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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial
Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 to provide for
ongoing cloud seeding operations in the Snowy Mountains area; and for related
Clause 1      Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment          3
           Act 2012.                                                              4

 2    Commencement                                                                5

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   6

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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19        Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud                                1
                       Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19                                      2

[1]   Long title                                                                         3

      Omit "a trial cloud seeding research project".                                     4

      Insert instead "cloud seeding operations".                                         5

[2]   Section 1 Name of Act                                                              6

      Omit "Trial".                                                                      7

[3]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              8

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                      9
                    approved EMP means an environmental management plan                 10
                    approved by the relevant Ministers under section 5 and for which    11
                    the approval is in force.                                           12
                    approved method, in relation to the discharge of a seeding agent    13
                    or tracing agent, means a method specified as an approved           14
                    method in, or approved in accordance with, section 4C.              15
                    approved seeding agent means a thing specified as an approved       16
                    seeding agent in, or approved in accordance with, section 4A.       17
                    approved tracing agent means a thing specified as an approved       18
                    tracing agent in, or approved in accordance with, section 4B.       19
                    environmental management plan or EMP--see section 5.                20
                    EPA means the Environment Protection Authority constituted by       21
                    the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991.          22
                    Snowy water catchment has the same meaning as it has in the         23
                    Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997.                               24

[4]   Section 3, definition of "authorised cloud seeding operations"                    25

      Omit "during the period referred to in section 5".                                26

[5]   Section 3, definition of "function"                                               27

      Insert "and exercise a function includes perform a duty" after "duty".            28

[6]   Section 3, definition of "Natural Resources Commission"                           29

      Omit the definition.                                                              30

[7]   Section 3 (2)                                                                     31

      Insert at the end of section 3:                                                   32

             (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.             33

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               Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1     Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19

[8]   Part 2, heading                                                                  1
      Omit "trial". Insert instead "operations".                                       2

[9]   Sections 4-4C                                                                    3

      Omit section 4. Insert instead:                                                  4

         4   Authorisation of cloud seeding operations                                 5

             (1)   Cloud seeding operations designed to increase precipitation by      6
                   the discharge of a seeding agent into passing clouds are            7
                   authorised to be carried out by or on behalf of Snowy Hydro         8
                   Limited in accordance with this Act.                                9

             (2)   The authorisation is subject to the following conditions:          10
                   (a) the area to be primarily targeted for the increased            11
                         precipitation is land within the Snowy water catchment,      12
                   (b) operations may be carried out only if there is an approved     13
                         EMP,                                                         14
                   (c) operations must be carried out in accordance with the          15
                         approved EMP (whether being carried out within or            16
                         outside the Snowy water catchment),                          17
                   (d) the seeding agent used must be an approved seeding agent       18
                         and used in accordance with the conditions (if any) of its   19
                         approval as a seeding agent,                                 20
                   (e) the tracing agent used must be an approved tracing agent       21
                         and used in accordance with the conditions (if any) of its   22
                         approval as a tracing agent,                                 23
                    (f) the seeding agent and tracing agent must be discharged by     24
                         the use of an approved method,                               25
                   (g) the discharge must be carried out in accordance with the       26
                         conditions (if any) of its approval as a method of           27
                         discharge,                                                   28
                   (h) the discharge of the seeding agent is to be carried out at a   29
                         time when increased precipitation in the Snowy water         30
                         catchment is likely to fall as snow at an elevation above    31
                         1400 metres from the mean sea level,                         32
                    (i) Snowy Hydro Limited must consult with the National            33
                         Parks and Wildlife Service before carrying out any new       34
                         operations involving a land-based method of discharge of     35
                         seeding or tracing agent within any area of land reserved    36
                         under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (that is,     37
                         operations in an area that has not been the subject of       38
                         previous consultation with the Service),                     39

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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19          Schedule 1

                    (j)   Snowy Hydro Limited must consult with the National               1
                          Parks and Wildlife Service before installing, or carrying        2
                          out major modifications to, any facilities required to carry     3
                          out cloud seeding operations within any area of land             4
                          reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974,         5
                   (k)    installation of new facilities for cloud seeding operations      6
                          must not be carried out within any wilderness area (within       7
                          the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974),        8
                    (l)   a seeding agent is not to be discharged from land-based          9
                          aerosol generators in any wilderness area (within the           10
                          meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974).           11

             (3)   The cloud seeding operations authorised by this Act include,           12
                   subject to the requirements imposed by or under this Act:              13
                   (a) entering onto public land to carry out the cloud seeding           14
                         operations, and                                                  15
                   (b) installing and maintaining facilities, and carrying out            16
                         works, on public or other land, that are required to carry       17
                         out cloud seeding operations, and                                18
                   (c) any operations that are ancillary or incidental to the             19
                         operations referred to in this section.                          20

             (4)   The cloud seeding operations authorised by this Act may be             21
                   carried out within or outside the Snowy water catchment, subject       22
                   to the requirements imposed by or under this Act.                      23

      4A    Approved seeding agents                                                       24

             (1)   Silver iodide is an approved seeding agent.                            25

             (2)   The relevant Ministers may, on application by Snowy Hydro              26
                   Limited, approve the use of any other thing as a seeding agent in      27
                   cloud seeding operations.                                              28

             (3)   An application for approval of the use of a thing as a seeding         29
                   agent in cloud seeding operations must be accompanied by               30
                   details of the health risk assessment carried out in relation to the   31
                   proposed use of the seeding agent (including the process used to       32
                   carry out the assessment and the results of the assessment).           33

             (4)   The health risk assessment is to comply with any requirements          34
                   set out in the approved EMP.                                           35

             (5)   The relevant Ministers may approve the use of a thing as a             36
                   seeding agent with or without conditions.                              37

             (6)   The relevant Ministers may, at any time, amend or revoke an            38
                   approval given under this section.                                     39

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                Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1      Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19

              (7)   The relevant Ministers must consult with Snowy Hydro Limited            1
                    before amending or revoking an approval.                                2

         4B   Approved tracing agents                                                       3

              (1)   Indium sesquioxide is an approved tracing agent.                        4

              (2)   The relevant Ministers may, on application by Snowy Hydro               5
                    Limited, approve the use of any other thing as a tracing agent in       6
                    cloud seeding operations.                                               7

              (3)   An application for approval of the use of a thing as a tracing agent    8
                    in cloud seeding operations must be accompanied by details of           9
                    the health risk assessment carried out in relation to the proposed     10
                    use of the tracing agent (including the process used to carry out      11
                    the assessment and the results of the assessment).                     12

              (4)   The health risk assessment is to comply with any requirements          13
                    set out in the approved EMP.                                           14

              (5)   The relevant Ministers may approve the use of a thing as a tracing     15
                    agent with or without conditions.                                      16

              (6)   The relevant Ministers may, at any time, amend or revoke an            17
                    approval given under this section.                                     18

              (7)   The relevant Ministers must consult with Snowy Hydro Limited           19
                    before amending or revoking an approval.                               20

         4C   Approved methods of discharge of agent                                       21

              (1)   The discharge of a seeding agent or tracing agent by land-based        22
                    aerosol generators is an approved method of discharge.                 23

              (2)   The relevant Ministers may, on application by Snowy Hydro              24
                    Limited, approve the use of an aerial method of discharge of a         25
                    seeding agent or tracing agent as an approved method of                26
                    discharge.                                                             27

              (3)   The relevant Ministers may approve the use of an aerial method         28
                    of discharge as an approved method of discharge with or without        29
                    conditions.                                                            30

              (4)   The relevant Ministers may, at any time, amend or revoke an            31
                    approval given under this section.                                     32

              (5)   The relevant Ministers must consult with Snowy Hydro Limited           33
                    before amending or revoking an approval.                               34

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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19          Schedule 1

[10]   Sections 5 and 5A                                                                   1
       Omit section 5. Insert instead:                                                     2

         5   Environmental management plan                                                 3

             (1)    The relevant Ministers may, on application by Snowy Hydro              4
                    Limited, approve an environmental management plan (an EMP)             5
                    in relation to the cloud seeding operations authorised by this Act.    6

             (2)    The EMP is to comply with any requirements imposed by the              7
                    relevant Ministers and notified to Snowy Hydro Limited.                8

             (3)    Without limiting subsection (2), the relevant Ministers may            9
                    require the EMP to provide for the following:                         10
                     (a) a public review and approval process that must be                11
                          undertaken before any aerial cloud seeding operations or        12
                          changes to seeding agents or tracing agents,                    13
                    (b) a process for the resolution of disputes about cloud seeding      14
                          operations between Snowy Hydro Limited and others               15
                          (such as community members, Ministers or NSW                    16
                          Government agencies).                                           17

             (4)    The relevant Ministers may require an application for approval of     18
                    an EMP to be accompanied by an independent scientific                 19
                    assessment of any proposed cloud seeding operations that differ       20
                    from the operations currently authorised. Any such scientific         21
                    assessment must comply with any requirements imposed by the           22
                    relevant Ministers and notified to Snowy Hydro Limited.               23

             (5)    The relevant Ministers may, on application by Snowy Hydro             24
                    Limited:                                                              25
                    (a) approve an amendment to an approved EMP, or                       26
                    (b) revoke an approval of an EMP and approve a new EMP.               27

             (6)    This section applies in respect of an application for approval of     28
                    amendment of an approved EMP in the same way as it applies in         29
                    respect of an application for approval of an EMP.                     30

             (7)    An approval of an EMP remains in force until it is revoked by the     31
                    relevant Ministers.                                                   32

       5A    Review of approved EMP                                                       33

             (1)    The relevant Ministers may, from time to time, conduct a review       34
                    of an approved EMP.                                                   35

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                 Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1       Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19

             (2)    A review must be conducted at least once every 5 years after           1
                    approval of an EMP is granted or renewed. However, reviews             2
                    may be conducted at more frequent intervals.                           3

             (3)    The relevant Ministers are to advise Snowy Hydro Limited of            4
                    their intention to conduct a review and to give Snowy Hydro            5
                    Limited an opportunity to make submissions on the review.              6

             (4)    For the purposes of the review, Snowy Hydro Limited must               7
                    provide the relevant Ministers with any information or evidence        8
                    required by the relevant Ministers to conduct the review.              9

             (5)    Without limiting subsection (4), the relevant Ministers may           10
                    require Snowy Hydro Limited to provide an independent                 11
                    scientific assessment of any proposed cloud seeding operations        12
                    that differ from the operations currently authorised. Any such        13
                    scientific assessment must comply with any requirements               14
                    imposed by the relevant Ministers and notified to Snowy Hydro         15
                    Limited.                                                              16

             (6)    Following a review, the relevant Ministers may:                       17
                    (a) renew their approval of the approved EMP (with or                 18
                          without amendments to the EMP), or                              19
                    (b) revoke their approval of the approved EMP and approve a           20
                          new EMP, or                                                     21
                    (c) revoke their approval of the approved EMP.                        22

             (7)    The relevant Ministers must consult with Snowy Hydro Limited          23
                    before revoking their approval of an approved EMP.                    24

[11]   Section 6 Suspension or termination of authorisation                               25

       Omit section 6 (2) (b). Insert instead:                                            26
                    (b) Snowy Hydro Limited has not complied with any                     27
                           conditions of the authorisation conferred by this Act or any   28
                           other requirement imposed by or under this Act, or             29

[12]   Section 6 (2) (d)                                                                  30

       Insert at the end of section 6 (2) (c):                                            31
                            , or                                                          32
                      (d) Snowy Hydro Limited has not complied with a                     33
                            requirement made of it under Chapter 7 of the Protection      34
                            of the Environment Operations Act 1997 in connection          35
                            with a review carried out by the EPA under this Act.          36

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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19                 Schedule 1

[13]   Section 6 (4)                                                                                1
       Omit "and the Natural Resources Commission".                                                 2

[14]   Part 2A                                                                                      3

       Insert after Part 2:                                                                         4

       Part 2A Reporting and review                                                                 5

       6A     Reporting requirements                                                                6

              (1)    Snowy Hydro Limited must, by 31 March in each year or such                     7
                     later date as agreed by the relevant Ministers, provide a report on            8
                     its cloud seeding operations during the period of 12 months                    9
                     ending on 31 December in the previous year to the relevant                    10
                     Ministers and to the EPA.                                                     11

              (2)    Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the report must            12
                     contain the following information:                                            13
                     (a) details of compliance with the approved EMP,                              14
                     (b) details of research concerning, and monitoring of, the                    15
                           impact of tracing agents and seeding agents on the                      16
                           environment (including the findings of any such research                17
                           or monitoring).                                                         18

       6B     General functions of EPA                                                             19

              (1)    The EPA is to review each report on cloud seeding operations                  20
                     provided by Snowy Hydro Limited and report the findings of the                21
                     review, and make any necessary recommendations following the                  22
                     review, to the Board of the EPA and the relevant Ministers.                   23

              (2)    The EPA is, from time to time as determined by the EPA, to                    24
                     review the cloud seeding operations carried out in accordance                 25
                     with this Act and report the findings of the review, and make any             26
                     necessary recommendations following the review, to the Board                  27
                     of the EPA and the relevant Ministers.                                        28

       6C     Application of Chapter 7 of Protection of the Environment                            29
              Operations Act 1997                                                                  30

                     Chapter 7 (Investigation) of the Protection of the Environment                31
                     Operations Act 1997 extends to the exercise of powers in                      32
                     connection with this Act and the regulations.                                 33
                     Note. Section 186 of the Protection of the Environment Operations             34
                     Act 1997 provides that Chapter 7 of that Act extends to the exercise of       35
                     certain powers in connection with certain other legislation, including this   36
                     Act. Chapter 7 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997       37

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                 Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1       Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19

                    deals with such matters as the appointment of authorised officers,        1
                    powers to require information and records, powers of entry and search,    2
                    powers to question and to identify persons and powers with respect to     3
                    certain things such as vehicles.                                          4

[15]   Section 8 Supervision of trial and reporting by Natural Resources                      5
       Commission                                                                             6

       Omit the section.                                                                      7

[16]   Section 9 No compensation payable by State                                             8

       Insert "or amendment" after "enactment" in section 9 (1) (a).                          9

[17]   Section 9 (1) (d)                                                                     10

       Insert after section 9 (1) (c):                                                       11
                      (d) the effect of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity          12
                            Conservation Act 1999 of the Commonwealth on the                 13
                            authorised cloud seeding operations, including anything          14
                            done or omitted to be done by the Commonwealth or any            15
                            person exercising a function under that Act in respect of        16
                            the authorised cloud seeding operations.                         17

[18]   Section 10A                                                                           18

       Insert after section 10:                                                              19

       10A   Delegation                                                                      20

                    A Minister may delegate to a member of the Government Service            21
                    the exercise of any of the Minister's functions under this Act or        22
                    the regulations, other than this power of delegation.                    23

[19]   Section 11 Regulations                                                                24

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                     25

              (2)   In particular, the regulations may make provision for or with            26
                    respect to fees payable by Snowy Hydro Limited to the National           27
                    Parks and Wildlife Service in connection with cloud seeding              28
                    operations (including by specifying any such fee or the method           29
                    by which the fee is to be calculated).                                   30

              (3)   The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation that         31
                    provides for the payment of fees by Snowy Hydro Limited in               32
                    connection with cloud seeding operations unless the Minister             33
                    certifies that he or she is satisfied that the fees do not exceed the    34
                    costs incurred or likely to be incurred by the National Parks and        35
                    Wildlife Service in connection with cloud seeding operations.            36

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Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Act 2004 No 19         Schedule 1

[20]   Schedule 1                                                                         1
       Omit the Schedule. Insert instead:                                                 2

       Schedule 1            Savings and transitional provisions                          3

       Part 1       General                                                               4

        1    Regulations                                                                  5

             (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or                6
                    transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any    7
                    Act that amends this Act.                                             8

             (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect    9
                    from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.        10

             (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date   11
                    that is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW          12
                    legislation website, the provision does not operate so as:           13
                     (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than    14
                           the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that   15
                           person existing before the date of its publication, or        16
                    (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or     17
                           an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or     18
                           omitted to be done before the date of its publication.        19

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               Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Trial Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2     Amendment of other Acts

Schedule 2           Amendment of other Acts                                         1

2.1 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80                                       2

[1]   Section 138 Payments into Fund                                                 3

      Insert ", the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act 2004" after "the Wilderness    4
      Act 1987" in section 138 (1) (b) (iii).                                        5

[2]   Section 139 Payments out of Fund                                               6

      Insert after section 139 (2) (m2):                                             7
                   (m3) charges, costs and expenses incurred by the Service in       8
                           connection with cloud seeding operations authorised by    9
                           the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act 2004,              10

2.2 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156                        11

      Section 186 Extension of Chapter to other environment protection              12
      legislation                                                                   13

      Insert after section 186 (b2):                                                14
                   (b3) Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act 2004 and the              15
                           regulations under that Act,                              16

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