New South Wales Bills

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                            New South Wales

State Revenue Legislation Amendment
Bill 2008


              1    Name of Act                                              2
              2    Commencement                                             2
              3    Amendment of Acts                                        2
              4    Repeal of Acts and instrument                            2
              5    Repeal of Act                                            2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                      3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21      14
     Schedule 3    Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 No 159    17
     Schedule 4    Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26         18
     Schedule 5    Amendment of Payroll Tax Act 2007 No 21                 22
     Schedule 6    Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97     24
     Schedule 7    Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act 1995 No 75             27

                            New South Wales

State Revenue Legislation Amendment
Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain State revenue legislation.
Clause 1          State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008.              3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as            5
               provided by subsection (2).                                                6

         (2)   The following provisions commence, or are taken to have commenced,         7
               on the dates indicated:                                                    8
               (a) Schedule 1 [23] and [33]--the date on which the Bill for the State     9
                     Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008 is introduced in the         10
                     Legislative Assembly,                                               11
               (b) Schedule 5 [1]-[3]--1 July 2008.                                      12

 3    Amendment of Acts                                                                  13

               The Acts specified in Schedules 1-7 are amended as set out in those       14
               Schedules.                                                                15

 4    Repeal of Acts and instrument                                                      16

               The following Acts and instrument are repealed:                           17
               Debits Tax Act 1990 No 112                                                18
               Stamp Duties Act 1920 No 47                                               19
               Taxation Administration Regulation 2003                                   20

 5    Repeal of Act                                                                      21

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the     22
               provisions of this Act have commenced.                                    23

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   24
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    25

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                     Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                1

                                                                           (Section 3)    2

[1]   Section 8 Imposition of duty on certain transactions concerning dutiable            3
      property                                                                            4

      Omit the note at the end of section 8 (3).                                          5

[2]   Section 13 Who is liable to pay duty?                                               6

      Omit the note at the end of the section.                                            7

[3]   Section 30 Partitions                                                               8

      Insert after section 30 (5):                                                        9

             (6)   Anti-avoidance criteria                                               10

                   This section does not apply in respect of a partition if the Chief    11
                   Commissioner is satisfied that the partition is part of a scheme to   12
                   avoid duty on an exchange of land that was not jointly held by the    13
                   parties before the scheme was entered into.                           14

[4]   Section 32A Premium rate for residential land with dutiable value                  15
      exceeding $3,000,000                                                               16

      Omit section 32A (4), and the note to the subsection. Insert instead:              17

             (4)   For the purpose of subsection (3) (a), land does not cease to be      18
                   regarded as land on which there is one single dwelling, or one        19
                   flat, merely because the land is also used or is capable of being     20
                   used for the purpose of one other residential occupancy, if that      21
                   residential occupancy is an excluded residential occupancy.           22

[5]   Section 32A (6)                                                                    23

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                      24

                   excluded residential occupancy means:                                 25
                   (a) one room, or                                                      26
                   (b) one suite of rooms (not being a flat) each room of which all      27
                         occupants of the suite are entitled to occupy, or               28
                   (c) one flat, or                                                      29
                   (d) one suite of rooms (not being a flat) each room of which all      30
                         occupants of the suite are entitled to occupy, and one room,    31
                         or                                                              32
                   (e) one flat and one room, or                                         33
                    (f) 2 rooms, each of which is separately occupied.                   34

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1           Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

 [6]    Section 63 Deceased estates                                                            1
        Omit "not made for valuable consideration" in section 63 (a).                          2

 [7]    Section 63 (a) (ii)                                                                    3

        Omit "and". Insert instead "or".                                                       4

 [8]    Section 63 (a) (iii)                                                                   5

        Insert after section 63 (a) (ii):                                                      6
                            (iii) an appropriation of the property of the deceased             7
                                    person (as referred to in section 46 of the Trustee        8
                                    Act 1925) in or towards satisfaction of the                9
                                    beneficiary's entitlement under the trusts contained      10
                                    in the will of the deceased person or arising on          11
                                    intestacy, and                                            12

 [9]    Section 63 (2) and (3)                                                                13

        Insert at the end of section 63:                                                      14

               (2)      If a transfer of dutiable property is made by a legal personal        15
                        representative of a deceased person to a beneficiary under an         16
                        agreement (whether or not in writing) between the beneficiary         17
                        and one or more other beneficiaries to vary the trusts contained in   18
                        a will of the deceased person or arising on intestacy, the dutiable   19
                        value of the dutiable property is to be reduced by the portion of     20
                        the dutiable value that is referable to the dutiable property to      21
                        which the beneficiary had an entitlement arising under the trusts     22
                        contained in the will or arising on intestacy.                        23

               (3)      Section 25 does not apply to a dutiable transaction to which          24
                        subsection (2) applies.                                               25

[10]    Section 64 Conversion of land use entitlement to different form of title              26

        Omit "at the time" from section 64 (c) (i).                                           27

        Insert instead "on the transaction by which".                                         28

[11]    Section 64AA                                                                          29

        Insert after section 64:                                                              30

       64AA   Enlargement of the term in land into fee simple                                 31

                        The duty chargeable on the enlargement of a term in land into a       32
                        fee simple under section 134 of the Conveyancing Act 1919 is          33
                        $10 if:                                                               34

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                       Schedule 1

                     (a)    the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that the grant of the       1
                            term in the land, and subsequent enlargement, are not part      2
                            of a scheme to avoid duty on a transfer of land, and            3
                     (b)    one of the following applies:                                   4
                             (i) ad valorem duty was paid by the transferee on the          5
                                   transaction by which the term in the land was            6
                                   acquired,                                                7
                            (ii) section 55, 57 or 63 applied to the acquisition of the     8
                                   term in the land, and duty was paid as provided for      9
                                   by the section that applied,                            10
                           (iii) no duty was chargeable on the acquisition of the          11
                                   term in the land by the transferee because of section   12
                                   68.                                                     13

[12]   Section 65 Exemptions from duty                                                     14

       Omit "under that Act" wherever occurring in section 65 (5).                         15

       Insert instead "under the Legal Profession Act 2004".                               16

[13]   Section 65 (17)                                                                     17

       Insert after section 65 (16):                                                       18

            (17)    Pharmacists' body corporate                                            19

                    No duty is chargeable under this Chapter on the transfer of, or an     20
                    agreement to transfer, dutiable property in the following cases:       21
                    (a) dutiable property of a partnership carrying on the business        22
                          of a pharmacist before the commencement of section 25 of         23
                          the Pharmacy Practice Act 2006 that is transferred or            24
                          agreed to be transferred to a pharmacists' body corporate        25
                          (within the meaning of that Act), if the members of the          26
                          partnership immediately before the transfer or agreement         27
                          is first executed are all directors and shareholders of the      28
                          pharmacists' body corporate and there are no other               29
                          directors or shareholders of that pharmacists' body              30
                          corporate,                                                       31
                    (b) dutiable property of a pharmacist carrying on the business         32
                          of a pharmacist before the commencement of section 25 of         33
                          the Pharmacy Practice Act 2006 that is transferred or            34
                          agreed to be transferred to a pharmacists' body corporate        35
                          (within the meaning of that Act), if the pharmacist is the       36
                          sole director and shareholder of that pharmacists' body          37
                          corporate.                                                       38

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                 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1       Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

[14]   Section 66 Exemptions--marketable securities                                            1
       Omit "listed for quotation" from section 66 (9A) (a). Insert instead "quoted".          2

[15]   Section 74 Eligible agreements or transfers                                             3

       Insert "or, if the property is a parcel of land on which 2 or more homes are            4
       built, or are being built, for that part of the land that is an exclusive occupancy"    5
       after "property" in section 74 (2).                                                     6

[16]   Section 74 (4)                                                                          7

       Insert after the note to section 74 (3):                                                8

              (4)   For the purposes of this section, land is an exclusive occupancy           9
                    only if the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that the person               10
                    acquiring the land will be entitled to occupy a home that is built,       11
                    or being built, on the land as a place of residence to the exclusion      12
                    of other persons who occupy or are to occupy the other home or            13
                    homes built or being built on the parcel of land.                         14

[17]   Section 99 Transfer by special trust to corporation                                    15

       Omit "and disposal" from section 99 (2).                                               16

[18]   Chapter 4 Transactions concerning land-related property--vendor duty                   17

       Omit the Chapter.                                                                      18

[19]   Chapter 4A, heading                                                                    19

       Omit "and disposal".                                                                   20

[20]   Section 163 Overview                                                                   21

       Omit "or `vendor duty transactions' under Chapter 4" and the second                    22
       paragraph of the note.                                                                 23

[21]   Section 163A Meaning of "landholder" and related expressions                           24

       Omit section 163A (2) and (3).                                                         25

[22]   Section 163D What are "interests" and "significant interests" in                       26
       landholders?                                                                           27

       Omit "For the purposes of Part 2 only, an" from section 163D (3).                      28

       Insert instead "An".                                                                   29

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                          Schedule 1

[23]   Section 163G How may an interest be "acquired"?                                          1
       Insert after section 163G (2) (d):                                                       2
                      (e) if the person holds an interest in the land rich landholder           3
                            (whether or not as trustee for another person) and the              4
                            capacity in which the person holds the interest changes             5
                            (including if there is a change in the beneficial ownership         6
                            of an interest held by a person as trustee).                        7
                           Note. For example, the capacity in which a person holds a unit or    8
                           share in a land rich landholder changes if the person declares a     9
                           trust in respect of the unit or share.                              10

[24]   Chapter 4A, Part 3 Charging of duty on disposals of interests in land rich              11
       landholders                                                                             12

       Omit the Part.                                                                          13

[25]   Section 163T Constructive ownership of land holdings and other                          14
       property: linked entities                                                               15

       Omit "listed" wherever occurring in section 163T (2) (a) (iv) and (b).                  16

       Insert instead "quoted".                                                                17

[26]   Section 163T (2), note                                                                  18

       Omit the note.                                                                          19

[27]   Section 163V Effect of uncompleted agreements                                           20

       Omit "or disposal" from the note at the end of section 163V (1).                        21

[28]   Sections 163W and 163X                                                                  22

       Omit "acquisition or disposal" wherever occurring.                                      23

       Insert instead "acquisition".                                                           24

[29]   Sections 163W and 163X                                                                  25

       Omit "or disposal statement" wherever occurring.                                        26

[30]   Section 163Y Valuation of property                                                      27

       Omit "or disposal statement" and "or relevant disposal" wherever occurring.             28

[31]   Section 163Z Use of valuations prepared within 12-month period before                   29
       disposal                                                                                30

       Omit the section.                                                                       31

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                  State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1        Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

[32]    Section 163ZB Exempt transactions                                                   1
        Omit "or disposal", "or disposed of" and "disposal or" wherever occurring.          2

[33]    Section 163ZB (1) (i)                                                               3

        Insert "and the Chief Commissioner is satisfied that the acquisition is not part    4
        of a scheme to avoid duty under this Chapter" after "New South Wales".              5

[34]    Section 163ZD Duty concession: disposals securing financial                         6
        accommodation                                                                       7

        Omit the section.                                                                   8

[35]    Chapter 4A, Part 6 Further exemptions and concessions for disposal                  9
        duty                                                                               10

        Omit the Part.                                                                     11

[36]    Chapter 9, Part 3, heading                                                         12

        Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                  13

        Part 3       Miscellaneous exemptions and reductions                               14

[37]    Section 270A                                                                       15

        Insert after section 270:                                                          16

       270A   Reduction in dutiable value--modified vehicles for people with               17
              disabilities                                                                 18

               (1)   Duty on an application to register a motor vehicle is to be charged   19
                     as provided for by this section if:                                   20
                     (a) the application is made by a person with a disability or the      21
                           motor vehicle is used by or to transport a person with a        22
                           disability, and                                                 23
                     (b) modifications (user modifications) have been made to the          24
                           vehicle to enable a person with a disability to drive the       25
                           vehicle or to enable a person with a disability to be           26
                           transported in the vehicle.                                     27

               (2)   The duty chargeable on the application is to be charged on the        28
                     lesser of the following:                                              29
                      (a) the dutiable value of the motor vehicle reduced by the           30
                            value of the user modifications,                               31
                     (b) the dutiable value of the motor vehicle determined without        32
                            regard to the user modifications.                              33

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                      Schedule 1

              (3)   The value of the user modifications is the consideration in money      1
                    or money's worth given for the user modifications.                     2

[38]   Section 275 Charitable and benevolent bodies                                        3

       Omit "(other than vendor duty)" from section 275 (1).                               4

[39]   Section 275 (2)                                                                     5

       Omit the subsection.                                                                6

[40]   Section 275 (2A)                                                                    7

       Omit "or disposal".                                                                 8

[41]   Section 275 (3), definition of "exempt charitable or benevolent body"               9

       Omit "any society or institution" wherever occurring.                              10

       Insert instead "any body corporate, society, institution or other organisation".   11

[42]   Section 275 (3), definition of "exempt charitable or benevolent body"              12

       Omit paragraph (b) (ii).                                                           13

[43]   Section 275 (3), definition of "exempt charitable or benevolent body"              14

       Insert at the end of paragraph (b):                                                15
                            , or                                                          16
                      (c) any person acting in the person's capacity as trustee for a     17
                            body corporate, society, institution or other organisation    18
                            referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).                          19

[44]   Section 275A Partial exemption for certain transactions by charitable              20
       and benevolent bodies                                                              21

       Insert "or a lease," after "agreement for the sale or transfer," in section        22
       275A (1).                                                                          23

[45]   Section 275A (2)                                                                   24

       Omit the subsection.                                                               25

[46]   Section 275A (3)                                                                   26

       Omit the subsection.                                                               27

[47]   Section 275A (5)                                                                   28

       Omit "or disposal" wherever occurring.                                             29

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                 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

[48]   Section 275A (7), definition of "charitable or benevolent body"                            1
       Omit "society or institution".                                                             2

       Insert instead "body corporate, society, institution or other organisation".               3

[49]   Sections 288 and 288A, notes                                                               4

       Omit the notes.                                                                            5

[50]   Section 290 Adhesive stamps                                                                6

       Omit the section.                                                                          7

[51]   Section 292 Refunds--spoiled and unused stamps                                             8

       Omit the section.                                                                          9

[52]   Section 293 Reassessments--failed instruments                                             10

       Omit "and Part 4 of Chapter 4 for refunds of vendor duty on failed                        11
       instruments" from the note.                                                               12

[53]   Section 297                                                                               13

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                         14

       297   Stamping taken to constitute assessment                                             15

              (1)      For the purposes of the Taxation Administration Act 1996, the             16
                       stamping of an instrument by the Chief Commissioner is taken to           17
                       constitute an assessment of the duty payable under this Act in            18
                       respect of the instrument or the dutiable transaction effected or         19
                       evidenced by that instrument.                                             20

              (2)      If the Chief Commissioner does not issue a notice of assessment           21
                       at the time that the instrument is stamped, the stamped instrument        22
                       is taken, for the purposes of the Taxation Administration Act             23
                       1996, to be a notice of assessment.                                       24
                       Note. The Taxation Administration Act 1996 provides that an objection     25
                       to an assessment must be lodged within 60 days of service of the notice   26
                       of assessment (unless late lodgment is permitted by the Chief             27
                       Commissioner).                                                            28

[54]   Section 301 Registration of transactions and instruments                                  29

       Omit section 301 (2), and the note to that subsection.                                    30

[55]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                     31

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                        32

                       State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                              33

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                        Schedule 1

[56]   Schedule 1, Part 28                                                                   1

       Insert after Part 27:                                                                 2

       Part 28 Provisions consequent on enactment of                                         3

               State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act                                       4

               2008                                                                          5

       66    Repeal of vendor duty and other obsolete provisions                             6

                    An amendment made to this Act by the State Revenue Legislation           7
                    Amendment Act 2008 does not affect any liability for duty under          8
                    this Act that arose before the commencement of that amendment,           9
                    and this Act, as in force before that amendment, continues to have      10
                    effect in respect of any such liability.                                11

       67    Repeal of Stamp Duties Act 1920                                                12

              (1)   The repeal of the Stamp Duties Act 1920 by the State Revenue            13
                    Legislation Amendment Act 2008 does not affect any liability for        14
                    duty that arose before that repeal, and that Act, as in force           15
                    immediately before that repeal, continues to have effect in             16
                    respect of any such liability, subject to this clause.                  17

              (2)   If, immediately before the repeal of the Stamp Duties Act 1920, a       18
                    lease to which section 78D of that Act applies has one or more          19
                    redetermination dates that have not yet occurred:                       20

                     (a) the Chief Commissioner must, on the first redetermination          21
                           date to occur on or after the repeal of the Stamp Duties Act     22
                           1920 (the final redetermination date), make a final              23
                           estimate of the total rent payable for the term of the lease,    24
                           and                                                              25

                    (b) the lease is chargeable with duty under that Act as if that         26
                           final estimate were the total rent payable for the term of the   27
                           lease, and                                                       28

                     (c) section 78D (2) (e) of the Stamp Duties Act 1920 applies in        29
                           respect of that redetermination, and                             30

                    (d) no further redetermination of the duty payable in respect of        31
                           the lease is to be made.                                         32

              (3)   For the purposes of this clause, a redetermination date means a         33
                    date on which the Chief Commissioner is required under section          34
                    78D of the Stamp Duties Act 1920, as in force immediately before        35
                    its repeal, to make a redetermination of the duty payable in            36
                    respect of a lease (or would have been required to do so if that Act    37
                    had not been repealed).                                                 38

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                 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123

              (4)      Section 78D (2) (c) of the Stamp Duties Act 1920, as in force           1
                       immediately before its repeal, continues to apply only to the final     2
                       redetermination date and to any redetermination date that               3
                       occurred before the final redetermination date.                         4

              (5)      A reference in any Act or in any instrument made under any Act          5
                       to the Stamp Duties Act 1920 is to be read as including a reference     6
                       to the Duties Act 1997.                                                 7

              (6)      A reference in any other instrument to the Stamp Duties Act 1920        8
                       is to be read as including a reference to the Duties Act 1997 unless    9
                       a contrary intention appears.                                          10

       68    Changes to concessions                                                           11

              (1)      The amendment to section 30 made by the State Revenue                  12
                       Legislation Amendment Act 2008 does not apply in respect of a          13
                       transfer or agreement to transfer dutiable property first executed     14
                       before the commencement of the amendment.                              15

              (2)      The amendments to section 63 made by the State Revenue                 16
                       Legislation Amendment Act 2008 do not apply in respect of a            17
                       transfer of dutiable property made before the commencement of          18
                       those amendments.                                                      19

[57]   Schedule 2 Principal place of residence exemption--concessions                         20

       Omit the Schedule.                                                                     21

[58]   Dictionary                                                                             22

       Omit the definitions of commercial hire business, heritage building, hire of           23
       goods, hire purchase agreement, hiring charges, land-related property,                 24
       special hiring agreement and vendor duty transaction.                                  25

[59]   Dictionary, definition of "listed trust"                                               26

       Omit "listed for quotation". Insert instead "quoted".                                  27

[60]   Dictionary, definition of "quoted"                                                     28

       Omit the definition. Insert instead:                                                   29
                   quoted, in relation to any shares, units in a unit trust scheme or         30
                   interests in such shares or units, includes:                               31
                    (a) shares, units or interests that have stopped being quoted on          32
                          a stock exchange merely because they belong to a class of           33
                          shares, units or interests the quotation of which has been          34
                          suspended, unless the body that issued the shares, units or         35
                          interests has ceased to be included in the official list of the     36
                          stock exchange, and                                                 37

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Duties Act 1997 No 123                                    Schedule 1

                    (b)   shares, units or interests that comprise a stapled security   1
                          that is quoted on a stock exchange.                           2

[61]   Dictionary, definition of "recognised stock exchange"                            3

       Omit "Stock Exchange of Newcastle".                                              4

       Insert instead "National Stock Exchange".                                        5

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 2         Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21

Schedule 2               Amendment of First Home Owner Grant                                   1
                         Act 2000 No 21                                                        2

                                                                                (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 5 Ownership of land and homes                                                    4

      Omit "subsection (4)" from section 5 (3). Insert instead "sections 6C and 6D".           5

[2]   Section 5 (4) and (5)                                                                    6

      Omit the subsections.                                                                    7

[3]   Sections 6C and 6D                                                                       8

      Insert after section 6B:                                                                 9

      6C     Building of home on land owned by another                                        10

             (1)      If a person enters into a comprehensive building contract to build,     11
                      or builds or has built, a free-standing home on land in which the       12
                      person does not have a relevant interest, the provisions of this Act    13
                      apply in respect of the building of the free-standing home as if the    14
                      person did have such a relevant interest.                               15

             (2)      If a person enters into a comprehensive building contract to build,     16
                      or builds or has built, at the person's own expense, an attached        17
                      home on land in which the person does not have a relevant               18
                      interest, the provisions of this Act apply in respect of the building   19
                      of the attached home as if the person did have such a relevant          20
                      interest.                                                               21

             (3)      Accordingly, a person may apply for a first home owner grant in         22
                      respect of the building of such an attached home or free-standing       23
                      home.                                                                   24

             (4)      This section applies in respect of the building of a home only if       25
                      the owner of the estate in fee simple in the land on which the          26
                      home is built has consented to the occupation of the home by the        27
                      applicant for the first home owner grant on completion of the           28
                      home or the applicant has a right, under a lease, licence or other      29
                      arrangement, to occupy the home on completion.                          30

             (5)      In this section:                                                        31
                      attached home means a home which includes a kitchen, a                  32
                      bathroom, a living area and a bedroom or a combined bedroom             33
                      living area and which is part of, or connected to, a building that      34
                      contains another home.                                                  35
                      free-standing home means a home that is not part of, or                 36
                      connected to, a building that contains another home.                    37

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21                       Schedule 2

      6D     Purchase of manufactured home                                                 1
             (1)   If a person purchases a manufactured home and intends to use it         2
                   as a place of residence on land which the person has a right to         3
                   occupy under a lease, licence or other arrangement but in which         4
                   the person does not have a relevant interest:                           5
                    (a) this Act applies as if the person had a relevant interest in       6
                          the land and were an owner builder building a home on the        7
                          land, and                                                        8
                   (b) the commencement date of the transaction is taken to be             9
                          the date of the contract to purchase the manufactured           10
                          home, and                                                       11
                    (c) the transaction is taken to be completed when the                 12
                          manufactured home is ready for occupation as a place of         13
                          residence on land that the person has a right to occupy.        14

             (2)   In this section:                                                       15
                   manufactured home has the same meaning as it has in the Local          16
                   Government Act 1993.                                                   17

[4]   Section 15 All interested persons to join in application                            18

      Omit section 15 (2) (a). Insert instead:                                            19
                   (a) in a case to which section 6C or 6D applies--a person who          20
                         is the owner of the estate in fee simple in the land on which    21
                         the home is built or situated,                                   22

[5]   Section 15 (2) (e)                                                                  23

      Insert after section 15 (2) (d):                                                    24
                     (e) a person whose ownership share in the relevant home does         25
                           not exceed 5% (a small interest holder), but only if, in a     26
                           case where there is more than one small interest holder, the   27
                           total ownership share of all small interest holders in the     28
                           relevant home does not exceed 5%.                              29

[6]   Section 49 Proceedings for offences                                                 30

      Omit "2 years" from section 49 (2). Insert instead "3 years".                       31

[7]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               32

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                  33

                   State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                           34

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 2         Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 No 21

[8]   Schedule 1, Part 6                                                                1
      Insert after Part 5:                                                              2

      Part 6          Provisions consequent on enactment of                             3
                      State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act                           4
                      2008                                                              5

      10     Application of amendments                                                  6

             (1)      An amendment to this Act made by the State Revenue Legislation    7
                      Amendment Act 2008 applies in relation to applications for the    8
                      first home owner grant that are made on or after the              9
                      commencement of that amendment.                                  10

             (2)      The amendment made to section 49 by the State Revenue            11
                      Legislation Amendment Act 2008 does not apply in respect of an   12
                      offence alleged to have been committed before the                13
                      commencement of that amendment (and section 49, as in force      14
                      immediately before that amendment, continues to apply in         15
                      respect of any such offence).                                    16

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Health Insurance Levies Act 1982 No 159                  Schedule 3

Schedule 3             Amendment of Health Insurance Levies                              1
                       Act 1982 No 159                                                   2

                                                                          (Section 3)    3

      Section 16B Contributors                                                           4

      Omit section 16B (3). Insert instead:                                              5

             (3)   A reference in subsection (2) (b) to the dependants of a person       6
                   includes a reference to the spouse of the person and to any other     7
                   person who is a dependent child (within the meaning of section        8
                   10AA of the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth)            9
                   in relation to the person.                                           10

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 4      Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26

Schedule 4             Amendment of Land Tax Management                                  1
                       Act 1956 No 26                                                    2

                                                                          (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              4

      Omit ", but does not include a single dwelling" from the definition of flat in     5
      section 3 (1).                                                                     6

[2]   Section 3 (1), definition of "Residential unit"                                    7

      Omit paragraph (b). Insert instead:                                                8
                  (b) is used and occupied as a principal place of residence, and        9
                        for no other purpose, by a person who is a joint owner          10
                        (otherwise than as a trustee) of the parcel of land on which    11
                        the building is erected and who has entered into an             12
                        arrangement with the other joint owners of that land under      13
                        which the person has the exclusive right to occupy that flat    14
                        (whether jointly with one or more of the co-owners or not).     15

[3]   Section 3 (1), definition of "single dwelling"                                    16

      Omit the definition.                                                              17

[4]   Section 3 (3)                                                                     18

      Omit "definitions of flat and single dwelling".                                   19

      Insert instead "definition of flat".                                              20

[5]   Section 9C Reduction in land value for flats on mixed development land            21
      or mixed use land                                                                 22

      Insert "9D or" after "land to which section" in section 9C (7).                   23

[6]   Section 9D Reduction in land value for single dwellings on mixed use              24
      land                                                                              25

      Omit "9C or" from section 9D (10).                                                26

[7]   Section 9D (11)                                                                   27

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                     28

                   single dwelling has the same meaning as it has in Division 5A of     29
                   Part 1B of the Valuation of Land Act 1916.                           30

[8]   Section 10 Land exempted from tax                                                 31

      Omit "(not being a building society within the meaning of section 10G)" from      32
      section 10 (1) (g) (iii).                                                         33

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26                             Schedule 4

 [9]   Section 10 (4) and (5)                                                                 1
       Insert after section 10 (3):                                                           2

              (4)    Subsection (1) (g) (iii), and the other provisions of this section as    3
                     they relate to that subparagraph, apply in respect of premises           4
                     comprised in a strata lot as if those premises were a building           5
                     erected on the site of the strata lot (and a reference to a building     6
                     is to be construed as a reference to the strata lot).                    7

              (5)    In this section:                                                         8
                     strata lot means a lot under the Strata Schemes (Freehold                9
                     Development) Act 1973 or the Strata Schemes (Leasehold                  10
                     Development) Act 1986.                                                  11

[10]   Schedule 1A Principal place of residence exemption                                    12

       Insert in alphabetical order in clause 1 (1):                                         13
                     strata lot means a lot under the Strata Schemes (Freehold               14
                     Development) Act 1973 or the Strata Schemes (Leasehold                  15
                     Development) Act 1986.                                                  16

[11]   Schedule 1A, clause 2 (1) (b)                                                         17

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                   18
                    (b) a strata lot or, subject to this Schedule, land comprised of         19
                         2 or more strata lots.                                              20

[12]   Schedule 1A, clause 3 (1) (a)                                                         21

       Omit "lots within a strata plan". Insert instead "strata lots".                       22

[13]   Schedule 1A, clause 4 (4)                                                             23

       Insert after clause 4 (3):                                                            24

              (4)    If land is comprised of 2 or more lots or strata lots, the excluded     25
                     residential occupancy must be located on a lot or strata lot that is    26
                     also used and occupied by the owner of the land for residential         27
                     purposes.                                                               28

[14]   Schedule 1A, clause 10B                                                               29

       Insert after clause 10A:                                                              30

       10B    Concession for multiple-occupancy land                                         31

              (1)    This clause applies if land owned by one person, or by 2 or more        32
                     joint owners, is the site of a flat that is used and occupied by the    33
                     owner, or by one of them, as a principal place of residence, and        34
                     there is also situated on the land one or more other flats that are     35

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                 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 4          Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26

                       used, or adapted for use, as a separate occupation to that of the        1
                       owner (not being an excluded residential occupancy that may be           2
                       disregarded under clause 4).                                             3

              (2)      Section 9C applies in respect of the land as if the land were mixed      4
                       use land.                                                                5

              (3)      For the purposes of applying Division 5A of Part 1B of the               6
                       Valuation of Land Act 1916 to the land, a reference in that              7
                       Division to that part of the land that is occupied or used for           8
                       non-residential purposes is to be read as a reference to that part of    9
                       the land that is adapted for use as a separate occupation to that of    10
                       the owner (and which is not an excluded residential occupancy           11
                       that may be disregarded under clause 4).                                12

              (4)      This clause does not apply to land comprised of one or more             13
                       strata lots.                                                            14

[15]   Schedule 1A, clauses 13 and 14                                                          15

       Insert after clause 12:                                                                 16

       13    Application of exemption to residence comprised of 2 or more lots                 17
             (other than strata lots)                                                          18

              (1)      The principal place of residence exemption does not extend to a         19
                       parcel of residential land that is comprised of 2 or more lots of       20
                       land, and that is used and occupied by the owner of the lots (or by     21
                       one of them) as a principal place of residence, unless:                 22
                        (a) the lots are adjoining, and                                        23
                       (b) the lots are owned by the same person or, if any of the lots        24
                              are jointly owned, the lots are all jointly owned by the         25
                              same persons, and                                                26
                        (c) the lots are the site of a single residence (excluding any         27
                              additional residential occupancy that may be disregarded         28
                              under clause 4).                                                 29

              (2)      For the purposes of this clause:                                        30
                       (a) separate lots are not to be regarded as adjoining merely            31
                             because one lot has a single corner point on its boundary         32
                             that is common to the boundary of another lot, and                33
                       (b) separate buildings erected on separate lots are not to be           34
                             regarded as a single residence if the buildings are               35
                             separately occupied or capable of being used for separate         36
                             occupation.                                                       37

              (3)      This clause does not apply to land comprised of 2 or more strata        38
                       lots.                                                                   39

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Land Tax Management Act 1956 No 26                            Schedule 4

       14    Application of exemption to residence comprised of 2 or more lots               1
             in a strata plan                                                                2

              (1)   The principal place of residence exemption does not extend to            3
                    land that is comprised of 2 or more strata lots, and that is used and    4
                    occupied by the owner of the lots (or by one of them) as a               5
                    principal place of residence, unless:                                    6
                     (a) the strata lots (excluding any ancillary lot) have adjoining        7
                           walls or floors, and                                              8
                    (b) the strata lots are owned by the same person or, if any of           9
                           the strata lots are jointly owned, the strata lots are all       10
                           jointly owned by the same persons, and                           11
                     (c) the strata lots comprise a single residence (excluding any         12
                           additional residential occupancy that may be disregarded         13
                           under clause 4).                                                 14

              (2)   For the purposes of this clause, 2 or more strata lots are not to be    15
                    regarded as comprising a single residence unless there is internal      16
                    access between all the strata lots (other than any ancillary lot),      17
                    such as internal connecting doors or internal staircases.               18

              (3)   In this clause:                                                         19
                    ancillary lot means a strata lot that is used for purposes ancillary    20
                    to another strata lot and which is not used or adapted for              21
                    habitation (for example, a garage or storage area).                     22

[16]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions                                       23

       Insert at the end of clause 1A (1):                                                  24

                    State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                            25

[17]   Schedule 2, Part 22                                                                  26

       Insert after Part 21:                                                                27

       Part 22 Provisions consequent on enactment of                                        28
               State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act                                      29
               2008                                                                         30

       45    Application of amendments                                                      31

                    The amendments made to this Act by the State Revenue                    32
                    Legislation Amendment Act 2008 apply in respect of a land tax           33
                    year commencing on or after the date of commencement of the             34
                    amendments and do not affect any liability for land tax in respect      35
                    of any land tax year commencing before that date.                       36

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 5      Amendment of Payroll Tax Act 2007 No 21

Schedule 5             Amendment of Payroll Tax Act 2007                                  1
                       No 21                                                              2

                                                                           (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 48 Non-profit organisations                                                 4

      Omit section 48 (1) (c). Insert instead:                                            5
                   (c) a non-profit organisation having as its sole or dominant           6
                         purpose a charitable, benevolent, philanthropic or patriotic     7
                         purpose (but not including a school, an educational              8
                         institution, an educational company or an instrumentality        9
                         of the State).                                                  10

[2]   Section 70 Groups of corporations                                                  11

      Omit section 70 (2) and the note at the end of the section.                        12

[3]   Section 74 Smaller groups subsumed by larger groups                                13

      Insert at the end of the section (before the note):                                14

             (2)   If 2 or more members of a group have together a controlling           15
                   interest in a business (within the meaning of section 72), all the    16
                   members of the group and the person or persons who carry on the       17
                   business together constitute a group.                                 18

[4]   Schedule 1 Calculation of payroll tax liability for financial year                 19
      commencing 1 July 2007 and subsequent financial years                              20

      Insert in alphabetical order in clause 1:                                          21
                    FY is the number of days in the financial year.                      22

[5]   Schedule 1, clauses 4, 5, 8 and 9 (2)                                              23

      Omit "365" from the formulae, wherever occurring. Insert instead "FY".             24

[6]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                              25

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 26

                   State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                          27

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Payroll Tax Act 2007 No 21                            Schedule 5

[7]   Schedule 3, Part 3                                                           1
      Insert after Part 2:                                                         2

      Part 3        Provisions consequent on enactment of                          3
                    State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act                        4
                    2008                                                           5

       16    Application of amendments                                             6

                    The amendments made to Schedule 1 by the State Revenue         7
                    Legislation Amendment Act 2008 apply to the financial year     8
                    commencing on 1 July 2007 and any subsequent financial year.   9

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 6      Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97

Schedule 6            Amendment of Taxation Administration                            1
                      Act 1996 No 97                                                  2

                                                                       (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 4 Meaning of "taxation laws"                                            4

      Omit "Accommodation Levy Act 1997", "Debits Tax Act 1990" and "Stamp            5
      Duties Act 1920".                                                               6

[2]   Section 80A Investigations for the purposes of recognised revenue laws          7

      Omit the definition of recognised revenue law from section 80A (5).             8

      Insert instead:                                                                 9
                    recognised revenue law means a law of the Commonwealth,          10
                    another State or a Territory that:                               11
                    (a) corresponds to a taxation law, or                            12
                    (b) is listed in Schedule 2.                                     13

[3]   Section 80A (6)                                                                14

      Insert after section 80A (5):                                                  15

             (6)   The Governor may, by proclamation, amend Schedule 2 by            16
                   inserting, omitting or amending any matter.                       17

[4]   Section 82 Permitted disclosures--to particular persons                        18

      Omit "or" from section 82 (b) (iv).                                            19

[5]   Section 82 (b) (v)                                                             20

      Insert after section 82 (b) (iv):                                              21
                           (v) the Fines Act 1996, or                                22

[6]   Section 82 (k) (xvi)                                                           23

      Omit "or".                                                                     24

[7]   Section 82 (k) (xvii)                                                          25

      Insert after section 82 (k) (xvi):                                             26
                         (xvii) the Commissioner of NSW Fire Brigades or the         27
                                  Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service, or     28

[8]   Section 97 Review by Supreme Court                                             29

      Omit section 97 (3).                                                           30

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97                       Schedule 6

 [9]   Section 125 Proceedings for offences                                                 1

       Omit "2 years" from section 125 (2). Insert instead "3 years".                       2

[10]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                3

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   4

                     State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                           5

[11]   Schedule 1, Part 7                                                                   6

       Insert after Part 6:                                                                 7

       Part 7        Provisions arising from enactment of State                             8

                     Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                                 9

       34     Application of amendments                                                    10

              (1)    The amendments made to section 82 by the State Revenue                11
                     Legislation Amendment Act 2008 extend to the disclosure, on or        12
                     after the commencement of the amendments, of information              13
                     obtained under or in relation to the administration of a taxation     14
                     law before the commencement of those amendments.                      15

              (2)    The amendment made to section 125 by the State Revenue                16
                     Legislation Amendment Act 2008 does not apply in respect of an        17
                     offence alleged to have been committed before the                     18
                     commencement of that amendment (and section 125, as in force          19
                     immediately before that amendment, continues to apply in              20
                     respect of such an offence).                                          21

       35     Repeal of Debits Tax Act 1990                                                22

                     The repeal of the Debits Tax Act 1990 does not affect any liability   23
                     for tax under that Act that arose before that repeal, and that Act,   24
                     and this Act, as in force immediately before the repeal of the        25
                     Debits Tax Act 1990, continues to apply in respect of any such        26
                     liability.                                                            27

       36     Repeal of Stamp Duties Act 1920                                              28

                     This Act, as in force immediately before the repeal of the Stamp      29
                     Duties Act 1920, continues to apply in respect of any liability for   30
                     tax under the Stamp Duties Act 1920.                                  31

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 6      Amendment of Taxation Administration Act 1996 No 97

[12]   Schedule 2                                                                      1
       Omit the Schedule. Insert instead:                                              2

       Schedule 2            Recognised revenue laws                                   3

                                                                      (Section 80A)    4

             Australian Capital Territory                                              5
             Rates Act 2004                                                            6
             Utilities Act 2000                                                        7
             Utilities (Network Facilities Tax) Act 2006                               8
             Commonwealth                                                              9
             A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999                       10
             A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999                               11
             A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999                        12
             Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986                                  13
             Fuel Tax Act 2006                                                        14
             Income Tax Assessment Act 1936                                           15
             Income Tax Assessment Act 1997                                           16
             International Tax Agreements Act 1953                                    17
             Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987                          18
             Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000                      19
             Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992                       20
             Taxation Administration Act 1953                                         21
             Trust Recoupment Tax Assessment Act 1985                                 22
             Northern Territory                                                       23
             Fuel Subsidies Act                                                       24
             Queensland                                                               25
             Community Ambulance Cover Act 2003                                       26
             Fuel Subsidy Act 1997                                                    27
             Tobacco Products (Licensing) Act 1988                                    28
             South Australia                                                          29
             Petroleum Products Regulation Act 1995                                   30
             Victoria                                                                 31
             Business Franchise (Petroleum Products) Act 1979                         32

Page 26
State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act 1995 No 75                            Schedule 7

Schedule 7             Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act                                  1
                       1995 No 75                                                        2

                                                                          (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                              4

      Omit the definitions of Commonwealth RSA Act, retirement savings                   5
      account, RSA provider, superannuation fund and superannuation provider.            6

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                      7
                    public sector superannuation provider means a public sector          8
                    superannuation provider within the meaning of Part 3A.               9

[2]   Section 3, definition of "officer"                                                10

      Insert "public sector" before "superannuation provider" wherever occurring.       11

[3]   Section 13A Definitions                                                           12

      Omit the definitions of approved deposit fund, exempt public sector               13
      superannuation scheme, fund, holder, member, regulated superannuation             14
      fund, superannuation fund, superannuation provider and trustee.                   15

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                     16
                    member means a member of a public sector superannuation             17
                    scheme.                                                             18
                    public sector superannuation provider means a trustee of a          19
                    public sector superannuation scheme.                                20
                    public sector superannuation scheme means a State or Territory      21
                    public sector superannuation scheme (within the meaning of          22
                    section 18 of the Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost          23
                    Members) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth) that is established:         24
                     (a) by or under a law of New South Wales, or                       25
                    (b) under the authority of the Government of New South              26
                           Wales or a body constituted by or under a law of New         27
                           South Wales.                                                 28
                    trustee means:                                                      29
                     (a) in relation to a public sector superannuation scheme that is   30
                           an STC scheme within the meaning of the Superannuation       31
                           Administration Act 1996, the SAS Trustee Corporation,        32
                           and                                                          33
                    (b) in relation to any other public sector superannuation           34
                           scheme, the trustee of the scheme within the meaning of      35
                           section 10 (1) of the Commonwealth Superannuation Act.       36

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                 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 7       Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act 1995 No 75

 [4]   Section 13A, definition of "beneficiary"                                         1
       Omit "superannuation fund".                                                      2

       Insert instead "public sector superannuation scheme".                            3

 [5]   Sections 13B, 13C, 13E, 13F, 13H, 13I and 27-29                                  4

       Omit "superannuation provider" and "superannuation provider's" wherever          5
       occurring.                                                                       6

       Insert instead "public sector superannuation provider" and "public sector        7
       superannuation provider's" respectively.                                         8

 [6]   Section 13B Return and payment of unclaimed superannuation benefits              9
       to Chief Commissioner                                                           10

       Omit "the fund" wherever occurring in section 13B (6).                          11

       Insert instead "the public sector superannuation scheme".                       12

 [7]   Section 13I Discharge of liability                                              13

       Omit "his or her capacity as". Insert instead "its capacity as a".              14

 [8]   Section 13J Public sector superannuation provider not in breach of trust        15

       Omit "trustee of a superannuation fund".                                        16

       Insert instead "public sector superannuation provider".                         17

 [9]   Section 13K                                                                     18

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                               19

       13K   Part applies to NSW public sector superannuation schemes                  20

                    This Part applies to a public sector superannuation scheme of      21
                    New South Wales and the provisions of this Part apply to the       22
                    scheme and to the trustee of the scheme despite any provision of   23
                    any other Act or law.                                              24

[10]   Section 13L Extra-territorial operation                                         25

       Omit the section.                                                               26

[11]   Section 27 Application of certain provisions of Taxation Administration         27
       Act 1996                                                                        28

       Omit "(other than sections 60, 63, 81-85, 111 and 126-128)" from section        29
       27 (1).                                                                         30

       Insert instead "(other than the excluded provisions)".                          31

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State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act 1995 No 75                              Schedule 7

[12]   Section 27 (2)                                                                     1
       Omit "or RSA benefit".                                                             2

[13]   Section 27 (2)                                                                     3

       Omit "of the fund or a retirement savings account".                                4

       Insert instead "of the scheme".                                                    5

[14]   Section 27 (4)                                                                     6

       Insert after section 27 (3):                                                       7

              (4)    For the purposes of this section, the excluded provisions are the    8
                     following provisions of the Taxation Administration Act 1996:        9
                      (a) Division 2 of Part 7,                                          10
                     (b) sections 60 and 63,                                             11
                      (c) Divisions 2A and 3 of Part 9,                                  12
                     (d) Division 5 of Part 10,                                          13
                      (e) sections 111 and 126-128.                                      14

[15]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             15

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                16

                     State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008                        17

[16]   Schedule 2, Part 7                                                                18

       Insert after Part 6:                                                              19

       Part 7        Provisions consequent on enactment of                               20
                     State Revenue Legislation Amendment Act                             21
                     2008                                                                22

       13     Application of amendments                                                  23

              (1)    The amendments made to this Act by the State Revenue                24
                     Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (other than the amendments to        25
                     section 27) are taken to have effect on and from 1 July 2007.       26

              (2)    This Act, as in force immediately before 1 July 2007, continues     27
                     to apply in respect of any unclaimed superannuation benefits in a   28
                     fund managed or provided by a superannuation provider before        29
                     1 July 2007.                                                        30

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                State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 7      Amendment of Unclaimed Money Act 1995 No 75

             (3)    However, a superannuation provider is, on payment of any such         1
                    amount to the Commissioner of Taxation in accordance with the         2
                    Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999            3
                    of the Commonwealth, discharged from further liability under          4
                    this Act in respect of the amount.                                    5

             (4)    Subclause (3) does not apply to a public sector superannuation        6
                    provider (within the meaning of Part 3A).                             7

             (5)    In this clause:                                                       8
                    fund and superannuation provider have the meanings given by           9
                    Part 3A of this Act, as in force before its amendment by the State   10
                    Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2008.                              11

[17]   Long title                                                                        12

       Omit "to require the publication of information relating to unclaimed money;      13
       to provide for a Chief Commissioner of Unclaimed Money and a scheme for           14
       determining applications for repayment of unclaimed money;".                      15

       Insert instead "to make provision for the publication of information about, and   16
       the repayment of, unclaimed money; to make similar provision in relation to       17
       unclaimed superannuation benefits of public sector superannuation schemes;".      18

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