New South Wales Bills

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                       New South Wales

Summary Offences Amendment (Spray
Paint Cans) Bill 2007


           1   Name of Act                                        2
           2   Commencement                                       2
           3   Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25       2
           4   Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005      2
           5   Repeal of Act                                      2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988             3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005      4
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                     , 2007

                             New South Wales

Summary Offences Amendment (Spray
Paint Cans) Bill 2007
Act No      , 2007

An Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 and the Summary Offences
Regulation 2005 to provide for the confiscation of spray paint cans from minors in
public places.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans) Bill 2007

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans)
               Act 2007.
 2    Commencement
               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
 3    Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25
               The Summary Offences Act 1988 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.
 4    Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005
               The Summary Offences Regulation 2005 is amended as set out in
               Schedule 2.
 5    Repeal of Act
         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act
         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.

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Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans) Bill 2007

Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988                                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Summary Offences Act
                                                                             (Section 3)
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):
                    spray paint can means a spray can that contains spray paint.
[2]   Section 10C Sale of spray paint cans to persons under 18
      Omit section 10C (7).
[3]   Section 10D Unsecured display by retailers of spray paint cans
      Omit the definition of spray paint can from section 10D (5).
[4]   Section 10E
      Insert after section 10D:
      10E   Confiscation of spray paint cans from minors
             (1)    A police officer may seize a spray paint can in the possession of
                    a person in a public place if the officer suspects on reasonable
                    grounds that the person is under the age of 18 years, unless the
                    person satisfies the officer that the person has the spray paint can
                    in his or her possession for a purpose that is not unlawful.
             (2)    A spray paint can may be seized from a person under this section
                    whether or not the person has been or is to be charged with any
                    offence in connection with the person's possession of the spray
                    paint can.
             (3)    A spray paint can seized under this section is forfeited to the
             (4)    The regulations may make provision for or with respect to:
                    (a) the procedure to be followed as regards the seizure of spray
                          paint cans under this section and the procedure to be
                          followed after their seizure, and
                    (b) without limiting paragraph (a), prescribing the
                          circumstances in which and the procedure by which spray
                          paint cans seized under this section are to be returned and
                          providing for the jurisdiction of a court to order their

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                Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans) Bill 2007

Schedule 2         Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005

Schedule 2               Amendment of Summary Offences
                         Regulation 2005
                                                                              (Section 4)
      Part 2A
      Insert after Part 2:

      Part 2A Seized spray paint cans
     10A     Reasons for seizure
             (1)      When seizing a spray paint can under section 10E of the Act
                      (referred to in this Part as a seized spray paint can), a police
                      officer must give reasons for the seizure.
             (2)      For that purpose, the police officer must tell the person from
                      whom the spray paint can is seized that the police officer:
                      (a) suspects that the person is under the age of 18 years, and
                      (b) is not satisfied that the person has the spray paint can in his
                            or her possession for a purpose that is not unlawful.
     10B     Disposal of seized spray paint cans
                      A seized spray paint can may be disposed of immediately if:
                      (a) part of the contents of the can have been used, or
                      (b) it is otherwise of negligible value.
     10C     Information as to custody of seized spray paint can
             (1)      If a seized spray paint can is not to be disposed of immediately,
                      the police officer concerned must inform the person from whom
                      the spray paint can is seized:
                       (a) that the spray paint can will be taken to a specified police
                             station and kept there for at least 7 days, and
                      (b) that a claim for return of the spray paint can may be made
                             at that police station.
             (2)      A receipt specifying details of the seized spray paint can must be
                      issued to that person:
                       (a) at the time of seizure, by the police officer concerned, or

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Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans) Bill 2007

Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005                            Schedule 2

                   (b)   at the time the spray paint can is taken to a police station,
                         by any police officer there.
     10D    Seized spray paint can to be kept at police station
             (1)   A seized spray paint can that is not disposed of immediately must
                   be taken to the appropriate police station and kept there for at
                   least 7 days.
             (2)   The appropriate police station is the one to which the person from
                   whom the spray paint can was seized was informed it would be
             (3)   A seized spray paint can kept at a police station may be disposed
                   of if a claim for its return under clause 10E is not made within 7
                   days after the spray paint can was seized.
     10E    Claim for seized spray paint can
             (1)   A seized spray paint can kept at a police station may be claimed
                   by, and if claimed must be returned to, the person from whom it
                   was seized if:
                   (a) the person establishes that the person was at least 18 years
                         of age at the time of the seizure, or
                   (b) the person establishes that the person had the spray paint
                         can in his or her possession for a purpose that is not
                         unlawful (being a purpose of which the police officer who
                         seized the spray paint can was informed at the time of its
             (2)   If a claim for a seized spray paint can is rejected, the spray paint
                   can must be kept for at least another 7 days (to allow for an
                   application to be made to a court under clause 10F) and may be
                   disposed of if an application under that clause is not made within
                   7 days after the claim is rejected.
             (3)   If an application under clause 10F is made before the seized spray
                   paint can is disposed of, the spray paint can must be kept until the
                   application is determined.

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                Summary Offences Amendment (Spray Paint Cans) Bill 2007

Schedule 2      Amendment of Summary Offences Regulation 2005

     10F     Application to court for return of seized spray paint can
                   A court may, on application by a person from whom a seized
                   spray paint can was seized, make an order that the seized spray
                   paint can be returned to the person if the court is satisfied that the
                   person had the seized spray paint can in his or her possession at
                   the time of its seizure for a purpose that was not unlawful (being
                   a purpose of which the police officer who seized the spray paint
                   can was informed at the time of its seizure).

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