessment
                   Act 1979.

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               Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1     Amendments

     16D     Certain uses of scheduled lands restricted
             (1)   Despite any other provision of this Act, any other Act or any
                   instrument made under this or any other Act:
                    (a) no part of the scheduled lands (other than land described in
                         Schedule 2B) may be used for residential accommodation,
                   (b) no part of the scheduled lands (other than designated land)
                         may be used for tourist and visitor accommodation.
             (2)   In this section:
                   residential accommodation means a building or place used
                   predominantly as a place of residence, but does not include
                   tourist and visitor accommodation.
                   tourist and visitor accommodation means a building or place that
                   provides temporary or short-term accommodation on a
                   commercial basis, and includes hotel accommodation and
                   serviced apartments.
     16E     Ancillary provisions relating to development and use of scheduled
             lands for additional purposes
             (1)   The dedication of the scheduled lands for public recreation does
                   not prevent or otherwise affect the use of any part of the
                   scheduled lands for a permissible purpose and does not prevent
                   or otherwise affect the grant of a lease or licence that permits or
                   otherwise provides for its use for a permissible purpose.
             (2)   The provisions of sections 102, 103 and 108 of the Crown Lands
                   Act 1989 extend to the leasing and licensing of any part of the
                   scheduled lands for a permissible purpose.
             (3)   Without limiting the work that may be carried out by the Trust to
                   enable the use of any part of the scheduled lands for a permissible
                   purpose, the provisions of section 16 apply to any such purpose
                   in the same way as they apply to purposes referred to in sections
                   14 and 15.
             (4)   For the purpose of enabling the use of any part of the scheduled
                   lands for a permissible purpose, the functions of the Trust may be
                   exercised by the Trust in a partnership, joint venture or other
                   association with other persons or bodies.
             (5)   In this section, permissible purpose, in relation to a part of the
                   scheduled lands, means a purpose permitted on that part by a
                   State environmental planning policy referred to in section 16C.

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Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

[7]   Schedule 2B
      Insert after Schedule 2A:

      Schedule 2B            Section 16D--land description
                                                                 (Section 16D (1) (a))

      All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Parish of Alexandria County of
      Cumberland comprising part of Portion 1528 and part of Portion 1530 being
      part of the land in Schedule 2A: commencing on the southeastern side of
      Driver Avenue at its intersection with the southwestern side of Moore Park
      Road bounded thence on the northeast by the southwestern side of Moore Park
      Road bearing successively 102 degrees 6 minutes 50.27 metres, 104 degrees
      51 minutes 30 seconds 95.72 metres, 109 degrees 60.13 metres and
      111 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds 23.475 metres to the intersection of the
      southwestern side of Moore Park Road with the northeastern face of a concrete
      kerb; on the northeast by the northeastern face of a concrete kerb and the
      prolongation thereof bearing 161 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds
      34.945 metres to the corner of a concrete pavement; on the southeast by a line
      joining the corner of a concrete pavement to the northeastern corner of a brick
      wall bearing 246 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds 19.1 metres; along the
      southeastern face of a brick wall bearing successively 243 degrees 40 minutes
      2.275 metres, 238 degrees 34 minutes 9.515 metres and 233 degrees
      19 minutes 5.36 metres to the southeastern corner of a brick wall; by a line
      joining the southeastern corner of a brick wall to the northeastern corner of a
      brick wall bearing 230 degrees 52 minutes 10.745 metres; along the
      southeastern face of a brick wall bearing successively 229 degrees 10 minutes
      4.965 metres and 222 degrees 22 minutes 3.77 metres; by a line joining the
      southeastern corner of a brick wall to the northeastern corner of a brick wall
      bearing 222 degrees 11 minutes 2.305 metres; along the southeastern face of a
      brick wall bearing 222 degrees 24 minutes 14.915 metres; by a line joining the
      southeastern corner of a brick wall to the northeastern corner of a concrete
      kerb bearing 209 degrees 55 minutes 7.16 metres; along the southeastern face
      of a concrete kerb bearing successively 209 degrees 27 minutes 12.315 metres,
      202 degrees 37 minutes 11.73 metres, 200 degrees 19 minutes 9.26 metres and
      192 degrees 25 minutes 8.805 metres; along the southeastern face of a brick
      wall bearing 189 degrees 13 minutes 2.62 metres; on the south by the southern
      face of a brick wall bearing 277 degrees 45 minutes 4.53 metres; on the
      southeast by the southeastern face of a timber retaining wall bearing
      252 degrees 25 minutes 4.03 metres; on the east by the eastern edge of a
      concrete dish drain bearing 186 degrees 36 minutes 14.26 metres; on the south
      by the southern face of a concrete kerb bearing 273 degrees 34 minutes
      10 seconds 58.155 metres to the intersection of the kerb and the eastern side
      of Driver Avenue; on the southwest, west and northwest by the northeastern,
      eastern and southeastern sides of Driver Avenue bearing successively

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                Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1      Amendments

      307 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds 114.89 metres, 321 degrees 3 minutes
      30 seconds 20.115 metres, 345 degrees 3 minutes 30 seconds 20.115 metres,
      3 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds 20.115 metres and 17 degrees 3 minutes
      30 seconds 75.74 metres to the point of commencement and containing in all
      an area of 3.2 hectares or thereabout.
[8]   Schedule 4 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert before clause 1:

      Part 1        Preliminary
         1A   Regulations
              (1)   The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or
                    transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the following
                    Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Act 2006
              (2)   Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect
                    from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.
              (3)   To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date
                    that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the
                    provision does not operate so as:
                     (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than
                           the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that
                           person existing before the date of its publication, or
                    (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or
                           an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or
                           omitted to be done before the date of its publication.

      Part 2        Provisions consequent on enactment of
                    this Act

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Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

[9]   Schedule 4, Part 3
      Insert after clause 8:

      Part 3       Provisions consequent on enactment of
                   Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground
                   Amendment Act 2006
        9    Dedication of scheduled lands
                   No amendment made by the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground
                   Amendment Act 2006 affects the continued dedication of the
                   scheduled lands for the purposes of public recreation as referred
                   to in section 8, 9 or 9A.
       10    Existing leases and licences
             (1)   An amendment to this Act made by the Sydney Cricket and
                   Sports Ground Amendment Act 2006 does not affect any lease or
                   licence granted by the Trust and in force immediately before the
                   commencement of the amendment.
             (2)   However, subclause (1) does not limit the operation of section
                   16 (2) and (3) (as applied by section 16E) in relation to a lease or
                   licence referred to in that subclause.

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