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New South Wales Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Explanatory notes 2 Schedule 1 Minor amendments 3 Schedule 2 Amendments relating to Australian Crime Commission 19 Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 21 Schedule 4 General savings, transitional and other provisions 35 I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of NEW SOUTH WALES. Clerk of the Parliaments
egislative Council 2016 New South Wales Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 Act No , 2016 An Act to amend certain Acts and instruments in various respects and for the purposes of effecting statute law revision; and to make certain savings. Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 Name of Act This Act is the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016. 2 Commencement (1) This Act commences on 6 January 2017, except as provided by this section. (2) The amendments made by Schedules 1 and 3 to this Act commence on the day or days specified in those Schedules in relation to the amendments concerned. If a commencement day is not specified, the amendments commence in accordance with subsection (1). (3) Schedule 4 commences on the date of assent to this Act. 3 Explanatory notes The matter appearing under the heading "Explanatory note" in any of the Schedules does not form part of this Act. Page 2 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.1 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42 [1] Section 55 Aboriginal persons may be member of more than one Local Aboriginal Land Council Insert after section 55 (4A): (4B) Subsection (4A) (a) does not apply if an administrator was appointed to perform all of the functions of the Local Aboriginal Land Council for all or part of the relevant 12-month period. [2] Section 64 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Omit section 64 (1C). Insert instead: (1C) A person elected to hold office as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson is to hold office for: (a) 2 years, or (b) if the person is elected to fill a vacancy arising during the term of office of the previous Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson--the remainder of the previous office holder's term of office. (1D) The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-election. [3] Section 67 Vacancy in office Insert at the end of section 67 (e): , or (f) is removed from office by the Council for the breach of a dismissal provision of a code of conduct referred to in section 177 (5) (a). [4] Section 129 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Omit section 129 (2). Insert instead: (2) A person elected to hold office as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson is to hold office for: (a) 2 years, or (b) if the person is elected to fill a vacancy arising during the term of office of the previous Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson--the remainder of the previous office holder's term of office. (2A) The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-election. [5] Section 133 Vacancy in office Insert at the end of section 133 (e): , or (f) vacates the office by the operation of a dismissal provision of a code of conduct referred to in section 177 (5) (c). Commencement The amendments to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Page 3 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (the ALR Act) provides that the requirement that a voting member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council attend 2 meetings of the Council within a 12-month period before becoming entitled to vote in elections for Board members of the Council does not apply if an administrator has been appointed to perform all of the Council's functions at any time during that period. The proposed amendment is consistent with section 63 (2A) and (2C) of the ALR Act which provide a similar exemption. Item [2] provides that a person who is elected to fill a vacancy arising during the term of office of a Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Board of a Local Aboriginal Land Council holds office for the remainder of the term of the vacant office (rather than for a fixed period of 2 years, as is currently the case). Item [4] makes a similar amendment in relation to a Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council. The proposed amendments are consistent with section 68 (1) of the ALR Act which provides that a person appointed to fill a casual vacancy in the office of a Board member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council does so for the remainder of the term of office. Items [3] and [5] make it clear that a person vacates office as a Board member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council or a councillor of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council if the person vacates the office as a consequence of a breach of the Council's code of conduct. 1.2 Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2015 Clause 10 Report of operations to include comparison of investment performance Omit "under the description "Hour-Glass Investment Facilities"" from clause 10 (2). Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes a reference to the name given to the investment facilities offered by the Treasury Corporation (formerly known as "Hour-Glass investment facilities") against which a statutory body is required to compare the performance of its own investments. 1.3 Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007 No 69 Section 4 Definitions Omit the definition of approved from section 4 (1). Insert instead: approved form means a form approved by the Secretary. Explanatory note The proposed amendment makes references to the approval of forms under the Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2007 consistent with other legislation administered by the Minister for Health (such as the Public Health Act 2010). 1.4 Biosecurity Act 2015 No 24 [1] Section 7 General definitions Omit "genus Apis mellifera L. or any other genus" from the definition of bee. Insert instead "species Apis mellifera L. or any other species". [2] Schedule 7 Savings, transitional and other provisions Omit clause 28 (2). Insert instead: (2) The application: (a) is to be in the form approved by the local control authority, and (b) is to be accompanied by the fee approved by the local control authority, being a fee not exceeding the maximum amount (if any) prescribed by the regulations. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a taxonomical reference to bees. Item [2] provides that a local control authority under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (rather than the Secretary of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development, as is currently the case) Page 4 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments may determine the form in which a person may apply to the authority for a certificate relating to weed control notices (and certain other matters) as part of the transitional arrangements leading to the repeal of that Act by the Biosecurity Act 2015. 1.5 Boarding Houses Act 2012 No 74 [1] Section 5 Meaning of "registrable boarding house" Insert after section 5 (3) (p): (p1) without limiting paragraph (p), premises used for accommodation that is provided by a registered provider of specialist disability accommodation for the purposes of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 of the Commonwealth, [2] Section 37 Meaning of "an assisted boarding house" Insert after section 37 (2) (o): (o1) without limiting paragraph (o), premises used for accommodation that is provided by a registered provider of specialist disability accommodation for the purposes of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 of the Commonwealth, Explanatory note The proposed amendments make it clear that registered providers of specialist disability accommodation under the National Disability Insurance Scheme are excluded from the licensing and regulatory scheme established under the Boarding Houses Act 2012 (including for boarding house accommodation for persons with additional needs). However, the registered providers of the accommodation are subject to a regulatory scheme under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 of the Commonwealth in relation to the provision of the accommodation. 1.6 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 No 46 [1] Section 4 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1): Secretary means: (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, or (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. [2] Sections 26A (2), 36 (1) and 36B (1) (b) and (2) Omit "Director-General of the Department of Finance and Services" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments confers on the Commissioner for Fair Trading, who is employed in the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, functions under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 that are currently conferred on the Secretary of that Department. Item [2] updates references as a consequence of past administrative changes orders. 1.7 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulation 2008 [1] Clauses 4 (definition of "approved ADI"), 7 (3), 11, 12 and 15-17 Omit "Chief Executive" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary". Page 5 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments [2] Clause 4 Definitions Omit the definition of Chief Executive. Explanatory note The proposed amendments are consequent on the proposed amendments to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 in this Schedule. 1.8 Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 No 103 [1] Section 3 Definitions Omit the definition of distribution network service provider from section 3 (1). Insert in alphabetical order: licensed distributor means a person who is required to hold a distributor's licence under the Electricity Supply Act 1995. [2] Sections 34G, 34J, 34K and 34M Omit "distribution network service provider" and "distribution network service providers" wherever occurring. Insert instead "licensed distributor" and "licensed distributors", respectively. Explanatory note The proposed amendments to the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 update terminology used in reference to electricity distributors as a consequence of amendments made to the Electricity Supply Act 1995 by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2014. The proposed amendments ensure that the Minister for the Environment may continue to require persons who are required to hold a distributor's licence (formerly a distribution network service provider's licence) under the Electricity Supply Act 1995 to contribute to the Climate Change Fund. 1.9 Fisheries Management Act 1994 No 38 [1] Section 91A Online registration of dealings Omit "online trading system" and "online trading system" wherever occurring. Insert instead "online registration system" and "online registration system", respectively. [2] Schedule 1, clause 6 Omit "Sagmariasus verreauxi". Insert instead "(Sagmariasus verreauxi)". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments changes terminology used in reference to the system for online registration of dealings in shares in a share management fishery (from "online trading system" to "online registration system") to more accurately reflect the function of that system. Item [2] inserts missing parentheses. 1.10 Food Act 2003 No 43 Section 106H Approval of registered training organisations to issue food safety supervisor certificates Omit "Vocational Education and Training Act 2005" from section 106H (1). Insert instead "National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 of the Commonwealth". Explanatory note The proposed amendment updates a reference to an Act in a provision relating to food safety supervisor certificates to ensure that the Food Authority may continue to approve registered training organisations for the purposes of issuing the certificates. Page 6 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.11 Government Property NSW Act 2006 No 40 [1] Whole Act (except Schedule 2 and where otherwise amended by this subschedule) Omit "Government Property NSW" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Property NSW". [2] Section 1 Name of Act Omit "Government Property NSW". Insert instead "Property NSW". [3] Section 3 Definitions Omit the definition of Government Property NSW from section 3 (1). Insert in alphabetical order: Property NSW means Property NSW constituted by this Act. [4] Section 4 Omit the section. Insert instead: 4 Constitution of Property NSW There is constituted by this Act a corporation with the corporate name of Property NSW. [5] Schedule 1 Property transferred to Property NSW Omit "Morrissett" wherever occurring in the matter appearing under the heading "Leases". Insert instead "Morisset". [6] Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead: (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends this Act. [7] Schedule 2 Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering: Part Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 Change of name of Government Property NSW to Property NSW The substitution of section 4 of this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 effects the alteration of the name of Government Property NSW in terms of section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987 and accordingly that section applies. Commencement The amendments to the Government Property NSW Act 2006 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note Item [4] of the proposed amendments changes the name of Government Property NSW to Property NSW. Items [1] and [3] make consequential amendments. Item [7] confirms that section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987 continues the existence of Government Property NSW and ensures its identity is not affected by the alteration of its name. Item [2] changes the name of the Government Property NSW Act 2006 to the Property NSW Act 2006 as a consequence of Government Property NSW changing its name. Page 7 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments Item [6] provides for the making of savings and transitional regulations consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act or any other Act that amends the Property NSW Act 2006. Item [5] corrects typographical errors. 1.12 Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act 2002 No 88 [1] Section 3 Definitions Omit the definition of Director-General from section 3 (1). Insert in alphabetical order: Secretary means: (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, or (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. [2] Sections 38-40 Omit "Director-General" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments confers on the Commissioner for Fair Trading, who is employed in the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, functions under the Holiday Parks (Long-term Casual Occupation) Act 2002 that are currently conferred on the Secretary of that Department. Items [1] and [2] also update references as a consequence of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and past administrative changes orders. 1.13 Home Building Act 1989 No 147 [1] Section 103F Interpretation Insert in alphabetical order in section 103F (1): chief executive means the chief executive of the Self Insurance Corporation appointed under the NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004. [2] Section 103Q Constitution of Guarantee Corporation Omit section 103Q (3). Insert instead: (3) The Guarantee Corporation is subject to the control and direction of the Minister in the exercise of its functions. (4) The seal of the Guarantee Corporation is to be kept by the chief executive and may be affixed to a document only: (a) in the presence of the chief executive or a member of staff of Insurance and Care NSW authorised in that behalf by the chief executive, and (b) with an attestation by the signature of the chief executive or that member of staff of the fact of the affixing of the seal. [3] Section 103R Chief executive to manage affairs of Guarantee Corporation Omit "Minister" wherever occurring. Insert instead "chief executive". [4] Section 103R (2) Omit "or the Secretary". Page 8 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments [5] Section 103R (3) Insert after section 103R (2): (3) The chief executive is, without limiting subsections (1) and (2), responsible for the financial and other reporting obligations of the Guarantee Corporation under the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 and the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 in respect of the whole of the financial year commencing 1 July 2016 and any subsequent financial year. [6] Section 103T Combined financial and other reporting by Guarantee Corporation and Office of Finance and Services Omit the section. [7] Section 103ZC Insert after section 103ZB: 103ZC Delegation (1) The Guarantee Corporation may delegate to an authorised person any of the functions of the Guarantee Corporation (other than this power of delegation). (2) In this section: authorised person means: (a) a member of staff of Insurance and Care NSW, or (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this section by the regulations. Commencement The amendments to the Home Building Act 1989 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note Item [3] of the proposed amendments provides that the affairs of the Building Insurers' Guarantee Corporation (BIG Corp) will be managed and controlled by the chief executive of the Self Insurance Corporation appointed under the NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 (rather than by the Minister for Finance, Services and Property, as is currently the case). However, item [2] provides that BIG Corp will be subject to the control and direction of the Minister in the exercise of its functions. Item [1] is a consequential amendment and item [5] makes it clear that the chief executive is responsible for the financial reporting obligations of BIG Corp for the whole of the 2016-2017 financial year. Item [4] provides that the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation will, along with the Minister, no longer act for BIG Corp and item [6] provides that the annual report of BIG Corp will no longer be combined with the annual report of that Department. Item [7] enables BIG Corp to delegate its functions to members of staff of Insurance and Care NSW. In accordance with the proposed amendment in this Schedule to the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015, Insurance and Care NSW may provide services (including staff and facilities) to BIG Corp in relation to the insurance scheme administered by BIG Corp. 1.14 Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948 No 25 [1] Section 5AB Evidence of vacant possession Omit ", in or to the effect of the prescribed form," from section 5AB (1). [2] Section 96 Regulations Insert after section 96 (1): (1A) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may make provision for or with respect to the waiver or refund of the whole or part of any fee payable under this Act. Page 9 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes the requirement that a signed statement regarding the date of a lessee's entry into possession of premises for the purposes of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948 be in, or to the effect of, the form prescribed by the regulations under that Act. As a result, a lessee will be able to make the statement in a form other than as prescribed. Item [2] enables the regulations under the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948 to provide for the waiver or refund of fees payable under that Act. 1.15 Landlord and Tenant Regulation 2015 [1] Clause 4 Statement by lessee Omit the clause. [2] Schedule 1 Form for statement by lessee Omit the Schedule. Explanatory note The proposed amendments are consequent on the proposed amendments to the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948 in this Schedule. 1.16 Mental Health Commission Act 2012 No 13 Section 7 Deputy Mental Health Commissioners Omit "may not be appointed for more than 2 successive terms of office" from section 7 (2). Insert instead "may be re-appointed provided he or she does not hold office for more than 6 years in total". Commencement The amendment to the Mental Health Commission Act 2012 commences on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes a limitation that prevents a Deputy Mental Health Commissioner being appointed for more than 2 successive terms of office, and makes it clear that a Deputy cannot hold office for more than 6 years in total. 1.17 Mining Act 1992 No 29 Schedule 1B Further provisions relating to authorisations generally Omit clause 12 (5) (b). Insert instead: (b) has, at the time notice is given to the holder of the authorisation under paragraph (a), invited the making of submissions to the decision-maker about the proposed variation and specified a deadline for the making of those submissions that is at least 28 days after the notice is given, and Explanatory note The proposed amendment makes it clear that the relevant decision-maker (being either the Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy or the Secretary of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development) must invite submissions in relation to a proposed variation of certain conditions attaching to an authorisation at the same time as giving the holder of the authorisation notice of the draft variation, and that the deadline specified for making submissions must be at least 28 days after the notice is given. Page 10 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.18 NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 No 106 [1] Section 3 Definitions Insert at the end of the definition of eligible State official in section 3 (1): and, without limiting paragraph (a) or (b), includes a member of a committee or other body established for the purpose of assisting an authority of the State (including a Public Service agency or a Minister) in the exercise of its functions. [2] Section 3 (1) Insert in alphabetical order: Public Service agency has the same meaning as in the Government Sector Employment Act 2013. [3] Section 8 Specific functions in relation to Government managed fund schemes Insert before section 8 (3): (2A) To avoid doubt, the Self Insurance Corporation may exercise its functions under subsection (1) (d) by acting for a person who is a former eligible State official in dealing with claims under a Government managed fund scheme relating to the person's acts or omissions when the person was an eligible State official. [4] Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions Insert after Part 5: Part 6 Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 8 Eligible State officials The amendment made by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 to the definition of eligible State official extends to a member of a committee or other body established, before the commencement of that amendment, for the purpose of assisting an authority of the State (including a Public Service agency or a Minister) in the exercise of its functions. Commencement The amendments to the NSW Self Insurance Corporation Act 2004 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments makes it clear that the NSW Self Insurance Corporation may provide insurance coverage for claims made against members of a committee or other body (whether or not the body is an authority of the State) that is established for the purpose of assisting an authority of the State in the exercise of the authority's functions. Item [2] inserts a definition of Public Service agency and is related to the amendment made by item [1]. Item [3] confirms that the NSW Self Insurance Corporation may act for former State employees and former employees and members of authorities of the State in dealing with claims under a Government managed fund scheme. Item [4] inserts a transitional provision that is consequent on item [1]. Page 11 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.19 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13 Section 17 Production of records Omit section 17 (4). Insert instead: (4) An authorised officer who is not a police officer may, instead of requiring under this section that any goods or records be produced at a police station, require: (a) the production of the goods or records at a place specified by the authorised officer, or (b) that a copy of the records be sent to an address specified by the authorised officer. Explanatory note The proposed amendment provides that an authorised officer under the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 (who is not a police officer) may, instead of requiring under the Act that goods or records be produced at a police station or office of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, require the goods to be produced at (or a copy of the records sent to) a place or address specified by the authorised officer. 1.20 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Regulation 2015 Clause 17 Production of records at offices of Department Omit the clause. Explanatory note The proposed amendment is consequent on the proposed amendment to the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 in this Schedule. 1.21 Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 No 84 Schedule 1B Further provisions relating to petroleum titles generally Omit clause 9 (4) (b). Insert instead: (b) has, at the time notice is given to the holder of the petroleum title under paragraph (a), invited the making of submissions to the Minister about the proposed variation and specified a deadline for the making of those submissions that is at least 28 days after the notice is given, and Explanatory note The proposed amendment makes it clear that the Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy must invite submissions in relation to a proposed variation of certain conditions attaching to a petroleum title at the same time as giving the holder of the petroleum title notice of the draft variation, and that the deadline specified for making submissions must be at least 28 days after the notice is given. 1.22 Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Act 1987 No 33 Schedule 4 Investment powers of authorities Omit clause 2 (b). Insert instead: (b) investments in an investment facility of the Treasury Corporation made available to public authorities for investment of the authority's surplus funds, Explanatory note The proposed amendment changes terminology used in reference to investment facilities (formerly known as "Hour-Glass investment facilities") that the Treasury Corporation makes available to public authorities for the investment of their surplus funds. Page 12 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.23 Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Regulation 2013 [1] Schedule 2 Authorities having Part 2 investment powers Omit "Port Kembla Port Corporation" and "Sydney Ports Corporation". [2] Schedule 5 Authorities having additional investment powers Omit "an Hour-Glass investment facility of the Treasury Corporation" from clause 1. Insert instead "an investment facility of the Treasury Corporation made available to public authorities for investment of their surplus funds". [3] Schedule 5, clause 18 Omit the clause. Explanatory note Item [2] of the proposed amendments changes terminology used in reference to investment facilities (formerly known as "Hour-Glass investment facilities") that the Treasury Corporation makes available to public authorities for the investment of their surplus funds. Item [1] removes references to bodies that have now been dissolved. Item [3] omits a redundant clause that specifies expired functions of one of those bodies. 1.24 Public Finance and Audit Regulation 2015 Clause 15 Prescribed investments Omit "an Hour-Glass investment facility of the Treasury Corporation" from clause 15 (1) (i). Insert instead "an investment facility of the Treasury Corporation made available to public authorities for investment of their surplus funds". Explanatory note The proposed amendment changes terminology used in reference to investment facilities (formerly known as "Hour-Glass investment facilities") that the Treasury Corporation makes available to public authorities for the investment of their surplus funds. 1.25 Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 No 94 [1] Section 58 Regulations Insert ", e-cigarettes, e-cigarette accessories" after "tobacco products" wherever occurring in section 58 (1) (a), (c), (h), (j) and (k). [2] Section 58 (1) (e) and (f) Insert ", e-cigarettes, e-cigarette accessories" before "or non-tobacco smoking products" wherever occurring. [3] Section 58 (1) (h) Insert "or e-cigarette advertisements" after "tobacco advertisements". [4] Section 58 (4) Insert after section 58 (3): (4) In this section, e-cigarette advertisement has the same meaning as in section 15A. Explanatory note The proposed amendments extend to e-cigarettes, e-cigarette accessories and e-cigarette advertisements the regulation-making powers under the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 that currently apply to tobacco products and tobacco advertisements. Page 13 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.26 Real Property Act 1900 No 25 [1] Section 74B Lodgment of caveats against primary applications Insert "(and, if that address is a box at a document exchange, an alternative address in Australia that is not such a box)" after "caveator" in section 74B (2) (b) (vi). [2] Section 74F Lodgment of caveats against dealings, possessory applications, plans and applications for cancellation of easements or extinguishment of restrictive covenants Insert "(and, if that address is a box at a document exchange, an alternative address in Australia that is not such a box)" after "caveator" in section 74F (5) (b) (viii). Explanatory note The proposed amendments require a caveat lodged under the Real Property Act 1900 to specify an alternative address for service of notices on the caveator if the primary address for service is a document exchange address. 1.27 Residential Tenancies Act 2010 No 42 [1] Section 121 Enforcement of orders for possession Omit "approved form" from section 121 (4). Insert instead "form approved by the principal registrar of the Tribunal". [2] Section 159 Payment of bonds Omit "person," from section 159 (1). Insert instead "person". [3] Section 223 Service of notices or other documents Omit section 223 (1) (c). Insert instead: (c) in the case of a Public Service agency--leaving it at, or by sending it by post to, any office of the Public Service agency addressed to the head of the Public Service agency. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments requires a warrant for possession issued by the principal registrar of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal to be in the form approved by the registrar (rather than in the form approved by the Commissioner for Fair Trading, as is currently the case). Item [3] removes facsimile transmission as a means by which a notice or other document required by the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 may be served on a Public Service agency. Item [2] removes unnecessary punctuation. 1.28 State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 No 19 Section 10 Functions of ICNSW Insert after section 10 (2) (d): (e) the Building Insurers' Guarantee Corporation constituted under Part 6A of the Home Building Act 1989. Commencement The amendment to the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 commences on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note The proposed amendment expressly confers on Insurance and Care NSW the function of providing services (including staff and facilities) for the Building Insurers' Guarantee Corporation in relation to the insurance scheme administered by that corporation. Page 14 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.29 State Records Act 1998 No 17 [1] Long title Omit "Records". Insert instead "Archives and Records". [2] Section 3 Definitions Omit "Records" from the definition of Authority in section 3 (1). Insert instead "Archives and Records". [3] Section 63 Establishment of the Authority Omit "Records" from section 63 (1). Insert instead "Archives and Records". [4] Section 63 (3) Omit "State Records or State Records NSW and the use of either of those names". Insert instead "State Archives, State Archives NSW or State Archives and Records NSW and the use of any of those names". [5] Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions Omit clause 1A (1). Insert instead: (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends this Act. [6] Schedule 3 Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering: Part Provisions consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 Change of name of the Authority The amendment of section 63 (1) by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 effects the alteration of the name of the Authority in terms of section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987 and accordingly that section applies. Commencement The amendments to the State Records Act 1998 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note Item [3] of the proposed amendments changes the corporate name of the State Records Authority of New South Wales to the State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales. Items [1] and [2] make consequential amendments. Item [4] provides for the Authority to also be called State Archives, State Archives NSW or State Archives and Records NSW. The use of any of those names has the same effect for all purposes as the use of the Authority's corporate name. Item [6] continues the existence of the Authority and ensures its identity is not affected by the alteration of its name. Item [5] provides for the making of savings and transitional regulations consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act or any other Act that amends the State Records Act 1998. Page 15 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments 1.30 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 No 50 Section 4 Definitions Omit the definition of Secretary from section 4 (1). Insert instead: Secretary means: (a) the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, or (b) if there is no person employed as Commissioner for Fair Trading--the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Explanatory note The proposed amendment confers on the Commissioner for Fair Trading, who is employed in the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, functions under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 that are currently conferred on the Secretary of that Department. 1.31 Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Act 1998 No 170 [1] Whole Act (except Schedule 5 and where otherwise amended by this subschedule) Omit "the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority", "the Authority" and "The Authority" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Place Management NSW". [2] Section 1 Name of Act Omit "Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority". Insert instead "Place Management NSW". [3] Section 3 Definitions Omit the definition of Authority from section 3 (1). Insert in alphabetical order: Place Management NSW means Place Management NSW constituted by this Act. [4] Parts 3, 4 and 5, headings Omit "Authority" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Place Management NSW". [5] Section 10 Omit the section. Insert instead: 10 Constitution of Place Management NSW There is constituted by this Act a corporation with the corporate name of Place Management NSW. [6] Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead: (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends this Act. Page 16 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments [7] Schedule 5 Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering: Part Provision consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 Change of name of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority to Place Management NSW The substitution of section 10 of this Act by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2016 effects the alteration of the name of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority in terms of section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987 and accordingly that section applies. Commencement The amendments to the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Act 1998 commence on the date of assent to this Act. Explanatory note Item [5] of the proposed amendments changes the name of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority to Place Management NSW. Items [1], [3] and [4] make consequential amendments. Item [7] confirms that section 53 of the Interpretation Act 1987 continues the existence of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and ensures its identity is not affected by the alteration of its name. Item [2] changes the name of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority Act 1998 to the Place Management NSW Act 1998 as a consequence of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority changing its name. Item [6] provides for the making of savings and transitional regulations consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act or any other Act that amends the Place Management NSW Act 1998. 1.32 Sydney Water Act 1994 No 88 Schedule 5 Annual report of Corporation Omit "under the description "Hour-Glass Investment Facilities"" from clause 4 (2). Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes a reference to the name given to the investment facilities offered by the Treasury Corporation (formerly known as "Hour-Glass investment facilities") against which Sydney Water is required to compare the performance of its own investments. 1.33 Western Sydney University Act 1997 No 116 [1] Section 3 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1): professional staff of the University means the staff of the University that is not the academic staff. [2] Sections 12 (1) (e)-(g) and (10) and 40 (1) (ja) Omit "general" wherever occurring. Insert instead "professional". [3] Section 12 Constitution of Board Omit section 12 (11). [4] Section 14 Deputy Chancellors Omit "2 persons" from section 14 (1). Insert instead "one or more persons". Page 17 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 1 Minor amendments [5] Section 23 Delegation Insert at the end of the section: (2) If a function of the Board is delegated to the Vice-Chancellor in accordance with subsection (1) and the instrument of delegation authorises the sub-delegation of the function, the Vice-Chancellor may (subject to any condition to which the delegation is subject) sub-delegate the function to any person or body referred to in subsection (1). [6] Schedule 1 Provisions relating to members and procedure of Board Omit "and of committees constituted by the Board" from clause 7 (1). [7] Schedule 1, clause 7 (2) Omit "or a committee constituted by the Board". [8] Schedule 1, clause 7 (2A) and (2B) Insert after clause 7 (2): (2A) At any meeting of a committee constituted by the Board, a Deputy Chancellor is to preside, and in the absence of any Deputy Chancellor, a member elected by and from the members present is to preside. (2B) However, the Chancellor is entitled (but is not required) to preside at any meeting of a committee constituted by the Board at which the Chancellor is present. Explanatory note Item [2] of the proposed amendments changes terminology used in reference to staff of the Western Sydney University other than academic staff. Items [1] and [3] make consequential amendments. Item [4] enables the Board of Trustees of the Western Sydney University to elect any number of persons as Deputy Chancellors of the University (rather than 2 persons, as is currently the case). Item [5] enables the Vice-Chancellor of the University to sub-delegate to certain persons and bodies certain functions delegated to the Vice-Chancellor by the Board of Trustees. Item [8] requires a Deputy Chancellor or other elected member (rather than the Chancellor, as is currently the case) to preside at meetings of a committee constituted by the Board of Trustees (except where the Chancellor is present and chooses to preside). Items [6] and [7] make consequential amendments. 1.34 Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013 No 54 Section 28 Appointment of industry safety and health representatives Omit section 28 (2). Insert instead: (2) The Minister may appoint a person as an industry safety and health representative if: (a) the person is an eligible person, and (b) the person is nominated by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (Mining and Energy Division). (2A) The Minister must appoint a person under subsection (2) if there are fewer than 4 persons currently appointed as industry safety and health representatives. Explanatory note The proposed amendment clarifies that the Minister may, but is not required to, appoint more than 4 industry safety and health representatives to exercise the functions of a health and safety representative under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 in relation to coal mines. Page 18 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 2 Amendments relating to Australian Crime Commission Schedule 2 Amendments relating to Australian Crime Commission Explanatory note The proposed amendments are consequent on the enactment of the Australian Crime Commission Amendment (National Policing Information) Act 2016 of the Commonwealth. That Act extended the functions of the Australian Crime Commission to include functions (formerly exercised by the Commonwealth agency CrimTrac) relating to the provision of systems and services for the sharing of national policing information. 2.1 Child Protection (Offenders Prohibition Orders) Act 2004 No 46 Section 18 (3) (c) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.2 Child Protection (Offenders Prohibition Orders) Regulation 2013 Clause 8 (3) (c) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.3 Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51 Section 34 (1) (a) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.4 Crime Commission Act 2012 No 66 Section 78A (2) (e) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.5 Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59 [1] Section 95 (definition of "CrimTrac") Omit the definition. [2] Sections 95 (definition of "responsible authority") and 97 (1A) (c) Omit "CrimTrac" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.6 Criminal Records Regulation 2014 Clause 9 (d) Omit "CrimTrac Agency". Insert instead "Australian Crime Commission". 2.7 Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 No 35 Section 104C (2) (e) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.8 Police Act 1990 No 47 Section 96B (2) (e) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". Page 19 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 2 Amendments relating to Australian Crime Commission 2.9 Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 No 28 Section 136A (2) (e) Omit "CrimTrac". Insert instead "the Australian Crime Commission". 2.10 Privacy Code of Practice (General) 2003 Clause 13 (a) Omit "CrimTrac Agency". Insert instead "Australian Crime Commission". Page 20 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.1 Bellingen Local Environmental Plan 2010 Land Use Table, Zone RE2, item 4 Omit "Home-based child cares". Insert instead "Home-based child care". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects terminology. 3.2 Biofuels Act 2007 No 23 [1] Section 3 (1), definition of "Department" Omit the definition. Insert instead: Department means the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. [2] Sections 18 (1), 29 (9) and 31 (a) Omit "member of staff of" wherever occurring. Insert instead "person employed in". [3] Section 24 (1) (a5) Omit the paragraph. [4] Section 25 (1) (b) Omit "a member of staff of". Insert instead "employed in". Explanatory note The proposed amendments update terminology and references as a consequence of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and past administrative changes orders. 3.3 Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 No 105 Section 28 (2) (b) Omit "is". Insert instead "are". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a grammatical error. 3.4 Co-operative Housing and Starr-Bowkett Societies Act 1998 No 11 Section 177 (1) (c2) Omit "inerest". Insert instead "interest". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error. 3.5 Crimes Act 1900 No 40 Section 578A (4) (c) Omit "section 11". Insert instead "section 15D". Explanatory note The proposed amendment updates a cross-reference to a provision that has been renumbered. Page 21 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.6 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80 Section 28 (2) Omit "personal apprehended violence order". Insert instead "apprehended personal violence order". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects word order. 3.7 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209 Section 287 (1) Omit "section 112 or 113". Insert instead "section 285 or 286". Explanatory note The proposed amendment updates cross-references. 3.8 Duties Act 1997 No 123 Section 104ZK (1) (d) Insert "or" after "a transfer,". Explanatory note The proposed amendment inserts a missing word. 3.9 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203 Section 75AA (1), definition of "regional plan" Omit "a plan". Insert instead "a regional plan". Explanatory note The proposed amendment inserts a missing word. 3.10 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Merimbula Sewage Treatment Plant and Ocean Outfall) Order 2016 Clause 3 Insert after clause 2: 3 Maps The maps adopted by State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011 are amended or replaced, as the case requires, by the maps approved by the Minister on the making of this Order. Commencement The amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Merimbula Sewage Treatment Plant and Ocean Outfall) Order 2016 is taken to have commenced on 29 July 2016. Explanatory note The proposed amendment inserts a missing map adoption clause. 3.11 Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 Clause 160A (b) and (c) Omit the paragraphs. Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes references to bodies that have now been dissolved. Page 22 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.12 Fines Act 1996 No 99 Schedule 3, Part 14 Omit "State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2016". Insert instead "Fines Amendment Act 2016". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a citation. 3.13 Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2010 [1] Schedule 7, Part 1 Omit the matter relating to section 197K (1) and (2). [2] Schedule 7, Part 5 Omit the Part. Explanatory note The proposed amendments repeal redundant references to repealed provisions. 3.14 Floodplain Management Plan for the Gwydir Valley Floodplain 2016 [1] Clause 42 Omit "subclauses (5) (7)" from the note at the end of the clause. Insert instead "subclauses (5)-(7)". [2] Clause 47 (2) Renumber paragraphs (d) (where secondly occurring) and (e) as paragraphs (e) and (f), respectively. [3] Clauses 50 and 51 Renumber paragraphs (1) and (2) wherever occurring as paragraphs (a) and (b), respectively. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments inserts missing punctuation. Items [2] and [3] correct numbering. 3.15 Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71 Schedule 1, clause 11 (1) (f) (ii) Omit "disclosure". Insert instead "information". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a reference. 3.16 Hunter Water Act 1991 No 53 Section 21 (4) (a) Omit "the Hunter Water Board (Corporatisation) Act 1991". Insert instead "this Act". Explanatory note The proposed amendment updates a reference to a renamed Act. Page 23 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.17 Local Government Act 1993 No 30 [1] Section 6 Omit "Introductions to Chapters, notes". Insert instead "Notes". [2] Chapters 1, 2, 4-13 and 15-18 Omit the introductory notes. [3] Chapter 5, note Omit "For other functions, see the Introduction to Chapter 6". Explanatory note The proposed amendments remove unnecessary notes and references to those notes. 3.18 Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 [1] Schedule 11, Form 2 Insert "a" after "I am not" in item 6 in the Form of Consent. [2] Schedule 11, Form 3 Insert "a" after "I am not" in item 5 in the Form of Consent. Explanatory note The proposed amendments insert a missing word. 3.19 Marine Pollution Act 2012 No 5 Section 247 (3), definition of "approved person" Omit paragraph (c). Insert instead: (c) the Newcastle Port Corporation or a member of staff of the Newcastle Port Corporation, or Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes references to bodies that have now been dissolved. 3.20 Marine Safety Act 1998 No 121 [1] Section 4 (1), definition of "Port Corporation" Omit the definition. [2] Section 71 (1) Omit "a Port Corporation" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the Port Authority of New South Wales". [3] Section 71 (1) Omit "the Port Corporation" wherever occurring. Insert instead "that Authority". Explanatory note The proposed amendments remove references to bodies that have now been dissolved. 3.21 Marine Safety Regulation 2016 [1] Clause 3 (1), definition of "Newcastle Port Corporation" Omit the definition. Page 24 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision [2] Clauses 7 (1) (b), 28 (3) and 29 (2) Omit "Newcastle Port Corporation" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Port Authority of New South Wales". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes a redundant definition. Item [2] makes consequential amendments. 3.22 Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961 No 22 Section 4 (1), definition of "Department" Omit the definition. Insert instead: Department means the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Explanatory note The proposed amendment updates a reference to a Department as a consequence of past administrative changes orders. 3.23 Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014 Clause 9 (4), definition of "processing component" Omit "2". Insert instead "3". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference. 3.24 Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995 No 13 [1] Section 3 (1), definition of "Port Corporation" Omit the definition. Insert instead: Port Corporation means the Newcastle Port Corporation established under section 6 (known as the Port Authority of New South Wales). [2] Section 6 (1) Insert "(known as the Port Authority of New South Wales)" after "Corporation". [3] Sections 7 and 8 Omit the sections. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments removes references to bodies that have now been dissolved. Item [3] omits sections that established those bodies. Item [2] makes a consequential amendment. 3.25 Ports and Maritime Administration Regulation 2012 [1] Clause 63 (2) Omit "Director-General" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary". [2] Clause 65 (2) Omit "Government". Insert instead "Public". Explanatory note The proposed amendments update terminology and references as a consequence of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013. Page 25 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.26 Property, Stock and Business Agents Regulation 2014 [1] Clause 33A (1) (c) Omit "section 108 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996". Insert instead "section 182 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015". [2] Clause 33A (1) (d) Omit "section 109 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996". Insert instead "section 184 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015". Explanatory note The proposed amendments update references to the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (which is repealed on 30 November 2016) with references to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015. 3.27 Road Rules 2014 Clauses 267 (3A) and 267-1 Omit "seat belt" and "seat belts" wherever occurring. Insert instead "seatbelt" and "seatbelts", respectively. Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects spelling errors. 3.28 Roads Act 1993 No 33 [1] Section 139F (1) Omit "Department". Insert instead "Office". [2] Sections 144A-144C and 260 Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively. Explanatory note The proposed amendments update terminology and references as a consequence of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and past administrative changes orders. 3.29 Rural Fires Act 1997 No 65 Section 59 (2) Omit "provisions,". Insert instead "provisions". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects punctuation. 3.30 Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 Clause 7.13 (2) Omit "backpacker". Insert instead "backpackers'". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects terminology. Page 26 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.31 State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 [1] Whole Policy (except clause 65 (2) (d)) Omit "Director-General" and "Director-General's" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Secretary" and "Secretary's", respectively. [2] Whole Policy Omit "Rural Small Holdings" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Primary Production Small Lots". [3] Part 1, note Omit "Forestry Act 1916". Insert instead "Forestry Act 2012". [4] Clause 8 (2) (c) Omit "State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005". Insert instead "State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Precincts) 2005". [5] Clause 16 (2) (a) Omit "Department of Environment and Climate Change". Insert instead "Office of Environment and Heritage". [6] Clause 16 (2) (c) Omit "Fisheries Management Act 1994--the Department of Environment and Climate Change". Insert instead "Marine Estate Management Act 2014--the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development". [7] Clauses 16 (2) (e), 68 (1) (a) and 70 Omit "the Maritime Authority of NSW" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Roads and Maritime Services". [8] Clause 16, note Omit "Department of Planning and Infrastructure". Insert instead "Department of Planning and Environment". [9] Clause 18 (1) (b) (ii) Omit "State forest, flora reserve or timber reserve under the Forestry Act 1916". Insert instead "forestry area within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012". [10] Clauses 31 (1) (b) (note), 32 (4), 44 (1) (note), 72 (i), 78 (1) (definitions of "rail corridor" and "rail corridors map") and 122 (1) (definition of "depot site") Insert "and Environment" after "Planning" wherever occurring. [11] Clauses 46 (definition of "emergency services organisation", paragraph (b)) and 47 (2) Omit "New South Wales Fire Brigades" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Fire and Rescue NSW". Page 27 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision [12] Clause 48B (2) (d) Omit "the the". Insert instead "the". [13] Part 3, Division 8, note Omit "Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 applies--see section 36". Insert instead "Forestry Act 2012 applies--see section 69W". [14] Clause 65 (1) (b) Omit "Marine Parks Act 1997". Insert instead "Marine Estate Management Act 2014". [15] Clause 70 (h) (ii) Omit "the stormwater". Insert instead "a stormwater". [16] Clause 71 (1) Omit "port corporation". Insert instead "Port Corporation". [17] Clause 86 (1) (b) Omit ". or". Insert instead ", or". [18] Clause 93, definition of "road infrastructure facilities", paragraph (a) Omit "Road Transport (General) Act 2005". Insert instead "Road Transport Act 2013". [19] Clause 93, definition of "road infrastructure facilities", paragraph (b) Omit "RTA". Insert instead "RMS". [20] Clause 93, definition of "RTA" Omit the definition. Insert in alphabetical order: RMS means Roads and Maritime Services constituted under the Transport Administration Act 1988. [21] Clauses 100 (1), (2) (a) and (3)-(5), 102 (1), 103 (2) (a) and (3) and 104 (3) (a) and (b) (i) and (4) and Schedule 3, heading Omit "the RTA" wherever occurring. Insert instead "RMS". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments updates the name of the head of a Department as a consequence of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013. Item [2] updates terminology as a consequence of Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment Order 2011. Items [3], [9] and [13] update references and terminology as a consequence of the Forestry Act 2012. Item [4] updates a reference to an instrument that has been renamed. Items [5], [8], [10] and [11] update references to Public Service agencies as a consequence of past administrative changes orders. Item [6] updates a reference to an Act as a consequence of the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 and a reference to a Department as a consequence of past administrative changes orders. Items [7] and [19]-[21] update references to a NSW Government agency. Item [12] removes a duplicated word. Items [14] and [18] update references to repealed Acts. Item [15] corrects grammar. Item [16] corrects terminology. Item [17] corrects punctuation. 3.32 State Environmental Planning Policy No 65--Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development Clause 30 (3) (b) Omit "clause". Insert instead "section". Page 28 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference. 3.33 State Environmental Planning Policy (Integration and Repeals) 2016 Clause 4 (d) Omit "Narrendera". Insert instead "Narrandera". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error. 3.34 Supreme Court Rules 1970 Part 78, rule 12, note Omit "UCRP". Insert instead "UCPR". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a typographical error. 3.35 University of New South Wales By-law 2005 Clauses 11 and 12 Omit "the the" wherever occurring. Insert instead "the". Explanatory note The proposed amendment removes repeated words. 3.36 University of Sydney Act 1989 No 124 Schedule 3, clause 18 (5) Omit "section 9 (2)". Insert instead "section 9 (1) (b)". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a cross-reference. 3.37 Water Sharing Plan for the Brunswick Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 [1] Clause 44, Table B Omit "Cass". Insert instead "Class". [2] Dictionary, definition of "Year 1 of this Plan" Omit "X Month". Insert instead "1 July". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a spelling error. Item [2] corrects a date. 3.38 Water Sharing Plan for the Castlereagh River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011 Clause 55 (1) (c) Omit "meters". Insert instead "metres". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error. Page 29 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.39 Water Sharing Plan for the Clarence River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 [1] Clause 44, Table B Omit "equal to the" wherever occurring. Insert instead "equal to". [2] Clause 44, Table B Omit "More 8". Insert instead "More than 8". [3] Clause 44, Table B, notes Omit "93th". Insert instead "93rd". [4] Clause 45 (21) Omit "with at". Insert instead "with a". [5] Clause 53 (2) Renumber paragraphs (e) (where secondly occurring) and (f) as paragraphs (f) and (g), respectively. [6] Dictionary, definition of "Year 1 of this Plan" Omit "X Month". Insert instead "1 July". Explanatory note Items [1]-[4] of the proposed amendments correct typographical errors. Item [5] corrects numbering. Item [6] corrects a date. 3.40 Water Sharing Plan for the Clyde River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 [1] Clause 12 (h) Omit "extent of". Insert instead "extent". [2] Clause 56 (1) (b) Omit "an local". Insert instead "a local". [3] Clause 56 (3) (p) (i) Insert "if" before "it". [4] Clause 73 (6) (d) Omit "water supply or". Insert instead "water supply" or". Explanatory note The proposed amendments correct typographical errors. 3.41 Water Sharing Plan for the Deua River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 Clause 43 (1) (c) (i) Omit "mesures". Insert instead "measures". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a spelling error. Page 30 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.42 Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources 2011 [1] Clause 56, Table C Omit "Auhority's" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Authority's". [2] Clause 59 (3) (i) Renumber subparagraph (ii) where secondly occurring as subparagraph (iii). Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects spelling errors. Item [2] corrects numbering. 3.43 Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2009 Clause 41 (1) Omit "GDE0X_Version 1". Insert instead "GDE012_Version 1". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a reference to a map. 3.44 Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Regulated River Water Source 2016 [1] Clause 16 (2) Omit "by the". Insert instead "by". [2] Clause 26 (9) (d) Omit "are". Insert instead "is". [3] Clause 33 (2) Omit "meaing". Insert instead "meaning". [4] Clause 34 (2) Omit "licneces". Insert instead "licences". [5] Clause 56, notes Omit "56". Insert instead "clause". [6] Appendix 1 Omit "Lachlan Lachlan". Insert instead "Lachlan". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments omits a redundant word. Item [2] corrects grammar. Items [3] and [4] correct spelling errors. Item [5] corrects a reference. Item [6] omits a duplicated word. 3.45 Water Sharing Plan for the Lower North Coast Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2009 Clause 75 (2) (b) Renumber subparagraph (vii) where secondly occurring as subparagraph (viii). Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects numbering. Page 31 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.46 Water Sharing Plan for the Macleay Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 Dictionary, definition of "Year 1 of this Plan" Omit "X Month". Insert instead "1 July". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a date. 3.47 Water Sharing Plan for the Macquarie and Cudgegong Regulated Rivers Water Source 2016 Appendix 1, heading Omit "River Water Source". Insert instead "Rivers Water Source". Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects a reference. 3.48 Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River Water Source 2016 [1] Clause 4 (3) Renumber paragraphs (b) (where secondly occurring) and (c) as paragraphs (c) and (d), respectively. [2] Clause 32 (4) (a) (ii) Omit "at at". Insert instead "at". [3] Clause 66 Omit "Plan" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Part". [4] Clause 75 (1) (c) (i) Omit "201". Insert instead "2012". [5] Appendix 1, paragraph (o) Omit "juction". Insert instead "junction". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects numbering. Item [2] omits a duplicated word. Items [3] and [4] correct references. Item [5] corrects spelling. 3.49 Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012 [1] Schedule 1 Omit "meters" from the matter relating to Yanga Lake. Insert instead "metres". [2] Schedule 1A Omit "This clause". Insert instead "This Schedule". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a spelling error. Item [2] corrects a reference. Page 32 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision 3.50 Water Sharing Plan for the Namoi Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012 Clause 29 (2) Renumber paragraph (g) as paragraph (f). Explanatory note The proposed amendment corrects numbering. 3.51 Water Sharing Plan for the New South Wales Murray and Lower Darling Regulated Rivers Water Sources 2016 [1] Clause 27 (1) (a), note Omit "licences". Insert instead "licences,". [2] Clause 36 Renumber subclause (3) where secondly occurring as subclause (4). [3] Clause 54 (5) (a) Omit ", and" where secondly occurring. Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments inserts missing punctuation. Item [2] corrects numbering. Item [3] omits duplicated matter. 3.52 Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016 [1] Clause 4 (4), notes Omit "types aquifers". Insert instead "types of aquifers". [2] Dictionary, definition of "sand formation" Omit "of made". Insert instead "made of". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments inserts a missing word. Item [2] corrects word order. 3.53 Water Sharing Plan for the Snowy Genoa Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 [1] Clauses 20 (e) and 25 (e) Omit "Burrungbugge" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Burrungubugge". [2] Dictionary, definition of "Year 1 of this Plan" Omit "X Month". Insert instead "1 July". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects spelling errors. Item [2] corrects a date. 3.54 Water Sharing Plan for the Tuross River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016 [1] Clause 30, note Omit "under 8C". Insert instead "under section 8C". Page 33 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 3 Amendments by way of statute law revision [2] Clause 36 (2) Omit "first water". Insert instead "first water year". Explanatory note Item [1] of the proposed amendments corrects a cross-reference. Item [2] inserts a missing word. 3.55 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10 [1] Section 112 (3) (a) Insert "or" at the end of the paragraph. [2] Section 112 (3) (b) Insert "or" at the end of the paragraph. [3] Section 112 (3) (c) (ii) Insert "or" at the end of the subparagraph. [4] Section 223 (1), Table Omit "seized thing" from the matter relating to item 5. Insert instead "seized things". [5] Section 236 (1) (a) (i) Omit "and" where secondly occurring. [6] Section 268 (2) (b) (i) and (ii) Omit "firstmentioned" wherever occurring. Insert instead "first-mentioned". Explanatory note The proposed amendments correct typographical and grammatical errors. Page 34 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 4 General savings, transitional and other provisions Schedule 4 General savings, transitional and other provisions 1 Effect of amendment of amending provisions (1) An amendment made by Schedule 1 or 3 to an amending provision contained in an Act or instrument is, if the amending provision has commenced before the Schedule 1 or 3 amendment concerned, taken to have effect as from the commencement of the amending provision (whether or not the amending provision has been repealed). (2) In this clause: amending provision means a provision of an Act or instrument that makes a direct amendment to an Act or instrument by: (a) the repeal or omission of matter contained in the amended Act or instrument without the insertion of any matter instead of the repealed or omitted matter, or (b) the omission of matter contained in the amended Act or instrument and the insertion of matter instead of the omitted matter, or (c) the insertion into the amended Act or instrument of matter, not being matter inserted instead of matter omitted from the Act or instrument. Explanatory note This clause ensures that an amendment made by the proposed Act to a repealing or amending provision of an Act or instrument will (if the repealing or amending provision commences before the amendment made by the proposed Act) be taken to have commenced on the date the repealing or amending provision commences. 2 Effect of amendment or repeal on acts done or decisions made Except where it is expressly provided to the contrary, if this Act: (a) amends a provision of an Act or an instrument, or (b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modification) a provision of an Act or an instrument, any act done or decision made under the provision amended or repealed has effect after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made under the provision as so amended or repealed. Explanatory note This clause ensures that the amendment or repeal of a provision will not, unless expressly provided, vitiate any act done or decision made under the provision as in force before the amendment or repeal. 3 Effect of amendment on instruments Except where expressly provided to the contrary, any instrument made under an Act amended by this Act, that is in force immediately before the commencement of the amendment, is taken to have been made under the Act as amended. Explanatory note This clause ensures that, unless expressly provided, any instrument that is in force and made under a provision of an Act that is amended or substituted by the proposed Act will be taken to have been made under the Act as amended. 4 Revocation of repeal Section 29A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies to the repeal of Acts or instruments, or provisions of Acts or instruments, by this Act. Explanatory note The effect of this clause is to enable the Governor, by proclamation, to revoke the repeal of any Act or instrument, or any provision of any Act or instrument, by the proposed Act. The Act or provision the subject of the revocation of repeal is taken not to be, and never to have been, repealed. Page 35 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No 2) 2016 [NSW] Schedule 4 General savings, transitional and other provisions 5 Regulations (1) The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act. (2) Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of assent to this Act or a later date. (3) To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website, the provision does not operate so as: (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its publication, or (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its publication. Explanatory note This clause enables the making of regulations of a savings or transitional nature relating to incidental matters arising out of the proposed Act. Page 36
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