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                            New South Wales

Saint John's College Amendment Bill


              1    Name of Act                                                2
              2    Commencement                                               2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Saint John's College Act (1857) 21 Vic        3

                            New South Wales

Saint John's College Amendment Bill
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Saint John's College Act (1857) with respect to the Council of
Saint John's College.
Clause 1      Saint John's College Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                            1

 1    Name of Act                                                     2

           This Act is the Saint John's College Amendment Act 2012.   3

 2    Commencement                                                    4

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.      5

Page 2
Saint John's College Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Saint John's College Act (1857) 21 Vic                      Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Saint John's College Act                               1
                       (1857) 21 Vic                                                       2

[1]   Section 1A                                                                           3

      Insert before section 1:                                                             4

       1A    Name of Act                                                                   5

                    This Act is the Saint John's College Act 1857.                         6

[2]   Section 7 Vacancies                                                                  7

      Omit "All". Insert instead "Except as provided by section 8B, all".                  8

[3]   Section 8 Election of fellows                                                        9

      Insert ", except as provided by section 8B," after "and that".                      10

[4]   Section 8A Term of office                                                           11

      Insert ", except as provided by section 8B," after "shall".                         12

[5]   Section 8B                                                                          13

      Insert after section 8A:                                                            14

       8B    Extraordinary vacancies in offices of fellows                                15

             (1)    This section applies in either or both of the following               16
                    circumstances:                                                        17
                    (a) if there are vacancies in the office of all 6 clerical members    18
                          of the Council,                                                 19
                    (b) if there are vacancies in all but one of the offices of lay       20
                          members of the Council.                                         21

             (2)    In the circumstances to which this section applies, the visitor       22
                    must, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor:                       23
                     (a) remove any remaining fellows, and                                24
                    (b) appoint such persons as fellows as are necessary to enable        25
                          the Council to be constituted in accordance with section 3.     26

             (3)    A person removed under subsection (2) (a) may (but need not) be       27
                    appointed as a fellow under subsection (2) (b).                       28

             (4)    A fellow appointed under this section holds office, unless sooner     29
                    removed from office, for a period of up to 3 years specified in the   30
                    fellow's instrument of appointment.                                   31

                                                                              Page 3
                   Saint John's College Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Saint John's College Act (1857) 21 Vic

             (5)      The visitor may, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor,             1
                      remove a fellow appointed under this section from office for any       2
                      or no stated reason by revoking the appointment of the fellow by       3
                      notice in writing given to the fellow.                                 4

             (6)      The visitor may fill a vacancy (however arising) in the office of      5
                      a fellow appointed under this section for the remainder of the         6
                      term of office of the fellow vacating office.                          7

             (7)      The visitor, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor, is to           8
                      convene the first meeting of the Council after the requisite           9
                      fellows are appointed under this section in such manner as the        10
                      visitor thinks fit and is to nominate the fellow to preside at that   11
                      meeting.                                                              12

             (8)      The fellows appointed under this section have and may exercise        13
                      and perform all the functions, powers and duties of fellows           14
                      supplied under section 8.                                             15

             (9)      In this section:                                                      16

                      Vice-Chancellor means the Vice-Chancellor of the University of        17
                      Sydney.                                                               18

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