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Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to prevent the relocation of Gosford Public School to the grounds of Henry
Kendall High School and to ensure that parents, staff and the community are
consulted before any alternative site is chosen for Gosford Public School; and for
other purposes.
Clause 1          Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                 1

 1    Name of Act                                                                          2

               This Act is the Save Gosford Public School Act 2012.                        3

 2    Commencement                                                                         4

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                       5

 3    Definition                                                                           6

               In this Act:                                                                7
               Minister means the Minister administering the Education Act 1990.           8

 4    Prohibition on relocation of Gosford Public School to grounds of Henry               9
      Kendall High School                                                                 10

               The Minister must ensure that no action is taken to relocate Gosford       11
               Public School from Mann Street, Gosford, to:                               12
               (a) the grounds of Henry Kendall High School, or                           13
               (b) any land adjacent to Henry Kendall High School.                        14

 5    Continuing operation of school at Mann Street, Gosford site                         15

               The Minister must ensure that Gosford Public School is not relocated       16
               from the site on Mann Street, Gosford, unless a decision is made in        17
               accordance with this Act to relocate the school.                           18

 6    Notice that must be given before relocation decision is made                        19

         (1)   The Minister must not make a decision on an alternative site for Gosford   20
               Public School unless the Minister has consulted with interested persons    21
               in accordance with this section.                                           22

         (2)   The Minister must cause written notice to be given of any proposed         23
               decision on an alternative site for Gosford Public School to each of the   24
               following:                                                                 25
                (a) the principal of Gosford Public School,                               26
               (b) at least one of the parents or guardians of each child attending       27
                     Gosford Public School,                                               28
                (c) each teacher or other person employed at Gosford Public School,       29
               (d) the NSW Teachers Federation,                                           30
                (e) the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW.           31

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Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012                                   Clause 7

       (3)   The Minister must also cause a notice to be published of any proposed       1
             decision on an alternative site for Gosford Public School:                  2
             (a) in at least one newspaper circulating throughout the State, and         3
             (b) in at least one newspaper circulating generally in Gosford.             4

       (4)   A notice under this section must:                                           5
             (a) give the Minister's reasons for proposing the alternative site, and     6
             (b) specify where plans or information concerning the alternative site      7
                   may be inspected, and                                                 8
             (c) invite submissions on the proposed decision to relocate to the          9
                   particular alternative site and specify the deadline before which    10
                   submissions may be made (which must be at least 60 days after        11
                   the date on which the notice is given), and                          12
             (d) invite any interested person to attend a meeting convened for the      13
                   purpose of discussing the proposed decision and specify the time     14
                   and place of the meeting.                                            15

       (5)   The Minister must cause the plans or information referred to in the        16
             notices required by this section to be placed on public exhibition. The    17
             exhibition period must begin on the date that the first notice is sent     18
             under this section and must not end before the deadline for the making     19
             of submissions.                                                            20

  7   Meetings with interested persons before relocation decision is made               21

             The Minister must not make a decision on an alternative site for Gosford   22
             Public School unless the Minister has convened and attended at least       23
             one public meeting with any interested persons for the purpose of          24
             discussing the proposed decision.                                          25

  8   Factors to be considered by Minister before relocation decision is made           26

       (1)   The Minister must not make a decision on an alternative site for Gosford   27
             Public School unless the Minister has had regard to:                       28
             (a) any submissions made by any person before the end of the period        29
                   for submissions referred to in section 6, and                        30
             (b) the comments made at any meeting referred to in section 7.             31

       (2)   Before making such a decision, the Minister must also have regard to:      32
             (a) the needs of current students of the school, and                       33
             (b) the needs of future students of the school, and                        34
             (c) the needs of teachers employed at the school.                          35

                                                                             Page 3
Clause 8          Save Gosford Public School Bill 2012

         (3)   This section does not limit the other matters to which the Minister may   1
               have regard in making a decision regarding an alternative site for        2
               Gosford Public School.                                                    3

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