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Statute Law (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011
No     , 2011

A Bill for

An Act to repeal certain Acts and instruments and to amend certain other Acts and
instruments in various respects and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision;
and to make certain savings.
Clause 1          Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011.    3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

         (1)   This Act commences on 6 January 2012 except as provided by                 5
               subsection (2).                                                            6

         (2)   However, the amendments made by the Schedules to this Act                  7
               commence on the day or days specified in those Schedules in relation to    8
               the amendments concerned. If a commencement day is not specified,          9
               the amendments commence in accordance with subsection (1).                10

 3    Explanatory notes                                                                  11

               The matter appearing under the heading "Explanatory note" in any of       12
               the Schedules does not form part of this Act.                             13

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Minor amendments                                                           1

1.1 Building Professionals Act 2005 No 115                                                          2

       Section 97 Review of Act                                                                     3

       Omit "5 years" wherever occurring in section 97 (2) and (3).                                 4

       Insert instead "7 years".                                                                    5
       Explanatory note                                                                             6
       The proposed amendment to the Building Professionals Act 2005 (the Act) provides             7
       that the statutory review of the Act (being the review to determine whether the policy       8
       objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of that Act remain appropriate      9
       for securing those objectives) is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period     10
       of 7 years, rather than 5 years, after the date of assent to the Act (which occurred on     11
       7 December 2005). The report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each           12
       House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of that 7 year period (that is, within   13
       12 months after 7 December 2012).                                                           14

1.2 Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004                                          15
    No 70                                                                                          16

       Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                       17

       Insert after Part 3:                                                                        18

       Part 4        Provisions consequent on establishment                                        19
                     of Security Licensing and Enforcement                                         20
                     Directorate                                                                   21

       14     Delegations                                                                          22

                     The delegation by the Commissioner under section 36 of this Act               23
                     dated 6 April 2006 is taken to include, and to have included from             24
                     21 March 2011, a delegation to the persons holding the following              25
                     offices in the Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate,                26
                     State Crime Command, NSW Police Force:                                        27
                     (a) Director,                                                                 28
                     (b) General Manager, Industry Regulation,                                     29
                     (c) General Manager, Operations,                                              30
                     (d) Manager, Adjudication,                                                    31
                     (e) Manager, Assessment and Prevention,                                       32
                      (f) Manager, Compliance and Enforcement,                                     33
                     (g) Manager, Customer Relations,                                              34
                     (h) Manager, Licensing Services,                                              35

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

                      (i)   Senior Compliance Enforcement Officer,                                 1
                      (j)   Compliance and Enforcement Officer,                                    2
                     (k)    Senior Assessment Officer,                                             3
                      (l)   Assessment Officer,                                                    4
                    (m)     Adjudication Officer.                                                  5
      Explanatory note                                                                             6
      The proposed amendment to the Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents                   7
      Act 2004 (the Act) makes it clear that the restructure within the NSW Police Force that      8
      included the replacement of the Security Industry Registry with the Security Licensing       9
      and Enforcement Directorate does not and did not affect the delegation of the               10
      Commissioner's functions under the Act.                                                     11

1.3 Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202                                                     12

      Section 78 Order by Tribunal substituting schedule of unit entitlements                     13

      Insert "(2) or" after "subsection" in section 78 (1).                                       14
      Explanatory note                                                                            15
      The proposed amendment to the Community Land Management Act 1989 makes it                   16
      clear that section 78 (1) of that Act (which specifies the circumstances in which certain   17
      orders of the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal can be made) applies in relation        18
      to orders made in accordance with both subsections (2) and (3) of that section (as also     19
      suggested by the language used in subsection (1) of that section).                          20

1.4 Companion Animals Act 1998 No 87                                                              21

      Section 5 Definitions                                                                       22

      Omit the definition of dog in section 5 (1). Insert instead:                                23
                  dog means an animal (of either sex, or desexed, and whether or                  24
                  not domesticated) of a species with the scientific name Canis                   25
                  familiaris, Canis lupus familiaris, Canis lupus dingo, Canis                    26
                  familiaris dingo or Canis dingo, or a synonym of any of those                   27
                  names, and including a hybrid of any of those species.                          28
                     Note. The Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921 continues to apply to dingoes        29
                     in the Western Division within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1989.      30
                     Section 26 of the Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921 creates an offence if a      31
                     person has in the person's possession any dingo or half-breed dingo          32
                     without the written authority of the Wild Dog Destruction Board.             33
      Explanatory note                                                                            34
      The proposed amendment to the Companion Animals Act 1998 (the Act) updates the              35
      definition of dog in the Act to include certain new species names of dingoes so as to       36
      ensure that dingoes continue to be regulated in accordance with the Act.                    37

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                              Schedule 1

1.5 Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001 No 82                                         1

       Section 28 Procedure of Tribunal generally                                                2

       Omit "Subsection (5) (g)-(i)" from section 28 (7).                                        3

       Insert instead "Subsection (5) (g) and (i)".                                              4
       Explanatory note                                                                          5
       The proposed amendment to the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001              6
       makes it clear that proceedings in the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal arising      7
       under the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 and the Community Land                       8
       Management Act 1989 can be withdrawn by the applicant (the same as any other type         9
       of proceedings in the Tribunal).                                                         10

1.6 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203                                       11

[1]    Section 96AA Modification by consent authorities of consents granted                     12
       by the Court                                                                             13

       Insert at the end of section 96AA (1B):                                                  14

                     This subsection does not apply to State significant development.           15

[2]    Section 98 Appeal by an objector                                                         16

       Insert "and, for that purpose, a reference in this Act to objector includes a            17
       person who has made a submission under section 89F (3) by way of objection               18
       to a development application for consent to carry out such State significant             19
       development" after "determination of the application" in section 98 (4).                 20

[3]    Section 115Y Environmental assessment requirements for approval                          21

       Omit "in the form approved by the Director-General" from section 115Y (2).               22

       Insert instead "in the form prescribed by the regulations".                              23
       Explanatory note                                                                         24
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment         25
       Act 1979 (the Act) amends a provision that deals with the modification of development    26
       consents granted by the Land and Environment Court in order to make it consistent        27
       with provisions that deal with development consents that are granted by a consent        28
       authority. Currently, section 96 (5) of the Act provides that restrictions on the        29
       modification of development consents granted by consent authorities (being               30
       restrictions relating to threatened species and biobanking statements) do not apply to   31
       State significant development. The amendment provides for a similar exemption where      32
       the development consent to carry out State significant development is granted by the     33
       Land and Environment Court.                                                              34
       Item [2] makes a minor clarifying amendment relating to objectors to designated          35
       development to take account of objectors to State significant development (being         36
       development that would be designated development if it were not declared to be State     37
       significant development).                                                                38
       Item [3] provides that environmental impact statements for State significant             39
       infrastructure must be prepared in the form prescribed by the regulations (rather than   40

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

      in the form approved by the Director-General), consistently with other provisions of the    1
      Act relating to environmental impact statements.                                            2

1.7 Explosives Act 2003 No 39                                                                     3

      Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                       4

      Insert after Part 2:                                                                        5

      Part 3        Provisions consequent on establishment                                        6
                    of Security Licensing and Enforcement                                         7
                    Directorate                                                                   8

         7   Delegations                                                                          9

                    The delegation by the Commissioner under section 31 of the                   10
                    Police Act 1990 dated 24 October 2006 of the Commissioner's                  11
                    functions under section 13 of this Act is taken to include, and to           12
                    have included from 21 March 2011, a delegation to the persons                13
                    holding the following offices in the Security Licensing and                  14
                    Enforcement Directorate, State Crime Command, NSW Police                     15
                    Force:                                                                       16
                     (a) Director,                                                               17
                    (b) General Manager, Industry Regulation,                                    18
                     (c) General Manager, Operations,                                            19
                    (d) Manager, Adjudication,                                                   20
                     (e) Manager, Assessment and Prevention,                                     21
                     (f) Manager, Licensing Services,                                            22
                    (g) Senior Assessment Officer,                                               23
                    (h) Assessment Officer,                                                      24
                      (i) Adjudication Officer.                                                  25
      Explanatory note                                                                           26
      The proposed amendment to the Explosives Act 2003 makes it clear that the                  27
      restructure within the NSW Police Force that included the replacement of the Security      28
      Industry Registry with the Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate does not         29
      and did not affect the delegation of the Commissioner's functions under that Act.          30

1.8 Health Care Complaints Act 1993 No 105                                                       31

      Section 4 Definitions                                                                      32

      Omit "masseurs," from paragraph (j) of the definition of health service.                   33

      Insert instead "massage therapists,".                                                      34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                             Schedule 1

       Explanatory note                                                                         1
       The proposed amendment to the Health Care Complaints Act 1993 amends the                 2
       definition of health service by updating the terminology used in reference to persons    3
       who practise massage therapy.                                                            4

1.9 Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71                                       5

       Section 4 Definitions                                                                    6

       Omit "masseurs," from paragraph (j) of the definition of health service in               7
       section 4 (1).                                                                           8

       Insert instead "massage therapists,".                                                    9
       Explanatory note                                                                        10
       The proposed amendment to the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002           11
       amends the definition of health service by updating the terminology used in reference   12
       to persons who practise massage therapy.                                                13

1.10 Innovation Council Act 1996 No 77                                                         14

[1]    Long title                                                                              15

       Omit "New South Wales Innovation Council".                                              16

       Insert instead "New South Wales Innovation and Productivity Council".                   17

[2]    Section 1 Name of Act                                                                   18

       Omit "Innovation Council Act 1996".                                                     19

       Insert instead "Innovation and Productivity Council Act 1996".                          20

[3]    Section 3 Definitions                                                                   21

       Omit "New South Wales Innovation Council" from the definition of Council.               22

       Insert instead "New South Wales Innovation and Productivity Council".                   23

[4]    Section 3, definition of "Department"                                                   24

       Omit "Department of State and Regional Development".                                    25

       Insert instead "Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure             26
       and Services".                                                                          27

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1      Minor amendments

[5]   Part 2, heading                                                                         1
      Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                       2

      Part 2        Innovation and Productivity Council                                       3

[6]   Section 4 Establishment of Innovation and Productivity Council                          4

      Omit "New South Wales Innovation Council" from section 4 (1).                           5

      Insert instead "New South Wales Innovation and Productivity Council".                   6

[7]   Section 5 Object of Council                                                             7

      Insert "that increases productivity and employment opportunities" after                 8
      "innovation" wherever occurring in section 5 (2) (a) and (c).                           9
      Explanatory note                                                                       10
      Item [6] of the proposed amendments to the Innovation Council Act 1996 changes the     11
      name of the New South Wales Innovation Council to the New South Wales Innovation       12
      and Productivity Council in order to better reflect the current work of the Council.   13
      Items [1]-[3], [5] and [7] make consequential amendments.                              14
      Item [4] updates a reference to a Department.                                          15

1.11 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80                                              16

[1]   Section 21 Delegation                                                                  17

      Insert at the end of section 21 (3) (c) (viii):                                        18
                           , or                                                              19
                    (ix) on the Director-General (as an enforcement agency) by or            20
                           under the Food Act 2003.                                          21

[2]   Sections 57 (4) (a) and 58R (4) (a)                                                    22

      Insert "or section 132C" after "Part 9" wherever occurring.                            23

[3]   Section 58Q Provisions respecting animals in karst conservation                        24
      reserves                                                                               25

      Omit "or a commercial fauna harvester's licence under section 123" from                26
      section 58Q (3) (a).                                                                   27

      Insert instead ", a commercial fauna harvester's licence under section 123 or a        28
      scientific licence under section 132C".                                                29

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                                Schedule 1

[4]    Section 117 Restriction on picking or possession of native plant                            1
       Insert at the end of section 117 (3) (e):                                                   2
                            , or                                                                   3
                      (f) the act constituting the offence was essential for the                   4
                            carrying out of:                                                       5
                              (i) development in accordance with a development                     6
                                  consent within the meaning of the Environmental                  7
                                  Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or                             8
                            (ii) an activity by a determining authority within the                 9
                                  meaning of Part 5 of that Act if the determining                10
                                  authority has complied with that Part, or                       11
                           (iii) an activity in accordance with an approval of a                  12
                                  determining authority within the meaning of Part 5              13
                                  of that Act if the determining authority has complied           14
                                  with that Part, or                                              15
                           (iv) a project approved under Part 3A of that Act, or                  16
                             (v) State significant infrastructure approved under                  17
                                  Part 5.1 of that Act.                                           18

[5]    Section 188D Provisions relating to certain existing access roads on                       19
       National Park Estate lands                                                                 20

       Insert after paragraph (h) of the definition of access road in section 188D (9):           21
                      (i) clause 5 of Schedule 9 to the National Park Estate                      22
                           (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010.                              23

[6]    Section 188D (9), definition of "exclusion order"                                          24

       Insert after paragraph (h):                                                                25
                      (i) clause 5 (7) of Schedule 9 to the National Park Estate                  26
                           (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010.                              27
       Explanatory note                                                                           28
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (the       29
       Act) enables the Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet to              30
       delegate certain functions conferred by or under the Food Act 2003.                        31
       Items [2] and [3] extend to offences relating to animals in karst conservation areas and   32
       plants in nature reserves the standard defence of action under a scientific licence.       33
       Item [4] extends to the offence of picking or possessing a native plant the standard       34
       defence applying to offences under the Act of necessary action for the purposes of         35
       development authorised under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.           36
       Items [5] and [6] update the definitions of access road and exclusion order in             37
       section 188D of the Act (Provisions relating to certain existing access roads on           38
       National Park Estate lands).                                                               39

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

1.12 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66                                             1

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                         2

      Omit the definitions of Department and Director-General from section 3 (1).                   3

      Insert instead in alphabetical order:                                                         4
                    Department means the Department of Finance and Services.                        5
                    Director-General means:                                                         6
                    (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of                            7
                           Finance and Services, or                                                 8
                    (b) if there is no such position in the Department--the                         9
                           Director-General of the Department.                                     10

[2]   Section 93 Dishonoured cheques                                                               11

      Omit "presented". Insert instead "drawn".                                                    12
      Explanatory note                                                                             13
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Property, Stock and Business Agents               14
      Act 2002 updates the definitions of Department and Director-General.                         15
      Item [2] makes it necessary for an authorised deposit-taking institution to notify the       16
      Director-General of the Department of Finance and Services when a cheque drawn               17
      (rather than presented) on a trust account kept with it under Part 7 of that Act has been    18
      dishonoured.                                                                                 19

1.13 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142                                                             20

[1]   Section 61 Contravention of rent order                                                       21

      Omit section 61 (1) including the penalty provision.                                         22

[2]   Section 61 (3)                                                                               23

      Omit "subsection (1) or (2)".                                                                24

      Insert instead "this section or section 52 of the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy               25
      Tribunal Act 2001".                                                                          26
      Explanatory note                                                                             27
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Residential Parks Act 1998 removes an             28
      offence relating to the contravention of a rent order since a similar offence is contained   29
      in the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001. Item [2] makes a                      30
      consequential amendment.                                                                     31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

1.14 Residential Tenancies Act 2010 No 42                                                            1

[1]    Section 41 Rent increases                                                                     2

       Insert "If an application has not been made within that 12-month period, the                  3
       rent increase is taken to comply with this section." after "increased." in                    4
       section 41 (10).                                                                              5

[2]    Section 99 Rent increases during long-term fixed term leases--                                6
       termination notice by tenant                                                                  7

       Omit "more than 2 years" from section 99 (1).                                                 8

       Insert instead "2 years or more".                                                             9
       Explanatory note                                                                             10
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (the Act)          11
       makes it clear that a rent increase is taken to be validly imposed for the purposes of the   12
       Act if the 12-month period prescribed by the Act for bringing proceedings to challenge       13
       the rent increase has expired without a challenge being made.                                14
       Item [2] makes a minor amendment consequential on the amendment of section 42 of             15
       the Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011.                              16

1.15 Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81                                                             17

       Section 24A Retirement village land to be recorded on Register                               18

       Insert "publicly available" after "establish a" in section 24A (8).                          19
       Explanatory note                                                                             20
       The proposed amendment to the Retirement Villages Act 1999 makes it clear that the           21
       list of retirement villages that may be compiled from information recorded under             22
       section 24A of that Act (in relation to land that is used as a retirement village) can be    23
       made available to the public.                                                                24

1.16 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119                                          25

[1]    Section 16C Registration of written-off vehicles                                             26

       Omit section 16C (3). Insert instead:                                                        27

              (3)    If the Authority cancels the registration of a vehicle under this              28
                     section, the Authority must immediately notify the registered                  29
                     operator of the vehicle of the cancellation.                                   30

            (3A)     Despite section 14 (3) of the Motor Accidents Compensation                     31
                     Act 1999, a third-party policy (within the meaning of that Act) is             32
                     not cancelled immediately upon cancellation of registration of a               33
                     vehicle under this section and continues to have effect until the              34
                     day on which the registered operator of the vehicle is given notice            35
                     of the cancellation of registration.                                           36

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                    Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

[2]   Section 18 Prohibition on using unregistered registrable vehicles                                 1
      Insert after section 18 (3):                                                                      2

             (3A)      If the Authority cancels the registration of a vehicle under section             3
                       16C, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the vehicle until              4
                       the day on which the registered operator of the vehicle is given                 5
                       notice by the Authority of the cancellation.                                     6
      Explanatory note                                                                                  7
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration)                  8
      Act 1997 (the Act) alters the requirement for the Roads and Traffic Authority (or its             9
      successor, Roads and Maritime Services) to cancel the registration of a vehicle if its           10
      vehicle identifier is the same as the vehicle identifier of a statutory written-off vehicle or   11
      an interstate written-off vehicle. Under the amended provision, the cancellation of a            12
      vehicle will have effect immediately and not after the giving of 14 days' notice to the          13
      registered operator of the vehicle, as at present. Item [1] also provides that a third-party     14
      policy in relation to a motor vehicle is not cancelled until the day on which the registered     15
      operator of the vehicle is given notice of the cancellation of registration. (Clause 7 of        16
      the Road Transport (General) Regulation 2005 provides that the date on which a                   17
      registered operator is taken to have been given notice is, if the notice is sent by mail,        18
      the fourth working day after the notice was posted or, if the notice is delivered to the         19
      person personally, the date when it is so delivered.)                                            20
      Item [2] provides that it will not be an offence under section 18 of the Act (which              21
      prohibits the use of an unregistered registrable vehicle on a road or road related area)         22
      if the registered operator of the vehicle has not been given notice of the cancellation of       23
      registration.                                                                                    24

1.17 Roads Act 1993 No 33                                                                              25

      Section 64 RTA may exercise functions of roads authority with respect                            26
      to certain roads                                                                                 27

      Insert "State significant development for which development consent has been                     28
      granted under Part 4," after "Part 3A," in section 64 (1A).                                      29
      Explanatory note                                                                                 30
      The proposed amendment to the Roads Act 1993 expands the purposes for which the                  31
      Roads and Traffic Authority (which is to be replaced by Roads and Maritime Services)             32
      may exercise the functions of a roads authority under that Act to include the exercise           33
      of those functions for the purpose of carrying out State significant development for             34
      which development consent has been granted under Part 4 of the Environmental                     35
      Planning and Assessment Act 1979.                                                                36

1.18 Security Industry Act 1997 No 157                                                                 37

[1]   Section 4 Carrying on a "security activity"                                                      38

      Omit "or providing close personal protection," from section 4 (1) (a).                           39

[2]   Sections 4 (1) (b), 11 (1) (c) and 12A (1) (c)                                                   40

      Omit ", venue controller or bouncer" wherever occurring.                                         41

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                          Schedule 1

[3]    Section 4 (1) (c)                                                                    1
       Omit "patrol dogs". Insert instead "dogs".                                           2

[4]    Section 4 (1) (h)                                                                    3

       Omit section 4 (1) (h). Insert instead:                                              4
                    (h) providing advice in relation to security equipment (other           5
                           than basic household or automotive security items at             6
                           approved classes of retail outlets), including providing         7
                           product advice in relation to security equipment,                8
                  (h1) providing advice in relation to the identification and               9
                           analysis of security risks and providing solutions or           10
                           management strategies to minimise security risks,               11

[5]    Section 4 (2)                                                                       12

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                13

              (2)    In this section:                                                      14
                     basic household or automotive security item has the meaning           15
                     given by the regulations.                                             16
                     bodyguard means a person who is employed or engaged for the           17
                     purpose of providing close personal protection to another person.     18
                     crowd controller means a person who, in respect of any licensed       19
                     premises (within the meaning of the Liquor Act 2007), public          20
                     entertainment venue or public or private event or function, as part   21
                     of his or her regular duties performs for remuneration any of the     22
                     following functions:                                                  23
                      (a) controlling or monitoring the behaviour of persons,              24
                     (b) screening persons seeking entry,                                  25
                      (c) removing persons for behavioural or other reasons,               26
                     (d) any other function prescribed by the regulations.                 27

[6]    Section 11 (1) (b)                                                                  28

       Omit "or to provide close personal protection".                                     29

[7]    Section 12A (1) (b)                                                                 30

       Omit "or provide close personal protection".                                        31

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1     Minor amendments

[8]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                    1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:     2

      Part        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 3
                  Statute Law Miscellaneous Provisions Act                              4
                  (No 2) 2011                                                           5

             Licences not affected                                                      6

                  The amendments made to sections 11 and 12A of this Act by the         7
                  Statute Law Miscellaneous Provisions Act (No 2) 2011 do not           8
                  affect the authority conferred by a licence under this Act.           9

      Part        Provisions consequent on establishment                               10
                  of Security Licensing and Enforcement                                11
                  Directorate                                                          12

             Delegations                                                               13

                  The delegation by the Commissioner under section 43 (1) of this      14
                  Act dated 22 February 2010 is taken to include, and to have          15
                  included from 21 March 2011, a delegation to the persons             16
                  holding the following offices:                                       17
                   (a) Commander, State Crime Command, NSW Police Force,               18
                  (b) Director, Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate,        19
                        State Crime Command, NSW Police Force.                         20

             Sub-delegations                                                           21

                  The sub-delegation by the Registrar of the Security Industry         22
                  Registry under section 43 (2) of this Act dated 25 February 2010     23
                  is taken to include, and to have included from 21 March 2011, a      24
                  sub-delegation to the persons holding the following offices in the   25
                  Security Licensing and Enforcement Directorate, State Crime          26
                  Command, NSW Police Force:                                           27
                   (a) General Manager, Industry Regulation,                           28
                  (b) General Manager, Operations,                                     29
                   (c) Manager, Adjudication,                                          30
                  (d) Manager, Approved Training,                                      31
                   (e) Manager, Assessment and Prevention,                             32
                   (f) Manager, Compliance and Enforcement,                            33
                  (g) Manager, Customer Relations,                                     34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

                      (h)    Manager, Licensing Services,                                            1
                       (i)   Senior Auditor,                                                         2
                       (j)   Auditor,                                                                3
                      (k)    Senior Compliance Enforcement Officer,                                  4
                       (l)   Compliance and Enforcement Officer,                                     5
                     (m)     Corruption Prevention and Risk Management Officer,                      6
                      (n)    Senior Assessment Officer,                                              7
                      (o)    Assessment Officer,                                                     8
                      (p)    Adjudication Officer.                                                   9
       Explanatory note                                                                             10
       Item [3] of the proposed amendments to the Security Industry Act 1997 (the Act)              11
       clarifies that patrolling, protecting, watching or guarding property involving the use of    12
       any dog, rather than a patrol dog, is a security activity. The amendment is made for the     13
       purposes of consistency with legislation of other jurisdictions.                             14
       Item [4] makes it clear that providing advice in relation to certain security items and      15
       providing advice in relation to the identification and the minimisation of risks are         16
       separate security activities.                                                                17
       Item [5] defines the terms bodyguard and crowd controller to provide greater clarity         18
       on the work of a bodyguard or crowd controller that constitutes a security activity.         19
       Items [1], [2], [6] and [7] make consequential amendments.                                   20
       Section 4 of the Act sets out activities that are security activities for the purposes of    21
       that Act. The Act also provides that it is an offence for a person to carry on security      22
       activities unless the person is appropriately licensed or is employed by the holder of an    23
       appropriate licence.                                                                         24
       Item [8] makes it clear that the restructure within the NSW Police Force that included       25
       the replacement of the Security Industry Registry with the Security Licensing and            26
       Enforcement Directorate does not and did not affect the delegation or sub-delegation         27
       of the Commissioner's functions under the Act. Item [8] also inserts a savings provision     28
       consequent on the amendments made by items [1]-[7].                                          29

1.19 State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 No 165                                          30

       Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                        31

       Omit Part 6 from Schedule 4.                                                                 32
       Explanatory note                                                                             33
       The proposed amendment to the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989                 34
       repeals Part 6 of Schedule 4 to that Act, which was inserted by the State Emergency          35
       and Rescue Management Amendment (Botany Emergency Works) Act 2008 for the                    36
       purpose of facilitating the carrying out of emergency works in respect of a retaining wall   37
       adjoining Botany Road, Alexandria. Those works have since been carried out and the           38
       provisions are no longer necessary.                                                          39

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

1.20 Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 No 138                                                     1

      Section 237 Who may keep seal of owners corporation?                                         2

      Insert "Section 50 (1) (b) of the Interpretation Act 1987 provides that statutory            3
      corporations are to have a seal." before "Section" in the note to section 237.               4
      Explanatory note                                                                             5
      The proposed amendment to the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 inserts                     6
      additional matter in the note to section 237 (which deals with the keeping of the seal of    7
      an owners corporation) relating to the requirement in the Interpretation Act 1987 that       8
      statutory corporations have a seal.                                                          9

1.21 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                                                10

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                       11

      Omit the definition of HealthQuest from section 3 (1).                                      12

[2]   Section 22 Breakdown retirement                                                             13

      Omit "HealthQuest or any one or more medical practitioners nominated by                     14
      STC" from section 22 (2).                                                                   15

      Insert instead "one or more persons or bodies nominated, or one or more                     16
      persons who are members of a class of persons nominated, by STC".                           17

[3]   Section 50 Employee retired through infirmity may be called up for                          18
      medical examination                                                                         19

      Omit "HealthQuest".                                                                         20

      Insert instead "one or more persons or bodies nominated, or one or more                     21
      persons who are members of a class of persons nominated, by STC,".                          22
      Explanatory note                                                                            23
      The object of the proposed amendments is to replace references in the                       24
      Superannuation Act 1916 to HealthQuest, which was dissolved as a statutory health           25
      corporation in 2009, with reference to the SAS Trustee Corporation (STC). As a result       26
      of the amendments, the question of whether a contributor is an invalid, or is physically    27
      or mentally incapable of performing his or her duties, is to be determined by STC           28
      having regard to medical advice furnished by one or more persons or bodies                  29
      nominated, or one or more persons who are members of a class of persons nominated,          30
      by STC (under section 22). Similarly, an employee retired through infirmity may be          31
      required to submit himself or herself for medical examination by one or more persons        32
      or bodies nominated, or one or more persons who are members of a class of persons           33
      nominated, by STC (under section 50).                                                       34
      The amendments supersede clause 18 (5) of the Health Services Regulation 2008,              35
      which is consequentially repealed by Schedule 2.                                            36

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                              Schedule 1

1.22 Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 No 57                                                1

       Section 65 Rangers                                                                        2

       Insert ", or a delegate of the Director-General" after "Director-General" in              3
       section 65 (5) (e).                                                                       4
       Explanatory note                                                                          5
       The proposed amendment to the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 (the Act)            6
       enables a delegate of the Director-General under the Act to sign a ranger's               7
       identification card issued under the Act. At present, the Director-General is the only    8
       person who is authorised to sign a ranger's identification card.                          9

1.23 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                                            10

[1]    Section 61 Applications for granting of access licences                                  11

       Omit section 61 (1) (a). Insert instead:                                                 12
                    (a) the application is for a specific purpose access licence in             13
                          circumstances where:                                                  14
                           (i) the regulations provide, or a relevant management                15
                                  plan provides, that an application for the licence            16
                                  may be made, and                                              17
                          (ii) the application does not contravene any restriction              18
                                  on the making of such an application contained in a           19
                                  relevant management plan, or                                  20

[2]    Section 63 Determination of applications                                                 21

       Omit section 63 (2) (a). Insert instead:                                                 22
                    (a) the application has been made as provided by                            23
                          section 61 (1) (a), (b) or (c), and                                   24

[3]    Section 168 Special rates and charges and termination charges                            25

       Insert after section 168 (2):                                                            26

              (3)    In addition to any other charge that it may fix under this Part, a         27
                     private irrigation board may fix termination charges payable by a          28
                     landholder or former landholder in connection with the board               29
                     ceasing to supply water to the landholder or former landholder             30
                     (whether because of the transformation of the landholder's water           31
                     entitlement to an access licence or otherwise).                            32

[4]    Section 190B Transformation of landholder's water entitlement                            33

       Omit section 190B (7) (a).                                                               34

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1          Minor amendments

[5]    Section 237B Transformation of landholder's water entitlement                          1
       Omit section 237B (7) (a).                                                             2

[6]    Section 238A                                                                           3

       Insert after section 238:                                                              4

      238A    Termination charges                                                             5

                      In addition to any other charge that they may fix under this Part,      6
                      the members of a private irrigation trust may fix termination           7
                      charges payable by a landholder or former landholder in                 8
                      connection with the trust ceasing to supply water to the                9
                      landholder or former landholder (whether because of the                10
                      transformation of the landholder's water entitlement to an access      11
                      licence or otherwise).                                                 12

[7]    Section 367 Evidentiary certificates                                                  13

       Insert ", or debited or otherwise withdrawn from," after "credited to" in             14
       section 367 (2) (q).                                                                  15

[8]    Schedule 9 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                 16

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                    17

                      Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011, to the         18
                      extent that it amends this Act or the regulations made under this      19
                      Act                                                                    20

[9]    Schedule 9                                                                            21

       Insert at the end of the Schedule (with appropriate Part and clause numbering):       22

       Part           Provision consequent on enactment of                                   23
                      Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions)                                 24
                      Act (No 2) 2011                                                        25

              Application of amendments to Schedule 10                                       26

              (1)     The amendments made to Schedule 10 by the Statute Law                  27
                      (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011 apply in relation to        28
                      the conversion of entitlements where the appointed day (within         29
                      the meaning of Schedule 10) concerned is specified in a                30
                      proclamation made under section 55A or 88A on or after the             31
                      commencement of the amendments.                                        32

              (2)     Any regulations modifying the application of Schedule 10 in            33
                      relation to a specified part of the State or water source before the   34

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                            Schedule 1

                     commencement of the amendments to that Schedule continue to              1
                     have effect as if the Schedule had not been amended.                     2

[10]   Schedule 10 Conversion of former entitlements to access licences and                   3
       approvals                                                                              4

       Omit "the commencement of this Part" from clause 19 (5).                               5

       Insert instead "the appointed day".                                                    6

[11]   Schedule 10, clause 19                                                                 7

       Insert after clause 19 (10):                                                           8

            (10A)    Subclause (10B) applies only to an access licence arising from an        9
                     entitlement with respect to land in respect of which an interest        10
                     was, immediately before the appointed day, registered under the         11
                     Real Property Act 1900 or under the Corporations Act 2001 of            12
                     the Commonwealth.                                                       13

            (10B)    No dealing that requires the consent of the holder of a security        14
                     interest may be registered in relation to an access licence until the   15
                     expiry of the prescribed period unless, before the expiry of that       16
                     period, the holder of the interest:                                     17
                      (a) has lodged with the Director-General a notice of the kind          18
                            referred to in subclause (5) (d), or                             19
                     (b) has notified the Director-General that the holder does not          20
                            propose to seek registration of the interest in the Access       21
                            Register.                                                        22

[12]   Schedule 10, clause 23                                                                23

       Omit the clause. Insert instead:                                                      24

       23     Entitlements held by 2 or more co-holders                                      25

                     Two or more co-holders of a replacement access licence are taken        26
                     to hold the access licence:                                             27
                      (a) if the Minister has a record of the shares in which the            28
                            former entitlement was held immediately before the               29
                            appointed day, in the same shares as the former entitlement      30
                            was so held, or                                                  31
                     (b) if the Minister has no such record, but within 2 months             32
                            after sending a written request to the co-holders seeking        33
                            information as to their shareholding the Director-General        34
                            receives:                                                        35

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                 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 1       Minor amendments

                              (i)   a notice, signed by or on behalf of each of them, by              1
                                    which they agree as to the shares in which they hold              2
                                    the access licence, or                                            3
                             (ii) a notice, signed by any one of them, to the effect that             4
                                    legal proceedings have been commenced for the                     5
                                    purpose of obtaining a declaration as to the shares in            6
                                    which they hold the access licence,                               7
                             in the agreed shares referred to in the notice under                     8
                             subparagraph (i), or in the shares determined pursuant to                9
                             the legal proceedings referred to in the notice under                   10
                             subparagraph (ii), as the case may be, or                               11
                     (c)     in any other case, as tenants in common with the                        12
                             entitlements conferred by the licence under section 56                  13
                             apportioned equally between them.                                       14
      Explanatory note                                                                               15
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Water Management Act 2000 (the Act)                 16
      clarifies the circumstances in which a person may apply to the Minister for an access          17
      licence that is a specific purpose access licence. An application may be made if it is         18
      permitted by either the regulations made under the Act or a relevant management plan,          19
      but subject to any restrictions set out in a relevant management plan.                         20
      Item [2] ensures that the provisions for the determination of applications for an access       21
      licence are consistent with the provisions that provide for when such applications may         22
      be made.                                                                                       23
      Item [3] enables a private irrigation board to fix termination charges in connection with      24
      the board ceasing to supply water to a landholder or former landholder (whether                25
      because of the transformation of the landholder's water entitlement to an access               26
      licence or otherwise). Currently, the power to fix such charges is limited to cessation of     27
      supply because of a transformation. Item [4] makes a consequential amendment.                  28
      Item [6] makes similar provision in relation to the fixing of termination charges by private   29
      irrigation trusts as is made in relation to private irrigation boards. Item [5] makes a        30
      consequential amendment.                                                                       31
      Item [7] enables the Minister to issue an evidentiary certificate in relation to water         32
      allocations debited or otherwise withdrawn from the water allocation account for a             33
      specified access licence.                                                                      34
      Items [8] and [9] make provision for matters of a savings or transitional nature               35
      consequent on the enactment of the proposed amendments.                                        36
      Item [10] corrects an incorrect reference.                                                     37
      Items [11] and [12] include provisions in Schedule 10 to the Act (which provides for the       38
      conversion of former entitlements under certain previous water legislation to access           39
      licences and approvals under the Act) to give effect in the Act to standard provisions         40
      that are routinely included in the regulations each time a water source is transferred to      41
      the Act from the previous water legislation. This will remove the need for separate            42
      inclusion of the provisions by regulation each time a water sharing plan commences.            43

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Minor amendments                                                         Schedule 1

1.24 Water Management Amendment Act 2010 No 133                                            1

[1]    Schedule 2 Other amendments to Water Management Act 2000 No 92                      2

       Omit proposed section 163 (5) (a) in Schedule 2 [54]. Insert instead:               3
                   (a) termination charges payable by a member or former                   4
                         member in connection with the corporation ceasing to              5
                         supply water to the member or former member (whether              6
                         because of the transformation of the member's water               7
                         entitlement to an access licence or otherwise),                   8

[2]    Schedule 2 [59]                                                                     9

       Omit proposed section 239E (5) (a). Insert instead:                                10
                   (a) termination charges payable by a member or former                  11
                         member in connection with the trust ceasing to supply            12
                         water to the member or former member (whether because            13
                         of the transformation of the member's water entitlement to       14
                         an access licence or otherwise),                                 15
       Explanatory note                                                                   16
       The proposed amendments to the Water Management Amendment Act 2010 make            17
       amendments that are consistent with amendments made to the Water Management        18
       Act 2000 elsewhere in this Schedule in connection with the fixing of termination   19
       charges by private irrigation boards and members of private irrigation trusts.     20

1.25 Water Management (General) Regulation 2011                                           21

[1]    Clause 10 Applications for specific purpose access licences                        22

       Omit "(subject to any restrictions contained in the relevant management plan       23
       if such a plan is in force)".                                                      24

[2]    Clause 19 Granting of access licences                                              25

       Omit the clause.                                                                   26
       Explanatory note                                                                   27
       The proposed amendments to the Water Management (General) Regulation 2011 are      28
       consequential on amendments made to the Water Management Act 2000 elsewhere in     29
       this Schedule.                                                                     30

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

Schedule 2             Amendments by way of statute law                                     1
                       revision                                                             2

2.1 Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002                                                  3

[1]   Clause 83A                                                                            4

      Insert "New South Wales" before "Electoral Commission" wherever                       5
      occurring.                                                                            6

[2]   Clause 100 (3)                                                                        7

      Omit "or of an umpire or enables arbitration to be undertaken by an umpire".          8
      Explanatory note                                                                      9
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments standardises references to the New South Wales   10
      Electoral Commission.                                                                11
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant reference as a consequence     12
      of the replacement of the Commercial Arbitration Act 1984 by the Commercial          13
      Arbitration Act 2010.                                                                14

2.2 Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010                                                   15

      Land Use Table, Zone B7, item 3                                                      16

      Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                 17
      Explanatory note                                                                     18
      The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.         19

2.3 Balranald Local Environmental Plan 2010                                                20

      Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                     21

      Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                 22
      Explanatory note                                                                     23
      The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.         24

2.4 Bathurst Regional (Interim) Local Environment Plan 2005                                25

[1]   Clause 5A (3)                                                                        26

      Insert after clause 5A (2):                                                          27

             (3)   Notes included in this plan do not form part of this plan.              28

[2]   Schedule 2, clause 2 (b)                                                             29

      Omit "spiritous". Insert instead "spirituous".                                       30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                      Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                          1
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments clarifies the operation of notes.                     2
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments corrects a typographical error.                       3

2.5 Bellingen Local Environmental Plan 2010                                                      4

       Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                          5

       Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                      6
       Explanatory note                                                                          7
       The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.              8

2.6 Children (Criminal Proceedings) Regulation 2011                                              9

       Clause 32                                                                                10

       Omit "Crimes Act 1990". Insert instead "Crimes Act 1900".                                11
       Explanatory note                                                                         12
       The proposed amendment corrects the citation of an Act.                                  13

2.7 Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Regulation                                     14
    2006                                                                                        15

       Clauses 10 (1) (h) and 16 (1) (g)                                                        16

       Omit "section 60P" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 48".                      17
       Explanatory note                                                                         18
       The proposed amendment updates references to a renumbered section.                       19

2.8 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146                                    20

       Section 33 (1), paragraph (c) of the definition of "employer"                            21

       Omit "Department of Human Services".                                                     22

       Insert instead "Department of Education and Communities".                                23
       Explanatory note                                                                         24
       Clause 26 of the Public Sector Employment and Management (Departments)                   25
       Order 2011 provides that a reference in or in relation to Chapter 12 or 12A of the       26
       Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 to the Director-General        27
       of the Department of Human Services is taken to be a reference to the Director-General   28
       of the Department of Education and Communities. The proposed amendment updates           29
       a reference in the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 that relates to     30
       those Chapters.                                                                          31

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.9 Coolamon Local Environmental Plan 2011                                               1

      Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                   2

      Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                               3
      Explanatory note                                                                   4
      The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.       5

2.10 Coonamble Local Environmental Plan 2011                                             6

      Clause 4.1A, note                                                                  7

      Omit "Development) Codes 2008".                                                    8

      Insert instead "Development Codes) 2008".                                          9
      Explanatory note                                                                  10
      The proposed amendment corrects the citation of an instrument.                    11

2.11 Duties Act 1997 No 123                                                             12

      Section 278 (2) (b)                                                               13

      Omit "that Department".                                                           14

      Insert instead "the Department of Family and Community Services".                 15
      Explanatory note                                                                  16
      The proposed amendment clarifies a reference to a Department.                     17

2.12 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203                              18

      Section 23G (1)                                                                   19

      Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".           20
      Explanatory note                                                                  21
      The proposed amendment requires an order relating to the establishment of joint   22
      regional panels to be published on the NSW legislation website.                   23

2.13 Fines Act 1996 No 99                                                               24

[1]   Section 22 (2) (b) (i)                                                            25

      Omit "in the Treasury".                                                           26

      Insert instead "in the Department of Finance and Services".                       27

[2]   Schedule 1                                                                        28

      Omit "Fair Trading Act 1987, section 64".                                         29

      Insert instead "Fair Trading Act 1987, section 67".                               30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                      Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                           1
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a Department.                   2
       Item [2] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a renumbered section.           3

2.14 Harden Local Environmental Plan 2011                                                         4

       Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                           5

       Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                       6
       Explanatory note                                                                           7
       The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.               8

2.15 Health Services Act 1997 No 154                                                              9

       Section 133A                                                                              10

       Omit "Part 5C". Insert instead "Division 3 of Part 4".                                    11
       Explanatory note                                                                          12
       The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renumbered provision.                     13

2.16 Health Services Regulation 2008                                                             14

[1]    Clause 18 (1)                                                                             15

       Omit "subclauses (2)-(5)". Insert instead "subclause (3)".                                16

[2]    Clause 18 (2), (4) and (5)                                                                17

       Omit the subclauses.                                                                      18
       Explanatory note                                                                          19
       The object of the proposed amendment is to omit two provisions that construe              20
       references in regulations that have been repealed (see clause 18 (2) and (4)) and a       21
       further provision that construes a reference in an Act that is amended by Schedule 1 to   22
       achieve the same result (see clause 18 (5)).                                              23

2.17 Land and Environment Court Act 1979 No 204                                                  24

       Sections 21A, 21B and 74 (1) (a2)                                                         25

       Omit "Crimes (Local Courts Appeal and Review) Act 2001" wherever                          26
       occurring.                                                                                27

       Insert instead "Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001".                                     28
       Explanatory note                                                                          29
       The proposed amendment updates references to an Act.                                      30

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.18 Liquor Regulation 2008                                                                 1

      Clause 46 (2) and (3)                                                                 2

      Omit "approval, Director-General" wherever occurring.                                 3

      Insert instead "approval, the Director-General".                                      4
      Explanatory note                                                                      5
      The proposed amendment inserts missing words.                                         6

2.19 Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008                                                7

[1]   Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                      8

      Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                  9

[2]   Land Use Table, Zone IN2, item 3                                                     10

      Omit "and hire". Insert instead "or hire".                                           11

[3]   Schedule 1, clause 8 (2)                                                             12

      Omit "restaurant". Insert instead "restaurant or cafe".                              13
      Explanatory note                                                                     14
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects the alphabetical order of development   15
      types.                                                                               16
      Items [2] and [3] of the proposed amendments correct references to types of          17
      development provided for by the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans)      18
      Order 2006.                                                                          19

2.20 Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121                                                         20

      Section 111 (2) (h)                                                                  21

      Omit "the RMS". Insert instead "RMS".                                                22
      Commencement                                                                         23
      The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement          24
      of Schedule 5.22 [5] to the Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2011.                25
      Explanatory note                                                                     26
      The proposed amendment corrects a grammatical error.                                 27

2.21 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10                                    28

      Sections 41 (3) (a) and 76C                                                          29

      Omit "Department of Human Services" wherever occurring.                              30

      Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                         31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                     Schedule 2

       Explanatory note                                                                          1
       The proposed amendment updates references to a Department as a consequence of             2
       the making of the Public Sector Employment and Management (Departments)                   3
       Order 2011.                                                                               4

2.22 Nambucca Local Environmental Plan 2010                                                      5

       Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                                          6

       Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                                      7
       Explanatory note                                                                          8
       The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.              9

2.23 Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan) Act 2011                                      10
     No 19                                                                                      11

       Section 4 (1), paragraph (a) of the definition of "metropolitan area"                    12

       Omit "Baulkham Hills,".                                                                  13

       Insert instead in alphabetical order "The Hills Shire,".                                 14
       Explanatory note                                                                         15
       The proposed amendment updates a reference to a local government area.                   16

2.24 Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 No 31                                               17

[1]    Section 8 (6)                                                                            18

       Insert "or replaced" after "amended".                                                    19

[2]    Section 8 (6)                                                                            20

       Omit "in the Gazette". Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                  21
       Explanatory note                                                                         22
       Item [1] of the proposed amendments clarifies that the Poisons List can be replaced as   23
       well as amended. Item [2] provides for publication of the Poisons List on the NSW        24
       legislation website.                                                                     25

2.25 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200                                           26

       Section 4 (1), paragraph (b) of the definition of "officer"                              27

       Omit "Police Offences Act 1901".                                                         28

       Insert instead "Police (Special Provisions) Act 1901".                                   29
       Explanatory note                                                                         30
       The proposed amendment updates the citation of an Act.                                   31

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.26 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152                                               1

[1]   Schedule 2                                                                            2

      Omit "Centennial Park Trust".                                                         3

      Insert instead "Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust".                                4

[2]   Schedule 3                                                                            5

      Omit the matter relating to the Department of Health.                                 6

      Insert instead:                                                                       7

      Ministry of Health                        Director-General of the Ministry

      Explanatory note                                                                      8
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a Trust.                   9
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to a Department and the      10
      Director-General of that Department as a consequence of changes made by the Public   11
      Sector Employment and Management (General) Order 2011.                               12

2.27 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142                                                     13

      Section 141                                                                          14

      Omit the section.                                                                    15
      Explanatory note                                                                     16
      The proposed amendment removes a redundant provision that refers to powers under     17
      a repealed section. Sections 136A-136E, as inserted by the Residential Parks         18
      Amendment (Statutory Review) Act 2005, updated and provided for the matters in       19
      section 141.                                                                         20

2.28 Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81                                                    21

      Section 123 (2) (b)                                                                  22

      Omit the paragraph.                                                                  23
      Explanatory note                                                                     24
      The proposed amendment removes a redundant provision that refers to matters under    25
      repealed provisions.                                                                 26

2.29 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119                                 27

      Section 17S (1) and (2)                                                              28

      Omit "Roads and Traffic Authority" wherever occurring.                               29

      Insert instead "Roads and Maritime Services".                                        30

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                   Schedule 2

       Commencement                                                                           1
       The amendment commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the commencement            2
       of Schedule 5.49 [4] to the Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2011.                  3
       Explanatory note                                                                       4
       The proposed amendment corrects references to a renamed body.                          5

2.30 Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 No 143                                                   6

       Section 140H (2) (c)                                                                   7

       Omit "Livestock Transporters Association of NSW".                                      8

       Insert instead "Livestock and Bulk Carriers Association Incorporated".                 9
       Explanatory note                                                                      10
       The proposed amendment updates a reference to an organisation.                        11

2.31 Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order                                   12
     2006                                                                                    13

       Standard instrument, Land Use Table, Direction 5                                      14

       Reorder the second paragraph of development types in alphabetical order.              15
       Explanatory note                                                                      16
       The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.          17

2.32 State Authorities Superannuation Regulation 2010                                        18

       Clause 36, definition of "FTC"                                                        19

       Omit the definition.                                                                  20
       Explanatory note                                                                      21
       The proposed amendment omits a definition of a term that is unnecessary because the   22
       term is defined in the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987.                     23

2.33 State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental                                  24
     Housing) 2009                                                                           25

       Clause 23 (2A)                                                                        26

       Omit "subclauses (2) and (3)". Insert instead "subclauses (1) and (2)".               27
       Explanatory note                                                                      28
       The proposed amendment corrects cross-references.                                     29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.34 State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Development)                       1
     2005                                                                          2

[1]   Clause 11                                                                    3

      Omit "project to which Part 3A of the Act applies".                          4

      Insert instead "transitional Part 3A project".                               5

[2]   Schedule 3, Part 4, clause 4 and Part 5, clause 19, notes                    6

      Omit the notes.                                                              7
      Explanatory note                                                             8
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates a reference to Part 3A of the    9
      Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Item [2] of the proposed    10
      amendments removes redundant references to that Act.                        11

2.35 Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2010                                    12

      Schedule 8                                                                  13

      Omit "Clause 29" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Clause 28".            14
      Explanatory note                                                            15
      The proposed amendment corrects cross-references.                           16

2.36 Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25                                              17

      Section 27B (1)                                                             18

      Omit "spiritous". Insert instead "spirituous".                              19
      Explanatory note                                                            20
      The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error.                      21

2.37 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                                22

[1]   Section 38B (1) (d)                                                         23

      Omit "to take".                                                             24

[2]   Sections 61RF (1) and 61RG (1)                                              25

      Omit "section 37" wherever occurring. Insert instead "section 37A".         26
      Explanatory note                                                            27
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes superfluous words.              28
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments corrects cross-references.              29

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                                 Schedule 2

2.38 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88                                                            1

[1]    Sections 10 (2) and 88 (1)                                                           2

       Omit "in the Gazette" wherever occurring.                                            3

       Insert instead "on the NSW legislation website".                                     4

[2]    Section 65 (1)                                                                       5

       Insert "published on the NSW legislation website" after "Governor".                  6
       Explanatory note                                                                     7
       The proposed amendments require certain orders made under the Sydney Water           8
       Act 1994 to be published on the NSW legislation website.                             9

2.39 Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101                                       10

       Section 127 (1), definition of "deferred retirement arrangement"                    11

       Omit "section 127ZW". Insert instead "section 127ZT".                               12
       Explanatory note                                                                    13
       The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference.                                  14

2.40 Transport Administration (Staff) Regulation 2005                                      15

[1]    Clause 3 (1), definition of "disciplinary appeal"                                   16

       Omit "16,".                                                                         17

[2]    Clause 3 (1), definition of "promotion appeal"                                      18

       Omit "7,".                                                                          19

[3]    Clause 3 (1), definitions of "SRA" and "SRA officer"                                20

       Omit the definitions.                                                               21

[4]    Part 2                                                                              22

       Omit the Part.                                                                      23
       Explanatory note                                                                    24
       Item [4] of the proposed amendment removes redundant provisions relating to the     25
       State Rail Authority consequent on the enactment of the State Revenue and Other     26
       Legislation Amendment (Budget) Act 2007, which renamed that Authority as the SRA    27
       Residual Holding Corporation and made provision for the staff of the Corporation.   28
       Items [1]-[3] are consequential amendments.                                         29

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.41 Valuers Regulation 2010                                                                  1

      Schedule 3                                                                              2

      Omit "cancelled".                                                                       3
      Explanatory note                                                                        4
      The proposed amendment omits a word to clarify the application of a fees entry.         5

2.42 Water Sharing Plan for the Castlereagh (below Binnaway)                                  6
     Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011                                              7

[1]   Clause 4 (2)                                                                            8

      Omit "The Castlereagh River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources".                    9

      Insert instead "Castlereagh (below Binnaway) Unregulated and Alluvial                  10
      Water Sources".                                                                        11

[2]   Clause 4 (5) (c)                                                                       12

      Insert "River" before "above".                                                         13

[3]   Clauses 37 (3), note and 38 (3), note                                                  14

      Omit "assesed" wherever occurring. Insert instead "assessed".                          15

[4]   Clause 67 (2) (b) (iv)                                                                 16

      Insert "was" after "water".                                                            17

[5]   Clause 67 (2)                                                                          18

      Renumber paragraphs (e) and (f) as paragraphs (c) and (d), respectively.               19

[6]   Clause 68 (3)                                                                          20

      Omit ", and".                                                                          21

[7]   Clause 78 (3)                                                                          22

      Omit "enttitlement". Insert instead "entitlement".                                     23
      Explanatory note                                                                       24
      Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects the title of a map.                       25
      Item [2] of the proposed amendments corrects the citation of an instrument.            26
      Items [3], [4], [6] and [7] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors.   27
      Item [5] of the proposed amendments corrects paragraph numbering.                      28

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision                            Schedule 2

2.43 Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region                          1
     Unregulated River Water Sources 2011                                            2

[1]    Clause 34 (11)                                                                3

       Omit "If Minister". Insert instead "If the Minister".                         4

[2]    Clause 37 (3)                                                                 5

       Insert "subclause" before "(7)".                                              6

[3]    Clause 38 (5) (a)                                                             7

       Insert "and" at the end of the paragraph.                                     8

[4]    Clause 45 (3)                                                                 9

       Omit "liences". Insert instead "licences".                                   10

[5]    Clause 56 (5), Table C                                                       11

       Omit "Auhority's" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Authority's".          12

[6]    Clause 56 (5), Table C                                                       13

       Omit "56 10)". Insert instead "56 (10)".                                     14

[7]    Clause 56 (6), definition of "C"                                             15

       Omit ", and".                                                                16

[8]    Clause 71 (5)                                                                17

       Omit "Center" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Centre"                    18
       Explanatory note                                                             19
       The proposed amendments correct typographical errors.                        20

2.44 Water Sharing Plan for the North Western Unregulated and                       21
     Fractured Rock Water Sources 2011                                              22

       Clause 68 (b)                                                                23

       Renumber subparagraph (ii) where secondly occurring as subparagraph (iii).   24
       Explanatory note                                                             25
       The proposed amendment corrects provision numbering.                         26

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 2      Amendments by way of statute law revision

2.45 Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 1995                                          1

      Schedule 1, definitions of "density map", "height map" and "land use            2
      map"                                                                            3

      Omit "Environment Plan" wherever occurring.                                     4

      Insert instead "Environmental Plan".                                            5
      Explanatory note                                                                6
      The proposed amendment corrects references to maps.                             7

2.46 Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70                                              8

      Section 174 (9), paragraph (b1) of the definition of "wages"                    9

      Omit "1986)" and "2010".                                                       10

      Insert instead "1986" and "2010)", respectively.                               11
      Explanatory note                                                               12
      The proposed amendment corrects typographical errors.                          13

2.47 Young Local Environmental Plan 2010                                             14

      Land Use Table, Zone RU1, item 3                                               15

      Reorder the development types in alphabetical order.                           16
      Explanatory note                                                               17
      The proposed amendment corrects the alphabetical order of development types.   18

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the     Schedule 3
NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

Schedule 3              Amendments by way of statute law                                      1
                        revision relating to references to the                                2
                        NSW Police Force and the Police Act                                   3
                        1990                                                                  4
       Explanatory note                                                                       5
       The proposed amendments update references as a consequence of the enactment of         6
       the Police Service Amendment (NSW Police) Act 2002 and the Police Amendment            7
       (Miscellaneous) Act 2006. Those Acts renamed the Police Service Act 1990 to the        8
       Police Act 1990 and updated the name of the policing organisation of NSW to the NSW    9
       Police Force. The proposed amendments also include other minor updates to             10
       legislation consequential on those changes.                                           11

3.1 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48                                                       12

       Sections 4B (1) (b) and (2), 49ZU (3) (definition of "employed in the public          13
       sector") and 122B (1) (c)                                                             14

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                             15

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                    16

3.2 Bail Act 1978 No 161                                                                     17

[1]    Section 36C (2) (c)                                                                   18

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                             19

[2]    Section 66 (2) (a)                                                                    20

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990". Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                     21

3.3 Casino Control Act 1992 No 15                                                            22

       Section 149 (7), paragraph (a) of the definition of "law enforcement                  23
       agency"                                                                               24

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                             25

3.4 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998                                26
    No 157                                                                                   27

       Section 30, note                                                                      28

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                             29

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 3     Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the
               NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.5 Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59                                           1

[1]   Sections 3 (1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of "police station") and            2
      43 (2)                                                                              3

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                           4

[2]   Sections 89 (note), 92 (2) (g) and 109 (3) (i) and (m)                              5

      Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                                  6

      Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                   7

3.6 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92                                          8

      Sections 51B (2) (c) and 100H (2) (c)                                               9

      Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                          10

      Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                 11

3.7 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209                                                   12

      Section 3 (1), paragraph (a) of the definition of "public officer"                 13

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          14

3.8 Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8                                                       15

[1]   Section 13 (2)                                                                     16

      Omit "Criminal Records Unit of the Police Service".                                17

      Insert instead "Criminal Records Section of the NSW Police Force".                 18

[2]   Section 13 (5)                                                                     19

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          20

3.9 Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226                                          21

[1]   Sections 38 (2), 39, 39C, 39D (1), 39M (1), 39R (1) and 39S                        22

      Omit "police force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".         23

[2]   Section 39RA (1) (b)                                                               24

      Omit "Police Service Act 1990". Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                  25

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the   Schedule 3
NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.10 Fines Act 1996 No 99                                                               1

       Section 117 (1)                                                                  2

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                        3

3.11 Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192                                                      4

       Section 25 (1) and (2)                                                           5

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                        6

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                               7

3.12 First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100                                         8

       Schedule 1                                                                       9

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                       10

3.13 Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71                             11

[1]    Sections 4 (1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of "law enforcement             12
       agency" and paragraph (e) of the definition of "public sector agency")          13
       and 17                                                                          14

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                       15

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                              16

[2]    Section 5 (3) (k)                                                               17

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990". Insert instead "Police Act 1990".               18

3.14 Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988                                19
     No 35                                                                             20

[1]    Sections 3 (1) (paragraph (f) of the definition of "public authority" and       21
       paragraph (k) of the definition of "public official"), 16 (5), 36 (7), 39 (3)   22
       and (4), 41 (1) and (2), 100 (3) and 105 and clause 2 (1) (b) of Schedule 3     23

       Omit "Police Force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".      24

[2]    Section 101B (1) and (5)                                                        25

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                              26

       Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                               27

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 3     Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the
               NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.15 Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17                                                  1

      Sections 83 (3) and 405 (1) and Dictionary (definition of "public sector            2
      industrial agreement")                                                              3

      Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                                  4

      Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                   5

3.16 Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2001                                       6

[1]   Clause 39 (1) (b)                                                                   7

      Omit "Column 4". Insert instead "Column 2".                                         8

[2]   Clause 40                                                                           9

      Omit the clause.                                                                   10

[3]   Schedule 2                                                                         11

      Omit "(Clauses 39 and 40)". Insert instead "(Clause 39)".                          12

[4]   Schedule 2                                                                         13

      Omit Columns 2 and 3.                                                              14

[5]   Schedule 2                                                                         15

      Omit "Column 4". Insert instead "Column 2".                                        16

3.17 Jury Act 1977 No 18                                                                 17

      Sections 68 (4) (g) and 68A (4) (g)                                                18

      Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                          19

      Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                 20

3.18 Meat Industry Act 1978 No 54                                                        21

      Section 76A (9) (b)                                                                22

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          23

3.19 Motor Accidents Act 1988 No 102                                                     24

[1]   Sections 42 (1) and 46 (1)                                                         25

      Omit "Police Force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".         26

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the   Schedule 3
NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

[2]    Section 42A (1)                                                                  1
       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                        2

3.20 Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41                                        3

       Section 71 (1)                                                                   4

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                        5

3.21 Motor Dealers Act 1974 No 52                                                       6

[1]    Sections 4 (1) (paragraph (a) of the definition of "authorised officer"),        7
       38E (3) and (4), 53A (1A), (1B) and (3) (e) and 53AA (2) and (3)                 8

       Omit "police force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".       9

[2]    Section 45A (3) and (7)                                                         10

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                       11

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                              12

3.22 Motor Vehicle Repairs Act 1980 No 71                                              13

[1]    Sections 38 (3) (a) (i), 75 (3) and (4), 75A (2) and (3) and 76                 14

       Omit "police force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".      15

[2]    Section 77A (3) and (7)                                                         16

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                       17

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                              18

3.23 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13                                19

       Section 42 (2)                                                                  20

       Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                       21

3.24 Police Superannuation Regulation 2010                                             22

       Clause 5 (a) and (b)                                                            23

       Omit "police service" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".    24

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 3     Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the
               NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.25 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66                                   1

      Section 219 (5) (paragraph (a) of the definition of "law enforcement                2
      officer")                                                                           3

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                           4

3.26 Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 No 92                                           5

[1]   Section 4 (1) (paragraph (d) of the definition of "public authority")               6

      Omit "Police Force". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                             7

[2]   Section 9 (4)                                                                       8

      Omit "Police Service" where firstly and secondly occurring.                         9

      Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                 10

[3]   Section 9 (4)                                                                      11

      Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                                 12

      Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                  13

3.27 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43                              14

      Section 120 (6) (e)                                                                15

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          16

3.28 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99                                    17

      Section 41 (1) (a)                                                                 18

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          19

3.29 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation                           20
     1999                                                                                21

      Clause 126I (1) (a)                                                                22

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          23

3.30 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65                                                          24

      Sections 4, note, 41 (1) and (2) and 45 (1)                                        25

      Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                          26

      Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                 27

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the   Schedule 3
NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.31 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act                               1
     1987 No 212                                                                         2

[1]    Sections 3 (1) (definition of "police executive officer") and 4A (10) (a)         3

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                                4

       Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                 5

[2]    Section 6 and Schedule 1                                                          6

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                         7

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                8

3.32 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211                                    9

[1]    Sections 3 (1) (definition of "police executive officer") and 4A (10) (a)        10

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                               11

       Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                12

[2]    Section 8 and Schedule 1                                                         13

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                        14

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                               15

3.33 State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 No 165                              16

       Section 60L (4)                                                                  17

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990". Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                18

3.34 Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 (1976                            19
     No 4)                                                                              20

[1]    Section 24A, definition of "remuneration package"                                21

       Omit "Police Service Act 1990". Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                22

[2]    Section 24A, definition of "senior executive office holder"                      23

       Omit "referred to in Schedule 2 to the Police Service Act 1990".                 24

       Insert instead "determined as an executive position under Division 2 of Part 5   25
       of the Police Act 1990".                                                         26

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 3     Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the
               NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.35 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28                                                        1

[1]   Sections 3 (1) (definition of "Police executive officer") and 3AA (10) (a)          2

      Omit "Police Service Act 1990" wherever occurring.                                  3

      Insert instead "Police Act 1990".                                                   4

[2]   Section 3B (3) and Schedules 3 and 26                                               5

      Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                           6

      Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                  7

3.36 Totalizator Act 1997 No 45                                                           8

      Section 108 (1)                                                                     9

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          10

3.37 Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111                                                  11

      Section 95 (1)                                                                     12

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          13

3.38 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109                                            14

[1]   Section 45E (1), paragraph (a) of the definition of "public authority"             15

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          16

[2]   Section 117 (9) (a)                                                                17

      Omit "Police Force". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                            18

3.39 Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 No 113                                                   19

      Section 54 (1)                                                                     20

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          21

3.40 Victims Rights Act 1996 No 114                                                      22

      Section 13 (1) (b)                                                                 23

      Omit "Police Service". Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                          24

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments by way of statute law revision relating to references to the      Schedule 3
NSW Police Force and the Police Act 1990

3.41 Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 No 127                                                        1

       Sections 6 (3) (c) and 41 (3) (a)                                                        2

       Omit "Police Force" wherever occurring. Insert instead "NSW Police Force".               3

3.42 Witness Protection Act 1995 No 87                                                          4

       Sections 3 (1) (definition of "designated position"), 4 (1) (c), 8 (3) and (4),          5
       29 (2) (b), 33 (1) (c) and (d), 34 (1) (b), 36 (2) (a), 38 (2) (d) and 39 (1) and (2)    6

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                                7

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                       8

3.43 Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation                                       9
     Act 1998 No 86                                                                            10

[1]    Sections 4 (1) (definition of "worker") and 6 (3) (except where lastly                  11
       occurring)                                                                              12

       Omit "Police Service" wherever occurring.                                               13

       Insert instead "NSW Police Force".                                                      14

[2]    Section 6 (3), note                                                                     15

       Omit "Attention is also drawn to section 216 of the Police Service Act 1990,            16
       which makes further provision for payment of compensation for those                     17
       members if they are hurt on duty.".                                                     18

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Schedule 4       Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
                 on repeals

Schedule 4              Amendments transferring provisions,                                         1
                        and other amendments consequential on                                       2
                        repeals                                                                     3
      Explanatory note                                                                              4
      Schedule 4.1 [2] and [5], 4.3 [2], 4.4-4.6, 4.8 and 4.10 insert the substance of              5
      provisions (of possible ongoing effect) of Acts and instruments repealed by clause 3 of       6
      Schedule 5 into various Acts. In accordance with section 30A of the Interpretation            7
      Act 1987, the transfer of those provisions does not affect the operation (if any) or          8
      meaning of the provisions. In particular:                                                     9
       (a)    sections 8 (1) (b) and 16 (2) of the Aberdare County Council (Dissolution)           10
              Act 1982 are transferred to the Local Government and Other Authorities               11
              (Superannuation) Act 1927, and                                                       12
       (b)    section 16 of the Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 is transferred          13
              to the Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974, and                       14
       (c)    section 2 of, and the First and Second Schedules to, the Broken Hill Trades Hall     15
              Site Extension Act 1915 are transferred to the Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Act      16
              of 1898, and                                                                         17
       (d)    certain provisions of the following Acts are transferred to the Conversion of        18
              Cemeteries Act 1974:                                                                 19
                 (i) Coonamble Cemetery Act 1963,                                                  20
                (ii) East Ballina Cemetery Act 1957,                                               21
               (iii) Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970,                                                  22
               (iv)  Liverpool Cemetery Act 1950,                                                  23
                (v)  Mudgee Cemeteries Act 1963,                                                   24
               (vi)  Old Balmain (Leichhardt) Cemetery Act 1941,                                   25
              (vii)  Old Liverpool Cemetery Act 1970,                                              26
             (viii)  Old Wallsend Cemetery Act 1953,                                               27
               (ix)  Parramatta Methodist Cemetery Act 1961,                                       28
                (x)  St. Thomas' Church of England, North Sydney, Cemetery Act 1967, and           29
       (e)    clause 4 of the Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation 2001 is               30
              transferred to the Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001, and                 31
        (f)   section 4 of the Government Railways (Fencing) Act 1902 and section 8 of the         32
              Port Kembla Inner Harbour (Further Construction) Act 1961 are transferred to         33
              the Public Works Act 1912, and                                                       34
       (g)    section 6 of the Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of Purposes) Act 1995 is           35
              transferred to the Crown Lands Act 1989, and                                         36
       (h)    section 2 (4) of the River Murray (Diversion) Act 1933 is transferred to the Water   37
              Management Act 2000.                                                                 38
      Schedule 4.2 re-enacts section 2 of the Damage by Aircraft Act 1952, with minor              39
      modifications, as new Part 12 of the Civil Liability Act 2002.                               40
      Schedule 4.1 [1]-[4] contain amendments to the Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Act              41
      of 1898 that are consequential on the transfer of provisions from the Broken Hill Trades     42
      Hall Site Extension Act 1915 referred to in paragraph (c) above.                             43
      Schedule 4.3 [1] makes an amendment to the Conversion of Cemeteries Act 1974 that            44
      is consequential on the transfer of provisions referred to in paragraph (d) above.           45

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential        Schedule 4
on repeals

       Schedule 4.9 makes amendments to the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 that are            1
       consequential on the repeal of the Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation 2001    2
       and Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Act 2008 by Schedule 5.                      3

4.1 Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Act of 1898 No 31                                               4

[1]    Section 1 Land vested in trustees for the erection thereon of a trades hall               5

       Omit "Schedule". Insert instead "Schedule 1".                                             6

[2]    Sections 2 and 3                                                                          7

       Omit the sections. Insert instead:                                                        8

         2    Trustees may make rules                                                            9

                     The trustees may make rules for regulating the use of the land             10
                     described in the Schedules to this Act and any buildings on that           11
                     land, but such rules have no effect until approved by the Minister         12
                     for the time being charged with the administration of Chapter 5            13
                     of the Industrial Relations Act 1996.                                      14

         3    Transferred provision--vesting of land described in Schedules 2                   15
              and 3                                                                             16

              (1)    The lands described in Schedules 2 and 3 are hereby vested in the          17
                     trustees for the time being elected under this Act, upon trust for         18
                     the purposes of and in connection with the trades hall aforesaid,          19
                     but freed from all other trusts and dedications.                           20

              (2)    Subsection (1) re-enacts (with minor modifications) section 2 of           21
                     the Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Extension Act 1915 and is a               22
                     transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation           23
                     Act 1987 applies.                                                          24

[3]    Section 3A                                                                               25

       Insert after section 3 (as inserted by item [2]):                                        26

       3A     Savings                                                                           27

              (1)    Rules regulating the use of the Broken Hill Trades Hall that were          28
                     in force under this Act immediately before the commencement of             29
                     section 2 (as inserted by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous                   30
                     Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011) are taken to have been made under             31
                     that section.                                                              32

              (2)    Rules regulating the use of the lands described in Schedules 2             33
                     and 3 and any buildings on that land that were in force under the          34
                     Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Extension Act 1915 immediately                35
                     before the repeal of that Act are, on that repeal, taken to have           36

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Schedule 4      Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
                on repeals

                    been made under section 2 (as inserted by the Statute Law               1
                    (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011).                            2

[4]   Schedule                                                                              3

      Renumber the Schedule as Schedule 1.                                                  4

[5]   Schedules 2 and 3                                                                     5

      Transfer the First and Second Schedules to the Broken Hill Trades Hall Site           6
      Extension Act 1915 (which is repealed by clause 3 of Schedule 5 to this Act),         7
      after the Schedule, as Schedules 2 and 3.                                             8

4.2 Civil Liability Act 2002 No 22                                                          9

      Part 12                                                                              10

      Insert after Part 11:                                                                11

      Part 12 Damage by aircraft                                                           12

      72     Trespass or nuisance by aircraft (cf former s. 2 (1) and (5) of Damage by     13
             Aircraft Act 1952)                                                            14

             (1)    No action lies in respect of trespass or nuisance by reason only of    15
                    the flight (or the ordinary incidents of the flight) of an aircraft    16
                    over any property at a height above the ground that is reasonable      17
                    (having regard to wind, weather and all the circumstances of the       18
                    case) so long as the Air Navigation Regulations are complied           19
                    with.                                                                  20

             (2)    In this section, Air Navigation Regulations means the                  21
                    regulations made under the Air Navigation Act 1920 of the              22
                    Commonwealth and includes such of the provisions of those              23
                    regulations as are applicable to and in respect of air navigation      24
                    within New South Wales by virtue only of the Air Navigation            25
                    Act 1938.                                                              26

      73     Surface damage by aircraft or articles falling from aircraft (cf              27
             former s. 2 (2), (3) and (5) of Damage by Aircraft Act 1952)                  28

             (1)    Where material loss or damage is caused to any person or               29
                    property on land or water by, or by a person in, or an article or      30
                    person falling from, an aircraft while in flight, taking off or        31
                    landing, then unless the loss or damage was caused or contributed      32
                    to by the negligence of the person by whom it was suffered,            33
                    damages in respect of the loss or damage are recoverable without       34
                    proof of negligence or intention or other cause of action, as if the   35

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Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential     Schedule 4
on repeals

                     loss or damage had been caused by the wilful act, neglect, or           1
                     default of the owner of the aircraft.                                   2

              (2)    However, where the material loss or damage is caused in                 3
                     circumstances in which:                                                 4
                      (a) damages are recoverable in respect of that loss or damage          5
                           by virtue only of subsection (1), and                             6
                     (b) a legal liability is created in some person other than the          7
                           owner to pay damages in respect of that loss or damage,           8
                     the owner is entitled to be indemnified by that other person            9
                     against any claim in respect of that loss or damage.                   10

              (3)    Where the aircraft concerned has been bona fide demised, let or        11
                     hired out for a period exceeding 14 days to any other person by        12
                     the owner of the aircraft, and no pilot, commander, navigator or       13
                     operative member of the crew of the aircraft is in the employment      14
                     of the owner, references in this section to the owner are to be read   15
                     as references to the person to whom the aircraft has been so           16
                     demised, let or hired out.                                             17

              (4)    In this section:                                                       18
                     article includes mail or animal.                                       19
                     loss or damage includes, in relation to persons, loss of life and      20
                     personal injury.                                                       21

4.3 Conversion of Cemeteries Act 1974 No 17                                                 22

[1]    Schedule 3 Transferred provisions relating to cemetery land                          23

       Insert before clause 1:                                                              24

       Part 1        Acts repealed by Statute Law                                           25
                     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011                                    26

[2]    Schedule 3, Part 2                                                                   27

       Insert after clause 7:                                                               28

       Part 2        Acts repealed by Statute Law                                           29
                     (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2011                             30

         8    Provisions transferred to this Part                                           31

                     Clauses 10-19 re-enact (with minor modifications) the following        32
                     provisions and are transferred provisions to which section 30A of      33
                     the Interpretation Act 1987 apply:                                     34

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Schedule 4       Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
                 on repeals

                    (a)    section 2 (2) of the Coonamble Cemetery Act 1963,               1
                    (b)    section 2 (2) of the East Ballina Cemetery Act 1957,            2
                    (c)    section 5 (4) of the Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970,               3
                    (d)    section 2 (2) of the Liverpool Cemetery Act 1950,               4
                    (e)    section 2 (2) of the Mudgee Cemeteries Act 1963,                5
                     (f)   section 3 (2) of the Old Balmain (Leichhardt) Cemetery          6
                           Act 1941,                                                       7
                    (g)    section 4 (3) of the Old Liverpool Cemetery Act 1970,           8
                    (h)    sections 2 (2) and 3 (1)-(3) of the Old Wallsend Cemetery       9
                           Act 1953,                                                      10
                     (i)   section 2 (2) of the Parramatta Methodist Cemetery             11
                           Act 1961,                                                      12
                     (j)   sections 3 (3), 4 (2) and 8 of the St. Thomas' Church of       13
                           England, North Sydney, Cemetery Act 1967.                      14

          9   Saving of trusts, reservations, dedications and other obligations           15
              under repealed Acts                                                         16

                    The repeal by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act          17
                    (No 2) 2011 of an Act, provisions of which are transferred by this    18
                    Part, does not:                                                       19
                     (a) affect any trust, reservation or dedication that existed         20
                           immediately before the repeal of that Act, or                  21
                    (b) remove any obligation of a council with respect to a              22
                           register required to be compiled under the repealed Act.       23

      10      Coonamble Cemetery Act 1963                                                 24

                    The land described in the Schedule to the Coonamble Cemetery          25
                    Act 1963 (as in force immediately before its repeal) shall be         26
                    maintained by Coonamble Shire Council as a rest park and              27
                    garden area and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the       28
                    Council shall not use the land or permit the same to be used for      29
                    any other purpose.                                                    30

      11      East Ballina Cemetery Act 1957                                              31

                    The land described in the Schedule to the East Ballina Cemetery       32
                    Act 1957 (as in force immediately before its repeal) shall be         33
                    maintained by Ballina Shire Council as a rest park and garden         34
                    area and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the Council      35
                    shall not use the land or permit the same to be used for any other    36
                    purpose.                                                              37

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Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential     Schedule 4
on repeals

       12     Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970                                                    1
                     The lands described in the First and Second Schedules to the            2
                     Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970 (as in force immediately before its         3
                     repeal) shall be maintained by Gosford City Council as rest parks       4
                     and garden areas and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act,        5
                     the Council shall not use those lands or permit them to be used         6
                     for any other purpose.                                                  7

       13     Liverpool Cemetery Act 1950                                                    8

                     The land described in the Schedule to the Liverpool Cemetery            9
                     Act 1950 (as in force immediately before its repeal) shall be          10
                     maintained by Liverpool City Council as a rest park and garden         11
                     area and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the Council       12
                     shall not use the land or permit the same to be used for any other     13
                     purpose.                                                               14

       14     Mudgee Cemeteries Act 1963                                                    15

                     The land described in the Schedule to the Mudgee Cemeteries            16
                     Act 1963 (as in force immediately before its repeal) shall be          17
                     maintained by Mid-Western Regional Council for any one or              18
                     more of the following purposes:                                        19
                     (a) rest park,                                                         20
                     (b) garden area,                                                       21
                     (c) children's playground,                                             22
                     and notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the Council shall       23
                     not use the land or permit the same to be used for any other           24
                     purpose.                                                               25

       15     Old Balmain (Leichhardt) Cemetery Act 1941                                    26

                     The land described in the Schedule to the Old Balmain                  27
                     (Leichhardt) Cemetery Act 1941 (as in force immediately before         28
                     its repeal) shall be maintained by Leichhardt Municipal Council        29
                     as a rest park and garden area and, notwithstanding anything in        30
                     any other Act, the Council shall not use the land or permit the        31
                     same to be used for any other purpose.                                 32

       16     Old Liverpool Cemetery Act 1970                                               33

                     The land described in the Schedule to the Old Liverpool                34
                     Cemetery Act 1970 (as in force immediately before its repeal)          35
                     shall be maintained by Liverpool City Council as a rest park and       36
                     garden and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the             37
                     Council shall not use the land or permit it to be used for any other   38
                     purpose.                                                               39

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Schedule 4     Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
               on repeals

      17     Old Wallsend Cemetery Act 1953                                                  1
             (1)   The land described in the Schedule to the repealed Act (as in             2
                   force immediately before its repeal) shall be maintained by               3
                   Newcastle City Council as a rest park and garden area and,                4
                   notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the Council shall not          5
                   use the land or permit the same to be used for any other purpose.         6

             (2)   Nothing in the repealed Act (as in force immediately before its           7
                   repeal) shall affect any right title or interest which immediately        8
                   before the commencement of the repealed Act was reserved to               9
                   The Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company and its sequels in title             10
                   and assigns in respect of all coal and other minerals, not including     11
                   any minerals reserved to the Crown, lying in and under the land          12
                   described in the Schedule to that Act (as in force immediately           13
                   before its repeal), nor any necessary and proper rights powers and       14
                   easements reserved as aforesaid to enable it or them to get win          15
                   work and convey all coal, minerals and other materials belonging         16
                   to it or them from and to the workings of its or their mines.            17

             (3)   The Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company its sequels in title or              18
                   assigns or other the registered proprietor for the time being of the     19
                   land adjoining the land described in the Schedule to the repealed        20
                   Act (as in force immediately before its repeal) shall not be liable      21
                   to the Council its sequels in title or assigns or other the registered   22
                   proprietor or proprietors for the time being of the land described       23
                   in that Schedule for any pit fall or subsidences which may have          24
                   already or which may hereafter take place on or under such               25
                   lastmentioned land or on any other land adjacent thereto or for          26
                   any damage or nuisance occasioned thereby.                               27

             (4)   The Council its sequels in title and assigns or other the registered     28
                   proprietor or proprietors for the time being of the land described       29
                   in the Schedule to the repealed Act (as in force immediately             30
                   before its repeal) shall for the benefit of the adjoining land of The    31
                   Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company abstain from erecting any                32
                   fence dividing the land described in that Schedule from such             33
                   adjoining land without first obtaining the consent of The                34
                   Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company in writing: Provided that                35
                   such consent shall not be necessary whenever any such fence              36
                   shall be erected without expense to the said Company.                    37

             (5)   In this clause, repealed Act means the Old Wallsend Cemetery             38
                   Act 1953.                                                                39

      18     Parramatta Methodist Cemetery Act 1961                                         40

                   The land described in the Schedule to the Parramatta Methodist           41
                   Cemetery Act 1961 (as in force immediately before its repeal)            42

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential      Schedule 4
on repeals

                     shall be maintained by Parramatta City Council as a rest park and        1
                     garden area and, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, the          2
                     Council shall not use the land or permit the same to be used for         3
                     any other purpose.                                                       4

       19     St. Thomas' Church of England, North Sydney, Cemetery Act 1967                  5

              (1)    North Sydney City Council shall maintain the scheduled land as           6
                     a rest park and garden and may erect and maintain a columbarium          7
                     on the scheduled land and, notwithstanding anything in any other         8
                     Act, the Council shall not use the scheduled land or permit it to        9
                     be used for any other purpose.                                          10

              (2)    The Council may, either alone or in conjunction with the Rector         11
                     and Churchwardens of St. Thomas' Church of England, North               12
                     Sydney, place in the columbarium referred to in subclause (1) the       13
                     ashes of persons who have been cremated.                                14

              (3)    The Council may do all such other things as it may consider             15
                     necessary to effect the conversion of the scheduled land into a         16
                     rest park and garden and for the erection, maintenance and use of       17
                     a columbarium on the scheduled land.                                    18

              (4)    The Council may maintain the dwelling erected on the scheduled          19
                     land at the commencement of the repealed Act, and may, from             20
                     time to time, repair, rebuild or replace it.                            21

              (5)    The dwelling may, with the approval of the Council, be used as a        22
                     residence for a sexton, groundsman, or caretaker, of the                23
                     scheduled land, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed         24
                     upon from time to time between the Council and the sexton,              25
                     groundsman, or caretaker, as the case may be.                           26

              (6)    So long as the land on which the dwelling is erected is so used for     27
                     the purposes of a residence for a sexton, groundsman, or                28
                     caretaker, of the scheduled land, the public shall not be entitled to   29
                     enter upon or use it, or any land which is within the curtilage of      30
                     the dwelling and is bounded by a substantial fence, as a public         31
                     park.                                                                   32

              (7)    Notwithstanding subclauses (5) and (6), the Council may use the         33
                     dwelling, and the land within the curtilage of the dwelling and         34
                     bounded by a substantial fence, for such other purposes and             35
                     subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may approve        36
                     in writing.                                                             37

              (8)    A reference in this clause to the dwelling erected on the               38
                     scheduled land at the commencement of the repealed Act                  39
                     includes a reference to that dwelling as repaired, rebuilt or           40
                     replaced from time to time under the provisions of this clause.         41

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Schedule 4      Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
                on repeals

             (9)   In this clause:                                                             1
                   repealed Act means the St. Thomas' Church of England, North                 2
                   Sydney, Cemetery Act 1967.                                                  3
                   scheduled land means the land described in the Schedule to the              4
                   repealed Act (as in force immediately before its repeal).                   5

4.4 Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001 No 32                                         6

[1]   Section 11 References to old/new corporations legislation or old/new                     7
      ASIC legislation                                                                         8

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                        9
                   Note. See section 11A for certain exceptions to subsections (1) and (5).   10
                   The exceptions were previously set out in the Corporations (Ancillary      11
                   Provisions) Regulation 2001, which has been repealed.                      12

[2]   Section 11A                                                                             13

      Transfer clause 4 (1), (2) (c)-(g), (j), (k), (n) and (p), (3) and (4) of the           14
      Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation 2001 (which is repealed by               15
      clause 3 of Schedule 5 to this Act) after section 11 as section 11A (1),                16
      (2) (a)-(i), (3) and (4), with the following heading:                                   17

      11A    Transferred provision--Corporations (Ancillary Provisions)                       18
             Regulation 2001                                                                  19

[3]   Section 11A (1) (as inserted by item [2])                                               20

      Omit "clause". Insert instead "section".                                                21

[4]   Section 11A (2) and (3) (as inserted by item [2])                                       22

      Omit "of the Act" wherever occurring.                                                   23

[5]   Section 11A (4) (as inserted by item [2])                                               24

      Omit "subclause". Insert instead "subsection".                                          25

[6]   Section 11A (5)                                                                         26

      Insert after section 11A (4) (as inserted by item [2]):                                 27

             (5)   This section re-enacts (with minor modifications) clause 4 of the          28
                   Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation 2001 and is a               29
                   transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation           30
                   Act 1987 applies.                                                          31

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential   Schedule 4
on repeals

4.5 Crown Lands Act 1989 No 6                                                             1

       Schedule 6                                                                         2

       Insert after Schedule 5:                                                           3

       Schedule 6              Transferred provisions                                     4

       Part 1        Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of                                  5
                     Purposes) Act 1995                                                   6

         1    Plan of management--Queanbeyan Showground                                   7

              (1)    The Queanbeyan Showground Reserve Trust constituted under            8
                     section 5 of the repealed Act (as in force immediately before its    9
                     repeal) is taken to have been directed under section 112 of this    10
                     Act to prepare a draft plan of management for the Reserve within    11
                     3 months after 1 December 1995 (being the date of                   12
                     commencement of the repealed Act).                                  13

              (2)    The draft plan of management is to include provisions ensuring      14
                     that the use of the Reserve for a public showground is not          15
                     prevented or restricted by the use of the land for the other        16
                     dedicated purposes and that the Reserve will be available for use   17
                     by The Queanbeyan Show Society Inc on such days (not                18
                     exceeding 14 each year) as are notified to the manager of the       19
                     Trust by the Society.                                               20

              (3)    A plan of management for the Reserve may be adopted only if it      21
                     includes such provisions or The Queanbeyan Show Society Inc         22
                     has consented by special resolution to the omission of such         23
                     provisions.                                                         24

              (4)    This clause does not prevent the Minister from requiring a draft    25
                     plan of management for the Reserve to include other provisions      26
                     that are not inconsistent with this clause.                         27

              (5)    In this clause:                                                     28
                     repealed Act means the Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of          29
                     Purposes) Act 1995.                                                 30
                     the Reserve has the same meaning that it had in the repealed Act    31
                     immediately before its repeal.                                      32

              (6)    Subclauses (1)-(4) re-enact (with minor modifications) section 6    33
                     of the repealed Act and are transferred provisions to which         34
                     section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.                 35

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 4     Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
               on repeals

4.6 Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974 No 49                             1

      Schedule 6 Savings, transitional and other provisions                              2

      Insert at the end of Schedule 6 (with appropriate Part and clause numbering):      3

      Part         Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act                                 4
                   2000                                                                  5

             Transferred provision--functions and powers of Albury-Wodonga               6
             Development Corporation                                                     7

             (1)   The Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation established by             8
                   the Albury-Wodonga Development Act 1973 of the                        9
                   Commonwealth has, and may exercise and perform, any                  10
                   functions, powers or duties:                                         11
                    (a) that the Albury-Wodonga (New South Wales) Corporation           12
                         constituted by the Albury-Wodonga Development                  13
                         Act 1974 could have exercised or performed at any time         14
                         before its dissolution, and                                    15
                   (b) that are conferred or imposed on it by or under the              16
                         Albury-Wodonga Area Development Winding-up                     17
                         Agreement approved under the Albury-Wodonga                    18
                         Development Repeal Act 2000.                                   19

             (2)   Subclause (1) re-enacts (with minor modifications) section 16 of     20
                   the Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 and is a              21
                   transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation     22
                   Act 1987 applies.                                                    23

4.7 Local Government and Other Authorities (Superannuation)                             24
    Act 1927 No 35                                                                      25

[1]   Schedule H, heading                                                               26

      Omit "and transitional". Insert instead ", transitional and other".               27

[2]   Schedule H, clause 1A                                                             28

      Insert in alphabetical order in Columns 1 and 2 of the Table to clause 1A (1):    29

      Aberdare County Council (Dissolution)    Sections 8 (1) (b) and 16 (2)
      Act 1982

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Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential     Schedule 4
on repeals

4.8 Public Works Act 1912 No 45                                                              1

[1]    Section 91A Fences--transferred railway provisions                                    2

       Insert after section 91A (2):                                                         3

            (2A)     Government Railways (Fencing) Act 1902                                  4

                     Notwithstanding the provisions of section 91, the Constructing          5
                     Authority shall not in respect of any of the lines of railway           6
                     mentioned in the Second Schedule to the Government Railways             7
                     (Fencing) Act 1902 (as in force immediately before its repeal) be       8
                     required or compelled, nor shall it be the duty of the said             9
                     Authority, to make or maintain any fence along the said lines of       10
                     railway for the accommodation of any person or for any purpose         11
                     whatsoever; but the said Authority may, in its discretion, make        12
                     and maintain such fences in connection with the said lines of          13
                     railway as it may think fit.                                           14
                     Note. The railway lines concerned are Nyngan to Cobar, Narrabri to     15
                     Moree, Jerilderie to Berrigan, Parkes to Condobolin, Nevertire to      16
                     Warren, Berrigan to Finley, Tamworth to Manilla, Moree to Inverell,    17
                     Dubbo to Coonamble, Goulburn to Crookwell, The Rock to Green's         18
                     Gunyah, Koorawatha to Grenfell, Byrock to Brewarrina, Gundagai to      19
                     Tumut, Narrabri to Walgett, Culcairn to Germanton, Temora to Wyalong   20
                     and Manilla to Barraba.                                                21

[2]    Section 91A (7) (b1)                                                                 22

       Insert after section 91A (7) (b):                                                    23
                    (b1) section 4 of the Government Railways (Fencing) Act 1902,           24

[3]    Ninth Schedule Savings, transitional and other provisions                            25

       Insert in alphabetical order in the Table to clause 4 in Columns 1 and 2,            26
       respectively:                                                                        27

       Port Kembla Inner Harbour (Further Construction)      Section 8
       Act 1961

4.9 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146                                                 28

       Schedule 4 Excluded instruments                                                      29

       Omit items 24 and 31.                                                                30

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Schedule 4      Amendments transferring provisions, and other amendments consequential
                on repeals

4.10 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                                      1

      Schedule 9A                                                                         2

      Insert after Schedule 9:                                                            3

      Schedule 9A             Transferred provisions                                      4

          1   River Murray (Diversion) Act 1933                                           5

              (1)   Upon completion of the works authorised by the River Murray           6
                    (Diversion) Act 1933 (as in force immediately before its repeal)      7
                    they shall be handed over to the Ministerial Corporation which        8
                    shall thereupon be charged with the maintenance thereof.              9

              (2)   Subclause (1) re-enacts (with minor modifications) section 2 (4)     10
                    of the River Murray (Diversion) Act 1933 and is a transferred        11
                    provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987        12
                    applies.                                                             13

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Repeals                                                                   Schedule 5

Schedule 5              Repeals                                                          1

  1    Repeal of redundant Acts, instruments and provisions                              2

              The following Acts and instruments, or provisions of Acts, are repealed.   3

              Act or instrument                              Provisions repealed
              AGL Corporate Conversion Act 2002 No 16        Section 15 and Schedule 2
              Appropriation Act 2010 No 43                   Whole Act
              Appropriation (Budget Variations) Act 2010     Whole Act
              No 21
              Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2010 No 44      Whole Act
              Appropriation (Special Offices) Act 2010 No 45 Whole Act
              Appropriation (Supply and Budget Variations)   Part 5 and Schedules 1
              Act 2011 No 14                                 and 2
              Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Act Whole Act
              2008 No 91
              British Home Supplies Pty., Limited            Whole Act
              (Investigation) Act 1942 No 17
              Builders Labourers Federation (Special         Whole Act
              Provisions) Act 1986 No 17
              Cancer Institute (NSW) Regulation 2005         Whole Regulation
              Centenary Park Sale (Conveyancing) Act 1905 Whole Act
              No 6
              Charcoal (Producer Gas) Act 1941 No 60         Whole Act
              Collarenebri Water Supply Act 1968 No 18       Whole Act
              College Street Pedestrian Subway Construction Whole Act
              Act 1950 No 42
              Companies (Death Duties) Act 1901 No 30        Whole Act
              Corporations (Consequential Amendments) Act Whole Act
              2001 No 34
              Environmental Planning and Assessment          Whole Regulation
              (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1986
              Environmental Planning and Assessment          Whole Regulation
              (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1998
              Environmental Planning and Assessment          Whole Regulation
              (Sydney Cove) Savings and Transitional
              Regulation 1999

                                                                              Page 57
               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 5     Repeals

             Act or instrument                                 Provisions repealed
             Federal Aid Roads and Works Act 1937 No 22        Whole Act
             Glen Davis Act 1939 No 38                         Section 5
             Glenreagh to Dorrigo Railway (Closure) Act        Whole Act
             1993 No 65
             Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery Act 1986 No 116 Sections 4 and 14
             Gosford-Wyong Electricity Supply (Special         Whole Act
             Provisions) Act 1985 No 182
             Grafton Water Supply Act 1956 No 33               Whole Act
             Hunter District Water Board Employees'            Whole Act
             Provident Fund (Special Provisions) Act 1987
             No 213
             Industrial Arbitration (Special Provisions) Act   Whole Act
             1984 No 121
             Interest Reduction Act 1931 No 44                 Whole Act
             Irrigation Areas (Conversion of Leases) Act       Whole Act
             1977 No 61
             Local Government (Areas) Act 1948 No 30           Whole Act
             Manning District Water Supply Act 1969 No 21 Whole Act
             Menindee Lakes Storage Agreement Act 1964         Whole Act
             No 4
             Murrumbidgee Turf Club (Divesting) Act 1936       Whole Act
             No 26
             Olympic Co-ordination Authority Dissolution       Whole Act
             Act 2002 No 55
             Port Kembla Inner Harbour Construction and        Part 2 and First Schedule
             Agreement Ratification Act 1955 No 43
             Price Exploitation Code (New South Wales) Act Whole Act
             1999 No 55
             Real Property (Legal Proceedings) Act 1970        Whole Act
             No 92
             Rural Reconstruction Act 1939 No 45               Whole Act
             States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural       Whole Act
             Adjustment) Agreement Ratification Act 1989
             No 168
             States Grants (Rural Reconstruction)              Whole Act
             Agreement Ratification Act 1971 No 37

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Repeals                                                                     Schedule 5

              Act or instrument                                Provisions repealed
              Sydney Bethel Union Enabling Act 1934 No 23 Whole Act
              Sydney Female School of Industry (Dissolution) Whole Act
              Act 1926 No 18
              Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 No 57 Sections 83 (1) and (2) and
                                                           84-86 and Schedules 5
                                                           and 6
              Trustees Delegation of Powers Act 1915 No 31 Whole Act
              Tuberculosis Act 1970 No 18                      Whole Act
              Walgett Water Supply Act 1959 No 17              Whole Act
              Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2008 No 69 Sections 8, 10 and 11 and
                                                         Schedule 1
              Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning--         Whole Act
              Broken Hill) Act 1922 No 31
              Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999        Whole Act
              No 23

  2    Repeal of amending provisions that have commenced                                   1

              The following provisions of Acts and instruments are repealed:               2

              Act or instrument                                Provisions repealed
              Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008        Schedule 1 [44]
              No 37
              Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006         Schedule 7.1 and 7.2 [3]
              No 105
              Court Security Act 2005 No 1                     Section 32
              Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Act 1999     Section 15
              No 22
              Gene Technology (New South Wales) Act 2003       Section 21
              No 11
              Government Guarantees Act 1934 No 57             Section 7
              Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act           Section 45
              2008 No 106
              Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Act      Section 23
              2006 No 96
              Industrial Relations (Ethical Clothing Trades)   Section 20 and Schedule 2
              Act 2001 No 128

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               Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 5     Repeals

             Act or instrument                               Provisions repealed
             Licensing and Registration (Uniform             Schedule 4.1, 4.6-4.8,
             Procedures) Act 2002 No 28                      4.11, 4.14, 4.27 and 4.29
             Long Service Leave (Metalliferous Mining        Section 16
             Industry) Act 1963 No 48
             Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121                   Schedule 3.7 [7], [9], [11]
                                                             and [13]
             Married Persons (Equality of Status) Act 1996   Section 16 and Schedule 2
             No 96
             Mine Safety (Cost Recovery) Act 2005 No 116     Section 18
             Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961           Section 19
             No 22
             Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Act Schedule 1 [7]
             2006 No 17
             Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act      Section 44
             1942 No 15
             National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region       Sections 14-16 and
             Reservations) Act 2006 No 90                    Schedules 8 and 9
             National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005    Sections 14 and 15
             No 84
             Protection of the Environment Operations        Clause 58 and Schedule 3
             (Noise Control) Regulation 2008
             Regional Development Act 2004 No 58             Section 18
             Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act        Schedule 5 [2]-[9]
             2008 No 61
             Soil Conservation Act 1938 No 10                Part 7
             State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act 2004        Section 8
             No 1
             Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act      Schedule 1
             2011 No 27
             Trustee Act 1925 No 14                          Section 105
             Water Management Amendment Act 2008             Schedule 4 [4]
             No 73
             Youth and Community Services Act 1973 No 90 Schedule

Page 60
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Repeals                                                                  Schedule 5

  3    Repeal of Acts and instruments whose provisions are transferred by                 1
       Schedule 4                                                                         2

              The following Acts and instruments are repealed:                            3

              Act or instrument                            Provisions repealed
              Aberdare County Council (Dissolution) Act    Whole Act
              1982 No 74
              Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 Whole Act
              No 18
              Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Extension Act   Whole Act
              1915 No 42
              Coonamble Cemetery Act 1963 No 1             Whole Act
              Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation Whole Regulation
              Damage by Aircraft Act 1952 No 46            Whole Act
              East Ballina Cemetery Act 1957 No 37         Whole Act
              Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970 No 84            Whole Act
              Government Railways (Fencing) Act 1902       Whole Act
              No 76
              Liverpool Cemetery Act 1950 No 20            Whole Act
              Mudgee Cemeteries Act 1963 No 2              Whole Act
              Old Balmain (Leichhardt) Cemetery Act 1941   Whole Act
              No 12
              Old Liverpool Cemetery Act 1970 No 49        Whole Act
              Old Wallsend Cemetery Act 1953 No 5          Whole Act
              Parramatta Methodist Cemetery Act 1961       Whole Act
              No 44
              Port Kembla Inner Harbour (Further           Whole Act
              Construction) Act 1961 No 45
              Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of          Whole Act
              Purposes) Act 1995 No 14
              River Murray (Diversion) Act 1933 (1934      Whole Act
              No 24)
              St. Thomas' Church of England, North Sydney, Whole Act
              Cemetery Act 1967 No 22

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                Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

Schedule 6      General savings, transitional and other provisions

Schedule 6              General savings, transitional and other                                  1
                        provisions                                                               2

 1    Effect of amendment of amending provisions                                                 3

      (1)    An amendment made by Schedule 1, 2 or 3 to an amending provision                    4
             contained in an Act or instrument is, if the amending provision has                 5
             commenced before the Schedule 1, 2 or 3 amendment concerned, taken                  6
             to have effect as from the commencement of the amending provision                   7
             (whether or not the amending provision has been repealed).                          8

      (2)    In this clause:                                                                     9
             amending provision means a provision of an Act or instrument that                  10
             makes a direct amendment to an Act or instrument by:                               11
              (a) the repeal or omission of matter contained in the amended Act or              12
                    instrument without the insertion of any matter instead of the               13
                    repealed or omitted matter, or                                              14
             (b) the omission of matter contained in the amended Act or                         15
                    instrument and the insertion of matter instead of the omitted               16
                    matter, or                                                                  17
              (c) the insertion into the amended Act or instrument of matter, not               18
                    being matter inserted instead of matter omitted from the Act or             19
                    instrument.                                                                 20
      Explanatory note                                                                          21
      This clause ensures that certain amendments, including amendments correcting errors       22
      in technical provisions (for example, headings indicating the section to be amended or    23
      directions as to where a new section is to be inserted) and rectifying minor drafting     24
      errors (for example, corrections in numbering of provisions, correction or insertion of   25
      cross-references, omission of unnecessary matter or insertion of omitted matter), will    26
      be taken to have commenced on the date the amendments to which they relate                27
      commenced.                                                                                28

 2    Effect of amendment or repeal on acts done or decisions made                              29

             Except where it is expressly provided to the contrary, if this Act:                30
             (a) amends a provision of an Act or an instrument, or                              31
             (b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modification) a provision               32
                    of an Act or an instrument,                                                 33
             any act done or decision made under the provision amended or repealed              34
             has effect after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made            35
             under the provision as so amended or repealed.                                     36
      Explanatory note                                                                          37
      This clause ensures that the amendment or repeal of a provision will not, unless          38
      expressly provided, vitiate any act done or decision made under the provision as in       39
      force before the amendment or repeal.                                                     40

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Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011

General savings, transitional and other provisions                                Schedule 6

  3    Effect of amendment on instruments                                                             1
              Except where expressly provided to the contrary, any instrument made                    2
              under an Act amended by this Act, that is in force immediately before                   3
              the commencement of the amendment, is taken to have been made                           4
              under the Act as amended.                                                               5
       Explanatory note                                                                               6
       This clause ensures that, unless expressly provided, any instrument that is in force and       7
       made under a provision of an Act that is amended or substituted by the proposed Act            8
       will be taken to have been made under the Act as amended.                                      9

  4    Revocation of repeal                                                                          10

              Section 29A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies to the repeal of Acts               11
              or instruments by this Act.                                                            12
       Explanatory note                                                                              13
       The effect of this clause is to enable the Governor, by proclamation, to revoke the           14
       repeal of any Act or instrument or the provision of any Act or instrument repealed by         15
       the proposed Act. The Act or instrument or provision of an Act or instrument the subject      16
       of the revocation of repeal is taken not to be, and never to have been, repealed.             17

  5    Regulations                                                                                   18

       (1)    The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a savings                   19
              or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.                        20

       (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from                21
              the date of assent to this Act or a later date.                                        22

       (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that                23
              is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,            24
              the provision does not operate so as:                                                  25
               (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the                  26
                      State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person                 27
                      existing before the date of its publication, or                                28
              (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an                    29
                      authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to              30
                      be done before the date of its publication.                                    31
       Explanatory note                                                                              32
       This clause enables the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature having      33
       a short term effect and relating to incidental matters arising out of the proposed Act with   34
       regard to which no specific, or sufficient, provision has been made in the proposed Act.      35

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              Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011


Notes                                                                           1

Index of Acts and instruments amended by Schedules 1-4                          2
Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002--Schedule 2                              3
Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010--Schedule 2                                4
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48--Schedule 3                                  5
Bail Act 1978 No 161--Schedule 3                                                6
Balranald Local Environmental Plan 2010--Schedule 2                             7
Bathurst Regional (Interim) Local Environmental Plan 2005--Schedule 2           8
Bellingen Local Environmental Plan 2010--Schedule 2                             9
Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Act of 1898 No 31--Schedule 4                     10
Building Professionals Act 2005 No 115--Schedule 1                             11
Casino Control Act 1992 No 15--Schedule 3                                      12
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157--Schedule 3   13
Children (Criminal Proceedings) Regulation 2011--Schedule 2                    14
Civil Liability Act 2002 No 22--Schedule 4                                     15
Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004 No 70--Schedule 1        16
Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Regulation 2006--Schedule 2       17
Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146--Schedule 2           18
Community Land Management Act 1989 No 202--Schedule 1                          19
Companion Animals Act 1998 No 87--Schedule 1                                   20
Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001 No 82--Schedule 1               21
Conversion of Cemeteries Act 1974 No 17--Schedule 4                            22
Coolamon Local Environmental Plan 2011--Schedule 2                             23
Coonamble Local Environmental Plan 2011--Schedule 2                            24
Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001 No 32--Schedule 4                 25
Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59--Schedule 3                        26
Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92--Schedule 3                       27
Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209--Schedule 3                                 28
Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8--Schedule 3                                     29
Crown Lands Act 1989 No 6--Schedule 4                                          30
Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226--Schedule 3                        31
Duties Act 1997 No 123--Schedule 2                                             32
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203--Schedules 1 and 2       33
Explosives Act 2003 No 39--Schedule 1                                          34
Fines Act 1996 No 99--Schedules 2 and 3                                        35

Page 64
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011


Fire Brigades Act 1989 No 192--Schedule 3                                   1
First State Superannuation Act 1992 No 100--Schedule 3                      2
Growth Centres (Development Corporations) Act 1974 No 49--Schedule 4        3
Harden Local Environmental Plan 2011--Schedule 2                            4
Health Care Complaints Act 1993 No 105--Schedule 1                          5
Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71--Schedules 1 and 3    6
Health Services Act 1997 No 154--Schedule 2                                 7
Health Services Regulation 2008--Schedule 2                                 8
Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35--Schedule 3        9
Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17--Schedule 3                            10
Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2001--Schedule 3                 11
Innovation Council Act 1996 No 77--Schedule 1                              12
Jury Act 1977 No 18--Schedule 3                                            13



and and Environment Court Act 1979 No 204--Schedule 2 14



iquor Regulation 2008--Schedule 2 15



iverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008--Schedule 2 16



ocal Government and Other Authorities (Superannuation) Act 1927 No 35-- 17 Schedule 4 18 Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121--Schedule 2 19 Meat Industry Act 1978 No 54--Schedule 3 20 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10--Schedule 2 21 Motor Accidents Act 1988 No 102--Schedule 3 22 Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 No 41--Schedule 3 23 Motor Dealers Act 1974 No 52--Schedule 3 24 Motor Vehicle Repairs Act 1980 No 71--Schedule 3 25 Nambucca Local Environmental Plan 2010--Schedule 2 26 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80--Schedule 1 27 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13--Schedule 3 28 Payroll Tax Rebate Scheme (Jobs Action Plan) Act 2011 No 19--Schedule 2 29 Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 No 31--Schedule 2 30 Police Superannuation Regulation 2010--Schedule 3 31 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200--Schedule 2 32 Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 No 66--Schedules 1 and 3 33 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 No 152--Schedule 2 34 Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 No 92--Schedule 3 35 Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 No 43--Schedule 3 36 Page 65 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011 Notes Public Works Act 1912 No 45--Schedule 4 1 Residential Parks Act 1998 No 142--Schedules 1 and 2 2 Residential Tenancies Act 2010 No 42--Schedule 1 3 Retirement Villages Act 1999 No 81--Schedules 1 and 2 4 Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998 No 99--Schedule 3 5 Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 1999--Schedule 3 6 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 No 119--Schedules 1 and 2 7 Roads Act 1993 No 33--Schedule 1 8 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65--Schedule 3 9 Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 No 143--Schedule 2 10 Security Industry Act 1997 No 157--Schedule 1 11 Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006--Schedule 2 12 State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987 No 212--Schedule 3 13 State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 No 211--Schedule 3 14 State Authorities Superannuation Regulation 2010--Schedule 2 15 State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 No 165--Schedules 1 and 3 16 State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009-- 17 Schedule 2 18 State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Development) 2005--Schedule 2 19 Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 (1976 No 4)--Schedule 3 20 Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 No 138--Schedule 1 21 Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2010--Schedule 2 22 Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 No 146--Schedule 4 23 Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25--Schedule 2 24 Superannuation Act 1916 No 28--Schedules 1, 2 and 3 25 Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 No 57--Schedule 1 26 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88--Schedule 2 27 Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101--Schedule 2 28 Totalizator Act 1997 No 45--Schedule 3 29 Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111--Schedule 3 30 Transport Administration Act 1988 No 109--Schedule 3 31 Transport Administration (Staff) Regulation 2005--Schedule 2 32 Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 No 113--Schedule 3 33 Valuers Regulation 2010--Schedule 2 34 Victims Rights Act 1996 No 114--Schedule 3 35 Water Management Act 2000 No 92--Schedules 1 and 4 36 Page 66 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011 Notes Water Management Amendment Act 2010 No 133--Schedule 1 1 Water Management (General) Regulation 2011--Schedule 1 2 Water Sharing Plan for the Castlereagh (below Binnaway) Unregulated and Alluvial 3 Water Sources 2011--Schedule 2 4 Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water 5 Sources 2011--Schedule 2 6 Water Sharing Plan for the North Western Unregulated and Fractured Rock Water 7 Sources 2011--Schedule 2 8 Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 No 127--Schedule 3 9 Witness Protection Act 1995 No 87--Schedule 3 10 Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 1995--Schedule 2 11 Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70--Schedule 2 12 Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 No 86-- 13 Schedule 3 14 Young Local Environmental Plan 2010--Schedule 2 15 Index of Acts and instruments wholly repealed by Schedule 5 16 Aberdare County Council (Dissolution) Act 1982 No 74 17 Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 No 18 18 Appropriation Act 2010 No 43 19 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Act 2010 No 21 20 Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2010 No 44 21 Appropriation (Special Offices) Act 2010 No 45 22 Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Act 2008 No 91 23 British Home Supplies Pty., Limited (Investigation) Act 1942 No 17 24 Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Extension Act 1915 No 42 25 Builders Labourers Federation (Special Provisions) Act 1986 No 17 26 Cancer Institute (NSW) Regulation 2005 27 Centenary Park Sale (Conveyancing) Act 1905 No 6 28 Charcoal (Producer Gas) Act 1941 No 60 29 Collarenebri Water Supply Act 1968 No 18 30 College Street Pedestrian Subway Construction Act 1950 No 42 31 Companies (Death Duties) Act 1901 No 30 32 Coonamble Cemetery Act 1963 No 1 33 Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Regulation 2001 34 Corporations (Consequential Amendments) Act 2001 No 34 35 Damage by Aircraft Act 1952 No 46 36 Page 67 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011 Notes East Ballina Cemetery Act 1957 No 37 1 Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings and Transitional) 2 Regulation 1986 3 Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings and Transitional) 4 Regulation 1998 5 Environmental Planning and Assessment (Sydney Cove) Savings and Transitional 6 Regulation 1999 7 Federal Aid Roads and Works Act 1937 No 22 8 Glenreagh to Dorrigo Railway (Closure) Act 1993 No 65 9 Gosford Cemeteries Act 1970 No 84 10 Gosford-Wyong Electricity Supply (Special Provisions) Act 1985 No 182 11 Government Railways (Fencing) Act 1902 No 76 12 Grafton Water Supply Act 1956 No 33 13 Hunter District Water Board Employees' Provident Fund (Special Provisions) Act 14 1987 No 213 15 Industrial Arbitration (Special Provisions) Act 1984 No 121 16 Interest Reduction Act 1931 No 44 17 Irrigation Areas (Conversion of Leases) Act 1977 No 61 18



iverpool Cemetery Act 1950 No 20 19



ocal Government (Areas) Act 1948 No 30 20 Manning District Water Supply Act 1969 No 21 21 Menindee Lakes Storage Agreement Act 1964 No 4 22 Mudgee Cemeteries Act 1963 No 2 23 Murrumbidgee Turf Club (Divesting) Act 1936 No 26 24 Old Balmain (Leichhardt) Cemetery Act 1941 No 12 25 Old Liverpool Cemetery Act 1970 No 49 26 Old Wallsend Cemetery Act 1953 No 5 27 Olympic Co-ordination Authority Dissolution Act 2002 No 55 28 Parramatta Methodist Cemetery Act 1961 No 44 29 Port Kembla Inner Harbour (Further Construction) Act 1961 No 45 30 Price Exploitation Code (New South Wales) Act 1999 No 55 31 Queanbeyan Showground (Variation of Purposes) Act 1995 No 14 32 Real Property (Legal Proceedings) Act 1970 No 92 33 River Murray (Diversion) Act 1933 (1934 No 24) 34 Rural Reconstruction Act 1939 No 45 35 St. Thomas' Church of England, North Sydney, Cemetery Act 1967 No 22 36 Page 68 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011 Notes States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Agreement Ratification Act 1 1989 No 168 2 States Grants (Rural Reconstruction) Agreement Ratification Act 1971 No 37 3 Sydney Bethel Union Enabling Act 1934 No 23 4 Sydney Female School of Industry (Dissolution) Act 1926 No 18 5 Trustees Delegation of Powers Act 1915 No 31 6 Tuberculosis Act 1970 No 18 7 Walgett Water Supply Act 1959 No 17 8 Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning--Broken Hill) Act 1922 No 31 9 Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 No 23 10 Index of Acts and instruments partly repealed by Schedule 5 11 AGL Corporate Conversion Act 2002 No 16 12 Appropriation (Supply and Budget Variations) Act 2011 No 14 13 Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008 No 37 14 Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006 No 105 15 Court Security Act 2005 No 1 16 Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Act 1999 No 22 17 Gene Technology (New South Wales) Act 2003 No 11 18 Glen Davis Act 1939 No 38 19 Gore Hill Memorial Cemetery Act 1986 No 116 20 Government Guarantees Act 1934 No 57 21 Homebush Motor Racing (Sydney 400) Act 2008 No 106 22 Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Act 2006 No 96 23 Industrial Relations (Ethical Clothing Trades) Act 2001 No 128 24



icensing and Registration (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002 No 28 25



ong Service Leave (Metalliferous Mining Industry) Act 1963 No 48 26 Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121 27 Married Persons (Equality of Status) Act 1996 No 96 28 Mine Safety (Cost Recovery) Act 2005 No 116 29 Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961 No 22 30 Motor Accidents Compensation Amendment Act 2006 No 17 31 Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act 1942 No 15 32 National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region Reservations) Act 2006 No 90 33 National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005 No 84 34 Port Kembla Inner Harbour Construction and Agreement Ratification Act 1955 35 No 43 36 Page 69 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2011 Notes Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2008 1 Regional Development Act 2004 No 58 2 Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2008 No 61 3 Soil Conservation Act 1938 No 10 4 State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act 2004 No 1 5 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 No 27 6 Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 No 57 7 Trustee Act 1925 No 14 8 Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2008 No 69 9 Water Management Amendment Act 2008 No 73 10 Youth and Community Services Act 1973 No 90 11 Page 70


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